The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#497 Life's Fragility, Financial Illusions & The Rise of Tech Titans
Then out spake brave Horatius, the captain of the gate To every man upon this earth. Death cometh sooner or later, and how can a man die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods? Lord McAlay, you are listening to the Ardaburn Radio Transmission.
Speaker 2:I am awake. Officially Might be for a while, now it's the 30th of January 2025. Well, folks, I had the David Knight show earlier today. As usual, it's Thursday, so I get to talk to the great David Knight, but earlier this morning, as I was prepping for his show, I went outside to get something out of my car and I live on a busy street and Beans, the Brave brave as she is she followed me out and then turned and saw a cat that's across the street. This is a busy street and it's the reason I built a fence here at my house, but the fence is not in place on the side and she ran. She ran as fast as she could. She's going to go get that cat and I almost blew out my voice. I yelled so loud three times and finally she laid down in the tire of the car that was going. Of course, there had to be a car at that exact moment was going probably 50 miles an hour and it missed her by less than three feet.
Speaker 2:So you know, I'm looking at the headlines right now on Drudge about this collision between a Blackhawk helicopter and an American Airlines flight, and you know this happens every day, like life is so fragile and we're all. We're lucky to be here. Nothing is guaranteed, tomorrow's not promised. That sort of philosophy grounded in the fact that you are mortal, that you're not infinite, you're not a God these are things that you need to keep in the back of your mind all the time. It'll make you a better person, and I keep this stuff. I've lost a lot in my life. I've lost dear, dear friends and people and family, and it um, and it's shaped my character. But every once in a while I'll get just another reminder. I'm really thankful, you know, so I'm get to do this show. I don't even know how I would do a broadcast after something like that. Uh, if I lost my, uh, my dog, my best friend, we go everywhere together. She's on the logo for my show and you know this is a. She's such a big part of my life so I thought I'd start off the show talking about that. And you know we look whether it's politics and all these things you know that drive us insane and drive us apart. It's also inflammatory. You know the lives that we live, uh, while we're on this planet for a short period of time and, uh, you know, if you get, you got to while we're on this planet for a short period of time and, uh, you know, if you get, you got to take a step back every once in a while. Sometimes you'll get a gift or a glimpse and you'll, you know, reset your attitude. So I'm just officially thanking god almighty for my dog being okay and I get to talk to you about Luciferian Bankster Notes, the financial system, ai. It's the official broadcast of the apocalypse and it's a lot of fun. So, welcome.
Speaker 2:I am your host, tony Arterburn, and, as usual, broadcasting in defiance of not only globalist goblins but the neocons and the new world order, we're going to jump into some financial stuff. First of all, I brought up a point speaking with David Knight this morning, and I doubt anybody will follow up with this. But hey, if you really wanted to expose the entire fraud of the financial system, of markets, of the false dichotomy between oh, there's the rich versus the socialist, if you wanted to expose all of that and the conspiracy of that, then what you would do right now is you would say okay, super wealthy, we're going to abolish the income tax. Are you with us? Super wealthy, we're going to abolish the income tax. Are you with us? They wouldn't follow. Do you understand? It's so funny. You have people like AOC and all these progressives like we're going to eat the rich, tax the rich, we're going to bleed them dry. It's the rich, we're going to tax them. The rich fund you. That's your source of revenue. The ultra-wealthy fund socialism. Let me say that again that way, because the left-right paradigm in this country is absolutely weapons grade, ridiculous and stupid. Think about it. If the ultra-wealthy don't want to abolish the income tax, then how are you going to soak the rich with it? What is it used for? It's a political weapon and it's used by the ultra rich to keep them from having competition.
Speaker 2:So while we're having this conversation, trump's talking about the 1870s, through the 1890s, and how prosperous it was for America. It's absolutely true. There's a reason for that, one officially, in 1879, we went on the gold standard. Now we had a bimetallic standard since the founding of the country. The founding fathers knew all about paper currency, knew all about fiat. They saw what happened with John Law's experiment with the French and how that imploded their currency. They had a short run of paper notes during the Revolutionary War, called a continental. That was as worthless as a continental. So that phrase stuck around for a long time. So the founding fathers, that's why we had a bimetallic system, but officially we followed the British, who were the world's reserve currency at the time, and the gold standard 1879.
Speaker 2:So what he's talking about is we had a gold standard, we started exporting, we had economic nationalism, we had manufacturing, the Industrial Revolution. Things were built here. If it could be made here, it was made here, and we protected our markets. There was protectionism built into the American system. That was set up by Alexander Hamilton. So, yeah, we were very prosperous and somebody needed to hijack that.
Speaker 2:So that's why they had the meeting on Jekyll Island. They fostered a few manufactured crises one in 1907. That was the part of the banksters, like JP Morgan. And in 1910, they had the meeting over in Jekyll Island, very secretive, matter of fact. I did a show with David a few months ago and I had just typed in and the AI didn't know yet that it was supposed to censor itself. And it actually said that the meeting at Jekyll Island on November 22nd 1910 to form the Federal Reserve was a conspiracy. It didn't know. It was a secretive meeting, right, it was not meant to be open to the public.
