The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#475 Globalist Puppeteers, Immigration Wars & The Roman Parallel

June 20, 2024 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Has America become a puppet in the hands of globalists and the deep state? In this episode of The Arterburn Radio Transmission, we dissect the orchestrated decline of the United States, drawing unnerving parallels to the fall of historical empires like Rome. From the deliberate border crises and the concept of "weapons of mass immigration" to the loss of faith and cultural values, we examine the systemic dismantling of the nation. We express our frustration with the two-party system that prioritizes corporate interests over public welfare, and the perpetual state of war that seems to benefit only the elites. 

We also tackle the seismic shifts in global finance, focusing on the strategic moves by countries like China in the gold market and what it means for the future of the U.S. dollar. The episode then transitions into a heated debate on the proposed policy change regarding drafting women for military service. We question the need for current U.S. foreign policy and highlight the absurdity of the draft, drawing on historical insights and modern implications. This chapter features real-time interruptions, adding an authentic glimpse into the behind-the-scenes life of hosting a live show.

Finally, we delve into the haunting similarities between the decline of the Roman Republic and the current state of the American Republic. We explore how deep state and controlled media have hollowed out our nation, akin to Rome's transformation from republic to empire. From the illegal immigration crisis echoing the barbarian invasions to the erosion of national values, we draw unsettling comparisons that underscore the urgent need for genuine leadership and cultural revival. Tune in for a raw and unfiltered discussion that aims to inspire a return to the values that once made America strong.

Speaker 1:

I'm weather and always the best Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior. Poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission burn radio transmission. Do you understand what I'm talking about? What is our common bond? Truly, freedom. Freedom without freedom, you can't be a christian, no matter what denomination you belong to, you can't be a buddhist, you can't own a donut shop, you can't drive from here to oregon, you can't be an american, because that's what it's all about and that's the only broadcast of the apocalypse. Weapons, grade truth, parapolitics, precious metals is the art of burn radio transmission. It is the 20th of june 2024. I do not have beans the brave in studio. However, I have charlie the chocolate labrador, so my dog ratio is fine. I have my dog here in the studio and we're going to have a great show broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons, the new world order, the build back better. Biden builds above Baphomet, bilderberg, bohemian Grove, bankster Bunch.

Speaker 1:

As always, and as promised, I just finished my interview with David Knight. That's always a great way to kind of transition into this show, because David and I talk every week and it seems kind of redundant sometimes because we talk about the same things, but it's earth shattering news. I mean, I go. I said I talked about this last week on my show. We lost the petrodollar and nobody seems to care. That's something I wasn't expecting. Through all these years of researching currency and monetary value and how the military-industrial complex works in the United States, I never thought, well, when it happens, it'll just be this non-event. It's like the world ends with a whimper, not a bang. It's like TS Eliot this is the way the world ends, right, I just didn't expect that, but it is interesting and there's a lot of other stuff going on in the periphery. It's.

Speaker 1:

It's so difficult, folks, because you know, when you're like Pavlov's dog, you know you're trained with the bell rings, you start to salivate. You know for, for politics or whatever's going on, it's bread and circus and somewhere along the way they, they made politics fake. You know, and I don't know when it was I, I maybe it was always fake, but it seemed to me like there was, there was big ideas and, um, you know, there was strategy and there's political science and all this stuff. And now I just look at it and I look. I mean I can't even look at the headlines of drudge without just being repulsed. Like what am I watching here? Like this is mind control. This isn't news aggregation. I mean the actual news going on in the world is the waning power of the United States, the crumbling empire, the crumbling infrastructure, our political corruption on a scale we've never seen before, and then almost no way to address our grievances no way. And you have a border that's falling apart I'm going to talk a little bit about, by the way, and I'm going to talk about the border and that operation, the weapons of mass immigration, and we'll get into that. But when you really peel back all the layers and what's so shocking and what I guess keeps me up and I try to take all of this and distill it down and give you the best analysis is that all of it is being done on purpose, right. So that's the weirdest part. It's because every great nation, every people, every civilization, if you read history, what you'll find is that there's always a beginning.

