The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#488 Gold's Resurgence, Petrodollar’s Fall & the Battle for Democracy Integrity
Explore the shifting sands of global finance and geopolitics as we unravel the evolving alliances that are reshaping our world. Discover why the long-standing petrodollar agreement has dissolved and what this means for the global economy, especially with the emergence of the petroyuan and the BRICS bridge payment system. Join me, Tony Arterburn, in understanding how countries are navigating these changes and why gold and silver are back in demand as safe havens during these uncertain times.
Are traditional economic policies a relic of the past? We contrast today's economic landscape with historical precedents, like the era of Paul Volcker's interest rate hikes, to see how much has changed—and how some things remain the same. As nations like China amass gold reserves, we examine the shift in perceptions about gold, the challenges faced by the IMF, and the growing skepticism towards fiat currencies, especially the US dollar. This episode is packed with insights into the intricate dance between interest rates, economic policy, and precious metals.
The political sphere is no less turbulent, with democracy seemingly at a crossroads. As we gear up for potential electoral showdowns, questions about electronic voting's reliability and the bombastic political rhetoric surrounding figures like Trump and Kamala Harris take center stage. From swing state polls to sensational media narratives, this discussion sheds light on the polarized climate and challenges to democratic integrity. Navigate these complex issues with us, questioning the narratives and uncovering truths that often go unspoken.
I'm Robert Hi Wade, hi, veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior. Poet. Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. This is the Arbor Radio Transmission. Do you understand what I'm talking about? What is our common bond, truly? Freedom. Freedom. Without freedom, you can't be a Christian, no matter what denomination you belong to. You can't be a Buddhist, you can't own a donut shop, you can't drive from here to Oregon, you can't be an American, because that's what it's all about and that's the only thing that it's all about. Nothing else, nothing else. It's about freedom. It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. That's William Henley. Welcome to the Arterburn radio transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons, the new world order, the Build Back Better Biden Beals. Above Baphomet, bilderberg, bohemian Coast, bayford, baxter Bunch. It is the 24th of October 2024. I'm in studio with my co-pilot and co-host, beans the Brave. We've got a great show for you.
Speaker 1:I was on with the great David Knight today. We were talking about all that's unfolding geopolitically around the globe and folks. History is happening, as I said last week, but I find myself doing these shows and going wow, that's a new change, that's something different. Are you watching the headlines? Did you notice that new arrangements are being made, new partnerships are happening geopolitically, the Iranians and the House of Saud, the Saudi Arabian government, are in talks about doing joint military exercises. If you know anything about geopolitics, about our involvement in Yemen, with backing the House of Saud against the Iranian government, which is a proxy of Russia these things get really complicated, don't they? But this has been an ongoing thing Tensions between the Sunni-controlled kingdom of Saud and the Shia-controlled regime in Iran. It really has been again a source of tension, a source of influence by the United States, where we set up the petrodollar agreement. This is back in 1974, after we went off the gold standard, that we have the OPEC and, of course, saudi Arabia would denominate all of its energy purchases in dollars, which has helped prop up the dollar system. Well, that waned if you've been listening to the show. That agreement was allowed to lapse back in June of this year. So 50 years of the petrodollar was allowed to lapse. And filling the gap came China, china's in talks with Saudi Arabia about the petroyuan, and Russia has given a nod to that, but that's again a gap that is being filled. China comes in playing the diplomat, brokering new agreements, and now you have this.
Speaker 1:This was a headline taken from the Jerusalem Post and from Gold Telegraph that I pulled this morning. So so much is happening the BRICS nations meeting in Russia, vladimir Putin calling for a BRICS bridge payment system that would allow cross-border payments using blockchain technology and tokenized systems. So this is what I'm watching, while the headlines and the mainstream media and the teleprompter readers talk about the election, which does have some consequence, the election, which does have some consequence, but really the earthquakes, the huge historical shifts that are going on right now. That's what I want you to pay attention to. And when I open up the program, the transmission with a poem about being the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. This is really a message to all of us to think for ourselves. We're being told what to think, where there's psychological operations going on inside, psychological operations going on at the same time, kind of like one of those Russian dolls where it's multiple ones layered in and of themselves. There was a memo sent out some time ago I think about two years ago I've been covering this that the Biden administration told all periphery offices of the executive branch to show what psychological operations they were running, because no one could tell anymore. I think that's what we're running into here, ladies and gents. So the headline here.
