The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#490 Trump's Shocking Win, Market Ripples, & the Fight for Free Speech
Can an unexpected election outcome truly transform the political landscape? Join us on the Arterburn Radio Transmission as we unpack the shockwaves from Donald Trump's surprise victory in the November 2024 election. With a skeptical eye on past election cycles, we dissect why this win defies flawed polling and the media's narrative. Explore how Trump's triumph has ignited a surge in Bitcoin and impacted precious metals, reflecting a shifting sense of security among investors. We'll also touch on the looming threats of globalism and the ongoing Great Reset, questioning the resilience of American traditions and freedoms.
But that's not all—history echoes through today's political shifts as we explore the enduring influence of powerful foundations like Carnegie. Discover how the elites have navigated social upheavals and why communism could serve as a method of control rather than genuine opposition. As media smears against Trump lose their potency, we examine Elon Musk's transformation of Twitter into a bastion for freer speech and how figures like RFK and Tulsi Gabbard are reshaping the political dialogue, making it more palatable to defy traditional party lines.
Finally, we contemplate the systemic changes that a Trump presidency might bring to American governance. Our conversation highlights the potential for dismantling entrenched regulatory practices and the importance of appointing leaders who challenge the status quo. We emphasize the need for a reclamation of power within the U.S. government and the urgency of rooting out corruption for a transparent, accountable future. Before signing off, we offer an update on the latest precious metal prices and extend heartfelt gratitude to our listeners, wishing them all an excellent weekend from the Arterburn Radio Transmission team.
Then out spake brave Horatius, the captain of the gate To every man upon this earth. Death cometh sooner or later, and how can a man die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods? Lord McAlay, you are listening to the Arterburn Radio Transmission.
Speaker 2:Transmitting worldwide from deep in the heart of Texas. It's the Arterburn Radio Transmission broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons and the new world order. I'm in studio with my co-pilot and co-host, beans the Brave. She's going to protect us from bad vibes, woodland creatures, intruders, anything that would disrupt the broadcast. It's the 7th of November 2024,. Ladies and gentlemen.
Speaker 2:Well, I was not surprised by most of the election results. I had figured, just connected emotionally, intellectually, that this looked like a Trump win, that we're going to have a second Trump administration. I just felt that I did not feel that in 2020. You can go back through the archives. I thought there was something wrong with that entire lockdown election. The mail in ballots you know, president Fauci the destruction of the supply lines, the you're not essential All of that just culminated in really one of the most embarrassing periods of American history. And stop the steel. And you know the raising of a quarter of a billion dollars. And all of that. January 6th, everything, just that nightmare. I didn't feel it then, but I started to, especially the last about 40 days or so. I just said this is where the tide's turning, this is where history is going, and you know it's funny because I don't always get there from reading polls or looking at analysis, because most of that you know. Going back to 2016,. I mean they were just dead wrong and I was right. I was the broke guy living in an office, developing a company and taking everything I had and betting that Trump would win in 2016, because I just had a gut level feeling I've just everything lined up for me that he was going to win. It was very similar with this. I had almost no doubt, but I didn't expect him to win the popular vote that was.
Speaker 2:That's something that I think really demonstrates how unhappy the country is. Not only that, but just how terrible the current ruling class, how the stewards that they've been put in charge of this country by God knows who but they've run it into the ground and I think, not just because they're stupid, but because they hate this country. They hate what it stands for. It's in the way it's supposed to be an economy sector of the new world order, and you know we have this pesky thing like. You know the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, or a tradition of private property ownership, and you know freedom of speech, all this stuff that the globalist elite hate, and you know they don't see themselves as citizens of a country, they see themselves as citizens of a global order. So we're just diametrically opposed there and they do a bad job on purpose, kind of a cloward and piv in strategy. So the country is.
Speaker 2:I mean, even the campaign that Trump ran wasn't great. I mean, it was almost no substantive issues, but he didn't have to try that hard because the other side was just absolutely awful. I've never seen I mean, if you told me right now that it was scripted and they did it on purpose, I would believe it Like it's that bad. I mean, literally the Harris campaign, the Biden campaign, all of it. The Democratic Party, the Harris campaign, the Biden campaign, all of it. The Democratic Party supposedly this party that's based on democracy and votes. You know, put somebody up front that nobody voted on. It's just absolutely insanity.