Speaker 1:

The writer Will Durant talked about how faith gives birth to the nations, that gives birth to a country, to a civilization, and then you know when that faith starts to die. When the faith dies, the culture dies, the people die. You see that you know loss of faith, the loss of what gives a nation its strength and its uniqueness, and we've seen that here in our country, unfortunately, and it's it's sad to watch. If you love this country, like I do, land, that I love my beloved republic, you get to watch it being destroyed from within and you see these goblins and just deep state degenerates tearing it apart. Well, what's interesting and what's even more sad and we're going to talk later in the show there's an article up on Lou Rockwell. It right kind of talks about the, uh, the parallels between the roman empire and their decline is that of all the nations in history, of all of the, you know the, the great civilizations, whether you're talking about the greek or the roman or the egyptian, I, even the British empire, uh, even look at even the, the mighty Soviet empire, that it was only around for about 70 years. The difference between all of that and us here in the United States is that we're being brought down artificially. So we'll be the first nation in history that was brought down artificially, like, from betrayal, like, and you know you can hearken back to a book that Pat Buchanan wrote in the late 90s called the Great Betrayal.

Speaker 1:

I read that book. I was fascinated with that because it was a treatise on free trade and what that meant. Like, all these elites are pushing free trade, the multinationals and the dead-eyed automaton politicians and Republicans and people are like, oh, it's free trade, it's free markets, free trade. The multinationals and the dead-eyed automaton politicians and Republicans and people are always free trade, free markets, free trade, you know, and all this stuff, free trade agreement have NAFTA and GATT, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, and well then we'll have CAFTA, the Central American Free Trade Agreement, and then we'll give you, you know, we'll give you the TPP, we'll give you the Trans-Pacific Partnership a bill so good that your beloved Republican, paul Ryan you know that was Speaker of the House, eddie Munster. It was a bill so good you had to go into the basement of the Capitol to even read it, because it had to be under secure watch and you couldn't take pictures of it or make copies. If you were a lawmaker, All you could do was vote on it, because we had a Republican-controlled Congress back 2014. This is when Paul Ryan was at his apex of power and you couldn't even read it.

Speaker 1:

You look at all these things that have happened to us, whether it's trade, the loss of manufacturing, the fact that we went off the gold standard, and that's what funneled and fuels the mother's milk of the deep state is fake currency. It's fake everything. They just created a fake environment. So you think you're in one reality and you're actually in something completely different, which is even if you're aware of it. It becomes more bizarre every single day, and I'm aware of it.

Speaker 1:

I don't like it, but this is that's why my wheelhouse, when you, if you listen to my show and I appreciate it if you do, it means the world to me. I get you know, I have. I had three different families come by a couple of weeks ago here at the shop in one day, and it was like, hey, can we take a picture with you? And I'm here in Branson and that says nothing to my ego. I just think, gosh, I got to do a better show. I want to make sure I give you, if you tune into my show, I want you to learn something you didn't know. Okay, so at least there's value in in the download down, value in the uh, in the podcast feed, you get something. And with Paratruth, I get so many great emails and people reaching out. It just means the world to me, because a lot of this is just a labor of love. I'm busy and I put together these shows for you because I want, like you, I want to talk about the great ideas.

Speaker 1:

I think this is a time to stand up. It's a time it's going to be a wonderful time of changing hearts and changing minds and getting people to look at something a different way. That's why I don't, even though I know I could. That's why I don't stay on the politics too much because, honestly, it's a dead end street. I know a lot of you are going to get angry at me, but I don't think much is going to change in policy after November.

Speaker 1:

I think we have the duopoly of the two-party system. You have the vested interest. Both parties are propped up by the same donors. Both parties want perpetual war. Both parties want open borders. They may tell you they run. It's kind of like the pharmaceutical business If somebody came out and said, hey, we just figured out how we can cure 80% of cancers, and here's how you cure heart disease and here's how you cure diabetes and all this stuff. Where's the profit in that? It's like the same thing with the GOP where I grew up.

Speaker 1:

You can get mad at me all you want, but my entire life I've heard these, these same shill politicians, these same, these same, uh, backbiting traders, say that they're going to secure my border, that they're going to, that, they're going to. You know, uh, stop this. Uh, overbearing bureaucracy and deep state. Uh, you know, rollout and all this stuff. They don't. They just do the same thing over and over again. It's like in texas. You know they bus the illegals up to martha's vineyard. Well, good, good for you, greg. You can bust the illegals, all you can put them into sanctuary cities, but you still put americans in danger. You have an oath and you betrayed your oath. You know how do you sleep at night? Like this is. This is the type of people that get into power. It's like the.

Speaker 1:

I was talking to David Knight about Machiavellian Mike Johnson. He just looks like a skeeving little. Everything to him is about what's external and what benefits multinational corporations. It has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with our country. Our country is in shambles. It is a tragedy. You have bridges collapsing, you have roads falling apart. You have water that's undrinkable. You have people that are afraid to go out of their homes in a lot of these major cities and elsewhere. You know you have a. We're being poisoned by foreign entities and domestic entities. It's basically chemical warfare with things like fentanyl, and you just have this border that's wide open.