Speaker 1:I want to just go over this real quick. This is Kitco and we're going to talk a little bit about FEMA today. We'll talk a little bit of politics, a little bit of foreign policy and really what's happening. I'll start with gold, because that's what's driving the changes. I mean the financial system, the golden rule, ladies and gentlemen he who has what's driving the changes. I mean the financial system. You know the golden rule, ladies and gentlemen he who has the gold makes the rules. This is a Kitco headline from today.
Speaker 1:Gold price up on friendly outside markets and BRICS de-dollarization. Gold and silver prices are solidly higher in US trading Thursday, benefiting from bullish daily outside marketing elements, including a US. Higher in US trading Thursday, benefiting from bullish daily outside marketing elements, including a weaker US dollar. Firmer crude oil prices. A dip in US Treasury yields yeah, that's a whole other story. Didn't exactly happen when they lowered the interest rates by 50 basis points. There's been some unintended consequences from that. Safe haven demand remains a major underlying supportive factor for the precious metal and is keeping a solid floor under prices. December gold was last up 2320 at 2750. This is for the futures markets. And, of course, it talks about the BRICS summit in Kazan, russia.
Speaker 1:Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced a new international payments framework aimed at reducing reliance on the US dollar, which he accused of being used as a weapon by Western powers. The proposed system, known as a BRICS bridge, would utilize blockchain tokens and digital currencies as an alternative to the SWIFT system. This initiative reflects a broader interest among non-Western countries to avoid potential exclusion from global financial systems. Well, this is something that I've been pointing out for a while.
Speaker 1:The over-the-top, overt weaponization of the dollar seems to me intentional. I don't think that it's just something you can ascribe to arrogance or hubris or stupidity. The mere fact that there was no action taken to stop the lapse of the agreement for the 50-year agreement of the Petro, no action taken by this government, by anyone in the West, by the United States, to stop that there was no action taken, it's almost cartoonish the amount of weaponization, dollar weaponization, that we've seen. You even have President Trump talking about if someone doesn't use the dollar, he'll put a hundred percent tariff on incoming goods from that country. Well, that has unintended consequences. You have the consequences of these countries banding together like bricks making their own payment systems, getting away from the system, swift system, away from the United States, away from the dollar. That trend is accelerating, matter of fact.
Speaker 1:I'm going to bring up an article here in a second that's talking the same. Finally, the mainstream is starting to sound a little like me three years ago. Finally, the mainstream is starting to sound a little like me three years ago. So it's all. It's almost like I'm in a time warp, you know. It's like that movie, the Lake House, with Keanu Reeves. You ever seen that where he puts the letter in the mailbox and then somehow Sandra Bullock gets it two years in the past, or something like that. And that's how I always think of the mainstream or media. Sometimes they catch up with you and and it's two or three years later and you're going. I've been telling you this as a matter of fact. We'll jump over to that headline. This is what we're watching. The price of gold is not that. I mean. Gold is not.
Speaker 1:I don't give investment advice. First of all, if you're going to invest in something, invest in your own business. It's not really about that. I'm not in the investment business. I'm in the protection business. I trade fake for real. That's what I do, right? You give me fake money, you give me fiat currency, I give you real money and away we go. We use the system.
Speaker 1:Let me put this up on the screen. This is gold's stratospheric rise signals a disaster ahead for the world's financial order. Again, this is from the Telegraph. I picked this up. This was a link on Drudge ladies and gents Articles by Jeremy Warner.
Speaker 1:The International Monetary Fund turned 80 years old this year, but seldom has its role in underpinning macroeconomic stability looked more in jeopardy than now. Side note to that too. The International Monetary Fund is a child of the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944. This is the new economic world order that came out right before the end of World War II. You had the IMF, the World Bank, and that's where they decided that the dollar would be the world's reserve currency. And of pegging gold at $35 an ounce currency and of pegging gold at $35 an ounce. Support for the organization, which acts as a lender of last resort to governments in financial distress is still relatively strong in Europe and, for the time being, also in the United States, but is increasingly lukewarm in China and in large parts of the rest of the world. That's interesting.