Speaker 2:And we're going to talk about the. There's an article I saved over the last week that I thought I'd talk to you about today, just to lay out the reasons why the Federal Reserve is bad. I mean, let's just kind of get back to basics, as we're having these financial arguments, with Trump talking about replacing the income tax with tariffs. That's a good thing. It's a good thing to replace the income tax with tariffs. We did it before. 70% of all the revenue in this country before 1913 came from tariffs. The rest was internal consumption tax and you didn't have a Social Security number. You weren't a wage slave paying interest to a bunch of Luciferian banksters. That's what the Federal Reserve Central Banking System is.
Speaker 2:It's not just bad economics, it's true evil. That's where you get a deep state. The people that blew the head off of JFK that's where they get their funding right. The people that pulled off 9-11, yeah, I said it that's where they get their funding right. If you want to track back and trace all of the evil in the world. Jesus knew this. This is why he threw the money changers out of the temple. There's nothing wrong with money. It's those who love and lust for it. It's those who would kill and those who would destroy civilizations to obtain it and their power. That's what we want to expose.
Speaker 2:But that's a great experiment, don't you think? None of the progressives, none of the left? It's such a fake ideology. There's no substance in it. You're literally funded by the people you think you're going to hurt. And those people fund you to hurt the regular folk, the working class, the people that want to have the middle class. That's where you soak with your taxes. The working class, the people that want to have the middle class. That's where you soak with your taxes. It's the people that would like to compete and make a better widget or a better product or a better way than the ultra wealthy and their monopolies and their stifling of civilization and any sort of progress. That's who you're taxing. There's stifling of civilization and any sort of progress. That's who you're taxing.
Speaker 2:Wouldn't that be a great? That would be a great leveling and exposure. Just a thought experiment Like get the world's richest people to sign on right now to a no income tax. Maybe three people, maybe one. Would Elon Musk sign it? Somebody right there would be like one signature.
Speaker 2:The rest, all the whole Davos crowd. They applaud and love the income tax, yay. Doesn't that just by default, expose the left as just completely intellectually bankrupt, like not even knowing their origin story. They don't even know where they came from. They don't even knowing their origin story. They don't even know where they came from. They don't even know who funds them. It's fake. Think about that. Davos would not be for that. The World Economic Forum is not for that. By the way, they push a graduated income tax at 15% oh, that was a minimum. And another thing, folks. 15% oh that was a minimum, and another thing, folks. With all of that, the reason it's not opposed by the wealth, the super wealthy, I mean. Obviously it's opposed by real entrepreneurs and people that build stuff. I'm talking about the generational wealth people and the eyes wide shut Epstein Island weirdos. Okay, they don't oppose the income tax because it helps them control things and you know what else.
Speaker 2:It's also a part of the Communist Manifesto. See, we've adopted all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto in this country and maybe next show. I didn't pull it up because this is just off the top of my head, but we should go through the 10 planks. And the fifth plank is a central bank, but another one is graduated income tax. It's like we followed to the letter the communist manifesto.
Speaker 2:So if you're really going to talk about going back to the late you know 1890s, that's a great model. But you have to have no income tax and you have to do something about the 16th Amendment. And so is there a political will in this country to do that? I'm glad he's talking about it. It's an interesting thought experiment because that's what I believe in. But I don't know that.
Speaker 2:As I got told David Knight this morning, I've ran for office in the Republican Party. I ran for Congress. I was in a primary contest and I know the voters and I know the establishment and I know the ideology behind the establishment. They do not truly oppose the income tax, nor do they want tariffs. So there has to be a wreck. You have to show them that it works. I mean, we have amnesia in this country, but that really did work. That's why they hijacked it. That's why you have 1913. And 1913 is the four horsemen of the political apocalypse.
Speaker 2:First of all, if you don't know the history behind 1913, in 1912, you had an election, william Howard Taft, and then they threw in Teddy Roosevelt. He was funded by the banksters, jp Morgan being one of them funded Roosevelt against Taft as an independent, and I like Teddy Roosevelt, but he was the one that brought down a very conservative president, william Howard Taft, who all he ever wanted to be was a Supreme Court justice, and he opposed the Federal Reserve. Do you understand where this is going? So they brought in this, you know, ivy League professor Woodrow Wilson, the only PhD, presidentd, president, and that's where you get once. He won because of Roosevelt.
Speaker 2:They bring in this handler called Colonel Mandel House. Mandel House had wrote a book, was it the? The administration of Philip Drew, I believe. Oh, philip Drew administrator, and it was all about how this like socialist utopia was brought about through executive change and all this stuff. Who was he? Well, he was an agent of high finance and he lived in the White House and he wasn't a colonel, but his name was Colonel Mandel House. You can look this up. Fdr had the same kind of handler. His name was Harry Hopkins and he lived in the White House and he was an agent of high finance. Do you kind of see the pattern here? So you get Woodrow Wilson in 1913, and that's when all of the again the Luciferian New World Order-ish agenda gets shoved down your throat.
