The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#470 American Independence and the Shadow of the Great Reset

May 09, 2024 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Confronting the stark realities of our times, I, Tony Arterburn, take you through a journey within the murky waters of global shifts in power and the looming threat of economic turmoil. As we peel back the curtains on the Great Reset and its potential to upend American sovereignty, we won't shy away from the hard questions: Why is the U.S. foreign policy playing a dangerous game with Taiwan and Ukraine, and what do these chess moves mean for the dollar's future? We unravel the enigmatic world of global banking and intelligence, probing into the World Economic Forum's sway over our political puppet masters, and dissecting the illusion of choice presented by our two-party system.

This episode isn't just a theoretical debate; it's a call to arms for the discerning citizen. I dissect the staggering pace at which the U.S. national debt climbs and ponder the profound impact of our foreign policy decisions, especially those that seem disconnected from the nation's true interests. With a rallying cry for financial systems grounded in free markets rather than central bank digital currencies, we explore pivotal moments in history that shaped today's economic landscape, challenging listeners to critically assess the balance between free trade and national self-sufficiency. And with a respectful nod to Gard Goldsmith and the vital insights from the latest Arterburn Radio Transmission, we trek through the paradox of U.S. military aid to nations like Israel, questioning the principles guiding our international alliances.

Moreover, we tackle the contentious issues surrounding war and the use of nuclear weapons, recognizing the grave implications far beyond rhetorical patriotism and political posturing. I share my personal journey as a veteran and my spiritual awakening that led me to question the very fabric of interventionist foreign policies. Reflecting on the experiences that have shaped my non-interventionist stance, we examine the nuclear capabilities that harken back to Cold War tensions and the urgent need for a global reassessment of the role of conflict in our shared future. Join me for an episode that promises to be a sobering reflection on the state of our world.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet, tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's the official broadcast of the apocalypse Parapolitics and precious metals. I'm in studio with Beans the Brave, ladies and gentlemen. I'm in studio with Beans the Brave, ladies and gentlemen. It is the 9th of May 2024, and we are broadcasting, in Defiance of Globalist Goblins, the Neocons and the New World Order, from beautiful Branson, missouri. Just got done with the David Knight Show. My Thursday ritual so proud to be over there every Thursday. That's an exercise show. My thursday ritual so proud to be over there every thursday. That's an exercise if you do 30 minutes or so. We did a little bit more today. Uh, with the great david knight, you're always smarter and, uh, it makes you mentally mentally stronger, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Uh, so we'll jump into whatever these headlines are. First of all, I try, just so you know I I try very hard to, because I'm parapolitics and precious metals. I don't even know what to talk about with politics anymore. I'm truly sorry. Uh, it is so awful, it is so stupid, it is so void of any intellectual value or any sort of real that I don't even know what to do anymore. Like I look at the headlines and it's the same reality show saga Trump's being persecuted, biden's incontinent. The goblins are running everything, people that hate the country run the country. These globalist elite cocktail party automatons for Satan are running everything and running it into the ground. On one hand, we're propping up Taiwan now, giving it billions of dollars and agitating the Chinese, but on the other hand in 1979, we cut off diplomatic relations with Taiwan and said we were a one China policy. Which one is it? You know? I mean, it's like we don't believe in borders, but we believe in a border in Ukraine. You know which one is it? It's absolutely insane.

Speaker 2:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are teetering towards an absolute collapse of the United States dollar. This is happening faster than any of us really anticipated and it's happening in stealth. It's happening off of the headlines. You have to tune into shows like this, and I'm not saying I'm an expert. I'm not telling you to invest in something. Don't put that evil on me. What I'm telling you is there's things happening right now that have never happened before. There's massive demand for a new reserve currency of the world. See, that supplants all the other news, because what does it matter about your politics or your internal stuff, or we don't like so-and-so and he's got an R next to a D or whatever. It doesn't matter if the dollar collapses, it doesn't matter if there's a run on the financial system that used to run the globe and now you're left holding the bag. I mean, there's things like and I've talked about this before it's called Triffin's dilemma, 1960s. Robert Triffin, the economist, testifying before Congress. What happens when, if all the trillions, or maybe even, in theory, quadrillions of dollars that have been created since we became the world's reserve currency to stock these central banks when they dump it, what happens when it comes home? I know that I harp on this a lot, but it's important that we talk about the elephant in the room. We talk about what's really going on, and what's really going on is the great reset.