Speaker 1:You know this has a lot to do with cyclical history, ladies and gentlemen. If you know what a fourth turning is, the Romans call it a saclarum. So about every 80 to 100 years you'd see a massive change in society. Institutions would change over. And we're exactly 80 years. It's funny that the article opens up that way, 80 years on since the formation of the International Monetary Fund, which I think I mentioned last week that Robert McNamara was head of and some other notables were. Robert McNamara famous for being a very statistician who used his thinking in numbers so-called to run't go out. I think he was also head of Ford motor company for a while before he became a secretary of defense. There's a great documentary called the fog of war I highly recommend if you want to see. Like how, how, uh, some shallow hollow thinking uh, we'll get you a disaster, uh, so this should be a matter of grave concern among Western finance ministers and central bankers gathering in Washington this week for the IMF's annual meeting. It's funny they have the IMF's annual meeting at the same time they're having the BRICS summit. You think any of that's a coincidence? Right Over the years, the fund has proved one of the more successful of the multilateral organizations born out of the Second World War.
Speaker 1:Well, they're also predatory, you know they. You know most lending is. I mean it's, it's predatory. It's why, in the Bible and like other religions, have banned it. You know that it's looked down upon. The usury could be used as a weapon. Not that I'm against lending or anything like that. I mean, sometimes you can do a lot of good with debt, but it's often used as chains. It's like the Christmas carol I forge my chains in my life, talking to the ghost of Marley. But that's how you get them, that's how you get your change, especially in debt. Certainly has been through periods of comparative irrelevance, but on the whole it has stood the test of time in engineering countless debt restructuring programs has played a key role in sustaining today's dollar-based global financial order. Yet with geopolitical tensions once more on the rise, barriers of trade and cross-border capital flows ratcheting up and public indebtedness across the world spiraling out of control, cracks are fast appearing. Slowly but surely, the IMF is losing legitimacy Worthy multilateralism gets left at the door at the first sign of international conflict.
Speaker 1:And the author goes on to say the canary in the mine shaft is the price of gold. Hey, finally, the mainstream produced. I feel like again I'm kind of reading a time capsule. But I've been saying this for a while, folks it hits a new record high on almost a daily basis. Another thing I've been saying this for a while, folks it hits a new record high on almost a daily basis. Another thing I've been saying it took from 2011 to 2020 for gold to hit an all-time high. You realize that 2011 to 2020 is how long it took gold to hit an all-time high. And now it does it. I mean, I think it's done it three times in the last five days and it's done it over 30 times in the last nine months.
Speaker 1:At first glance, this is curious. As an investment proposition, the gold price tends mainly to reflect interest rate and inflation expectations. There is no dividend or coupon on gold, so when interest rates are high, it loses its relative attractiveness. Over the past two or three years, however, the gold price has almost entirely decoupled from this relationship. Another thing I've been been saying it doesn't even affect it anymore. That used to be everything.
Speaker 1:They raise interest rates. See, that's what happened in the late 1970s with a head of the federal reserve, paul volcker, came in and, uh, you know, they had an inflation shock. I mean it was. It was jimmy carter called the economy it was in a malaise, if you use that terminology. Interest rates they rose interest rates to the teens, they raised interest rates to the teens. The reason they did that is because when you raise interest rates you stop the liquidity and it contracts, the money supply contracts, and you can somewhat control inflation, at least that's the theory. So that's what they did. And it pushed the price of gold back down. I mean, gold was $35 an ounce in 1971. And in 1979, it hit nearly $800 an ounce. And it's not because gold went up, it's because of the loss of purchasing power in the dollar. So they raised interest rates. It was to get a mortgage. In 1980, it was 13% or 14%. So that's what they did and that worked for a while.
Speaker 1:And we've seen that the stabilization of interest rates and the amount of borrowing that went on in the 80s and 90s you call it Reaganomics or whatever, but the amount of borrowing that went on, it really just kept. I think the entire precious metals sector was flat. It didn't go almost anywhere, it was just it would hover in. One you could get, you know, you'd see rises, you'd see dips, but it was pretty much stagnant throughout the 80s and 90s.
