The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#485 The Intricate Dance of Gold, Politics, and History
What if gold, not the dollar, holds the real power in today's economy? Join me, Tony Arterburn, on a journey through the intricate landscape of freedom, politics, and history, where we challenge conventional wisdom and explore the profound role of precious metals. We'll unravel the complexities of geopolitics, drawing on allegories and historical insights to understand the tensions between nations like Iran and Israel. Through references to historical figures and realpolitik, we examine past foreign policy decisions and their resounding impact on our present world.
In a world where digital currencies are gaining popularity, we question the age-old allure of gold. While industry giants like Warren Buffett and Dave Ramsey dismiss its value, I highlight gold's cultural significance and its critical role throughout history. From its symbolism as a gift for baby Jesus to its intrinsic stability compared to fiat currencies, this episode offers a fresh perspective on investing in gold and silver. We contrast these timeless metals with the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and discuss gold's historical constraints on government excess.
Amidst geopolitical turmoil, we focus on the intriguing dynamics of the precious metals market, spotlighting Costco's significant sales of gold bars and a potential move into platinum. With tensions affecting global supply and demand, we evaluate financial figures' perspectives and question pro-war motivations, reflecting on historical missteps and their lessons. As we touch on peace negotiations in the Middle East, this episode underscores the profound influence of geopolitical shifts on gold and silver prices, urging listeners to consider the historical roots and future implications of their investment choices.
I'm LeBron, always the best.
Speaker 1:Veteran of three foreign wars entrepreneur and warrior poet, tony Arterburn, takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Do you understand what I'm talking about? What is our common bond? Truly, freedom. Freedom. Without freedom, you can't be a Christian, no matter what denomination you belong to. You can't be a Buddhist, you can't own a donut shop, you can't drive from here to Oregon, you can't be an American, because that's what it's all about, and that's the only thing that it's all about. Nothing else. Nothing else it's about freedom.
Speaker 2:You guys ever hear the story about the frog and the scorpion? Frog and a scorpion are on the bank of a river. Frog and a scorpion are on the bank of a river and the scorpion looks across and knows he can't get to the other side without the frog. And so he tells the frog hey, you know, I really appreciate it if you'd let me ride across your back over the river so I can get to the other side safely. And the frog says you're crazy because you'll sting me. And the scorpion says why would I do that? We'll both die. And the frog says you know, you make a lot of sense. Why don't you hop on my back? So the scorpion gets on the frog's back and they go out across the stream. About halfway across the scorpion stings the frog and they're both drowning, going down. And the frog says why did you do that? And the scorpion says because I'm a scorpion, that's what I do.
Speaker 2:This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons and the new world order, from beautiful Branson, missouri, along with my co-pilot and co-host, beans the Brave, who's just off camera. Folks, we have a great show for you. I'm adding a new affiliate today. Officially, I think. I've been this for a while. I'm officially syndicated. I'm on a nine 30, the AM, the answer, san Antonio. I'm on a six 60 case guy in Dallas and free world Dot FM, uh and uh. Many other stations, including uh, where you're seeing me now on, on rockfincom and on rumble. You can find the Art of Burn radio transmission on the America Unplugged channel.
Speaker 2:We're going to get into well, a pair of politics and precious metals. Today. It's I don't know. This is the strangest time because I didn't predict a lot of this is happening. It's faster than it's kind of out of my wheelhouse, but I'm actually having to catch up now.
Speaker 2:Usually I'm so far ahead of things that, um, people are like what are you talking about? That's been my, that's been me for 20 plus years. You have to understand it's. It's I have, uh, I have my muscle memory has always been in the future. And people are like what, what are you talking about? What do you mean? Uh, what do you mean? Gold's going to go to a certain amount. What do you mean? The dollar is going to collapse? What do you mean? We're going to have, you know, all these geopolitical tensions. What do you mean? Corruption's going to be at an all time. What do you mean? These political parties? Our freedom? What are you talking about, tony? What do you mean? They're going to lock us down. What do you mean about a great reset? All that stuff? I was just off the map for a while.
Speaker 2:Well, now I'm watching this stuff accelerate and it's hard to pinpoint, especially as a radio host. We've got an hour a week. We want to go over the big headlines and I'm certainly going to do that. But, ladies and gents, we are in a completely new timeline now. Too many things happening at once, and so I'm built for this. Don't worry, we'll take you through it.
Speaker 2:This is the official broadcast of the apocalypse. I'm made for this. What did Nietzsche say? That now is not my time, but the day after tomorrow belongs to me. This is the Tomorrowland. Welcome to it.
