The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#498 Gold's Role in Economic Turbulence, Trade Imbalances & Revolutionary Ideologies in a Changing World
so um, we'll be right back. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order. Good evening, folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, americans, another day closer to victory.
Speaker 1:And for all of you out there, on or behind the lines, this is your song. I'm Weatherette Bye Wade. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior. Poet, tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission transmission. I have to pour my coffee on air. It doesn't count Every episode. Episode 498, ladies and gentlemen, four hundred and ninety eight, ladies and gentlemen, it's the official broadcast of the apocalypse. That's the Arterburn radio transmission. Welcome back. I'm sorry I missed.
Speaker 1:Last week I was traveling for business, setting up some stuff for my companies in Nevada. I was out in Las Vegas and Beans the Brave and myself spent some time in the high desert, loved it, loved the scenery, loved the old gold mining, silver mining, museums and stuff. It's so much fun. We'll get into gold, we'll get into silver today, parapolitics, precious metals, lots going on In case you haven't noticed, in case you haven't noticed, the total upheaval of the entire global financial system. Cracks showing everywhere, fault lines breaking apart, and we're going to get into that. Interesting, interesting times. Ladies and gents, it's the 13th of February 2025.
Speaker 1:I was talking to David Knight this morning and we were discussing one of the unintended consequences, I think or maybe it was intended of the tariffs or the threat of tariffs was a lot of these institutions and central banks and the giant multinational corporations moving their gold holdings or at least calling orders to get their paper gold, contract gold moved and repatriated to the United States because of the supposed tariffs that could be implemented and that gold was not exempt, or silver may not be exempt, and so it's causing all these vaults around the world to lose their supply and also it's exposing something really monumental, which is the absence of the gold or silver itself. So we've long since in the gold business, and thus gold bugs, we've long since been so skeptical and actually we're quite certain that the paper gold that's traded around the world doesn't equal the physical gold and ergo the price is not what it actually is. So you're looking at something completely different a reality of paper and a reality of physical. Well, the Black Swan event or maybe you call it the Black Dawn event because of Donald Trump he comes in and says, well, I'm going to put these tariffs on, so it causes all of this chaos. And now all these banks around the world and different institutions cannot account for a great deal of the physical gold, even bleeding into things like the BRICS nations, with Russia being their central bank, and gold holdings are depleting because their citizens are buying gold, the Chinese the same thing, and it's causing a price disparity in the face of market downturn and everything else. As a matter of fact, one of the funny headlines, one of the funniest things that come. I don't know, I'm just a paratrooper who likes books. I'm not an expert on any of this stuff, but does it make sense to you, ladies and gents, that when you increase the money supply and that's what Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve did prior to the election? You know to help Team Harris, you know we're going to put. The economy is doing great, you know Bidenomics is working, and so they goose the economy by what?
Speaker 1:You lower interest rates. When you lower interest rates, you make it easier, quantitative easing happens, there's a rush of liquidity into the market and there is inflation. By definition, that is what inflation is and recently, just the last couple of days gold kind of stalled out a little bit. It hit its all-time high it was up to $2,960-some-odd, fell back a little bit because of the inflation data and for whatever reason, these talking heads and financial experts and wizards and masters of the universe on Wall Street they're all like oh, I can't believe inflation was worse than we thought. Well, you just did inflation. That's what lowering the rates is.
Speaker 1:Lowering the rates is currency creation. Every time you swipe a credit card, every time you go get a home loan, that's currency creation. We're not even on fractional reserve banking anymore. That alone of itself is a scam If you want to get into what currency is and what manipulation is that in and of itself. But that seems quaint and above board compared to what is happening now. So much going on and the prices of metals. This is just the beginning of a reflection of something much deeper, much more systemic. Folks. That's going to be happening, and whether the tariffs hit or not, it's psychological. Whether the tariffs are there, whether any of that happens, it's psychological. So we're going to get into some articles on that.
Speaker 1:I want to talk about the elimination of the penny that's coming down. I didn't see that coming. I knew that they were going after cash and especially during COVID-1984, we went after any of the currency that was repatriated from overseas and they started quarantining that and then there wasn't coins being made. And of course there wasn't coins being made and of course there wasn't deposits being made. That's one of the things I said back during the scandemic. I said hey, look, the reason you're not seeing as many coins in circulation is because these small businesses that you shut down they're not making the daily deposits. All right, so let's jump into this article number one here. This is Kitco, and I'll just go over this briefly, and then we're going to jump into some foreign policy. Let me put this up on the screen. This is the thing that jumped out to me this morning before I went on with David Bricks banks bleeding gold bars.
Speaker 1:China and Russia face runaway gold demand. Beans is very excited. Chinese banks are running out of gold, while Russia's commercials and sovereign reserves are rapidly being depleted as two BRICS nations face sky-high domestic demand, even as prices set new records. News agency Yaka. The app of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China shows 5, 20, 50, 100, and 200 gram gold bars are out of stock, with only the 10 gram option showing limited availability. Now, think about that. So it's not only and this is around the world and it's happening here in the US. Not as strong, though, as like China. That's because the people and institutions and businesses in China just recently made it legal for insurance companies to hold gold on their balance sheets, and I think that's a huge move, because it's normally been dollar reserves, something I talked to David about today. I said on Tinfoil Hat a few months ago.
