The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#500 Milestones and Memories: Celebrating 500 Episodes
Then out spake brave Horatius, the captain of the gate To every man upon this earth. Death cometh sooner or later, and how can a man die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods? Lord McAlay, you are listening to the Ardaburn Radio Transmission, are you not entertained?
Speaker 2:I forgot how long that intro was. One of the best ones. I had to look through my emails to find the archive. I had Melissa record that voiceover at the end of 2018, reading Lord Macaulay's Rome. I thought that was just putting it over. Megadeth's Conquer or Die, great decision Wonderful intro there. Well, welcome to the Art of Burn radio transmission.
Speaker 2:It is episode 500 of the official broadcast of the apocalypse. I was thinking of all the taglines I've created and I didn't create shirts for them. 500 of the official broadcast of the apocalypse so many. I was thinking of all the taglines I've created and then I didn't create shirts for them. I have weapons, great truth, parapolitics, precious metals so many I mean. I had a list written down of all the stuff that I wanted to make into shirts for the last week or so, when I was in Acapulco and Anarchapulco and had some time to just kind of zone out and stare off into the Pacific and I was thinking about what I was going to say on this episode and 500 shows in and what have I learned? Well, I keep going back.
Speaker 2:What rattles around in my mind is the story of the Zen master and the little boy. You know, this is an ancient Zen tale, a Chinese fable about a 16-year-old boy is given a horse for his birthday. And the village says isn't that wonderful, it's such a prize. And the Zen master says we'll see. So he gets the horse and he's happy and he's riding and he gets thrown off and he breaks his leg. And the village goes oh how awful. He just got the horse and now he's lame, he doesn't have the use of his leg. And Zen Master says we'll see. And then there's a big war breaks out and they're conscripting all the young men and this young man can't go. He's saved from the fighting because he has a lame leg. And they said isn't that wonderful? The village says and the Zen master says we'll see. So that's what I look at over the horizon, what's behind me.
Speaker 2:In 500 episodes of this particular program and this is the second iteration of my broadcasting career We've got some stories and stuff to go into. I'm going to do some kind of different subject matter after we break through a little bit of the political periphery, if you will. There's a new book out by Joseph Farrell I want to cover, but I wanted to give you some context of episode 500 of my program. So this all started. You know, broadcasting for me started in 2013. I long before wanted to get into broadcast and do something I always knew.
Speaker 2:When I was a kid I would listen to talk radio. Imagine a 15, 16-year-old kid I just got my license at 15, and I would drive around and listen to right-wing conservative radio. I'd listen to, even tune in to Terrell Texas and listen to Bo Grites. This was like the height of the Patriot Radio Wars. I had Bill Cooper and others.
Speaker 2:I always loved radio, the way that it told stories and the way that it would captivate you with a voice. They have the disembodied voice speaking to you and you could imagine the story that the host was painting for you, and I always loved that and some even traditional stuff. I'd even listen to Limbaugh and others. I'd be at the gym. I was a weird kid and had a crash course. In reality, thanks to my dad, I was showing me a lot of the alternative information out there in the mid-90s and, of course, still joined the military.
Speaker 2:I fell in love after 9-11 with hosts like Michael Savage and I like the energy of it. I like the stream of consciousness. I like how it didn't sound scripted. There would be a shift in the gear here or there. I mean it would take you on this journey. I always thought that was the way I would broadcast, if I ever did, and it took me a while.
Speaker 2:But by the time I was 33, I decided I was going to put it all on the line and run for Congress, get on the air. And I remember going into the Dallas radio station. You have to do these tests. I always knew that I would do. Okay, I had to do these. You know they would put down the tracks and you would have to talk about a story or do something. And I passed all that. It was fine. And I got my first show, but a completely different person than they thought they were allowing to go on the network.
Speaker 2:And by the time I left that contract they were. I think they were glad to see me go because I didn't fit any of the molds. You know I wasn't. You know you saw Dan Crenshaw. I've been right about these people for so long. I mean you know Dan Crenshaw talking about how he would effing kill Tucker Carlson if he sees him. I mean just unhinged people. But he's an approved veteran. You have to understand. Like I'm not an approved combat veteran, because once they find out that I don't want to just take your sons and daughters and throw them into a meat grinder of unnecessary wars, then I'm written off. It was pretty apparent, by the way, and every other host that I was with at the time they've all gone on to syndication and other things.
Speaker 2:I went my own way. I'm glad that I did. I would have never been. I didn't believe the things that would have got me into this. You know the leverage of syndication, so I'm fine with that.
Speaker 2:But you know, after 2013, 2014, I made some choices and I backed Ralph Hall, the last World War II veteran in Congress, mainly because he called me and asked me you know, I'm going to turn my back on a World War II vet. He wanted one last term in Congress. His opponent was John Radcliffe, who is now the head of the CIA, so they would send me out to, you know, as a surrogate to speak for Ralph. I was in charge of his Twitter. I mean, I've been his opponent, but he trusted me. So you know, I learned a lot about speaking, I learned a lot about presentation, I learned about broadcast and learned a lot about politics a lifetime's worth in that year and then, you know, I was persona non grata.