Speaker 2:And I just think we're going to enter a different period here of the Great Reset. We're still inside it, by the way. You're still inside Agenda 2030. The timeline is still in place. We're almost five years out, getting close to five years out from their goal, and I promise you, the elite, those who have run the simulations, the globalists, the Davos set, the Bilderberg folks. They haven't forgotten and they're running as full tilt to this timeline as possible. So let's not forget that On this show today I chose two articles to go over because this again, the election process, the election outcome and what happened did change the trajectory a little bit of short-term outcomes.
Speaker 2:Just remember again, the Great Reset is still in effect and I felt like Gerald Cilente a little bit when I was on David Knight's show, because last week a little bit when I was on David Knight's show, because last week, when I was out of town and we had the Thursday show coming up on the election, we talked about what would happen if we had a Trump victory as opposed to a Harris victory. Like different outcomes see a dip in Bitcoin. You'll see either a rise or a flat line in gold and silver. I thought mostly it would see a bump in the gold and silver prices and a lowering of Bitcoin and crypto in general. And if Trump is selected, then we would have a downturn in the precious metals markets temporarily and Bitcoin would reach its all-time high. Well, here's the article on Kitco Trump's victory spurs Bitcoin surge to 76K stock rallies and gold and silver tumble. So I called that one and that's just the simple fact that electing Donald Trump to a second term, especially after what's happened to the country since Biden took office, really is a psychological effect. He has no control over policy, it's just that people's perception is OK, then we're going to be a little safer to invest, a little safer. Maybe we're a little farther out from the Green New Deal or the Great Reset or whatever globalist project is being forced upon the American people, and I think that's what happened. A lot of people sold off their gold and silver positions and got back into the market. It created a little bit of a downturn, but you're already seeing that starting to rise.
Speaker 2:The fundamentals of why gold and silver were doing what they did are still there. There's still a crisis in the de-dollarization that's happening worldwide. The BRICS nations are still trying to revalue all their commodities. They want to get away from the Western system. The sanctions are still in place. All of the global tensions are still there. All of that's still happening and the you know again the us economy and uh, the the debt continues to grow. Uh, at a I mean metastasize I think it's a good word is metastasizing rape. So all the fundamentals are still in place for all of that and we we do see that that's the short term outcome of the election.
Speaker 2:But there was an article up on Zero Hedge I'm going to share on the screen. And, by the way, we had some problems with the Rumble channel this morning, just another issue that I had on the stream. I'll repost this show to the channel on Rockfin as well. I just had a little bit of technical issues on the stream so I'll get that up there. After we get done recording, let me post this article.
Speaker 2:This is Zero Hedge. We're going to talk a little bit about why the outcome on Tuesday going into Wednesday, why a Trump victory, and I think some of these are points I happen to agree with on how we got there. And then there's an article by Eric Peters and it basically says and now what? And I want to go over that because and I won't cover too much of the I kind of already foresee what is around the corner with a lot of this stuff. But this is a big day in history Like this happened and could cut a lot of the establishment by surprise, which is funny because he's, you know, a lot of the establishment, like the Washington Post and LA Times and others started to like backtrack and, just like Pontius Pilate, just washed their hands of all of this, I mean. And so I just figured that the writing was on the wall, but it still caught a lot of the establishment hacks and teleprompter readers off off guard.
Speaker 2:Let's put this on. This is a funny title too. This is again it's by Andrew Korko at Substack and Zero Hedge. It says how America became unburdened by what has been. That's good, you by what it's been. That's good, you know, it's funny.
Speaker 2:The Harris campaign what a terrible. Can we just do a post-mortem? What an awful, awful campaign. You know any centrist Democrat, any centrist Democrat. Like if they'd have put Tulsi Gabbard up. Like if they'd have had the sense of any moderate centrist who didn't run left of the Communist Manifesto and could articulate that would have won. And they it's again. You have to wonder is this a scripted simulation where they just like throw somebody into the volcano, like they're, like they're not going to win? I mean, why would? Joe Biden would have done better. Just even bumbling through would have done better, says Trump. Just beat Kamala. Despite the formidable odds that were against him. He survived two assassination attempts, withstood.
