The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#486 Russia's Silver Bet & the Looming October surprise
Join me, Tony Arterburn as we dissect Russia's bold move to integrate silver into its state reserves. This pivotal decision shakes up the global economic landscape, urging central banks to reevaluate silver's true potential. We'll journey through the historical backdrop of the Bretton Woods system, the decline of the petrodollar, and the ramifications of America's surging debt crisis. Discover how these evolving dynamics may reshape international trade and monetary policies in our rapidly changing world.
Dive into a detailed critique of the current American economic system, where the allure of a post-dollar world beckons. Together with David, we'll explore Russia's strategic accumulation of silver, the underappreciated value of this precious metal, and its rising demand across various industries, from electric vehicles to healthcare. We'll question why the U.S. seems to be missing the boat on silver stockpiling, even as American consumers flock to unexpected venues like Costco to purchase precious metals.
Witness the stark disconnect between political elites and the everyday struggles of citizens, as evidenced by the insufficient response to Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. We'll expose allegations of misappropriated FEMA funds and critique the luxury habits of government officials. Finally, with U.S. elections on the horizon, we ponder the potential for an "October surprise" and assess the strategic ineptitude of political parties. Our discussion is a clarion call for awareness and education amidst the looming threats of perpetual conflict and financial instability.
We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.
Speaker 2:So Parapolitics and precious metals, weapons-grade truths. It's the official broadcast of the apocalypse. Ladies and gentlemen. It's the Arterburn Radio Transmission. I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons and the new world order. I'm here in beautiful Branson, missouri, along with my co-pilot and co-host, beans the Brave. She's keeping us safe from bad vibes, intruders, woodland creatures, anything that would disrupt the broadcast. Just going over headlines. Post interview with David Knight.
Speaker 2:Every Thursday I am very fortunate I get to talk to the the great David Knight on his program, usually around 9 30 am central Central Time. We went a little bit longer the day. We just back and forth between he and I and we talked so often you would think you kind of run out of stuff to talk about, but you don't. You don't run out. There's always something new in precious metals or commodities or the monetary system. That happens within the week that we talked Today.
Speaker 2:For those of you who miss the exchange between David and myself, something happened and just like when I told you that the petrodollar just went away, there was no pushback, there was no summit, there was no meeting, there was no wringing of hands or gnashing of teeth, although there should have been. The petrodollar just went away. Well, something else hit the scene and I have to give a shout out to Todd, who handles my compliance with cryptocurrency and all-around great guy and a silver bug. He sent me an article about, uh, the russians and I want to pull this article up. It's on the jerusalem post and again I read it on the david knight show today. But, um, this is earth shattering and the reason I say that is because this has not happened really ever with the use of silver. I mean going back many years. I mean the United States had a bimetallic standard with gold and silver and then really gold takes the lead in the 1870s, 1879, following the British Empire, following the British Empire, and the Chinese were really the only country to have really silver as a set of commodities and reserves. But Russia is moving to boost its silver reserves and major precious metals strategy shift. This is the Jerusalem Post. Russia shifts its precious metal strategy, adding silver to state reserves alongside gold, platinum and palladium, potentially impacting global markets as central banks reconsider silver's value. Now this is huge, okay, and the reason is because we're on an accelerated timeline now for the resetting of all commodity prices and currencies.
Speaker 2:Folks, you have to understand that for 1944 and on, when you had the Bretton Woods system. After the end of World War II, you get the new economic world order. You get the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank. They peg the dollars, the world's reserve currency, at $35 an ounce for gold. That happens and that stays that way until 1971 when Richard Nixon closes the gold window and we have a free floating fiat currency since then, however, during all that time, most of the central banks, even with the dollar moving away from the gold standard, still stocked their reserves with dollars and that's why we were able to get away with so much insanity, I mean even with us hitting. We hit a trillion dollars in debt in 1980. Now we do it every 90 to 100 days. We hit another trillion dollars in debt. It's a trillion dollars a year just to service the interest on the debt. The interest service on the debt is more than we spend on the defense budget.
Speaker 2:So the world took notice, like it has with a lot of things, with us taking the silver out of our coinage in 1965. That's one of the reasons we had to go after the gold standard, because countries like France, the president of France, de Gaulle, sent his warships over to pick up the gold that they wanted to repatriate their dollars into gold prior to 1971. It was a huge tell. So when I bring this to your attention, it's not about investment advice or watch the price of silver go up, a number go up. This is literally a shift in the paradigm of world affairs. This is happening rapidly, if you go back to the start of 2022,.
