The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#480 Bidenomics, Communist Collaborations & Global Gold Grabs

August 22, 2024 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What if the political and economic narratives we're fed are nothing but a grand facade orchestrated by the elite? This episode of "The Arterburn Radio Transmission" dives into the heart of this question, drawing insights from a recent trip to Los Angeles where I faced an unexpected podcast snub. We begin by unpacking the current political climate in the U.S., examining the Democratic Party's open lean towards Marxism and the irrational financial market exuberance tied to potential rate cuts by Jerome Powell. Get ready to challenge your perceptions and arm yourself with tools for independent research and critical thinking.

Next, we dissect the sophisticated strategies shaping U.S. politics, focusing on key figures like JD Vance, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. We reveal the manipulation behind public perception, such as the calculated timing of Biden's campaign rollout and the triangulation of prosecutions to bolster Trump's base. We also explore how the Republican Party often conserves leftist policies and how media tactics artificially inflate Kamala Harris's popularity. Our analysis of Bidenomics and the misleading job reports post-COVID-19 mandates will leave you questioning the narratives spun by those in power.

Finally, we explore the hidden hand behind global political and economic shifts, from the funding of communism by the world's wealthiest individuals to the Ukraine conflict's dangerous escalation. Hear personal anecdotes, including a meeting with Randy Weaver, and discussions on Taiwan's historic move to back its currency with gold. This episode is a journey through historical and current geopolitical maneuvers, spotlighting the interconnectedness of global financial systems and the potential re-monetization of commodities. Don't miss this opportunity to uncover the truths behind the headlines and understand the real dynamics at play.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song. I'm brother and mother, bye Wade, veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet, tony arbor, and takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet.

Speaker 1:

This is the arbor radio transmission. Thank you, gotta get some fresh coffee. Parapolitics, precious metals, weapons-grade truth, cutting-edge counterculture radio. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host. Tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons and the new world order Decided to put up the rumble channel. Today we're streaming on the america unplugged channel at rumble. Uh, given censorship and I never know when I'm gonna get knocked off a channel, uh, go and subscribe to the america unplugged a channel over on rumble and uh, make a comment there and I'll figure out how to view that. Working on that, we're also streaming over on my ex or my Twitter, whatever you want to call it, at Tony Arterburn and on rockfincom on the America Unplugged channel as well. Well, it's the 22nd of August 2024.

Speaker 1:

I'm back from Los Angeles 2024. I'm back from Los Angeles Interesting experience. I flew out to be on a podcast. I won't say the name of the podcast, and the reason I won't say it is because I'm not going to be on it, and I found that out after they'd asked me all the questions, even how I was going to get there, if I liked coffee or tea, and I spent the money to go and fly and get a hotel and I'm at the LAX Hilton and about 1am I get a notice in my email that I have been uninvited to the podcast. No explanation given, but I will not be on this show and it kind of.

Speaker 1:

It would have been a big impact. I think I think I would have been on a. A pretty would have been a big impact. I think I think I would have been on a a pretty, pretty good size audience and I think I would have um reached a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

But that's really unfortunate, um, and I'm not going to be asked back on, so that that's how I know that I'm on the right path and I get to talk to all of you, and I made this decision a long time ago, 11 years ago, when I started my radio career, that I was going to call it like I saw it and I was going to do deep research, deep dives, that I was going to tell people how I actually felt and about my analysis good or bad and sometimes I don't even like my analysis. It's like Bill Murray burry on groundhog day. He's like you think I'm egocentric. He's like I don't even like myself. I don't even like my own analysis. Um, because I do find it to be somewhat dark. Sometimes I find it to be, uh, pessimistic, and that's just using history. Um, and again, i'm'm not always right. You know I've been. I think I've had a pretty good batting average the last five or six years. Though If you go back to the relaunch of this program in San Antonio, when I had a daily show and the research that I was doing before COVID-1984, I think if you go back and listen to the archives of that show, you say, well, tony is probably onto something there.

Speaker 1:

And I think we're especially what we're talking about with the markets folks, what we're really going over every day these headlines that I'm talking to you about. I hope that you find them useful. If you've been paying attention to this show and really tuning in and listening and doing your own research and thinking and, by the way, never listen to me, never just take what I say at face value Go and find out for yourself, really dig deep and then come to your own conclusions. Make sure that you process that information, especially when it comes to things like we got the election going on and I'm going to talk to you today.

Speaker 1:

There's an article up on natural news I thought really does demonstrate the full-blown marxism of the democratic party and where they are now, I mean it is. They're not even hiding it anymore. It's not. It's not like, uh, uh, norman thomas, you know the, the socialist who ran for president. He was like if we can just get through all these liberal programs, they'll call it that, but we'll get socialism. They're not even talking about hiding it or glossing over it anymore. It's full blown and that's even the title of the article. It's full blown. All the wheels and the governors are taken off, okay, so we know that that's happening, but they got the election and the headlines on the financial markets, on the financial side, are just stupid. I mean, let's be honest, can I just say that it's just dumb, just dumb.

