The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#495 Geopolitical Shifts, Greenland's Strategic Impact, & Economic Unrest in the Global Arena
on the phone, so I'm putting all my stories back up. Had a great conversation with David Knight this morning Always warms me up for the show and I was telling him about just reading some of the headlines. You know there's a lot going on in the minds of the central banksters. None of it good. But Janet Yellen said that she's now starting to think that the COVID injections of cash, the trillions, the unprecedented trillions and trillions of dollars of currency creation, might have had something to do with inflation. It's a revelation to the lizard people that when you create something out of thin air, make something ubiquitous and not scarce, that it drives the value of it down. So I know that the smart set and the Ivy League and the elite with their cocktail parties and all of their little circles and eyes wide shut parties as well. I'm sure that they're just so so far above me and you, but they're figuring this out, and so I think all you really need to look at is the disaster in Los Angeles right now to see where the future of DEI goes as well, and what a sad. I've had a few friends I checked on today and I just got back from being out in LA and doing the Tenfold Hat podcast. So just absolutely you know.
Speaker 1:On one hand, you realize where all this stuff goes when you have inept leadership and corruption, and you know what modern politics and the political class, what they create, which is basically ineptitude, death and destruction, decline. We know that. But it is hard to watch the land that you love being run like this. And you know everyday Americans, like we, can do seamlessly anything when it comes to the empire abroad. You know we can guard the borders of Ukraine or Iraq, or sometimes we tried to do Afghanistan until we had to leave them billions and billions of dollars worth of equipment and cash and weaponry. We tend to do that for the empire and we tend to do a lot of things build schools, roads, bridges.
Speaker 1:I think there was a comedian back in the mid-2000s who was talking about. You know, we should just invade Michigan, trying to. You know, show that America can still do something. That's our priorities and it really shows, doesn't it? It's the alpha and omega of empire. You know, invade the world, invite the world. That's the neocon mantra. It's why I pulled up.
Speaker 1:He writes for the Economic Collapse blog and the Trump press conference with the Gulf of America, and then a lot of people got caught flat footed, didn't really understand the Greenland issue. So there's an article from Michael Snyder, I thought was well done, on what makes Greenland valuable. Why would we want to annex it? But this is something I've talked about and understood for many years.
Speaker 1:I was going back almost 20 years when I read Pat Buchanan's book A Republic, not an Empire. If you want to understand the blueprint for America first foreign policy, that's a great place to start. Pat wrote that book in 99. That was the companion book to the Great Betrayal, which on economic nationalism. But he was running for president. As a matter of fact, the weird history and things that you know catch up on our timeline that are strange.
Speaker 1:But at the time Pat Buchanan was running for president. He wanted to be the nominee for the Reform Party, which was the legacy of Ross Perot, and so he was running and his goal was just to to poll high enough to get into the debates. I mean he obviously is running for president. You know he didn't want to lose, but his goal was to get into the debates. I mean he obviously is running for president. You know he didn't want to lose, but his goal was to get into the debates and one of the reasons he released these two books A Republic Not an Empire and the Great Betrayal was to talk about America first and nationalism and give you an intellectual basis and rooted in history and why we should change the direction and course of the United States.
Speaker 1:Well, he had massive momentum and he was going into 2000 and somebody came in and derailed him and that person was Donald Trump. Trump came in with Jesse Ventura and they wrecked the reform party. That made it really incoherent and disorganized, and Trump called Pat Buchanan a Hitler lover. This is true. You can go back. I've read Buchanan's biography Years later, before he ran for president. Trump would call Buchanan and apologize. But part of the America First book, part of the blueprint for changing American foreign policy and getting away from globalism and getting away from Middle Eastern interventionism and coup d'etats in South America and all the stuff that we have done. One of the things was shoring up our forces, having borders, projecting power, having a robust navy. But Buchanan talked about and I'll read the quote and I went and bought today I just put on my Kindle. I have the paper copy of A Republic Not an Empire at my office in Branson, but this is one of the quotes.
Speaker 1:As for Greenland, the last great empty space in the Western Hemisphere, this huge island should remain permanently inside the us defense perimeter and eventually be formally annexed by the us. Greenland lacks the requisites for nationhood, and that was buchanan in 1999. Much has changed since then and we'll get into this article by michael schneider. I got two articles today. One's on depopulation of all things. That's something I harp on. That is the raison d'etre for the global elite and it explains a lot. It explains a lot when you look at policy and what they are all about. And there's a ton of quotes and I'll get into that today, as well as some financial headlines.