Speaker 2:

They told you they were going to do it. They started out the 2016 World Economic Forum commercial. Imagine a world where the United States is not the lone superpower. Well, I wonder, in 2016,. Why were you talking about that? That's because the campaign in 2016 and why Trump was elected and why there was this massive. By the way, they had mined everybody's data to get that. You think they were just testing the mood of the country? No, that's. They had data on you five thousand data points on every american cambridge analytica. They were monitoring your social media posts. They knew that you were done with establishment politicians and all that you knew it was it was it had lost, uh, all credibility.

Speaker 2:

The sunday talk shows everything was waning and dying. They brought trump in and excited everybody. That's why he was against the establishment. We're going to bring the troops home, we're going to have a border, we're going to restore sanity in our monetary policy All that stuff, right. People were like, yes, bring the jobs back. We're against the establishment. All of that was going on, right. But at the same time they were talking about what? What was the key phrase for those in the elite circles? They were talking about managed decline. That's what Hillary Clinton was for. She was meant to gently guide you into decline. And then you get Trump.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of weird, and I don't even want to get into the politics of all this, because I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm not on anybody's train. I certainly don't want to keep something red, because that's the color of communism, so you can't put me in a box there. So I can't talk about politics. But this has been a plan. They're literally, schizophrenically, destroying the United States from the inside with their policies.

Speaker 2:

You have economic advisors for Joe Biden saying that it would be better if the United States lost the world's reserve currency status with the dollar. That's financial suicide of the highest order. That's hyperinflation. That's economic tyranny and collapse the highest order. That's hyperinflation. That's economic tyranny, collapse, pandemonium, the end of days for the. That that's bad. A lot of people would be hurt severely for that. I mean you know people it whenever you have an economic setback of of any kind of proportion, like we've had in the last five years, where they devalued the currency so badly I mean criminally. This is before, uh, covid 1984, before the scam did before all that. You know, they spent six, the, the federal reserve, uh created out of thin air six trillion dollars in the last quarter of 2019.

Speaker 2:

That's the first time I started going on and talking to David Knight from my office in San Antonio. We were talking about this really unreported phenomenon that was happening in the last quarter of 2019, where the central bank, especially the United States, but this was happening around the world where they were propping up what they call the repo markets. These are these overnight liquidity systems. Again, I don't pretend to understand it. I know they like to make it look complicated and they use all these algorithms and theorems and all this stuff and programs, but basically they were running out of ways to cover checks. They're running out of ways to cover payments in the overnights, when things swap at about midnight. So they were just dumping in it's estimated and I saved the article. I saved the article back when I was reporting on Freedom 1160 in San Antonio and I still have it. It's in my files because I couldn't believe the number. I was like it was an investigative journalist who uncovered it was $6 trillion, just from the fed. So that's going into 2020 and what? What else happened at the last quarter of 2019? It was the largest exodus of ceos in history. Hmm, that's weird. What do they know? Right? What? What's? What's the intel? What's what's the? Uh, you know what's the strategy there? Well, it's to avoid something. What are you avoiding? What do you know? On the horizon, that's coming.