Speaker 1:

But we can get a bipartisan bill to fund Israel and Ukraine. You know, I mean, israel only owns 75% of the NASDAQ. I don't know why they need our money. We got to get that funding over there. We just got to get that funding over there. We just got to get that funding over there. You know and Lindsey Graham, in between sips of wine and whatever he's doing, lady Lindsey, he's talking about they got 12 trillion in assets over in Ukraine. So you know, we'll just put a lien against it.

Speaker 1:

They care deeply about freedom folks. These are psychopathic people and the prognosis isn't good for our beloved country. However, I would say that we have a lot of opportunity now. So, now that everything's on the table, now that, if you've gotten all the information, you know that the controllers, that the puppet masters in Washington, have no interest in creating a stronger, better America, have no interest in preserving what the founding fathers and generations of Americans gave up their lives for and strove for. They have no interest in continuing the legacy of people like Henry Ford of putting the world on wheels. They have no interest in doing anything like. You know the, the legacy of, of JFK. You know with with peace in our time, and you know again, he actually, he actually channeled Neville Chamberlain says not just peace in our time but peace in all time. That's why they blew his head off. Go look at the American University speech, june 1963. Go listen to it. Read the transcript. You know things like that. That's the legacy of. He was part of the greatest generation born in 1917.

Speaker 1:

People that fought in World War II, people like my friend Ralph Hall. We took their legacy and just toss it out the window. I mean literally. You know whether it's. This is again.

Speaker 1:

I was kind of continuation of the talk I had with David Knight this morning but where are the? I mean even the deals that were brokered back in the 70s. You know whether it's the petrodollar kind of giving us more inroads into the Middle East, into the production of energy and using dollars and having everything denominated that way. Created a stronger American economy, gave Americans lower gas prices and other things and access to more energy. They just gave it away June 9th. It expired 50 years. It expired 50 years expired. Nobody's talking about it.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you what the mainstream is starting to talk about, though. I've got a couple of articles. Let's just talk about this real quick. This is going to be, I think, one of the only ones I'm going to do on finance today, but we're going to get into some of the some of the you guys. You know we're watching this.

Speaker 1:

These woke armies have been wanting some what they call equality. You know, and this is a Marxian, maoist revolution that's gone on in this country, funded by the world's richest people. Never forget that. Don't leave them. Don't ever talk about this woke agenda and the the mark cultural Marxism. Don't you ever leave out the fact that the world's people with the most amount of capital in the world generational wealth they fund communism. Don't ever forget that, because then you'll lose perspective, then you'll think it's a left-right paradigm.

Speaker 1:

Let's look at this article on Forbes, because for some reason, the mainstream is like well, we've got the stock markets doing really well and the Fed hasn't decided to lower interest rates yet. Well, there's a reason for that as well, and this just happens to be, I think, the future. And you're hearing it here first, folks. Gold at $3,000 an ounce in sight as central banks continue to buy, so Forbes is getting it right. An ounce in sight as central banks continue to buy, so Forbes is getting it right. Gold's rise towards a price of $3,000 an ounce was derailed last month after reports that China's central bank had stopped buying, but other central banks seem likely to pick up the slack. Well, don't believe that at all. Okay, not to dismiss Forbes, but at the beginning of the 21st century, china was buying gold off the books.

Speaker 1:

Now you may ask yourself, if you want to project power and show that you're a strong country and that you're economically healthy, why would you buy the yellow metal at the beginning of the century? Why would you buy it off the books? Why would you want some secrecy? Why would you buy it under stealth? That's a great question, isn't it? I think the answer is probably something like a game, you know, like the game with the highest stakes, like who controls the supremacy of world finance. I think it has something to do like not letting your enemy know that you're accumulating the thing that, and be like letting the vampire know that you're accumulating wooden stakes and you're accumulating. You're accumulating garlic and you're accumulating silver bullets and and crucifixes, because that's what gold is to the dollar that Luciferian banks are known.

Speaker 1:

A new survey of 70 central banks revealed the highest level of expected central bank gold buying since the analysis of their gold exposure started six years ago. None of the banks which responded to the survey conducted by the World Gold Council expect central bank buying to decline, so none of them none of the central banks surveyed expects gold buying to decline, whereas 81% of the central banks expect it to increase. What if I told you that in 2009, the net gold buying of central banks was almost zero? Do you see the kind of different world we are in now? Do you see where this is going Now?