Speaker 2:The government's lawfare isn't on track to secure the popular vote. Yeah, that's that is really, and I did not see that coming. That's an underlying message that, even with electronic voting, even with mail-in lockdown ballots, even with a lot of these blue states and even the red states where they can't control it or they get overturned by their own Supreme Court, it's like trying to get, you know, non-citizens off the voting rolls to win the popular vote is insanity. Speaking of her, she's infamous for repeating her phrase about America becoming unburdened by what has been, which means moving past the Trump era. It says, ironically, the country just moved past her, and here's how it happened. It says number one it's the economy. Stupid Democrat consultant James Carville famously coined the above-mentioned phrase in reference to the most important electoral issue for most Americans. It still rings true to this day, since the majority of the country is worse off after four years of the Biden-Harris administration than it was after Trump's first term. Well, okay, I agree with that, but again, the Biden administration was just continuing. You know, we, david Knight, brought up a good point A lot of libertarian thinkers and conservative thinkers.
Speaker 2:They gloss over what happened in 2020. You're locked down. Here's President Fauci. You're not essential. Supply chains are crushed and, instead of reopening we continue to fund through the emergency order. Never forget that that emergency order, signed on Friday, the 13th March of 2020, was what put into effect the lockdown election that was to happen that year. And again, everything was fine. And then we have, you know, may rolls around and it's time to burn down the cities. People forget that so easily and just go, you know, fast forward into the Biden administration. But you got to remember Operation Warp, speed and all that stuff. Just a continuation of what was happening in 2020.
Speaker 2:It doesn't matter what the reasons are for such development. Strongly work against incumbents. Americans accordingly voted to bring back the golden economy that Trump ushered in. Well, he had a great economy going into 2020. I mean the fundamentals, though. I would say you know the cracks in the system, even though the market looked good, was the trillions of dollars that the central bank was printing or creating to prop up the liquidity markets, known as the repos. I was covering that at the time, the last quarter of 2019. And yes, but I mean fundamentally, we didn't have the same outcomes from 2021 onward. That is true. It has been disastrous for inflation because of the money creation.
Speaker 2:Number two immigration, both legal and illegal, is out of control. Immigration is always a hot button issue, but it's even more so during this election due to the unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants that invaded the country under Biden and viral reports of legal Haitian immigrants brought in by the government eating people's pets in Ohio. Trump pledged to crack down on the illegal component and more properly vet those who come to the country via legal channels. It's so out of control that there's such a stark contrast like even talking about doing anything about the border is considered right wing, like just even mentioning that you may have a problem is considered conservative or hardcore, and this is a huge departure. You didn't hear the same kind of rhetoric. You know that. You didn't hear. I didn't see a lot of build that wall. You didn't hear a lot of that kind of stuff. You know you it's. It was a completely different campaign than 2016, but it was still the underlying.
Speaker 2:You know the borders of crisis, but the biden administration and those let's just face facts. I mean that's an on purpose destruction and almost like a humiliation ritual, psychological warfare. You know weapons of mass immigration, as I call it, the weaponization of migrants to show the American people that you are impotent, you cannot fight back. You cannot have policy that guards your borders. You're just a pitiful giant. You're not supposed to have rule of law. You can't vote or have leaders that you can't organize. You can't get anybody in there. That's going to stop it. I mean, even in so-called red Texas I mention this all the time you have governors like Greg Abbott to just do political stunts. They'll bus people to Martha's Vineyard or something like that, but not actually secure the border. Number three folks are afraid of World War III. Americans have never been as afraid of World War III as they are now the.
Speaker 2:NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine and the back-and-forth Israeli-Iranian strikes, each of which have the potential to spiral into the apocalypse in the worst-case scenario, were unthinkable under Trump. Well, no, they weren't unthinkable. And I mean, you don't remember hashtag World War III? I was on the air when Trump ordered the assassination of the Iranian General Somali, and that was Soleimani excuse me, soleimani, and I remember how dangerous that was. It was a very tense time and that was just preceding COVID-1984. Trump promised to do his utmost to bring peace to Europe and the Mideast if he's reelected, while Kamala promised more of the same. Well, that's true. I mean, just even they did such a poor job. And again, it's on purpose to put us on this collision course of a kinetic geopolitical meltdown. I mean, this is the. How do you build something back better? You destroy it first, and that's what the whole world has put on. You know, a collision course with catastrophe, cataclysm for these ends, and war is creative destruction.