Speaker 1:In my appearance on December 4th. I said I'm calling it right now. I'm saying that gold has already supplanted the dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's just, you know, you've seen the lightning, you just can't feel the thunder. There's something missing in all of this about what happened to the dollar. The dollar used to be all domination across the world in financial transactions, and since 2022, de-dollarization has happened so rapidly. As a matter of fact, the gold recently supplanted the euro as the second reserve asset held by central banks. So the dollar is still number one, but that's only because the transactions go on in dollars not necessarily for the reserve holding long term and so these banks are buying. The people are buying folks. It's a monetary revolution going on around the world.
Speaker 1:Agricultural Bank of China's app also shows the lender is sold out of those bars 10 and 20 gram gold bars while the 100 and 200 gram gold bars are running low. Meanwhile, the China Construction Bank app shows that only 50 and 100 gram investment gold bars are available. I also mentioned to David that South Korea suspended their exchange, suspended trading of gold bars. You can no longer get them. There is a supply squeeze, folks. It's not just in things like bitcoin. Fellow bricks power. Russia is also seeing dwindling gold stocks, as both the central bank and commercial bank levels. Gold reserves declined by 46.4% in 2024, representing a decrease of over 33 metric tons. According to a report from Russian news outlet RBC, the central bank said Russia's gold reserves declined 23.6% in monetary terms last year, but in physical terms, the drop was 46.4 percent, the biggest slump since the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2020. And these numbers continue. The metrics continue to come out, folks.
Speaker 1:Just a heads up this is going to be one of the biggest stories of our time. It's the monetary system. You know people say, follow the money, and that's true. But it's more about the origin of money and what's happened to us since 1971. We're living in a real-time experiment and we're not taught this in school. It's not something I was taught. They don't sit you down and say, okay, does anybody know what fiat currency is? Does anybody know the history of currency not backed by anything? Does anybody know the lifespan is about 24.5 years or so, 26 years for the average fiat currency. Does anybody know about what happens when you decouple a currency from metals? What happens, you know history is not taught that way, because then you look at everything completely different. It's like Henry Ford said if people understood the banking system, there'd be a revolution by morning. Well, that's the truth, right? It's the average person, the middle class, small business, entrepreneurs, the worker make less and less for doing more and more, while the select few who control the money supply and the system itself, enrich, buy the assets and wealth. Disparity continues, wealth concentration continues at unprecedented levels.
Speaker 1:And then you add in the things like trade, where we pawned off America's soul 1973, last time this country ever ran a trade surplus. We rerun trade deficits Sometimes I mean we got close to. I think we ran a trillion-dollar trade deficit not too long ago. It may be that way every year Now. I used to keep up with it. I started keeping up with it when it was about $300 to $400 billion a year.
Speaker 1:You got to think about it. Where did that money go? It doesn't go into a vacuum. It enriches someone. When you have a deficit, somebody's in the positive. There's a surplus somewhere. Well, it went to places like the Chinese and they accumulated gold. As a matter of fact, the Chinese started buying gold off the books. Key phrase there off the books they were secretly buying in the beginning of this century. Now, why is that? Well, if you study things like I do, what you find is that the Chinese have more gold than the United States. Is that the Chinese have more gold than the United States? Because the game and I think maybe all of this the tariffs, the repatriation of gold.
Speaker 1:There's an article up and I won't get much into that because it's a political speculation, but I talked to David about that. On Natural News there's an article about resetting the dollar and backing it by gold. I don't want to get into speculation on that because I don't have any intel that shows me that's what's going to happen. However, if you wanted to save the dollar, aside from going into a worldwide cataclysm, which still won't save the dollar, it might prop it up for a little while Because, like Gerald Cilente says, when all else fails they take you to war. It may keep up, it may prop up the dollar, but ultimately fiat currencies fail.
Speaker 1:Ladies and gentlemen, history is our guide on that, not one. What's your favorite surviving fiat currency of the world? You know, rome declined when it debased its coins. The British Empire became an aircraft carrier for the United States of America when it went off the gold standard and plunged itself into two world wars. Yeah, don't write me if you love England and tell me you're an Anglophile and you think that you buy all the court historians' narrative on England. Yeah, I won't respond the way you think I'm going to. So I read a little bit different history than you, apparently. But yeah, that's what happens. You debase things and, of course, we became the world's reserve currency in 1944. I remind people, that's the Bretton Woods Conference.
Speaker 1:Gold is $35 an ounce. It stays there until 1971. Something extraordinary, though, happens when Richard Nixon interrupts an episode of Bonanza on August 15, 1971, and we close the gold window by the end of the 1970s, gold is at close to $800 an ounce. By the time I'm born, gold didn't go up. The dollar went down. You're watching a metric. It's actually the inverse of the way the financial networks would peg this.
