The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#28 Paratruther- Weather Warfare, Geoengineering & The Elephant in the Sky
What if weather could be wielded as a weapon? Join us for a riveting discussion with dedicated researcher Chris Graves and the ever-detailed Mr. Anderson as we navigate the murky waters of weather modification and geoengineering. From John F. Kennedy's era-defining quotes to the intriguing case of Hurricane Erin during 9/11, we unravel historical threads and treaties that suggest weather manipulation might not be as far-fetched as it seems. This episode takes a hard look at the potential domestic and international consequences of such technologies, framed by skepticism and dismissal in the mainstream narrative.
Moving beyond history, we tackle the environmental ramifications of weather modification efforts like Scopex, which aspires to block solar radiation. Unearth the shadowy past of military operations like Operation Popeye and their environmental toll, sparking concerns about the unintended consequences on our ecosystems and the global climate. With questions surrounding man-made climate change, we challenge listeners to view these "terra-forming" tactics from a critical angle, considering overlooked impacts on nature and society.
Finally, we turn our attention to recent legislative moves, such as Tennessee's bill targeting airborne chemical releases, and explore the financial and geopolitical upheavals shaping our world today. The episode peels back layers of political and media narratives, examining the BRICS nations’ currency strategies and skeptical portrayals of FEMA camps. Whether it's through satirical takes or serious critiques, we aim to offer a fresh perspective on how geoengineering, financial priorities, and rapidly shifting global events are interwoven into the complex fabric of our modern world.
We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all the nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control.
Speaker 2:I wanted to open up with that. That's a clip from 1961 at the United Nations with the 35th president of the United States, john F Kennedy. This is a pair of truth, or? Ladies and gentlemen, I've got the A-team back together. It's been like three episodes. We have researcher without peer Chris Graves. He's been helping Don Jeffries with Hidden History 3 and making the rounds with all that, and we're glad to have him back. Welcome back to Paratrooper Chris. Thank you, tony. It's always good to be here. Of course, mr Anderson, who has been a stalwart here, making sure that I actually have notes and that they're cataloged and we have a record of all these shows and it's not just the chaos of my brain. Welcome back to your own show, mr Anderson. How are you, sir?
Speaker 3:Doing well. Looking forward to this one, especially with Chris back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this has seemed appropriate because, you know, I think one of these days in the popular lexicon we're going to be talking about weather modification, like it's common knowledge, and cloud seeding, geoengineering, terraforming, whatever you want to call it. I've been talking about this stuff for years. But after COVID-1984, after everything that's happened to us, uh, people in the in the greater, uh, you know, mass consciousness have accepted this as happening, which I didn't think would be possible in this short of a timeframe. But here we are and cause I've been looking up for many, many years going, uh, that's not natural, that that wasn't around when I was a kid. When you're looking at chem trails and things like that and really don't know we don't have a grasp on what it's actually for Uh's many you know conspiracy theories and and uh, there's a, I think, some great research into it. Um, my friend matt landman, who directed the film franken skies, as you guys know, uh, very smart man and uh and dedicated researcher. He's done some great work in this field.
Speaker 2:But I think in our current reality, especially after Hurricanes Milton and Helene, especially the one that was redirected inward into North Carolina, whether it was directed or not, I'm of the opinion and I definitely want to hear from both of you, gentlemen, that this weather that we're having is not natural, that, whether it is again directed in a way that is used as a weapon or to get people off of rural lands, or for mineral grabs, like lithium, like we've heard, or just displacing people or chaos or whatever it is, I don't think that any of it's natural.
Speaker 2:I believe that we are experiencing the after effects of geoengineering at the highest level and, chris, I want to throw it to you what is your opinion? I mean, you've compiled a great deal of links and research for the show and I definitely want to go over some of that. And, of course, we opened up with JFK. This has been going on a long time. Lbj Lyndon Johnson signed a treaty on weather modification, an international treaty. I want you to speak to some of that and give some of your own thoughts so we can open up the show with it.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, one of the subjects I usually always go to is, like 9-11. It's a weird one. A lot of people don't know about it, but there was a hurricane off the coast of New York City on that morning and it was called Hurricane Aaron and if you search it out, there's some interesting YouTube clips on the Wayback Machine. If they're still going to, let you go back on the Wayback Machine. There's a lot of weirdness with that hurricane. It had very odd patterns and things and kind of made directions that like. I'm not super familiar with weather patterns and things like that, but just some of the presentations over the years for this other aspect of 9-11 that may have had something to do with the destruction of the towers themselves, just based on what was going on in the sky over the East Coast during the whole attack and everything. Whether or not that was weather weapons or not, I'm not sure. But when it comes to things like that I can't really cancel it out because it does exist and, like you had with JFK, the clip there, you know very much was like on the books. It's almost like weather weapons and things. Weather warfare is kind of relegated to science fiction, much like MKUltra is where people go. Oh, that's crazy. You know mind control, you know making assassins. You're going to use the weather as weapons, you know, and things like that. Assassins, you're going to use the weather as weapons, you know, and things like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the LBJ one I don't really know too much about, but I do know in 1976, 77, there was a convention in Geneva where there were a whole bunch I have some links here too but there's a whole bunch of countries that agreed to not use warfare I mean whether weapons in warfare against each other but there was nothing that said that they couldn't use it on their own populations. And that's what I always like to tell people that are not familiar with this stuff is that it didn't bar countries from using this technology on their own citizens. It didn't bar countries from using this technology on their own citizens, just each other. And even then, you know, you never know whether or not they are going to abide by that treaty. But yeah, you know what I mean. So it's like that they like to say that this stuff doesn't exist. And if you even Google, like weather weapons or weather warfare, some of results they'll. They'll come up and say that the technology doesn't exist currently, or whatever, and that's, that's not the case yeah, they'll, they'll definitely.
Speaker 2:Um, just brush it aside. That's something that's been happening. And until they don't which is funny, because they did that with uh ufos, like that, did that with ufo for decade after, and now they're just like oh yeah. And then also there's aliens and uh, we have, we have, you know, crashed uh, uh ufos. We have bodies, we have uh technology. Didn't you know that, or what's wrong with you? And new york times ran that.
Speaker 3:I mean, it's common knowledge, this is the kind of louise elizondo, yeah nick pope, all these guys.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, it's pretty interesting to deny that it exists at all, because they've been talking about two forms of manipulating the weather Right, because of climate change, and one is solar radiation management Right, and we can take a deep dive into that. But the other's carbon capture and I was like, yeah, aren't those called fema camps? It's a real carbon capture, but they've been doing this for a long time. They just didn't talk about it for a while. And uh, chris, you'll probably appreciate this, I was on some tim burton kick a couple weeks ago for no reason.
Speaker 3:I decided to watch batman returns oh yeah just, you know, the darker of the two that he made. And so, if you recall, in that movie, um, they want oswald cobblepot to run, so christopher walken's trying to convince him to run and he's like you need a platform, and so dandy via goes, I got it. I got it. Global warming, global cooling, make the world a giant icebox. This was in 92. But the fact that that was even brought up in a movie, I mean it just it's like, wow, well, that's the idea.