Speaker 2:Russia invades Ukraine and, of course, we can get into all the history of why they did that and, uh, you know, being provoked by NATO and NATO expansion and bio weapons labs and money laundering and all the weird stuff that happens in Ukraine. Uh, with the, with the Luciferian gangster overlord class, um. But we just immediately placed sanctions on Russiaussia and the russian ruble for a short period of time fell and there was a a real, I think, a worldwide consensus that something was going to be wrong with the ruble. However, they made an announcement, a couple announcements. Following the massive sanctions by the united states, the weaponization of the dollar, they made huge announcements. They said look, we're not going to take dollars anymore, we don't accept them, they're candy wrappers. That's what their finance minister said.
Speaker 2:I paid attention to that, by the way. I thought, oh, I actually looked it up and the phrase candy wrappers is kind of like toilet paper. It's an insult, this is trash. We don't even take it an insult. This is trash, we don't even take it. So they stopped. They said, well, you don't want us to use it, you're sanctioning us, we don't take the dollars. So they just came out and said no.
Speaker 2:Then they also made a commitment to peg the Russian ruble to a gram of gold, and I don't know the formula, but it was basically per grams. Right, it was grams of gold, it could be redeemable in gold. Their currency went back up and stabilized I think it's better than it was. However, the US dollar. And what happened? If you look at the charts, it was, I think, about 55% of global financial transactions went on in dollars in 2022. And then it dropped in 2023 and then in 2024. Now we're at like 40, some odd percent, like low 40s, and that has a huge impact on the strength of the dollar and the legitimacy of the dollar. So this is a roundabout saying they are again the Russians and they could be leading the way on this.
Speaker 2:They're pushing, I think, to expose something in the commodities and precious metals markets in the West about the bullion houses and the delivery systems and all of that like is there real silver? Is there real gold? I think the BRICS nations. It's not about having their own currency, it's about resetting the price of commodities. If you look at Brazil, russia, india, china, south Africa and now Saudi Arabia, what are these countries heavily going after? Commodities? Copper, crude oil, silver, gold, other things.
Speaker 2:This is a departure from the world economic system, not the forum, the system that was set up after World War II, where it's stock markets and sovereign funds and the dollar and credit systems. Well, the dollar was weaponized. We punished these countries. We went around nightsticking people like a policeman of the world and they said okay, and they're starting to move away. This is going to have major implications to the United States economy and its ability to project power, more importantly, when Russia, a massive land mass with all of its natural resources and their economy is not that big.
Speaker 2:But that's not the point. The point is in a post-dollar world, in a post-American empire world and, by the way, I love my country, I love the united states of america but it's run by, I mean, sociopathic, narcissistic, uh automatons for multinational banking. I mean that's what we, I don't know what else to call. That's my. I'm being nice, it's a family show, but you understand, we're being had here. We're not buying commodities, we're not stacking up our natural resources, we're not bolstering our currency, we're not making inroads for peace, we're not setting up economic viability, we're not cutting taxes and making things deregulated and telling companies to move here and build things. No, it's just off the rails now.
Speaker 2:But see, russia is moving to bolster its silver reserves, which is really smart. And the reason it's smart is because there's something wrong with the price of silver. There's something inherently wrong with it. I don't know what the price should be. Uh, maybe we could.
Speaker 2:And I still have a calculator on my desk. Oh, I always do. This is a weapon, by the way, the calculator is a weapon. Uh, the pen is mightier than the sword. Perhaps the calculator is mightier than the pen because math is not political, math just is, it just exists. You know, and that's universal language, right? Supposedly, if you're going to communicate with extraterrestrials, like you would use uh, it's the ultimate. It's the ultimate, uh, barometer, right? Well, we look at. Let's just again.
Speaker 2:There's a reason russia is getting into silver because it sees some other things that a silver bug. See that something is wrong. One there's a 200 million ounce. 200 million ounce deficit every year now and growing. So that means that all the silver that's mined at the end of the year from the demand there's 200 million ounces. They have to be taken from the above ground supply, okay. So there's, that's one thing, uh. Two, the ability to mine. It has gone down and because most of the time silver being mined is coming from people mining gold, or people mining copper or nickel or other things, and they're they're mining these other metals and it just happens to be a byproduct of that because the price is so cheap. So it gives you this weird thing, like.
Speaker 2:I'll give you an example. Let's just look at the. Let's go to. Let's go to wolfpackgold. If you want to check prices, you go to wolfpackgold. Let's go to wolfpackgold and check prices. I have a scrolling ticker which, by the way, uh was not easy to do, but we got it done and I'm really appreciative.
