The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#34 Paratruther - The Wonderful Wizard of OZT
Thank you. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's Sunday, okay.
Speaker 2:That means the spirit Paratrooper Live. I can't believe I've actually got the A-Team back together again for a second show in a row. I didn't cancel or reschedule or come up with some elaborate thing while we had to put it off another few days. So thanks for being here, guys. I'm going to let the intro keep running, and Billy Ray Valentine can't say that I completely ripped off his intro even though he's got stranger things too, all right.
Speaker 2:Well, this is Paratrooper Live and we're going to dive into the hidden history of the Wizard of Oz. Ounce, yes, ounce, the Wizard of Ounce O-Z. If you listen to my show and I've talked well if you listen to Artburn Radio or any of my other gold and silver shows, you know that I cover this. There's a weird allegory, hidden history, there's some messaging, some symbology in the Wizard of Oz. It has to do with the monetary system, but it goes much deeper than that and it really highlights a lot that was going on in the zeitgeist in the late 19th century. And I brought a pen which is in my mind and the chaos of my brain which is usually how I do my shows. But I know, in order to do a fantastic show, I have to have these two gentlemen, and I'll start with Mr Anderson and his brain. He's coming to us from another dimension, piping in from another timeline, outside of our realm. Thank you for being here, mr Anderson.
Speaker 3:Thank you for having me. You always comment on my brain. I mean, I know and you know, I have a medical condition, that's why I? Can't show my face. My head kind of looks like an avocado Half of it's ripe, half of it isn't.
Speaker 2:He looks like. If you've ever seen Megamind. Oh yeah, if you've seen Megamind, well, he doesn't wear the cape and he's not trying to. Well, I don't know, he may be trying to take over the world via podcasting. So thanks for being here. I look forward to diving in. I try not to talk to these guys off air. I want to be spontaneous. I want them to be surprised.
Speaker 3:That's why I don't talk to you, chris, I know I understand A lot of people don't?
Speaker 2:I want to be more like Trump at the Bitcoin conference in Nashville. He's reading the teleprompter and he comes to the point where he says that Bitcoin surpassed the market cap of silver and it just recently crossed the market cap of silver. He read it again. He's like, wow, First time he's read it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, no idea.
Speaker 3:It's kind of like how he rolled out his Bibles right First time you'd ever seen a Bible. I guess he was asked what his favorite book in the Bible was and he was like you know the Old Testament, the New Testament. You can't have the old without the new, the new without the old. Love them both.
Speaker 4:AKA. He had no idea.
Speaker 2:Who likes two corinthians. I don't know if you knew that uh, from all the weddings and we have chris graves. Uh, researcher, uh, again, no researcher like him on planet earth. He has supplied donald jeffries with endless uh source notes and things that you can't find anywhere else. Uh, welcome back to, to your own show.
Speaker 4:I thank you. Thank you very much. I've been looking forward to this, and I didn't crash any more cars, so here we are.
Speaker 2:One of us has to be having a crisis at some time. That's the only way pair of truth or works and we just switch it up. We'll just like roll out. I think it's like a lottery, or you know. We just decide who's going to have the problem this week. But I think this. I think well, maybe we did, we screw up the algorithm Cause nobody's having any problems. I don't think. I think we're all good.
Speaker 3:I think we're good. Okay, I think we're good All right.
Speaker 2:So all right, all right. Well, I'm going to open up with some questions. And okay, everybody knows the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy and the Julie Andrews and the movie, but it's L Frank Baum wrote this book back in the end of the 19th century. He's a contemporary of Ingersoll Lockwood, which is another subject that we'll cover later and we've talked about it before. But we should do a deep dive on Ingersoll Lockwood and the underground adventures, a little Baron Trump and the last president and all that other stuff, cause this is the same timeline, you know, because what, what Ingersoll Lockwood was talking about in the last president it's called 1896 or the last president.
Speaker 2:He was basically the character is William Jennings Brian in that book too, and he screws up the gold standard and has free silver and all of that stuff, and we'll get into that here. But he was painting like a dystopic picture of what happens if there's a populist uprising and a pushback against the monetary system. So I'll start with you, mr Anderson L Frank Baum. He writes the book. He's got the Wizard of Oz. Who is this guy?
Speaker 3:Who is this guy? Do you want me to give you the long-form answer? Do you want me to go into his history?
Speaker 2:Yeah, whatever you got, I know you got eight pages of notes.
Speaker 3:Not on him, but he was born into a pretty wealthy family in Syracuse in New York in 1856. So to put that in perspective, he actually published the Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1900. So he was, you know, 44 when he did that. But he was an invalid child, so he didn't get out very much and because of that he had plenty of time to daydream and I guess that's what piqued his imagination and why it grew so much. But he had access to a printing press as a child and actually created a little newspaper called the Roselawn Home Journal and then did some magazine on chickens it's called the Poultry Record.
Speaker 3:But when he was about 24, he decided to move to New York, new York to study acting and he actually had his own theater and created a musical called the Maid of Arran in 1882. Now what was interesting when he crossed paths with his wife how that happened is his wife was Maude Gage and her mother was named Matilda Jocelyn Gage and she was a very well-known suffragist. She was actually friends with Susan B Anthony. But how Maude crossed paths with Frank was she was a roommate of Frank's cousin Josie at Cornell. So what ended up happening in 1882 is they were married and his theater was burned down that year and so he had this brief stint where he worked at his father's oil company doing advertising. But they eventually left for Aberdeen, south Dakota, and there he bought a store that didn't last very long. It was kind of a more up in store, which wasn't very fitting for South Dakota, so they didn't move a lot of merchandise.
Speaker 3:And when that went under he became editor at a newspaper in Aberdeen called the Aberdeen Pioneer, and so it was. He did editorials that were a mix of business and you know, imaginative kind of sensational writing. One thing I thought was funny is he didn't like Native Americans very much. He actually printed we should wipe these untamable creatures from the face of the earth. So it was like the equivalent back then of saying turn it to glass, I guess. Oh, wow, yeah, I didn't know that either, but his grandchildren have felt really bad about this and traveled to reservations and apologized on his behalf.
Speaker 3:But eventually he started writing this compilation of short stories and he shared them with his children and it was actually his mother-in-law who he shared them with his children and it was actually his mother-in-law who lived with him at the time Again, her name was Matilda Gage, who convinced him to compile all this into a book that would later become known as the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and so Dorothy is actually a shout out in sorts to his niece, who was named Dorothy Louise Gage and who passed at five months old. So he did all variety of things. He came from a wealthy family but he owns stores. He was actually a window decorator too when they were in Chicago.