Speaker 1:

Politics and bread and circus and the distraction aside, look at the real headlines. This is the real headline. This is the changing of the order, this is the language and, yeah, it'll filter down into things like this and I don't have all the answers I don't claim to. What I'm saying is, if you watch trends and you watch history, if you look at history, what happens at the end of an old order there isn't just in a vacuum. It's replaced by something.

Speaker 1:

And we've had an experiment I can't emphasize this enough. The dollar is an experiment now. It's a free-floating, live experiment in real time since August 15th 1971, to have a free-floating fiat currency of the major nation, the world's reserve currency. Now they've tried it. You know, france tried it with John Law. Look up that. History Didn't go well. The Chinese have tried it, you know, with fiat currency back in the time of Marco Polo. Where's that? Are people going to look for those notes? We had it in this country for a little while. That's why you get the saying it was a paper currency issued by the Continental Congress and they say, oh, it's as worthless as a continental. We have a gold standard and a bimetallic standard for a reason, and that's not only just accountability but stability, because what happens when the music runs out? What happens when you can't inflate your way out of the problem anymore? We're about to find out, because the experiment has never been done on this scale.

Speaker 1:

This isn't alarmist, but they're running the simulations. They can tell Beyond what you and I can do just picking articles out and watching trends. They're running sophisticated stuff. I know that they are, whether it's the World Economic Forum, the Globalist, other nations. This is strategic. Other nations hide their gold. They have them more secreted away than their nuclear weapons as far as where their holdings are. I mean China's buying off the books. That's weird, right? Wouldn't you want everybody to know, like, hey, we've got so much gold? No, that's a secret thing. And the reason is is because you're in a live experiment.

Speaker 1:

The average lifespan of a fiat currency is 26 years, so we doubled it. What next? And the reason that it's still alive, in my opinion, is because of things like it being the petrodollar. And the petrodollar just means for 50 years, the Saudis exclusively traded and would accept dollars only for crude oil and energy. That's a huge thing. And then they just stopped and they're going to use other currencies In the Chinese yuan. They'll still trade in dollars, but it's being phased out. And the reason it'll be phased out is because their real their, their currency in saudi arabia is pegged to the dollar, so they can't just dump it. But you start seeing them pivot away. And it won't be just china. It's not like the world's reserve currency is going to be the chinese yuan. It's not like that. It's just it's going to be gold and other commodities. It's going to reset everything and those dollars come home. So yeah, when you see, I've seen predictions on three thousand dollar an ounce gold for a long time my warning to you is that I think this is modest and listen to the rest of this art.

Speaker 1:

Central banks are critical to the price of the metal, which double doubles as a global currency. With their buying of 1,037 metric tons last year, it was central bank activity in the gold market which helped drive the price up by 49% in just the past 20 months from $16.31 an ounce in October of 2022, an all-time high of $2,427 an ounce last month $427 an ounce last month. The biggest buyer in the gold rush was the People's Bank of China, which acquired 225 metric tons last year alone. It also talks about private buyers returning See in the gold business. It's weird because there's a demand for gold but it's really not coming from like the everyday persons buying.

Speaker 1:

You're getting the things like my membership Wolfpack. Go to Wolfpackgold. People are dollar cost averaging buying gold for me. I buy it in bulk. I can pass along the savings to you. Get things like Wolfpack. Get your grams of gold or your one-tenth ounce gold coins, things like that.

Speaker 1:

People aren't calling me up going, tony, I need $500,000 worth of gold bars. That's pretty rare. I've had people do that, especially retiring people, people like physicians and others that have heard me on the air for years. That especially retiring people, people like physicians and others that have heard me on the air for years, they'll call me. I'm their dealer of choice and they trust me. So we do multiple transactions. That's pretty rare. The average person is buying a little bit of silver. They're getting fractional gold because we're hurting here in this country.

Speaker 1:

So again, you would ask why is the price of gold up? Well, the price of gold is up because the giant central banks are buying it, and you know what else they're doing. At the same time, they're working on their rollouts of central bank digital currency. Isn't that interesting? What do you think is going to back these CBDCs? You know Nigeria is leading the way. Look at Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe's looking to join BRICS with their gold-backed currency. These are interesting times, folks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, private buyers could become an additional gold price driver, joining the central banks, especially if official US interest rates start to decline later this year. We'll see. I mean, eventually they'll have to lower rates. The political pressure will be so high. I think they'll try to put it off as long as possible, because the central bank, the Federal Reserve, needs what? The quote-unquote strong dollar.