Speaker 2:It was time for the wilderness and I didn't do anything for about four or five years I don't think the next time I've spoken public. I'd been asked to come out and help with the Alamo, trying to save it from George P Bush, from them neutering it and spending $500 million on some boondoggle real estate play down there and it's uh, I think for the interim it's worked, uh, but I spoke at the cenotaph, which they wanted to move, you know, this beautiful monument. That was the first time I spoke in public, uh, for years. Uh, so that was, you know, from 2014 to 2018. And then, uh, I was in a hotel room, uh, traveling dog Layla, and we were just going back and forth.
Speaker 2:This was right before I started Wise Wolf and I was looking on just YouTube videos and I forget what subject matter I was on, but I was thinking I was looking up something with anti-war, saw this video that someone had done with a, uh, the imprint, the over the music overlaid of it was, uh, rocking in the free world by neil young, but all of the imagery was of the iraq war. And when it gets to, when the video got to the point where the the lyrics are. Here's another kid that will never get to go to school, never get to fall in love and never get to be cool. And it showed this little Iraqi boy crying. And I remember I don't know, it was one in the morning. I'm sitting there with my chocolate lab and I'd been silent for so long and I saw that and of course we nothing changed. You know like we had all this hope in the ron paul movement and the anti-war and the paleo con movement, all this stuff to stop these goblins. You know these uh warmongers and uh people that would kill their mother for a dollar. You know, like these, like these, I mean just, I mean they. You know David Icke calls them reptilians. I mean, well, they sure as hell act like them, you know.
Speaker 2:And I remember thinking I look at that and it just hit me so hard and I said I'm going to go back into radio. And so after I opened my shop officially on San Antonio, I called up 930 AM, klup out there and I said you got any slots? And I just tiptoed back in. I said, well, this time I'm going to do something a little different. Everybody's got a show, everybody's got a report, I said I'm going to do, I'm going to make it an acronym, I'll be creative and it's art, you know. So it's an art, not a science. Arterburn, radio Transmission, art, and you know my themes were just welcome to tomorrow.
Speaker 2:I anticipated there was an underpinning in the mass consciousness that was about to just break out and I think it was. You know, and so many different things and happening at the edge of the great reset decade. I knew the financial house was on fire. I knew just history. Everything that was driving me to start this program was all based off of.
Speaker 2:I want to try to make sense of it and one of the things that I always tried to do was try to disassociate the fear from my message, because I found that so much of the rhetoric out there and the danger and things is trying to one, it's trying to put people in certain camps Like this is where my team is and your team is and really we're just were just so I think again divided for those reasons. And then the message and the PSYOP, and I just wanted to break free of that. Now whether I've succeeded it's an open question, but I certainly didn't start with the intention of creating fear and division. As a matter of fact, I opened up my I want to read this to you. I've got one of my books here At Anarchapoco. I spoke two times and the second time I spoke I wanted to touch on that about. You know, I think there's so much fear and division being thrown out there and really it's gotten away from scholarship and people are captured by the fulcrum of partisan politics and all the rest of that. It's a very unfortunate time, but I wanted to read you a little bit of this.
Speaker 2:This is a history on gold that I have, and I mean the financial part of what I do is a fraction of it, but we're in such a monumental shift in history, as I've always said, that it's important to understand the monetary system. But I want to read you this little excerpt uh, as we continue down this uh stream of consciousness for for lack of fear but this, there's something ancient and visceral happening, connected to the old magical power that makes us believe that gold is an unchanging store of value, as you cannot eat it, warm yourself with its glow, anything from it or wrap yourself in it. You might describe it as inherently worthless. Nations have no actual use for it except as a security against the day when everything else loses its value. Possessing it is an act of faith, not of reason. A lump of gold has no more inherent value than a bitcoin or a painting. It is simply worth what someone will give for it, which is not fixed in any way. Which is not fixed in any way, its value is subjective. A dream bulwark against collapse. The size of a nation's gold reserve measures the darkness of its nightmares.
Speaker 2:This is like the opening salvo to this book. I've been really enjoying it. By the way, I'm going to have Alan on. This is Alan Arreara and uh, this gold, how it shaped history. I highly recommend it if you're into history, like I am. It's a very detailed account.
Speaker 2:But I bring that up because I think that's all too often why we do what we do in the precious metals business or why we do what we do in the alternative media. I think there's a alternative media. I think there's a danger in it. I think there's a danger in painting refuge from the nightmares itself, because you're just building up the power of the nightmare. We live inside the Great Reset and I joke about it's the official broadcast of the apocalypse, but the word apocalypse. It's Greek, it comes from the root meaning of the unveiling. It just means to show you what actually is. Armageddon is a little bit different, if you notice. I don't say this the official broadcast of Armageddon, that's the end of things. But I think what we try to do at least those of us in this side of the media and we have to be our own journalist folks. You know, nobody else is going to do the job. That's why there is an alternative media. It became the truth, became so disassociated from the popular narrative and disassociated from politics itself.
Speaker 2:And I've been on the, you know, the cutting edge of a lot of things going into 2020 and beyond. I mean way before 2020,. My show was talking about the Great Reset. People looked at me like, what are you talking about? And then when they realized that yeah, it's a Rockefeller lockstep plan around the globe, with governments at war against their own people, you know, funding it from central banks to lock you down and reward some and others are non-essential. This was worldwide. This wasn't just a plan in the West, it's worldwide. They did that. So there's something to it, right, there's something interconnective about the financial network and those who control our reality. So that's what I've been talking about.