Speaker 2:We'll get into that news, especially after this rocket attack by the Iranians on to the Israelis. And if you don't know, if you can't source all this history, it just seems like it's coming out of nowhere. It's crazy. You know what is the cause and effect here? Are the Iranians going insane? Are they truly a suicide bomber nation, or does this have roots in decades and decades of foreign policy and diplomacy and realpolitik, the real politic, did you? You know what that means? You know what is? Uh? Altruism does not exist among nations, right? This is something that uh, auto von bismarck talked about. You know, the future will not be decided by votes and rhetoric will be decided by blood and iron. This is the 19, 19th century. That's what real politik is.
Speaker 2:And if you look at, you know our setup in the post-World War II. I talked about this today on the David Knight Show. Post-world War II, you had people advising President Truman before he recognized the state of Israel. People like Dean Acheson were saying you know, if you do this, then you're going to drive a wedge between Iran and the West. And if people don't, you know, if they don't know their history, you know Iran played a significant role in World War II, especially in the periphery of the Soviet Union, because of its rich natural resources. It's a giant landmass, land mass, and that's where Yalta was. If you know the meeting between Churchill, stalin and FDR a little side note there, a guy named Alger Hiss was there, taking secrets and passing them on to the Soviet Union would later be exposed by Richard Nixon, but that's beside the point. Yeah, it was Yalta to decide the fate of the world post-World War II, that's in Iran.
Speaker 2:And of course we had our Operation Ajax in the early 1950s, the first Secretary of Defense, james Forrestal, who was conveniently pushed out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital people say he committed suicide. No, he didn't. And he he opposed. He opposed a lot of the foreign policy that was coming out, our Middle Eastern foreign policy at the time, which was, you know, truman and Israel. And he had, he was you know the book he was reading. The book he was reading was the, the Greek play. There was Ajax, and then that's what they called the operation.
Speaker 2:Operation Ajax was to overthrow Mosaddegh, which was the leader of Iran, and we installed the Shah. And so eventually, you know, you get the Iranian revolution, you get a lurch towards Islamic extremism and theocracy and all this stuff because of our interventions. You know this right, this is the history. So here we are, you fast forward all these years later and you know, if you go through the timeline, I mean, netanyahu has been saying that Iran is going to get the bomb imminently. It's imminent, and he would go before Congress, I think going all the way back to and if I'm not mistaken, I think he said the same thing going all the way back to 1992. And there's just been nothing but provocation and tension and all this building up over years. I was just reading I wanted to get the timeline right, which a lot of people don't know this Iraq had a nuclear reactor and I believe the French were helping.
Speaker 2:It was called Osiris and they were going to use it for nuclear power. And back in June 7th 1981, the Israelis just flew over and blew it up. They just took the F-15s F-16s that we sold them and went and blew it up, just blew up, just flew over sovereign territory and blew up a nuclear reactor. So you know, there's a complicated history. This isn't like oh, just one day Iran woke up and decided they were going to, you know, send rockets over into Israel. That's not how any of this works.
Speaker 2:Now, that's what the mainstream media would like you to believe, and it's those in the military industrial complex, and especially the neocons. You know, you got to know who the neocons are, the people that hijacked the conservative movement, the Republican Party. They're heralded as like heroes and they're great conservatives and all that, but you see their true colors shining through when it comes to, like, domestic stuff or borders. They hate borders, they're internationalists, they're Trotskyites by nature. They believe in a perpetual revolution. It's why I opened up my show saying I'm broadcasting in defiance of them, because they colonize the mind of Christians and conservatives so-called, you know people of the right traditionalists for decades and I remember being a kid going why are we listening to these warmongers? What's up with this? And if, the deeper that you dig into it, the more insidious it is. So no, folks. And this is the reason why when I first went on the air in Dallas gosh 11 years ago, this is why the radio station was like oh, we thought we had a combat vet. We thought I'm not doing the traditional combat vet talking points. You know, if you see behind I got War is a Racket over my shoulder by Smedley Butler. I had to put that back in prominence on the bookshelf because we're entering that territory.
Speaker 2:You're going to hear a lot of people. You know these political hacks, these soulless automatons for multinational corporations. You know they're going to be talking about all the things that they're going to do to put us on a war footing, because war is profitable, you know. And if you don't know the history of things and you can certainly buy into these scenarios that you know, so-and-so is a victim. You know, all these, all these, these nation states, these are victims. We're not going to play that game here. We'll actually do the real history. We'll talk about the constitutionality of going to war, the morality of it, because that's the season that we're in and it may cost me a lot of listeners.