Speaker 2:You got to remember to go back to the early 1900s and the Carnegie Foundation and some of the other foundations were trying to figure out how to. You know, how do we get all this social change? You know these, the robber barons and others thinking well, we got to stave off. You know, the wealth concentration is getting so large. We have to stave off us losing our wealth. Do these? You know, the popular masses, like the masses that take, you know, having a revolution. You know, peasants with pitchforks because of the wealth disparity. You know the writer, jack london at the time, who was a socialist who wrote call of the wild. He called him like, called it like the work beast. You know you make 10 cents an hour or, and there was this massive wealth. So they came up with these foundations. Who studied in think tanks? You know, again, I talk a lot about the creation of communism, which was like a controlled opposition, satanic philosophy really, you know, funded by the world's richest people. But that was something that the you know again, the Carnegies and others. They figured if they wanted to study how do you get this social change? And they finally came to the conclusion, prior to World War I. They said, well, the best way to usher in these social changes and socialistic policies to keep the masses pacified is a war. And then they said, well, how do we get into one? That was their next question, studied by their think tank how do we get into a wider world conflict and, of course, world War.
Speaker 2:I came out of that Number four the media smears against Trump no longer work. The past eight and a half years of the legacy, media smears against Trump no longer have the effect they used to in manipulating voters' perceptions of him and have become counterproductive. The more they accuse Trump of being a Nazi or whatever else, the less people care. Yeah, there's so much baked into that too, and I started thinking a while ago. First of all, it's's like what is the end goal here? Because the more that the raid at mar-a-lago if you remember the time, you know, back when trump's uh residence was raided, his estate for the documents and they went through on melania's underwear drawer, all this stuff, I mean just just the you know with in full, in full battle, rattle like bringing up, you know, having these guys go hit this location is ridiculous and it just makes him a martyr. Then all of the lawfare, all of the prosecutions, all this stuff, and I'm like you know, you just that's just, they have to know that it's driving him to become the nominee.
Speaker 2:I mean back then we're looking at he had all these, you know, had Ron DeSantis running against him, and I mean a lot of other Republicans. There wasn't just a unified party. Like we all got to get behind Trump. So there was, you know, again he's fundraising, just making him a martyr and then, you know, putting him in the driver's seat again for becoming the nominee. I don't think it was a foregone conclusion that he was going to lead the party again, and I mean Ron DeSantis certainly didn't think so, and whoever backed him and some of the other candidates, it wasn't, you know, it wasn't a fait accompli. But the media smears and all the rest, and like we're now numb to, like you, you've overused the, you know the term fascist, nazi, hitler, all these things are. They no longer work, and what's sad about that is, if you ever approach something that actually is that it won't work either. And I think maybe that's the point is that we've so exhausted, you know, tyrant, dictator, all this stuff, that when it actually does rear its head and it won't be Trump, it'll be something else. We won't recognize it or we won't be able to call it what it is, or it won't have its sting, it won't have its proper descriptive.
Speaker 2:Number five Musk restored freedom of speech online. The preceding points are all important, but they wouldn't have led to Trump's victory had Elon Musk not restored freedom of speech online. By buying Twitter, americans were able to then share news about the election without fear of censorship, which showed them that they weren't alone in questioning the Biden administration and legacy media's false claims. Well, there's merit in this and I think had Musk not bought Twitter, it would have been a completely different space. I'm not even sure I would have had my account. I mean, they were purging so much and dialing everything back and that's been exposed through, like the Twitter files and all the rest of that, you know.
Speaker 2:I think where I'm cautious is making this a black and white issue. There's a lot of gray here. In the short run, yes, musk buying Twitter did help push out a lot of the narrative that was being squelched or just outright banned and allowing for more communication. So I do agree with most of this statement. Now, whether or not Musk restored freedom of speech online, we got a long way to go and again, you know, there is a technocratic goal underpinning all of this that we must always be aware of.
Speaker 2:This isn't a team sport, folks. This is about right and wrong. This is about human liberty. Always have to be skeptical of any of these figures, whether they you know, when they do right, applaud them. When they do something that is antithetical to your liberty or freedom, then you oppose them. It's that simple Number six Musk, rfk and Tulsi made it cool to defect from the Democrats. Musk, rfk and Tulsi Gabbard are former Democrats who defected from the party in protest of what had become, namely, a radical liberal, globalist ideological movement that totally severed its perceived roots with the working class its perceived roots with the working class.