Speaker 1:

People are waiting with bated breath at Jackson Hole what's Jerome Powell going to say. What's Jerome Powell going to do? Is he going to cut rates? Folks, the markets right now are gearing up and prepping for and wringing their hands and getting excited and giddy about inflation. You realize that's what. That is right. When they cut rates, when they create currency, it's inflation and the purchasing power of your dollar diminishes and projects and things that shouldn't have been, and lending that probably shouldn't have been, and all the things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you get a little bit of scraps. You can't get fat off the scraps, though, folks, you can't get healthy off the scraps you get. You know the trickle down economics. You know the the laugher curve from the 1980s. Art laugher, who worked, you know, for, for reagan, as an advisor, by the way. Even even Art Laffer says the dollar is a joke, like it's toxic. That's Art Laffer today, the same guy. The Laffer curve, trickle down economics. This is where we are.

Speaker 1:

Pay attention, not to what's happening so much with. Oh, they're going to cut rates and I really got to base my financial future off that or the economy is going to be so much better. You realize it's the dog that didn't bark. It's what's not happening. They're not saving the petrodollar, they're just letting it die. 50 years it lapsed in June of this year. 50 years we've been dealing with the Saudis. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

When we went off the gold standard, nixon Kissinger, that whole set there, decided to peg the dollar to oil that's why it's called the petrodollar petroleum and the Saudis agreed for protection and other sweetheart deals and weapons and other things that they would denominate as exclusively crude, and that goes for OPEC through dollars, and about 80% of all the energy transactions that go on today are done in dollars. But see, they just let the agreement lapse. So, yeah, there's some residual usage because of habit, because of institutions and cross-border payments. But do you realize what's going to happen when we start losing the market share and there's less money velocity? And I'm not even look, I'm not even. Am I qualified to tell you this? I probably, I guess, because I'm actually bringing the headlines up. You have to be qualified enough to do your own research.

Speaker 1:

The mainstream media certainly isn't going to do this. We're going to talk about personalities and this cult of politics and stuff that doesn't even matter, doesn't really matter at the end of the day, if we're not paying attention to what's happening. Not only with the dollar, and we're going to get into some of. I just want to go through. Not only with the dollar and we're going to get into some of. I just want to go through. Let's do this together today. Let's just look at the headlines on Zero Hedge and Kitco and I'll go to antiwarcom. Let's just go together. After I cover this article on Kamala Harris, let's just go. Let's just talk about what is actually going on and it's not what the mainstream because I have to go and sift through it. I have to do my own news aggregation to do this show anymore because the mainstream I mean look at drudge. It's all about the democratic convention and the personalities.

Speaker 1:

Edward Bernays would be so pleased with the propaganda. I mean this is it's next level. They've they've constructed a person like this, this, this campaign that they have. It's not, they're not even trying anymore to appear objective and that's the tell right. And that that's because, you know, 50 years ago well, 40 years ago, 40 plus years ago, about 50 companies owned the media in the united states and now it's three or four. You see how that consolidation continues. That so the narrative. And those companies have ties to the largest corporations and largest corporations have ties to the largest banking institutions and the largest banking institutions have ties to intelligence. Intelligence sets the tone right, wasn't it? William Casey talking about the? We'll know we've succeeded. We'll know we've succeeded. We'll know we've succeeded. He started with this from the CIA we know we've succeeded.

Speaker 1:

When no one knows what to believe anymore, it's like yes, well, I'm still. I would like to consider myself outside of the mind control fulcrum. I'd like to consider myself somewhat outside. I mean, gosh, we're all conditioned in some way and you have to be humble enough and you have to be willing just to try to pray and listen to God. It's like God, tell me, what is this? What am I looking at? Is this real? Let's talk about.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to talk about that before we get on this article, because they have done. I have to talk about that before we get on this article, because they have done, and I have to admit it's a masterful job, because you can change the talking points. I mean, we just had an attempted assassination of a former president. Don't get me started on the weirdness of that thing and it's all gone. I'm going to bring this up. I'm going to keep bringing this. That's weird that it's all gone, that nobody talks about it anymore, that there's no investigations. It's completely off the table, it's all gone. But we moved on. We have a new cycle. You had the attempted assassination. Let's go back. We had the attempted assassination or whatever. That was Right. An operation. It's not just the kid, okay, it's not just whatever. That crook was, crooks, right. But that happened.

Speaker 1:

And then we roll out, oh, and, by the way, here's JD Vance, and then oh, and then Biden's out, and then it's Kamala Harris. Before that and I talked about this on America Unplugged. Before that it looked inevitable, it looked like man. They're green lights for Trump all the way through. Green lights. I never seen anything like it.

Speaker 1:

I mean they use the triangulation of the prosecutions and the persecutions to exaggerate the base, to inflame that and to make sure that he's the nominee. You know they're doing that right. They're triangulating. And then Biden's campaign and they put him out early. This is so manufactured. The timelines when the DNC convention was going to be. I mean, they put Biden out early. It's all that sabotage.