Speaker 1:

This is all language, folks. It's all language. All right, I'm just. I don't even have time to take a break. We're just going to blow through these articles. This is one that, okay, we're going to transition from. That was my last financial one for the week.

Speaker 1:

You guys, I've been hitting you hard on the financial stuff. I just think it's so important because it's really it's the origin story. It's ground zero where everything flows from. Let's look at zero hedge. This is interesting. Truly, I want you guys to check this out. You're going to see more of this trend happening.

Speaker 1:

One of the reasons and make it as short as possible one of the reasons you're going to start seeing this trend increase is because we have treaties that are tripwires, set up by men no longer alive, committing men yet unborn to defend places that most Americans can't find on a map. Now, that breakdown in the last few sentences. I would use that when I ran for office. Again, it is true, treaties are tripwires and we set up all these alliances. We are bankrupt, not just financially, but we have promises to defend everywhere and every out outpost, and a lot of them don't even make any sense in 2024. I mean this the cold war is over. We thought we were, you know, uh, we this epical event where we were going to restore the republic. Instead, we just went on these crusades. And you know, I know that it pleases a lot of the hyper interventionists in the neoconservative movement in America, but what's happening is it's bleeding into culture and here's a great example and this is going to be a huge part of our political future.

Speaker 1:

Insane Senate Dems blasted for adding women to the draft. And what's interesting about this? I remember this very well and we're going to talk about Douglas Mackey. Who was convicted, who was charged, who was gone? Was, you know, gone? They went after him for posting this in satire back in the 2016 campaign. I remember this very well. Out of the hundreds of conservatives hunted down by the Biden DOJ, social media influencer and SHIT poster extraordinaire, douglas Mackey's case was particularly absurd. I can't say the word. We're on. This is a family show.

Speaker 1:

During the 2016 election, mackey promoted internet memes suggesting that people could vote through text messages as opposed to unsecured drop boxes and, of course, something a Hillary supporter was not prosecuted for that. They did the same thing Less than a week after Biden took office. The DOJ charged him with participating in voter disinformation campaign and convicted him by a jury in the Eastern District of New York in front of an Obama judge. Mackey also pushed a meme which originated on 4chan. Mackie also pushed a meme which originated on 4chan which was hashtag draft our daughters. That implied hillary clinton would draft women into the military. The meme featured heavily in mackie's trial, which is currently in limbo as his case is under appeal.

Speaker 1:

Now. Senate democrats john tester of montana and jackie r and Jackie Rosen of Nevada have come under fire for doing just that, having added language to the annual defense authorization bill to require women to register for the draft. And here's something that Douglas Mackey posted the obviously satirical, obviously political draft our daughters meme featured heavily in my case as evidence against me. It was obviously political commentary on Hillary Clinton's position to force women to register for selective service, which is now coming true. Yeah, you really can't even like the Babylon Bee and the Onion. It's really hard to figure out. What new jokes do you have? I mean, I like the Babylon Bees.

Speaker 1:

When Klaus Schwab was stepping down, he's going to spend more time with this lizard family. That's one of the best ones out there, but it's hard to like. You know how far is that from the truth? I don't know. It's very close anymore, but you guys didn't see this coming. I mean seriously, like the average person, they didn't see this coming.

Speaker 1:

And this is another blurb here Breaking the US Senate Armed Services Committee'sends to require women to register for selective service. It's part of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 25. This goes down. There shouldn't be women in the draft. They shouldn't be forced to serve if they don't want to, said Senator Josh Hawley. Meanwhile, senator Roger Wicker, republican of Mississippi, the top-ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, has vowed to try and strip the language out of the bill. Well, as you can tell, I mean, there will be some window dressing on this, but at the end of the day, I think the two major parties I think they pretty much agree this will be some window dressing on this, but at the end of the day, I think the two major parties I think, they pretty much agree it will be shown as some sort of equality we have to be fair From being sent into unwinnable meat grinder wars with rules of engagement that are meant to strip you of your ability to defend yourself with no clear goal. You know, a class experiment set up by psychopaths like Paul Wolfowitz or Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld.

Speaker 1:

The chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, jack Reed, defended the proposed policy change, arguing that women can hold many warfighting positions without serving on the front lines. See, this becomes an argument about what women can do, not the mere fact that. Why do we need a draft when we literally have? Not only do we not defend ourselves in the in the proper sense? I go back to something that the under secretary of defense asked congress when he was. This was back when I first relaunched my show. He's like when can we get off the border? We don't want to be on the border.