Speaker 3:He was a traveling salesman and a writer, so he just did varied interests, but he didn't really enjoy much commercial success until he was 44 years old. So you know, yeah, kind of like we were talking about Henry Ford. He was a late bloomer kind of, in that sense too, right A little bit. So I got done with all the boring stuff, but that kind of paints a picture of this guy.
Speaker 2:What's not boring at all. What's? What were his politics? I mean, if he's obviously kind of cool with genocide?
Speaker 3:Well, we don't know what happened. He could have been Roy. You just don't press, send on those emails. You know is what I've learned when you get angry His politics. Well, I mean, we should probably talk about the lion and who that represents in the story the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and I'll pass that off to you before noting again, his mother-in-law was a suffragist and kind of before it was cool to be all about women's voting rights and so she lived with him and that was kind of always intermingling in his affairs. So I watched some like short little snippets here and there on YouTube and lots of the people who talk about him. You can tell they're very feminist. They're the type of women who probably aren't going to take your last name if you marry them. In that sense he's kind of championed by feminists because they say a lot of his works really brought that to attention. But again, it was from the influence of his wife and his mother-in-law it's kind of a mixed bag.
Speaker 2:Well, I took from just the study that I've done over the years and the allegory itself and having william jennings, brian be the cowardly lion and people you know, you have to understand there was a massive populist movement at the end of the 19th century because we had no inflation and a lot of times inflation can be a thing for a short period of time and it has diminishing returns and it actually blows up in your face. But for a short period of time, if the money supply increases and money becomes more ubiquitous, currency becomes more everyday and you can get access to it and there's a lot more liquidity, you can pay off your debts easier. And it makes things like for farmers who borrow against their farms or for equipment or for things like that, or to bring product to market if they have a bad crop yield or something, it's just harder and harder to keep up with the interest payments or the payments on your debt. So if you're able to borrow easily and the money supply increases, you can pay off your current debts. Again, that blows up in your face later when you're trying to get ahead and your purchasing power diminishes. So it's not a good idea in the long run.
Speaker 2:But what there was the two parties you know. You had the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln and the Democratic Party, which used to be the anti-federalists. What happened is, in the end of the 19th century there was a third party. There really was a. There was a populist party. There was a populist movement and one of the ways if you look at the hidden conspiracy history and I've talked to James Perloff about this one of the ways that they they were able to channel that away was to start the Spanish-American War and really get people locked in again to the duopoly of the two party system and nationalism and everything else, locked in again to the duopoly of the two-party system and nationalism and everything else. So you had William Jennings Bryan, who was a congressman and I believe he was Speaker of the House and he became the Democratic nominee for president. He ran against William McKinley. What's that?
Speaker 3:Oh, I was just going to say loss, and that's when they rolled out the formal gold standard, 1900, same year that this book was published.
Speaker 2:Yeah, 1879 is when America officially adopted the gold standard that England was on. We had a bimetallic standard before that. But you're right, I mean there was like an official adoption throughout from 1879 to 1900. Well, what William Jennings Bryan in his famous speech about at the Democratic National Convention? I want to say it was 1896 or so, it was the Cross of Gold speech. We won't be crucified on a cross of gold because they hit the-. Yes, 1896,.
Speaker 4:You're right.
Speaker 2:So what had happened is America had hit the Comstock load, which is this big load of silver out in Nevada, and it's just a massive amount of silver that could be put into the market, and we had silver dollars and so they were calling for free silver, not necessarily like we have today, where they just you know, some lizard person in a basement hits a button and you know, trillions of new units come across the screen. It was not like that. It was like we're going to add a free silver to to increase the money supply and it would make debts easier to pay. So he was running on free silver and the cross of gold was like that. Money was so hard, it was so sound, it was actually deflationary, which is actually how price.
Speaker 2:If you don't understand history. Prices should decrease, not increase. Prices should decrease based off of innovation and the fact that your savings are actually going up in value and not going it's. We have an inverted reality now, where everything goes up in price and then you can't keep up and that's. That's a kind of a babylonian money magic thing that goes on now that you're not supposed to understand. They don't teach you in school, but that was a really that was a big imprint on the culture at the end of the 19th century, going into the early 1900s. That's why I talked about Ingersoll Lockwood earlier and his weird tie to. There's some esoteric strangeness and I do want to get into Ingersoll Lockwood, so put a pin in that, ladies and gents.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he was in Abraham Lincoln's cabinet, right.
Speaker 2:He was a weird guy. I read that book 1896 for the last president, one of the worst things I've ever read in my life it's.
Speaker 2:I mean it's like, I mean ai can do so, I mean I, I, I don't know I could have done a better job at 19. I think it was a terrible, terrible book, um, but it had weird stuff in it. You know, like we, we can get into that later, but, um, he painted william jennings brian as being like a, a destroyer, kind of like the stay puff marshmallow man at the end of ghostbusters. That's. That's why that's the way he painted like he's going to destroy everything. That's why it was the last president, because he's going to screw up the monetary system. Well, it wasn't going to be william jennings brian, um, but he was the cowardly lion. So I want to get back to that. So do you have a breakdown of what each one of the characters represented?
Speaker 3:I do.
Speaker 2:Let's break that down.
Speaker 3:Yeah, y'all please jump in. I'll start with the dog, toto. Yes, he stood for teetotalers, right? So people who abstain from alcohol. So one of the things I was doing in preparation for this show was I always think it's interesting to draw contrast between the movie and the book, and so I was listening to the book this past week, and actually when it mentions Toto a couple of times in the book it'll say things like he had this sober, look like he was. He was painting a picture of what he was supposed to represent, right, and it probably cuts into the poppy field too, right At the time, coding and things were used routinely in cough syrup and, if you remember, in the movie, sorry about that.
Speaker 4:That's my toto.
Speaker 3:You have something to say about the toto Wicked witches outside. Anyways, I was talking about the poppy field and that's where they fall asleep, right. And so obviously you think of heroin, morphine, so that's an indictment of what was going on there commercially with cough syrups and codeines. And then you have the scarecrow. So in the 1890s, specifically in political cartoons, farmers were often depicted as scarecrows. So this is how they kind of made fun of them, that they didn't have much common sense or brain, like they could put a manpower, but they had no direction, they were slow to getting to the party.
Speaker 3:And the Tin man, you know, most of the time he's represented as industry, right, and the Tin man is kind of interesting. In the book you actually learn how he becomes the Tin man. He fall in love with a munchkin who I guess was working for the Wicked Witch of the East. Each time he tried to sling it and he lost like one limb at a time and was pieced together. And that's how he eventually became the tin man and didn't remember about his past life or previous love and didn't have a heart.
