The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#489 Financial Shifts, Biden's Fallout, Parapolitics & Precious Metals
What if the financial world as we know it is on the brink of a seismic shift? Join me, Tony Arterburn, as we unravel the complexities of global economics, drawing lessons from history's greats like Alexander the Great to emphasize the ephemerality of wealth and the true value of time. From the devaluation of the U.S. dollar since 1971 to the rising influence of gold and Bitcoin, we explore the transformative potential of recent developments, including Russia's BRICS bridge system. A recent press conference with Janet Yellen highlights the fragility of our current economic situation, hinting at a possible fourth turning that could redefine the financial landscape.
The political arena heats up as we scrutinize the controversial actions of President Biden, focusing on instances of inappropriate behavior that have been largely ignored by mainstream media. With the Biden and Harris campaigns floundering and lacking a compelling narrative beyond opposing Trump, we examine the historical significance of upcoming dates like November 5th. By drawing parallels to past elections, this episode provides a nuanced analysis of the shifting political dynamics and their implications for the Trump and Harris campaigns.
As we navigate the treacherous waters of U.S. foreign policy, echoes of historical figures like Woodrow Wilson and FDR resonate in the decisions facing today's leaders. We question the readiness of Biden and Harris in managing potential conflicts while holding out hope for Trump's promises to resolve international crises. The conversation calls for a reevaluation of America's perpetual state of warfare and highlights the geopolitical importance of Middle Eastern oil. In closing, we assess the investment potential of precious metals like gold and silver, offering listeners insights into safeguarding their financial future amidst economic uncertainties.
opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening, folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm william cooper is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, amer Americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song. I'm Robert Hi Wade, veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior. Poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet.
Speaker 2:This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. I don't know when Alexander the Great lay dying, he had three wishes. He said the best doctors should carry my body, all the wealth he had accumulated money, gold, precious stones should be scattered along the processions of the cemetery. And three, his body should be covered in a shroud with only his hands visible, swinging in the wind, palms up, carrying dust. One of his generals, who was surprised by the unusual request, asked Alexander to explain and he said this I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate in the face of death. Even the best doctors in the world have no real power. Number two, I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everyone sees the material wealth acquired on this earth stays on this earth. And three, I want my hands to swing in the wind so that people understand that when we come to this world empty-handed, we leave the world empty-handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is time. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins. Am your host, Tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons and the new world order? It is the 31st of October 2024. It's Halloween, ladies and gents. I'm in Florida with Beans the Brave on business.
Speaker 2:We were on the David Knight show just about an hour ago and discussed really just an ever rapidly changing global market with commodities, with currency. This election has everything up in the air. We're going to discuss a little bit of that today. And I take these kinds of times, you know, heading up to a big event like November 5th, and I just try to reset my mind. I try to look at the big picture, where we are, what's going on, and we're on a historical path right now. I think that is really unprecedented in history. We're inside of an experiment, folks, and I know I harp on this and I know that this is my wheelhouse and I go back to it pretty much every show, but it really is going to define our times and that is the money changers. The money changers the same, really, the same ilk that Jesus threw out of the temple. They're controlling our narrative, they've created an artificial reality and since 1971, since there is no fix to our currency, since it's stabilized by nothing. 1971, since there is no fix to our currency, since it's stabilized by nothing, and we recently just lost the quasi-stability of the petrodollar. With no resistance from this government, the train has left the station.
Speaker 2:We recently came off the BRICS summit where Russia has proposed the BRICS bridge system. They're acquiring silver. This is a shocking, huge earthquake news that happened that mainstream just didn't cover and of course you hear it here. But there is changes on the horizon, folks, regardless of the outcome of this election, that are going to affect us and philosophically I have to cover them. They're just too large, they're too looming and we see that again. Prices are changing. We hit another all-time high in gold yesterday, leading up to the end of the month. Bitcoin is nearing another all-time high as more and more supply dwindles and the ETFs are closing in breaking records for how much is acquired by these large ETF funds, the exchange traded funds like BlackRock? There is a change in the wind and I don't know if anybody noticed the press conference with Janet Yellen last week last week, one of the funniest things, and God truly does have a sense of humor where she's being asked in real time about.