Speaker 2:It has a scrolling ticker on Wolfpackgold. It gives you the prices and right now gold is at 2,628 Luciferian Bankster notes per troy ounce. So let's do 2,628, and we're going to divide that by silver's price of 3,113. And you get 84.4. So it takes 84.4 ounces of silver to make one ounce of gold in value. But that is in defiance of history, logic, economics, everything. So you have to understand if you're setting up a sovereign wealth fund, if you're setting up reserve assets as a country, you're going to want to look for the best return. You're going to start stacking something that's cheap. Well, look at this Again 84.4 ounces to make one ounce of gold.
Speaker 2:That history, history, is our guide. It's usually 10 to 1, sometimes 20 to 1 at the highest. Alexander Hamilton and the founding fathers set up the system here in this country, in the United States, at the end of the 18th century. It's 16 to 1, and that stayed that way all the way up until 1933. But what other logic tells us is that in the ground, geologically, it's 17 to 1. And then the big tell, which which I find and, by the way, I'm the only that I know of that's ever brought this up.
Speaker 2:But and I could, I'm sure I'm not, I'm sure that I'm sure I'm not alone on this if you have a mind and you're looking at the world markets, the market cap for gold is 16.4 trillion, trillion, I think somewhere around that. So, of all the funds in the world, gold only has a $16 trillion market cap. Silver has a $1.4 trillion market cap, 16 to 1. And that's just, I think, the metrics based off the world and and metrics of of who buys what. So there's something wrong. I think Russia sees it and you should pay attention to this. It's based off of the deficits of silver. And then you have things like electric vehicles. Uh, there's a at least a? Uh a kilogram to two kilograms of silver in each new EV. You have solar and electric.
Speaker 2:Not only that, but in the, in the medical uh markets, in the emerging medical technologies, silver is a an asset. I mean, it's used to it's antibacterial, uh, antiviral and other things. Silver is used all the time, especially like all sorts like burn victims and healing and and uh, you know the, uh, the antibiotic resistant strains like MRSA and all that awful stuff you get find in hospitals. They use silver. So silver has so many uses. It's dirt cheap. Russia sees it so good on them.
Speaker 2:Um, I think what is the? What are we stocking up? What are we stocking up on in the good old us of a other than the populace? You know? I saw an article um, costco is blowing it out of the water with gold and silver, uh, bullion, platinum, palladium. You know people are there getting their 17-month supply of toilet paper and also buy an ounce of gold. Well, that's great and I want people to own precious metals. But come see Wise Wolf. I mean, maybe you can't afford a complete ounce and I'll have an announcement today, something really cool going on with Wolfpack that we just launched and we'll get into that. But yeah, if you can't, maybe can't afford a whole ounce, you come to you, come to me. But even if you can, you should still call Wise Wolf, we. We can give Costco a run for their money and I include some other cool stuff you know there's and you get to talk to us. I mean you don't have to go to cost, you don't have to get, uh, you know a, a uh, 700 pound, uh, order of ranch style beans along with your, with your precious metals. You can go directly to us all, right, so how? I hope everybody did.
Speaker 2:Okay, all my florida listeners. I hope everybody's all right from the hurricane from Milton. I watched that really closely. I have were saying there, can we categorize it something beyond that? I started watching it really close. So, uh, looks like some damage and, um, you know, uh, I would assume it could have been a lot worse, but I'm still waiting to hear back from some folks.
Speaker 2:And looking at that and just wishing everybody well, uh, speaking of florida, this is the babylon beat. Let me put this up on the screen. And just wishing everybody well. Speaking of Florida, this is the Babylon Beat. Let me put this up on the screen. I got to keep us laughing. It is the official broadcast of the apocalypse, and the philosopher Nietzsche said that laughing lions would come. I mean, figure that phrase out for yourself, but I just always thought it would be funny to laugh at In the throes of Armageddon. Um, let's see if we can put a smile on that face. Uh, put this on the screen. This made me laugh. Uh, babylon b and I haven't read a babylon b article in a while. It's it's been a minute.
Speaker 2:What a jerk. Kamala wants to help with hurricane relief, but desantis refuses to tell her where Florida is. In an incredibly petty jerk move, rod DeSantis reportedly prevented Kamala Harris from helping out with hurricane relief by not telling her where Florida is, even though she was really willing to aid victims of Hurricane Celine and Milton. According to sources close to the situation, harris showed perfectly good faith by calling DeSantis to offer her assistance to the people of Florida, but was rudely refused by DeSantis, who wouldn't give her a single hint as to where Florida is located on the map.
Speaker 2:Well, if you've ever heard and I'm this election cycle, um, I'm afraid that it it's causing brain damage and I I say this with all sincere, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this broadcast, uh, in this election. I'm afraid there's something wrong with it. It really is. I, I try to to follow the lines of logic and, uh, the political stances and if you've ever heard this woman speak, and I'm sure, and cackle and all the things, it is really bizarre and I mean, you can make fun of politicians who's, you know, their teleprompter breaks and they start, not, you know, they can't, they don't know what to do with their hands, like ricky bobby or something, and it's really bad. But yeah, she would that the babylon b kind of predicts stuff about six months out or so. I wonder, um, wasn't it? Obama said that wasn't there 50, 54 states or something like that. Um, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if she didn't know where florida is.