Speaker 1:Let's jump into Greenland. There's an interesting it's. You know, I saw a lot of backlash on the Gulf of America thing is funny. I just have to say, like you know, in the midst of everything that's going on with us, spiritually, politically, social, economically, and then that's a, that's a, you know, a top tier thing, and I have to say that one took me off guard. But Greenland, let's. Let's explore that.
Speaker 1:This is Michael Snyder. By the way, I'll get to the chat on Rockfin and Rumble today. It looks like I've already got some chat on Twitter. You can follow me on my ex at Tony Arterburn. We go live there here for the program, as well as Rockfin on the America Unplugged channel and Rumble on the America Unplugged channel, and for now I'm putting it up on my Facebook. When episodes get a little too dicey I'll probably tell you and I'll go over elsewhere, but that's where we are right now. Let me see. All right, let's jump into this. What is the economic value of Greenland and why does Trump want it so badly? Again, michael Snyder says.
Speaker 1:All of a sudden, everyone is talking about Greenland. Normally, greenland is a place that is largely ignored by the rest of the world, but apparently Donald Trump is very serious about acquiring it. But what would that look like If Greenland is made the 51st state? Would it have as many US senators as the state of California? That could have very serious implications for the balance of power in Congress. And how would Greenland vote in US presidential elections? Has anyone considered that? Of course Greenland could not become just another US territory. Of course Greenland could not become just another US territory. But why would the citizens of Greenland want to become the next Puerto Rico? That certainly doesn't sound very appealing. No, it really doesn't like half in half out. And why is Trump making such a big deal out of this anyway? Approximately 56,000 people live in Greenland, and 80% of it is covered in ice. Yeah, that's the joke, right? It's Greenland is ice and Iceland is green, it says.
Speaker 1:Of course, it all comes down to natural resources. In particular, greenland has lots and lots of oil. According to Wikipedia, greenland has some of the world's largest remaining oil resources. Some geologists believe Greenland has some of the world's largest remaining oil resources. Found that the waters north of eastern Greenland, north and south of the Arctic Circle could contain up to 110 billion barrels, billion barrels. The US consumes on average approximately 20 million barrels of petroleum per day, so 110 billion barrels is a serious amount of oil.
Speaker 1:And it also turns out that the Chinese are very interested in the rare earth elements that are buried under the dirt in Greenland. In fact, one particular area of Greenland is home of the world's largest underdeveloped deposits of rare earth elements outside of China. Covenfield is home of the world's largest undevelopment rare earth elements outside of China. 17 elements, including a scandium and yidium yttrium, are buried deep underground there. They are used in everything from cell phones and wind turbines to electric cars. Greenland Minerals Limited. Gml, the Australian company developing the mine, said the country would receive $240 million in taxes and royalties annually over the mine's planned 37-year lifespan. Well, you're starting to see a lot of this heat up. You know it's a race for commodities. Now, folks, that's what the Belt and Road Initiative by China was.
Speaker 1:They chose a different path. We went into the you know multinational corporation umbrella, kind of like Smedley Butler talked about in War is a Racket, he'd say. I really didn't fight on behalf of democracy, I was fighting on, you know, on behalf of the United Fruit Company, like in South America, a lot of the heavy handedness of the American empire. A lot of the heavy handedness of the American empire, you know, is basically we loan you money through the IMF. We would charge high interest rates. You couldn't pay it back. So then we put US bases or US companies or resources or whatever it be, through there, and that's the way we leveraged the American empire. Well, china came along and just did a different thing. They said look, we'll build dams and hydroelectric plants, we'll put in roads, we'll put in bridges, you know, we'll put in rail lines, all this stuff. But you know you can pay us back. It's easy to do. We'll just have access and you know where all those things are located, through massive land spaces of commodities, of rare earth, minerals, of energy, and that's where we're going. So it's a race to get that kind of stuff, it says.
Speaker 1:On top of everything else, an extremely important US military base is already located in Greenland Thule Air Base already a vital US military installation, provides early warning radar and monitors potential missile threats. Housing approximately 600 personnel, it plays a critical role in the US Missile Defense Network. It plays a critical role in the US Missile Defense Network. Yeah, this is also a move and we haven't made any moves really in foreign policy like any sort of acquiring anything or anything outside of the standard, really tired, drawn out. Lord Acton talked about sticking to the carcasses of dead policies. We've certainly done that. If we lost that base, it would be an enormous strategic blow to the United States. I think, after all, that's really the second half of this thing. After considering all the variables, trump has decided it is time for us to control Greenland. In fact, he is threatening Denmark with very painful tariffs.