Speaker 2:

Intelligence is linked to banking and, of course, international banking, and this is what's happening around the world. This is Davos, folks. This is the New World Order. That's what they do. They plan, they plot, they do creative destruction. They want you to ask for the central bank digital currency, and what they're going to do first is they're going to get you so confused about what kind of standing the United States has in the world, what your dollar's worth, what it can buy, where it can go, what is cash, all this and they just get you confused. They just back and forth, back and forth, and then you have a regional banking crisis. And then you have the too big to fail and too big to jail entities that are always bailed out. They come in and buy up the assets and the defunct banks and then they piggyback off that system to bring in the central bank digital currency.

Speaker 2:

This is a long way of saying the whole thing. If you're looking at it, all of it politics, the election it's all a distraction. It's all a distraction away from what's really happening. What's really happening is there's a power vacuum. There's some. There's a shift away globally.

Speaker 2:

You can see in real time united states losing geopolitical dominating power, the ability to to project hegemonic dominance in any region, and this is by design, because we've got commitments everywhere but the inability to carry them out On paper. Our foreign policy is absolutely bankrupt. We have treaties and tripwires. We have treaties to go to war for countries that were put in place by men that are no longer alive, committing kids that are yet to be born to fight on these battlefields. That's how outdated, outmoded our foreign policy is. It's absolutely bankrupt on paper and we were committed everywhere. It's like Frederick the Great said he who defends everything defends nothing. So we have no. What's the strategy here? Again, when you're asking those questions, it's the beginning of you understanding that they're just literally doing it to confuse you. It has no place, no basis in strategy, no basis in standing. You know, if you I like to study the big power moves and the geopolitics, the Cold War of the 20th century.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to Mr Anderson last night who does Paratruth with me. I said there was a time in my life when I in between business ventures and had some personal setbacks and things and I would get lost in some movies. One of the movies I got lost in was oliver stone's nixon, and I mean I get lost and I go home watch it again. You know, just, it's a very, it's a very vivid kind of greek tragedy, sort of biopic on on nixon. But the whole story of the and it was for the follow-up movie to JFK but the whole story of the 60s and the counterculture revolution, the CIA, there's conspiracy in it. There's this whole weird thing, but I watched that long before you ever heard me on the radio and that period of history just stays with me. I internalized it and so that's why I know. Whenever I think about that timeline it just seems natural. I can flow back to it like I lived through it, even though I didn't. But back then there was, and so that's how I know.

Speaker 2:

What's going on now is there's something very wrong, because we used to have off-ramps to peace. We had summits. You would see Nixon with Brezhnev, or Reagan with Gorbachev, or Kennedy with Khrushchev, or you know even Eisenhower with Khrushchev right, they rode in an open car together, like you would have. You would have these big summits like and they would have, they would broker power deals on, like you know, the upper atmospheric nuclear test bands that Kennedy did, or the SALT treaty with Nixon, the Strategic Armed Limitations Agreement or detente in general, like the opening of China meeting with Mao. I'm not even saying any of this stuff is good. What I'm saying is there was things going on that were, there was activity in the realm of brokering deals, and you know this is good for your nation and this is good for my nation and you know they don't even do that anymore. I can't think of anything that they've done except for going to Bilderberg, going to Davos.

Speaker 2:

And this is both sides, this is the both parties. You know, they just love this elitist garbage and they carry out. They're just stooges for the World Economic Forum. And it's frustrating, you know, know, and it's actually maddening, you know, to watch, because we're still caught up in the politics game, the two-party. Well, if I could just get those enough, ours.

Speaker 2:

And we get mike johnson. He says he's a wartime speaker. Of what war, mike, did you declare it? What war? What war are we committing our blood and treasure our best and our bravest? What war is that? I think it's just a war on us. It's definitely a war on free speech, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution. We have political prisoners in this country. I don't agree with any kind of crackdowns. Political prisoners, whatever their beliefs. The Constitution either exists and it's a binding document or it's not. We either live in a republic or we don't.