Speaker 2:I definitely think this is a valid point too, in the sense that the energy, the momentum and celebrity culture is not what it used to be. Anybody notice that, like celebrity culture, hollywood, it's entropy. It's dying. It does not have the like you can't imagine, like the world of the 1990s is dead. I mean, that's not Hollywood culture, especially with streaming and all the things that happen with movies, and especially when they locked us down in 2020, all the movie theaters were shut down. It disrupted patterns. Now it's all about Netflix and other things, so that the Hollywood culture failed. Now it's all about Netflix and other things, so the Hollywood culture failed. Now you're looking at the entrepreneurial political class, political operatives like Tulsi Gabbard, people that are more out front that are perceived as celebrities. And yeah, I agree that helped.
Speaker 2:Again, kamala Harris's campaign was just the worst, that it was worse than. It was worse than Hillary's, which was pretty bad. That was just Hillary's. Just arrogant. Like I'm going to be given this, she's sending out tweets saying, you know, with her picture of herself as a kid, happy birthday to a future president and stuff like that. I mean it was bad, no work. And this one wasn't much different. I mean, malika, she had done the Joe Rogan. I don't think she could have done Joe Rogan's show. No way. She would have lasted. It's hard to push back and not answer anything for three hours. You have to have a different kind of mindset for that and she didn't have it.
Speaker 2:Number seven the Amish and Poles helped Trump pull ahead in Pennsylvania. The Keystone State became the key to Trump's victory this time around and he has the Amish in polls to thank for that. Scott Presser, the one-time chairman of Gays for Trump, played an indispensable role in mobilizing the first, while the Prosovic brothers, popular conservative commentator Jack and his brother Kevin, recruited their fellow co-ethnics from the second in their home state. Second, in their home state. Well, there's a lot of grassroots stuff and you know you can take whatever you want from what happened in Pennsylvania, but again, I mean even John Fetterman and others. That's what makes me question. You know, every bit of this is up for debate on what actually happened, why we got here.
Speaker 2:Number eight the Republicans' get-out-the-vote campaign made all the difference. It's interesting, why didn't they do that in 2020? Do that in 2020? The Republicans were determined to make Trump's lead too big to rig after being convinced that he was defrauded out of his rightful second term during the last election. Well, I mean, that's again it's an open question. Why did you not do it the first time?
Speaker 2:Number nine abortion is no longer an issue in the presidential election. The Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v Wade in mid-2022 made abortion a state's rights issue, which took the wind out of its former sails as a federal one and thus made it more difficult for the Democrats to turn women against Republican presidential candidates like before. Try as they did, they couldn't pull it off. Well, that's one of the good things. You know the outcomes of the first Trump term and the nomination of Gorsuch, which I believe you know, the first out of the box pick was something that set this history in motion and it's always been a state's issue and most things are Almost everything except for the national defense that's about it, or state's rights issues or state's powers issues. So I agree with that and it does, even though they tried to make it an issue. That's what the entire DNC convention was about. And they had the mobile vans so you get an abortion in the parking was about. And they had, like, the mobile van, so you get an abortion in the parking lot.
Speaker 2:I mean it's a cult, but that didn't. It didn't translate the way that they thought it would. It really is bizarre. You have to wonder. You know, in previous elections this isn't anything like any previous election. That's how unhappy the country is. It's how frightened the country is you talk about. If you've paid attention for the last 20 or 30 years and especially if you know history, none of what we're experiencing right now is something you can mirror against something that happened in the past. Like we're in uncharted waters. No wonder people feel ill at ease.
Speaker 2:Number 10, walls, was one of the worst VP picks imaginable. Kamala might have had a chance if she picked Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate instead of Minnesota Governor Tim Wallz, but the former is Jewish and has ties to the IDF, so she feared that she would lose the Midwest Muslim vote if she chose him. That was a mistake, since Walz was one of the worst VP picks imaginable and JD Vance made mincemeat out of him during their debate. Most Americans didn't want Walz one heartbeat away from the presidency. Well, you know, they tried really hard. He was cuddly. They probably could have sold the Shapiro guy a lot better.
Speaker 2:But I think that's—I've been talking a lot about this the dual citizenship, the ties to things like the IDF showing up, that congressman from Florida who shows up with his IDF uniform. I mean we really need to have a conversation in this country about where loyalties lie, what you're, you know. Again, foreign nations having influence in our politics is something that needs to stop and hasn't really contributed to our freedom or our liberty, as we can see, all right. So I again agree with most of the reasons why we saw the results that we did on Tuesday going into Wednesday, tuesday going into Wednesday. But now and I'm going to go to this article by Eric Peters it's an open question where we go, I mean, at the end of the day.