Speaker 1:So we're just at the beginning, folks, and don't get me started on silver. I mean, so we're just at the beginning, folks, and don't get me started on silver. I mean, that's who even knows what the number should be? I mean, I probably can guess, and on a and take it to a 20 to 1 or from a 16 to 1 ratio, we could do the math uh, maybe later in the show, but there's something wrong with the gold and silver ratio, there's something wrong with all of it, and this is because we've lived off fake and we lived off paper so long that when you interject an event, an unknown like these tariffs, then you're going to get all sorts of chaos, and that's what's happening. It's an interesting time to be alive time to be alive and those who and I think that's why another thing I talked to David about today and I'll put that I'll interview up here a little bit later Another thing I talked to David about today was the fact that when you have people and he asked me about this because other dealers are seeing this there's people selling their metals left and right and the buyers are less and less.
Speaker 1:And we can speculate on why that is, but there's something odd in all of it. So if you've got rising prices and the average person is selling off their metals to pay bills or outpace inflation and that's what we're here for, that's why Wise Wolf exists but at the same time, somebody's buying it right, somebody's buying it, because if everybody was just selling like they are right now at a record pace and there's these people selling off, and then you know again, the markets would fall if there was not a demand. So what is it? It's an institutional demand, folks. It's not only central banks on gold, but it's, uh, institutions on silver. I remind you, jp morgan is, uh, the largest private holder of silver in the world and, of course, the military industrialindustrial complex itself. There's 500 ounces of silver in each Tomahawk missile. Demand is going to continue to rise, monetary uses are going to continue to rise and we live in a fiat world of declining value 52 times more currency on Earth today than when I was born.
Speaker 1:All right, let's talk about some foreign policy too. Lots to get to today. I'm going to jump around a little bit, but it is interesting. I've been following, if you don't know, my stance on I mean, if you're just now tuning in, I find it hard to believe you don't know that I totally oppose NATO expansion. And what happened? You know what's happening in Ukraine, with the voters expected that we'd end this conflict and be done with it. Because, truly, nato expansion if you don't know the history?
Speaker 1:You know, go back to the end of the Cold War. You had Secretary of State James Baker under George Bush 41, basically saying in a verbal promise to mikhail gorbachev that if you bring your soviet troops home, like into the natural borders, the original borders of russia, allow for a a peaceful, you know transfer of power into these states that you once held in the soviet empire. That we will not expand nat. They had the Warsaw Pact, we had NATO and with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, first headed up by Eisenhower, and of course this was a way to implement the Truman Doctrine, which was containment of communism. And so we banded together with our allies, supposedly right, france and England and West Germany. All this and we have these alliances that were meant to say, well, if one state is attacked, then all is attacked and it's a pact, right? So just like the Warsaw Pact, the Soviets had the same thing with all their satellite states. Well, if the Soviet Union collapses, then what is the point of NATO? I mean, that's a pretty logical question. So at the end of the Cold War, when the American People's Representative gives their word and says we will not expand NATO, and Gorbachev takes that word and gives up the ghost on Christmas of 1991 and lets the Soviet Union break apart into 16 pieces, which is really an epical event that you know other Soviet leaders may have not gone so peacefully, we may have had a different outcome and Mikhail Gorbachev should be thanked for that. You know he's passed away. I got to see him speak once. That's a whole other story. But we broke our word.
Speaker 1:The first thing we did when Russia was weak and they collapsed and the Soviet Union collapsed, we expanded NATO and continue to expand NATO. Why does NATO exist if there is no Soviet Union? And see, this is the problem with teleprompter readers and establishment historians that have no idea what I just said. They don't know that history, they just think Russia, bad. Russia is a bad actor. Well, it's been lied to. We expanded NATO in their face and then crept up on their border in Ukraine, using it for all sorts of money laundering and bioweapons labs and political maneuvering, chess piece on the grand chessboard, and we goaded Putin into invading.
Speaker 1:Because you put it at the last possible second, it's like we're going to expand it into NATO. That was the threat and people that don't truly understand. It'd be like the Chinese having a military and economic pact with Mexico and creating an interwoven agreement between those two entities. That'd be like just them parked right on our border with their weapons and their military and their intelligence not controlling our hemisphere. That's a total loss of economic and political equilibrium and that's what this is about. So this evil person which is Zelensky and I call him that because that's what Sun Tzu would call him you read the Art of War and it says I mean an evil man will preside over the ashes of his country.
Speaker 1:This is the first time, by the way, I'm about to read a word that I have not read in almost four years about any of this, because there was a lead up in 21 and then finally kicked off in February of 22 for the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. And this, folks, we've broken lots of precedents here. I remind you that British and American-made missiles, long-range missiles that were authorized by both governments, were fired from Ukraine into sovereign Russian territory, striking targets that's never happened before. If you know anything about the Cold War and I know that you know again the mainstream media, they don't know what I just said. If you read the Cold War history, that would have been unthinkable. Think of the tension that was caused just by Gary Powers, who was shot down over, you know, in a U-2 spy plane over Soviet territory. Think of the massive blowback and implications of that, just for wanting to take pictures. That was almost the beginning of World War III. And we're firing just firing missiles at a nuclear-armed power. So that's how this is, how crazy this got.