Speaker 3:And then lion, you know, the cowardly lion, the pussy cat, represents politicians, and so you just went through the description of WJ Bryan and mentioned everything that I had in my notes. The only other thing I was going to mention was you know why there was this talk about bimetallism or having silver, because you know the more I guess what you'd view as middle class now, people at the time had more access to silver than they did gold. Gold was more of a commodity of the elite, but then the panic of 1893 happened, which only sharpened the tone or the rhetoric on all this discussion. So that's what I had and learned. It's not the weird stuff I picked up on, though on the parallels between the book and the movie, but I'll save those and let y'all comment up on the parallels between the book and the movie, but I'll save those and let y'all comment.
Speaker 2:Chris, you got any comments on the characters when you were looking at this from your standpoint. Is it trying to tell us something?
Speaker 4:Well, frank L Baum has a connection with Lewis Carroll. You guys know about that, no, that's the Alice in Wonderland, though. Yeah, he was a distant cousin of Lewis Carroll, and Lewis Carroll, for those that are not familiar, he was actually one of the suspects as being Jack the Ripper, and that wasn't too far before all of this. Tony, do you have a thing about the greenback aspect?
Speaker 3:Well, that was later, wasn't it? Or are you talking about when they changed the greenbacks in 35, with the all-seeing eye and the pyramid?
Speaker 2:Well, no, the original greenback was actually something that Lincoln did in the Civil War, correct? We've talked about this. The only two presidents that ever printed currency direct from the Treasury were Abraham Lincoln and JFK, and they were both shot in the head in public. So those are the two presidents. Oh, interesting enough, kennedy, when he printed his from the Treasury, it was the $5 bill which had Lincoln on it. So weird enough there. But yeah, there was the Greenback. History and I think that's what the Emerald Palace represents was the greenback and the wizard behind it.
Speaker 3:Right and actually in the book. When they get to the city of Emerald it's more long form in the book for some reason. Instead of Emerald City it's City of Emerald, and the Yellow Brick Road is different as well. But before they're allowed to enter into the city they're instructed to put on these safety glasses that are needed for the city and they're green tinted and everybody inside the city is wearing them. So everything has the illusion of looking green, even though it isn't. It reminded me of kind of the inverse of they Live right, that movie, john.
Speaker 4:Carpenter, 1988, late day of living.
Speaker 3:Only when they put on the glasses that they see the actual reality as it exists.
Speaker 2:I just thought of this, but is there any connection? Was he trying to communicate anything from Hermes Trismegistus, the ancient seer, the philosopher, wizard, like the wizard there, the emerald tablet.
Speaker 4:I haven't.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's a good point. I didn't think of that. The emerald tablet Yep, hermes Trismegistus, maybe.
Speaker 3:Maybe so, because the wicked witch, how she's originally depicted according to his writing is, is not the way it's shown in the movie.
Speaker 3:She's actually an old lady in the book and she doesn't have a broom, she has an umbrella and she's wearing like a peacock coat, but she only has one eye and the other has an eye patch over it and her eye is a telescoping eye where she can see anything from her castle using that eye and can get like the beat on anybody in the kingdom. So that obviously reminded me of the all-seeing eye, nimrod, and that's why I started looking at henry morganthal jr and when he actually changed the green back, when he added the all-seeing eye and then the the pyramid and I I guess the owl, and that was in 1935, but that was a weird, a weird detail that he added into the book about the witch. And the other thing that was funny to me to me is they both have different kingdoms right, northeast, south and West, and in the West the kingdom was the Winkies kingdom and I think that might've been like a tongue in cheek, like she only has one eye, so they wink at each other behind her back of thing that's interesting.
Speaker 2:Well, a little bit of history that I do know about uh, the modern and what that is what you're seeing on the greenback, the modern dollar. That was started after, uh, franklin roosevelt took office and then he had people turn in their gold and we went into like this, quasi it's. That's when the federal reserve made true connection with the Treasury and they started to take over completely is when we decoupled from physical gold. You weren't allowed to own physical gold anymore as an average citizen. Only other governments could, or foreign citizens. But they came out with the greenback. You are right about that. I've forgotten that history. But that seal, that's the great seal of the United States. That is not something that Henry Morgenthau came up with, that was Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Franklin designed that. And if you look at the back I'll tell you I don't have a dollar on me. It's funny. I should go get one.
Speaker 4:We're broke. I'm in a golden soul. You sound like everybody else in America, tony, that's a wink to give a tip to this show.
Speaker 3:We don't have any time, we're fine.
Speaker 2:I'm living inside a golden silver shop but I could go get a dollar. If we had a better camera I could show you. But if you take the dollar and you lay it on its back and you've got the great seal of the United States and you and you lay it on its back and you've got the uh, uh, the great seal of the united states, and you look at that pyramid with the all-seeing eye and I, just by memory, it's novus orta seclorum, yeah, which means a new order for the ages, and annuit septus, which means he approves of our undertakings. This is the two things. But if you take the, if you put a square and compass, like a masonic compass, inside the perfect points of the pyramid and it touches the letters, it spells Mason.
Speaker 3:I don't know if you ever I haven't heard that.
Speaker 2:There's codes inside of it. These are people like Benjamin Franklin. You know, in the founding fathers are products of the Enlightenment and they had their own. You know. They put their own value on on talisman and things like that value on on talisman and things like um right, but again beside the point, but that that did happen in 33, that's a big leap and chunk of time, yes, from l frank bomb, and I know that, um, he's already so.
Speaker 2:That allegory of the, the greenback inside of the emerald palace and also, uh, the housing the wizard, I think is interesting because a lot of people think there's been some, I think, confusion that the, that the wizard of oz is connected in timeline with the federal reserve, but it predates it right by 13 years. Yeah, a nice, a nice 13 year gap, you know between the two. But if you're, if you're reading that and and ingesting it and and letting that sit in your subconscious, it like comes out and it really is the, the tale there of, and especially we get into to the differences in the movie like you were bringing up, mr anderson, the um, one of the things like, uh, dorothy doesn't have ruby slippers, she has silver slippers to get home.
Speaker 2:They changed that in the movie.
Speaker 3:Yeah, the studio said they changed it to make them look more vibrant than something would be gray or silver. That was the reasoning. But yeah, there are lots of interesting differences, like when Dorothy first gets there right and she lands on the wicked witch of the east. It's not glenda. Glenda is the witch of the south, it's actually the witch of the north who's already there. She was like summoned somehow as soon as that had happened and before dorothy walks out and I'd like to talk about her walking out again with her into something else. But um, she, she's like kind of confounded because they all say she's a witch and that's the only way she could have killed the witch of the east and she doesn't like the idea of witches. So when she's talking to the, the witch of the north, who's presumably good, she's saying I don't like witches and we don't have them back where I'm from. And the witch of the north responds well, in a civilized country you don have them, but we're an uncivilized country. So that was an interesting thing to mix into the book as well.