Speaker 2:

And I think we're starting to see the cracks in the system. It's like they're playing a role and it's exposed. We get them to break character with what they really think about us, the ruling class. They don't care about this country. Who is running the simulations, thinking that we can bully the world into loving us, that that actually works out. Do you realize the loss of wealth, the wealth that's been transferred away from future generations, but just existing generations right now, through the sanctions that we've placed on these other countries, the arrogance in that 40 sanctions plus it's 40 plus now on 36 different countries weaponizing the dollar. Well, guess what? You know what they do they move away from it and then they don't use the dollar anymore. And you know what happens to the dollar it starts to lose purchasing power, it starts to, it starts to inflate, it starts to become a deadened thing.

Speaker 2:

And here's what I know about history, and what they don't teach you in school is that all paper currencies, backed by nothing, go to zero, no exceptions ever. I just read a story the South African government was suing some treasure hunters because they were able to recover a South African silver shipment from 1942 that was sunk by a Japanese submarine. And they recovered the silver that was supposed to go to a South African mint to be made into bars. They just have giant, you know and, of course, repurposed into coins or whatever they're going to do with it. In 1942, the court ruled on behalf of the South African government because they owned it and there was no immunity there. So that's interesting. Nobody goes to the bottom of the ocean to get notes, isn't that funny? Like, even if it was preserved, nobody's going to go to the bottom of the ocean to get paper currency or fake things or Chuck E Cheese tokens or whatever the hell our money's made out of now or our currency. It's funny.

Speaker 2:

I showed this on the david knight show. Uh, if you can see on my camera, this is a 1917, a one dollar bill. It's really pretty. I bought this from an estate, uh, sale that came in some people liquidating in a state and I was looking at sorts of larger. You know the notes used to be larger, people had bigger billfolds and things, but it was kind of rare to carry. You didn't use notes a lot. It wasn't, you know. It wasn't as ubiquitous as it is now and of course it's getting less ubiquitous. But the point of that is nowhere on this note does it say Federal Reserve. That really hadn't come into play yet. And of course it's redeemable in lawful money. This isn't money. It was redeemable in lawful money, of course, lawful money being gold, this is 1917. And of course, $1 then is about. Let's see, what is that worth today? It's like 1 20th. So gold was uh 20 an ounce, so you know 1 20th. So it's about uh, uh, 230 bucks worth. That would buy you about 230 dollars worth of things today.

Speaker 2:

The criminality in that is so staggering, isn't it? Like what do they do when they inflated the money supply? What do they do with it? Did you get a? Did you get a wonderful world? Did you get peace and prosperity? Did you get innovations, flying cars? Are we living in the age of the Jetsons or did you just get this squalid, nasty, broken, corrupt, inefficient, incompetent, scary thing?

Speaker 2:

Whatever this is, it's multi-pronged, it's a police state without the benefits of the police state, because you're not even safe. Like, well, you know, you can think of in a police state I guess everybody's kind of you can think of, like this gray open air prison where everybody's like marching along. But no, in our police state they, you know, raid old ladies and like they can find out if you were in January 6th and you walked into the Capitol with the cell phone and you were texting your grandkids, well, they can raid your house. They can put you in jail, but not the mafia or MS-13, or corrupt politicians or those who steal our children's future financially on Wall Street None of those people. Or war criminals, the politicians Not anybody dangerous. Or mothers with their children on playgrounds during COVID-19 before. They just wanted some sunshine and being able to play. They can arrest you for that. Or church goers during 2020 when they'd show up in the parking lot and have a. They don't really do that right. We have a police state without any of the ability of a police. So that's what it bought.