Speaker 2:I will go down with that ship, though, don't worry about it. I, I will not get behind, uh, some unnecessary, unconstitutional, disgusting, satanic war for another nation ever. I love this country, I fight for this country, I defend my beloved republic. So don't come at me with some weird, you know. Nobody comes and say hey, tony, what are you, are you going to do? You support Peru? What's the? What's the latest on you in Paraguay?
Speaker 2:You know, like, like, it's always about, it's always Middle Eastern centered. We always got to go back and we got to talk about all the things that we're going to do to go into the Middle East again and again and again and again into oblivion. They like to send other people's kids or commit our military to things with no clear goal, like they're sending. I'll give you an example. You go back to 1983, I believe, the Beirut bombing, that's. You know, president Reagan sent the troops into Lebanon. So here we go again and you had the bombing of the of the marine barracks in Lebanon. I killed, uh, upwards, I think, 237 marines, if I'm not mistaken. I could be mistaken, but it was a lot.
Speaker 2:And Reagan pulled the troops out and a lot of people thought, wow, he's just cutting and running. He's going to cut and run. You know why don't we stay and finish the job, whatever that means? And did you know that the end of his presidency, the last day before he went out and saw Poppy Bush swear in to become president, reagan passed by the Marine who guarded the door at the Oval Office and he stopped and he saluted him. And he said he started the door at the Oval Office and he stopped and he saluted him. And he said my greatest mistake was Lebanon. And he didn't mean his greatest mistake wasn't staying in there, he meant his greatest mistake was going in there in the first place.
Speaker 2:He called it the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics. Folks, it's irrational. You don't understand it. There is no win there. There's no win and whatever I said, this wrote about this many years ago. The Middle East is. To those who would rule, it's like a scepter. You think it's a scepter, you pick it up and you're going to rule, but it's a serpent and it bites you, and that's what this is all about. We're going to talk a little bit more about that today.
Speaker 2:There's an article up on anti-war. Some of the stuff that you should have, some inside information, some of the other periphery information along with this war, you should know about and make your own decisions. Some of the consequences, too. The consequences of this, especially heating up in a kinetic war, are going to be the driving of commodity prices. We're going to see commodity prices spike and oil and other things that you need every day, and inflation is going to continue to do what it's doing because of the interest rate cuts and all the rest of that. There was an article up on market insider saying there's two big reasons that gold is going to surge 9% into early next year and it has to do with interest rate cuts and geopolitical uncertainty, and that's what's happening right now. You're seeing a lot of markets resetting, but there was a I want to get into this article.
Speaker 2:There's something up on Zero Hedge that I thought it caught my eye and I wanted to talk to all you about it. It's something I've been saying for a while. It's Warren Buffett, dave Ramsey and john maynard canes are all wrong. I like the headline. It has a picture of gold member from it on the austin powers. This is from, uh, mark thornton over at the mises institute. This week we explain how warren buffett, d Ramsey and John Maynard Keynes are all wrong about gold.
Speaker 2:John Maynard Keynes, the godfather of Keynesian economics, famously called gold the barbarous relic, a term he used to denigrate the gold standard and to disparage the use of gold as money. Specifically, he hated the constraint the gold standard placed on government spending. Okay, so just so we start there. If you know what Keynesian is like, keynesian economics is basically those who believe that the fiat money supply right is infinite and whenever you need to goose the economy, whenever you need to create a economic growth, then you just create new currency and an infinitum, on and on. It goes forever right.
Speaker 2:Following in Keynes's footsteps, investment whiz kid Warren Buffett, son of the great investor and congressman Howard Buffett, has famously disparaged gold as an investment, saying it has no yield. By the way, I was just talking about this the other day and I was like what was Warren Buffett's dad's name? His dad was like a real right-wing guy. He was a John Birch Society member, congressman, like one of the only john birch society members in congress up in in nebraska. He truly was like a, a right-wing guy. It's weird like his son is so establishment, um, but yeah, uh, warren buffett has just said that gold doesn't do anything. It just sits there like, unlike what, the, the currency that just goes everywhere and devalues itself. He called Bitcoin rat poison too and I always thought that was funny. I was like, yeah, I think it kills rats. I wish somebody would have told him that. I thought, yeah, I think it kills the rats in the fiat banking sector.