Speaker 2:Somebody also put up a, a meme. That I thought was probably more important, and that was, if you want some help, I fixed the situation and it just said where Florida was. They just put Ukraine. So that way all the global elites and puppets for multinational corporations and the military-industrial complex can care about Americans again. Yeah well, it wouldn't surprise me at all if she didn't know where it was, and good on DeSantis for not telling her where it is. I'm sure Florida will be fine.
Speaker 2:All right, I got an article by Doug Casey I want to go over to up on lewrockwellcom. We're going to get to that here shortly. He's kind of talking about an October surprise speaking of the election, just some stuff that's in my wheelhouse, because this is how the society really is drifting towards this kind of a post-constitutional, decent United States. I grew up in the 80s. I thought this was like it was mourning in America and there's Ronald Reagan and his strategy to end the Cold War was we win and they lose, and that's what I thought this was like the good old US of A. Unfortunately you have people like this guy, mayorkas Let me put the article up on the screen this clown. He really is indicative of everything that is wrong with the ruling class in this country. Everything is wrong with the ruling class in this country. Naturalnewscom, hunger Games, dhs head Mayorkas shops for luxury items in Georgetown.
Speaker 2:Why Western North Carolinians suffer post-Helene? There is not enough money, or so they say, to help all the victims of Hurricane Helene, yet there is more than enough cash in the till to support Department of Homeland Security DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas' luxury shopping and his habit in Georgetown. Just last week, mayorkas told reporters that FEMA does not have the funds to supply the needs of Americans for the rest of the 2024 hurricane season. Then, just days after, mayorkas was spotted at a luxury clother in Georgetown called Sid Mashburn, where suit jackets cost as much as $3,000 a piece. Well, you know, you got to tell people that you have nothing left in the treasury. You gave it all to the t-shirt man while you wear your three thousand dollar suit. Somebody also pointed out that, uh, kamala harris had had on a 780 belt. She was talking about hurricane relief when Americans you know if you even qualify to get the 750. And does this surprise anyone either? In other words, instead of being in the emergency control room helping with lean relief, mayorkas was out shopping. It's the same thing that Dr Jill Biden did in Central California a few weeks ago when her security entourage cleared the street so she could shop until she dropped. He's shopping for fancy clothes while people are suffering from hurricane damage, commented Elon Musk on Twitter.
Speaker 2:This is some hunger games Stuff. Yeah. Let them eat cake. Yeah. This is like end of the trajectory of a great country or a great empire. Unfortunately, you start seeing these types. They loot the treasury. They walk between the raindrops. They all have something that Gore Vidal said about the elites it walk between the raindrops. They all have something that Gore Vidal said about the elites. It's like it's not so much a conspiracy. They just all think alike. They go to the same cocktail parties, go to the same schools. They're insulated. The same private. You know secret societies and other things. They have their own little rules. They have everything. You're just. You're just in the way. You know here's your $750. You're not essential either. You know you should stay home. We're going to destroy the supply chain. You're not essential. Only big box multinationals are.
Speaker 2:And, of course, mayorkas is a dual citizen, also representing the country of Israel Along with his counterpart in Florida. I looked this up earlier. There's a congressman. What was the congressman in Florida that showed up in an IDF uniform to Congress? It'd be like showing up to the Dallas Police Department as a federale. It's like what country do you represent? I thought this was the United States of America. I thought the entire concept of dual citizenship was strange.
Speaker 2:But yeah, that's where you get people, this Mayorkas character. He's really tone deaf, or maybe he's not, maybe this is just how they see it. This is the ruling elite. They look at it and say, well, a border who cares about that? We'll overwhelm the United States, we'll break that. You know the ruling elite. They look at it and say, well, you know, a border who cares about that, we'll overwhelm the United States, we'll break that. You know, got these people complaining in the South and on the border states. No, don't worry about it, we'll just go ahead and wait them out. We'll run out the clock, we'll replace them. You know we'll have demographic replacement. Why not? You know they say it's not real, but kind of is right. They do it.
Speaker 2:And then you get people like Greg Abbott. He's all going to stand up. Governor of Texas is going to stand up to a legal immigration. I'll bust them to Martha's Vineyard by golly, which is a huge insult to anybody who cares about the sovereignty of the United States or the safety of its people. I don't know how he sleeps at night. Frankly, I would be. I'd have my office on the border.