Speaker 2:Now you can get caught up in the partisan politics of it all and you can scream until your you know voice runs out or blows out, but that's not going to help anything, I think. Understanding what your enemy is and a lot of times it's yourself, most of the time we create this reality of mass consciousness. If you understand how that works, that's the gift God gave you. The mass mind is full of fear. You take it from an individual level, you can fix that, but that's what we do. We're so easily put into these cul-de-sacs of camps and tribalism and all the rest. They decompartmentalize on purpose. Camps and tribalism and all the rest they decompartmentalize on purpose. It's wonderful to be decentralized in the face of, you know, control and all the rest of that, but they make sure that we're cut off from each other so that we don't have any sort of way to push back against the narrative that the rulers want to create, the overlords. You understand this. There is no politics outside of the people versus the plutocrats. Everything else is window dressing and nonsense, and that's what I've learned in 500 episodes. And then you talk about and then, by the way, it's more than 500. There's a lot of mine just deleted.
Speaker 2:I wanted to be a good broadcaster. I didn't like that episode. I mispronounced a word. I'm a lot less hard on myself today because I've done so much broadcasting, but yeah, we're way past that, and that's not counting all the times I've filled in for people and all this stuff. This is just a nice milestone. I used to be on every day, but we stopped that a while ago. It's a nice once a week kind of thing, but that's the message I've learned. It's something that resonates with me. It's something I want to do a little bit different here. So every week when you tune in, I'll have some headlines ready. We'll try to make sense of what's going on in the world. We'll do that together. I'll talk with you, not at you. That's always been my goal, because I'm learning too.
Speaker 2:I don't have all the answers. Anybody that tells you to do it, they're lying. Matter of fact, the older I get, the less I seem to know. I've tried to follow the line of Socrates. You know, the Oracle told him he was the wisest man in all of Athens and he said there's no way. And I went and asked all the people. He asked businessmen and statesmen and architects and engineers and everybody else, and he finally came back and said well, I guess the Oracle's right, because at least I know I know nothing. That's kind of the beginning of how all this works. If you want to know, it's just figure out. You don't know anything, so we'll do it together. It's like Christ said let us reason together, we'll reason together here every week. So I appreciate you all for making 500 possible and we'll do it without the fear.
Speaker 2:All right, let's jump into, let's just do this one first. I'm going to knock this. This is a quick story, but it made me laugh and I can't not do it. And then, when I go, I want to talk about fluoride for a minute and then we're going to jump into the final article. That was this new book that Joseph P Farrell has written. I didn't realize he'd put out a new book, but it has to do with some things I'm starting to catch on to, and you can. You know, look, everybody can have their own opinion of what we're going to bring up, but it's about breakaway civilizations and the aftermath the financial aftermath of World War II, and I think it makes a lot more sense in uh, when, when you're watching it through that lens. All right, let's uh, let's do some standard politics stuff. This is everybody want.
Speaker 2:Why is the media dying? Why does it have any market share? Well, this is why, uh, zero hedge. Well, this is why, zero hedge. Oh, let me put this up, not a joke.
Speaker 2:Jake Tapper writes book on the cover-up of Biden's cognitive decline. After covering up Biden's cognitive decline, I used to think that, you know, I mean, it's like the Babylon Bee or the Onion or whatever, they're running out of room. They're running out of room, they're running out of headlines. For some reason, cnn anchor Jake Tapper thought it would be a good idea to write a book on how the media covered for Joe Biden's obvious mental decline after he spent the last election covering for Joe Biden's mental decline. It's called Original Sin, now available for pre-order. This is Jake Tapper's Twitter originalsinbookcom from Penguin Press. So this is again they. You gotta wonder like what is their motive? You know the entire mainstream media narrative and we know about things like Operation Mockingbird and we know that you know there's been an influence from intelligence and higher-ups for a long time to control that narrative.
Speaker 2:A better conspiracy when you just get the people that carry it out to believe it or not, to be a vessel of their own self-aggrandizement? Gore Vidal talked about that. Now, he was an insider's insider, you know. I mean Vidal. If you look at you know his history. His dad was the head of FDR's aviation wing, of his administration, and his grandfather was a senator, had all these insider deals and his dad dated Amelia Earhart. I mean, he just knew all these people and he came to the same conclusion. He was like well, they don't have to, it doesn't have to be a conspiracy if they just all think alike and that's just fine. These people, if you've ever been in media, they actually believe this stuff. Like that, they're actually doing good. Like he thinks he's still I mean, and in some way he was covering the truth, doing what he's supposed to do, it's they just put their finger in the wind and see which way it's going.
Speaker 2:Whatever the narrative needs to be, it's very malleable. The truth is transitory in their world. But it also brings to mind that truth is treason in the empire of lies. Interesting times. I thought that was fun, but that's how bankrupt the entire mainstream media narrative is. That's why alternative media exists. And then now we have what David Icke calls the mainstream alternative media and you know there's a philosophy there that also, I think, has credence and we can watch all that it make.