Speaker 1:You get to the early 2000s, of course 9-11, the global war on terror, the debt of the US by 2000. 2010 was, I think, a real marker because you had the 08 crisis, you had the Great Recession. They just did massive quantitative easing, pushed the new currency units into the market to prop up these banks that were too big to fail in jail. Currency units into the market to prop up these banks that were too big to fail in jail. And if you look at the chart, you know like the debt of the US in 2000 was $5 trillion. By 2010, it was $10 trillion. So it took us from, you know, 1776 to 2000 to go five, and then it only took five more years to go 10. And now we do a trillion every we david knight and I talked about this this morning. It's no longer 90 days, it's more like a month to go a trillion. So the wheels are definitely off and the relationship between that was a long way of taking you around the bend, but that's's the relationship between interest rates being higher and the price of gold going with it are no longer true.
Speaker 1:There's something much more fundamental as at work here, and primarily it is about gold as a safe haven alternative to the dollar in troubled times. The big buyers of recent years have been emerging market central banks and just recently, particularly China, which has increased its gold reserves by an astonishing 316 tons. Buyers of recent years have been emerging market central banks and just recently, particularly China, which has increased its gold reserves by an astonishing 316 tons, or 16 PC over the last 18 months alone. In doing so, china has highlighted an historic misjudgment by presiding UK Chancellor of the time, gordon Brown the sale, some 25 years ago, of around half of the nation's gold reserves at rock bottom prices. Well, the West got out of gold, or at least the governments, and there's a reason for that. It's because, you know, the more gold liquidity there is on the market, the more that gold is ubiquitous and the prices stay relatively stable, the less you have to worry about those currencies like the dollar or like the British pound sterling. In mitigation, it should be pointed out that, thanks to the wonders of compound interest. The computed net loss on those sales relative to the price today is not quite as disastrous as it seems, with the proceeds instead invested in interest-bearing securities. Yeah, but that's not wealth. At the same time, the price of bullion has risen nearly 12-fold since then. So there is no quarreling with the notion that this was an extremely poor decision. Now that's why we haven't done an audit. There is no United States gold reserves are not open for audit. We're supposed to have somewhere over 8,000 tons and that's supposed to be 20% of the world's gold supply, or something like that. I don't believe that and I think that there's ample evidence to show that China is surpassing us. They have 60,000 open gold mines right now in China 60,000. They're not a net exporter.
Speaker 1:At that point the trend among Western central banks was very much to diversify away from gold into a portfolio of foreign exchange alternatives, expensive to keep and no longer the linchpin of international financial system. Gold seemed to have had its time. One of the founders of the IMF, the British economist John Maynard Keynes in 1924, called the prevailing system for maintaining currency stability the gold standard. He called it a barbaric relic. After the gold standard's demise there seemed no purpose in keeping large quantities of the precious metals locked up in vaults beneath the world's major central banks central banks. But that mindset changed again during the chaos of the global financial crisis, which badly damaged faith in the Western financial system and fiat money in general. That the IMF, along with much of the rest of the economies established, failed to see this catastrophe coming further undermined its credibility. Oh, they see them. They just don't tell you. Its subsequent mishandling of the Eurozone debt crisis compounded the impression of an organization badly out of touch with the needs of the modern world. The flight back to gold has been given wings by rising geopolitical tensions and a certain loss of faith in the dollar's commanding position as the world's dominant reserve currency.
Speaker 1:The mere fact that this is hitting the mainstream like this is highly interesting to me. Um, I I haven't seen anything relative to this. This is very astute. This, uh, this analysis and I and I don't think it's alarmist. I think it's more like in line with we're watching happen. Is he's like he pointed out? There is no, it gold is no longer affected by what it used to be affected by.
Speaker 1:I'm not even sure if there was a market downturn like we had at the first quarter of 2020. Remember that there was a whip. By the way, this is the anniversary of Black Thursday to the day of the Wall Street crash of 1929. And thinking of that, back in 2020, first quarter in March, you had this whipsaw where there was the highest on record day in the stock market and then followed by the lowest, which is a couple of days later. Gold went with that. I don't know that it would necessarily go that way again.
Speaker 1:I think there's just too much central bank buying. It's become too much of a reserve asset for the world, supplanting the dollar itself. He says. To be clear, dollar hegemony is not about to collapse. The greenback is still the most commonly held currency globally. It is overwhelmingly dominant currency for international trade. Overwhelmingly dominant currency for international trade. It is the denominator of virtually all internationally traded commodities, including oil, and still forms the bulk of most central banks' foreign exchange reserves. These positions are, for now, not in serious doubt. Yet, in a fast-fragmenting world, chinks in the dollar's armor are becoming more apparent Weaponization of the dollar for political purposes, of China, talking about more inclusion of the global South into bricks, because that's where the trepidation, that's where the, the fear is being amped up of and the doubt.