Speaker 3:But there are a lot of contrasts with the book and movie. I mean, the book doesn't end where the movie ends. The book doesn't end where the movie ends. So there's like a half a book left or something like that, maybe a third where she actually has to travel to the South and meet Glenda. And I'm going to spare you all the boring details, but I did think that distinction of the witch having the one eye, and it just reminded me of Sauron. Maybe that's where Tolkien got the idea, but then, you know, it harkens back to Nimrod. That's just really interesting to add to the book in my opinion.
Speaker 2:What do you think L Frank Baum was trying to communicate with it really? I mean, he tells this story, but you got to really think about it. Does it have different meanings for different?
Speaker 3:people. Is there a synopsis on this and what I'm supposed to think? Well, it's definitely about money, one of the other subtle differences in the book, and it's actually in the movie too. But when they come back, dorothy and her cohorts right and go back to Oz and see the wizard and he asked what happens, and she says, oh, I melted her. And he goes oh, you liquidated her. And in the book it actually uses the same thing, the same term liquidated, and so you always think of liquidation as it relates to some monetary thing.
Speaker 3:And they literally use water to melt her Right, and that happens in the book too. It's really weird, though, because the witch is afraid of water, and supposedly she's afraid of water because she's so old and she doesn't have blood in her veins, so it really just dissolves her, that's. That's the context of it happening, which is interesting, I guess, but but using liquidated versus melting, like I thought that was on purpose, like that that's does she not have blood in her veins because she's?
Speaker 2:there's no circulation like there's?
Speaker 3:no adrenochrome.
Speaker 2:We just got banned on three channels thank you you've been. I always got a text from facebook. You've been canceled um. I was thinking of circulation like currency.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that's probably better.
Speaker 2:I forgot when you were talking about Toto earlier. And I remember when I learned the word teetotaler, I was in Iraq and my first sergeant, he came up just randomly. He was like you guys, I was talking to my friends. He's like you guys read a lot. I said, yeah, I read as much as I can. I was 23. And he goes yeah, I read as much as I can, I was 23. And he goes well, I tell you what? Tell me what the word teetotaler means. And I go, I'm just, I'm pulling through the database, I don't know.
Speaker 2:In my mind I'm like I don't know. He's like it's just somebody who abstains from alcohol and prefers tea. And I wondered why he was telling me that. And I think it had something to do with us getting whiskey from the Christian sector of northern Iraq. We weren't supposed to. I was like is he telling me not to drink? I think that's what he was communicating. But yeah, I learned that word and it's stuck in my mind ever since. So 20 plus years ago. Why did he insert that? Was L Frank Baum a teetotaler? Do we know?
Speaker 3:I don't know, but again he had the field of poppy too, where they fell asleep. So he was seemingly making a consistent point about substance abuse. I mean, he was he was yeah, it's, it's it's funny because in the in the book the Tin man doesn't fall asleep. The Scarecrow doesn't fall asleep, it's just Dorothy and the lion.
Speaker 3:And the Tin man and the Scarecrow can't move the lion. So actually there's this field mouse queen who is in the field and she's being chased by a bobcat and the Tin man kills the bobcat with his axe and because of that, all the field mice scamper off and pick up the line and that's how he's transported. But in the movie, um, it was changed to snow. Right, and chris, you probably know more about this, but didn't that snow have like a lot of asbestos in it or something?
Speaker 4:yeah, and buddy ebsen had that grease paint that they put on him. Buddy Ebsen for anyone that is below the age of 80 or 75, he was the lead in the Beverly Hillbillies and he was the original Tin man and, yeah, he had an allergic reaction and they had to recast the role and, yeah, it would have been a whole different thing if he was allowed to continue.
Speaker 2:What are the early references? Do people understand what he was talking about? Where was it? Just like, oh, this is a really fantastical tale about these multi-dimensional, strange characters, or did? Did pop culture pick up? I find that old pop culture I remember. Uh, this meme I mean it's not a meme as a cart, it was a cartoon and a in a. They didn't call them memes, but it could have been today and it had Karl Marx shaking hands with JP Morgan and all these John Deere Doing a great job. Karl Today, what are you talking about? That was kind of a shrug, Like hey, we realized that high finance funds commies, that was a thing that journalists got. I think they got rid of a lot of those type of journalists. You know that actually make you think, but that was. I remember Jim Mars shared that in one of his books. Like people got it back then. I'm guessing that they did. That'll scare you to death when you actually read history and realize how smart people were like.
Speaker 3:Oh, I think they got it yeah.
Speaker 2:They must have, because I I mean, we're lost on that too.
Speaker 3:We have so much more information technically I, and I've never had a thought before looking at my pups and say, wow, you look real sober. Today we're sober-minded. But that's the writing in the book, so it's just pointing again to what his intention was and naming the dog Toto.
Speaker 1:Now do you think?
Speaker 3:that's why the Jackson father oh that's Tito. I'm just playing, just throwing you off there a little bit Tito and Toto.
Speaker 4:I was just thinking about all the Walt Disney propaganda with Daffy Duck and Donald Duck during World War II with Hitler and all that.
Speaker 2:What propaganda with Daffy Duck. Oh, they had some. Oh yeah, Hitler was one of his favorite. He liked the Disney cartoons he did.
Speaker 4:But he hated the Three Stooges and even put a hit out on all three of them and I think I told you, Mr Henderson, about that. Yeah, that's a whole thing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't remember that. Yeah, and.
Speaker 4:Stalin put a hit out on John Wayne for talking shit in the press.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, john Wayne had a ranch in Arizona pretty close to where we visited. Remember, tony? Oh, I do. You weren't eager, not far from it, oh okay, now we went out to.
Speaker 2:All three of us have paid our pilgrimage to Bill Cooper's grave.
Speaker 4:That's right, and we were probably half the people who did so. I even saw the beast. What was it? The beast, liquid or whatever that someone left on the top of bill cooper's grave his tombstone yeah, well, there's something that I left there for him.
Speaker 2:Um he missed me, gave him a gift, okay selfie.
Speaker 4:It was a good selfie there was a bunch of different presence there. I just uh, I just was in awe of being in the presence of the final resting place of Mr William Cooper, the hour of the time, anyway.
Speaker 3:I'm going to contradict myself a little bit with this abstinence thing. Okay, because actually when they return back and Oz fixes them or gives them whatever they are hoping for brain, a heart, courage With the lion, you know, in the movie he bestows upon him a medal of courage, right? But in the book, he actually gives them some liquid courage.
Speaker 4:Oh my God, Seriously.
Speaker 3:It's like green liquid that's supposed to give them courage. What's that green liquid called that you get? Yeah, there you go he's gonna trip, trip out yeah so it's just a that frank bomb's just a contradiction, you know, yeah definitely makes you.