Speaker 1:

So there's something in here. They are playing a game. It's a sophisticated game, I promise you that it's. Unfortunately, I don't think it's our side, I don't think it's, I don't think it's those who love the country and the, the, the set of people that believe in hearth and home and the constitution, and we don't have much power. That's not how things work in america anymore. So I don't think it's us playing the 4d chess, just so you know. I think it's a very powerful forces and one of the things and I'm going to put this up on the screen one of the things that they're trying to do now don't get fooled by this and they're trying to bring in a one-world totalitarian socialist government to channel Bill Cooper.

Speaker 1:

And how? I know this is because they're using the Hegelian dialectic. You know the Hegelian dialectic Frederick Hegel, 19th century philosopher. Basically have thesis, right, this is the idea. It's met with antithesis. They fight it out and create synthesis, right, that's what?

Speaker 1:

If you look at, the great thesis of the 19th century was the Industrial Revolution and capitalism. Capitalism, the robber barons, and that's a thesis. And then it, and supposedly the anti-thesis was communism. It really wasn't, but they made it right. The, the league of just men, go look into this, the people that actually funded karl marx and the secret societies and the tide of the house of rothschild. That's why mayday may 1st, the celebration of communism, is the same as the celebration of the house of rothschild. That's why mayday may 1st, the celebration of communism, is the same as the celebration of the illuminati right. But they create these, this antithesis, and then they go at it and you have the cold war, supposedly, and and then we have synthesis, which is, uh, worldwide, a liberal democracy.

Speaker 1:

So it's kind of a hodgepodge between free markets, laissez-faire and you and full-blown communism. That's not really what happened, because the same people control both sides. So you get a fake one Well, that's what? To the Republican Party and say, well, it's just like these 87,000 IRS agents. You're going to grow the IRS by seven times or whatever, like this army that the left wanted to create. And the Republicans step in and we got Mike Johnson a true hero and we just turned it. Everything's red and we red for communism, and we, they go out and they say, well, no, we're not going to do that, we're going to make it five times as big. It's not going to be seven, like I'm just listening to David Knight this morning. It's so true. They just conserve what the left brings to bear. Unfortunately, that's where we are, and this is what this is what this is just set the tone for all of this to come to pass. But you'll accept it because it didn't quite go as far as the is the full proposal, so full-blown mar Marxism and the grand illusion of Kamala's popularity.

Speaker 1:

When a band, a show or a public speaker is not popular but media wants to make it appear that way, the simple solution is to squeeze what audience you do have to the front and center, then only take pictures and video framing the crowded area. It also helps to give the audience free booze or prizes for screaming Like it's the best show ever. The benefits and, of course, the benefits. And then the Beatles. They did this at first and it worked. Now it's being used for the crazy Cackler bandwagon belonging to the worst ever casted political actor, kamala Harris. What casting director bit the bullet on this one? It's all smoke and mirrors when it comes to the democrats shoving their posers to the main stage, as we saw with the cpc3po. I didn't never read that before the c3po, biden and now Kamila Harris was no exception. The country is in free-for-all and the communists are two months away from claiming 100% control forever.

Speaker 1:

Get ready for Bidenomics 2.0. Part of Bidenomics, by the way. I was talking to David Knight this morning and I just happened to remember the jobs report came out and they're like look, we're just adding some more jobs. There's a lot of great, healthy jobs coming up. It goes back to 2021 when the Biden put in the mandate for COVID-1984 and Operation Warp Speed and these corporations started laying people off for not getting the injection. And they came out two months later and said well, now there's these new jobs. We have all these jobs we've created. See, look at all these job openings. I'm like that's because corporations are laying millions of people off for not following your mandate. And then the mainstream didn't call it. They're like oh, these are really great. Bidenomics is really working. It says that's right.

Speaker 1:

If you thought the economy during C-3PO's Biden reign of terror was intolerable, get ready for the intolerable acts of Bidenomics by Kami Harris, because with her version of socialism, it says same as all of them we end up in the same place. She means the populace is all broke, starving, dying from spike protein syndrome and begging the government handouts in mile long lines. You've heard the saying that you can't see the forest for the trees. Well, any and all Democrats voting for more of the same can't even see the trees. The voter on the left, the communist agenda you literally must be dumbed down from fluoride, canola oil and clots shots and suffering from stage five Trump derangement syndrome. Well, I happen. Pay their fair share.