Speaker 2:I would like it if I'm wrong on a lot of the analysis. You know I have history to be my guide. You know, last time. You know I have history to be my guide. You know, last time Trump picked people that didn't vote for him, he had only raised $16,000 or so from hedge funds like an unprecedented, like nothing. Nobody gave him any money and Hillary had raised millions of dollars. Yet he hired Goldman Sachs. You know he ran against the stock market, said it was a bubble. He ran on auditing the Fed and ending its dominance on you know economic outcomes and currency, and he embraced both of those things. And, of course, he brought in BlackRock and other you know the entity to streamline the Fed and the Treasury. That's all flowing together. So, yeah, I'm not on this bandwagon. That all is well, and I hope I'm wrong, because Eric Peters asked the same questions and I want to get into that. By the way, yeah, we had an issue on Rockfin today and I've been trying to fix it throughout the stream even as I talk, but I couldn't get it back up, so I'll be loading the show a little bit later.
Speaker 2:All right, let me stop this screen and we'll put this article up from Eric Peters. All right, I found this over on LewRockwellcom and of course Eric is a frequent guest over with David Knight, thoughtful guy. He talks about cars and personal liberty and he says in the article is entitled Now We'll See which is. I thought it caught my eye because I'm like that's kind of where I want to be, caught my eye because I'm like that's kind of where I want to be. I want to give history a chance.
Speaker 2:If I'm wrong, if I'm you know if we're going to see an actual sea change, if we're going to, because you know I'm at a point where the dangers are so great that it's not, it's not even time for an analysis anymore. Like this is we are on the precipice of losing everything. We talk about civilization with the threats that we've ramped up with, what we've done in in Ukraine, with Russia, and knowing what I know about foreign policy and you know the, the, the past and what the Russians would be willing to do, what they say. I mean there's an article up on Natural News. You know Medvedev, the former Russian president, has close ties to Vladimir Putin has said the West underestimates us, like we will use nuclear weapons. If you know this continues and they're not going to lose their country. You know we're parking bio labs, advanced weapons systems, nato troops, us troops using Ukraine right on their doorstep, with no off-ramps for peace, and ramping hundreds of billions of dollars, using their funds that we have seized after sanctions were placed, to fund the missiles that would be launched into their sovereign territory. And if you know anything about foreign policy, that is, you're talking about provocations. And then, of course, you have the Israeli-Iranian conflict, which is really the West versus Russia. I mean that's really another play on the grand chessboard.
Speaker 2:All right, so Eric Peters says, and now we'll see. He says Trump has done it. The question is, what will he do? Will he do more than just talk? That is, he says we'll soon see. The first thing we'll see is who he appoints to key positions. If he appoints people such as Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo, it will not be necessary to wait and see what he'll do after he's inaugurated come January, assuming the Jacobins, who still have their hands on the levers of power, exceed to this. If he appoints even one swamp thing, we'll know that it's worse that he didn't know better to bring such people into his administration last time. He did it, knowing exactly who these people are. They won't have the excuse this time If he's surrounded. He didn't know. I hated that. Hearing that in 2020, going, I just couldn't stand it anymore. It literally is making me ill when people would say that, and again he says that he approves of them. We'll see what he does.
Speaker 2:With regard for openers, the federal regulatory apparatus, pushing of battery-powered vehicles via the imposition of regulations that only battery-powered vehicles can comply with, he can simply declare that such regulations lack the force of law, having never been passed as laws by Congress, which, as of this writing, appears to transition to Republican control of both houses. He has every legal and moral right to cut the cord, so to speak, and the political backing. He has the charisma to explain why to the public. He could and should demand that any further regulations be specifically authorized by the Congress, per the Constitution, and disembowel the extra legal authority to the regulatory apparatus and fire the useless eater apparatchiks.
Speaker 2:If the time is now, why Will he end the electric car grift that has been benefited by his new friend, elon Musk to the tune of many billions of dollars with the carbon credit extortion regime? Will he tell Elon that Tesla must sell electric cars on their merits, as determined by the willingness of the people to buy them without being paid to buy them? Will he end all the federal subsidization of battery-powered vehicles, as well as the regulatory mandating of their manufacturer? Will he allow Americans the right to buy what they want, as opposed to what the government allows? Will he allow Americans the right to buy what they want, as opposed to what the government allows? Will he immediately rescind the barriers that prevent manufacturers such as Toyota from offering vehicles like the 13,000 Hilux pickup in this country because they do not comply with every jot and title of federal regulatory voter roll? Will he shiv the evil pharmaceutical cartels that have acquired appalling control over not just the regulatory app, the FDA, but also of Congress? Will he debar any person from serving in any capacity in the FDA who has ever previously worked for the pharmaceutical cartels and who is running and unwilling to sign a legally binding agreement? They may never work for any of the pharmaceutical cartels after the end of their government quote-unquote service, so as to shiv the revolving door influencing cartel? How about a new law passed by the Republican Congress debarring the cartels from contributing any money to any politician?