Speaker 2:He otherwise has voiced no coherent political philosophy, like his father, drew, and then, of course, hotshot radio voice, dave Ramsey. He likely has likewise sharply disparaged gold as an investment, saying it's just a shiny, shiny rock with no yield and it's a terrible investment. You know, you would think he would know. I mean just seriously, if it's a terrible investment. I mean when I started this business I think gold was twelve hundred dollars an ounce. It's almost $2,700 an ounce. And Wise Wolf hasn't been around for decades, but it's been around for six, seven years, so that's not a bad investment for just sitting there and doing nothing.
Speaker 2:The Golden Society, of course, in this age of inflation, people like Buffett Jr and Ramsey are heralded for their calls for prudence in what otherwise is a financial landscape warped by hedonistic government policies of spending borrowing without limits and printing fiat money by the trillions. And the author says I will show here how wrong all three men are in the investment points and how contradictory their views on gold are. But I must emphasize that I'm not offering any kind of investment advice. Well, neither am I Never investment advice from me. I only give protection advice. I only tell you history. You have to do your own research, you have to think for yourself. Own research, you have to think for yourself.
Speaker 2:This hatred and disparagement, disparagement of gold, is money and the gold standard has become standard dogma of and a pillar of the modern state. Oh, it really has. I was talking on the david knight show this morning and I said do you know that there's a disease called auroraphobia? It's a real thing. It's the fear of gold. I bought this little anything I can find on bookstores or online. Whenever I find something on gold, I just buy it. I bought this little gold fax book and I didn't know this. I was reading it this morning. I was like there's auroraphobia and they have to be like treated because they fear gold bars and gold jewelry and stuff. I'm like man and I think maybe a lot of our central bankers have that the ones in the west, not the ones everywhere else. I certainly have some sort of auroraphobia.
Speaker 2:In complete contrast, regular people in society still instinctively see gold as an emblem of excellence. More than half a century since the last vestige of the gold standard was taken away from us. Gold medals represent the very best achievements. Silver medals represent the next level down. Teachers and parents still use the star system, with gold or yellow stars representing the highest achievement. From babies to high school students. Gold stars are an inducement to effort and achievement.
Speaker 2:Later on in life, gifts of jewelry are used to convey our affection and admiration. First it might be things like friendship rings, but we all know that gifts of gold jewelry are an attempt to convey a high level of esteem by the gift to the giver. When the wise men visited baby Jesus, they brought gifts of gold, along with precious perfume, medicinal compounds of frankincense and myrrh. Even markets of companies and company products where there is a profit and loss and prime directive, strive to be able to claim that their company, their product or service is the gold standard. It's so true.
Speaker 2:It's another thing I talk about all the time. It's just so ingrained in us. It's if you and this maybe this is just my wheelhouse and how much I spend time on this stuff but history you look back, it's just precious metals play such an integral part in the human story is going back as far as you can get into recorded history. It's. It's part of our myth, it's part of our lore, it's part of a. It's part of our story, it's part of our timeline and it always will be. I mean, I'm sorry, I Bitcoin. I love you Bitcoiner guys because Weisswolf's got Bitcoin stuff going on, we've got projects, but Bitcoin's not going to demonetize gold and silver. It's just not going to do it?
Speaker 2:First of all, gold is not primarily an investment. Gold and silver are monies hey, that's what I I say the most advanced forms of money for thousands of years, before the age of inflation. By the way, the age of inflation wasn't until recent history. Technically, gold and silver are not money now, but only because they were forced out of that role by the state. Gold shackles the state. Paper money unleashes it from its golden cage.
Speaker 2:Murray Rothbard explains in his what has Government Done to Our Money? This book, this is such an important work. I need to read some more Murray Rothbard. But that's true. I mean, we all know that governments are corrupt. They always have been People. It's the human story. It's just ingrained in us as well. That's. Another part of our story is corruption. So how do you guard against that? Well, especially in go, you have to have constraints on spending. You have to have constraints on what you can borrow, constraints on you know what the government can do as far as fiscally, and one of the ways you do that is through a bimetallic, some kind of gold and silver standard. And when you deviate from that and you go to the printing press, there's just no accountability. That's why we're in the mess that we're in, and you don't fix any of this mess unless you fix the money. That's why it's an exercise in futility to chase the politics of this unless you're starting at the root, which is follow the money.