Speaker 1:

We want a more traditional role of being out on this outskirts of empire, getting involved in interventions. You know something that smedley butler called out when he wrote war is a racket. You know the most highly decorated marine of his time and wrote a book. He was a general. He said this is a. I'm just serving on behalf of the united fruit company. This has nothing to do with american defense.

Speaker 1:

They want a more traditional foreign policy role of just being out on the outskirts of empire, dude, not not on your border. We can stop sex trafficking and terror. We're going to talk about that in a second. You know terrorism, uh, you know the weaponization of people. We can, you know, turn back the, the, the waves of humanity that are being sent and funded by people like George Soros and NGOs and the United Nations and the world economic, you know, keep going, right, and I want to play something too, while I'm in the same line of logic. So it's not like world war two, where you need a lot of infantry, we need cyber experts, we need intelligence analysts, linguists, etc. Wait a second, there are a lot of women out there that can do this better than men. Reed continued.

Speaker 1:

Well, again, see how they're reframing the argument, why the entire argument for the draft itself is like what wars are you planning? What do you really need here? We? You know, if you, if you didn't rotate our troops into oblivion, if you didn't break them on some sort of you know, psychopathic wheel where they just rotate and rotate in for what? You know, our trillion, you know multi-trillion dollar foreign policy with no clear goals, and you don't defend your own home.

Speaker 1:

There's a also a video here on x from sam brown and he's I've read about him for years. He was badly injured in Afghanistan and he says look at my face, this is the high cost of war. He talks about his wife. He says Amy and I have volunteered to serve and we honor all who serve, but forcing America's daughters to register for the draft is unacceptable. Well, I think that's a good place to start, but I think all of it's unacceptable. I think the entire goal of whatever our defense establishment is has been lost.

Speaker 1:

I think we need a complete reform from the top down. You cannot allow, we cannot allow our sons to be drafted For what? To fight Russia For what? So we can plant the rainbow flag? What are we doing here? What does that even mean? What are we going to fight? A nuclear-armed Russia or China? For China's had nuclear weapons since 1964.

Speaker 1:

Am I the only person in media like this, this lone voice saying wait, why did we pivot on china? I've never been a fan of china. You know we opened china in 72 to to rest it away from monolithic soviet communism. You know that this was at the time the height of the cold war. I'm sorry about that. I had some sort of alert on my phone. It goes through, even when oh, let's see what it is. It goes through even when I'm on air. Folks, we've had these adversaries for a long time. We were able to stay out of a nuclear armed conflict in the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, you name it, and you have Reagan in the 80s and all this stuff with Hold on, guys, I don't know what this is.

Speaker 1:

My phone is giving me an alarm for the front door. Oh goodness, live on air. Live on air. On air, I gotta fix the. Uh. Hold on, folks, this is fun. This is what you do. Hold on, I have to hold on. Let me fix my alarm. Yeah, this is uh. All right, it's disarmed. This. This is my life, folks. I'm I'm always having to deal with something, even on air, all right. So let's, we got the last bit of the article and I appreciate you guys sticking with me on that At the last bit of the articles I wanted to cover, we got about 15 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I think I can get to that. I wanted to cover the one on the border, but let's see what we can do. This, was this, caught my eye. This is a article up on lou rockwellcom and let me pull this down. There's an article up on lou rockwellcom that is about the zombie republic. Now it's kind of in the same vein what we were talking about earlier in the show. Let's jump into this because I wanted to cover it today. There's some good history in here. All right, yeah, lewrockwellcom Zombie Republic. This came out on the 18th of June. Lewrockwellcom the Roman Empire and the transition from republic to empire and the decline of Rome. I remember reading Edward Gibbon and it was on my bookshelf behind me some of the books that I had when I was in Iraq. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, it says.

Speaker 1:

History often tells us the tale that Julius Caesar's ambition destroyed the Roman Republic. This is not entirely true. Julius Caesar did not want to cross the Rubicon and break the Roman Republic, but he had no choice. After a decade of conquering Gaul, caesar was ordered to relinquish his command and face prosecution for essentially committing the crime of becoming too great of a threat to the prevailing power structure. In essence, the Roman Senate declared war on Julius Caesar. This was preceded by the breakup of the triumvirate of Caesar, crassus and Pompey. Crassus led a disastrous campaign in the east against Parthius that led to his beheading, and Pompey's wife, also Caesar's daughter, died during the childbirth, serving the familiar connection between Pompey and Caesar. The triumph for it itself was the result of a republic on life support. Nearly 100 years before the brutal murder of Julius Caesar by the Roman senate, the grandsons of Publius Cornius, scipio the Africanus, endured a similar fate. Scipio was the Roman general that defeated Hannibal In 133 BC. Tiberius Graxus was brutally murdered by the Roman Senate In 121 BC. His younger brother, gacius, was murdered by the Roman Senate, the. The crime the agraci brothers were guilty of was an attempt to redistribute public lands to be to the displaced farmers and veterans of wars.