Speaker 2:Mainly, just do your own thinking. Don't listen to anybody unless you come to that conclusion yourself. Everybody, your favorite commentator may have an idea, it may lead you in a certain direction, but do your own research. That's, that's bill cooper 101. All right, let me stop that screen and we're going to go go to this article I found on Natural News. Hold on, put this up.
Speaker 2:This is Utah and I want to get into this because for so long and this is how stuff has changed so rapidly in the last decade or so since I started broadcasting I've been broadcasting for 12 years and stuff has changed. I mean, it's like it's not even the same world. You know, you just talk. Now it's like a foregone conclusion that we're going to talk about tariffs and the national discourse, and that was so far away. I couldn't remember that. The Dallas Morning News laughed at me. That was so far away, I couldn't. I remember the Dallas Morning News laughed at me. I was in their vetting process. You know, through there they had all the candidates and John Radcliffe was there. He's now head of the CIA, by the way, and he was in the room with me and we got to talking about economic nationalism. They just started chuckling when I brought it up about tariffs and economic nationals and how Ronald Reagan saved Harley Davidson. I have all this you know history rolling around in my head. They don't like that. I didn't realize that that was like.
Speaker 2:You're not supposed to know things, you're just supposed to have a. You know a winning smile and you know a narrative with whatever establishment, you know financial network or whatever, and that's why you get your stamp of approval. If you're anti-war though you're also, I mean, that is you just sealed your own fate, especially in any sort of establishment, paper or news outlet. They are definitely mouthpieces for the military-industrial complex these days, but there's so much conspiracy that's been. Now it's no longer a conspiracy.
Speaker 2:I mean, if you watch Dr Strangelove, jack D Ripper, the main character of Dr Strangelove, talks about fluoride and fluoridation and why he only drinks distilled water or distilled liquors. Stanley Kubrick put that out there, and then it kind of made a caricature of itself because you had groups like the John Birch Society and right-wing groups that have brought up like hey, you know, fluoride is a neurotoxin and it anesthetizes people. Well, you also get that from Operation Paperclip. You know we get the Nazis. It was a race to get the Nazi scientists at the end of World War II. We'll talk a little bit about that at the end of the show because Joseph's new book, joseph Farrell, I think has to do with that operation, operation paperclip.
Speaker 2:You know we got the best nazi scientists. We got werner von braun. You know like, uh, he went from you know the, the blitz on london with the v2 rockets to being on disney and uh, we rolled out and a lot of the you know the nazi scientists and with uh, with alcoa, uh also pushing, they had alcoa. You know one of the byproducts of, of making aluminum is fluoride and all this extra stuff laying around. And the nazi scientists were like, hey, um, you don't put fluoride in your water because fluoride is an anesthetizes. You, you know it kind of makes you a little bit more docile and you know you can argue that it messes with your pineal gland and your third eye and all the stuff that keep you from being spiritual, metaphysical, to kind of keep you drone. Likes. Matter of fact, fluorine is 94% of the ingredient of Prozac. Fluorine is just a derivative of. It's the same, basically the same thing as the same anesthetizing kind of effect. And so that's what you know and you. It's funny because they, the people that are proponents for fluoride in the water, they always say, well, it's good for the teeth or whatever. And I'm like, well, why don't you mass dose vitamin D? How come you don't mass dose vitamin C? Like it doesn't make any sense. Like why this one thing, this industrial byproduct? What are you doing? Why are you putting that in the water? And, of course, how do you control the dosage? It doesn't on its face. It's just stupid. Like that doesn't on its face. It's just stupid. Like that doesn't you know. They sell you because they have a certain amount of trust, and now that we're in the fourth turning, that we're in this cycle of history, trust is diminished. All right, so let's put this up on the screen. This is natural news. So this is where we are okay. Utah set to become the first state to end water fluoridation for all residents. Well, this is another one of those headlines I didn't think I'd see anytime soon when I started out in radio. This is how fast we've moved.
Speaker 2:Utah lawmakers last week voted to pass the first US statewide ban on adding fluoride to public water systems. The Utah Senate voted 18 to 8 in favor of the measure. After it passed the House, who were the eight people? You like fluoride in the water? If Governor Spencer Cox signs the bill into law, it will end community water fluoridation. The new law also gives pharmacists new authority to prescribe fluoride supplement pills. Typically, such pills can be prescribed only by a dentist or a physician. All right, well, they're going to give people the ability, like they give you a choice, which has always been fine. There's fluoride water I've seen for the children, like they have at the grocery store or whatever, because people just that's what they believe. You know, rep Stephanie Grishis, who sponsored the bill, told the defender she is thrilled with the legislature. This legislature voted to pass the bill.
Speaker 2:Utah leads the nation in so many things. This is just one more example. Well, it's definitely's definitely leading the way. Grishas emphasized that the law allows people to make their own decisions about whether or not, how to take or supplement fluoride. Well, that's all I've ever advocated. I mean, just, if you want to ingest fluoride, that's your prerogative. And as a community, how do you?