Speaker 2:

The decoupling of the dollar from gold bought you the deep state. That was the down payment on the deep state. 1913 was a down payment on the deep state. You get the income tax to make sure that the rich never have to compete with you. You should send a clip of this to a progressive friend. The income tax was brought to you by the world's richest people. They always push it. If you think the rich control everything, why don't they get rid of the income tax? It's because they love it. It's because it's meant to punish those who will ever compete with the super elite. They set up their foundations, they offshored it. They made it to where the tax laws are loopholes. John D Rockefeller said control everything, own nothing. You understand Checkmate Full stop. It's a scam. It's a scam to make sure. But you guys keep harping on this like if we just tax them on now we'll go pay their fair share and, of course, your revolutions are funded by them.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how many times I when I learned that it's, it was a revolution of thought. It's like it was like the rosetta stone for me. When I finally learned that and it was years of study, like reading history, and I was like there's something missing here. Why is this so weird? Reading biography that was my education. When I finally figured that out, I'm like, oh, it just makes total sense now. And that's the world we live in.

Speaker 2:

We could have had, we with the innovation of the American spirit, like what this country could. If we had free markets, if we had people, if, if there was rule of law, like real rule of law, we would be able to absolutely fix almost every problem. You know there wouldn't be. You know all the boats are running into bridges again. Uh, trains are coming off the like. We have a track. Our train system is it's. It's.

Speaker 2:

It's a tragedy, like our, our transportation system. Everything's always torn up, like what it's by. We're not able to do it. We can't elect people that are competent, they're all bought off. We can't. We can't get through anything. It's so corrupt, there's so much sludge and everything all in the mechanisms. You know what the sludge is? The sludge is fake money, because if you have to account for something and yes, I know you say, tony, there's corruption before the fake money, I know, but it's worse now by a factor of millions. It's bad and that's where it comes from. See, we should be teaching kids this. Right, I should have a class in school and then be able to Because think about that that if you just had like a 30 minute course you had to do, like before you went up to another grade, like before you, before you go into the middle school, you have to learn what money is, and it would we wouldn't have these subservient rockefeller school systems being able to turn out.

Speaker 2:

You know automatons Like I watch the news, I vote D R. You know, I promise I won't get out. I promise I won't get out of my comfort zone and threaten you, mr Globaloni. I promise, mr Globalist, that's what they want. They want you to be like oh, it's too expensive to start a business, I can't, I can't take care of myself, you know, because it is expensive and it is a risk and there's tons of regulations. It depends on what state you're in. I mean it's not even you might not be able to do it and that's by design.

Speaker 2:

The rich love I mean I'm talking about. When I'm talking about rich, I'm not somebody has a million and millions of dollars. I'm talking about somebody's billions, because if I think, once you get a billion or something or something happens, you get a card that says you know, give us a call and I say, oh what, you want to keep your billions, make sure you're against populations. Yeah, you need to read that. You get a, you get a free copy of the Georgia Guidestones and 95 percent reduction in population, so down to 500 million. You've got to be for less people and you've got to be for fake meat and you've got to be for plant-based or whatever and live in your pod and eat the bugs. On behalf of Klaus Schwab and Greta. It really is amazing. Folks mean we're just this. The Chinese curse may you live in interesting times is real and we are in interesting times.

Speaker 2:

I will, uh, let's go to some headlines and then maybe I'll I'll go to the chat, let's. Let's bring this up real quick. I I brought this up just for a second on david. We'll go over it together. And then I got a few more articles. I want to hit especially on foreign policy and hey, spoiler alert, you're not gonna like my foreign policy. It's always, it's always fun. Uh, this is business, our market business insider.

Speaker 2:

The US government is paying $2 million of interest a minute. As rates stay high. The US government is shelling out $2 million per minute in interest payments on its debt. The surge in interest rate expenses has coincided with higher, for longer interest rates. The US government is on track to pay more than $1 trillion in interest expenses this year. That's interest expenses. That's not principle. By the way, I'm not even like you know. We've crossed the Rubicon on debt.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it's not like we need to run on fiscal sanity, no, like what you need to run on is how to have a new monetary system. I'm not saying you do a great reset in the Klaus Schwabian sense. What you need is central bank, digital currency. No, that's not what you need. What you need is decentralized. What you need is free markets. What you need is value.