Speaker 2:I'd I would solve that problem if I was governor of texas, because it's actually you don't have a choice, that's, you raise your hand to swear in, like you. It federal government, be damned. You better get down there, you better solve it. But we don't do that in texas, unfortunately. We are hamstrung by the gop who make sure that they're going to raise money until the end of the country. Those keep raising money for awareness. It's like I'm going to get awareness to all the things that are going on that you want to fix, but we need to raise more money for awareness that we're aware and don't do anything about it.
Speaker 2:All right, well, that is true. So this't do anything about it, all right? Well, that is true. So this is Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake moment. And you're seeing this. I mean Nero, fiddled by Rome Byrne. You're seeing this is all interconnected. If you want to get a true reading of where you are and I think this has never been more glaring and you could have argued let me go all the way back to kanye west in 2000. Was it 2004? I don't know. Yeah, it's after katrina and uh goes on.
Speaker 2:Mike myers is standing there and he says george bush doesn't care about black people right, you go all the way back. Well, I think, instead of replace that, you know Bush doesn't care about black people, right, you go all the way back. Well, I think, instead of replace that, it doesn't have anything to do with the color of your skin. It has everything to do with the socioeconomic standing that you have. Perhaps it's a big club, as George Carlin said, and you ain't in it. So a lot of this is just, you're just in the way. And uh, that's what I read from all these type of stories and you see more and more like this tone deaf. They have no idea. It's like when kamala harris was asked if she said we've been to the border and finally a reporter was like, actually, you haven't been. She had no real and this kind of word salad that came out. Politicians speak. That came out next, but they don't care. And uh, this is going to become even more apparent. I'm just trying. I'm just trying to get through this election period and we're going to talk a little bit about oct surprises, which is interesting to think about.
Speaker 2:What was the October surprise for 2016? Do people remember. I remember it like it was yesterday. I knew exactly where I was when I found out what the true? Because everybody thought the October surprise was the Billy Bush tape. What the true? Because everybody thought the october surprise was the billy bush tape, you know. But, uh, that trump was on the bus with, with billy bush and, um, you know that tape that was leaked and you know, grab him by the you know what. And all that stuff. And I watched the tape, I watched the audio and I go is that it? That's the best you can do and can do. And it did cause a backlash. It gave Trump, I think, the ability to look across and see who was going to get on the plane with him, because everybody thought, oh, he's finished. I didn't. I was like, oh, I think the country's a little bit beyond that. I think that it's not really going to matter all that much. And I was right. But that's not what the october surprise was. That's what you think it was. That's like, oh, it drops, and then you have trump. He has to come out and talk about.
Speaker 2:I'm a different person now and that was locker room talk and all that stuff, right, and I used to I the, the point I had with that whole thing. Back then I said look, uh, this country, you're supposed to love your soldiers. You like your marines, you like your, you like your warriors. Uh, hate to break it to you folks, but uh, your war. That, if you ever I'm a combat vet you ever been in combat? You ever? You know you ever go to war with guys, or just men, and, by the way, there's females there too. Do you realize the language that's used? Do you realize the, the metaphors that are conjured up and a lot of it's dark humor and it's, it's it will. It would shock you if you're john q public and you know nicey, nice, and you've never had to deal with harsh conditions or putting your life on the line for years at a time and kind of how crazy that makes you. But that was nothing and I thought calm down America.
Speaker 2:But what the real October surprise was was the James Comey reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails with like two weeks out, because of evidence they've gotten off of Anthony Weiner's laptop A laptop, by the way, which there's like rabbit holes and top of rabbit holes in that story about the laptop and what was actually on it. And we never know and supposedly, like everybody who looked at it, you know, there was like I don't know if it's like the tape, the movie, the, the ring, you know where the, you watch the tape and then you got a week or you're dead. But there was supposedly some nasty things on there and, uh, it doesn't even really matter at that point because it took the momentum, whatever. They didn't plan well on the on the democrat side, I think they just thought it's a shoe in. Let's put the cameras over here on donald trump. We're gonna. He'll make a fool of himself, he'll say all the wrong things, he doesn't know how to run and, uh, we'll just take this and this will be easy cake, cakewalk right, kind of like the Iraq war. It's cakewalk war, you know, and you can go back on my Twitter feed if you'd like.
Speaker 2:And I predicted on that day when that happened, I said Donald Trump will be president of the United States. And I said it again because I drove out to the Ozarks, I was on my way up and I was driving up and I go. He's going to win the election. I've never done that before since. It's just something that I knew and that was a true October surprise.