Speaker 2:As I remember as a kid, after we were taken off the gold standard, that investment advice typically recommended, say 20% cash holding position and say half of the cash funds for personal use and emergencies and half in precious metals for reasons such as inflation protection. The rest of your net worth statement would be an investment, such as stocks, bonds and real estate. The cash type holdings were not considered investments, but were for emergencies, diversification and to take advantage of investment opportunities as you built bigger cash holdings. Well, that's another reason why Warren Buffett just sold $10 billion of Bank of America stock and a lot of people's balances for Bank of America went to zero the other day, I think. Just yesterday it went to zero and they were having to scramble to fix that because it's just digitized. It's just codes on a screen, folks. Of course this cuts off Warren Buffett's objections at the knees. He is, after all, the king of cash, often with mountains of cash on the balance sheet of his company. Yes, this cash does earn a yield which might be important to his investors, but the cash yield is also important to the inflation premium tax and the government taxes too. The risk of loss has been very low. And that's again if you.
Speaker 2:Gold is liquid, silver is liquid. If you're turning holdings and you cash out of a stock, you turn into gold bullion. You can easily get in and out of that without the risk of so much of what's happening with the purchasing power of your fiat currency. And that's what governments are doing around the world. They're remonetizing. That's what the central bank gold buying is. They're just remonetizing all of their currencies, folks. That's what's happening.
Speaker 2:Gold can underperform stock investments. However, when I take a look at the average closing prices for gold, the Dow and the S&P 500 during 1971, when we were taking off the gold standard and last year, 2023, dividing 2023 into 1971, gold went up 47.5 times. The Dow went up 38.6 times. The S&P 500 only went up 44.6 times. The S&P 500 only went up 44.6 times. So gold actually wins the simple comparison over the 52-year period. It's a simple comparison because it doesn't include reinvested dividends, where stocks would win, and it doesn't include capital gains, taxes on stocks or fees, which would hurt stocks, and it doesn't include the annual safety deposit box fee where, less than $100 per year, you can rent a box at a bank. Right, it says.
Speaker 2:Again, my points are not a matter of financial advice or that gold is a superior investment. It's just to point out that Mr Buffett and Mr Ramsey don't know what they're talking about and have failed to look at the facts of history any kind of history and voicing their opinions. Well, that's right. Dave Ramsey's right about you know he talks about get $1,000, put it in a frame, hang it in the closet that's your foundation. Like you, get $1,000 in cash, you start. Then you start. He starts doing what he calls a snowball. Right when he. You start paying off debt you know to save up for and then again you start saving to buy your own things and you're going to get out of debt and not be in the debt trap.
Speaker 2:The problem with that is that as you save fiat currency, just like Robert Kiyosaki says, savers are losers You're already losing that game because the purchasing power of your currency is going down, it is dying, and because they just print their way to the welfare-warfare state, they expand the money supply and that's what it's all about. So you can't. It's not a static thing. So you can't. It's not a static thing. Yeah, if this was 1950 and you wanted to save until 1970, the dollar's pretty much worth the same for the most part, and then the next year it wouldn't be. So history has to be your guy.
Speaker 2:In fact, I'm not even suggesting that putting all your money in gold and silver is a great idea. Investment advisors simply recommended that part of our cash investments be in precious metals to protect long-run purchasing power, a diversification asset and something to balance your net worth statement. It also helps to build your buy and hold mentality towards savings, because gold and silver come with transaction fees and difficulties. Yeah, well, there's always a difference between the spot price and the real world. Right, you're going to pay premiums and that's okay. When I tell people and now that gold's just gone off the, and now the gold's just gone off the, it's going up to, you know, 2,700. It's going to be going to I mean 2025, depending on the election results we'll be looking at easy $2,900, maybe $3,000 gold by the end of the. Again, non-investment, I'm not telling you to go buy gold from me and it's going to be worth so much more because it's. It's an arbitrary number At a certain level. If gold is $10,000 an ounce or $20,000, that means something really bad happened to the dollar. I don't welcome that because that's going to hurt a lot of people. They're not going to know what even happened. They just think of the dollar as a static purchasing entity, and it's just not In the end result.
Speaker 2:John Maynard Keynes was a socialist who preferred more of an absolutist state that could do much as it pleases, including unrestricted borrowing and spending. The anti-gold dogma generated by the Federal Reserve's propaganda machine is intentionally strong amongst us. Mr Buffett and Mr Ramsey swallowed the status creed hook line and sinker. There was something to be said about that. If you don't recognize gold's role in history and you still disparage it, even watching, I mean, how can you ignore what's happening? Do you think this is a bubble? Do you think Costco selling?
Speaker 2:Costco is now selling between 100 and $200 million worth of gold bars a month. I want some of the Costco. Don't buy a Costco. Come see Wise Wolf. Give me a call, I can see what I can. I can't sell you loads of toilet paper though, but you should definitely come see me. Costco is going to start selling platinum bars as well. It's funny. Uh, this is, this is the beginning.