Speaker 2:that's the reason why we're still talking about it, like the allegory itself. It it taps into I think subconsciously to imagery that you maybe would like assign certain segments of your reality, like you talked about the farmer being the scarecrow and William Jennings Bryan being the cowardly lion and the industry having no heart. It's just really good, you know, I mean, that's the way we think of. Like it's pieced together, it's become this Leviathan. Know, I mean, that's the way we think of. Like it's pieced together, it's become this Leviathan.
Speaker 3:Well, it's used everywhere. There's this series on I believe it's Apple, called Silo, yeah, and in season two, wizard of Oz comes up. It's apparently I remember seeing the book. It's not doesn't say Wonderful Wizard of Oz, right, which is the correct name of the book. It just says Wizard of Oz, right, which is the correct name of the book. It just says Wizard of Oz. But they need the book to help decipher a message. It's like a magic decoder ring, without giving too much away. So it comes up all the time.
Speaker 3:I mean people are kind of infatuated. It's actually a good movie. I mean I rewatched it. There's nothing wrong with it. It was a little long because they made it into a musical with it. It was a little long because they made it into a musical and they had to take some things out. But one of the other interesting things that they took out, in my opinion, was the Wicked Witch actually had a silver whistle that she used in her book and it summoned all these evil things and when she was trying to get rid of the team Dorothy and her cohorts. The first time it was like wolves that were sent, and then crows, and then the third time was bees, and I was curious if you'd know this, chris, but apparently the original movie had this dance sequence that.
Speaker 3:Oh, don't tell me the jitterbug the jitterbug, so the bees were supposed to sting them and the bees actually die trying to sting the 10 man, but it made them, I don't know, go into this jitterbug dance and they had to cut it out of the movie.
Speaker 4:And that footage only survived because of behind-the-scenes home video footage. It was a whole dance sequence called the Jitterbug and you can see that on YouTube and stuff, and it had all kinds of different meanings too. And um, it didn't survive because, uh, apparently one of the one of the stage hands, um, he accidentally let the film get exposed in the, uh, the sunlight, which is a big no-no back, especially back then, you know, pre-digital um the jitterbug.
Speaker 4:Uh sequence um yeah I saw a bit of it I want to bring it back with you guys, like for every time we have like a holiday edition of paratrooper. I was kind of hoping that all three of us could do like the jitterbug, the whole jitterbug, goddamn sequence. You know what I mean. Well, they're getting rid of tiktok chris, so it might be all right.
Speaker 3:Well, forget it then?
Speaker 4:all right, never mind, yeah, that's uh.
Speaker 3:I just found that out but this might be a good transition if we're talking about movie as it relates to the wizard of oz. Yes, so specifically pink floyd's dark side of the moon. I've I've done this before. Do you mind if I describe my experience, tony?
Speaker 2:you was. It's funny because, because I was going to segue right in, you beat me to it, so good job.
Speaker 4:I don't have to worry Before. Mr Anderson does that. Tony, have you been privy to the jitterbug? Deleted sequence.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 4:Okay, all right.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right, I got interested in the story based off of my because I always do these dives into the monetary system and how weird it gets in the history of gold and silver. But before we do, I'll let you guys let this question.
Speaker 2:Thinking I want to talk about Pink Floyd. Let this question, thinking that's how we'll end the show and we don't answer it now. But what? What was L Frank Baum trying to say? I mean that's and that's. That is the question mark that hangs over. I mean he tells the story, the allegory of the thing, you know, and maybe I've got my own interpretation, but it's not a clear message on what he's trying to say about the monetary system or about the how it drives so much of our reality. We'll answer that at the end of the show. I do want to, and I've talked to Mr Anderson and I was driving over to my land a couple of days ago. We were talking about Pink Floyd and I was listening to the Dark Side of the Moon Great album, by the way. I hadn't listened to it since I was a kid and I turned it back. It's a great album. Mr Anderson, tell us about your experience with syncing this thing up with a movie.
Speaker 3:Well, a friend and I did this when I was a teenager, so everything I remember has to be exactly correct. Right, that was not long ago at all, but it was his second time to try it, my friend, and he told me he's like it works, and I have instructions and I know how to do it. He had a record player in the album and I remember you were supposed to start the music on the third line, roar right, the MGM line, and the first thing that stuck out to me that I remember it's the second song on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, it's Breathe and in parentheses, in the air. And I remember the lyric, run, rabbit run. And it synced entirely with Dorothy running at that exact moment when the cyclone was about to hit the farm and I was like, ok, you have my attention now.
Speaker 3:But the weirdest part and I think about this a little differently now than I did then, but was right when she opened up the door into Technicolor from that kind of gray-ish kind of abyss into like just sparkling colors all over the place, was exactly when money started playing, as soon as she sees the yellow brick road right, gold, and you hear this cha-ching, cha-ching, and it's. I'm telling you it's. It was perfectly synced. And just if that wasn't enough, the moment the guitar solo kicked in was right when the munchkins started breaking out and dance, and I was like what in the world? There's no way. This is all a coincidence, but they've never admitted it. They've denied it. Pink Floyd has right, and that just makes me respect them all the more because I don't believe you.
Speaker 2:Take a step back and we talked about this. Believe you take a step back and we talked about this. You take a step back if you were going to construct an album and you had some talent, you had some ideas for songs. But you take this old movie from the 30s and you're like let's just. You know the entire length of it what a modern studio album should be, and do like you were you know john williams or something like you're going to construct the music like for Star Wars or for you know he's done about it. John Williams did some other films that he did Jaws JFK.
Speaker 2:Indiana Jones, he do, indiana Jones.
Speaker 4:I believe Yep absolutely.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. So I mean, if you were going to do that, that would be massive inspiration, so you'd write the songs around it. I think that would be massive inspiration, so you'd write the songs around it. I think that would be a good template to start with.
Speaker 3:I mean it's an ingenious idea. I think so too, and for me at the time it was just my favorite song of theirs on that album, money, which is why I was paying such close attention to the timing and everything but money. Yellow brick road for the first time, all the technicolor.
Speaker 3:I mean it's just, it's too bizarre, it's awesome it's on par with the uh, john is dead, the paula's dead thing, uh, the hoax, in my opinion, with the beatles, yes, yep, 100, yeah I think this one's real, though, and I think they use the first song on dark side of the moon that speak to me instrumental as kind of the fudge factor to put the cushion in there but I think things like money I think it was a similar approach, you know, in terms of, um, I think it was definitely on purpose, that kind of thing.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. Like I don't think it was a hoax, I think it was on purpose, just like paula's dead yeah, and the album doesn't run through the entire movie, right it just it stops midway through it because that's how long it is, but yeah, yeah if you haven't done that before, I encourage you to, but that's the way I remember it and it was pretty, pretty convincing that's fun.