Speaker 2:Screw what the Supreme Court has ruled, as it is styled, about corporations being persons quote unquote under the law and entitled to quote free speech unquote. That is utter nonsense and has been profoundly corrupting. How many divisions does the Supreme Court have? Enough at last. It is time to end this business of nine people and he says in quotes, in parentheses five people having de facto dictatorial control over the country. The Constitution did not endow the court with this power. The court simply took it. There is no constitutional reason why it cannot be taken back. He's right about this.
Speaker 2:When I ran for Congress I talked about it. Congress had abdicated its power. You know, the founders thought that the judicial branch was the weakest of all the branches. It was literally. There is like a balance of a formality to make sure that. You know, as constitutional scholars, you know that we were following the Constitution and that's really all it was about. It wasn't about legislation, it wasn't about deciding the morality of something or what the establishment wanted or whatever, and it certainly wasn't there to overrule the people. I mean Andrew Jackson's you know famous retort to I think it was John Marshall. The Supreme Court ruled that his he was probably right. You know that Jackson's treatment of the movement of the Cherokee was unconstitutional and Andrew Jackson said you've made your ruling, now enforce it. You know, I have the army just basically told him to pound sand.
Speaker 2:But Congress, over time, has abdicated all of its power, and that really shows up now Again. Politics have changed, but you don't have the same sort of cultural binding responsibilities on Congress. They just have completely given up and taken that to the Supreme Court, and so have presidents, and Trump could do it. He has the authority and, far more important, he has the momentum, as well as the affirmation of the people. He must use it to benefit the people by dismantling the corrupted apparat that has hag-ridden the people for decades. He must be pulled from the earth root and branch and the ground salted. Laws must be passed by elected representatives, not unelected apparatchiks who cannot be voted out of their offices. Judges at all levels must return to deciding cases on the facts as they pertain to the law and cease making law. Well, you know, eric Peters is absolutely right here, and I hope this is a turning point. Things have gotten so bad and it's the corruption has been right there in your face for so long.
Speaker 2:I don't think you can ever—you can never unsee this. You can never unsee what has been revealed, and I'm talking in general, about the political class in this country. This is something I've been talking about for many years. Class in this country. This is something I've been talking about for many years. So, no matter what now, people can't unsee what has been revealed. That's really what the term apocalypse means. I mean it just means the unveiling, and once you've seen something, once your mind has been given information or you can perceive something in a different way, you can never go back to seeing it the way you did before. And I think that's where we are with. I mean just the rampant, one-sided, partisan judicial system that was clearly on display, the way the media was clearly on display and in the bag for the left, for the globalist agenda, but really for the ruling class. You have to remember this is a multifaceted thing that just happened. It's not just one or two answers, it's a blend, it's a hodgepodge, it's a hybrid, it's a chimera of a result, not just one thing.
Speaker 2:There's also this ugly business of millions of people being here who have no right to be here. They are not migrants, they are illegal aliens. It is not necessary to deport them. It is essential to refuse them any benefits whatsoever that are funded by the tax dollars of American citizens. Make it a federal criminal offense for any person who has been entrusted with public money to dispense any of it on anyone who is not an American citizen. That will very quickly solve the quote migrant problem. Citizen that will very quickly solve the quote migrant problem. There's also things he had better not do, such as require American citizens to produce papers on demand, such as establish they are not migrants. Among other things, that means closing border checkpoints that are not actually at the border and tearing up, so to speak, the federal real ID that is step by step being imposed on internal passports for Americans. Free speech, to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, to have the right to keep and bear arms, to be presumed innocent until convicted of a criminal act. He must put Americans first and Eric Peter closes with. We will soon see Either he is the president of the people, as he claims to be, or he is a fraud. Which will it be? Well, we have a direct correlation between what I believe happened this past Tuesday and just how bad things have gotten.