Speaker 2:You get the income tax, which most people don't understand, like the 16th Amendment that was so outside of the American experiment in character. We weren't supposed to have that. It was in 1898, I believe, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that the income tax was unconstitutional. That's why they had to have an amendment to the Constitution. So they have the 16th Amendment, then you get the 17th Amendment, which is the direct election of senators, which I know it sounds like, oh, democracy, and we're going to have a popular vote.
Speaker 2:You do not want that. Do not want that. You want the checks and balances and you want the separation of having your state legislature choose your senators, because, one, it makes your state legislator a lot more powerful and it breaks up the ability for these multinational corporations and other nefarious forces to just buy a candidate. So it didn't really become direct election of senators by the people. Of the 17th Amendment, it became direct election of senators by the bankers. So that's the 17th Amendment. So, like direct things, the founding fathers had the checks and balances set in place. The more that you have like more voting doesn't really equal more freedom. It's not the way that that works. You have to have separation of powers. That's what a republic is. A democracy is two wolves and a sheep arguing over what's for dinner. Right? That's Benjamin Franklin's quote. So you get that. You get the income tax, you get the Federal Reserve and then you get the first free trade policies, which a complete departure from what made this country strong in the first place.
Speaker 2:So Trump's talking about a bygone era when things actually worked. You know that it's saying if it, if it's not, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, they came in and fixed it, and the reason is they needed to plunge us into the cataclysms that were bankers, wars of the 20th century. They're slaughter pens. Raise your hand if you know what World War I was about. Well, I know what it's about, but it had nothing to do with what the Nobody in the history books or the history department really knows what it's about either. They just know that it had to be in it. We had to get over there. It's just a creative destruction. It's a grand chessboard by psychopaths putting people in collision with each other and testing out new weaponry and slowing the advance of civilization and hijacking the money supply and all the things that are just so awful.
Speaker 2:We talk about them here. You don't see the world. I'm sorry. If you listen to my show, you'll never see the world the same again. You're welcome. If you listen to my show, you'll never see the world the same again, so you're welcome. But that's a long way to say that. It's a thought experiment. We're going to watch this really close. I'm glad that this is a conversation piece because the rest of the world's taking notice and they're already starting to trade the stocks and the markets are already starting to trade on these policies actually being implemented, which create a weak dollar which, by the way, in the precious metals business and what's going on with that. Do you think inflation is going away anytime soon? Let me put this on the screen. Let's talk about this. This is Zero Hedge.
Speaker 2:Inflation storm leaves Americans more reliant on food banks. Emily Englehart, vice President of Research of Feeding America, told Bloomberg that elevated and persistent inflation ushered in a new era of food insecurity, emphasizing that this is no longer an unemployment issue. Feeding America, the largest charity working to end hunger in the US, has a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks and feed more than 46 million people through their food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other community-based agencies. Everyone sees prices getting high food, clothes, everything. Kirsten Eshock told Bloomberg, who recently visited a food bank in London County, virginia. She said the inflation nightmare over the last several years depleted her pocketbook. Well, by design, I think.
Speaker 2:I read to you a couple of weeks ago that, where Janet Yellen had said that she's starting to think, an outgoing Treasury Secretary and former head of the Federal Reserve former Fed chair said that she was starting to think. Outgoing Treasury Secretary and former head of the Federal Reserve former Fed chair said that she was starting to think that the COVID stimulus had something to do with inflation. I'm not making that headline up, by the way. Only the best and brightest. Yeah, I wonder if the massive, unprecedented creation of the money supply, I wonder if the massive, unprecedented creation of money supply, I wonder if it had anything to do with inflation. Janet, you just never know with these people. It says a surge in grocery prices helped drive a food sufficiency problem. There's a. The food bank in Flagstaff, arizona, said that the food bank broke records in 2022 by serving an average of 28,000 meals per month. That figure has now surged to a staggering 40,000 meals per month, driven by inflationary pressures unleashed during the Biden Harris administration.
Speaker 2:Well, okay, it's both parties, and I try to remind people because I've paid attention to politics since I was a little kid. I mean talking late 80s. I was a weird kid. I'd watch the presidential debates in 88. I often tell that story. I was watching live when Lloyd Benson told Dan Quayle that I knew Jack Kennedy. You know Jack Kennedy. I remember that. So I've been paying attention to politics for a long time and something happened, because this used to be a big argument.
Speaker 2:Remember the debt clock? We had the debt clock. You know Newt Gingrich was running on the contract with America or contract for America or whatever it was, and he was running on that. We're going to. You know they had a budgetary constraint. They're going to work with the Clinton White House. We're going to balance the budget. And then for a time they actually did. I mean, they stopped the debt clock, if you can believe that.
Speaker 2:But somewhere along the way, especially post 9-11, everything is off the table. They don't even talk about it anymore. That's your cue. That's your cue that it's not. That problem's not going to get solved. It's going to solve itself by reaching the bottom right. It's just something that they know. They're running the simulations.