Speaker 2:Even nothing else is mass-dosed. I mean that should be the alarm bell that something is. Why are you putting it in the water? You've got to trace that back and they'll say well, it's a conspiracy, it has nothing to do with Operation Paperclip. It has nothing to do with Alcoa and all these other things. Paperclip has nothing to do with Alcoa and all these other things. You know, if you want to believe that everything is just accidental and there is no you know that powerful entities don't collude and there is no social engineers if you want to live in that world, that sounds fine. You're just going to get hit. You're going to get hit by everything, from the side or from the front. You won't going to get hit. You're going to get hit by everything, from the side or from the front. You won't know what's coming.
Speaker 2:Rick North, board member of the Fluoride Action Network or FAN, one of the plaintiffs, who last year won a landmark lawsuit over water fluoridation against the Environmental Protection Agency, said Utah's fluoridation ban bill enjoyed wide support in both the House and Senate, reflecting both concerns over health risk and firm opposition to adding any drug to drinking water. North added if the governor signs the bill, it'll be historic and it could be a catalyst for other states and cities to do the same. Well, isn't that a great way to start a trend? Well, that's a good trend. You have a bad trend. You can always undo it. It's like Harry Truman said whatever you do make a decision, you can always make another one. It's like you made a bad decision America.
Speaker 2:We trusted some people and, because of their authority or their place on high, we followed them and they created this current reality and a lot of one of those realities was putting fluoride in the water, and I wish I'd have known that years ago. I didn't really dig into that. It's kind of like geoengineering is right today. It'll be the same thing like you'll be seeing these headlines, folks, just uh, spoiler alert, you'll be seeing these same headlines. There'll be class action lawsuits on, uh, geoengineering and uh, weather modification and uh, spraying things over your head without your consent. That's, that goes on. And I've been saying that for years and years and years and I'm like, well, it's pretty apparent. I don't have to be in the know, I can just look up and I can tell when forecasts call for light winds and sunny skies for four days, and then it'll start raining, like okay, well, you know. And then you'll just see clear skies for skies for four days, and then it'll start raining, like, okay, well, you know. And then you'll just see clear skies for three or four days and people say, oh, it's just the regular contrails. I'm like, well, so no planes flew today or yesterday or the day after that, and then all of a sudden, there's planes. Yeah, okay, that's silly, that's silly.
Speaker 2:Opposition to water fluoridation has been growing across the country, particularly since the California federal judge ruled the case brought by FAN Mothers Against Fluoridation and others against the EPA. Water fluoridation at the US, the current US levels, possess an unreasonable risk to children's health and the agency must regulate it. Well, this is all good news. Yeah, fluoride a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production. Grixis stated working on the issue last year. Uh, after a resident approached her of having individual choice when it comes to what prescriptions she and her children took, local water conservatory districts also reached out to cullimore to ask the state to ban water fluoridation, citing claims of employee safety and the decision in the Landmark case against the EPA. Well see, once that dam breaks right and there's legal precedents, then there's liability, which is also fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, kulmar also emphasized that many Utah citizens don't want the chemical added to their water. It does not prohibit anybody from taking fluoride. You can tell somebody that. I mean we call that the fluoride. Stare, you know, I'm telling you it's a neurotoxin and that's what it does. I learned that from Jim Mars about Prozac and fluorine. It's like there's a reason why the Operation Paperclip scientist asked us why don't you put it in the water? Yeah, it says we're watching water fluoridation unravel globally in real time.
Speaker 2:Well, it's interesting and there's much more to this. This is the beginning and, like I said, this will lead to other things. So it doesn't really fit. And what I'm really sick of lately is the narrative that everything's an op I came out of. I don't fit. I'm a man without a country, somehow like I. I don't fit in.
Speaker 2:Uh, traditional talk radio, which is a game like that's not even real, like conservative talk. I left that completely. I kept trying. I mean, I tried, I tried, I did every which way I could. Like maybe I can be, you know, I just fit, I'll be the one that's just a little different. No, no, it doesn't work at all. It's an absolute waste of time and a dead end.
Speaker 2:And then you got the other side of the spectrum, which is I don't go far enough and say everything's an op, you know, and nothing matters. And you know, come on, you know, the world is, this is God's creation, and there's intricacies and the possibility of chance and free will, which there is. And then there's also those who have the enormous amount of resources and wish to stifle human progress for their own ends and benefits. That's just history. It's what they do. I mean that's that is the fight against psychopathic, sociopathic, soulless automatons for Satan. That's what they do. They accumulate dead things and rule over you, and that's what they love. They don't have the same kind of conscience that regular people have. I mean, that's probably. They probably hate us for it, for our creativity and for our heart and all the other things that you know make us susceptible to ops. But they don't control everything and you understand that when you break, this is an excel.
Speaker 2:This is an example of when you break into mass consciousness, when people when it, when something lets loose a truth and it finally breaks out and it starts to wind through and people internalize it, it creates these sorts of events. You don't have to have a. It's not a war of guns, it's not a war of tanks, it's not a war of bombs, it's a war of the mind. That's what this is. That's why I'm in it, because if you explain it right, then that passes on and the next person picks it up and it changes the consciousness and that's what makes change and that's why, like I said, it starts with fluoride in the water and now we have an entirely different because of what they did on the jab and Operation Warp Speed and all that stuff, because of the absolute overreach and the tyranny of it and it's so, over the top, blatantly obvious that something's wrong, that the what they could have pushed five years ago no longer exists. It's diminishing. So you understand that there's a there's there's like you give thanks for things like that. So I give thanks for these headlines. This is cool Stuff I didn't think I'd see.