Speaker 2:As I've mentioned, I think there's a reason why people all over the country decided to either leave they had to have left their party of origin or abandon a third party. There was a lot that went into this because of the dissatisfaction, not only that, but I think, fear. Because of the dissatisfaction, not only that, but I think fear. Tucker Carlson said it best happy countries don't elect Donald Trump. This country is certainly not happy. It's not the country that I grew up in, and neither candidate talked about the fiscal house that is on fire and I mentioned today on David Knight. You know, when I talk about 80% of all the dollars ever created were made in the last 60 months or so, I'm talking about in the history of the United States. Well, half of that was under the last year of the Trump presidency alone.
Speaker 2:That was COVID-1984. That was the lockdowns, that was the lockdown election, that executive order that we forget about, that kept Fauci in charge of the country, because that's what it was. Does anybody forget? You know, dr Birx with her scarves coming out. It reminded me a lot. The dystopian rollout of everything that happened during that time reminded me a lot of post-9-11. As a soldier, you know, just kind of seeing what was happening with the politics of the country as I was preparing, you know, to get back from Afghanistan and then take part of the tail end of the invasion of Iraq. And I remember sitting. I'll never forget this stuff.
Speaker 2:I was in 22, 23 and hearing about the Patriot Act and thinking you know something that Neil Bortz said the radio host that I listened to at the time in my truck and he was saying that we didn't need the Patriot Act to destroy you know Tojo's, japan or the Third Reich, but somehow we need to shred up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and surveil all the American people because of some guys in caves. I thought, well, that's right, that's a good point. So I opposed that, just instinctually, without even having the true basis to know why. I opposed it off the bat. And now we look forward to. You know what's next? And it really is, I think again.
Speaker 2:The dollar, the currency, the fiscal house that is on fire remains, and that's what we have to pay attention to. The politics changed a little bit, the occupants of the house changed and that will be a fundamental difference, but all of the reasons why we still have these issues go on, and that's what I'm looking to. Yeah, you have this temporary market setbacks. You'll have a pullback in gold and silver prices and we'll go over that here in a second. You'll have a pullback in gold and silver prices. You'll have a temporary boon in the market. Bitcoin's going to continue to break all-time highs Not investment advice. But if Bitcoin's not at $100,000 by the end of the year, I'll be surprised. The end of the year, I'll be surprised, and that has to do with that is something that has to do with the election outcome. But again, the fundamentals of all the reasons why I've been talking to you and telling you to pay attention to the geopolitical aspects of de-dollarization are still there, and that's what I'm going to continue to watch. So it's an open question. You know where we go moving forward.
Speaker 2:The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and I saw last time when this happened that people that had the mindset to push for change, people that had the mindset to push for change, to push for reform, to shed a light on government overreach, tyranny, you know the culture of you know being dominated by a central power or letting things be decided in Washington, the things that were being pushed back on. The reason we had a 2016 election, the reason we had that outcome, is the people had been abandoned in this country, and that was Trump. Just happened to put that out, whether it's talking points from Steve Bannon or Cambridge Analytica or whatever it was. That resonated for a reason with the people. It was, you know. They'd watch their jobs disappear, they'd watch their savings disappear. They look at the border that was wide open, you know. They saw that our foreign policy was, you know, not a reflection of American security, but rather of multinational corporations, and they pushed back on that, and that's why we had the result in 2016.
Speaker 2:But I also watched those same people become neutralized and not speak out and not think for themselves, and something that, uh, edward snowden said when I was at the Bitcoin conference. He talked about, you know, back in July, and he said vote, but don't join a cult. I think that's more important than ever to understand that. But we have to. Even with this result and some of you may be very happy I am hopeful that something can be done on the world stage as regards to war, and I'll pray about that, because we have to or we'll lose everything. This is too dangerous not to act, so I'm glad that we at least have a chance to do that and we shall see. All right, folks, uh, I'll be back next week, be sure and share the stream. We got a new um pair of truth, or we're going to be working on soon, uh, so subscribe to the channels. I'd really appreciate it.
Speaker 2:Let's go over gold prices real quick 2698 luciferian bankster notes to make a troy ounce of the yellow metal, silver, $31.81 per troy ounce. For the white metal, go to wolfpackgold, promo code 1776 for some free silver. Go to arterburngold, too arterburngold, and subscribe to the newsletter. I'd really appreciate it. From Beans the Brave, myself, the entire Wise Wolf crew. We appreciate you guys. Have a great weekend. End of transmission.