Speaker 2:First, it was about tariffs. Trump recently talked about tariffs on the Joe Rogan experience and talked about William McKinley. Maybe we'll talk a little bit about that today. But she was asked about that and the dual question was tariffs. And then are you, do you have anxiety over the United States losing the world's reserve currency status with the dollar? And as soon as the question was asked, literally the seal of the Treasury of the United States fell off the podium and confused, confused Janet Yellen which I don't think is that hard to do, but she was looking a little perplexed at what had just happened and I think that sums up the territory that we're in. It doesn't feel like an election season. It doesn't feel like anything that we have come to know of normal, as normal is going on here. There's a lot happening and I think that's the order of the day. The order of the day is change. We there's a lot happening and I think that's the order of the day. The order of the day is change. We're in a fourth turning. It's the philosophy of cyclical history and 80 years on from the Bretton Woods Agreement, we're about to see massive change. And really that's what this show is all about. We're going to talk about the things the mainstream media doesn't and we're going to highlight what those changes are.
Speaker 2:I want to go into my first story today just to set the tone something on Zero Hedge. Let me see if I can pull this up. Let me stop the screen and pull this. This one caught my eye. It was a little bit of Joe Biden. He really is an anchor. I mean, they used him Really. Everything has blowback, everything has consequences. They chose this man to represent their party, the Democratic Globalist Party, and their values and all of that, and when he wasn't useful anymore, they disposed of him and it seems like subconsciously, he's doing everything he can to make sure that he sabotages. It's kind of like a scorched earth policy, kind of like what Taiwan's going to do with all of their microchip and all of their fabrications and all the things that they make for electronics. If the communist Chinese tried to take that island. Let's go into this, hold on. Let me stare at the screen real quick.
Speaker 2:I'm on my laptop, being my own producer today, and that's always fun. I hate to miss a show just because I'm on the road, but we're definitely a little bit hamstrung with the laptop over what I usually have in my studio. But this is the story I found off Zero Hedge and it kind of sums it up Lame yuck with nothing to lose. Biden goes on a baby mouthing spree Now, you heard that, correct A baby mouthing spree at the White House Halloween party. Truly frightening, one night after punching a new hole in the sinking ship that is the Kamala Harris campaign, and with no political future of his own to tamp down his impulse to put his mouth on children, president Joe Biden went on a baby biting binge at the White House Halloween party on Wednesday night, leaving the Internet collectively mortified, and it really is like some of the images out here that they have, and some of the memes are going to come out of this. You know he, he must. I think his handlers have left the building. He's no longer, no longer. I guess they're just leaving him to his own devices.
Speaker 2:This is for anyone who's somehow unaware. Biden has a long, rich history of mouthing, sniffing and grabbing children and women. Has a video up here and this is a. Let's see if we can play this, this video, just a small sampling of Biden's uninvited touching. Let's see how long it is and see if I can play it Right next to me and then we're going to have there you go.
Speaker 1:Got it Okay, and then people in the back Throwback scenes. Aw.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's, this is a long. This is definitely a long.
Speaker 1:Whispering in her ear no, not smile.
Speaker 2:And it's funny, the mainstream media the mainstream media never cared about this. And then it goes on and on and there's examples of him with the wives of diplomats and foreign dignitaries and members of Congress, he says. After multiple women came forward to say Biden had made them uncomfortable with his touching, biden issued a video apology in 2019 saying social norms are changing, and I understand that, and I've heard that these women are saying politics to me has always been about making connections, but certainly with him, because that's his connection. However, with no second term on the line, wednesday night, biden gleefully abandoned his personal space pledge. Given his record, it would have grabbed major attention if Biden only mouthed a single baby. However, like an alcoholic falling off the wagon with great abandon, he indulged himself over and over, no doubt by realizing that this would be one of the last opportunities you will ever have.
Speaker 2:The 81-year-old lame duck proceeded to mouth baby after baby. This is truly bizarre, folks, I mean, aside from the politics, if you want to be partisan or whatever this is, and he's had this bizarre behavior and it seemed like you were relegated to some you know, uh, forbiddance, like some phantom zone and media, or if you're just a commentator who just happens to bring this up. This guy does this and this is where we are in the. It's almost like, you know, in the simulation that we're in, in this, in this reality. This is one of those, these characters, that makes you question reality itself. Like what? How is this real, you know? But, yeah, they throw these out out there to you so that you, you will have lose, abandon, all hope. Those parents appeared to politely tolerate their offspring being christened with presidential saliva, but we can imagine his handler's face palming as Biden gave way to his compulsion to bestow oral affections. Oh man, this parent smiled as Biden mouthed her baby's foot. Well, you know, recently, uh, biden had the comment about, uh, the real trash, you know, being trump supporters after the uh, the joke by tony hinchcliffe about puerto rico in response to that, and kamala harris's campaign has had to really walk this one back. And again, he's an anchor. He's an anchor as we careen into the 5th of November.