Speaker 2:And of course, we're in a different world now. I don't even think in the same paradigms that I used to, or even close. I still know my history, I still think history matters, but a lot of that stuff's off the table. I don't even know what this election is like. It's just bizarre. Like we're off, we're off the off the map, like it's not even making any sense whatsoever. And uh, now you have kamala harris, who was not elected, uh, to do there was no primary for the dams, nothing, you know. Um, and uh coming out of nowhere. That's going to be a weird race, it know. And it's coming out of nowhere. It's going to be a weird race, it just is. And there's going to be an October surprise.
Speaker 2:So let me go to the Rockfin chat really quick. By the way, if you're listening to my voice, you want to see this on video. Several ways you can do it. But go to Rockfin, go to R-O-K-F-I-Ncom on the America Unplugged channel and you can find us there. Let me go. Rockfin's always a good place to go. I will see if I can find it. Something might have happened with the stream today. Well, this is just my luck. That's fine. Let's see who's on Rumble, then See if I can get it on Rumble to come up real quick. Maybe, maybe not, in the in the middle of a stream, all right. Well, I see a harps is on here and, uh, lto ways of truth.
Speaker 2:I've not seen that before Uh apple eater with Rome. That's a good. That's a good uh handle. I like that. Harp says do Tony a favor and hit the uh the thumbs up people. Yeah, harps, I don't know what happened to uh to Rockfin today, but I will definitely check that out. Well, hopefully we're live over there, but I can't. I'm on Twitter X or whatever at Tony Arterburn, and you can also go find me on Facebook. If you want to be my friend, I'll friend you back. Send me a friend request over on Facebook. I think I get like 5,000 until they cap it over there. So I'm running my profile over on Facebook. All right, last story of the day we're going to go and look at this interview that's up on lewrockwellcom with Doug Casey, and I always love Doug Casey international man, he's the real deal. Let me put this up on the screen.
Speaker 1:I think he had some good ideas here in this article too.
Speaker 2:This is just an interview, so I'm going to read some excerpts of it as we close out Potential October surprises before the election.
Speaker 2:So now I talked about 2016,. So we're going to dive into some things that Doug Casey's been thinking. Doug Casey, it's been said that there's usually an October surprise, so what might happen between now and then? All things considered, I expect the Democrats to win, despite the fact that voting for a pair of hardcore leftists is clinically insane on the part of the average American. I think they'll win. The Capitas Sensei support leftist views on almost all major issues. The collectivists and statists have long since captured the moral high ground. Plus, the Dems control the apparatus of the state and they'll use that in every way possible. And, very importantly, 20 or 30 million illegal immigrants realize that if Trump wins, there's an excellent chance they'll be evicted. They'll find some way to vote against him. On top of that, the Democrats are notoriously better at cheating than Republicans, who tend to favor traditional Boy Scout values like boy scout values.
Speaker 2:But I don't know, it's it's correct, maybe it's just me and maybe you guys disagree, but it feels like on purpose, like they just they like losing, they don't like power, they like to fundraise and they, they've been raising. Oh, since I've been a kid, you know we're going to secure that board. That's one thing we're going to do. Secure the board. We're going to secure the border, lower those taxes. Well, taxes are up and that border is broken. So good job. You know, and it is interesting that I mean you just can't get away from these people.
Speaker 2:Like you know, tone deaf Lindsey Graham the other day was on with Hannity and Hannity talks about the hurricane relief and what's happening in Appalachia and he goes and I'm telling you, right now we've got to get more weapons to Israel. They're running out of ammo. What? What? You know, that's what the Republican Party is. It's a bridge to nowhere, literally. I think that was submitted by a Republican in Alaska, by the way. But yeah, it's just the same mentality. They either tone deaf or it's. I feel like they're the Joe Bob of politics now. And if you know what I'm talking about, you go to the movie Casino with Robert De Niro and he has to hire this kind of local yokel guy named Joe Bob, and Joe Bob lets two jackpots go off at the same time, like next to each other. So it means they're rigged, you know, because it's mathematically impossible. And De Niro says you know, either you're too stupid to figure out that this is a scam or you're in on it. Either way you're fired. I just feel like somebody needs to say that. Or you're in on it, either way you're fired. I just feel like somebody needs to say that he said.
Speaker 2:However, anything could happen between now and November 5th. If a serious scandal real or fabricated is promoted against either Trump or Harris, that could sway the undecided. A big October surprise might involve the US in an actual war, because once a war starts, people don't like to change horses in the middle of the stream. This is true. It's one of the reasons that Bush won in 2004. It was so close. I mean, you know I said that famous picture of Kerry. Like it's so close. I mean, maybe if Kerry hadn't been skull and bones just like George W Bush, maybe there'd been just enough difference for him to have won that election. Maybe, george W Bush, maybe there have been just enough difference for him to have won that election. Maybe A big October surprise?