Speaker 2:Why do you think that Larry Fink of BlackRock is in Davos telling that Larry Fink of BlackRock is in Davos telling the fellow lizards, or whatever you want to call them, why do you think he's in Davos telling them that Bitcoin is going to hit 700,000? Well, it's priming the pump to switch the entire financial system. That's what they're doing. This is, if they, a rush for the door right now is the wrong way. I's what they're doing. A rush for the door right now is the wrong way. I mean, they're not going to start telling you what to do to prepare for the complete upheaval and upending of the entire financial network and system worldwide, are they? No, that's why you have me.
Speaker 2:You have the chaos of my brain, interpreting different things and different headlines and then filtering through history and say wait, wait, wait. That's why you're saying that. Because seven hundred thousand dollar price Bitcoin, ladies and gents, is the market cap of gold. That's what you have to. Seven hundred thousand dollar Bitcoin means that Bitcoin then rivals the market cap of gold, which is a tiny 16 and a half trillion, which, given the fact that the world is supposedly 400 trillion in assets or whatever it is, that's tiny. It doesn't even make any sense to me that that's the smallest market cap, a lot of these things that you're watching right now and these cues. They know that this is going to continue and the wealth disparity will only get worse because, in order to even carry out some of the economic policies and there will be a softer landing, if you've got somebody like if Trump's talking about cutting taxes and he's saying, build things here, this is magnificent. I applaud that because I'm an economic nationalist. However, you need a weak dollar to do that right now, because we gutted America, we sold off and pawned off America's soul.
Speaker 2:You have no idea, if you're not paying attention, how much was actually redirected from the West post-1973. You guys know the timeline. I've said it a million times, but 71, we go off the gold standard. 72, we open China. 73 is the birth of the Trilateral Commission. These are things that are important to learn. By the way, 71 was also the birth of the World Economic Forum. Any coincidence there?
Speaker 2:When, know, when, we started the entire fiat experiment, which is really it's a shell game and it's sleight of hand to redirect infrastructure? See, true wealth is about production. How much can you make? What can you make? At what cost? Do you have resources? Do you have steel? Do you have rare earth minerals. It's the golden rule he who has the gold makes the rules. But when you go fake and you go from a production economy what built America to a consumption economy, you start to get weak. And this was the purpose of where we are Everything's floating on fake Now. America has the best entrepreneurs. I believe we have the best workers still, even with all the damage that's done, because America is built on that. We're in the shadow of a shadow of what we used to be, but we're still America.
Speaker 2:This was redirected after 1973. There's another key, important year. That was the year that we ran our last trade surplus in this country. We didn't ever run one again. That means that we exported more than we imported. That was not part of the American experiment. So after 73, we never did it again ever.
Speaker 2:So all of that, the deficits we had to go somewhere. It's not in a vacuum. Well, it goes eastward and it goes to places like China, and they just used our old textbook. They had high tariffs. Their tariffs are massive. You can't hardly get in there. But they want and they preach and they go around the world saying free trade, right, it's its best for them. I mean, it's best for them to dump their stuff into markets and crush those markets. This is warfare by other means. Well, you can't blame them. We gave them the keys to the kingdom, we introduced all these free trade policies and started gutting American manufacturing. And looking at what happens, there's a reason they call it a Rust Belt. All this was redirected and this is back again.
Speaker 2:This is me coming back around saying what's happened to America and the manufacturing. In order to bring it back, you still need a weaker dollar, which still points to inflation. So there's no way out of the inflation game. It doesn't matter at this point in the system. It doesn't matter. Now. You can expand and grow equity and have assets and other things, and there's some really good silver linings to all of this that's happening right now, especially if there's just a psychological feel for the economy, the psychological confidence. That's what FDR was talking about. You know, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Speaker 2:It was written by. By the way, you got that from Napoleon Hill, who wrote Think and Grow Rich. By the way, just a little side note of history, you've never heard anywhere else, but he knew that it was psychological. He told people that before he got did his inaugural. He's like if I'm, you've got to be able to be an expansive president, you've got to be able to do this. And that he said if I don't, I'll be the last president.
Speaker 2:So he knew how volatile it was and people, they had a banking holiday, remember, because there was going to be a run on the banks and he needed to increase the money supply. So he made gold illegal. Well, he made it. Where you couldn't hoard gold, right, the average citizen, it's your birthright to be able to house your wealth. He said no, no, no, we'll do that for you. We'll use this, you know. But they expanded the money supply. They took gold from $20 an ounce to $35 an ounce and told you to turn it in. But they didn't raise it till after you turned it in. So you know, I'm sure Harry Hopkins told him to do that.
Speaker 2:So inflation is part of our future. It's just built into the system. It's better if it's in a roaring economy. Ask the Venezuelans. In the past five years, supermarket food prices have jumped 28%, roughly matching the increase seen in the 15 years before the onset of COVID. Wow, everything has gone up, said Norma Rivera, working single mother of two, during an interview at the Food for Others food pantry in Fairfax, virginia. Adding $50 is nothing in the grocery store.