Speaker 1:

Tilting at windmills maybe hardly worthy of being a bludgeon to death or having your head placed on a spike, and he just goes on to say. This is not as nearly as socialist as it sounds. You know, that's where you get, and I love these type of articles. That's where you get the. The term salary is because the, the roman government, tried to figure out how to, you know, properly pay the roman soldiers, and so they pay them in salt. That was, salt was a currency, it was one of the currencies and during the time, you know, and caesar was another. You know one of those leaders that immediately restores uh, the, the silver standard in the, uh, the currency, because a lot of the you know the, the debasement and all the things that happen on these corrupt government and politicians. They promise too much some sort of balance between wealth concentration and the accumulation of wealth, wealth concentration and the people, and especially things like the army and the veterans. This is not as nearly as socialist as it sounds.

Speaker 1:

As often stated, the extraordinarily rapid success of Roman expansion led to its eventual decline. Domestic resources in the form of money and manpower were utilized in Roman expansion. However, the rewards and riches were granted to a small segment of aristocrats and financial interests. The Roman military in a sense became a mercenary force for a select few that benefited from the adventures in the form of slaves and plunder. The state literally enriched a group of aristocrats in business interests while impoverishing others. Do you like that? Became a mercenary force for a select few that benefited from the adventures in the form of slaves and plunder. The state literally enriched a group of aristocrats and business interests while impoverishing others who knew. Farms left in disrepair while away. Farmers left away in disrepair were gobbled up by those who profited from the wars, and this is going back. The Gracchi brothers were basically attempting to restore the natural balance in roman italy that existed before the state distorted that balance.

Speaker 1:

The austere roman republic, with its concept of roman virtue and honor, was in the process of transforming into an ostentatious, decadent empire. During this period of transformation, the Roman Republic became a willless body, robbed of its soul, listless, a shell of its former self. The Roman farmer-soldier was replaced with imported slaves, as farmers unable to maintain their properties after long campaigns overseas, were forced to sell. Plantations filled with slave labor replaced the family farm. What do you know?

Speaker 1:

Flash forward to the modern Roman Republic known as the United States, which was clearly modeled after the Roman Republic, even going as far as naming Capitol Hill after Capitoline Hill of Rome. Following a similar pattern of growth and expansion and apparently falling victim to the same curse of rapid success, the American Republic has equally become a willless body, robbed of its soul, listless, a shell of its former self. The deep state has added insult to injury by literally installing a zombie president, acting as a metaphor for the zombie republic. As all republics eventually do, the American republic has become corrupt to the point that it now longer serves its representative function. Unfortunately for us, technology has history moving faster than the birth, growth and decay and death of the system at hand.

Speaker 1:

America went through 200 years or so of rapid expansion and, in the 20th century, saw military success, an indirect form of imperialism, and now we see a military that has become a mercenary force for a select few. However, it is globalist in nature rather than nationalist, rather than serving the will of Congress, which seems to be merely for show. Well, that is absolutely true. The military instead serves the will of the international deep state. This is an ingenious strategy. American resources are squandered, bankrupting our country, as our military is used as a mercenary force for globalism. To win without fighting is best.

Speaker 1:

The animated corpse of an American republic is merely going through the emotions of having somewhat like the post-republic Roman Empire. Instead of being under the thumb of an emperor, a deep state shadow government has infected the remaining corpse of the republic. Congress, like the Roman Senate, appears to have become a quaint tradition. Politicians are captured, intimidated and or blackmailed. Government ie deep state-controlled media, including social media, have censored information, facilitating massive disease, disability and death from the mRNA nanoparticle injections. They have also brainwashed millions into accepting totalitarianism as a normal state of affairs, the increased speed of which history seems to be moving, looks like the American Republic may bypass the empire phase and go straight to the eventual decay. That happened 500 years later with the western roman empire. The illegal invasion illegal alien invasion of the 21st century version of barbarian hordes crossing the border is another aspect of that. And he says since 1913, the debasing of our currency has also occurred on a hyperdrive, as we have completely fiat currency and, of course, the specter of the central bank digital currency looms.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's just like my wheelhouse right. It was get into history and we get into the comparisons of history. You know the Roman Republic, but that took centuries, you know. And then what we're doing now, and the elite know this very well. It's one of the reasons why I talk about America being artificially declined. This is very apparent because you see like there's timelines where organizations are brought in to facilitate this.