Speaker 1:Every time someone may hear about that kind of thing they're going to. What are they going to think about? They're going to think about that quote or that scene from a movie, science fiction or just fiction in general. They put these things in, uh entertainment, for reasons other than you know, uh, just being entertaining, I feel like you know.
Speaker 3:But yeah, correct, but there's one guy who is on the solar geoengineering front. I think the project ended of the spring of this year actually, but it was Scopex for short, but it stands for Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment. So basically all they were doing is spraying sulfates up into the atmosphere because they said, if you do enough of this in the stratosphere, then you can block about 2% of the incident radiation. Then you can block about 2% of the incident radiation. But if you follow it closely, he actually published a paper and the sulfates aren't very effective in the stratosphere because they clump together and fall down. So it was really things like aluminum, barium and other things like that that were being sprayed up there.
Speaker 3:So they've been talking about this for a while and this was not a nobody. This was somebody who is a professor at Harvard, I believe, in their physics department. The Bill and Gates Foundation gave a lot of money to him, so they've been talking about it forever and actually in 2013, he went on Stephen Colbert's show before Stephen Colbert is who he was today and talked about that. And Colbert asked well, is the government doing that? And he goes no. And then Colbert is like oh, like Uncle Sam would tell us if they really were.
Speaker 3:So these things have been in the workings for a while, and I think that's why bees, if I'm not mistaken, are considered an endangered species in America, because they're having these complete colony collapses because of the aluminum that's actually aggregating in their brains and so they're mutating bees. And so you don't. You might not see the effects as much as you see it in humans, because we have a longer lifespan and we can deal with larger doses of those things, but you can see it like in bees, for instance. Or one theory I've always had about how dogs in my family are always getting sick is what's in the water, what's in their food supply? Right, their bodies can't, can't fight it off.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, go ahead, tony, I just want to let you guys know I just, while you were talking, I looked up that clip, one of the clips from lyndon johnson. This is from 1962, so before he was president, but he's got a little clip about he who controls the weather, controls the world. You want me to play that real quick for you. It lays the foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately, to control the weather.
Speaker 1:And he who controls the weather will control the world there you go.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and in Frankenskies, landman actually mentions a US Air Force report right Up the same vein, called Weather as a Force Multiplier and Owning the Weather in 2025. Well, folks, we're on the same page force multiplier and owning the weather in 2025. Well, folks were on the stage, but as soon as there have been airplanes, they've been like what can we throw out of this thing? So he does a really good job in that film, detailing kind of like the different stages, from the smoke screens up into the sound cleaning Cloud shooting. Thank you, sorry, my stuttering just got the best of me, and you mentioned this recently, I think on a podcast operation popeye tony. Do you want to take that one?
Speaker 2:yeah, that's uh 1960s vietnam war. It actually um leads into some popular culture. You know, he watched the movie forrest gump and he said and one day it started raining, you know, and uh, that like that's a whole part of that movie. You know, like every type of rain, you know, and that's like that's a whole part of that movie. You know, like every type of rain, you know, sideways rain that comes up from underneath, sideways around this big old drops. That's Operation Popeye. They were trying to enhance the monsoons and all the seasons of rain to really just flood out the North Vietnamese and they were coaching trail.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the massive cloud seeding. It's so silly that, um, here we are in 2024. They've had this technology for decades, I mean going back to the 1920s for cloud seeding and, uh, people still think this is some kind of myth. And, and really, the weather modification is really only the tip of the iceberg for what I believe is a much larger thing, which is actual terraforming, like reforming the environment without our consent, and so we have these elections going on. Nobody's talking about it, but it's the elephant in the sky.
Speaker 2:You look up and you go, okay, well, somebody's doing something up there. This isn't, you know. It's funny because here in the Ozarks, beautiful blue skies. A lot of times I'll walk out on my mountain and look up and it's just, you know, beautiful. And then a couple of days go by and it stays clear, and then all of a sudden, there's just streaks all over it and I'm thinking, okay, so you tell me this is airplanes. You're telling me airplanes didn't fly for two or three days, but now they do. And that's what's making those? Just just the airplanes, just the, the contrails. That's, that's just ridiculous. I mean, you have to suspend logic and critical thinking to go along with. Nothing's going on here, and of course it is.
Speaker 2:And um, one of the things that I've noticed too um, with all of this, whether it's weather modification or I mean the term climate change, and you get called a climate denier, which I've always thought is funny. I usually tell people, tell people that you believe in man-made climate change, absolutely. And a lot of conservatives will go what do you mean? Well, that's a bunk science. I go I believe in climate change, man-made climate change, because I can see that they're changing the climate and that kind of that throws a wrench in it. That's not. How do you? How does greta process that? You know? How dare you?
Speaker 1:how dare?
Speaker 2:you show the obvious.
Speaker 1:How do you think?
Speaker 2:yeah, right, so it's, it's governments, and especially what I was getting at earlier was uh, if you look across the board something I've noticed a lot of different accounts that follow chemtrails around the world. I started noticing a pattern. I follow a lot of them on Instagram. They're NATO countries, almost every single one of them. This is not just NATO or the West, but in NATO countries there's a massive program. It must be like some kind of Manhattan-style project, because it's got to be expensive. It has to be coordinated and top secret, because we're not in on it and it's not in our politics. You're not allowed to talk about it. You're only, you're only, you know relegated to the corner of, uh, you know, tinfoil hat and there's something wrong with you and you're a paranoid. Um, but of it it's, uh, it's. We're being gaslit like an entire I think the entire world's being gaslit saying that, uh, chemtrails aren't real and that weather modification isn't real well.
Speaker 3:Fairly, they had to introduce 12 new types of clouds.
Speaker 2:Right, that's true, I forgot about that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, how do you explain that?
Speaker 2:I know, Since the days of NOAA, nothing's changed, but somehow, you know, oh, we found some new ones.
Speaker 1:Right NBC, I think in the early 80s, you know, had we found some new ones Right.
Speaker 3:Nbc, I think in the early 80s, you know, had a report on this that was covered in Frankenskies, about how the exhaust from jet engines are changing our weather for the better, and then, not long after that, they had another report about greenhouse effects. It's like they're doing it the ozone layer yeah.
Speaker 3:Right, and that was another thing, that kind of the sink, the way it all synced up. You know the hurricanes that have been hitting the U S mainland recently and I remember some friends of mine who live in Colorado were sending me these beautiful pictures of Aurora's in Colorado and I was like, oh, Harpscapes.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:So it's like it was this thing powered on during the time all this was happening. Because the whole point of that, you know, basically it's a huge phased array antenna that just sends out a lot of power to the ionosphere is it disrupts the flows, you know, the jet flows in the atmosphere, and so they've been shown to do that, and there were lots of other instances, even before HAARP. I mean, they were doing it in Russia, they do it in Puerto Rico, there's all sorts of these. So what are they toying with? I mean, why are you sending that much power in the ionosphere? Of course they're toying with it.
Speaker 1:Well, there was a theory, and it basically was only a theory, but an interesting one, and it basically was only a theory, but an interesting one that in 2005, during the tsunami that killed like over 500,000 people you remember that in 2004, 2005? It was on my birthday. Oh, wow, wow, yeah, I know December 26, 2004.