Speaker 1:I just have to say, folks, you know, 10 years ago, almost 11 years ago, when I was running for Congress. I was running on tariffs and it seemed like I would go on air with these standard conservative talk radio hosts that were on the radio station with me and they did not like me. They don't like me now, but they really don't like me now. But I've put away childish things. As I told David Knight this morning, I don't deal with their networks anymore. They really didn't understand what I was talking about with tariffs. And now we're in this weird reality where this is just an everyday thing. They thought I was from another dimension, like as I was talking about economic nationalism.
Speaker 1:And you know, especially when, when Trump was running for president, and he kept saying that you know, I'm going to build the wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. And I go yes, they absolutely put a 10 percent tariff on incoming goods from Mexico. Boom, it's done and you could pay for it. Boom and stunt, and you could, you know, pay for it. But why was that such a? It was. It felt like, you know, such a intellectual leap for the talking heads and teleprompter readers and I just kept going can't you just do math? You just get a calculator out and just this is what it would. You know this is what you receive, and you would pay for it, and they would have to. They have no choice. That's what a tariff is. This is is something different, though, and now we've just like this is like every day this in the lexicon people didn't know what tariffs were, and now we're using very painful tariffs.
Speaker 1:The last president to do any kind of tariffs was Ronald Reagan, and, matter of fact, I cited this in the Dallas Morning News interview that they did with me and they laughed. They had no idea what I was talking about. This is back. You know, I was in the room with the now was going to be head of the CIA, john Radcliffe, and they were interviewing both of us, and I talked about Ronald Reagan saving Harley Davidson with the tariffs, and he did. He saved Harley-Davidson. He put a massive tariff on large incoming Japanese motorcycles and the smaller ones he didn't, and that helped Harley stay afloat. You can use tariffs strategically. I'm not sure what very painful tariffs are with Denmark, though. Very high tariffs on Denmark if it resists his effort to take control of Greenland.
Speaker 1:On Tuesday, trump actually refused to rule out the use of military force. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday wouldn't rule out exercising military or economic coercion to further his goal of bringing both Greenland and the Panama Canal under US control. And his son, donald Trump Jr, is in Greenland, amid Trump's push to acquire the autonomous territory of Denmark. Obviously, a military invasion of Greenland is something that should be completely off the table, writes Michael Snyder. Absolutely Just.
Speaker 1:There's better ways to do this and this has been floated for many years. You know, maybe we could have done this a long time ago and it is in the periphery and I think in the national interest of the United States. I think in the national interest of the United States and we'll get into Canada here in a second. But this would be actually a strategic resource and has been used. But we have to defend it regardless because we have a base there and it harkens back to the Cold War and World War II. I mean, there's a lot of history there. It's in our periphery. The rest of the world would be absolutely horrified if we invaded Greenland and made it part of the United States by force. I agree with that. We can't be ham-fisted about this stuff. If Greenland is going to come under control of the US, it must be done by diplomatic means, and of course, donald Trump Jr is there. Hey, this is way I mean, it's opening up debates.
Speaker 1:I will say that administration, I mean, what was you know? The goal was, you know, to get you your mandated genetic code injection to. You know, janet Yellen presided over 42% of all the debt ever created. Not that that's going to stop, by the way, but just massive economic damage, the breaking of supply lines, the smashing of civil liberties. They went after Bitcoin. They made sure to target cryptocurrency with Chokepoint 2.0.
Speaker 1:In the end, it will be up to the people of Greenland to decide their future, and, of course, it's long been dominated by Denmark. If Greenland votes for independence, it seems unlikely they would be interested in giving up that just to become part of the US territory, which is interesting if we believe in autonomy and democracy. It's a fine line to walk. It could be done, though, and then, of course, michael Snyder writes, but I wouldn't count on Greenland becoming part of the US anytime soon. Needless to say, Trump will have so many other issues to focus on once he becomes president that the status of Greenland will probably become an afterthought. 2025 is going to be such an important year for our nation and the entire world, and the decisions that Trump makes during those months ahead will have enormous implications for all of us, writes Michael Snyder.
Speaker 1:Well, I agree with that. I mean it's an interesting thought experiment, but I think we're on the cusp of you talk about massive economic sociological change, unlike we've ever seen before, and on a quicker pace. Um, and I I know this because I've studied on every, almost every headline in the last eight years, since I've been redoing my shows and broadcast, and there's nothing like this time and you can feel it, you can see the energy and the changing narratives and everything else that's going on. There's just a lot happening, history's unfolding and those things may seem quaint, but again, put that up and we talked about it it may come back as an issue, especially if we have more geopolitical tensions on the grand chessboard.
Speaker 1:I'm getting asked what happened to Rockfin on it's. It's should be fine. I don't know. Everything is looking good on my end. We'll see. Go check it again for me. I just went and clicked on the link again. It was supposed to broadcast.