Speaker 2:Of course, our democracy is nothing more than a degenerate, collapsing empire that's falling apart at the seams in every way possible. Anything can happen, including the old standbys money, sex and treason. I'm forced, regrettably, to put my money on the bad guys, if only because the media will emphasize any Trump peccadilloes while minimizing any Harris felonies. This is so true and what he's saying here is you know, over time you go back to the 1950s there was, you know, people made a big deal out of Joe McCarthy coming out Senator Tail Gunner, joe from Wisconsin, you know Senator McCarthy here and people made a big deal because he had this document that said I can name you know so many communists inside the State Department and that was shocking, like it's like people couldn't believe it. That's no way. Well, you look back on history and it's a no-brainer. Well, now you could just literally go to almost any government agency and it's the majority of the people there.
Speaker 2:You talk about a continuity of government, a cog. You know the, the entrenched bureaucratic system is very much in the bag for the ruling party and the ruling party is the Democratic Party. That's just. They're creating a coast to coast California monoparty system and the Republicans aren't helping, because you have people like Lindsey Graham, you have people like Mitt Romney, you have people like a lot of just your everyday congressman who doesn't understand anything about. I know you think they know a lot about politics, but or what's going on, or the big ideas. They usually don't. They follow a standard script and it's milk toast. They truly don't understand. I've talked to some of them, by the way, they really don't have any idea like the big issues that are facing the country. They just know the talking points. I say this, I get to be a congressman, and so they get bulldozed, really not understanding anything.
Speaker 2:Doug Casey says I wouldn't worry too much about China and taiwan. The uh chen kai shek government essentially conquered the island after world war ii. Taiwan was never really part of china itself. Legally speaking, china has no right to it. Um, but uh, that's irrelevant in the world of real politic is what he said. The relevant question is is will Beijing try to conquer it? That makes no sense to me, because the Taiwanese government is in a position to resist mightily and even if the Chinese won, they'd destroy most of Taiwan's economic values. So, thinking long-term as the Chinese do, they'll threaten a parade around Taiwan but won't start a real war. A greater danger is the idiotic US policy of defending the island while probing and threatening China, even though it's exactly on the other side of the world.
Speaker 2:Us neocons have clearly learned absolutely nothing from their catastrophic misadventures in Korea, vietnam, afghanistan and Iraq, among other places in Asia. Korea, vietnam, afghanistan and Iraq, among other places in Asia. Wasn't it Eisenhower or MacArthur one of the two that said anybody who wanted to start another major land war in Asia should have his head examined? This is bad. Anybody that looked at the history of the Korean War with MacArthur's involvement and the communist Chinese and this is what he's referencing it was a disaster, very hard to control, far away and outstretching our supply chain, all that stuff and it had to be limited. Very bad idea. And he has a great point here. It's something I've been saying for a while.
Speaker 2:There's something wrong with our. You know you go back to nixon and kissinger at the uh opening of the 70s and bringing china into the. You know the two talks with mao and uh opening china and there was a verbally promised that we agreed that there was one China. We stepped away from defending Taiwan, essentially verbally, and then we put it in writing at the end of 1979 with Zygmunt Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter. So recently, with all this uptick in funding for and, by the way, taiwan should exist and I don't like these bigger countries bullying littler countries and I think sovereignty and freedom matters. I'm not saying that China has a right to. I'm just saying we are reversing course in a world that doesn't. This doesn't make any sense for our course reversal, unless you just think they're just probing to try to get something kinetic kicked off.
Speaker 2:The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are bigger problems. There's no question that Ukraine will lose and NATO will be embarrassed. The real question is whether the war spins out of control. No-transcript. Well, I think Doug Casey is certainly on my wavelength here, because I've been thinking what is the October surprise? Is it going to be like? Is it political? Is it another Trump on a bus with a tape? Nobody cares. A bigger move would be Biden resigns, kamala steps in. She she's the president, I mean. Or they get you into a when all else fails, like Gerald Salente says, they take you to war. Perhaps that's what it is. Something will. I mean we're. We're 10 days in. So it's going to happen. Something will happen, and let's hope it's not these things, but they got to go big right, shock and awe.
Speaker 2:It bears repeating that inflation is a process. People think of a retail price rises in inflation. They're not. They're the effect of inflation and inflation is caused by money printing. Oh, thank you, doug. Excellent analysis, 100%. Yeah, prices going up is not inflation. It's the loss of purchasing power in your dollar or your currency because of the mass creation of it, making it more ubiquitous.