Speaker 1:That's right, yeah, and the idea was that it could have been caused. It could have been an effect of harp in Alaska or another location or whatever because people were able to see the Aurora Borealis in an area of the world that I don't think was possible, and you would only be able to see that when they're. They're starting up hard, apparently.
Speaker 3:Right, they're creating layers of basically artificial ionization and changing the jet streams, but that's why you can see the auroras.
Speaker 1:The idea was that it was an accident and of course they wouldn't be able to come out and say that, or they would never come out and say that it was an accident, especially killing all you know. Say that, or they would never come out and say that it was an accident, especially killing all you know, all those hundreds of thousands of people. But that was a theory. I remember jesse ventura talking about it at the time and it was interesting because later on he tried doing an episode on harp on his conspiracy theory show, and they wouldn't let him in and he was a former governor of the state, you know.
Speaker 1:So goodness gracious, located in alaska correct alaska, yeah, but that that's not to say that there's not other satellite locations around that we just don't know about, you know?
Speaker 3:right before harp, there was one in russia, it was called the russian woodpecker and they were doing similar types of experiments. Um, so, yeah, when I was seeing those pictures, you know, around the same time that these hurricanes were hitting, I was like interesting, yeah, and they're ginormous. I mean, it's something like 180 antennas, I think, that are 70 feet tall and they're steerable, again kind of like phased array antennas, and put something like a million watts of extreme frequency, you know know, to artificially ionize the atmosphere, I mean with harp.
Speaker 1:with harp they're able to shoot um, they're able to hit airplanes with uh, basically like lightning bolts, and shoot them out of the sky, and they're able to uh mess with the frequency that human beings have, like uh, I forget exactly what it was with the frequency that human beings have, like I forget exactly what it was, but the frequency that we work on, they're able to kind of do like an MKUltra kind of deal if they want to send like things that you're hearing without actually utilizing your ears, like, because I remember there was a demonstration where there was like a little plate put up to someone's forehead and they could actually hear like things not by using their ears, but just by having this little metal uh piece like on their their forehead and they could get the uh, the audio from there, and it was the most bizarre thing. So they can do a lot of stuff with harp, including, you know, manipulating the weather and things like that.
Speaker 2:That'll be the new feature on the iPhone 16. You can put it directly on your head. Maybe get a. What are the? The BioLink? What is it? The Neuralink?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was going to say that's basically right out of there. Yeah, with Elon, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, haarp stands for high frequency active oral research program yeah and I've been, I've been looking at that for years and uh, nick baggage. Uh, you know who nick baggage is, right, uh, chris, and um, yeah, he still did the fourth hour for alex jones. I mean, he's the son of the former congressman, right, it was he's nick beggage jr, he's nick beggage jr and uh hail boggs uh.
Speaker 1:One of the only uh dissenting member of the warren commission was on an airplane with nick beggage senior and their plane went down in alaska and I don't think they ever retrieved the bodies.
Speaker 2:You know who took them to the airport.
Speaker 1:Mr William Clinton, that's right, that's right.
Speaker 2:A young page. A young intern named William Jefferson Clinton took them to the airport.
Speaker 1:That's right. Just think about that, folks. Yeah, but yeah, I'm not sure if he's on InfoWars at all, because I don't really pay attention to InfoWars. So I don't. I'm not sure I, because I don't really pay attention to InfoWars, so I'm not sure.
Speaker 2:I just remember when I was over there he would do the fourth hour. A really interesting guy. Yeah, he did a documentary. I think it was Angels, Don't Play this Harp.
Speaker 1:It was the book yeah, Angels Don't Play this Harp. And Jesse Ventura talked to him on that episode where they wouldn't let Jesse in to look at the facility, but Nick Begich Jr Was basically his guide throughout the episode and that, yeah, he brought up the book that angels don't play this harp.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, what happened to Jesse Ventura? I mean, I've tried to see some of the episodes that are cataloged and you can't even rent a lot of those episodes.
Speaker 1:I'll send them to you. I got them, but what happened to him? That's a great question. That's a whole other thing. I mean he yeah, he had the highest rated show on true tv at the time and uh, they, one of the network is going to cancel it over, nothing like. Basically, he had some episodes that you know on fema camps and the tsa that were being deleted off of people's dbrs and that was pretty creepy.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I just remember, I think in 2020, going into 21, he still had a show on rt.
Speaker 1:I would run rt in the law, don would be on it too. Yeah and uh, I got in trouble. I actually got in trouble. I actually got in trouble for reposting his RT interview with Jesse on Jesse's show on there and they called it Russian disinformation or something like that, and I had my.
Speaker 2:My Twitter channel got affected for a while because I remember watching him one night and he was saying, because I know his background, you know, I mean going back to the, the conspiracy theory and all of that. I mean going back through his research and I had a lot of respect for him. And then he came out and was like you better keep your mask on, because covid's not done yet. We got to get the vaccine and I'm like what the hell is happening, you know?
Speaker 1:like it's heartbreaking. I had all of his books that he I did. I had all before I even knew who don Jeffries was. I had all of Jesse Ventura's books on Skyhorse on the same publisher. I had them all and they were good. American Conspiracies was one of them. He would go on Howard Stern and talk about all this stuff and Howard would. They would goof on him and stuff, but I don't know what happened to Jesse. It's heartbreaking especially like you just said, he, how his reaction was. Maybe he's just scared now. I mean him and his wife his wife is in poor health at a certain point. But yeah, that wasn't the jesse that I was in love with like 10, 15 years ago I remember he had a and like after he was governor.
Speaker 2:Um, he had like this period where he didn't say much. He actually had people speak for him, like when he would show up in public. Did you remember those days? I remember like he had kind of dreadlocks and stuff.
Speaker 1:He looked like Jack Sparrow. Yeah, here's the thing he was actually paid. He actually had to keep his mouth shut for, I think, about three years because he had a talk show on MSNBC where he was criticizing the evasion of Iraq and they did not like that at all. So he basically they took him off his show on MSNBC. It was, I think it was called Jesse Ventura's America and his you know, his speaking out of, you know, one of the only people in the mainstream at the time, him and Phil Donahue. They both were shut up and gag pretty much and Jesse couldn't do any interviews for a good three, three years and that's why he ended up hooking up with Alex the moment that his contract that was up. So that's when Jesse reemerged and had this change of opinion, like he went full throttle with everything JFK, 9-11, everything after that but he was paid to keep his mouth shut because of the contract with MSNBC. Anyway, that's not weather, weapons or whatever, but that's what happened to.
Speaker 2:Justin. We talk about things that are interesting, a little context. Basically, this is like a voicemail that people listen to, like that was a really interesting voicemail. He just left a long conversation between three guys. Um, mr anderson, I know you've you've pulled some links and uh done some research on on this subject and it's it's broad spectrum. It's not just modifying the weather, it's like weather is a weapon. Uh, again, geo, geoengineering, terraforming, if you want to use that phrase.