Speaker 2:

What you need is a lot of these companies and a lot of these entities and a lot of the entire sections of our economy and our society that are propped up by fake. They need to kiss the pig. That's an old expression I got from my dad. Sometimes you got to kiss the pig. That's when you go broke. Sometimes you go broke If you got a bad idea and you don't provide value. That's the way the system used to work. You bring a product to market, you make that product better than everybody else, you solve a problem and you make something from it. But they don't do that anymore. It's like if you've got an N, if you're ESG, if you've got environmental, social governance, well then the Marxian central bank rewards you for that. Yeah, it's interesting folks. Look. I mean, that's just a sign of the times, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

$2 million a minute. You know what the debt of the US was. When we went into World War I, it was $1 billion. So from 1776 to 1917, it was a billion dollars. At the end of World War I, so just 1917, 1918, and to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, it was $5 billion.

Speaker 2:

Now, what do you think? All the hubbub? Why did the elite work so hard on the subterfuge and skullduggery of Jekyll Island on November 22nd 1910. Why did they work so hard to fuse that into the American body politic, into our system? Why'd they work so hard? Well, there's five billion reasons. They came in and they hijacked it and it's funny.

Speaker 2:

You got the Federal Reserve at the end of 1913, you got the income tax, you got the 17th Amendment, the direct election of senators, of course, woodrow Wilson, and you got the idea they started implementing free trade policies, which I'm all for, free markets. But free trade is a utopian, silly idea brought to you by people that are like it's so silly that people that we're just going to everybody acts in a really egalitarian fashion. That's not how trade works. Trade is war, currency is war. Nations have self-interest. We're going to get into some self-interested nations here and you're not going to like my foreign policy, especially if you listen to me on the radio. But I'll give you some thoughts, some facts and figures. But they did the Federal Reserve at the end of 1913. It was Christmas, by the way, and most of the Congress had gone home, so they slipped that through. That's back when we still had fail-safes and people stood up for the Constitution. You had people like Charles Lindbergh Sr. Oh gosh, we should read his opposition to the Fed. It was like he was seeing into the future. That's probably why his son was demonized by FDR the lone eagle.

Speaker 2:

But what did we have? Just following the creation of the Federal Reserve? What kicked off? Let me see what was it. What was that weird thing that kicked off into a global cataclysm? Oh, it was World War I. It was in the summer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the gun, the Barbara Tuckman, the guns of August, the archduke ferdinand, killed in sarajevo by the, this organization of, uh, serbian nationalists, supposed an anarchist, I don't know. Some kind of weird mixture of this. The, uh, the black hand that had ties to british intelligence and, um, the house of rostow weird right, all those royal families, that families that were broken up, except for the one in England, kind of weird, huh, like the Russian Tsars, the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsing, the German, the Kaiser flees, but the British? It's weird, huh. History, the only thing we learn from history, ladies and gentlemen, is that we do not learn from history. All right, uh, let's go to the chat real quick, if you're ever wanting to watch me on video.

Speaker 2:

You can tune in on rockfincom, on the america unplugged channel and my twitter at tony arterburn. I've been running it, uh, some of my shows on Facebook. I don't know if I'll keep it there, but you can go friend me on Facebook. Uh, I have, I think I have like two, two or 3000 left. So if you want to be my friend, go send me a friend request. If, if I don't respond, send me a message, cause I get a lot of spam stuff over there. If I don't have any friends in common, I kind of look at I'd be skeptical of it. So check out my Facebook and friend me over there. I'll put out. I try to keep a feed going with Instagram and updates too.

Speaker 2:

Let's go to the Rockfin chat Araborn. It's all fiction within a fiction. I believe that Little John hello Tony and Chris, good day Tony. I believe that Little John Hello Tony and Chris Good day Tony. I appreciate you, ann. Thanks, little John. Gardner. Goldsmith Score Made it to soak in the show. Well, thank you, gard. Always great to see you.