Speaker 2:What you have to understand is uh, when the average people start talking about it, it's too late. You know, like there's just not enough supply of precious metals at these prices or anywhere near the prices that we have to help people diversify their holdings. They're just not enough. I know this because of the supply issues that I have and just trying to supply Wolfpack, I've got 1,300 people that are automatic and we want you to join Wolfpack and that's a pretty safe bet I have promised. A long time ago when I started this, I said I guarantee product. So we set up our Texas location just pretty much for those reasons to buy and to supply Wolfpack. But it's going to get harder and harder as the months and years go by, especially with the geopolitical tensions, the way that they are. So pay attention Warren Buffett and Dave Ramsey are wrong about gold and they're wrong about the dollar, and I don't think it's going to take that long for me to be proven right on this fact or this.
Speaker 2:Author from the Mises Institute. All right, let's jump around a bit. I was going to even look. Should I even look at Drudge today. Is it worth it? Is it worth it anymore? They never, it's hit and miss. They rarely even get the headline of what's supposed to be like what's actually happening.
Speaker 2:I found this to be interesting and there's something about the spirit of these people and you know, I've noticed something about warmongers and lefties. And let's dig into this for a second. This is up on natural news and I've talked about this guy on America unplugged and I've talked about him on my show. But the second Trump would be assassin revealed in a book that he looked forward to world war three. And if you watch the video of this guy, he was recruiting Afghans and some others. There were some other countries and people he was recruiting to get their passports and get them into Ukraine to fight and actively doing that.
Speaker 2:First of all, you have to have some serious connections to start doing stuff like that, like you have to be plugged in. And this guy who the you know, on the golf course with his AK, mr Ruth, let's, let's read about what he, what his true motivations, which again, there's a there's a spirit about these type of people, these operators and intelligence, and they have Russia as the main enemy and of course, russia touches Iran, because you have to understand how the geopolitical stage works, just like I gave you some history on going back to the Cold War and the end of World War II, on going back to the Cold War and the end of World War II. But there's something about these type of folks and they're very prevalent in politics and you can see them. That's why you know whether you're talking about the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot or Dogman or the Jersey Devil. These are all cryptids, right? Cryptids that have sightings, and people swear they've seen them or they've taken pictures. You know the Patterson footage. What is it? From the 60s? None of those cryptids are more rare, though, than the anti-war left, because I think if the real cryptid, if you could find one, is the anti-war left, because I think, if the real cryptid, if you could find one, is the anti-war left because I don't it I there's legend that they existed, but I I don't see any evidence.
Speaker 2:Today, the second would-be assassin of former president donald trump has revealed in a book that he looks forward to world war I III happening in his lifetime. Ryan Wesley Ruth disclosed his twisted fantasy in a book he self-published last February. He wrote that he is looking forward to World War III and expressed his desire to burn down the Kremlin. Quote I do dream of the day that we cross over into Russia and march towards Moscow. This is part of the third world war that I look forward to, ruth stated I want to be the one that burns down the Kremlin and all the cruelty that it signifies. Huh, that's a weird take on history. But again, I don't think he's alone. There's. If you kind of look across the board in the establishment and this and this kind of comes out of that. There's a spirit of it Like you wouldn't catch me going. Wow, let's you know. I really want to get on a, a March to Moscow, because I just happen to have a library card and that doesn't go well.
Speaker 2:Didn't go well for Napoleon, didn't go well for the third Reich or Hitler Didn't go well. I mean, that's what the 1812 overture is about. Does anybody not know history anymore? Why do these guys that are always kind of this in the inner workings of these intelligence and they're very pro-war, how come they never know what the past signifies? It's like the tyranny of the past. What did Kamala Harris say? We're getting unburdened by what has been. That's something Karl Marx said Maybe that's it. That's just the spirit of the Jacobin, the spirit of the Trotskyite, to be unburdened by what has been. That's what the 1812 Overture. You listen to it. He watched V for Vendetta, come on. But this is the, uh trichovsky, you know? That's the whole. The whole crescendo of the music is the about the russians pushing the french back. It doesn't go well.
Speaker 2:Another part of the book Ruth criticized Trump for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and said he must share the blame for voting for the former president. I must take part of the blame for the retarded child that we elected for our next president to end up being brainless. He wrote okay, um. Well, next time you feel bad about not having written your own book, just remember this guy wrote a book. Okay, he says, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake. And Iran, I apologize, you are free to oh my, I can't even say the words Free to again assassinate. Yeah, and this is where it's funny. Funny, the doj puts out this guy's uh, but call like he's going to give 150 000 somebody that will finish the job. Yeah, and he's also linked to ukraine.