Speaker 3:I do yeah, I like that too. It conjures up these ideas of the Anunnaki taking all the gold to take it back to their planet to terraform their atmosphere.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 3:That's what I always think about. Yeah, as I mentioned earlier, I mean this started as soon as people could, you know, fly and realize they could dump things out of screens. So they dump a bunch of dry ice, you know, somewhere up north. And, man, if you can look at these things, I encourage people just to look them up online, Google them or whatever browser you use. I mean, these ice sheets are like something like 30, 40 feet tall and they used it basically to obscure site, right. So if you had some boats trying to make passage safe, passage through somewhere, you could use this.
Speaker 3:But from there it culminated into other projects, even before Operation Popeye. One was called Project Cirrus in the late 1940s, and they were basically seeding clouds and directing storms, and in this case towards Florida, this case towards florida. So I mean, I obviously was thinking about what was happening with the, the past of the most recent hurricanes, right, one thing that don keeps bringing up on the show america unplugged, for instance, is how that the first one just built up more steam, um, after it made land right, which is atypical, to say the least. But then there was, you know, project cumulus and artificial rain, and and there were more others, because it wasn't just Operation Popeye, as Chris was talking about during the Vietnam War. There's one called Operation Ranch Hand, which started in the early 60s, and that was about spraying defoliants everywhere, right? So think about Agent Orange and all the birth defects and miscarriages that affected the Vietnamese as a result of that. Because there were high concentrations of dioxins in the soil, they couldn't grow anything.
Speaker 3:Dow Chemical was behind it, and then it culminates again into Project Popeye, but they've been doing this for a long time. They don't make it seem like they're not doing it. I mean, they talk in the open, like I was mentioning the one professor from Harvard who's talking about just spraying sulfur everywhere in the stratosphere to block out 2% of the sun. I mean, we were talking before the show. There was an episode of the Simpsons about that, I think. Right, it might be the movie.
Speaker 3:Yeah, mr Burrs tries to block out the sun, and it's like what are you doing? And you really can't do that, because if you affect the climate for the entire world, there are certain regions in the world that need monsoons Right For harvesting and things like that. So you're going to create this warfare. And I think in large part that's what the climate accord was about was trying to get all the nations on the same page so they could utilize these weapons that they've been learning more about throughout the years. But I think they're just going to do it anyways. And what's so weird about that Scopex program is again. I mean, it was talked about for I don't know 15 years and then this last year they just they stopped the program and I was like I guess they're in full production mode now.
Speaker 3:The research phase is over.
Speaker 1:They never stop these programs.
Speaker 3:Right, so it's really weird, right? Um, so it's. It's. It's really weird, right? Because they're introducing things into the climate that affect it to to make these changes, right that you see? And then everybody who doesn't do their research says, oh my gosh, you know we're in a lot of trouble as a as a human species. It reminds me of that George Carlin bit, right? Do you remember that one, Chris? Where he's talking about it like the Earth isn't going anywhere.
Speaker 1:You're going, the Earth is going to shake us up like a bad case of fleas. And he was right.
Speaker 3:Right, but you listen to some of these climate alarmists speak. It's not like they even care about humanity. There's one lady I forget her name, is it Chris Tompkins? Her husband created the clothing lines the North Face in Patagonia. They've invested something like $350 million into preservation. But her language, if you listen to her speak, is very alarming, especially someone like myself who's a Christian. She says there isn't a Messiah who's going to save you from this. It's like I'm not going to take guidance from you, but her answer to it all would be dedicating a half of the world to just wildlife and animals, and humans have to go populate the other half. So I mean, that's the hierarchy of value with a lot of these people. And I think at the end of the interview I watched she quoted Greta. Like how dare you doing that?
Speaker 2:Kind of like Ted Turner. Okay, he gave, I want to say he gave a billion dollars to the UN and of course the United Nations has. Out of Rio de Janeiro in 1992, is the Agenda 21, which is the agenda for the 21st century. If you really look into that, it's about relocation of populations into megacities, getting them off. The rule rewilding I think that's actually the term is rewilding lands. That's actually the term is rewilding uh lands, um, returning them to the way they were without population, and of course they have the milestones of these um and that. To mention ted turner, some people believe that ted turner was responsible for the georgia guidestones, of which we've done an episode before they were, I think, right after they were blown up. But we did that episode and Ted Turner believed in a 95% reduction of population which would put the population where the Georgia Guidestones and that's across the board like 95% reduction in population across the board.
Speaker 1:Leave it at, I think it would leave it at 500,000?
Speaker 2:500 million. 500 million, yeah, 500, it would leave it at 500 million and 95% reduction. But the plan out of the UN again, I talked about this today on my show. The milestones for that plan is Agenda 2030. A lot of people think Agenda 21 meant like 2021. No, it's the agenda for the entire century. They have goals. 21 meant like 2021 no, it's the agenda for the entire century. They have goals and so we're in. That's why everything, in my opinion, that's why everything's happening so fast in this decade, like why the new cycles and the you know, the opening of 2020 was a like a hurry up offense, just just rolling out everything and every. You know. Look the weather modification, whether it's chemtrails or whatever it is, or or the cloud seeding and the lockdown.
Speaker 1:Ukraine, the race riots.
Speaker 2:Everything. It's just like it's thrown at you and it's for confusion and then chaos, and then there's order ab-chao. Order ab-chao is order out of chaos and problem reaction solution, Hegelian dialectic, however you want to put it, but that's what we're in and part of that and that's why, when I looked at Florida and then North Carolina, either way, the weather is not organic. But the open question is were they trying to displace people? Are they? You know a lot?
Speaker 2:Some people say they're trying to interfere with the election, and I'm sorry, I'm just way past that. I don't even think they even I think they already do. I think they. Just you don't have to steer hurricanes, you just we have electronic voting in this country, so I'm I'm not a hundred percent Sure they haven't already done that, you know. But as far as, like, getting people to move, now that's another. That's a realistic thing, and whether it's a lithium grab, I don't even know if it's for profit anymore. I think it's really just a a. The mindset, as mr anderson was saying, from a lot of these people is very anti-human, almost like like the AI from the Matrix. When they're like, look out, there, you're a virus, they believe people are a cancer and that's what even the Georgia Guidestones says be not a cancer on the earth.
Speaker 3:Right, I think it's about destroying the middle class. When I think of the American dream, I think of the middle class People having the opportunity to, you know, rise in rank, so to speak, from somewhere that might have been underprivileged to somewhere higher, and socialism is about two classes. So everyone says the point of socialism is communism. Right, it's a well-known quote. Well, I think the point of democracy is socialism at this point. So I'm very cautious when people start talking about democracy or touting democracy, because Benjamin Franklin described democracy as two wolves in one sheet voting on what's for dinner. Right, I mean, we're a representative republic, that's what we are.
Speaker 3:But I think to your point, tony, that that probably is the larger goal or ambition of these people is for middle class people or normal folk, not to own things. Right, that was the whole platform of you'll own nothing and be happy. Right, you're just going to be renters your entire life, and I think that's why they're coming after America. It's probably the last real vestige in the world where you can have this promotion of the last place of classes. And so I mean, I always attack things from a biblical perspective. I'm sure it's tiring to a lot of people, but how the Bible, or Jesus described the end times like oh, teacher, how will you know it's coming? And he said they're like birthing pains, right, they ramp up in frequency and severity, and so you were talking about being hit by all these different things at the same time, and that's what it reminds me of yeah, you have to like to be aware in this reality, on this timeline is exhausting.