Speaker 2:I thought it would take 20, 30 years and it's only taken about four Because every once in a while there's a catalyst, there's what's called a bifurcation point. That's what COVID-1984 was. It's a bifurcation point. It's where reality and what could happen and then they split and they diverge. And this is where we're on. We're on a different stream of history and these kind of things are start popping up. Watch geoengineering next.
Speaker 2:It will be a thing within two or three years and you'll start seeing I'll be reading headlines like this, and then it'll be through the legislature and there'll be people talking about it and environmentalists and people that had been captured in that mind control for so many years will start coming out. Let's don't give up on them. They're just partisan. Politics makes people really stupid because they have to play team sports and it's tribalistic and it's what. It's what you tend to want to do, right? All right, let's jump around a little bit.
Speaker 2:I should probably go to the chat really quick. Let's go to the chat. I always neglect the chat. Don't mean to do that. I want to shout out to our listeners on WWC, our worldwide Christian radio, we're tuning in, tuning in across the globe on shortwave. That's why my terrestrial seat always will have that for the transmission, to make it legit Broadcasting in real time there. Let me go to Rockfin real quick. We're over on the America Unplugged channel. I want to see who is all over there. Let's see, we've got Jason Barker. Karen Carpenter, guard goldsmith, octo spook good to see you guys. Aaron gale is over on the chat. I'm trying to uh scroll through to see if there's anything you all, you all, had for me. Um, I need to like start setting a time so you can go. You know, send me a question or whatever you'd like to do. Karen Carpenter says a few states are already working on geoengineering bans.
Speaker 2:Yes they are and that's what I'm saying. That's the future, and Chris says congratulations, tony, on 500 episodes. I'm so thankful for your reports. I've learned a great deal and I know I'll continue to learn more. Well, that makes two of us. I always learn something.
Speaker 2:I remember I did a daily show during 2020 when I first got up to Branson and I was on Truth Frequency Radio and I looked at the end of the 2020, and I had these shelves filled up with printed stories. I mean, I'd done so much op research on it, so much that was going on at that time and it was hard to keep up. That'll make you a good broadcaster. I even thanked David Knight when I was at Anarchapoco. I was like every Thursday, I have to talk to David about markets and gold and cryptocurrencies and you don't wing it with david, you better know something, uh. So I always try to know something new uh by thursday and uh, it's not always easy to or teach david something. That's even tougher, um, but I I'm glad to see all of you there and uh in the chat on rockfin, and then I'm over on rumble as well. I think I've got one of the chats uh over on my twitter is also going. I need to make sure that's good with birdhouse blues and, uh, others. What is that narrow way, narrow gate? Uh, over on rumble, it's good to see you guys, you know. See, we've got a comment over a martin thorn. Good day, tony, and all thanks for that comment. Yeah, I'm just trying to keep up with the comments and we're going to be doing some, some good stuff on production here, uh, on the show very, very soon. All right, let's, uh, let's do last article today.
Speaker 2:I thought this was cool, let me stop the screen. And, by the way, and before we get to this, the one last thing when I got, let me just do one more thing before I get into Joseph P Farrell's deal. I just I just thought of it because I was thinking of a text. My one of my friends from Branson area is a business owner and he was, I mean, very astute guy. As a matter of fact, he asked me one time I had an InfoWars shirt on back in 2020. He said you listen to InfoWars? I said, yeah, I'm a host over there. He's like what I'm going down to Austin to host for Owen Troyer tomorrow or whatever, and we've been friends ever since. But he sent me a text the other day. He said is this was this reality and it was. Let me put this up real quick and then we'll jump over to the Joseph P Farrell story, but hold on one second. It was yeah, this is antiwarcom.
Speaker 2:By the way, trump shares an AI video of a Trump Gaza. This is again a Trump Gaza. The video showed a golden statue of Trump in what might look like drawing backlash on social media. The video showed a golden statue of Trump what appeared to be Elon Musk dancing under falling money and Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lounging on chairs near a pool. Should have had Netanyahu dancing. I think that would have been better, because you know the Israelis, they like their dancing a lot. It's very dancing and a lot of dancing in the Israelis. In response to the video, basim Naim, a senior Hamas official, told Newsweek that Trump was once again proposing ideas that do not take into account the cultures and interests of the people. Yeah, yeah, trump shared the video after his repeated calls for the US, to quote, take over Gaza. Yeah, a plan that would require an ethnic cleansing campaign, since he has said the Palestinians must leave and wouldn't have a right to return.
Speaker 2:I've commented a little bit on this. I had to verify Again. This is why it's so important where we are to stay grounded. There's so much AI and then the headlines and disinformation is to make you completely disassociate from the truth, right, all of this is meant to. So when this stuff like this happens, like I had to go verify it because I'm like is that real? And that's what I said Is this, is this? Even because he's asking me if it's real and I'm like I'm asking Right, that's just where we are and that's why that's a strange Right and this will be. I mean, look, the Greenland thing and the Gulf of America and all that stuff. Greenland I've already given you my arguments on probably a legit pickup as far as national defense and other things.