Speaker 1:I'm going to read this headline. This is on Zero Hedge. Let me put this up on the screen real quick. I saw this today. I said well, I have not seen this word in a while.
Speaker 1:Kremlin confirms that a Putin-Trump summit is on the way, as Zelensky warns against cutting Ukrainians out. Well, sorry, vladimir, they're cutting the t-shirt man out of the, you know, on a long enough timeline. You really don't want to be that guy, you don't. There was a lot the us has had, a lot of proxy allies and people that they partnered with didn't end. Remember that famous picture of saddam hussein shaking hands with donald rumsfeld end of a hangman's noose? Or, uh, tim osmond, uh, also known as asama bin laden once, uh, meeting at the pentagon helping kill russians for the central intelligence agency in the defense industry? Uh, questionable, what happened to him. But he, he's gone right. Gaddafi is another one US proxies. I've warned of that for the last few years. Looking at the T-shirt man, looking at Zelensky. It says the Kremlin side has confirmed that a Putin-Trump summit is on the way, following yesterday's phone call revealed that about an hour and a half in length, crucially, the two leaders agreed to begin negotiating an end to the war in Ukraine.
Speaker 1:A Thursday report in Russia's state RT strikes a glowing and enthusiastic tone. Enthusiastic tone. It is hard to overestimate the significance of the recent phone call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart Donald Trump. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Well, you know, all partisan politics aside, you know this is at least a ray of hope that something, this conflict, this particular conflict, and I have, we're going to gosh. This program is dedicated to exposing the lies of the warfare welfare state folks. This isn't me jumping on some bandwagon, but this is good news. At least there's a start.
Speaker 1:I just read the word summit. Why didn't we have a summit? Why wasn't there any deals being brokered in the last many years? That's because, going back to 2016, hillary Clinton was running on a platform and I said this. I thought I was going mad. I wish I'd go back and talk to myself. I was 36. I wish I'd go back and talk to myself. Hey, you're on the right track. You're not insane. It's just a very minority, a very small percentage of people understand what she just said. You know, because I thought I was crazy. I'm like wait a minute. She said she's going to shoot down Russian aircraft over Syria who were trying to kill Al-Qaeda. That's what she said. If you boil it down in the debates, she was willing to risk a nuclear conflict with Russia.
Speaker 1:Russia's been on the chopping block for so many reasons and, yeah, you can say you know it's ideological, but really it's central banking. They need to have a boogeyman. You got to keep Russia as an agitated state right, because if it's not a threat, then you know the arms sales are down. You got to hold it as a threat to get its maximum value out of it. Right For the globalist goblins. It can't just be that we have peace so through all those years I mean the Trump victory in 2016, it sidelined that. But if you recall, when Biden takes office, what's the first thing that happens? Of course you get the escalation of tensions with Russia. We're going to go the invasion, but you also get little tiny things. Because we have to have an external enemy, we have to have a boogeyman, we have to blame it on somebody.
Speaker 1:You get Putin's price hike. Remember that it was Putin's price. It wasn't the fact that we created 80% of all the dollars ever made in the last five years. It wasn't this unprecedented currency. It wasn't the fact that we smashed the supply line and the supply chain and told people they were non-essential and just had big box stores open. My mom and pop and this whole supply chain of small businesses and hundreds of thousands were closed down, many of them majority of them never to reopen again. It's not that we did that, it's Putin. It's Putin's price hike. Who somehow right with if and if? You know this stuff, it's maddening. And if you know this stuff, it's maddening. You know the Russian economy is pretty robust, but it's about the size and GDP of the state of Texas. So you're telling me that the Texas economy can completely derail the West? No, it wasn't Putin's price hike, it was Biden's economic policy. It was the previous administration's policy. It was every policy since 1971. It's causing inflation and loss of purchasing power and everything else.
Speaker 1:Puskoff has further said, following a very important conversation Wednesday, that each side is now organizing the groundwork for a summit. It further involved the president's extending invitations to visit each other's countries. They will focus on a separate meeting. They also agreed that instructions would be immediately given to a relevant assistant, so they would begin the work immediately. Assistance, so they would begin the work immediately.
Speaker 1:A handful of mainstream media pundits online had a fit over imagining Putin arriving on US soil for an official visit, given they see him as a global enemy number one. Why is that? Well, I mean, we kind of know, because so much of media is state-controlled. It's Operation Mockingbird. Folks, you have to fit in a certain. It's like the whole debate with USAID. It's the same thing. It's state-controlled, narrative-controlled, intelligence-controlled, military-industrial complex-controlled, intelligence-controlled, military-industrial-complex-controlled information and then they also control—it's what Gore Vidal mentioned about the establishment. He's like it's not a conspiracy so much as they all think alike. They get the same people. They're cookie-cutter, they put them in place and then you know they get all—there's a spirit to— this is something I've noticed in my years of studying this—there's a spirit to these people that is very much demonic and loves war for the sake of it, just for the sake of it.