Speaker 2:I like stuff like that. I mean it's uh, it's artistic. And again I mean I mean it's uh, it's artistic. And again I mean you. It's ingrained in popular culture, it's ingrained in our consciousness and the zeitgeist, and not only the book from you know, 1900. And that's interesting, cause that's like the, it's uh, the and I misspoke earlier and I'll correct myself myself Ingersoll Lockwood's book is 1900 or the Last President.
Speaker 2:He wrote it in 1896. And, by the way, 1896, he wrote that book about the last president and that's where they burned down the Fifth Avenue Hotel, which is basically where Trump Tower is today, and that's where the candidate book is from. And it's a terrible book. 1900 or the last. I want to say that again, it's awful, it's just bizarre, though it's a bizarre thing, but he wrote it in 1896. And again, that was the year.
Speaker 2:Who was president in 1896? It was Grover Cleveland, and Grover Cleveland was the only other president to be elected twice without succession. He came back. He was. I forget what number of president he was, but I remember Harry Truman said this because Harry Truman was the 33rd president. He's like actually I'm not the 33rd president because Grover Cleveland was elected twice and he should have been the same. He thought it should have kept his same number, like his same number, because he was the president again, anyway.
Speaker 2:But that is weird, like weird synchronicities of history. There was a lot of thought at the end of the 19th century about our monetary system and I want people to understand just how much skullduggery, how much subterfuge, how much effort it took to put together the creature from Jekyll Island, that meeting that they had on November 22, 1910 in Jekyll Island. When they got together and they went in secret, they told no one. They wore masks, right, Tony, they wore disguises to get out there because people were already anticipating that they were going to do something with the central bank because of the panic of 1907 that they engineered, you know, it was always a crisis that precipitates the, the, the actual, you know, input, implementation of any of these kinds of tyrannies. And there was, oh for the safety of everyone the problem reaction solution.
Speaker 3:Wasn't there some weird folklore about the location where they actually built everything on Jekyll Island, like there was some race of ancient giant Native Americans there or something like that? At the time, and there was a burial ground.
Speaker 2:There's a book out on that on the roots of the Federal Reserve, and it's like it was, like it has ties to like the Nephilim and that kind of goes back to. Genesis 6. Would that surprise anybody?
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:It's come out of that, but people were anticipating that, so it didn't come out in the way that it had. In previous timelines it was like no, we're here to help you and it's federal, it's part of yours, even though it's not.
Speaker 4:It is no more federal than Federal express, like jesse ventura said well, and even federal express is has more accountability.
Speaker 2:That's right. Yeah, they're a publicly traded company you can actually book. So the federal reserve is something to an entity unto itself. That's right.
Speaker 3:So, yeah, interesting, interesting um well, there's some other weird things in the book. I don't know if we should pay much notice to them, but there was some coincidence with the number 12. So the Wicked Witch actually shows up in Chapter 12. It's called the Search for the Wicked Witch, and in the movie the witch is only shown for 12 minutes that's right, so I don't know why margaret hamilton yeah, just weird stuff. And if you watch the witch you know she actually um excretes this kind of chemtrail. Remember dorothy surrender yes, that's right.
Speaker 4:Chemtrail, yeah, yeah, the flying monkeys.
Speaker 3:That's actually when they all fell asleep. Is that that's right? A chemitrail, yeah, yeah, the flying monkeys. That's actually when they all fell asleep.
Speaker 4:That's right.
Speaker 2:That's when the scarecrow lost his ability to think. Well, that sounds apropos for our timeline. Maybe that's why people can't think today it's the Yankee King Trail spray that they're doing.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's. What's her name? The one that was in Epstein's corner there, John Podesta Abramoff, or? I can't pronounce her name, but you know who I'm talking about.
Speaker 3:Yeah, maybe she's that trained Lady Gaga. Have you seen that? Oh my, yeah, she went like on a witch retreat or something.
Speaker 4:Have you seen that? Oh my God, yeah.
Speaker 3:Like on a witch retreat or something.
Speaker 4:That's a whole other show. Yeah, she's dark. Yeah, it's a whole other show. Oh, yeah, well, so, tony, what do you think? What to surmise the whole thing? Do you think that Frank L Baum was trying to warn future generations about this corruption?
Speaker 2:I think he wanted to put it into, I think he wanted to shine a light on something that was deep into the subconscious of people, but they didn't really talk about it. Like, we don't talk about money. We do and we don't. We don't really understand what it is. We don't understand money. There's a philosophical basis for the idea of money and what it drives and what it creates. And if you have something, if you have a control of the money supply, you can control reality. Now, you can't control truth, but you can control reality. And a lot of this is where it gets really strange.
Speaker 2:And my studies, um, like, we live in a timeline that's actually fake. You know, a lot, of, a lot of things shouldn't exist. Um, you know, if you, if you look at, like, 1971 was really interesting. We went off the gold standard, that's the first. That was the same year that we got the mic, the first microprocessor, yeah, right. And then after that, I mean 71, we, we only did one more. If you, and again we can, we should do a, an apollo missions, uh, paratrooper, but let's just say, for all intensive purposes, the history books are correct and we're, you know, we're exploring space and we're leaving earth's orbit and we're going to the moon. Well, we never did that again after 72.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like a lot of, a lot of the, a lot of the exactitude of our society or the things that we could accomplish. Like, I remind people, we built the empire state building at the height of the great depression. Yeah, that was ingenuity. We're going to get it done, this is what it costs, we're going to build it and King Kong climbs up the top of it. Like we have that in our popular consciousness, but we don't do those things anymore. And I think it's the loss of exactitude, the loss of precision, the loss of accountability of precision, the loss of accountability because in a world where you know the money flows and it's fake, yeah, it creates fake things and so, yes, you can still have great entrepreneurs and things. They're not like the ones that they were, you know, 70, 80 years ago. They're just not the same type of people. Um, I think are, think you lose your way.
Speaker 2:Popular culture is funded in large part by fake and so it creates fake. It's a symbiotic thing, it feeds on itself. We have wars of choice. We have wars that we never had in the past when we had to account for the money, but because they can do what.
Speaker 2:We give the t-shirt man over in Ukraine, a truly evil individual. We give that guy hundreds of billions of dollars to do what you know, like we're not. It's, I mean, you can make this a political argument, but we're not, definitely not helping ourselves and we have like the country's imploding, our culture is declining, we have real problems, um, infrastructure doesn't work. I mean, our la it's burnt, you know, but we give hundreds of billions of dollars to, to the t-shirt guy. I I just find that to be, I think that's a, that is an extension of fake currency. So l frank bomb, I think's painting a picture to show us the, you know, the, the outs, the outcropping of what the basis of the philosophy of money is and, um, how the yellow road leads to they're really grooming uh the best minds to manipulate uh things like wall street and things right Not to be innovators and to uh the betterment of mankind.