Speaker 2:Like to be to be, aware you don't realize you're going through it and sometimes I'll catch myself and go oh man, it is severe On your nerves, on your psyche, on your outlook, and you guys know me personally.
Speaker 1:I'm not blackpilled.
Speaker 2:I'm not like, oh, it's all over, I don't do that. I just look at stuff and go. I think that's what that is. And then I'm thinking, OK, well, as long as more people are coming online and understanding what this is, then we have a chance to turn it back or create parallel systems to get around it.
Speaker 3:I'm exhausted too, man. I mean, I didn't even know about the thing Kelly supposedly said. Trump said right, he wishes his generals were more like Nazis. It's like maybe he just means he wishes they dressed better. I don't know.
Speaker 2:Like Hugo Boss, I wish the Hugo Boss would design our uniforms.
Speaker 3:But people are all up in arms about that. They're very upset and I go well, you don't even know he said that, and why did the guy continue to serve in his administration if he said that and he was so appalled by it? I, like you, am just so exhausted by it. It doesn't feel like an election is coming up to me and I'm not purely convinced that's because I'm not just checking out a little bit myself.
Speaker 2:Right, I'm trying not to, but I look at this election and go. I don't like. I talk about it on my show today. I know a lot of people are really motivated by it and I think I don't know that you know because, again, look at what we're talking about and this isn't on a platform and if you, it'd be refreshing if we could get candidates that really would talk about anybody in the public space that has the opportunity to be in power right to address some of the real issues that we're up against. I mean, literally, the country is being brought down from the inside with a plan, non-linear, fifth dimensional warfare. I mean we're having they're using people as weapons like crunch, crashing the border. It's a psychological operation to make you think that you are, you're impotent in the face of anything like you're just a pitiful giant, we can't do anything about it. You're supposed to think that that we can win World War Three, but we can't have a border like you have.
Speaker 3:You have to hold these two things in your mind that the government is all powerful, all knowing and it needs to surveil everything you do, the unstoppable object meets the impenetrable wall.
Speaker 1:It's like they're doing the math in your mind, batman and the joker that's how you collapse.
Speaker 2:The psyche is, you get two things that are opposing each other, and then they're pushing at the same time and then you're supposed to be like well, which one is it? Is it total incompetence, or are you the greatest empire of all? I can't tell, and that's what. That's what they want you to. They want you to fall into that trap.
Speaker 3:The only completely exhausted. The only person in the sphere of politics recently I've heard even brush up against Kim Trails is RFK Jr Right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he did.
Speaker 2:Well he brushed up, but he also talked about, you know, genetically modified vaccines and other things that were genetically engineered to only affect certain races and people. That's just what they've been working on forever. I mean, that's just an extension of Operation Paperclip. I mean I was reading an article today and I said, hey, this is me three years ago, so finally it's a mainstream article. I'm like, I feel like I'm in the movie the Lake House with Keanu Reeves, when he's communicating with Sandra Bullock two years in the past through the mailbox or something. I think that's what it looks like to me.
Speaker 2:Some things are catching up, whether it's some things in the financial sector and other things, but no, it is no, you're right, mr Anderson, it's hard to no, you're right, mr Anderson, it's hard to. It's like the Apocalypse Now. Example of the soldiers that were reprimanded for writing the F word on the napalm that they dropped on children because of the Well, they would say well, it's like in the movie. They're like well, you got reprimanded because the F word is obscene, but not the napalm, right. So it's like Trump may have said that he wishes his generals who cares? Do you care? I don't care. Uh, I, you know, I really don't care at all, I mean does it sound like you do yeah, I mean the guy said he preferred people that weren't captured.
Speaker 2:That's right, that really happened. I watched him say it make mccain mad that was his first thought.
Speaker 2:He just didn't have any kind of like, there was no firewall to that statement and he just said it and I thought, well, anybody else that would have ended their political. He just kept going because people, people just were exhausted, and they are exhausted still, of politics and, like you know, putting somebody in front of a camera and asking them questions and they don't give you answers, that's what. Have you guys watched some of the debates lately? Or I mean elizabeth warren's campaign is bizarre in massachusetts do tell more.
Speaker 2:I'm not aware of this well, yeah, I mean she's I forget the guy she's running against, but he's, you know, from the crypto industry and she hates crypto, which is bizarre. She, it's funny. She hates crypto, right, but she's funded by the big banks. She hates the big banks. Is it's funny? She hates crypto, right, but she's funded by the big banks. She hates the big banks, but she's funded by the big banks. I mean, that's it's an inside job.
Speaker 2:But he, he was within a live debate with her and said well, you had him, you know, testifying an open, open uh committee and you didn't ask him anything about the 280 million dollars that they had to settle for the rape victims of jeffrey epstein, that they funded and they were sued and censured by the um, the us virgin islands. He was bringing that up with her and he said I was raped as a kid for two years. I would like to know from these rape victims like and he just went into her, just tore into her, and when it went to her time to speak, she didn't mention any of that. She just said I've been a very stalwart defender of people with the crypto, if you want to have crypto, fine. And she just didn't mention any of it. And it's like we're living in two different worlds. These people that are in the political space Right, it's like they, it's like you. They enter another dimension like they can't. Alternate facts, alternate facts, alternate universe and nothing, and so to quote rummy back in the day.
Speaker 1:This is alternate facts. I think.
Speaker 2:I think it was him oh, I know what you're talking about. I know I was quoting him earlier. He was like well, there was there's known knowns, there's uh known unknowns, and then there's there's unknown unknowns, or something like that.
Speaker 1:He's full of you know what that's?
Speaker 2:what happens when you bring the world aspartame, ladies and gentlemen, aspartame brought to you by the makers of aspartame, and 9-11.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, it was a chain. It was like enhanced interrogation techniques, like just change the wording.
Speaker 2:you know I mean what an awful human being. He's the guy that said deficits don't matter. We're about to test that theory, dick. We're really going to see if deficits don't matter. We're at 135% of debt to GDP percent of debt to GDP.
Speaker 3:That's what gets me, tony, and when people try to bait me into talking about politics, I always defer and say, listen, none of the politicians want to talk about anything that matters to me, because what matters to me right now is the soundness of our money. I mean, we all know money stopped being backed by gold in the 70s with Nixon. But what doesn't get talked about enough is how the currency was still stabilized through the petrodollar. We don't have that anymore and we're still printing off money nonstop, right. So address that. Address that All these other things are going to be drops in the bucket if we ever reach hyperinflation.
Speaker 2:And our money is worth less than the paper cemetery. No, you know, when you can't pay your bills and you have to have a wheelbarrow to go buy bread, for all the cash. I mean, it's weimar republic. It could be worse than that and I'm not being an alarmist and saying that it is, but we've definitely that. You just mentioned something that should be headlines. I've just noticed something being an alternative media the big gosh. Today I was on the david knight show, um and they.