Speaker 1:I mean. They have to have—in the revolutionary spirit. Not like the American Revolution. That was really a conservative revolt. You know that England had become an empire and they're reasserting themselves and reasserting the Magna Carta. Right, that's a conservative revolt I'm talking about. Like the type of revolution you get with the French, with the guillotines and the terror, the reign of terror, like all that stuff. Like that's. There's a demonic spirit in the mob.
Speaker 1:There's something the Jacobin, the Bolshevik, it's the same thing and you find it in the main. You can see them animating, like when you see them talking about this, like they, you know everything has to be, and it bleeds over into things like we have to take out Assad, like why do you have to take out Assad? I remember that was my first lessons in talk radio and I remember thinking this is a false flag, like he's not gassing his own people and we don't need any troops in Syria and what the hell does that have to do with American security? And I was calling these things out at, you know, 33 years old, and the radio station was like 33 years old. And the radio station was like who is this guy? Why is he messing with the narrative that we have to bomb everyone? It's no fun, it's just the truth.
Speaker 1:But there's something, there's a spirit in there and you find it in the intelligence community. You find it in the military community a lot now. The intelligence community finding the military community a lot now. The. I forget what the guy's name was. It escapes me, but the guy on the golf course with an AK that was trying to take out Trump during the election cycle. He was starts with an R, but I just came to my mind because I remember watching him and showing him videos of him and saying listen to his dialect, because he was clearly connected to intelligence. He was recruiting fighters from around the world to go to Ukraine and that's the thing. It's like Ukraine, that leverage, whatever that is. It's funneled in all these people. There's something weird about it, but it's a spirit of war, it's very demonic and no summit has happened.
Speaker 1:They used to have this all the time. I mean, ronald Reagan called the. By the way, he said it one time Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union an evil empire, and this is before he was able to meet with anybody. He famously was supposed to meet with Brezhnev and Brezhnev died and then Brezhnev's replacement died and people said when are you going to meet with the Soviet leaders? He said I would. They keep dying on me. And that's when you get Gorbachev.
Speaker 1:And Gorbachev was so much, so, different than his predecessors Brezhnev and Khrushchev, and of course, it wasn't that many premieres up until that time. The Soviet Union didn't last that long, folks. It was only like 70 years. It was a very, very short period of time. But that's when they had summits. He called them an evil empire, but he was meeting with them. And they had Rey. They had summits. Even he called him an evil empire, but he was meeting with them. And they had Reykjavik, you know, and this is when you get into the whole end of the cold war. He had SDI, street strategic defense initiative, and that's what they call star Wars.
Speaker 1:And you know, reagan sticking to his guns I'm going to build this thing and Gorbachev couldn't keep up and we had, you know, we had the Musha Hadin and Al-Qaeda killing Russians and Soviets in Afghanistan. That's just history. By the way, you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We propped him up, then we used him later for things like, you know, 9-11, boogeyman and the invisible enemy. We used him later. Boogie men and the invisible enemy we used them later.
Speaker 1:But that was really what was happening in the 1980s. It was a bleeding, but we still had summits and this is something that's been absent. That's how sick the political class and how how much decay and how much rot and how much absence of moral integrity is at the top upper echelon of things, and it's being exposed a lot. Now. I mean we should go through a list of all the departments I would cut. I mean I ran for Congress talking about cutting the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Energy. You just keep. Department of Education, you keep going. They don't run on that anymore. This is a new phenomenon. This is even what's going on with USAID and some of the audits that are going on. It's interesting. It's interesting, but there's a whole structure that they've put in place.
Speaker 1:What you have to understand is that the deep state it's not so much a conspiracy that they all talk to each other. They all think alike. It's the same kind of people. You can see it in their eyes. They love war. That's how I know if I'm talking to somebody who's a legit thinker, because even soldiers, even real warriors, at the end of his life, douglas MacArthur, who's like a god of war. There's Alexander the Great, douglas MacArthur, julius Caesar, people like Patton, frederick the Great. There's military leaders throughout history. There's a handful of great generals Stonewall, jackson, robert E Lee. You know it's a small club.
Speaker 1:Well, at the end of his life, douglas MacArthur begged Lyndon Johnson to stay out of Vietnam. He said the jungles will swallow up our boys. He's like you know, this is anybody who wants to do a land war in asia to have his head examined. And he wanted to. He wanted to outlaw war. He wanted to outlaw war itself. He wanted to make it and put it in the constitutions of governments and have a giant world summit and like outlaw war. So the you know the one war in the pacific, with very little resources until the end. Absolutely amazing that we arrive here and you have all these pundits and people in the power structure that just want to go to rush to war. It's only by God's grace that we haven't been in a nuclear exchange at this point. That's how stupid and how reckless the establishment order has become.