Speaker 2:Money creation. Money printing creates inflation. It's to inflate the money supply and then everything else is a byproduct of that. Money printing is going to continue because the US government is running a $2 trillion deficit annually, most of it being financed by the Federal Reserve. Various factors determine how much, how quickly and where that new super money comes from down to a retail level to increase prices, but I don't think anything new will happen on this front in the next 30 days. To cause, of course, it hasn't. Yet they were able to lower the interest rates. Jerome Powell lowered it by 50 basis points, which was a big move, and it's had a stimulating effect on the markets. But this is all temporary. I mean, at the end of the day, you're asking for inflation. On the other hand, mass migration continues, with thousands of people entering or being actively imported daily into the US. Even the average brain dead American is starting to recognize that these people are being recruited, subsidized and housed at their expense.
Speaker 2:Yeah, everybody, you know it's something I've said for a while like you're in a fourth dimensional nonlinear war, congratulations, that's what's happening. I mean, if we don't go after the root of, like these supranational international entities that are paying people, supplying people with pamphlets and debit cards and instructions on how to get to the U? S border, and then you have people in the inside of the United States that are complicit in it, so it's like the calls are coming from inside the house and then we're also, you know, letting the intruder in. I mean, it's all bad. Like this is the something that's going on? The the country is literally at war, uh, with these, uh, globalist forces that are taking us down from the inside out and, uh, they're using people, the weapons of mass immigration.
Speaker 2:Doug casey says the jacobins are fully in control in washington dc. Uh, trump might not be a prize, but at least he's a cultural conservative, at least he doesn't want to overturn american culture and traditions. Well, well, that's true. Um, I think he's kind of make America great again is like I think the flow it is just the eighties, you know, I think it's uh, for what Trump thinks of, I don't think it's the fifties, I don't think it's, I think it's just the eighties, you know? Um, it's not. It's nothing. Crazy cultural warrior stuff. Or even the Project 2025, or whatever they've come out of the Heritage Foundation. I've been talking about that stuff for years, but the radicalism of the ruling class, the mono party, is absolutely satanic.
Speaker 2:They asked Doug Casey what do you expect to happen in the financial markets ahead of the election? He says money makes the horse run and the gigantic U S deficits are creating super money courtesy of the fed. Most of it flows into the stock market. It's a bubble that will eventually burst with a 1929 style ferocity because of the scores of trillions of debt created by the Fed and fractional reserve banking. What will happen between now and the election? Nobody can predict that, and the economy is going to go deeper and deeper into the greater depression. But what will happen in the financial market? Stocks and bonds are both egregiously overpriced, but it simply means I don't want to own them. I don't want to be risky, is what Doug says. He says I continue to own gold. I'm very happy about that. I speculate in junior resource stocks, which remain quite cheap. He's talking about mining and other things. Although they've been very tricky, they always are. Well, that's a little bit of Doug Casey.
Speaker 2:And then I wanted to point out, uh, upon anti-war, just to leave you with. I'll try to. Can I maybe leave on a positive note, but we only got a couple of minutes. But maybe next week, I don't even know, I don't even know if I can bring this up with, uh, three minutes, but oh, now I have to because I told you about it. All right, real quick, I'll cover it and then we'll close out the transmission. This was antiwarcom, something to think about. Every week I come in here and talk to you about this same stuff, but this is important.
Speaker 2:The US thought the risk of Russia using a nuclear weapon was at 50% in 2022 by a new book. Bob Woodward puts out this new book. The book says US intelligence reached the assessment in September 2022, around the time Biden said there was a risk of nuclear Armageddon. Us intelligence determined in September 22, there was a 50% chance of Russia using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine. According to the book titled War, the warning came in late September 2022, with US intelligence believing Russia could use a nuke If its forces were surrounded in Kursan City. Russia withdrew from the city not long after.
Speaker 2:Well, this is the severity. Again, this is why I bring this up. This is why it's important to watch these geopolitical events and then juxtapose what's happening now as to what happened previously and we just take every precaution and every opportunity to an off-ramp for peace out of it. This is why I pay attention to this is because they have done something. The ruling class in the United States, the foreign policy hacks, the so-called smart set, have put us on a trajectory for war and we need to do something about that.
Speaker 2:Ladies and gentlemen, you have to have awareness of this. The media has just been the mouthpiece for these military industrial complex lackeys for too long and they're getting away with it. We have to call them out. We have to say stuff, we have to educate people and talk to them about the risk of this. There's a spirit in the air. You've got to stay out of these wars. This is that we lose our freedom, we lose everything we have. James Madison said that a republic cannot survive in the midst of perpetual warfare, so we have to be mindful of that. All right, go to wolfpackgold, new program up. You can lock in the price Ounce of gold best price. Ounce of silver best price, no fees, free shipping. Wolfpackgold Go, check that out, along with our monthly membership program starting as low as $50 a month. Wolfpackgold Precious metals delivered directly to your door. It's the coolest thing ever. I'll be back next week. You guys take care of each other. End of transmission.