Speaker 1:I mean the, the FUD, the fear, uncertainty and doubt coming out of the global South getting into the Western financial system itself. And this is the fault of our politicians. It's the political class hacks that you've got to wonder. What is their purpose? What are they doing this for? We're not winning this game. The ease in which Russia has been able to bypass Western sanctions and establish its own alternative payment systems for international trade has more ever encouraged the idea that the world doesn't forever have to remain a prisoner of the U S dollar. That's true, and that's a interesting descriptive, because that's what we've made it instead of. You know when you get statements and again, I watched President Trump back in 2015, in September of 2015.
Speaker 1:That's when I was on that B-roll of 60 Minutes with Trump at the at the American airline center in in Dallas. I remember watching. I've got it on my phone still. I remember watching him say that he would call up the CEO, the Ford motor company, and tell them that if they didn't, you know, move those factories back and to Michigan or somewhere in the United States and start making things here. He'd just slap a 35% tariff on all incoming vehicles from Mexico and I applauded that and I agreed with that, and he didn't do that. But now he's saying that if they don't use the dollar, they'll put a hundred percent tariff on all the incoming products from whatever country's exporting to us. That seems like a fun house mirror version of itself, like there's economic nationalism and then there was whatever that is. So I disagree with that.
Speaker 1:I find that to be strange, like again, again. It's why, instead of being having doing something and cleaning up our fiscal house, being more stable, being more uh, transparent, the powers that be are continuing to drive a wedge between our economy and the rest of the world through sheer arrogance and it's an open question whether or not it's just on purpose as a controlled demolition of the financial system, because you don't see anybody trying to do anything to bolster the standing of the US dollar or the US economy worldwide. As Thomas Jefferson said, merchants have no country. Jefferson said merchants have no country. To cap it all, we have the prospect of an incoming US president seemingly intent on imposing the biggest program of trade tariffs since the infamous Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930. By the way, I agree with Smoot-Hawley. I mean, go back to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. It's funny because Ben Stein in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off it's like he's giving an economics lesson of what caused the Great Depression. It was the Smoot-Hawley I think Smoot and Hawley were framed. It was the Federal Reserve that caused the Great Depression. In this, the 80th anniversary of Breton Woods, we seem to have learned nothing from the degradation and slide into madness of the 1930s. At the IMF annual meeting this week, the fund's chief economist, pierre-oliver Gorkschaus, singled out that the US, alongside China for particular criticism in failing to take steps to stabilize the country's debts.
Speaker 1:Regardless of the presidential election outcome in less than two weeks, the budget deficit is expected to remain elevated for years into the future. With Donald Trump prioritizing unfunded tax cuts and defense spending and Kamala Harris promising equally fiscally irresponsible expansionary social welfare programs At their peril, do they casually take for granted the world's willingness to keep funding America's insatiable appetite for consumption? Well, that's what it's all about, too, folks. We've built everything. The country was built on production, it was built on being a creditor, and now we're based everything on being a consumer nation and being a debtor. It's the inverse of everything we built the country on.
Speaker 1:If you read your history, imf warnings of reckless fiscal policy are like water off a duck's back. What is the point of an organization, when even it's got something worth saying, is completely ignored by its largest shareholder and sponsor? Fiscal worries apart, the world economy is said by the IMF to be in surprisingly good shape, given all that it's been thrown at in the last four years, with inflation once more tamed. Well, this is where we start to see the more mainstream point of view. I don't think. How do you that's what I was talking to David Knight about. They had the Gerald Ford's 1976 campaign was win, win. You know, whip inflation. Now. That was the buttons that they had. You got to whip inflation. Now how do you whip inflation with fake currency? How do you whip inflation with fiat currency? It's a, I mean, it's just theoretically impossible. It's like it's like a submarine, submarine with a screen door. You know it doesn't. It doesn't work.