Speaker 1:I think they tried to do it. I think they wanted to. They need a strike first policy. It's what you know. Go back to the Civil War. Lincoln needed the Confederates to fire on Fort Sumner. It gives you a moral credibility, Like FDR needed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. It gives you a moral credibility because the American people wanted to stay out of a European war. So that's why, you know, cut off supplies of rubber and funding. And you know diplomatic relations. And that's when they cracked the Japanese code purple and they didn't tell anybody. They knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. They had ample warning. I mean, it's that's, that's just documented fact.
Speaker 1:By the way, at this point I mean who even argues that, except for court historians that need that narrative? That history just happens organically. They needed it same thing with the gulf of tonkin, incident with lbj not real, didn't happen, manufactured event. But you've got to have some. You got to be attacked. Same thing with uh, you know it's what they try to do with the uss liberty. Oh, you should get into that history another different false flag right or 9-11 or something like that. You got to have justification. Yeah, so the mainstream media has a fit.
Speaker 1:This dramatic shift, or possibly bringing Putin in from the diplomatic cold, comes after three years of Moscow and Washington relations reaching a low point in modern history. There have been no contacts at the highest level since the Ukraine war began. Think about that. You know how unprecedented that is. Think if we had cut off relations with Khrushchev.
Speaker 1:During the Cuban Missile Crisis, john F Kennedy saved mankind by not following the advice of his advisors, including Dean Acheson, who should have known better that. You know they. He asked what happens if we hit the island of Cuba with airstrikes followed by invasion to take out these, these short range nuclear weapons? Like what happens? And they just said nothing. The soviets can't respond. Of course they'll respond. He did a back channel deal. He traded the jupiter missiles in turkey because they're obsolete, said we'll get them out of your backyard to get your, these missiles, out of our backyard. Quid pro quo, that kind of thinking you can have peace and strength and you can have all this. But you have to have outside of the thinking, outside of the box. That's why McNamara had a blockade.
Speaker 1:I'll tell you a story real quick, but it's one of the if you listen to my show, you know I do this stream of consciousness but I tell a story back in, or so. I got back from my last tour overseas. I'd gotten out of the military. I bought a house in North Texas, where Sam Rayburn was from, in a town called Bonham. I bought an old house built in the 1880s and I was there with my first wife Erin She'd been in the Army with me and I was there with my first wife Erin She'd been in the Army with me.
Speaker 1:And one night I just stayed up watching 13 Days watching the movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and you know I think I watched it twice. You know I just stayed up. I liked the history. It's a great, it's a well-done film, of course all about October of 1962. And the next day I go for a walk in the historic district and I'm walking downtown, because my house was in downtown Bonham and I'm walking around and a newspaper's floating down the street and it looked older and it hit my foot and I turned it over and the date was October. It was 1962, and it was. The headlines were blockade in place, soviet ships turned back. This was 2000. So, just randomly, a paper about the Q. That really happened, folks. By the way, my life can be pretty weird sometimes. Let's go into a few quotes on this article and I've got a few other things I want to cover.
Speaker 1:We are much more impressed by the position of the current administration and we are open to dialogue. This is from Peskov, russian consulate. There is political will to conduct a dialogue, to reach a settlement, and we need to wait for at least for the first results of the joint work. He said. Unlike the administration of ex-President Joe Biden, which believed that everything must be done to ensure that the war continues, the Trump team apparently holds the view that everything must be done to stop the war and for peace to prevail. Peskov said I can tell you how. First of all, in order for peace to prevail, you got the relations with T-shirt man, an individual that I'm frankly just so sick of seeing. I don't usually do that like world leaders, don't bother, but there's something about having the ability to negotiate something and being so opposed to any settlement or peace for your people who are dying, you can't win that war. Can Mexico defeat the United States of America? Mexico is a great country, but can it defeat the United States of America? That's the difference, folks. That's about the difference.
Speaker 1:Ukraine used to be part of a satellite state of the Soviet Union, but unless you have massive intervention from the West and NATO, and even then, how'd that work out? For Napoleon or Hitler? Has anybody defeated Russia? Why would you gamble with that? What kind of psychopath. And you can see it. They want to plant that rainbow flag in Moscow. That's a revolutionary, demonic spirit. Just war for its sake. Revolution for its sake.
Speaker 1:That's Trotskyism, folks. That's Leon Trotsky. You know, I'd like to source that quote from Trotsky sometime. I tried many years ago. Like to actually see if it was real. It sounds so much like him, but it was. Like you know we have.
Speaker 1:He says when I speak of a revolution, a red revolution, I mean red, red as in blood in the streets. And I'm paraphrasing here. He's like we have the, we have the, the best bankers in the world. Like the bankers are financing us and we're going to take and run the. The streets are going to run with blood because we're coming for the world. The revolution continues, you know, and that spirit of revolution, if you know the ideological like, when you turn on, you go why? Why is this republican a rhino? Like people use that rhino, turn on he's. Why is this Republican a rhino? Like people use that rhino term, he's a rhino. He's a rhino. And if you really look at his background you'll see he's connected to the defense establishment, which is connected to people like Bill Kristol, whose father, irving Kristol, was the godfather of neoconservatism.