Speaker 2:The 58 year old would-be assassin expressed his wish to fight in ukraine on both social media and the book. But it's not just that. I mean like he was literally running an operation, which you know that's a tough thing to do. I mean, there's so many red flags and things that are, you know, especially trying to get in, taking people from one country and then getting them into another country. Like that's an operation, that's intelligence folks. Even the neo-Nazi Azov Brigade, a unit in the Ukrainian National Guard, has distanced itself from Ruth, the would-be assassin reportedly appeared briefly in the brigade's propaganda video from May 2022. Appeared briefly in the brigade's propaganda video from May 2022. We would like to officially state that Ruth has no connection to Assaf. That's pretty bad.
Speaker 2:You got thrown out by the neo-Nazis man, but make no mistake, this guy's plugged in, okay, and the reason I brought the whole thing up there is a a spirit about this and this is why you got to distance you. If you find somebody that supports the ukraine, like everything that we're doing there with nato and the provocation and the expansion of our weapons labs and money laundering and barisma and the you know 10 to the big, all this stuff it's a giant kitty for the elites and they run stuff through it. I mean it's probably an endless supply. That's why it's not profitable to help people post-hurricanes or natural disasters or train derailments or toxic water in our post-industrialized places like Flint. It's not profit. That's why we don't do it. We don't help Americans, we don't rebuild our airports and roads and bridges, but we'll give hundreds of billions to the T-shirt man because somebody will get a kickback through that. There's no money in peace for these people. There's a spirit about this.
Speaker 2:So when you see somebody supporting that which you know in my business as a radio host and being in the periphery of conservatism and being on radio, there's people and they said that really just pro ukraine war. Yeah, question those people like what? What are you even thinking? Got no dog in that fight? I just know I am burdened by what has been. I know, know things. It's like.
Speaker 2:I know what happened post. You know end of the Cold War. I know what promises were made. I know that we had a chance for peace. We blew it on purpose. We told Gorbachev we wouldn't expand NATO if he withdrew into the borders of Russia. He withdrew, we expanded.
Speaker 2:It's a lie. And then you get guys like this it's a lie. And then you get guys like this Read the history of the French Revolution. You get to see some of that evil and that's the spirit. They want everybody to fight. It's just about bloodletting. It's not about wisdom, it's not about liberty or any of that stuff. Can you imagine? Can you imagine the feeling you would have being on a, on a caravan marching into Moscow with the rainbow flag brigade? Get me off of that, deal, man. I'm not going. I'm not going. I've worked with the Russian paratroopers on the border of Kosovo and Serbia when I was a kid and I don't want to fight those guys. Go right ahead. Go right ahead, mr Ruth, just don't put my name on it. All right, let's we got a couple more stories and I'll get gold and silver prices and get you guys out of here. So this is more insight too, and this is something you won't see on the mainstream media. Here's, here's antiwarcom. And this is Again, dave DeCamp, andywarcom.
Speaker 2:Lebanese foreign minister says Nasrallah agreed to cease fire right before Israel killed him. Well, that's a good way to get killed, right? Lebanese foreign minister Abdallah Boub Habib said that Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah agreed to a US and French proposed 21-day ceasefire with Israel right before Israel killed him, habib said. The US and France told Lebanon that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also agreed to the ceasefire proposal. They told us that Mr Netanyahu agreed on this and so we also got the agreement of Hezbollah on that, and you know what happened since then. One day, ceasefire in Lebanon to give time to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border and to reach a ceasefire in Gaza. Well, again, this conflict.
Speaker 2:As going back, let's just take it back to October 7th. What you have to understand is that, whether it's Hamas or Hezbollah, or Lebanon or any of these periphery things, this is an issue about Iran. Iran, this giant natural resource rich country, right, big borders, that's what? Three times the size of Iraq. It's linkage to Russia. It's joining of BRICS. It's again the petroleum exports. It's politics. All of that this has to do with the grand chessboard and everything else is a distraction. Whether you're talking about terrorism or whether you're talking about these political factions, whether it's Hamas or Hezbollah or anything, this is Iran and this is language, and this is about drawing up the lines for a new world order, a third world war. This is what this is. This is language, folks, so you ought to have the best information so you can make a decision on what is actually happening.