Speaker 1:Thanks for asking, John Henry over on Twitter. All right, let me see how much time we got left. You know, it's funny, I outrun myself a little bit. Sometimes I'll get talking about an article or whatever, and I'll outrun myself. We had a lot I wanted to cover today. I definitely want to talk about the depopulation article because you've got to understand, like that's what the politics are.
Speaker 1:Politics, in the way that we understand them, emanates from places like Davos and that's where you get the two-party system, because anything outside of that gets attacked. It has its own immune system. Anything that gets out of the duopoly is discarded. It is thrown in the ash heap of history or try they try to, because it affects the way that we have discourse. And that's why I always come out of the box and say, well, this is actually why we're talking about this. Like we had all these things going on, uh, with the election, but nobody's talking about geoengineering in the election, right, you know, uh, we have a, a, a de-dollarization going on globally. That is systemic, it's malignant and it's like, unlike anything we've ever seen before, on an accelerated rate. But nobody's really talking about that in the election, because you're only supposed to talk about the things that are set up for you to have discourse.
Speaker 1:So you pick team blue or you pick team red, but outside of that is all the stuff that matters. And where does that come from? Well, these policies that they want to carry out come from these people that believe that you shouldn't exist. And that's really the fundamental, what your challenge is. It's not about the blue team or the red team or whatever else. It is, it's just you. It's the people versus the plutocrats. That's it. That's the battle of our time, that's the 21st century, that's the battle for all time, and they've made it so distorted. They've they've bent reality in a way that, even if you're paying attention, it's hard to discern what is actually real or not.
Speaker 1:Should these subjects matter? Because I look at even a lot of things in the political realm. I know what's going on. But for you, if I'm going to do this show once a week and talk for an hour, I go through those headlines and I just shuffle them out. Shuffle them out, doesn't matter, doesn't matter, doesn't matter, because it really doesn't. And then we get to something like, oh, because it really doesn't. And then we get to something like, oh well, that's interesting, right? So that's what you need to know. The global elite want less people. That's their raison d'etre. Why is that? Oh, there's a whole bunch of it even gets into the metaphysical, the esoteric. There's something about it, so we'll talk about that.
Speaker 1:But a little bit of economic news. 14-year high for corporate bankruptcies right now. Tip of the iceberg. Folks, I was studying some of the economic. That's where I got Janet Yellen's. She's just really thinking that those COVID injections of cash, the trillions that might have had something to do with inflation. We're really watching that closely.
Speaker 1:Let's put this up I want to in the realm of tariffs too. This is something to watch. Let me stop this screen and put this one on. All right, this is something I'll be talking about. I'm telling you this is why the difference in the US, the direction that we're going and I want to share something here in a second I will remember, but this is the headline off Kitco.
Speaker 1:Trump's tariff threats are destabilizing silver markets. Gold will rally again in 2025. And this is from one of the analysts, golly, over at TD Securities. This is gold will rally in the second half of the year as the Fed resumes its rate cuts. But the real story right now is the massive impact that President-elect Donald Trump's tariff threats are having on global silver stocks and the stock piles the actual physical inventory. According to TD Securities Senior Commodity Strategist, danielle Gawley, in a January 7th interview, golly said investors need to take notice of an unprecedented situation that's unfolding in the silver market right now. He says it's hard to see it in flat prices, but over the last month there's a huge disruption in precious metals markets, where the threat of universal tariffs on metals is leading traders around the world to bring metal in from London and other global venues into the US. See, this is the real economy and this should be the real financial headlines, because the stocks and everything overvalued and the over like 100 times earnings.
Speaker 1:I was telling david knight today that they have these meme coins and crypto, making a mockery of crypto, of what it's supposed to be decentralized stuff, and it's a joke. You know, uh, you have fart coin being valued at billions or something. It it's just a market cap just in stupid, stupid number for things that don't matter. But you can see the real money, the folks who are actually wealthy. They're looking at this and going, okay, well, I'm going to move my metals out of these vaults. So they have like a de-vaulting of metals and bringing them to the United States. So they have like a devaulting of metals and bringing them to the United States, which I don't think necessarily is a great thing, that the lack of the vault diversity is. What it's going to do is it's going to reset all the paper markets and all the bullion houses and all of the supply flow of silver will completely stop the way that if this continues on this pace, it will change everything.
Speaker 1:And you guys got to remember silver is floating out there in some weird, you know, dimensional space. That's not of this realm. Ok, it's not supposed to be cheap like the way it is right now. I was zero years old when silver was $52.50. I'm 45. So its all-time high was 45 years ago. And the dollar has devalued massively, has devalued massively, unlike any other currency of its status ever. So how do those things match up? I mean, you can take a calculator. I'll take my calculator here. We'll just go over some numbers which are really stupid. And then I got to do the Michael Schneider article.