Speaker 4:It's what's there. It's almost like they're grooming the best minds to figure out the best ways to screw out, screw over like the common man.
Speaker 3:Well, they have camps for that. Like people who are graduating with PhDs in mathematics and physics from places like MIT, wall Street will have camps for them and host them, and a lot of those people end up not doing physics or applied mathematics after they graduate, they go and work for Wall Street to make a bank. That's what they do and, just tying into what you're saying, tony, I mean they're directed right to follow the yellow brick road, or the road of yellow brick as it says in the book. I mean that just to me. It says follow the money in the book. I mean that just to me. It says follow the money and when you get to the end you're going to find all the imposters and you're going to have to put on your green glasses.
Speaker 2:If you want inside Right, Well, and it may be. You know, and it's at the end, Toto, which may be, represents sobriety. A sober look. A sober look pulls the curtain away.
Speaker 3:That's exactly right. I actually was going to say that you PBT. That's another point. That's exactly right. I actually was going to say that you PBT. That's another point.
Speaker 2:That's the trouble with being my best friend. I'm sorry, it's a disadvantage that you have. Sir, I can read your mind.
Speaker 4:Can I just say this one last thing we really should do an expose on the Apollo missions, because I've come to find that every time there was a new um, a new controversy when it came to the war in Vietnam, we coincide with a new development, with news conferences when it came to the Apollo missions, and I don't think that's coincidence.
Speaker 2:I really don't. They certainly don't do that now, like when they have like a real crisis going on, and say but wait, you know, think that's a coincidence? I really don't. Well, they certainly don't do that now, like when they have a real crisis going on, and say but wait, you know, there's a car that has fireworks and it's electric and it's burning in front of Trump Tower, and there's also gravatic controlled Chinese drones that are penetrating our airspace Right.
Speaker 4:Like what was it? I'm going to butcher this, but the, the Miley or the melee massacre Me lie. That coincides, I believe, with Apollo 13. Hmm, interesting there's a lot there.
Speaker 2:Tony, let's get those timelines and match them up. That's something that's a real possibility. You know, um, of course, lyndon johnson's ties you know with with houston, you know in the control there and not being in in florida strange, right, there's a whole bunch of high. Strange to him being vice president in charge of that. Uh, for, yeah, yeah, there's, there's a even even with uh, nasa and houston um.
Speaker 4:There's a connection with Lee Harvey Oswald, with the original shooter.
Speaker 2:So many people, don't you guys, and you can finish.
Speaker 4:Please, please, please.
Speaker 2:This is a weird piece of history. A lot of people don't realize that a lot of the people that were in the periphery of the JFK assassination questions and investigations, A lot of them, when they were done with their role, went to work for NASA. That's correct People that didn't know each other, by the way. They all went to work for NASA.
Speaker 3:So, speaking of NASA, I forgot to bring up this point in the book. But Dorothy's just wondering if she can go north enough, south enough, any which way enough to get back home. And the witch of the north says no, we're surrounded by an infinite desert. And at the center of our world is Oz, and I was like that just kind of describes a flat earth. Only you replaced ice sheets with the desert. I just thought it was funny.
Speaker 2:Well, it is interesting and we didn't. I don't know if we elucidated on this enough, but Oz means ounce, yeah, ounces of gold and silver. That's right, yeah, interesting. Is there any allegory on the tornado? Or being in Kansas? Because that's flat earth, if you really want to.
Speaker 3:No, I tried to look into this. He had never been to Kansas. Apparently he had an acquaintance who had, but when he was in South Dakota again working for the newspaper South Dakota experienced a lot of drought. So many people think that's what he was kind of trying to describe for the introduction to the book. But I will say about that tornado, that's still the most terrifying tornado in cinema to me and it was basically like just a long tube sock that they were spinning around. It still looks better than anything in Twister, those cows being thrown past the car. You remember that Right, very erotic.
Speaker 3:I don't know what else the cycl cyclone represents. Did you have any thoughts, tony?
Speaker 2:I? I think just the the chaos of the times perhaps, uh, you know, there's a mega death is a song about, uh, about the tornado of souls, uh, that I've listened to since I was a kid. It's on um yeah p cells.
Speaker 4:Well, who's buying? No, it's not on p cells, it's on, yeah, peace cells. Well, who's?
Speaker 2:buying. No, it's not on peace cells, it's on rust and peace.
Speaker 4:A rust in peace.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's a great. You know it's talking about being in the eye of the tornado and listen to that and then. So sometimes it's just about the being thrown out of taking the chaos of life and putting you into another. You know, another reality. Yeah, thank you, chris. Another reality or another way of looking at things and being in the eye of it, perhaps.
Speaker 4:Well, mr Mustaine, he, he, he knows his stuff. If you really listen to the guy, you know and I just want to tell people out there that I'll come up I'll find. I came across it while doing research for Hidden History 3 and 4. But Charles Whitman, the original gangster, the OG spree shooter, yeah, he worked side by side with Lee Harvey Oswald at NASA in Houston. Whoa, yeah, whoa there's a little cliffhanger for you.
Speaker 2:I have never heard. We'll have to dig into that. Well, that's why Chris is the best in the business. I I just know that there was so many people that weren't went to work for NASA and that after just being in the periphery and questioned in the JFK assassination there's a lot there, man yeah, and that and questioned in the JFK assassination there's a lot there, man yeah.
Speaker 4:And I think that ties back into, into Johnson and yeah Well, guess what? John Connolly, uh, that was in the front, uh, he, he got shot with Kennedy. He was in charge of the commission to look into, um, the motivation for Charles Whitman and they, their conclusion was that he had like a brain worm or a brain tumor growing, not unlike a RFK jr, he had a brain worm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there you go. Yeah, interesting.
Speaker 3:Well, the last thing just to hop back to the book, I think that he was trying to say in the ending was you know how grateful Dorothy was to be back home to her kind of gray and dreary place, and actually came across a quote that Frank Baum had, and it's it is no matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we, people of flesh and blood, would rather live there than in any other country. Be it ever so. Message, too, about being grateful.
Speaker 2:Okay, there's a lot of things more important than money most things except the fact that you have to talk about it. When it is the source of everyday evils like that is that we have. You have to wrap your brain around it and talk about it, but you should not seek it in and of itself.
Speaker 4:For the sake of itself, it should be well, you can't, you can't take it with you right?