Speaker 1:

Tax policies are funded by people richer than even youth want to go after. Like. You realize that, like the, especially the two party system. You do realize like the origin of all the talking points that are on your mind came from the world's wealthiest people. I don't know why that doesn't filter down. I feel I was probably one of my missions right To tell people that that's how that works. Like whenever you see a talking point about taxing the rich, it came from them. So you might want to think about why is that? Maybe a light bulb goes off in your head. It says I'm a tool I'm being used by the very people that I think I'm supposed to oppose. That's how deep the rabbit hole goes folks. Even the economists on the left that dogmatically support the Democratic Party are shaking their heads wondering why their new poser puppet is outright saying they're going to install communist pricing for all American goods everywhere, forever, until we end up in the same place. And it says our early graves replaced by half a billion illegal immigrants. Well, that's like the Deagle website. Remember the Deagle 2000? Was it 2009? Or so does the deagle website that has all these ties to the military industrial complex and the state department says we're going to lose like two-thirds of the population of the us and it around uh, the end of, uh, this decade.

Speaker 1:

It's all smoke and mirrors, a bunch of gimmicks at the marxism rallies too, with kamala giving speeches on the tail end of free concert by popular artists, manipulating headlines from across the country illegally and cutting and pasting crowds near her airplane on tarmacs. It's like a David Copperfield show Big Street Magic, the Great Con. Remember when David Copperfield show Big Street Magic, the Great Con? Remember when David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear? Well, kamala is really going to make liberty disappear that's a good one Forever. This is the KKK, kamala's commie clan, and they're coming about to install full-blown communism to wreck the Republic. And it's not just a stage show, ladies and gentlemen. No, it's not a show.

Speaker 1:

Do you realize how much of the communist manifesto that we've adopted over the last hundred years? Do you know what the main plank of the communist manifesto that we've adopted over the last hundred years? Do you know what the main plank of the communist manifesto is, though, like you just read it? And the fifth plank is a central bank. Now you need that. You got to have the central bank to create and see the origin of communism is not like the outgrowth of the brilliance of Karl Marx. He was a useful tool you got to understand. They prompt him up, put him in place. Because it's so caricature like, it's so ridiculous. It's a. It really is a.

Speaker 1:

I believe that communism is the operating system for Satanism in the material world. So if you look at how things operate on a political level or an economic level, if you want to install Satanism in that you use communism because it just puts the certain group at the top. It's like the Rockefellers and some of these others. They had their own runways and airports in the Soviet Union and they would have these back channel deals and for supplies and other stuff, and they would get around sanctions and other things for materials that they would sell to the Soviet Union because their forebears and banking partners helped set up the Soviet Union that they would use them for, basically as a giant piggy bank of wealth and resources, and they would get away with the hope and they would help supply the materials for the weapons to be made to kill our soldiers in places like Korea and Vietnam. That's how that works. It wasn't like they were an independent thing all by themselves. They had to be funded, and it's the same thing with ideology it's funded.

Speaker 1:

Wake up, things don't just happen and then they take off. They have to be funded, funded, and sometimes it's grassroots, right sometimes. But those things almost never, unless it's just god's plan, like there's something like really pushing it and consciousness changes. It's, it's usually fake, right, they just make something happen and then it has real consequences. Because that's the way that communism is set up. It's so it it has a totalitarian ring to it.

Speaker 1:

So they really don't want full-blown communism. What they want is they want one world totalitarian socialist government. You understand, that's been the goal of the Council on Foreign Relations, that's the goal of the Trilateral Commission, that's the goal of the World Economic Forum, that's the goal of the entities, these multinational banking consortiums and combines. It's why Thomas Jefferson said that merchants have no country. You understand, I'm not against wealth. The folks that are pulling these strings and supporting think about this. Just wake up for a second. Do you think that the Democratic Party, with all its money and all its wealth and all its resources, do you think it's controlled by poor people? Come on, and why do? Why does, why do billionaires become socialist? Has anybody ever asked that?

Speaker 1:

On fox news, I mean I remember um nuke gingrich was chastised and like criticized in real time for bringing up George Soros funding the DAs all across America to let the criminals out and burn the cities to the ground and have looting. They said well, you can't bring up names, but you should ask an even bigger question why would somebody who made all their money in free markets and capitalism, supposedly and all this just on the financial systems and stability why would they want chaos? Why would they want, you know, criminals running loose? Why would they want socialism? Why would they want no upward mobility? Ah, did you get that?

Speaker 1:

It's strategic, let's say, let's say you found like you, you like going back to the uh conquistadors, right, if you're going to like, I made fun of, uh, my friend Billy Ray Valentine. You know I always come up with some weird place that he's going when he's not on America unplugged. I'm like I think he's going down to Florida to look for the fountain of youth. Well, if you found it, would you tell everybody about it? I mean, maybe if you were a good person and had a decent soul and like, hey, there's some really rejuvenating. That's not really how that works for most people and I think that when you have a darkness about you, if you found a way that you amassed all your wealth and you're like, wow, how do I keep this forever? Well, you just make sure that no one ever competes with you. Do you understand? Like, if you have a technology let's say the thing that you have, maybe it's oil.

Speaker 1:

You know John D Rockefeller figured that out. He said one of the things he said is own nothing, control everything. That had to do with how the trusts were set up and the flow. Do you think that, john D Rockefeller, because you can look at his family and his kids and all the things they did in politics they fight for lower taxes and deregulation? Of course not. They made their fortune off of it, making sure that you couldn't compete with them.