Speaker 2:I read a clip that the saudi government and the iranian government are going to run joint military exercises together and they're fighting each other in yemen and they're a pro through a proxy war between us and Russia, and I go, and, by the way, it was brokered by the Chinese. Not only we lost the petrodollar, but now you have Iran and Saudi that are going to probably join forces and join in BRICS, and so there is something going on Like this is huge, but all you're going to turn on the financial network. So you're going to see Jim Cramer going buy, buy bank stocks. Turn on the financial network, so you're going to see Jim Kramer going buy, buy bank stocks, and I'm like the world is changing so much and I'm going.
Speaker 2:Why is it us? I love talking about it, I like the ideas, but there's two sets of reality here, and so I think that's kind of what this whole thing's about Weather modification and geoengineering, all this stuff is. If you, you don't know, if you don't understand that's going on, then you're really not tuned into anything. You're literally just living in like the truman show, or you don't have.
Speaker 3:Uh, it's plato's cave, right well, the thing that's funny about that analogy is the guy who actually leaves the cave and sees the world as it is. He's like I want to go back. Yeah, so used to his perceived reality.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I really like to go back and tell people that it's different out there and they all hate him. Then, yeah, that's the thing. He goes back, goes, hey, there's a wider world out there and there's this huge thing and it's bright and, uh, they're like you can't see the shadows anymore. You're broken, right. You know like what good are you? You can't. They did that because that was in the allegory of the cave is. They're all chained to this log and they, they, uh, they are measured. Their intelligence is measured by what they can identify the shadows on the wall right, and he goes out. He can't see them anymore because he's seen the sun and, um, so he's, he's shunned.
Speaker 3:So that sounds real familiar yeah I think it's a I mean reagan talked about it, right, nothing would unify all the peoples of the world more than ufos, and I think they might say that's so over the top, let's, let's make it a little bit more realistic. How about climate change? And that? That's how I kind of view it and the push for it. I don't think people are really that worried about it. I mean, look at Obama's house and Martha's Vineyard. It's right up to the coast. I don't think he's worried about it.
Speaker 2:Somebody recently did a. I mean I wish we I should have brought that. I didn't think to that. But there was a guy who gave a speech and he's an underwriter and and, uh, somebody who's a venture capitalist and uh, knows about how to raise capital I mean a big player and he goes and if you go through the prospectus of all these banks and all of the insurance companies and everybody in Florida and these coastal lines, they don't have anything underwritten, anything that shows that they're going to be underwater, right. Nobody. And it's kind of like that was a big tell for me during COVID 1984. I'm like did policies change? Did anything happen on life insurance? Did anything happen in that realm? Nothing changed, except except in 2021. Uh, when the ceo of one america insurance was like hey, there's a 40, there's a 200 year spike the death rate from 18 to 60.
Speaker 2:We don't know what this is for, yeah, and I'm like I know what it's from, you know?
Speaker 1:one changing factor that year.
Speaker 2:One thing changed that year. That wasn't you know and it wasn't 2020. No, it was 2021 and everybody knows what happened. You know, at 2021, yeah, no, but he was saying this guy. He was like there's no change. So that's how you know, that's how, like, the big players, the money's, like, if there was any inkling that these guys would have any loss of their capital or their holdings, it would be written in to the prospectus and it's not and that's how you know. It's a grift, it's all a grift. Now, you never hear from these climate idiots. You never hear any of this stuff about cleaning stuff. I'm a conservationist. I want the trash out. I want the chemicals out of the water. I want surface-to-air missiles hitting these planes that are putting chemtrails out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I always thought that I'm like, if you're not going to tell us what you're dropping on us, you're.
Speaker 2:You don't have my consent, so technically you're an enemy combatant.
Speaker 3:John Brennan even talked about it at the. We didn't mention uh 2016 jb. He's like one has caught my attention stratospheric aerosol injection I just read from the teleprompter I got a collect call from the devil.
Speaker 2:Who told me to?
Speaker 1:look up.
Speaker 2:Yes, I'll accept the call.
Speaker 1:Hey, dad, he wants more sulfur, henry Kissinger.
Speaker 3:Yeah, more sulfur. Hello, mr.
Speaker 2:Kissinger. Yeah, hello, mr Kissinger. Is Henry there?
Speaker 3:Yeah, like South Park movie.
Speaker 2:Shaddam. Well, hello Shaddam. What's the latest from jeffrey epstein? Um, yeah, it really, I mean it really does. Um, piss me off. I mean I look at, because what can?
Speaker 3:you do about it, tony. Well, it's out.
Speaker 2:I mean, there are veteran cemeteries are packed full of young men and women who thought they were defending a constitutional republic, and then you have these psychopaths who've taken everything with without our consent. I mean, I'm, I'm mad when I think about all this stuff that's going on and that we can't inject into our politics because, oh, it's a conspiracy theory and you're not allowed to do it. Um, no, it's gaslighting. Yeah, it's gaslighting, and I and I'm disappointed why I'm? I'm not just like you, mr Anderson. I'm not interested in this election because you're not talking about anything, anything that matters Right, not the big stuff.
Speaker 2:They literally talking about fiscal sanity, which used to be a thing when I was a kid. The Republicans had a contract with America and there's new coverage and we're gonna, you know, balance the budget and all this stuff and, um, you know that was a real movement. Now it failed because eventually you got denny hasard, who was a pedophile and you know he got caught by the patriot act, the thing that, the very thing that he put through the legislation, he got caught by the patriot act paying off people. You know they were blackmailing him for being a pedophile, but you got denny hasard. You really didn't get anything turn.
Speaker 2:Right now they don't even talk about, yeah, fiscal responsibility at all and, um, not that you can do much with fiat currency, but you can try, you know. And you have janet yellen out here saying that, uh, they're gonna close the funding gap through taxes. Uh, janet, no, you're not, and you know this. You know, like there's not enough. You could take all the wealth from everybody. You can't make up for these budget shortfalls that you have unfunded liabilities, which I think are in the quadrillions. They're not in the trillions.
Speaker 3:Thomas Massey is the only one who mentions it at all. It seems like. He has a little debt counter right on his lapel and his wife and his wife. Then his wife died yeah, that's what tony and I were discussing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's very vocal about it, and then his wife dies yeah, yeah, we were david knight and I were discussing today, so you know this has been. We've been saying well, now we go a trillion dollars in debt. There's a trillion dollar deficit every 100 days. Actually, it's $2.3 trillion now. Oh my gosh, we went $500 billion in 20 days on budget.
Speaker 1:I thought you were saying the $2.3 trillion.
Speaker 2:That's what I brought up today on the David Knight show. I said, oh, it's just Donald Rumsfeld's numbers brought to you by the same people. That's basically the aspartame number Brought to you by the same people. That's basically the Aspartame number. Yeah, if you don't know folks, donald Rumsfeld, after he was secretary, I think he was secretary of defense for Nixon for a little while. Nixon, yeah, right, and then he got out of, he was congressman and then he was secretary of defense for a little while, or maybe under secretary of defense, and then he came back and then he was a lobbyist and he got aspartame which they couldn't. They it was, uh, you know, red flag. No, no, go, it causes cancer and brain damage. And then, good old rummy, he got that through, he got it through rest in hell, and then pretty much he couldn't track two point three trillion dollars.