Speaker 1:But gold right now, let's go to spot price. Let's just look at the spot price of gold. It's $26.65. So 2,665 Luciferian Bakester notes make a troy ounce of gold. And let's go by every other metric of history ever. Let's go by Alexander Hamilton's metric. Let's go 16 to 1. So at 16 to 1, silver would be $166 an ounce. Sounds about right. Right now it's $30.10 an ounce. So why? Well, that's a great question.
Speaker 1:Jp Morgan Chase, the largest holder of silver in the world, got caught and convicted of manipulating the silver market to make the price go down. Which why would you do that? Why would you want the price to go down? Why would you constantly do that? Well, you know there's 500 ounces of silver in each Tomahawk missile. That's a monster box and every Tomahawk missile not to count. Count because it's the most thermoconductive metal. So the military industrial complex is really needing cheap silver.
Speaker 1:But when silver goes up, it's just like what happened to the Hunts the Hunt family in Texas, who I've sold property to when I was a kid. When they wanted to drive up, they wanted to corner the silver market. They did, and that's why silver was $52.50 an ounce in 1980, because people were going out and buying physical silver. There was no stock, so it really showed what happened to the dollar. So they got deep stated. That's why they lost their fortune, because they messed with the powers that be.
Speaker 1:You expose the Ponzi scheme. You expose the lie. The lie is is that the dollar is money. It's not. It's currency and it's fiat currency, which means by degree, which means it emanates from a source of evil which is fake. And let's just see where we are now. So that is today, and so it's 2,667 Luciferian banks per note divided by $30.10. It's 88.6. That's stupid and that won't last, and when these vaults, especially the supply, starts to become exposed in real time, you're going to have a rush, and this is that it'll untether from all of the basis of value now.
Speaker 1:So I'm not telling you a price and I'm not giving you investment advice. I'm telling you to understand what the difference between currency and money is. You go through all my websites. You'll never find the word investment, because I'm not into that. I'm not an investment advisor. I deal in money. I know what value is, at least to the best of my ability, and I'm just. You trade some fake fiat paper. We give you real money and those numbers are what you should watch.
Speaker 1:History has a way of resetting itself. History finds a way. Oh, I feel like Jurassic Park. Life finds a way. But yeah, it does. It finds a way and you can. It's like a beach ball. You can put it under the water for so long and keep it down, but just like jaws, you know, when the barrels come back up it finds a way.
Speaker 1:All right, let's move on to the last article. I want to talk about this Michael Schneider article I guess I should check Rockfin real quick and see if there's anybody over there. Article should. I guess I should check rock fin real quick and see if there's anybody over there. I'm sorry, but I don't know what happened to the, uh, to the stream, but it should be running fine now.
Speaker 1:Little john says I have 200 burning a hole in my pocket. What should I do with it to make money? Well, see, we're getting into the realm of me giving you investment advice. But I would say, if you have 200200, one of the first things, the best thing you could do, is figure out how to make it into money, because what you're holding is a Luciferian Bankster. Note my friend, or at least two of them Dustin Helms, says hey, tony, it's good to see you, dustin. And I don't know, are you getting the same snow that I'm getting here, sir? I look out my window and my feet are cold right, and I have an old house, built in the 40s, and I love the old house. But you should say I've had my camera, I'd turn it. Beans is like inside my flight jacket because it is pretty chilly in here, but I like that stuff.
Speaker 1:Why do I like being Spartan so much? Why do I like that stuff? Why do I like being Spartan so much? Why do I like this stuff? What is with me? Do I feel like I'm going to win if I'm suffering just a little bit much Like Marcus Aurelius, who wouldn't travel with a mattress? I mean, what's up with that? I always got to be a soldier. I always have to be a little Spartan, and now I'm like you have a. You. You have a lot of gray for being that way. So, all right, let's do this last article and see if I can find I put up so many. Let's see. Yeah, there we go. Okay, we won't be able to cover the whole thing, but it's interesting and this is stuff I've been saying for years.
Speaker 1:If you want to get like what a consensus is among those who control the most resources I mean you can call them a leader or whatever. I get in trouble for that. I don't think they're better than they think they're better. They think they're a completely different species than you and they see themselves as like farmers, overseers, overlords you know they have the divine right or something. Let's put this up, though I'm going to stop the screen present here. We will get into this concept.