Speaker 1:

That's what this is all about. And they use people in envy, which can be evil. It's like. I'm not. By the way, I'm not envious anyway. I wouldn't want to be. I don't want their souls. People at Davos no, thank you. I like what I do. I wouldn't want to be associated with any of these people, not at all. I'm not envious. You got to have a private jet, yeah, but no soul. It's like Matthew, what, what, uh? For what has a man profited if he gained the whole world but lose his own soul? No way, but that's what they, in my opinion, that's what this is all about. So you have these, even economists and everybody. They're like what's going on, but they never ask.

Speaker 1:

The bigger question is why do the people that fund it want it? Because then that would lead to a whole bunch of other uncomfortable truths and would get you kicked off a podcast. Price controls fail miserably in other countries run by communist dictators like North Korea and Venezuela. Who's the dictator now? Kamala?

Speaker 1:

The Democrats spent the past four years screaming that they can never, there can never be another Trump presidency, or he'll be a ruthless dictator who weaponizes the DOJ, the courts and the Supreme court and goes after his political opponents yeah, didn't they? And he didn't do any of that stuff. Remember, he said because you'd be in jail. And then, after he's elected, he's like she's nice people. I mean, come on, this is a really good script, though I mean they have really gotten a lot of people to believe this stuff. And Trump's reelected who in the DOJ is going to carry out any of this stuff? Like if he wanted to be ruthless which I don't think he will, but I don't think no one will carry it out he hired Bill Barr. He hired Bill Barr as his Attorney General. Bill Barr is like a deep state asshat of the highest order. He defended Lon Haruchi, the sniper who shot Vicki Weaver in the head while she held her child at Ruby Ridge, cia. I mean George Bush 41. And then I remember all the memes from the QAnon crowd and they're like oh, bill Barr's really got the deep state cabal on the run. I'm like what over to his house? It's unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

Kamala Harris is ready to be the new dictator of America and push for communist price controls, hate crimes, blm and Antifa hate speech everywhere. See critical race theory and DEI. Remember, you can't spell die without DEI. Diversity, equity, inclusivity, climate change, green energy, massive unemployment, open borders, all prisoners freed, no police and novel lab concocted gain of function, fauci disease that's so true. Such a great future. Uh, with these people in charge, the next plandemic, fully endorsed by the military, with forced mRNA vaccination and gunpoint for all. I don't disagree with that.

Speaker 1:

And if you're taking a step back and you want to be truthful, there are some differences between these two platforms. I mean the major part that the party leadership on both is. I mean they agree on and we're going to go over some headlines here in a second they agree on our foreign policy. They agree on our open borders. Don't let them fool you. The party apparatus, the main structure of them, believes in the you know, the private entities controlling our money supply. They believe in america in decline because that's what their handlers believe in. You understand they're just outcroppings, like it's it. It flows downward to the parties, but as far as the campaign, there is some different, like RFK Jr is about to step aside and endorse Trump, which I find is really sad that in this country, that's where we are.

Speaker 1:

I mean we should have a healthy third and fourth party. We should have that and a lot of the commentators in talk radio because I listened to him for years will always say they're called libertarians, loser terrians and you shouldn't have this, and just takes away from the votes. Well, we'll never get out of the hole. Then, right, we got to have the two, the two things. Right, that the duopoly. And that's that's the easiest for them to create the Hegelian dialectic. That's what this is.

Speaker 1:

The left will have their season where they just do radical things and then people will say that's enough. And then they'll hire the Republicans to come in and conserve that change, not to roll it back. If I'm wrong, write me and tell me the things they rolled back. And you can't do it because it never happens. They don't roll it back, they conserve it. That's their job. They're conservatives, con being the key word there. Con, con, you understand, it's all smoke and mirrors until the commies really take control. It's, uh, the commies really take control. It's a common, yet communism spelled with a K, and she's right up front with it. Now, can you see? You just have two months to realize. If not once they cheat November, they can never be voted out of power or overthrown by armed Patriots living in the Hills. Watch out, washington, the Hills. Have you know he says tune your apocalyptic dial to preparednessnews. Well, they should look at.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go over an article here too, in a minute that um talks about overstockcom ceo and I'll have to find it. Before I went live, I clicked on my screen and all the articles I brought up somehow went away. Whenever the computer updates. Now I always get left holding the bag of something. Like you know, I can't go back to what I was watching or looking at earlier. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Let's look at some headlines for Zero Hedge, for even on Drudge and even Kitco. Let's just talk about where we are. I mentioned this earlier in the show and I want to get to the chat too over on Rockfin. But if you want to know, like I think, what you should be focusing on, like if you want to dig deep into what's actually happening, let's just pull up zero edge. Let's just go over some headlines and we don't even have to click on the articles, but I'll show you what I'm talking about. Let's just go look at zero edge, just scrolling down, and you'll hit things like Ukraine confirms the use of US provided HIMARS inside Russia.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now let's click on this. Ukraine's military has, for the first time openly acknowledged it's using US-provided HIMARS rocket systems to attack Russia and destroy major infrastructure, especially bridges inside its own territory. Ukraine's special operations forces made the admission in a Wednesday telegram post to its official account, writing where do Russian pontoon bridges disappear in the Kirks region? And of course, they said they destroyed them. The statement said US manufacturing HIMARS rockets systems were used. What's more is that Ukraine's military published footage of USMERS rockets being used to target several key bridges in the Kursk in the new video montage. This marks the first official public disclosure from Kiev that its forces are using the US Army's M142 high-mobility artillery rocket system to strike inside sovereign Russian territory.