Speaker 2:And does anybody realize too, it's Guy Fawkes Day? You know the V for Vendetta, the Guy Fawkes. You know the go back to what? Is it? The 1600s or so? The? I may be wrong on that, but I believe it's. You know the anniversary of when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up British Parliament and they, you know, use that into the character and the mass for V for Vendetta. But you know, is that remember? Remember the 5th of November, the gunpowder, treason and plot, and I think those dates converging. You know there's another date in history November 5th 2001 is the day that uh radio host Bill Cooper was, uh, as he predicted, killed and uh, on his doorstep, uh, by law enforcement. The same guy that predicted what would happen with 9-11 and broke down Oklahoma City. All this stuff had Timothy McVeigh with an unknown person come and meet him at his studio prior to Oklahoma City. You should look into that history, but there's something with the date coming up, so I'm cautious going into this.
Speaker 2:But I would say, looking at what the Democrats are doing and we're going to talk a little bit about Trump and foreign policy here in a second because I think that's probably the most key thing, if there is the real differences in the race, at least in rhetoric coming out of the Trump campaign that if you want to have any hope, you want to put some stock in that or pray about that. The prospect for peace is the most glaring thing. But if you paid attention to politics and you're looking at this just objectively. The Harris campaign has imploded. The Biden campaign imploded. The Democratic Party there is no message here. It's just we're not Trump, that's it. They got nothing.
Speaker 2:And, of course, the comments that Trump supporters are trash or whatever, or labeling you as a if you vote that way or if you just happen to question, you know one party rule in this country, then you're put into a certain camp. You know whether it's an extremist or you know whatever they label us these days. You know Hillary called it a basket of deplorables, but they're really in damage control if they have the time. Voting has already started. So you know there's a lot of polls out there which, if you can do, you trust the polls. I certainly don't. I read the momentum, I read what's happening online, I look at trends, what people talk about. I just put you know as multiple factors. If I'm looking at an election prediction, I look at multiple things and polls are usually the last thing, but I can read the energy.
Speaker 2:I would say that, given what we saw in 2016 and 2020, this is a different campaign than both of those. Of course, you've got different candidates and there's different circumstances the Trump campaign, especially since July 13th, the assassination attempt and the disaster that is the Kamala Harris campaign. It looks like, and with the Rogan interview, washington Post not endorsing, la Times not endorsing, there is an exodus of establishment consent for the current ruling party. They're just washing their hands like Pontius Pilate saying well, we're backing away to see what happens. They're not going all in because there's a high probability that on November 6th, if there is not unlimited mail-in ballots and shenanigans and states that don't count, I don't know how, in 2024, can you not have all the votes counted? I mean seriously, within the margin of error. How do you not know? It's a willingly not having the ability to count the votes or, again, they have the ability but not doing it on purpose.
Speaker 2:At this point, I mean it's an insult to all of us. This is the United States of America. We're supposed to export democracy. That's not really what we're supposed to do, but that's what the ruling class says. We're supposed to be a beacon, a shining city on a hill, all the rule of law, lex Rex, everything. But again, this is how you play these subtle games the skullduggery, the subterfuge, all that's gone, the mind control that goes into everything that mass media does and going into that.
Speaker 2:So let's say we get lucky, right, I think, if there's a little bit of luck here, regardless of talking about outcome, just having it done, does anybody want to go through the last quarter of this year in a stop, the steal, part two, the reckoning Does anybody want to do that? Does anybody want to go through the law fair and the hearings and what would ultimately January 6th, part two? Does anybody want to do any of that? Absolutely not. It's not good for the country. Get it over with one way or the other. But the momentum and I think just reading the tea leaves.
Speaker 2:Looking at it from Jack. This is not even a. I don't have a dog in the fight per se. I have some issues with Trump and it's cost me a lot of listeners. I have some issues just saying absolutely and it's cost me a lot of listeners. I have some issues just saying absolutely, thumbs up.