Speaker 2:Well, I agree with that and that the only way that this gets solved is through the spirit of entrepreneurism and creativity, and I think that spirit of making things again, bringing products to market for a lower cost. You know competition again, but that's not what we had during the lockdowns. You know we had. You were non-essential if you weren't big box. See how that's just done so much lasting damage. And it's not just the Biden-Harris deal, I mean this. We got locked down in 2020, folks Never forget that. I certainly won't. This is a zero hedge tweet.
Speaker 2:59% of Americans don't have enough savings for a $1,000 emergency. Well, even if you have $1,000 too, is $1,000 going to be worth? Worth a thousand dollars that it is today, in two years, 24 months, 36 months? No, it's a trillion dollars in debt every 90 days. And in order to fulfill all these promises and the bloated Leviathan and all the rest of the stuff, they're going to have to continue to print. So even in the best of times, you still have inflation. So it's best if you're going to be, if you know this, then house your wealth in something that is finite, that is not ubiquitous, that is not printed into oblivion. And that's the only way, and you'll have to, you know. I think the old model doesn't work anymore too. I mean working longer and longer hours for less and less pay. It's absolutely right. Inflation is here to stay. Most consumers have maxed out credit cards and depleted personal savings.
Speaker 2:Yes, and then it starts showing credit card loan defaults up in 2024. Almost getting close to matching where it was in 2010. That was a massive fallout from that Inflation storm has transformed most of the nation into Walmart shoppers. Yes, well, it makes you thankful for what you have if you have the opportunity to stay ahead of the ball, which is very, very hard to do, especially if you want to grow something. This is more and more regulation, more and more competition. That's the name of the game. I want to jump around here too. Let's go to the chat.
Speaker 2:I always neglect the chat, by the way. If you're listening to my voice on WWCR or you're finding us on the podcast, if you want to watch the live video feed, you can do that over on Rockfin on the America Unplugged channel. Same thing with Rumble. Go to the America Unplugged channel. I'm going to start something for Paratroother too, like Paratroother radio channel, so stay in touch for that. I'll probably have that up and running next week and you can find on my Twitter or X or whatever at Tony Arterburn. We're streaming live there. Let me make sure I've got a couple of comments on Rockfin. Let me check that out too. I almost forgot I was going. I did the Rockfin stream. Right in the middle of going live I got Chris Graves in the chat. Good to see Chris.
Speaker 2:Greg Talent, jason Barker. Good to see you guys over there. Beelzebub, beelzebub I like that, that's funny. Yeah, we'll check the live stream over on. Let me check Rumble too. Hold on, stand by, so I don't want this to play through. There we go.
Speaker 2:Harp says powerful stuff. Tony, 100%. Yeah, good to see you. Well, thank you. I says uh, high harps to tony looking sharp. Well, thank you, I've I've.
Speaker 2:You know, it's kind of a weird season. I like, uh, I have a lot of my collar tees and stuff, and then it's like too cold for that, and then some of my shirts are too stuffy. I had I sent Houston over to get my dry cleaning. It's like I need my shirts. I've been wearing T-shirts with a, with a hoodie, but I decided to go just a little, just into a little bit of ai and then I'll see if I can get it through the last article I want. There's a 11 reasons why the federal reserve is bad. I thought that was fun. Maybe we can blast through it, uh, at the end of the show. That's how these shows go. I always pick out four or five articles and I'm like wait, I can, I can, it's so much, it's so much shorter than I ever think it is. Okay, let's, let's talk about this. This is the other side of the coin.
Speaker 2:You know, I think if you, if you aren't willing to adapt, what does the army say? What's the motto is adapt and overcome. I had this theory back in 2008 or so, just going in before the crash and running a large convenience store and gas station and I saw the inflation happening. I saw like and it wasn't necessarily inflation, but the market was pushing prices and I had this theory that everything is in flux and basically, if you're going to have a chance, a snowball's chance in hell making it in the post. Because I felt like this was coming and I mean it's funny.
Speaker 2:I look back on my. I had no expertise in this, I just got level. I started looking into to kind of alternative finance research, because what I was seeing on the ground wasn't matching what I was seeing on mainstream. Imagine that. So I was 28 years old and I came up with the term.
Speaker 2:I was like this dynamic adaptation is the way that you have to be as an entrepreneur or somebody bringing something to market, because tying yourself to the past is like something Lord Acton said that the failing of most people in politics is sticking to the carcasses of dead policies. So I try not to do that. I try not to be too tethered and rigid, sticking to something that obviously hasn't borne out. So, on one hand, I welcome technology and innovation, but I'm very skeptical of who controls it. So it's the same thing with the dot-com bubble in the late 90s, early 2000s that imploded and that really was market turmoil and a lot of things were gone by the wayside. There was this big bubble and it burst and a lot of people got hurt. And then you move forward into the housing bubble and you know people is inflationary, really, because it was driving up prices and then it was deflationary after the bubble.