Speaker 1:What you need to understand is that, as Michael Snyder says, they really do want to reduce the population. There's a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that our world is facing today. Well, that's what they believe has a nice picture of death with his scythe. Many of them are completely convinced that humans are literally a plague upon the earth and that extreme measures are required to prevent us from destroying the entire planet. I have such cause with this too, because if you had all the resources and you had all the networks and you had all the ability to communicate information, why wouldn't you want to make a better world? So there's something demonic about it.
Speaker 1:They don't want more people, but they don't want to do it in a way, or they use the excuse that they think it's. They use the excuse that the planet's being destroyed. We'll fix the planet, you know. Stop by blowing everybody up, you know when you stop making war profitable so you can bomb kids in a faraway land because they don't have the same color of skin that you do, or don't read the same book that you do. When you stop doing that or stop using it, you know, like ukraine, I mean, what is the purpose of people dying there? Uh, it's like asking what, how, why people died in world war one. You know, it's the same thing. What's happening? Well, they make these are bankers.
Speaker 1:Wars and the bankers are an extension of the davos set and the elite and we'll get into some of those people says to the elite, everything from global warming to our growing economic problems can be directly traced back to a lack of population control. They warn that if nothing is done about our exploding population, humanity will be facing a future full of poverty, war and suffering on a filthy, desolate planet. They complain that it costs too much to keep elderly patients that are terminally ill alive. Yeah, but it doesn't cost too much to fund the military-industrial complex. They complain that it costs too much for family planning and developing nations as a way to combat population growth. Of course, just about anything that reduces the human population in any way is a positive thing for those who believe in this philosophy.
Speaker 1:This very twisted philosophy is being promoted in our movies, in our television shows, in our music, in countless books and on many of our most prominent websites, and it is being taught at top colleges and universities all over the world. Only the best will do. Yeah, it's such an elite thing, you know. Just looking down at Kissinger called the people useless eaters. Well, I mean, look at the Yuval Harari at the World Economic Forum, if you just looked at him, you know. Just look at that guy and he says that man, human beings, are hackable animals. Yeah, that kind of talk. I've seen where that leads. The dehumanization, decoupling of spirit and the divine to each person makes them a number. What did Stalin say about? When one man dies, it's a tragedy, when a million dies, it's a statistic. That's how they think.
Speaker 1:The people that are promoting this philosophy have very, very deep pockets and they're actually convinced that they are helping to quote save the world by controlling the growth of the human population. In fact, many of them truly believe they are engaged in a life or death struggle for the fate of the planet. I don't buy that. I think that's just a ruse. I think they hang that over to act morally superior. I see no evidence of the global elite or their Davos said at their eyes wide shut parties. I have no evidence.
Speaker 1:In my entire reading of everything I've ever scanned over, of every article, of every book, of every conversation, of every broadcast, I've never seen one iota, a scintilla of evidence that they want something better or cleaner, because they don't talk about planting trees, they don't talk about cleaning up the water, they don't talk about cleaning up the ocean with this you know giant landmass of garbage or whatever. They don't talk about any of that. Or you know teaching the developing world how to do sustainable anything. They talk a lot about vaccines. They talk a lot about how you having your heating in your home, like if it's a wood-burning fireplace, is bad, or gas or something like that. They talk about cars and mobility and 15-minute cities, but not ever cleaning anything up. They never have a problem with the Southwest.
Speaker 1:The Southwest is an ecological just disaster of epic proportion, which is a sad, sad stain on this land that I love that we allow that to happen because they invited them and those people are not. They are fleeing places where the United States intervened and did coup d'etats and you know the confessions of an economic hitman going down there and destabilizing places. Those people were incentivized by, you know, ngos and people like George Soros and you know they give them debit cards and maps and create the caravans and all that and then they just litter the Southwest. I mean it's a disaster, but you don't hear Greenpeace talking about it. If the Green Movement is a watermelon, it's green on the outside and it's communist red on the inside. It's all about Marxism and control. It has nothing to do with the environment. See, I am a conservationist.
Speaker 1:I was just talking to a good friend of mine the other day just saying about trees. They removed some trees from the park here. I thought anytime you can not do that and take out a whole, you know beautiful grown Oak tree. That's sad to me, but that's not what they do. Let's be very clear. I mean this. He's he's making the point in the article about what they say, but there's nothing ever that I've seen that they really want something better. But case in point if you have all this Intel and you've done your research and you can run simulations and everything else economically, do you not look up and see that they're geoengineering us? Of course they do. They love that stuff and that's bad for the environment. Aluminium, bar, barium, who knows what else.