Speaker 2:Pat Buchanan made that argument, but you'd also have to couple it with drawing down forces in Europe and other things. That would be America first. I mean, so it's like, well, throw that out there, but then you know, or the annexation of Canada or whatever that I despise and other things that are nonsense. So you don't need to grow the size of the United States or territories in any way. But looking at something like this and he's floated this idea we're going to get to that this will come back up, not something that I agree with. I mean. Obviously, something different needs to be done and I've got some ideas on that, but it's mostly like a marshall style plan from europe. Uh, but what's happening as far as the us and committing us troops to, uh, to take gaza or do any some like scooby-doo real estate plan, you know, and scooby-doo the villain is always a real estate developer. Okay, so just take that with you, all right. So that is real and weird, all right.
Speaker 2:Let's see Last article of the day. Let's see. This was cool Again, joseph Farrell. He wrote a book that I love called Babylon's Banksters. He's written about 9-11 and finance and I mean ancient Egypt and other things. He's got an interest. I need to have him on Paratrooper, but I saw this article. I thought we would go over it a little bit. There's a new book out.
Speaker 2:Natural news, covert wars and breakaway civilizations reveal the connection between clandestine finance and extraterrestrial intrigue. The Nazi counterfeiting scheme Operation Bernhard was a precursor to a hidden financial system used to fund covert operations and black projects during World War II. Farrell suggests the existence of a breakaway civilization, a clandestine network of elites, intelligence agencies and corporations operating beyond standard oversight and backed by a secret reserve of looted gold. The seizure of counterfeit bonds, some dated to 1934, hints at a clandestine financial network used to fund mysterious activities, challenging the conventional understanding of post-war economic practices. Farrell draws links between the breakaway civilization and the UFO phenomenon, noting several significant UFO incidents during the Korean War and suggesting that these events represent a serious national security concern. Farrell argues that the UFO's advanced technologies could manipulate space-time and potentially alter the effectiveness of nuclear weapons, highlighting the breakaway civilization's intense interest in UFOs and their technological capabilities.
Speaker 2:See, this is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking I think is important right now. I'm going back on my own research and things and this is my wheelhouse. I think about things all the time and I even turn over ideas and I could be thinking like you look at me and I could be thinking about a business project. Or I could be thinking about Cold War treaties or mutually assured destruction or the geopolitics of the 1950s geopolitics of the 1950s. Or, you know, I could be thinking of the technological prowess and you know the scientists of the late 19th century. I'm all over the place, but a lot is trying to figure out problems and then overlay that with something you learn when you go into something, if you study something called like neuro-linguistic programming or other aspects of how language and actions and thought meet up, and a lot of the times what happens is people's perception of reality, is their reality. And what I have a problem with and why I try to let the plasticity of my mind stay very loose not that anything can penetrate it to change my value system. That's intact, you know, right wrong, all that stuff is intact. But I'm very open to other suggestions of why reality is so different.
Speaker 2:You know, if you look at post-World War II, the world and what happened to the United States mean like where did the? You know we absorbed. We talked about operation paperclip, which was the nazi scientists, and we absorbed that. The soviet union got their scientists, we got our scientists right. But I have a book here that I bought is from the late 1970s about martin borman, who was hitler's, you know, second in command, and how they. They rerouted all these corporations and all their holdings and stuff and made these companies and holding companies just evaporate into the world economic system and then pulled back and basically all this stuff that they looted and leveraged and everything else, nothing really died except the governmental regime known as the third reich. It's you know again. That's why jim mars uh wrote the book the fourth reich. It was about the in the military industrial complex and this absorbing of these nazi scientists.
Speaker 2:But what I'm getting at is that it doesn't. Our history timeline doesn't make any sense and I've often thought that there is a strong possibility that there's some sort of breakaway civilization at some level. That's running like we're running on analog and they're on complete digital or something way beyond that. And they allow, they do drip, like a drip campaign that you're allowed to do. It's like you know, you can argue all day about whether the space race was real or whether we walked on the moon or whatever. I tend to believe that we did and I believe that we were told not to do it anymore. We were told to leave. That makes more sense to me than you know, this choreographed thing. I mean you can make the argument, fine, and then people can write me all day long and say, well, I sell this and I get it. I just have a problem with you know, the timeline doesn't add up.
Speaker 2:I mean by 45, we harnessed the power of the atom, had the first nuclear fission bomb I think it was 1946, we discovered DNA. I mean you can throw that out there. We had jet propulsion in 47 or so. The Russians get the bomb. Then we have the hydrogen bomb. We have not just fission technology for nuclear weapons, we have fusion technology, and this is all by 1950.
Speaker 2:And you're saying that by 1969 you can't go 237,000 miles. That's Kubrick's Room 237, but that's, you know 237,000 miles, supposedly how far the moon is away from the Earth? Right, room 237,. But that's. You know 237,000 miles, supposedly, how far the moon is away from the Earth, right? Well, I think that's a possibility. But something happened and now we're left with this.
Speaker 2:We go on these Fiat experiment, which so does it? They have to know like it's just mathematics. You have to know like it's basically like you're going to loot something known. Like it's. It's basically like you're gonna loot something. So in 71 they pulled that plug.