Speaker 2:Well, I start looking at the same way with AI, and now you can put crypto in that same line of logic too, and we'll be talking a lot about crypto here. I mean, I love Bitcoin, innovation and I love that stuff, but there's so much in the meme coins and the stuff. It seems like there's a poison pill. I'm going to warn you that there is some kind of like I don't know hidden backdoor worm into that market where they're trying to kill it or something and they want to drive people into it and implode it. And we know this problem reaction solution it's another term for it is Hegelian dialectic After the philosopher Hegel in the 19th century, about introducing controls and things through thesis and antithesis. So we'll get to that. But something about AI one is pretty amazing and I like the meme where it shows the kid from Terminator 2, john Connor. It's like John Connor watching you make friends with the AI. You know, just like so disappointed in you. Let me put this up on the screen, but this is up on Natural News and we haven't talked about this yet here on the show.
Speaker 2:But this is Trump's Stargate project Gateway to US AI dominance or dystopian cyberpunk nightmare? Well, this is an open question, right? It's not that necessarily technology is bad. But you start really digging into the motives of AI and I you know whether it's Yuval Harari or Sam Altman or these guys. They believe in the singularity, they believe in the merging of man and machine, they believe in the technocracy. Yuval Harari doesn't even believe in people. I mean, that's why he's the director at the World Economic Forum. What is his title Historian, he's basically professor of anti-humanity.
Speaker 2:The US new 500 billion tech initiative promises to revolutionize in quotations the AI, cement America as the undisputed leader in advanced computing and create 100,000 jobs. But it comes with grave risk for humanity. Here's why and this article is by Alia Tosnov off of Sputnik Globe. Well, it's coming from, not here, so it's probably got a lot of truth to it, and that's what I find is most of my web searches that I have to curate from Operation Mockingbird media constantly.
Speaker 2:The basics the Stargate project is privately financed. Plan to build 500,000 square feet AI data senders. There's 10 under construction, 10 more to come and grow from there, pending support from Donald Trump. On the regulatory front, its leading tech and financial players include Sam Altman's OpenAI, larry Ellison's Oracle, japan's SoftBank and Emirati Sovereign Wealth Fund, mgx, arm, nvidia and Microsoft. Oh, microsoft, they finally get to use their patent 060606 if they can just get the right AI. Further details are sketchy, aside from the Financial Times report revealing that the project will serve OpenAI's interests exclusively, times report revealing that the project will serve open AI's interests exclusively, and open AI's statement on looking forward to the creation of artificial general intelligence, the holy grail of human, like cognitive capabilities in machines. Here's some of the red flags. Per the article. Altman and Ellison's involvement are major warning signs. Altman is on the record as a prominent proponent of transhumanist merge of humans and machines.
Speaker 2:In 2017, he predicted the singularity. This is what you're going to be hearing a lot more of folks and don't even get me started on we're going to do shows on paratruth. I really want to dig into 2027 and some other milestones that aren't picked up by even in the mainstream alternative media. There's a lot of stuff that you're going to have. David knight ended the show today with me talking about staying frosty. Well, that's what we're going to do, because this stuff is really what's on the table. Yeah, the politics and all the other stuff, and that's important to watch, but this is where your mind should be engaged in problem solving, because this is what's the singularity things like that. This would take place again.
Speaker 2:He said they'll take place between 2025 and 2075 and that super human AI, genetic enhancement and brain machine interfaces were inevitability. Well, if they're an inevitability, that's the end. Right. That's basically game over, and I think there's, in technology, a summoning of of things. Right. That's why you can be, and I think, open to how there are benefits to tech, but, at the same time, where does it come from? What is what is? What's its origin story? Who built built it? What are their true intentions? Like the intention behind something he says he also is an advocate of AI agents acting on human beings' behalf. Ai agents acting on human beings' behalf online, via the controversial World ID concept. Controversial world ID concept.
Speaker 2:As for Ellison, the 80-year-old tech billionaire's controversial views are well-known. Last year, he touted omnipresent AI cameras keeping citizens on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on as a good thing, and has been a proponent of a national and digital id since 9-11. Well, you see where this goes to right. That's something that, um, that the rockefellers were openly about about. It's got to be national id. We've got to do that. We've got to get everybody in the database and get them into a super. You know the, the servers under their guidelines, all the stuff that they wanted to implement with their new world order. They openly admitted that, but it started with a database.
Speaker 2:Ellison is also an advocate of AI-driven mRNA cancer vaccines, announcing at Stargate's rollout this week that the artificial intelligence could help identify cancer via blood testing followed by gene therapy. Well, yeah, it's interesting. And that's where you kind of start drawing some more lines Like what is that? First of all, we've already lived through 2021 and the aftermath of Operation Warp Speed and it's still going on and all the rest of that. And you know what is a vaccine and what is gene therapy? And, um, the little nanobot, all this stuff that goes with this, these technologies, so-called that. You know it's always in the guise to save you or to do whatever. And may I remind you that the beginning of the movie I am legend starts off with this. I remember watching that in theaters in like 08 and thinking, well, that sounds about right.