Speaker 1:And what is neoconservatism? It is the intellectual basis that Trotskyism can be converted. Trotskyites they followed Leon Trotsky by the way. He was murdered by a guy with an ice pick in Mexico, an agent of Stalin in the 30s. But that's what it was about that the devotees of Trotsky became the modern Republican Party. I call them the Karl Marx Republicans. Folks, you can literally look this up and you wonder why? Why don't they ever really do anything domestically? They just. That's the whole point. And what I've been talking about my entire career is that these, this set of ideological Republicans not all of them, but the big chunk of the establishment are neocons and they therefore they trace back their ideological lineage to leon trotsky because they believe in perpetual revolution. That's why you hear like he's a conservative leader all about.
Speaker 1:You know, we got to get rid of saddam hussein. We got to get rid of assad. We got to get rid of qaddafi. We have to, you know, go to war with xyz. You know we have to go to war with iran. You, what does that mean? What does that have to do with the United States of America and the Republic and the Bill of Rights? And, you know, prosperity and peace. It has nothing to do with that, or our traditions, or values, or history, or heroes. Blood and soil has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with outside external revolution. So this is amazing. This is even taking place, by the way, and all the neocons just went over to the Biden administration. They have no ideological home. It's just whatever promotes war. It's just whatever promotes war.
Speaker 1:President Trump had, immediately after the 90 minute call with Trump, written on true social. Millions of people have died in a war. That would not have happened if I were president, but it did happen. So it must end. No more lives should be lost. Well, I like that sentiment. You know, my thing with any of these politicians or people that are elected is they do well, I'm going to give them credit. That's a great sentiment right there. So continue with that. Now do Iran. Now do Israel. Now do Hamas, which are totally different subjects. Now do China. You see, the thing about China and all that we're going to continue to talk about, all the things that happened in the periphery of the Chinese tensions and all that stuff.
Speaker 1:As we gave it, we did that and we did this to Russia too. The defense apparatus, the deep state, the intelligence they like to have an enemy. You know, one of the great quotes from the fall of the Soviet Union was the lead propagandist for the Soviet Empire wrote something at the collapse of the Soviet Union. He said we've done something far greater, more damage to you than defeated you. We've taken away your enemy and now you're lost. So they just made him up.
Speaker 1:We've make up the enemies. Think of how sick that is. We don't actually fight the real war. We don't keep drug traffickers and human smugglers and pedos and weirdos and rapists and other people from just indiscriminately walking over or even you know attack formation and literally you know these paramilitary forces running over our border. It's video of that stuff. We don't stop that. Or real corruption, or you know any of the stuff that the American people are plagued by. But we go over. You know, got to go overseas, real invisible enemies. You know whether it's COVID-19 for whether it's 9-11. Can't see him. You can find the hijacker's passport in the rubble, though. Can't see him. You can find the hijacker's passport in the rubble, though. And so Well, this is a. This is an interesting turn of events.
Speaker 1:As for the call with Ukraine's Zelensky, which took place after Putin Trump wrote, the conversation went very well. He, like President Putin, wants to make peace. That's what Trump's telling. It seems like a ventraliloquist putting that the words in his mouth. I'm sure. Interesting times, folks.
Speaker 1:All right, I do want to get to the chat a little bit. I'm sorry I've been. I've been such a so focused on these headlines. And Megan Maureen in the chat on X says I hear Beans yeah, beans is running around. She's excited. Melissa showed up here at the house while I was on air and she's excited. So I want to go back over to the Rockfin chat, and I didn't check Rumble today. We're streaming over on Rumble on the America Unplugged channel. I got so many great things coming out with paratrooper 2. Folks stay tuned. I got some so much great stuff coming out with the podcast and, uh, if you can, please give us a review over on, follow us on paratrooper anywhere podcast are found. It really does help me out.
Speaker 1:Jason barker, karen Carpenter over in the chat, christopher Mincy it says many great World War II generals were related to Confederate generals and those generals were related to the great Revolutionary generals. That's exactly right. Macarthur's dad had been a general as a young man in the Union Army, as a young man in the Union Army and of course, robert E Lee. He married George Washington's daughter. I mean, they weren't related by blood, but that was his daughter.
Speaker 1:Let's see so many people in the chat. I'm trying to even keep up. Thanks for being here, dustin Helm. Great info, tony, we like your stories. Thank you, I appreciate that very much. I'm gonna check the check on rumble too. Yeah, don't forget. The harps says don't forget the usa fought on russian soil in the early 20th century with the white russ. Yeah, and what he means is the and that's not everything's monolithic either.