Speaker 1:Since the 80 years since the IMF was formed, the financial order over which it presides has rarely, if ever, seen more precarious. Small wonder that gold, the world's oldest commonly accepted store of value, is in such high demand. Well, that's true. We're watching history, folks, and it's happening at an accelerated rate, and I don't think the genie is going to go back into the bottle. We're not going back to the post-Cold War period of relative financial calm and stabilized prices. As I said earlier, the reflection of. I mean, if you have a mirror and you're mirroring back, I mean what you're seeing is language. When you see the price of gold doing what it's doing and going all over the place and setting new, all-time highs daily, that's showing instability in the system and the things being reset totally. You have to look at what is happening with the global order. The whole entire grand chessboard, if you will, is being reset. The geopolitics of this is forever going to change the, the world landscape. And, yes, there are black swans, that we there's.
Speaker 1:What did donald rumsfeld say? There's, uh, the we, there's no knowns, and then there's unknown, unknowns or something like that. He got into some weird. You know he would sit in a soundproof booth. Have you seen this document? He would sit in a soundproof booth and take his calls and he said it sounded like the waves of the ocean. Something's very strange. It's a very. He's the man that brought you aspartame, you know, the artificial sweetener that gives laboratory rats cancer and things like that. All sorts of and cognitive issues, all the stuff. That is a wonderful thing that he bought, and amongst other things that we don't have time to go into today, but he couldn't track two point three trillion dollars. It's at the Pentagon.
Speaker 1:But you see, this is what's happening. We're watching a new economic world order unfold without a meeting, without shots fired. Things are going to change, and so the relative stability of the past is going to be just that. It's going to be in the past, folks, all right, let's jump around here, maybe talk a little bit of politics. And then I got an article on FEMA. I want to try to get to the chat here in a second too. I'll see if I can do that. This is Zero Hedge. I saw this and it made me that this is Zero Hedge. I saw this and it made me laugh. This is Jonathan Turley Selling the apocalypse.
Speaker 1:The press and pundits face devastating polls on the threat to democracy. Democracy dies in darkness, is the Washington Post slogan, but can it handle the light? As jonathan turnley? The post has been doggedly portraying the election between former president donald trump and vice president kamala harris as a choice between tyranny trump and democracy harris. Is that democracy? An unelected, no primary candidate, okay.
Speaker 1:Yet when it commissioned a poll on threats to democracy shortly before the election. It did not quite work out. Voters in swing states believe that Trump is more likely to protect democracy than Kamala Harris, who is running on a Save Democracy platform. The poll sampled 5,016 registered voters in Arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north Carolina, pennsylvania and Wisconsin. When asked whether Trump or Harris would do a better job of defending against threats to democracy, 43% picked Trump, while 40% picked Harris. Notably, this was the same result when President Biden was a nominee. While over half said threats to democracy were important to them, the voters trusted Trump 44% more than Biden 33%. Even with the slight improvement for Harris. The result was crushing for just many in the Harris campaign. But the press and pundits, who have been unrelenting in announcing the end of democracy if Harris is not elected, former Rep Liz Cheney of Wyoming has declared with authority that either you vote for Harris or this may well be the last real vote you ever get to cast, be the last real vote you ever get to cast.
Speaker 1:It's an open question about elections in general. If you have electronic voting, which you know, you get the lawsuits from Dominion and all these things for that. They went against Fox News and gosh, mike Lindell of MyPillow I mean that poor guy just for naming like. I think his heart's in the right place. Obviously he wanted to have transparency in elections but they went around it the wrong way. It's not a company, it's the entire thing. You can't have real elections with electronic voting machines period, full stop. You can't have sound elections with electronic voting Full stop. That's it, stop it. You have to stop that before you can have any sort of transparency in elections.
Speaker 1:You know they used to have a giant glass box and then we have many different polling stations. They used to have in some of the more. If you really wanted to get brass tacks, everybody had a ballot and it would go into a glass box that you could see it go into. And then you had poll watchers and counters. You had all these things that were going on. You had to count the votes, electronic voting and they've shown this over and over and over and over again at these. You know comic like they go to these electronic conventions and stuff and show these voting machines. They have kids that can hack the machines.
Speaker 1:So how do you know? It's just so silly the proposition of all this and the fear-mongering I think a lot of this has been good for what? To wake people. I think it's too much of a. You know you've got too comfortable too long. You need to have more reform. You need to have more decentralized systems when it comes to voting. You got to get more people held accountable. This is ridiculous to think that you can just fix it and the system will fix itself. It doesn't work that way. Read Donald Jeffrey's work in Hidden History on Vote Scam.