Speaker 2:Microsoft's involvement in the project is also troubling, with the company already planning to commit $80 billion billion, with a B, for its own separate AI data centers to train and deploy cloud-based AI worldwide. Well, see, it starts out. It's like the internet, right? The internet used to be basically the. That's where you went for the truth, or at least you could get differing opinions. And then they started to say, well, well, these websites, you don't need a website, you go over to, we have these platforms and we're we're the digital town square. You come over here, everything's fine. And they masked all of that.
Speaker 2:And at the conjunction of 2016, when there was, uh, you know, donald trump, and then this, this new political wave, they said, oh, by the way, uh, now you can't do Trump. And this new political wave, they said, oh, by the way, now you can't do that. And they start curating, as Tim Cook says, or Trump calls him Tim Apple. When you start curating and pulling things apart, you know they start with things like InfoWars, but it was like 800 other sites, giant purges at the same time, and they would. And it didn't matter the political persuasion, it mattered if they were against the surveillance state, military industrial complex, didn't matter left or right, it just mattered if you were against the power structure or if you called things out. Then you got curated and was thrown in the trash and that's lasted, you know. And then we have some and there is a bounce back.
Speaker 2:I do think we're better off today with speech than we were three years ago, but it's a constant battle. It's eternal vigilance. This is again. Think about that $80 billion. That's how bad. You want to talk about inflation? Remember what it used to be that Microsoft was, that Microsoft was Bill Gates, the world's richest. This is back in the 90s and it was like oh, tens of billions of dollars, that's nothing now, right? A 2024 report by Business Insider revealed that real-life supervillain Bill Gates remains heavily involved in Microsoft's AI strategies from its decision to open AI grow to support Altman's AI agent idea. Yeah, folks, this is what you're watching. Is the future they want to control? Who controls AI? These are the open question. Will it be a free market? Will it be development? Will it be decentralized, or can they just centralize everything? They ruin everything by centralizing it. There's nothing new under the sun here.
Speaker 2:The monopolists and the robber barons did it at the end of the 19th century. Going into the 20th century, you had writers like Jack London who called himself a work beast. He was a socialist because of it, and they knew that, and that's why they funded Karl Marx. They needed an opposition, so they got one. That was ridiculous. That's why they funded Karl Marx. Look it up it's called the League of Just Men. Yeah, that was a shadowy group that funded Marx and ties to the Illuminati, and so that was set up as a way to offset that. Because the monopolists knew that there was going to be political opposition, they wanted to continue it, though. They wanted to continue their amassing of wealth. That's why they set up their foundations. That's why they also pushed the income tax.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I hate to destroy your entire political paradigm. That's the left. If you have leftist friends, have them look it up. It's not real. Your opposition was hijacked. It's not real. Things like Huey Long were real. My friend Don Jeffries, who wrote Survival of the Richest you should look at that book and his affection for Hueui Long and Yui Long was real. He was the real deal, and I support a lot of things that Yui Long stood for, because I am a populist, but I'm not a co-opted communist, and that's what a lot of this stuff is, you know.
Speaker 2:That's the question. Can it be stopped? However, there's a hitch in altman's development plans, with the financial time reveals that stargate is an open ai investment vehicle disguised as a national project, combined with altman's very public feud with fellow tech billionaire billionaire elon musk, falling initiative's announcements signaling trouble. According to Musk, softbank has actually secured less than $10 billion for Stargate so far. Altman assures that's not the case and accuses Musk of letting private interests get in the way of what's great for the country. Well, maybe their greed will keep this from being some sort of boondoggle, some tech-driven, dystopian nightmare funded by fake fiat tax dollars. Let's see if we can maybe avoid that. Let me stop the screen here. Yeah, we'll be talking a lot about AI Because, again, I use some AI stuff.
Speaker 2:We're building a website right now for Wise Wolf Bitcoin and we're excited about that. We're using a lot of the content just making sure that everything is worded the right way to make sure that one we explain things as efficiently as possible and, you know, get you the right information. So a lot of that stuff's run through AI. My brother's working on that, so something's going to be really useful at commercials and advertising and things. That got a lot easier because AI and I've used it.
Speaker 2:Last year at this time I got I had used it AI it was. It was. It seemed too good to be true and I should have known better, but it was not expensive at all. I hooked my Google profiles up to it and it would generate photos and it would make sure I was on all the databases and everything else. It got all my Google profiles for my businesses thrown off. I had to reestablish them. It cost me a lot of money for that little investment, so it's not always great.
Speaker 2:All right, let's see. Well, we've got a short amount of time. I think I can go through this. Let's see. Do you think we can do this in eight minutes? I bet we can. Well, I'll have to plug now, though.
Speaker 2:Uh, just remember, uh, wise wolf, gold and silver and for all your metals needs, if you need to roll over a 401k or ira, if you're looking at the markets and looking at it like I do, you want to get out of paper and into physical precious metals, you go through Wise Wolf, and we also have our subscription program. Don't forget that. Okay, and even in times of inflation uncertainty, it's good to have some precious metals to fall back on, and a little $50 a month would get you started over there. And we do accept Bitcoin now. No fee. I just put out a press release that went live a couple of days ago, and so we're the first in the country to do that. We treat Bitcoin as cash at Wise Wolf.