Speaker 2:I love what he says and we're going to get into this. I love a lot of what he says when he talks about foreign policy, when he talks about ending the wars. He did that before and granted the war in Yemen, continued backing the House of Saud against the Iranians, which is really a proxy war, and it's a way of on the grand chessboard to channel Zygmunt Brzezinski. This is a way when we do those kinds of things, backing it's a play against Russia. There was something and of course he ordered the troops out of Syria several times. He didn't fire the generals, they kept going back in and there's some dangerous rhetoric that he has on Israel and what he's going to do and all that. So we have to be cautious. But it's in a contrast to Kamala Harris's campaign and the globalists and the Democratic Party and the establishment, the military industrial complex. But, by the way, they flow through both parties. But they're not even giving any lip service to stopping World War III.
Speaker 2:And my reading of history, from what I know, we're closer to that. We're closer to some sort of kinetic catastrophe, a tragedy. We're closer to that than we have been since 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We were very close because all the little terrible, what is it? Winston Churchill said the terrible ifs accumulate. You look at all the terrible ifs around the world If you look at all the hot spots and you look at the we just folks.
Speaker 2:Another reason why these countries like BRICS Brazil, russia, india, china, south Africa, right and now Saudi Arabia and 25 other nations. They're building this massive economic union. They're building this massive economic union. Another reason why they're doing that is stories that came out a couple of days ago. Some of the seized Russian assets and funds after they invaded Ukraine in 2022, those have been repurposed and allowed to set as collateral so the Ukrainians can borrow against it. We're talking about billions and they can use that to fire weapons into Russian territory and to kill Russian soldiers. You realize, just that alone is an act of war. Sanctions are an act of war when you force people to use a currency at the end of a rifle, or even by tariffs Because I agree with tariffs. But when you start having that sort of rhetoric, weaponizing currency and then weaponizing a financial system, those are acts of war. Funding the way that we funded Ukraine.
Speaker 2:But we can't help people in Appalachia, or we can't clean up the water in Flint, michigan, or we can't build a road or fix a bridge or an airport. You know we can't help Americans. We can't do any of that. But T-shirt man gets unlimited billions. It shows the priority of the ruling class in this country. They've totally abandoned us. The ruling class has abandoned this country. They're absentee landlords that care nothing about the infrastructure, nothing about the health and prosperity and future of the American people.
Speaker 2:I think that's so apparent. They're doing it in real time, showing you they don't care. They have plans, and those plans are really what reflects out of things like Davos and the World Economic Forum and, of course, supranational bodies like the United Nations, where you get Agenda 2030 and an agenda for the 21st century, agenda 21, the sustainability projects. That's what they're concerned with, not concerned with you You're in the way and all this stuff. That's why most of politics anymore they don't even talk about issues. They don't care.
Speaker 2:When I was a kid and you guys remember this, I'm going to be 45 in December I remember when there was real things and people talked about them. Now they don't. They'll do hot button issues or things that get sound bites but not really digging into the complexities of what it means to operate a first world economy. What's it going to be like in five years? Can you buy a home? Can you afford groceries? What happened to the currency? All those things have been accelerated like throwing gas on a fire.
Speaker 2:If you look at like we were talking about the price of gold hit another all-time high. Well, it's doing that now every week or two, and it's not like gold will pull back earlier today, but it hit another all-time high yesterday. Well, why is it doing that? Well, it's doing that because governments around the world, and especially the United States, are printing their way out of problems Instead of solving them. Instead of having consensus, instead of being responsible, we just go to the printing press.
Speaker 2:It really flies in the face of why we have an income tax. I know why we do. The super wealthy love the income tax, and they built it. I mean the robber barons. That's what they had, their foundations. They exempted themselves in 1913 and gave you the 16th Amendment. Why did they do that? Well, you have to pay the interest on the Federal Reserve that they built. You have to have these workers out there chasing green pieces of paper to prop up that system. It literally is a magic trick. It's economic alchemy. They do it right in front of you and that's why we have things that punish you.
Speaker 2:And so Trump talking about the tariffs. That's great. You know, this is a conversation this country needed to have. When I ran for office, I ran on tariffs, and this is before Trump and I would get looked at like what is he even talking about? But that makes total sense, are you sure? Did you know this history? I know a lot about that. I know a lot about economic nationalism. I know a lot about William McKinley and that he was the tariff king and that we were so prosperous in the 1890s. I know all about that. I know why. That's what the country was built on so great civilizations, countries that project power. They rise on sound money and economic nationalism and they decline on fiat, currency and free trade every time. There is no exception. They debase currencies, they open their markets without strategy and, like Thomas Jefferson said, merchants have no country.