Speaker 1:I have long criticized the apocalyptic, democracy-ending predictions of Biden, harris and others as ignoring the safeguards of our system against authoritarian power. Nevertheless, harris supporters have ratcheted up the rhetoric on a level of pure hysteria. Recently, michael Cohen, a convicted felon, is a lawyer told MSNBC that if Trump wins the election, he will get rid of the judiciary and get rid of the Congress. Where do these people get this stuff? He's already been president once. It was a very mild thing. It's a very mild presidency. Does anybody remember this? It's bizarre, you know. You really have to get in the mind of some of these people that think that trump's like a um, a mussolini character, or like he is really a fascist. Like John Kelly said, he's just a. It's really milquetoast.
Speaker 1:Anybody else notice that In order to have to wield power because personnel is policy you have to hire people that vote for you. Trump doesn't do that. Trump doesn't hire people that vote for you. Trump doesn't do that. Trump doesn't hire people that vote for him. Anybody notice that? So if you wanted to, like you know, really do something. I mean Rex Tillerson. You think Rex Tillerson voted for Trump? Who he made Secretary of State? Former head of Exxon, you know? Or the mustache man Did you see John Bolton lately who killed the peace deal that Trump was trying to do in North Korea with Kim Jong-un? Anybody else see that? Yeah, john Bolton didn't vote for him and didn't support him, but he hired him.
Speaker 1:So, you know, getting rid of the congress like this is. These people have gone. This is madness. It's almost like the, the complete detachment from reality itself, like it really is. It is something I I'm not exactly sure what to categorize it as, but yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna see more of that because it looks, if you really, uh, look a step back and look at it. We're uh days away from the election and, uh, trump seems to be on a path to be able to pull that off. I think it'll be a narrow victory because of the electoral college, and that's if they don't have. You know, and we don't even know what. The mail-in ballot situation is still going on. We don't, we don't know. But if you go by just current trends and donations and endorsements and all the rest of that, it looks pretty possible that Trump will be president. None of this. The only thing that will, it'll be self-inflicted. If we see anything, it'll be these people losing their mind.
Speaker 1:Msnbc host Rachel Maddow also joined in the theme of a final stand before the gulag. What convinces you that all these massive camps he's planning are only for migrants? Wow, that's just a. That's a complete break with reality, ladies and gents. Uh, rep alexandria ocasio-cortez, occasional cortex, was quick to add her name to the list Saying it. I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn't be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. He's already been president. Well, he put Fauci in charge of the country. Why don't you guys like him? I mean, you love Fauci and love big pharma. Yeah, I don't understand why they don't like him.
Speaker 1:Of course, assuming that Cohen was wrong, there will be no courts after a Trump victory. This would require federal judges to sign off on the rounding up of MSNBC personalities, all gay people, all reporters and, of course, whoopi Goldberg. All this that is required for over two centuries of constitutional order to suddenly fail and for virtually every constitutional actor in our system to suddenly embrace tyranny. That's so true. I'll give you a prediction Trump wins and it's four years of impeachment, nothing gets done, complete under siege all the time, the mainstream media losing its mind and the record profits. Meanwhile, the country suffers Self-inflicted wounds, and all by design. A fascist takeover. Who was going to? Even if he did, I mean, who would actually care? Nobody carried out his orders when he was president last time.
Speaker 1:Am I the only one that notices this stuff? I always feel like I'm a time traveler in this, like I'm like. You know, we did this before right. We had 2016. We we had 2020. You know we've done this before right, but it is interesting to watch these people lose their mind and I wonder how much of it is an act.
Speaker 1:In the courts, many Trump-apported judges ruled against challenges to the election. Our system was put through a Cat 5 stress test and did not even sway for a moment. Nevertheless, the same voices are being heard on the same media outlets with doomsday scenarios. Former acting US Solicitor General, neal Cattell, told MSNBC Morning Joe, we are looking at a very possible constitutional crisis, and one that's going to make January 6th look like a dress rehearsal. Well, I hate to tell you. January 6th was a dress rehearsal. That's what that was for. It was a data mining operation to get people to go there. That's what that was for. And does anybody else? Everybody forgotten the end of 2020 was the Stop the Steal campaign. The Trump campaign raked in $250 million. Should have given that to the January 6th people, or at least a chunk of it, or some of it, or anything, or help. In other words, be afraid, be very afraid.