Speaker 2:Tell your friends, I'm proud that I beat everybody to the punch. So that's what you got to do when you're small. You just hit them from the side. Do it a little bit different. So glad to be be there doing that and we'll see how I think it'll have a symbiotic relationship to everything we do. So check that out. And uh, promo code 1776 for free silver.
Speaker 2:All right, all right, let's look at um. Let's see 11 reasons why the Federal Reserve is bad. This is good. Let me put this let's do this full screen here, one second. Let's do it like this. I don't know, I try to. There we go, there we go. You can put me down at the bottom. 11 reasons why the Federal Reserve is bad by Michael Schneider. This is he always does these listicles and I find them to be helpful. But let's just go through his reasons.
Speaker 2:I won't read the—because we don't have time. I won't read the introduction, but number one the Federal Reserve was created as a way to enslave the US government. In fact, the Federal Reserve system literally could not function without US Treasury bonds. Government debt is at the very core of the system and our federal government is now trapped in a debt spiral from which you can never possibly escape. That is true, and I'm making these brief, but it's a snake eating its own tail. In order to pay off the debt, you'd have to create more debt. It is a oh, it's evil genius the way that they did this.
Speaker 2:Number two the individual Federal Reserve banks are not federal at all. In fact, on the official website of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, it openly admitted that the Federal Reserve banks are not part of the federal government and that private banks, in quotations, hold stock. Yeah, creature from Jekyll Island. I need to reread that just for my brain, just for having gone through so many headlines. It'll reset me. I need to sit down and read that G Edward Griffin classic issue our currency exactly to coin money, and it has to be fixed in gold and silver, and so, ergo, it's unconstitutional. That's not in our constitution.
Speaker 2:Number four the federal reserve creates money out of thin air. I asked google ai about this and this is what it said yes, the federal reserve creates money out of thin air by increasing the money supply. This process is called creating money out of thin air because it involves adding funds to the economy without printing currency. That's exactly right. Ai doesn't know what to do. It's still a baby and it's telling the truth by accident.
Speaker 2:Number five the Federal Reserve devalues our currency. Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the US dollar has lost more than 96% of its purchasing power. How many times have you heard me say that? Increase the money supply, decouple it from value. That's the whole point. That's the magic trick.
Speaker 2:Number six the Federal Reserve manipulates the US economy by setting interest rates. Yes, and we know that it's the contraction and the expansion of the money supply through interest rates. It's the only trick they really have, and it can make it seem like, oh, we've got everything under control. But just remember what I said about long term. It's like zero hedge, you know, or the Fight Club. On a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everything drops to zero. The Federal Reserve also controls the national money supply. That can pump trillions of dollars into the economy or pull trillions of dollars out of the economy without being accountable to anyone. That's exactly right so far. This is the Communist Manifesto, folks Communist Manifesto. It's why it's there. The world's richest bought communism. They own it. It is theirs.
Speaker 2:Number eight the Federal Reserve has become far, far too powerful. Our financial markets swing up and down whenever a Fed official makes an important statement. Well, that's true and totally outside of what a free market would look like. Number nine the Federal Reserve is dominated by Wall Street and the New York banks. This is true, and they have a symbiotic relationship. Remember looking at the earnings of a company very important. Why do they exist? We have hundreds, hundreds of zombie corporations left over from the Great Recession. Too big to fail, too big to jail.
Speaker 2:The Federal Reserve has completely eliminated minimum reserve requirements for our banks. Fractional reserve banking has always been a way that the bankers have conned the public, but now they've gotten rid of minimum reserve requirements altogether. Michael Snyder says this is literally insane. Yeah, that's what I've been saying for years. Jp Morgan said that gold was money and everything else is credit. He's wrong. And if you fast forward to our timeline, gold is money. Everything else is credit. He's wrong. And if you fast forward to our timeline, gold is money. Everything else is debt. Literally, the creation of currency is debt in and of itself. And number 11, it had to be 11 too.
Speaker 2:The Federal Reserve is not accountable to the voters, and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is flaunting the fact that he cannot even be fired by President Trump. Well, does that surprise anyone? But it's always good to go back to the catacombs, it's good to go back to fundamentals, and I'm glad that this program. We're on episode 497. I haven't uh my views on this, on the fed, on the creation of money out of thin air, on who does that and why and how evil that is. I've just become more and more pronounced on my opposition to it. But we've explored a lot of things together here on this program. I appreciate everybody who tunes in Paratruther. We're going to be recording a little bit later today and I'll have that out with Danny Mercy of the Rabbit Hole Conspiracies podcast and she's going to be on. I might run it live. I'll let you guys know. We'll see about the schedule. But we appreciate you, from myself, the crew and Beans to Brave. We hope you have a wonderful weekend. You take care of each other. End of transmission.