Speaker 3:the pharaohs proved that well if, if you stare into the abyss long enough, it's one of those things that's right.
Speaker 2:One of my favorite stories about the gold is uh, there was a ship crossing the atlantic and a man had his, all his savings with uh with him in gold bars. And uh, the ship was going down. So he decided he was going to try to save himself and he jumped overboard and the goal was so heavy he sunk to the bottom of the ocean. He just went straight down and one of the writers said well, while he was sinking, did he have the gold or did the gold have him?
Speaker 4:That's right. You can't take it with you folks. So be the best person, be the best human being you can possibly be right now, in the here and now. Whether it's simulation or not, or whatever, I think there's a lot to learn from that you can't take it with you, so give it to us. Give it to us. There you go.
Speaker 2:For, just for just fifty dollars a day.
Speaker 3:You have to do it, though you have to have the commercial at 2 o'clock in the morning. You've got to catch him half asleep, right? That's when you get those weird infomercials like shit.
Speaker 4:I'm selling something else that was like with Trump Before the 2016 election. He had all these get-rich-quick scheme uh infomercials and people were like, oh he, he's never going to become president. And all of a sudden, someone was backing him and he got ahead in the polls.
Speaker 2:And here we are now my favorite things I ever saw him do was uh, it was the super tuesday of in 2016, early 2016, and he just like swept a bunch of states and he just came out and he started out. He's like, and this is trump vodka and he was like he was doing it and now he has comic books where he's like superman, like come on launched. He just launched a coin you talk about, you know money, and I think it had a market cap of $13 billion.
Speaker 4:Is that the one where he had fight, fight, fight, where he has his fist up after the Did?
Speaker 3:y'all see his presidential photo.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 3:He just tried to recreate his mugshot. It looked like.
Speaker 4:Well, tony, can I ask you guys this we kind of touched upon it before we went live but what do you guys? I know like it's not a good thing to try to predict things, but do you think tomorrow is going to go out, go off without a hitch, like is it going to be a repeat of some kind of a januaryth type thing? But the other side, Tough to say.
Speaker 2:I mean, you always want to be eternally vigilant any time. You never want to predict, oh, it's fine. I mean, didn't you just look stupid, that didn't age well, and I come out and say it's going to be just fine. I think there's always credible well credible threats, but then there's also uh real ones. There's real ones and there's also uh like again, subterfuge, skullduggery, there's, there's multiple factions, the, the united states, and the power structure is not monolithic, and you have to wonder. You know, there was a something I talked about that kind of got swept under the rug on January 6, 2021. One of the most credible threats out there that they're running in the papers you brought this up, chris which was a Iranian sleeper cell that was going to be activated to fly a plane into the capital on January 6, right.
Speaker 2:That's right. Yeah, yep, in retaliation for the killing of General Soleimani, I would just say stay frosty, my friends, and there will stay frost. It's supposed to be really cold. Last time it was that cold. It was JFK, I believe, and that was very cold you know, that's what your country can do for you.
Speaker 2:And the sun was so bright that they had the poet Robert Frost come out and Frost couldn't read his notes because it was so glaring. You know the sun shining down on the podium. That was very cool. You can see the breath from JFK. He practiced that in the bathtub. He just did it over and over again and practiced the inflate. That's when people used to really have high rhetoric. I'm a connoisseur and a student of high rhetoric and great speeches. I find those to be just some of the most moving things, and nobody talks that way anymore. We'll see things and nobody talks that way anymore. We'll see. I pray. Everything is just nice. We got to get back to work in this country. We got to get to work, I got to build stuff and people need to get ahead of the ball, and especially with the amount of inflation and damage done to the currency. So I just pray for peace. That's what I want. I don't want anything to happen.
Speaker 3:Yeah, hopefully it's uneventful.
Speaker 2:I would like it just to be boring and let's get back to work. Ceremony is in pomp and circumstance, that's so you know he ought to do. But make a new tradition where you just send out a tweet, say this is my inaugural address and just donate the money to homeless vets. You know he's not going to do that. I know that's what I, you know, but you know he's not gonna do that.
Speaker 4:I know that's what I, you know.
Speaker 2:I just know, I know tradition, we're like we don't do that and we just, you know, there's a lot of commanders and stuff that were like eisenhower he didn't like come out looking like a, you know, a south american dictator, you know, with like giant things of metal right, right you stay in the military millie got patches and you know and stripes and things. Then they have medals that hang on top of medals.
Speaker 3:Someone has to carry your medals or lift them up behind you. Eisenhower just wore one ribbon.
Speaker 2:I think he just wore one ribbon. He did yeah, he did Well.
Speaker 4:let's just hope that, for the sake of us and future generations, that nothing will happen in the next week I'm hopeful we can just get a grasp on inflation.
Speaker 3:I mean, yeah, it's. It's impacted everybody so much um the last few years. It's just accelerated.
Speaker 2:It's terrible well, thank you, gentlemen, for being here. Anything else you want to add? Did I miss anything?
Speaker 3:No, thank you guys, it was a lot of fun.
Speaker 4:Just check out the Otterburn radio transmission, america, unplugged, every Saturday at 12 PM. I protest, mr Donald Jeffries, which I hope there's a future paratrooper with American memory hole, and I'm happy to be alive and with these two fine gentlemen before me. So thank you for watching and listening.
Speaker 2:We're happy to have you. Very much, thank you.
Speaker 3:I think you're fine too, chris.
Speaker 4:Thank you, I think you're fine too.
Speaker 2:Chris. Thank you, yeah, to get one more in. I know you don't want to be found, Mr Anderson, and Godspeed. Safe journeys until you go back to the other dimension where you came. Thank you.
Speaker 3:Sounds like you're expelling an evil spirit, but thank you.
Speaker 4:I know I saw that.
Speaker 2:I didn't say get behind me, Mr Anderson. All right, we appreciate you. Folks, Paratruth or anywhere podcasts are found, be sure to give us a review. It helps the algorithms. With a name like this, you don't? They're not lifting us up, okay, so I chose it for a reason. And uh, go, go, help us out. We appreciate you. Uh, give us a review, share it.
Speaker 2:And uh, Arterburngold for my website. You want to follow me there? That's always a good place to get updates. I'm working on that. And uh, Wolf, I'm wearing my Wolfpack shirt, Wolfpack gold. Uh, if you want to follow the yellow brick road and avoid the emerald palace, then I would look at wolfpackgold and start a metal subscription as low as 50 bucks a month goes all the way up to 5 000 if you use bitcoin no fee, the only no fee broker in america. So check out wise wolf, gold and silver wolfpackgold all of the 1 million websites that I have, unfortunately and go check one of those out and we'll be back next week and other shows planned. We appreciate you. There is no place like home. End of transmission.