Speaker 1:The population of the world is currently sitting at above 8 billion and the un expects it to be a peak at 10.3 billion later this century. The world's population is expected to grow by more than 2 billion people in the next decade and peak in the 2080s around 10.3 billion a major shift from a decade ago, says the UN. From the time of Charles Darwin all the way to today, we have been relentlessly warned about what would happen if something was not done to reduce population population. And one of those people was Thomas Malthus that's where you get the term Malthusian. Thomas Malthus wrote about population control. You know, he thought that population would outpace technology and the ability to feed people and that it would become just this exploding thing that you know. You put ants in a jar and you shake them up and that's what it looks like. Well, none of that happened.
Speaker 1:But there's something, there's a spirit in that that the elites grabbed onto and they're using that. They use the whole environmental thing. But again, just listen to this broadcast and you will start to see that none of that ever comes up. I mean Greta saying how dare you? But she's not talking about garbage Island. She's not talking about the use of, of, of weapons and chemicals and things that are also used in war. She's not talking about developing countries. It's just about you and about you know, whether you'd have some abstract sacrifice to make for the gods of global climate change, which is you know. It's not a real thing. It's not like you know. We want a goal for cleaner water. It has nothing to do with that, of course. The dire consequences that we were warned about have never actually come to fruition. That's right.
Speaker 1:Thomas Malthus was the trifecta. The Malthusian trifecta was famine, pestilence and war. That's what they use. Sound familiar Famine, pestilence and war. That is what they use to naturally or to not naturally to control the environment. Is what they use to naturally or to not naturally to control the environment? What's seeming naturally? And then he goes through. These are 47 shocking population control quotes from the global elite that will make you want to lose your lunch. It makes me want to do something.
Speaker 1:Number one is Charles Darwin. Yeah, that's interesting that in the 19th century you had these two things that were born out of that timeline, which was Karl Marx. You get the Communist Manifesto and you get Darwin. And what do those two things have in common? It makes, it devalues the person. At some future period, not very distant, as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. This is Darwin. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Chauzin has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man and a more civilized state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon. Okay, so he's just talking about race-centered depopulation. Number two is Bill Gates.
Speaker 1:The problem is that the population is growing the fastest where people are less able to deal with it. So it is in the very poorest places that you're going to have to do a tripling in population by 2050. And we've got to make sure that we help out with those tools now so we don't have an impossible situation later. What's the impossible situation, bill? I know he's got to have it in here, but I'm thinking of the Prince Philip's quote when I'm reincarnated, I like to come back as a deadly virus to help with population control. The beloved royal family. They just are related to Dracula, really, john D Rockefeller.
Speaker 1:The population problem must be recognized by government as a principal element in long-range planning. The population problem? Oh, another Rockefeller. That's so weird. How come is it? When you get a certain amount of money, you need to make sure that the people who buy your products don't exist? Could it be spiritual, david Rockefeller? The negative impact on population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming apparently evident. Evident. Well, actually, the strain on our economic issues and our resources all have to do with an upside-down inverted reality that is controlled by these people.
Speaker 1:If you just let innovation happen and you'd stop you know, guarding the entrances of you know whether it's academia or business or finance if you wouldn't guard those the way that they do to make sure innovation doesn't happen, or buying up patents or killing people off that invent something that outstrips your modality. If you don't do that, then it creates a better world. It's actually your fault, right? Creates a better world. It's actually your fault, right? I had that thought years ago. It was when I was working at my shop in San Antonio for gold and silver. I just remember having that thought years ago and it just hit me. I was about to go do a show and I'm like those who have the power to make it a better world, don't. It's all of us that are always trying to make it a better world.
Speaker 1:You don't hear these people. They just want less of you, and it has to with some weird. You know a 50-foot owl at Bohemian Grove with the voice of Walter Cronkite. You know, with them circling around it, that's what they want. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, all of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class. Oh, what a wonderful hero for the left, for the progressives out there. You just get progressively and progressively stupid. You have somebody that you follow that doesn't want you to exist. You have somebody that you follow that doesn't want you to exist. There's nothing more demonic than that. Can you imagine following somebody who just looks out and says we've got to get rid of these people? When is your number up? Well, I guess people do that. I mean people do. There are communists. I mean they for some reason can't see it.
Speaker 1:This is one of my favorites CNN founder Ted Turner. A total population of 250 to 300 million people. A 95% decline from present levels would be ideal. So that's the Georgia Guidestones folks. Actually, he's undercutting the Georgia Guidestones. It was supposed to be $500 million or less. That was an interesting—I had to re-put up that paratrooper that we did on the Georgia Guidestones Got a great interview coming out, by the way, that Mr Anderson helped with. We did a show with Kevin Freeman who wrote the book Pirate Money. It was really good. I'll be putting that up on the channel here in the next couple of days.