Speaker 1:Remember in 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution starts and Woodrow Wilson loads down. You know, he allows Leon Trotsky to be funded by the Warburgs and the Rothschilds and they give him a lot of gold. He was a newspaper reporter in New York and he makes the necessary, he opens the necessary doors so this revolutionary Leon Trotsky can get from being a newspaper reporter in New York to get to the Russian Revolution. For communism, for Bolshevism, you know, that's what they're funded by. And of course for Bolshevism, that's what they're funded by. And of course Max Warburg, the head of the Central Bank in Germany during World War I, our mortal enemy, who's brothers with Paul Warburg who ran the Central Bank in the US, puts Vladimir Lenin on a sealed train car loaded down with gold. See, they're always kind of leading with gold too. Right, it's an universal money. The communists say they don't want any money. But everybody, that's what they're funded by. They're funded by the world richest people.
Speaker 1:So they send vladimir lenin on a sealed train car into russia. It's kind of like, uh, like a biological weapon. It's like we're going to put this really disgusting, uh demonic, mind infiltrating, diseased thing called marxist revolutions into your weakened body politic, which is the russian. I mean, that's what vladimir lenin said. He said the power in russia was just lying in the streets waiting for somebody to pick it up and they picked it up and it was horrible. There's so many I want to do. I'm going to do some paratruthers on that because there's so many deep dives into, like, what was happening spiritually with that, with the russian revolution. And then you have um, so the united states government is against. You can have deep staters and bankers and people, but we actually had people that were like, wait, we have to not let this happen in Russia. So they had American troops Harps is exactly right, fighting on behalf of those who oppose having a Bolshevik, marxist dystopia with a foothold in Russia.
Speaker 1:But the reason it didn't succeed is the industrialists welcomed it, because it was to them. It's like well, then we get all the good stuff. It's a top down, we don't have to worry about competition. See where this goes. You start to understand the mindset of the oligarchs. You know they're average people. We're, you know, average people that want to work and have upward mobility. We're free market, you know, and we'll take the risk we fail, we go bankrupt or lose everything. That's fine. We'll take the risk. We just want to have be able to have the reward. We don't look at it like well, we've got everything, we're going to make sure nobody competes with us. So that's what the industrialists do. They use communism as a weapon.
Speaker 1:It's going to be interesting to watch all this play out, and you can only go one at a time, like I said. Now, do Iran Stop the Iran thing, stop that global war? Maybe it will. I have my doubts. There's a lot of people that funded the Trump election that very much want to continue the seven wars in five years.
Speaker 1:That the neocons and the Zionists, they go like that okay, it's all interconnected. Okay, it's all interconnected like peanut butter and jelly same thing. Right, all right, let's, uh, let's jump around just a little bit more. Um, I guess I got about three or four minutes. We can do gold prices. Let's do that. Okay, I can plug a little bit. You guys don't mind I plug, do you? Let's go to.
Speaker 1:Let's go to wolfpackgold. I want to show you something real quick as we end the program. By the way, saying hi to my listeners over on WWCR Worldwide Christian Radio Keeps the transmission, actual terrestrial transmission across the globe. I want to share with you. If you go to Arterburngold, you can find my website, which will take you to my business. Let's share screen.
Speaker 1:Let's go to Wolfpack. You know, if you need to check gold prices, you can go to wolfpackgold. It shows you a ticker there Live prices. Gold 2,918 Luciferian Bankster notes per troy ounce silver $32.15 an ounce. And I just added something really cool. Let's check this out. So two new Wolfpack packages.
Speaker 1:I put in constitutional wolf last week. Yeka helped me set that up, but we got so much 90% silver I'm selling it at some fantastic prices $250, $500 levels, and we stack you up with constitutional silver dimes, quarters, half dollars, a great mix. And if you find a collectible in there, hey, that's yours. I probably didn't catch it, it's too much. And then we have the one gram. Oh, she turned, it's beans Beans is on the one gram gold bar advertisement no fees, free shipping. So you ask for affordable gold bullion. There you go.
Speaker 1:Okay, we do something a little different at Wolfpack, so check it out. One gram gold, valcambi bars. We pack it ourself. I can pack some savings onto you and that's how we make that work. You know, we get these 100 gram sheets and my team up in Branson where we ship everything from, they take their gloves and get the white gloves and we break every piece off and then we put it inside of a coin flip and put that in the plastic bag and then you've got yourself a gold bar and I can pass some savings onto you. So you, so there's no limit and everything's free shipping on the one gram gold bars. Constitutional Wolf, very similar in its discounts. So we appreciate each and every one of you and I will be back next week for sure.
Speaker 1:I'll be in Mexico, so I'm going to figure out a way to broadcast from there. I'm going to be speaking in Anarchapoco Lots to cover down there. I'm speaking twice. I'll be speaking on Crypto Day, so interesting developments there. I'm sure I'm going to talk to the people at the Dollar Vigilante and the Crypto Vigilante, so that'll be a lot of fun. Arterburn Gold vigilante and the crypto vigilante, so it'll be a lot of fun. Uh, arterburngold. Uh, wise wolf, gold and silver. Give us a review on paratroother, uh, all the things, anything that uh that we're doing. If you can support it and share it, we sure appreciate it. Uh, from beans, the brave myself and the crew. You take care of each other. End of transmission.