Speaker 2:All right, I'm going to jump into the next story here and then I'll check the Rockfin chat. By the way, if you want to watch the Arterburn Radio transmission on video, you can always check us out over on Rockfin that's R-O-K-F-I-Ncom on the America Unplugged channel dot com on the America Unplugged channel and on Rumble on the America Unplugged channel, along with my, my ex I call it the Twitter is the ex at Tony Arterburn. You can find me there, let me. This was on Natural news and this is worth having a discussion about, because you know the election's coming up and a lot of people have already voted. But this is probably the pivotal issue it what sets a campaign apart, and I hope that it really does matter. I truly do, because I think this headline it sums up what we're actually up against. Let me present this on my laptop here in the hotel in Florida I think this headline it sums up what we're actually up against. Let me present this on my laptop here in the hotel in Florida Trump vows no more foreign wars.
Speaker 2:Kamala, he says, will gamble with the lives of millions. This is by Ethan Huff over on Natural News. It says, if reelected as president in November, donald Trump is promising not to send any more Americans to fight and die in foreign wars. I hope this is true. But you've got to remember. I know history and there's the philosopher Hegel, german philosopher and historian. He famously said that the only lesson we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. Well, just that opening statement.
Speaker 2:It makes you think about Woodrow Wilson, 1916. What did he run on? He was running for re-election. He'd been elected in 1912 over Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. They used Teddy Roosevelt the banksters did to split the vote. The professor Woodrow Wilson made him president. Of course, he was just the banker's president. He had a man, he had a handler. He really did. Woodrow Wilson had a handler, so did FDR, and we'll talk about him too. These are two examples. They both had handlers.
Speaker 2:Colonel Mandel House, who lived in the White House with Woodrow Wilson. He wrote a book what is it about? Philip Drew administrator, and it was about setting up basically what was going to happen in 1913. It was very much socialistic policies. But who did Colonel Mandel House work for? Well, he was a representative of international finance. He was the bankster's representative and wasn't not a colonel, just a nickname, but that's. He lived in the White House and Woodrow Wilson ran on.
Speaker 2:He kept us out of war Because he was supposedly keeping you out or keeping us out of World War One. Well, did we stay out of World War I? No, absolutely not. When he assumed office, because back then it was still FDR moved it, but it used to be. March 4th was the next inauguration. So in 1916, going into 1917, well, everybody, if you read your history, you know, in 1917, in April, woodrow Wilson declares war as soon as he's sworn in for a second term and they use the Lusitania as the press release of why. But that happened in May, I believe, of 1915. It wasn't recent news. He just chose that he knew he was already taking you into war. Fdr said the same thing. He said in 1940 that you know, I've seen war and I hate war and your boys will not be sent into another foreign war. Well, they were, and he had that in mind.
Speaker 2:Malice, the criminality behind leaving those sailors and soldiers so vulnerable. Knowing the intelligence, we just cracked the Japanese code called Purple. They had diplomats wiring and cabling the White House, had people following up trying to get word to the president. Did you know that the Japanese are steaming towards Pearl Harbor? And meanwhile Roosevelt was meeting with the head of the Red Cross, which later the daughter of this man who was head of the Red Cross at the time, did a sworn affidavit. Her father told her about it the weekend you know going, or the week coming up on December 7th 1941. Her father was summoned to the White House and said you need to be ready to be sent to the Pacific towards Hawaii. You need to be ready to bring your crew out there. There's going to be some damage. They knew George Marshall, fdr, the close inner circle they knew. So you know this again we, we desperately need Peace brokered. There has to be. The brakes have to get pumped on this. They have to, for, for the sake of humanity itself, read a little bit more here.
Speaker 2:At a recent campaign stop in the battleground, state of Pennsylvania, the Republican candidate told a crowd that only he is able to prevent another world war, arguing that the Democrat rival, kamala Harris, would get us into World War III, guaranteed because she's too grossly incompetent to do the job. Well, she wouldn't be in charge. I think that's another aspect of all this as well. She wouldn't be in charge. Who's in charge now? Is it baby biting Biden? That would have been enough. I could have used that with all my bee breakdowns. Maybe next week? Well, he's still technically there. I guess I could do it Earlier this year.
Speaker 2:In his nomination acceptance speech, trump vowed to end every single international crisis that the current administration has created, including both Ukraine and Gaza conflicts. Well, I hope so. Do you know who, the first person to congratulate Joe Biden for winning the 2020 election, before any world leader, any other world leader? The first take a guess in your mind Netanyahu, and I'm with the founding fathers 100% no foreign entanglements, none of these alliances.