Speaker 1:

Now you may be a little numb to all this, and I've been talking about it for two years. I know this is dangerous stuff. I mean this is major escalation. Were you consented on this? Were you consented by Congress or your officials or anyone in any aspect of government? Do we declare war? Well, we haven't declared war since world war ii. Every war has been unconstitutional since world war ii because only congress has the power to declare war. But we have just set this in motion. I don't even know if their end goal is to get us into a kinetic exchange in europe. But it may not even be up to them at this point. You understand that, even with their simulations and all their stuff, they may be thinking they can fight a proxy war and use this to create leverage with russia, with china, but at the end of the day, war, war.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you something War has a way of a growing. It's kind of like Jurassic Park, you know, with Jeff Goldblum's character. He's like life finds a way. Yeah, war finds a way. War finds a way to grow. It's like fire and it's actually a lot less useful than fire and a lot more brutal and it has. The fire is neutral, but war is not. War is not a natural element. War is death and it's got a lot of the dark forces inside of it. It is nasty and that's when you know if somebody loves war.

Speaker 1:

Now there's warriors that like to fight, but I'm talking about leaders, people that will step back and put it in motion, kind of like arsonists. If they love it, there's something wrong with them, there's something broken in them, especially if they've seen it and love it. But even if they know about it, like you know, they're not going to army hospitals and seeing the people that have had their lives destroyed, or soldiers that are maimed or, you know, burn victims, and they're not touring the streets like I did. You know three different countries, multiple countries, seeing what happens in the aftermath of war to kids. You know you stuff you'll never forget.

Speaker 1:

And right now we've given these psychopaths and all these nazis because that's what they are, I mean literal nazis inside ukraine. And then you get the t-shirt man and these globalists, and I mean these people are psychopaths. I mean you think russia's bad. I mean they got nothing on the psychopathic. Uh, but think about. Think about how much you have to hate your own country not to have some sort of peace deal being brokered. Why no compromise? What is it about these people that they think they're entitled to let their entire country possibly get destroyed or bring the world in a conflagration of death? Why do they think that they're entitled to do that? It's just really beyond me. This is the headlines, and I was looking at anti-war earlier too, and same thing. Some of the headlines on again Moscow says it's repelled one of the largest Ukrainian drone attacks and then it has an article about the war against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. I wonder if it's coming from Russia. No, absolutely insane times.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gents, let me go to the Rockfin chat. I want to say hi to everybody. Then we'll talk a little bit about another article I saw, just kind of solidifying the global change that's going on and things I've been talking about. Let's go to the Rockfin chat. There's Ann Christ Good to see you.

Speaker 1:

Jason Barker, guard Goldsmith the great Guard goldsmith thanks for for being here. Guard got uh. This is on the america unplugged channel. Uh, over on rockfin. Go join there and uh and go check us out over on rumble as well. Uh, rumble on the america unplugged channel. We're streaming over there. I've got some comments as well on uh I want to go to. I think that's on my, my twitter, or my ex uh harp says uh, ruby ridge anniversary today. I did not know that. Okay, no, it was. It was. Uh, it was yesterday 21st. Okay, no, it was yesterday 21st. Okay, yeah, that was a standoff and just an awful, awful thing.

Speaker 1:

I got to see Randy Weaver at a gun show in the 90s with my dad and a real humble guy. A lot of things happened in the 90s. They made sure to cut that off at the knees. That entire movie. I was part of that. I was 14 years old, going to see Bo Greit speak. That was when the Patriot Radio Wars were going on, with Bill Cooper and all these, the short wave and G Gordon Liddy and all these guys that were happening right before Oklahoma city. And, uh, when Oklahoma city popped off it it really just took the wind out of all the sales for the constitutional movement and anybody that was gaining traction. You know, waking people up it was, it was bad and I remember just took all the wind out of everything it was. I remember it. It was like you could feel it, you know, because people were like I'm not touching that, I'm not tim mcveigh, that's, that was the whole point, right?