Speaker 2:Like I told you at the beginning of the show, june 7th 1981, israel just goes and bombs Osiris Most people don't know that or the strikes inside Syria, the strikes inside Lebanon, the strikes and what's happening. We need to redefine what the word imminent means, because I've been hearing that Iran's going to get a nuclear weapon and it's imminent. Well, I hate to break it to you, but Israel's had nuclear weapons ever since Kennedy was assassinated because Kennedy didn't want that, ever since Kennedy was assassinated because Kennedy didn't want that Again, he didn't want nuclear proliferation on any level and we certainly got that after into the 1960s. And Israel has about 300 nuclear weapons. They don't disclose that, but they do. And so you know again, it's not so much terrorism about what threatens Israel, it's nation states. That's why the 1967, the Six-Day War, it was nation states you know Israel, or it was Egypt, you know, and Jordan and Syria. And then you have and Jordan and Syria, and then you have this Yom Kippur War in 1973. They were backed by the Soviets and Nixon, who was suffering through Watergate, was up late drinking scotch and just said if he basically told the Soviets and those who were supporting the destruction of Israel if you cross that line, I'll drop the big one. And so I don't think people wanted to see if he would actually back that up or not. So Israel can thank Richard Nixon in 1973 for coming through for him.
Speaker 2:But that's what this is about. This is nation states, so don't get bogged down in the politics of it. It's about the grand chessboard, ladies and gents. It's a big picture stuff and right now, with everything we got going on, it's a time to rebuild this country and we got to stay out of these things. We got to stay out of the barrel. We got to stay out of it. We got to stay out of the barrel because it'll drag us in and we'll. There's no going back, like once you get into that, it's, it's uh.
Speaker 2:It's something I'm concerned about because you've got, if you look at the history of diplomacy, there is no diploma. I don't know why. Why do we even have a state department now they diplomacy? Why do we even have a State Department now there's no diplomatic communiques, there's no summits, there's no off-ramps for peace. The people that are leading this country and the diplomacy of this country are psychotic Because, again, if you throw out all previous operating systems, which is what they've done you know Khrushchev rode around in an open car with Eisenhower in the 50s.
Speaker 2:Nixon went to China and spoke directly with Mao. There was summits with Brezhnev. Reagan walked arm in arm with walked, you know, arm in arm with uh with uh Gorbachev in Red Square and actually, you know, prayed like at the end of the Cold War, like there was there used to be. You know real diplomacy folks and they don't do that. That's the tell, like we don't do that anymore.
Speaker 2:And I know this because I pay attention. So I'm asking you to pay attention because this is a very strange time and there's there's more going on here than meets the eye and it's not what you know. Fox news or what is the thing, will just run some uh stock footage of people on. You know monkey bars doing so. You, you know terrorists, whatever. This is something way bigger and you know it's. It's beyond the talking points and sound bites and stuff that's coming out of the out of Washington. There's something else happening. You got to have the background on it. All right, let's go over gold and silver prices real quick and I'll let you guys get out of here. We got a couple of minutes.
Speaker 2:It is interesting to watch the yellow metal and I didn't I did not pretend to, I have not said I predicted this price. I did not. This is higher than I. Even I thought it was going to be at this at this juncture in history. I knew that we'd eventually get to the 3000 mark and I thought maybe we going to be at this juncture in history. I knew that we'd eventually get to the 3,000 mark and I thought maybe we'd be closer to a later part of the decade. But no, here we are and this is an inversion.
Speaker 2:Folks, what you're watching is not necessarily that the gold is going up. It's the dollar is losing purchasing power. It's because of geopolitical tensions and demand from central banks, and the markets are begging for cheap liquidity. And that's what they got with the 50 basis points lowering the interest rates here. Let me put this on the screen real quick. We'll look at the yellow metal Goldpriceorg, goldpriceorg Gold.
Speaker 2:2,659 Luciferian Bankster notes makes a troy ounce. 2,659 LBNs or Federal Fiat Reserve currency make a troy ounce of the yellow metal. Silver $32.10 per troy ounce for the white metal Still super cheap. If you remember, silver was $52.50 an ounce in 1980, right before the deep state got rid of the Hunt family fortunes for exposing that, and it's never been that high since. So you know $52.50 in 1980, somewhere around $300 today in purchasing power, so still very, very cheap. And the gold silver ratio is completely skewed. So if you want to learn more about that, wolfpackgold, give us a call, 888-770-1776. Come see me at either the shop branson or texas. From myself, beans the brave and the rest of the crew, we hope you have a great weekend. Take care of each other. End of transmission.