Speaker 2:America should be a republic, from sea to shining sea. It should be for us to be, for we, the people, to not be an amalgamation, a polyglot algorithm of such that you know we're so intertwined with every other thing that other nations affect our foreign policy. Well, you know, thomas Jefferson said it best too, about peace, commerce and honest friendship, trading with the rest of the world. John Quincy Adams talked about. Son of John Adams talked about. America's not designed to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. These are the principles in which we were founded on.
Speaker 2:So Trump talks about Ukraine and you throw in Gaza. So, you know, trump talks about Ukraine and you throw in Gaza. What a horrendous thing. If you really look at that war, that conflict, absolutely to the core of it, is troubling. And again, that's a whole other show. But Trump is knee-deep in that and we have to hold him. If he truly wants peace, it has to be a just peace for everyone. It has to be something that is transparent.
Speaker 2:Trump has yet to reveal any specific plans for making this happen, but he is sure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not the types to vote for because they want to continue supporting and financing other people's wars. That's in quotation. It says if Kamala gets four more years, the Middle East will spend the next four decades going up in flames and your kids will be going off to war. Well gosh, he's not wrong to war. Well gosh, he's not wrong. He's not wrong when he says that. But if he is elected on November 5th, which is a long shot, given the mail-in ballots and the lockdown election that's still continuing after that executive order that was signed by him on March 13th Friday, march 13th 2020, that emergency order only lapsed, I think, about a year and a half ago. But that's where you get the lockdown election, but I will not send you to fight and die in a foolish, never-ending foreign war, trump reiterated most recently at his Pennsylvania rally.
Speaker 2:Well, again, we have historical references, other candidates saying that he has been president before. You can look, there was some wars that were continued, but there wasn't any technically any new wars, although there's always operations, there's always conflicts. There's always. You had, you know, regime change efforts by the intelligence, like Juan Guaido in Venezuela. You had all sorts of things. There's always a game being played, but it is true. I mean, under Trump you didn't have whatever this is that we're doing. You know operation nuclear, thermonuclear warfare that we're trying to incite in Ukraine. It says, within 24 hours of being elected, not being sworn in, trump says he'll end the conflict in Ukraine. Well, good luck to him on that.
Speaker 2:A t-shirt man is very much dug in and that is an evil man. I know a thing or two you know once you go to war, you see some things that just you can absorb a little bit, even when you see somebody's image. Maybe not everybody can, maybe it's just me, but I look at that guy, I look at Zelensky and I think that's an evil man Because he's willing to. Sun Tzu said this, not Tony Arterburn, but Sun Tzu brought this up. An evil man will stand on the ashes, will rule over the ashes of his country. Why would you put your people in peril like that? You can't win that war. It's impossible. It'd be like Mexico defeating the United States with the help of the communist Chinese. It'd be like a foreign power with their military might and intelligence using Mexico as a proxy. It just doesn't work.
Speaker 2:And you got to remember that Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union. They know where everything is, they built most of the modern infrastructure. Where everything is, they built most of the modern infrastructure. It's silly. There has to be a peace broker. It doesn't mean Russia's right, but if you know anything about the history of NATO and NATO expansion the promises that we made At the beginning of the show, I play a clip of George HW Bush on September 11th 1990, saying that we're going to invoke a new world order. He said it three times. His Secretary of State, james Baker, was the one who told Gorbachev that the breakup of the Soviet Union, as long as it was peaceful and they withdrew into their borders, that we would not expand NATO. That was a verbal promise that we made and as soon as they did that and fulfilled their word, we expanded NATO in their face.
Speaker 2:Kamala, conversely, is a major supporter of Ukraine and the never-ending war. She has repeatedly criticized Trump for his anti-war rhetoric, arguing that it will force the Zelensky regime to surrender to Russia. Well, that's a really stupid way of looking at it and perhaps because she's stupid, it's just a useful tool for, you know, multinational corporations and banking consortiums and deep staters. But that's a really simplistic and dumb way to look at it because Russia doesn't want Ukraine. They want their territories in the Donbass. They want the territories that had voted. I think these people supposedly like democracy right. Well, they voted to return to Russia Again. These are conflicts we should stay way out of. But there's minerals, there's metals, there's deposits, all sorts of natural resources that Ukraine has, and you get people like Lindsey Graham talking about the trillions that they have. Well, it's also a big money laundering kitty for the global elite, and we've got to park our bio labs there. You can really launder a lot of money when you're throwing billions at something and it's just getting blown up or getting destroyed in some way. It's a great grift. It's the grift that keeps on giving.