Speaker 2:And that's why I think it's, that's why I cover money and finance and metals in the monetary system, because this is where everything starts to get wonky, because all these things that grow up out of that they're all fake. You know, they have literal zombie corporations that are propped up by central banks and other things that aren't real. You have that and you have our entertainment, all of this stuff. There's this outcropping of fake and it is truly insidious and it's evil. You have these fiat wars. You have to constantly have some sort of war. This injection into our society of fake uh is like anesthetizing. It's a trap and it's meant to keep our thinking off balance because we're constantly having to chase something that isn't real. So that really leads to me. And then you start seeing, like uh, by 2017, they have these videos in new york. Time drops is the tic-tac video and I think that's the first thing I thought when they were that FLIR vision, you know, with the jet from 2004 and that leak deal, and I thought, uh, that's ours or that's a breakaway civilization. I don't think that's a UFO or it's a UFO, but it's not. You know, it's not. Bleep blarp from the planet Neptune Okay. In blarp from the planet Neptune Okay.
Speaker 2:In a world where secrets often shape the course of history, a groundbreaking investigation by author Joseph Farrell and his book covert wars and breakaway civilizations, the secret space program, celestial psyops and hidden conflicts and, as unearthed, a labyrinth of covert operation, clan dot, clandestine finance and extraterrestrial in intrigue. This investigation raises profound questions about the forces that have been silently steering global events since the aftermath of World War II. The story begins with Operation Bernhardt, a Nazi counterfeiting scheme that was anything but ordinary but ordinary. Led by SS officer Alfred Norjocks, the operation aimed to produce counterfeit British pound notes of such high quality that they were indistinguishable from genuine currency. The goal was to destabilize the British economy and, by extension, the Allied war effort. However, as Farrell suggests, this was merely the prelude to a much larger and more secretive operation. As Farrell suggests, this was merely the prelude to a much larger and more secretive operation. The techniques and infrastructure used, developed during Operation Bernhardt, laid the foundation for a hidden financial system that would persist long after the war ended.
Speaker 2:The hidden system, according to Farrell, is the backbone of a breakaway civilization, a shadowy network of elites, intelligence agencies and corporations operating behind conventional oversight. The existence of this system is hinted at by the bearer bond scandals of recent years. These scandals involved the seizure of billions of dollars in counterfeit bonds, some dated to 1934, a time when such large denominations were non-existent. A time when such large denominations were non-existent. Farrell posits that these bonds are not the work of mere counterfeiters but are instead evidence of a clandestine financial network used to fund covert operation in Black Project.
Speaker 2:I'll have to bring up and I meant to do a show on this and maybe Mr Anderson and I will do a pair truth, or that's probably the most appropriate thing. But there is an entire history of one of the most bizarre episodes in our American story, with the Fed, the Federal Reserve, creating notes for the Chinese government. This was Shanghai Shek's family, like the oligarchs for the Chinese before Mao Zedong, and these bonds and these notes from the Fed were real and they were found later. They disappeared and they were found later and somebody went to go turn them in. It was the descendants of this family and they were found and they were billions by today's standards and the Fed fought them. So they weren't real. We counterfeited them, basically for ourselves and for our own ends, and when the government collapsed wrote those people off and they went all the way up to federal courts and they never denied the authenticity, but they denied the right of the plaintiff to sue and it got swept under the rug. I'm going to cover that. That was in the Killing of Uncle Sam, great book by Rodney Howard Brown. All right.
Speaker 2:Well, I can't finish this entire article, but you get where I'm going. Let's see. Let's see if Farrell's breakaway civilization, with its vast resources and advanced technologies and an ability to operate in the shadows, may be influencing more moderate events than most people know about. The UFO phenomenon, far from being a mere curiosity, could represent a serious challenge to this hidden order, one that has profound implications for the future of humanity. Well, this is the kind of stuff we need to talk about, and I've always said, you know, starting these shows, especially the first episodes of the Arterburn Radio Transmission, and I always tell people and I got this from a Megadeth song when I was a kid, but the line is welcome to tomorrow, so I thought we were in the tomorrow land. This is always on the lookout for what's next. These will be the things we'll be talking about, because there's a lot. If you can notice, reality is kind of breaking in some ways and your perception, in the way you look at things, will be changing as well, and I'll do my best to help you make sense of it. We'll do it together.
Speaker 2:All right, I'm going to go over gold and silver prices real quick and then we'll get out of here Gold at $2,883. Luciferian Bankster notes per troy ounce Silver $31.48 per troy ounce for the white metal. Both are extremely cheap. If you know anything about the debasement of the dollar. We'll cover more on Fort Knox and other things next week. I'm still waiting for some things to play out, but go to Arterburngold, go to my website, sign up for the newsletter and, as a matter of fact, we've got a new newsletter we're going to be working on the next couple weeks. It's going to be cool.
Speaker 2:So, arterburn Gold, wise Wolf, gold and Silver Look at Wolfpack for all of your membership needs when it comes to gold and silver. We got it down to $50 a month all the way up to $5,000. So check us out there. Anything gold or silver related. We want to earn your business and it helps this program continue, and your business and it helps this program continue. So, from Beans the Brave and myself and all the crew and everybody with Wise Wolf and the production team, you guys take care of each other. We'll see you next week. End of transmission.