Speaker 1:

Any, anybody knows anything about oklahoma city and the anomalies and timothy mceigh and the Manchurian candidate and him meeting, you know, going and seeing Bill Cooper with an unidentified person next to him saying they got chipped by the military. You should look into that story. He actually talked to the FBI about it and the FBI agent wrote a book about his meeting and, of course, his career, and inside the book was that meeting with Bill Coon. That really happened. I'm just looking over on X so it looks like, yeah, little demon Nazis exactly and reptiles. Yeah, it's crazy, what's going on. I mean I look at these headlines on war. Yeah, it's crazy, what's going on. I mean, I look at these headlines on war and we're just so distracted here in this country. Appreciate all you guys. I want to do more with the chat and Rhonda Tate says truth bombs. Appreciate all you guys.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's talk a little bit about economics, one of the things that I saw that really I think it kind of sets the tone for where we are. And you talk about foreign policy, everything kind of all at once. There's an article up on kitco and it says taiwan says it, its gold hoard supports the new taiwan dollar amid the dollarization trend now, and I've mentioned this before. But but Taiwan was formerly known as Formosa. So after the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the big banking consortiums, after they supported Mao Zedong in 1949 for the communist overthrow of mainland China, that was one of the things that a big swath of the McCarthy-type Nixon Republicans ran on the Truman administration because we lost China. Well, we'd lost China. I mean that was part of the, as part of the plan, like this big landmass, and it was ripe for for being taken over, kind of like in a, in a Bolshevik style revolution. They had this nationalist Chiang Kai-shek, and he had his army, but he fled to formosa, which is taiwan, right.

Speaker 1:

So during the korean war you had macarthur and you know 1950 and onwards he was threatening to unleash chang. Right, that was the. We're going to take all that, those chinese nationals, we bring them up to fight the communist chinese with mal during the korean war. Uh, thankfully that never happened. Um, there was a you know we have the 38th parallel uh, there was uh, the disagreement, an argument and uh, ultimately firing of macarthur. Macarthur kind of went mad. I mean, I love douglas macarthur, but in that period of his life, in his 70s, like he was just a bit insane and um, and he recovered later and was, became he wanted to outlaw war. You should read there's a great book by william manchester called american caesar. It's on my bookshelf behind me. You should really read it about macarthur.

Speaker 1:

But that was one of. That was our history. Cold war, history was having support. You know we supported taiwan. And then when nixon and kissinger opened china in 72, on the, as far as strategy, they decided well, it's better to have, if we have the, the relationship with china that the soviets want to have. But the soviets never really could have the relationship with china that that they wanted because there was too much. The czarist, you know, had taken lands that were disputed. They have, I mean, they're close to have close ties. They border. They border each other in areas so they they would actually were shooting at each other. They had shooting. We had hot shooting, wars and disputes even in the 1960s.

Speaker 1:

So when we came in, when the United States came in and that was called triangular diplomacy, right, and this is where they were going to take China away from the Soviet bloc. And then monolithic communism starts to wither and that was we'll introduce free markets and all the rest. One of the prices to pay was taiwan and we just recognized verbally a one china policy. And then you fast forward to the end of the 1970s and the zignu brzezinski drove up a memo and um under the carter administration and we cut off diplomatic ties with taipei. And that's what's so weird, because now we're just funding them again and you know, and we've always had back channel and we do stuff with them, but it's inflammatory to China.

Speaker 1:

They mean, in a long enough timeline, does anybody? And I don't want this, by the way. I mean I'm not advocating for any of this, not ever. I love smaller Republic, the smaller the better. I mean I'm not advocating for any of this. Uh, not ever. I love smaller Republic, the smaller the better. I mean, uh, I'm with Thomas Jefferson on this. I like Liberty, I like free markets, I like people living in peace. I don't want these big nations going head to head and having these big wars and nobody wins. It's all just death and the banksters skip out and they go to wherever you know. I mean this is what they fund both sides, and their kids don't die in any of this stuff and they're never hurt. So I don't support any of that. But this is an article that talks about where they're going. Let me put it up on the screen. And they're building their own currency off the gold that they have. So even Taiwan is de-dollarizing.

Speaker 1:

As presidential hopefuls in the US pontificate about Bitcoin and gold as strategic reserve assets, while the BRICS block mulls the creation of a gold-backed currency, taiwan is putting its metal where its mouth is. The country's central bank said their gold holdings could support the value of a new Taiwan dollar. According to a report from Taipei Times, taiwan currently holds 422 tons of gold in reserve at the central bank of the Republic of China. The official said that 410 tons of the total are specifically held as backing for the issuance of the Taiwan dollar, while the remaining reserve is used to mint commemorative gold coins for the inauguration of Taiwan's newly elected president, based on the TWD banknotes currently in circulation. The official said the central bank holds the equivalent amount in liquid assets in the form of gold and foreign currency exchange. They added that the purpose of the gold stash is to support and guarantee the value of the national currency, as gold, as always, played an important role in the international monetary system.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the reason I brought that up so important To pay attention to these kind of headlines and it's indicative of where we're going. Why do you think that the central banks around the world not ours Are buying gold and they're hoarding it and they're breaking the records At central bank gold buying? By the way, go back to 2009. It was zero, zero, I have to make the zero. It was zero Net gold buying by central banks. Now they're breaking the records, since records were kept in the 50s Of central bank gold buying by central banks. Now they're breaking the record, since records were kept in the 50s of central bank gold buying.