Speaker 2:The Kremlin, meanwhile, is unsure that Trump will actually be able to follow through on his promises of peace. The Putin regime spokesman, dmitry Peskov, stated that he does not think there is a magic wand that can literally stop the fighting overnight, like Trump is promising. Trump also recently told podcaster Joe Rogan that if he were president instead of Biden, there never would have been a Hamas incursion into Israel on October 7th of last year, because he never would have allowed Tehran and its proxies to receive funding year. Because he never would have allowed Tehran and its proxies to receive funding. Well, that's an interesting argument. But you know, if you look at Egyptian intelligence, if you look at the warnings that were given to Netanyahu and others, you know, before October 7th, if you look at all that stuff, those raise some alarming questions. And whenever I see the events like that, like the paragliding and all, how do you get through that? How do you do that? And, of course, hamas was sponsored by Israel. It's like the same thing that we did with Al-Qaeda. Al-qaeda doesn't mean the base. Al-qaeda means the database. That's where that comes.
Speaker 2:1979, the Mushahideen fighters, the Muslim Brotherhood. It was a database of anti-Soviet jihadists that were kept by the intelligence community going into what would eventually be the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. I know that day really well as the day I was born. And then you know what? 22 years later, I would be part of the first army company on the ground in Afghanistan following 9-11 in Kandahar. I know a thing or two about that day. There was also a gentleman loose term. There's also a figure in that story by the name of Tim Osmond. If you look up the codename, tim Osmond, who was meeting at the Pentagon, who Tim codenamed Tim Osmond, who was meeting at the Pentagon. His name was Tim Osmond, but his actual name is his name at birth was Osama bin Laden, so we know a lot about that.
Speaker 2:It's not always the surface level headlines, folks, if Trump gets back into office, he'll have to remove all dual citizens from state and federal governments. One commenter wrote about the only way Trump can follow through on his promises. Wow, that's a great statement. He'll have to remove all dual citizens from state and federal government. I totally agree. What did I say the other day? You had that congressman in Florida show up in an IDF uniform to Congress and I thought is this happening in my country? I mean, what? Can you show up as a federale? I guess it's Halloween, so you can do that if you want. I just find you know allegiances. It's in the Bible, it's in the New Testament. You can't serve two masters. It doesn't work that way. Dual loyalties doesn't work that way. Yeah, when will he say that? So when will he say this? When Israel bombs yet another one of its neighbors and starts begging for more support?
Speaker 2:Someone else expressed skepticism about Trump's interesting choice of words, which makes it sound as he will simply have the people around him maintaining the status quo. Well, this is what I get skeptical about, and I've been on some shows recently where I forgot we get really tribal in this country now with politics, I mean worse than I've ever seen it before. It's like blue, no matter who, and right or wrong, right, it doesn't matter Like it's partisanship. That's where ideas go to die is partisanship. It's awful, you know you can give credit where credit is due. There's a famous story that David Knight tells about, you know, before he was fired by Alex Jones at InfoWars, and Alex asked him in the break room what happens if Trump wins in 2016? And David said well, we support him when he does good and we oppose him when he doesn't.
Speaker 2:I think that's my philosophy. I don't get behind any kind of, you know, cult of things. I just think you should oppose, when things are not going, what you believe in your heart, the way they should go, or it's against the Constitution, or it's against the fabric and the ideals of the United States of America, what you believe in, and if something is on the track, like Trump talking about tariffs, and he's right about William McKinley, he's right about this and I think the rhetoric, which is good. It's at least refreshing to have the rhetoric. Can we go there? Because if this was Mitt Romney or another milquetoast dead-eyed automaton for the ruling class that they prop up, talk about zombies, ladies and gents, talk about scary things. Talk about these politicos, literal parasites, the political class, just the worst people in the world, sociopathic, nothing to believe, they wouldn't even be talking about this. I'm glad that we're at least having the discussion that the wars are stupid. They have nothing to do with the United States of America or our security. They hurt our freedoms.
Speaker 2:James Madison was right A republic cannot survive in a state of perpetual warfare. Got to end these damn wars. It's enough. The military industrial complex, all the rest of them. We needed another Truman committee like he had in World War II. He was the senator. He really grilled a lot of those war profiteers.