Speaker 1:

The article mentions 1913 is very pivotal years because it's the year you get the income tax of the 16th amendment. You get the 17th amendment, which is the direct election of senators by the banksters. It's no longer the control, it's like resting power away from legislative bodies, representative government. It's kind of like when a British Lord was visiting and Alexander Hamilton took him into, you know, in the Capitol and said, you know, pointed out to where Congress meets. He said here, sir, the people rule. So that was supposed to be you know the people, you know Congress is every two years. It's supposed to be more of the direct will of the people, but it was supposed to be representative. And you know, even prior to Andrew Jackson, that's where we elected presidents. Congress voted on that. It was done through Congress and the runner-up was the vice president, which I kind of like that system.

Speaker 1:

You start going to these. It's really a direct election by the banksters when you talk about the 17th Amendment, but 1913 was this Federal Reserve along with the income tax. And then you also get these policies they start to implement with free trade. So you have all of that. But of course it really kicks off with these other NGOs and these organizations, like the Council on Foreign Relations that came in after the end of World War I because our Senate had rejected the League of Nations. So you have these organizations, these internationalist organizations, infiltrating every part and every aspect of our government, our way of life. I mean you can't get anywhere without being a CFR person, like you know. Look at what Hillary Clinton, you know she said when, uh, during the 2016 election. He's like, I like to show up here to the council on foreign relations to find out what I'm supposed to think, right. So CFR, very important, but you also have, like these turning points, when I was mentioned earlier, you have, you know, 73,. You get the birth of the trilateral commission, which is, you know, know, not every CFR member is a trilateralist, but every trilateralist is a CFR member.

Speaker 1:

And this is really, you know, the technocrats like Zygmunt Brzezinski and the Rockefellers and others. They put together these organizations and they slowly start making plans. They actually called it and Brzezinski called this. He's called it an in-run around sovereignty. You know national sovereignty. So these have been, these plans have been going on for years.

Speaker 1:

So the rome didn't have to contend with this. Yes, they had corruption and they had, you know, the degeneration and you know you hadn't people. You know rulers like nero and I hadn't people. You know rulers like Nero and fiddling why Rome burns and all this stuff and Commodus following. You know, marcus Aurelius. You have all. You have this, this decline in culture and you have a decline in power. But we have this internal thing. You know it's. It is insidious and it affects all of our policy and it keeps us on this back and forth between the two parties.

Speaker 1:

It's like the illusion of freedom. If you feel like that's a Machiavellian trick 101. If you want to trick somebody into give them the illusion of choice, oh, you are free. You can choose between these two. Do know, do you want A or B? You know, don't mention all the other letters in the alphabet, but you get A or B. Which one would you like? Oh, don't talk about that. You know A or B. You know, do you want Romney in 2012 or do you want Obama? Because they're both going to get Obamacare. That was the backup plan. That's Romney. He gave you the Romney care in Massachusetts. The power structure gives you the illusion and that's what's gotten us into so much trouble.

Speaker 1:

But we want to pay attention. It's like a really shiny thing. We want to pay attention to politics and sometimes I do pay attention to it. Even me, I fall victim to it, because I think we are going to have more conversations about our elections and I think that will be a part of our future. I look forward to those. I look forward to the time when we start seeing third parties and others and fourth and fifth and other things pop up. I want to see a break away from just. It seems that we are just locked in to this trajectory of decline brought to you in part by the same people I've just mentioned, with really no prevailing way to to stand up and push back, except for how you live and what you consume and what you talk about and what you talk to others about and what example you're willing to give. All right, it's been fun. I've had fun today. Thanks for all who joined. Appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Wise Wolf gold and silvercom for all your gold and silver needs. It doesn't matter how large or small the transaction is. We don't have minimums. Give us a call. Go to wise wolf gold and silvercom. You can go to art of burn Dot news. You can go to Arterburnnews for all my podcasts and things I'm putting out and I'm working on that site as well. I promise that I am Wolfpackgold for all of your membership needs for gold and silver. Don't say you can't afford precious metals. That's crazy. You go to Wolfpackgold, we'll get you into some metals and you absolutely can't afford it. So I will see you. Next time We'll have beans the brave and studio. I think she's just outside, but I think I heard her scratching on the door earlier, so she'll be back in. You guys take care of each other. Have a great weekend. End of transmission.