Speaker 3:No we didn't have to after the next day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the next day all the auditors you know they weren't asking questions anymore. That was a section of the Pentagon, it was.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think they're going to continue to do these things. I mean, I was trying to look up whistleblowers. Yeah, I think they're going to continue to do these things. I mean, I was trying to look up whistleblowers. One was, her name was Kristen Megan and I believe she was former Air Force and she was conducting air sampling and soil sampling and saw all sorts of stuff in both that shouldn't have been there and she was sounding the alarms.
Speaker 3:Right, because a lot of the time I think these are often referred to these different areas as death dumps, because they have these huge bomber like planes with no markers on them, just dumping this crap. And she started talking about it and her commander threatened her with like a four month mental health evaluation if she wanted to be alarmed by what was going on and what she was seeing. And she was like a single mom right, supporting her child. So that was a no go, but I haven't really seen a whole lot of whistleblowers talking about it, which to me just boggles the mind, because you see it everywhere. I mean my family all the time. They'll send me pictures now because they're aware of it. When I lived in Albuquerque they used to have signs on the side of the road saying if you see chemtrails, call this number with your time and location.
Speaker 1:Like someone's talking about it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I had a friend visit me and he was like what is that about? And I explained it to him and he had never heard of chemtrails before. Wow, but it's pretty obvious, right? I mean they go back and forth, I mean just netting it over and over again. But the point is, if no one's talking about it, who represents us? They're not going to push to make any changes to what's going on. What can you really do about it, right?
Speaker 2:Well, you can do what we're doing, which I think it'll reach a tipping point. You just have to continue to talk about it, which I think it'll reach a tipping point. You just have to continue to talk about it refresh the data, make sure that we keep the links and download the stuff that's going to get banned, make sure we keep the books in print, all that stuff. Keep the research and redo these things, re-release the episodes, talk about them again, share stuff, have the conversations. That's what I've always wanted to do with my programs. That's why I wanted to do these kind of panel talks and stuff, because it's the dialectic. Keep it open, it'll eventually, because the truth always finds a way to make the light.
Speaker 1:Can I actually show you guys something on the screen, Tony?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that kind of depends, chris it's gonna have to be audio audio only. Yeah, you can what you got.
Speaker 1:You got a link I got a link right here and it gives a little bit of positivity to maybe there's a possibility that something could be done about chemtrails and that situation. Um, there was uh right here I have it in the link uh in the private chat. Um, it's from the bbc and basically it's uh in tennessee they're, they're past. They passed a chemtrail bill banning airborne chemicals april 2nd of this year. So there's people out there that are trying apparently trying to make some kind of a difference with the chemtrail situation, because I remember coming across that earlier in the year and being like wow, that's the first time I've ever heard of anything like that happening, where you know a politician is trying to raise some kind of awareness, you know, and and not getting you know the gagged.
Speaker 2:Basically, you know it'd be interesting if we could, if you could, organize on this too, because the air rights, like if you're over a county, yeah, over a jurisdiction, you could literally get an arrest warrant.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I mean technically, you know it's got to be and people do track these, by the way where, where they come in and out of, there are people that are doing that. But it's just not enough yet. Like to get, because once you could get one, you know arrest or something, cause it has. If you don't have consent, it's illegal, right. What's the point of having a constitution, having a country, If? If you can have stuff done to you without your consent, it's one thing. If it's just they passed the law and it sucked and there's nothing we could do about it, you still protest, you do your stuff, you, you, uh, redress grievances and all that. It's another thing to do something entirely outside of the scope of the checks and balances and uh and expect people to live with it yeah, the one thing that's worrisome to me is particularly the aluminum right my grandfather had dementia.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and my mother would always say well, you know, back in the day, they ate out of a lot of aluminum bowls and had a lot of aluminum pots and things like that, because there's a link between aluminum and alzheimer's. They're spraying this stuff everywhere, so much you find trace amounts of it in bees. It's a problem, right, yeah?
Speaker 1:And once you do something, once you kill off the bees, that's our food supply.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's underappreciated this is a BBC article Tennessee passes chemtrail. They put chemtrail bill banning airborne chemicals. Tennessee lawmakers have passed a bill banning the release of airborne chemicals that critics say is inspired by chemtrails conspiracy theories. The bill forbids intentional injection, release or dispersion of chemicals into the air. It doesn't explicitly mention chemtrails, which conspiracy theorists believe are poison spread by planes.
Speaker 3:Well, they are, don't people still go to prison for conspiracy Conspiracy to do all sorts of things right.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 3:But they always mention conspiracy theorists, like conspiracies don't exist, right, you can't talk about them.
Speaker 1:That's a way of defanging the issue or whatever, right yeah. Or basically making it look like a clown shoe, or whatever you know a clown shoe or whatever you know.
Speaker 2:Geoengineering, weather modification and chemtrails. The legislation focuses on geoengineering, a very broad category which includes mostly theoretical, large-scale action to mitigate climate change. No, it's not to mitigate it, it is the climate change. It is the climate change. What we need is we need, like, a chemtrail greta. Can we find somebody just like?
Speaker 1:how dare you?
Speaker 2:dare you spray us planet-wide? Climate change engineering is distinct from more routine weather modifications such as cloud seeding, which increases rainfall over specific areas. Chemtrails, meanwhile, is a separate pseudo-scientific idea that governments or corporations are spraying chemicals from planes to kill control of poison people. It's not corporations. It could be through contracts, but it's not like. Corporations are like an evil. You know bond type, you know combine or consortium.
Speaker 3:It's not it's not american airlines, no, american Airlines no.
Speaker 2:Right. This most common claim of proof is simply that aircraft contrails look different, without any comparative analysis. According to a report from a Harvard Geoengineering group, yeah, that's good.
Speaker 3:A group got money to study this.
Speaker 1:Study the objection. The protection for Bigfoot is tacked on there. So there you go.
Speaker 3:Well, we got to do that, Chris.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Let me read this real quick. The legislation sponsor, Monty Fritz, called it a very common sense thing to do. Although several lawmakers mentioned chemtrails while the bill was being discussed during Monday's session, Mr Frentz focused on cloud seeding. Everything that goes up must come down, and those chemicals that we knowingly and willingly inject into the atmosphere simply to control the weather or the climate are affecting our health. This is true. In a joking response, John Ray Clements, a Democrat from Nashville, introduced an amendment that would protect fictional beasts. This amendment would make sure that we were protecting Yetis or Sasquatch or Bigfoot from whatever this conspiracy is that we're passing this legislation from. So he's being funny.
Speaker 1:Yeah. That's good it reminds me of the governor of Arizona after the Phoenix lights, having the guy come out dressed like a Martian Remember.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I remember, and that guy regrets that.
Speaker 1:Oh, he does.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, that guy regrets that and a shame on him. And it's funny the democratic party has these kinds of people in it. Like it, it, like it, it. It really just flies in the face of all logic. Like what you were so useless and you're supposed to be like. You're so smart and smart, you're so, so fit, you're still above it all, but you can't read, you don't have a library card, you can't. You can't look up and see that things are different, you can't tell like the weather's different and what do you think it's? Just because I like heating my home. The biggest polluter in the world is who? It's the military. Oh sorry guys. Wicca, wicca, wicca.