Speaker 2:One of the things Harry Truman told one of the CEOs of a weapons manufacturer, I've never forgotten it. He said you know, jesse James had to wake up early in the morning and risk his life to rob the Rock Island Railroad of $3,000. And you can see what a piker he was compared to you and your army of accountants and lawyers stealing millions. And people die Because there was a lot of people that that's the ultimate grift. Smedley Butler talked about that in. War is a Racket. He only happened to be the most highly decorated Marine general of all time until that time. He died in June 1941. But he had it right War was a racket.
Speaker 2:We got to get to the heart of this, of this. This is basically Trump promising not to take the blame for anything. Am I right? This person asked? Then again and there's another quote Trump won't fight any foreign wars, but he won't do anything to control every GOP and Zionist right, the Zionist alliance he personally selected to be around him for more than he could ever handle.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I go back to John Bolton, another, as I was on a show recently. We was asked about the election and I talked a little bit about this and went into what happened with North Korea, which I thought was a great opportunity. I mean, the whole thing had been opened up and you had that famous picture of Trump and Kim Jong-un on the 38th parallel on the DMZ meeting. And who comes in to destroy it? The mustache, john Bolton, king of the neocons. Why was he placed there? You know, personnel is policy. If he gets a second term. He really wants to carry out this rhetoric. You can't hire those people and, by the way, they all turned on him.
Speaker 2:And John Kelly says that Trump's a fascist. Does John Kelly know what fascism is? Is he telling the truth? Does that really make any sense whatsoever? I really think it's a fabrication personally. I really think it's a. I think it's a fabrication personally. You know, I can hold dual thoughts in my head. I can have a. I can break down this article and say I hope he's right, I hope he follows through. You know, history shows me that he's mixed a mixed bag on a lot of stuff. But that's the best we can do right now, folks, and that's what needs to be talked about.
Speaker 2:We got to steer out of this thing or we're going to end civilization. Russia is not going to allow a rainbow flag being planted in Moscow in this globalist agenda the head of that is right of Washington DC. They're not going to allow that. They're not going to allow that. They're not going to allow Ukraine to join NATO and park nuclear weapons on their border. We wouldn't. Any sane nation that has nuclear weapons is going to project power when it's threatened, when its back's against the wall. These are dangerous, dangerous things. And of course we've done things with taiwan that are weird. And you have the conflict with israel and iran, which goes back the the trade-offs between that and an incursion into lebanon, and all that stuff that's going on.
Speaker 2:Why do you think we're at post 9-11? You know, you have the famous story of Wesley Clark, who was Supreme Commander of NATO, was four-star general. He goes into the Pentagon on September 12, 2001, and they're drawing up battle plans for Iraq. He said what? And they said, yeah, we're just going to hit them. And then he was shown the full rollout of the neocon strategy which they've been cooking up for years. I mean, look at the year 2000. You had the project for the new American century. Just happened to come out in September of 2000. And what project for the new American century? Century with people like Bill Crystal and William Bennett. And they talked about, in order to carry out this rogue state rollback century. With people like Bill Crystal and William Bennett they talked about, in order to carry out this rogue state rollback, seven countries in five years. We would have to experience a Pearl Harbor-style event One year later. They got that. What's the mathematical chances of that Pretty slim to. They got that. What's the mathematical chances of that? Pretty slim, isn't it? So think about that. Seven countries in five years.
Speaker 2:Operation Chaos is pretty much what it is. That's what I call it the dismantling, disrupting of nation states. That's what's going on right now in the Middle East. We need to stay clear. We need to decouple ourselves from that madness.
Speaker 2:As I've said, for many years, the Middle East it's 24% of the world's oil output. Let's buy oil somewhere else. Maybe broker a deal with Russia. Do what a sane nation would do. If all the politics related to there are putting us on a collision course for catastrophe and death, then have another deal. Do something different. Middle East is in many ways, as I've written before, it looks like a scepter. You're going to pick it up and you're going to rule like a would-be king. I'm going to rule the middle East, but it's a serpent, turns right around and bite you. That's what it is. I've been there.
Speaker 2:All right, folks, we're going to close out the transmission here in a second. Let's do a gold and silver prices real quick. By the way, you can always go to Wolfpackgold to get the latest. I've got a scrolling across the screen on Wolfpackgold. The live precious metals price is. Gold, down from its all-time high yesterday. 2,741 Luciferian Bankster notes per troy ounce. 2,741 Federal Fiat Reserve notes per troy ounce. Silver down from yesterday. $32.66 for the white metal Super cheap. All this stuff. When we look back and this will be archived someday we will be looking back at these prices and be amazed. I appreciate each and every one of you. Be safe, take care of each other. End of transmission.