Speaker 1:I think Bill Maher's quote I'm pro-choice, I for assisted suicide, I'm for regular suicide, I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving. That's what I'm for. It's too crowded, the planet is too crowded, and we need to promote death. Well, that's one way to put it. Bill um, you thought that pot would, and maybe some success and being chill would mellow him out, but I guess not. Uk television presenter sir David Attenborough. Well, you know, if you've got a sir in front of his name, it's going to be pretty bad. We are a plague on the earth. It's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It's not just climate change, it's sheer space Places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us and the natural world is doing for it for us.
Speaker 1:Now see, this is the theme. This is what, if you can just take a step back from all the inner. You know you're. You're arguing with a you, a leftist or a person. They're just mind control. They're watching mainstream media. You know it's done its magic. The subliminal messages are working from whatever you know chemical company that makes granola bars and napalm at the same time, and they're trapped in the fulcrum of mind control and you arguing with them. But you, really, you guys. I mean we're all arguing, I guess, but at the same time, the people that want less of you want you both gone. So they're. You know the politicians, by the way, I've always.
Speaker 1:This is a person that I just loathe, but this was a while we were supposed to. You know he was going to be a good guy. He's the British Trump Former UK Prime Minister, boris Johnson. The primary challenge facing our species is the reduction of our species itself. This time we had a grown-up discussion about the optimum quantity of human beings in this country and on this planet. All the evidence shows that we can help reduce population growth and world poverty by promoting literacy and female emancipation and access to birth control.
Speaker 1:Okay, he has some Rothschild-y weirdo. You know he's got some ties there. I forget exactly what his, his wife or who is it? Just he's a disheveled moron of the highest order and it makes me not even want to study paul. Like he's the kind of person you look at and it's revolting, like the way it's as a man, like I look at him and it just ever just uh, everything is it? Just I get, I bear my. I don't like that. I don't like to see those kind of, those kind of whatever they are, and he might not even maybe he's got a different, totally different blood type. David Icke would know. Let's see if I want to. I don't have all the time in the world. We only got a few minutes, richard Branson.
Speaker 1:The truth is, the earth cannot provide enough food and fresh water for 10 billion people, never mind homes, never mind roads, hospitals and schools. Actually they can. You could fit everybody in the world in Texas right now. Why is it that if you get a lot of money for whatever reason, that'd be funny if you know. I wonder if you get a card in the mail Like congratulations, you've reached 10 billion, here's your depopulation enthusiast membership card.
Speaker 1:Oh, al Gore, that's one of the things we could do about it is change the technology to put out less of this pollution. The principal ways of doing that is to empower and educate girls and women. Okay, you have to have ubiquitous availability of fertility management. Oh, there we go, al, I'm skipping around here. Bear with me, I only got a couple of minutes left and then we're going to sign off.
Speaker 1:Of course, there's Bill Nye. He wants to go back to 1750, where there was about a billion humans in the world. Now we're well over 7 billion. So all these people trying to live the way we live and develop worlds filling the atmosphere with a great deal more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases I don't think that's the people, bill. You know, it's really not. And a lot of great entrepreneurs and thinkers and been a lot of innovation that the people that fund the mainstream won't let go through. So we don't have a true reality. It's a manipulation of reality itself, of reality itself. Oh, gloria Steinem, everybody with a womb doesn't have to have a child, any more than everybody with vocal cords has to be an opera singer. Well, it's very pithy, gloria, and let's start to wind the show down.
Speaker 1:I want to thank everybody for being here. I've got new Paratroothers coming out, so be sure and subscribe to that podcast. If you're hearing my voice. Go and subscribe to the Paratroother podcast, anywhere podcasts are found. Leave us a review, if you can. It would be greatly appreciated. Uh, I've got, uh again, a lot of um shows coming out in on that channel and that's going to be our primary focus, but I always have the art of burn radio transmission.
Speaker 1:This is episode 495. As I said, we'll do something cool for episode 500, so stick around. If you can Give us a review. Anywhere podcasts are found and Wise Wolf Gold and Silver, you can go to wolfpackgold. Go, check out our membership program. I am on the cusp of having Bitcoin accepted in every transaction with no fee. We're the only broker in America that does that. So by the time I do the show next week, we should have that up and running if I'm not being overzealous. But anyway, it means a lot to me. You guys show up. We'll be back next week. Make sure you tune into America Unplugged on Saturday with myself, billy Ray Valentine and the legendary Donald Jeffries from Beans the Brave, myself and all the Wise Wolf crew. You guys take care of each other. Have a great weekend. End of transmission.