Speaker 3:I dropped a little thing on my OK.
Speaker 3:The thing that gets me about people like the Democrat mentioned in the article is are you not even a little curious about what might be going on? I mean, you're more tethered to the government and how things work than I am. You should be privy to more information. You're not a little bit curious about all the things that are closed off to you, that you don't know about? So you can introduce some sort of legislation to put some standards in place to make sure that whatever is being emitted out of the engines doesn't contain these chemicals. You have a problem with that? Yeah, problem. Is it a financial problem, because democrats never seem to have a problem spending money? Insofar as I'm concerned, well, only only americans.
Speaker 2:I guess that's the problem. We got to give lots of money to Ukraine, though.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and Gaza.
Speaker 3:T-shirt man needs money, Tony do you think that'll? Pick up. I feel like that's just going to pick up. I feel like it'll be a form of bribery to keep our money in circulation. Oh, I think so.
Speaker 2:I think it's going to get even worse. How much we send money around the world, and how much of it, I mean, it's going to get weird and unfortunately, that's how it dies. That's how the system it just becomes. The BRICS nations are meeting today, which is a whole other subject, but they're doing cross-border payment systems, abandoning the dollar, abandoning the swift payment system, all that stuff. It's it's getting, it's accelerating and that's going to cause a lot of blowback here in the U? S and the economy. And what's happening with our currency. It's all climate change, right, it's climate change. Yeah, it's climate change, all right. Well, we'll wrap this one up change.
Speaker 1:All right, we'll wrap this one up. One last thing do you guys think, um, with the lahaina thing that went down the you know the rabbit hole in the memory hole, and um, there was a lot of like talk of, uh, potential weapons being used and things um, maybe not necessarily weather, but you know harp, or you know there was a harp installation on the island, I think air force or or some kind of uh air force weapons, um lab or whatever you want to call it. That was like not too far from you know where everything started wasn't it like for directed energy type?
Speaker 1:that's what I meant. Yeah, directed energy, uh, which utilizes like the harp scenario, I I believe, or at least a part of it yeah, I think, uh, what was his name?
Speaker 3:mikio kaku or whatever that, that guy who writes generally about science. I think he's professor somewhere in new york. But, um, he was on um some program years ago and even talking about firing trillion watt lasers into the sky to precipitate rain clouds. So the vein of directed energy, I mean, it's just a different form of electromagnetic radiation, right, but with the same intentions or same aim. And then that's what a lot of people brought up about the maui fire fires, right that too how did that happen?
Speaker 3:and and was it Marjorie Taylor Greene who brought up the fact that the space lasers Jewish space lasers and that.
Speaker 1:And the moment she says it then it's a subject you can't talk about because, oh, it's a joke, kind of like the Bigfoot thing with the guy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's kind of her job, though, right To get in front of it and make it sensationalized. So no one else talks about it, right Cause she's a wackadoodle.
Speaker 2:There's people in alternative media to do that, yeah, they take, they take something that's really true and then they put something really ridiculous on top of it and they so they make the thing that is true inert. Yeah, right, so we don't do that here, that's right, no.
Speaker 1:I just wanted to get your thoughts on that because, uh people, no one talks about um hawaii anymore. So well what do you?
Speaker 3:think about chris. Oh sorry, go ahead, tony. No, that's okay, go ahead.
Speaker 1:I want to hear what chris has to say well, no, that's just like what happened with the hurricanes, like that's going to be forgotten. It pretty much already is like in fema's lack of response or and all that other thing you know. I, like you, said like the news cycle is so fast now on purpose, in my opinion, that, uh, any legitimate questions about like why would a hurricane go that far? You know all the science behind it, or whatever, no, it's just going to be a blip like people don't even remember. You know earlier this year, why would a hurricane go that far? You know all the science behind it, or whatever. No, it's just going to be a blip Like people don't even remember. You know earlier this year, you know events happening. But that's pretty much where I was going with that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it seems like FEMA is there to set up a perimeter to ensure that good people can't help people in those regions. It was real funny. I don't know if you've been watching it. Uh, chris, but there's a series called the penguin on hbo max. It's kind of like the origin story of the penguin, um, but in that?
Speaker 1:oh, the penguin, I think the penguin. You know, I've seen every episode of the penguin.
Speaker 3:Yep, yeah, so you know that whole area is wiped out right in this huge deluge, this huge flood, and then it became a fema camp after that yeah, yeah, part of gotham city is that was underwater and yeah, it became a camp, and they specifically call it a fema camp in the show yep my favorite meme out of the last couple weeks was it had uh john ham, you know from uh don Draper from Mad Men and he's got.
Speaker 2:He's like that's the episode where he's a little toasted and there's a blank whiteboard and he goes hear me out and it says we put FEMA in the camps. I could hear him saying it through the meme. I think it's a still meme but he's like hear me out, we put FEMA in the camps. And I'm like totally Get it. That's so funny.
Speaker 3:That's why, when they were talking about all these different methods of carbon capture, I was like that would be a FEMA camp, all the carbon-based life.
Speaker 1:It'd be a good Bill Burr bit as well.
Speaker 3:I don't know if he'll do any bits like that anymore with his wife. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Let's wrap this one up, gents. Good show. Definitely want to do some more episodes. And folks be sure and share this around and tell people about Paratroop. We need to start running some rebroadcasts and pull out the archives and keep the feed going. I've been doing my radio show pretty regularly on the on the Thursdays to keep the feed live, but we definitely need to get some more shows out. But, chris tell, tell people where they can find you man.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm at sea graves mask guy on Twitter and I got a link tree there for everything that I have out there and, yeah, it's great, great show.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Thanks for being here. I appreciate the research. We'll definitely we'll do this again. Mr Anderson, I know you don't want to be found. Do you have any parting thoughts before you slip back into another dimension or time zone?
Speaker 3:No, just great to have Chris back.
Speaker 2:I saw a comment the other day on my Facebook and it was like really glad you're doing the radio show, but people need to check out Paratrooper and if they like this one, if they like you, they're going to love Mr Anderson, and I thought that's good. People are listening and they like you more than me, which was my goal. That's what you took away from that.
Speaker 3:Because they don't have to look at me nonstop.
Speaker 2:We've heard Tony. We want more. Mr Anderson, I'm always happy for that. Folks, we keep this show running and I'm able to fund all this stuff through the business Wise Wolf Gold and Silver. Go check out wolfpackgold Precious metal subscriptions delivered directly to your door. I've got uh close to almost. We've got 1309 members as of this morning. So all across the country, and the more people join, the better prices. I can get everybody uh. Promo code 1776. Get yourself some free silver. I'll do some pre 1965 constitutional silver silver. I'll do some pre-1965 constitutional silver. Anybody that joins Wolfpackgold Beans the Brave is here. She's sending her love. I don't know if you can see her just off camera. There's Beanie and we'll be back. So share the links, folks. We appreciate you In the information war. Be a paratrooper. See you next time.