Speaker 1:

The reason that they're doing this, folks, and the reason this is not in your mainstream headlines, is because if everybody went for the commodity, right, if everybody was awake, then they would re-denominate everything. Now the price of all these commodities would skyrocket. But they're waiting for this shift. So they're hoarding gold because it's going to re-monetize everything. All the commodities are going to be re-monetized. Taiwan knows it. So they're just saying their entire currency is going to be backed by physical gold. Now it's government saying that. So is it real? I don't know, but at least they're putting that out. Can you imagine our government saying they're going to denominate and monetize our assets so that our currency can be backed by something and stabilized? It would be?

Speaker 1:

First of all, you can't do it in the current political climate. You'd have to have smart people and then, like, you'd have to have competent people, which we can't do that because we have Hollywood for ugly people. At this point, our politics is degenerated into this toxic. You know, just sewer it's it's, it's so bad, right? We know this deep down inside. You know that the, the inmates, the, the inmates are, are running the titanic. I mean it's like even worse than the asylum, like we just hit an iceberg and it's just got mentally incompetent people everywhere. Uh, and automatons for enemies of this country. Really, I mean that run it. I mean the folks that that fund, uh, the major political political parties and that run these multinationals have no interest whatsoever in healthy, strong, vibrant, sovereign America. Can we just put that out there? I mean they just don't, they hate us and they use us as an economy sector.

Speaker 1:

But so this is why that article was so. It's not just about Taiwan, this is everywhere. And if you start paying attention to that and just quit watching the teleprompter people start looking at this you're going to be way ahead of the game because everything's going to change. Everything's going to re-monetize Everything's going to re-evaluate Everything, all of it. It's the transvaluation of all value, as Frederick Nietzsche talked about. He's talking about culture, I'm talking about well, it's both, but I'm talking about what happens in the realm of currency. So pay attention, in other words, stay frosty. All right, I will be back next week. Plan on 11 am Central Time for the Art of Burn.

Speaker 1:

Radio transmission New Paratruthers are coming out. I've got some plans to record very soon with Mr Anderson and please go subscribe to my channel if you haven't already. Go subscribe to Paratruther and share it around. Give us a review. It would mean a lot to me. It helps the algorithms. I've got the, so I put up a backup. You know, if you want to subscribe to the podcast, you can always go to Arterburn Radio. Okay, so you go to arterburnnews, you'll find my podcast. I put up a backup channel. That's just Paratruther by itself, so go there and subscribe to it. Give us a review if you like the shows and we've got new Paratruthers coming out. I'm going to do a lot more topics, even on mindset and other things. It's going to be full spectrum. So Arterburnnews for the website and then Paratruther for the podcast. Just Help us stay ahead of the algorithms. It would mean a lot to me.

Speaker 1:

All right, and I also want to tell you about the sponsorship we have. I talk about the 87,000 IRS agents. Man, pay attention to that, and I've been with a company that sponsors this program for 20-plus years. It's called LegalShield and I have a website set up. You can go check it out. It's a membership, less than a dollar a day, and you can protect yourself, get unlimited access to law firms in all 50 states and Canada. You can get your will drawn up. It's part of the membership 29.95 a month Crazy cheap. And again you want to pick up the phone and talk to an attorney. And again you want to pick up the phone and talk to an attorney. You know, five days a week. And actually if you have an emergency, it's 365, 24-7. I've used it and I have it for all my businesses. We have a website. It's called peoplesprotectionplancom Peoplesprotectionplancom. Go, check that out.

Speaker 1:

You're going to be hearing more about this soon because we've got we've got some plans to to do some marketing with them, because I want to help people. I mean, I'm like I don't talk enough about that and it's not even about the sponsorship or whatever. It's just about you need to know about this because it's for we can all find less than a buck a day and reorient ourselves, so we're at least got a a wall of protection around us and our families. Uh, for what's down coming down the pikeman? They're doing price controls. They're doing, uh, they're going to set taxes on unrealized gains. Well, what do you even do about that? Like if you have something electronic and you made money on it and it shows you have to pay taxes on that if this stuff passes. And that's what they want to do and it doesn't affect the uber wealthy. That's why they support it. They just want you. So we got to have our leg up and that's one of the ways we can do it Find these little hacks that help.

Speaker 1:

So, peoplesprotectionplancom, and don't forget about Wolfpack, wolfpackgold, promo code 1776. We got great medals going out this month. I'm really proud of it, and the whole team here in Branson. Just it's phenomenal. And thanks for everybody that's joined. But if you haven't joined, if you know somebody and I got some announcements coming soon on wolfpack that you guys are going to love, and so stay tuned. Lots of cool things coming out. Uh, appreciate each and every one of you. Uh, beans the brave is right next to me. She's uh giving her best, all of her love. We'll see you next week. Guys, take care of each other. End of transmission.