Speaker 1:The New York Times column Cagio lays out scenarios premised on a complete breakdown of the oldest and most stable democratic system in history. It's like telling pastors on an ocean liner that we will all drown and then whispering that this is assuming. The crew intentionally scuttles the ship, all bulkheads and sealed departments fail and every lifeboat and every life preserver is discarded, but then we are all going to die. The only way to avoid the watery grave, with the death of democracy itself, is vote Democratic.
Speaker 1:There is, however, some good news in all of this, despite years of alarmist predictions from Biden, harris, the press and pundits, the public is not buying it. Oh, yeah, that's the other good part about this. It's like the waning influence and power of the mainstream media. Don't you love to watch it? Don't you love to see the entropy? I'm enjoying it. There is yeah, I'm enjoying it. There is, yeah. Uh.
Speaker 1:There is, however, some good news. Despite years of alarmist predictions for biden, harris, the press and pundits, the public is not buying. It is not because they are particularly like trump. Many of his supporters seem poised to vote for him, despite viewing him as a polarizing and, at times, obnoxious. No, it's because the American voter has a certain innate resistance to being played as a chump. Many of these same figures, claiming that democracy is at stake, supported ballot cleansing to remove Trump. Oh, yes, and it's the unlimited. Or they are against voter having ID to vote and it's the unlimited, or they are against voter having ID to vote. None of this means that the choice between Trump and Harris is easy. However, harris claimed to be the only hope for democracy is proving it's ten eared as running on pure joy. Voters are clearly demanding more than a political pitch of abject fear mixed with elusive joy. Voters are clearly demanding more than a political pitch of abject fear mixed with elusive joy. This is the most bizarre campaign by far, of anything I have ever seen.
Speaker 1:I think you probably would agree with me what the subjects, the issues, the mere fact that the big things aren't talked about. I think that will change, though I think this is one of the last um, because in the we're we're in the decade of agenda 2030, ladies and gents, that's what I want you to pay attention to there's the goal set by the united nations and other supranational, uh, governing bodies, things that are the bones of the one world government, which would be the united nations. Um, the financial elite, uh, the oligarchs, the plutocrats, the davos set the world Forum. They tell you what they want to do. They want to have one centralized, everything, and they have milestones, they have goals, these things. They actually have cross-pollination between these organizations. They agree with each other for the same ends and they want to see the United States as a third-rate power.
Speaker 1:And they want to see the United States as a third-rate power because what's in the way of a one-world totalitarian, socialist government is the United States Constitution and the people of the United States and, of course, our history, our tradition, our heroes, hearth and home. That's what's at stake. They have to bring that and that's why you see, it's a controlled demolition. You see the border being broken and everybody standing around with their hands up. It's like if they follow the Roman Empire, the priests that would stand at the gate and watch the barbarian hordes roll through, and they would ask them not to. Priests that would stand at the gate and watch the barbarian hordes roll through and they would ask them not to. You know, like just pleading to not destroy the cities. Well, that's kind of like the Republican Party. You know, it's just in Texas, just have Greg Abbott busing people around instead of securing the border and doing his duty, securing the border and doing his, his duty. You know and I think that's what we're watching is this history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.
Speaker 1:All right, let me go to the Rockfin chat before we get out of here. I I've neglected the chat in the last couple of times. It's good to see everybody over here. Beezobub I've never seen Beezobub. Good to see you. Jason Barker, karen Carpenter, brandon Bennett, dustin Helms Good to see all you guys. I haven't checked on the Rockfin chat. I didn't check on it last time. If you want to watch the show, be sure and go to rockfincom, the America Unplugged channel. We also have a Rumble channel open for the Arterburn radio transmission. Good to see everybody here. Next time I'll see if I can get over and take some questions. I'll set that up. I see Moark Wild Woman, melissa is take some questions. I'll set that up. I see Mark wild woman, melissa's in the chat, rhonda Tate. Well, that's good. I'm glad I've got the chat going.
Speaker 1:Yeah, lots going on in, uh in Wolfpack. It's been a busy week, folks. I got a couple of minutes left no-transcript, but I just want you guys to know that it's getting interesting out there and I'm paying very close attention. A lot of things are happening faster than I thought.
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