Speaker 2:

My friend and I learned so much from the great Gard Goldsmith. You need to go follow him folks on Liberty Conspiracy. If you're following my podcast. You need to go check out Gar Goldsmith At all costs. Go find that man and his sub stack and all his good things Pop culture, conspiracy, history, economics, all with Gar Goldsmith. I see Karen Carpenter in the chat. Appreciate all of you. And a big shout out to Jason Barker. He has us tuned in on freeworldfm. That's absolutely right. And shout out to freeworldfm and 930 AM. The Answer in San Antonio, still my terrestrial home station. If you are hearing my voice and you don't know who I am, go to the Arterburn radio transmission over on podcast, anywhere podcasters served up and you will get all kinds of different perspectives takes on the economy, parapolitics, precious metals, history, all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

I got a new paratrooper that's going to. I'll probably drop it today. We did one myself and Chris Graves. Mr Anderson, we did a paratrooper this past Sunday on well, it was supposed to be on Montauk Island and ended up talking about 1983. I get off on these weird you know uh years and months and I I always remember dates and things like that. So we get off into 1983 and uh got off onto that cia document that was that was declassified, about them looking into the paranormal and different uh dimensions and the thing. It's basically the precursor that led to, uh, those who followed the, the show, stranger things and montauk and all of that right, and it's kind of a myth and lore that goes around, but we ended up. I'm titling the episode 1983 and the strangest things because we go into some strange areas and there's some funny stuff in there too. It's, uh, about an hour and a half of us uh going back and forth. You know you always learn something from both of my researchers, but Chris Graves had taught me a couple of things I didn't know, and it's always fun to do Paratrooper.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's jump into some more headlines, talk a little bit of this. This is politics and geopolitics and foreign policy, and I want to, I really want to, uh to dig into this. This is some. This is a tricky area too, especially in today's world. Biden accused of helping Hamas as Israelis fume over threat to halt weapons. This is zero hedge and Israeli leaders are furious. After the evening prior, cnn published an interview with president Biden wherein he laid out that the U? S will withhold all defensive weapons from Israel If it moves forward with a full-scale invasion of Rafah, in a message to both Israel's enemies and best friends, clearly a reference to Washington. Defense Minister Yoav Golint on Thursday vowed that Israel will achieve its goals in the north and south.

Speaker 2:

Well, can I unpack this headline just a little bit and like, take all the emotion out of it and all the preconceived, like pre-loaded responses? Why does israel need weapons from us? I'm just asking why. They have a first rate economy, first rate air force. They don't never, almost never, have to use any of this stuff. Because we fight all the wars in the middle East and we do operation chaos. Remember the uh, seven wars in five years. Do you remember that?

Speaker 2:

Wesley Clark goes into the Pentagon after nine, 11, the, you know, former Supreme commander of NATO, all that stuff goes into the Pentagon after 9-11. The former Supreme Commander of NATO, all that stuff goes into the Pentagon. He's since retired and they're like hey, did you know that we're about to hit Iraq? He was like why? And he's like I don't know. They're just going to hit somebody. They're going to start hitting that and they're going to hit Syria. They're going to go into Lebanon. We're going to go into Iran.

Speaker 2:

Man, all these periphery things and Operation Chaos what is that? What is that about? We're still doing it. It's very centered around that. What is that about? You think it's about oil. The Middle East is only 24% of the world's oil output. Ladies and gentlemen, is it about oil? There's a lot of power from foreign lobbies in our foreign policy. You understand right In our politics Now that power is waning and we are definitely in a world where it has less and less influence.

Speaker 2:

But I ask again what does? What do the Israelis need our weapons for? They sell weapons. They are a weapons dealer, but they certainly sold weapons to uh and missile technology that they got from us to the Chinese. Uh, what are they? What is that for? Is that our war? Is this like Jerry Kushner is talking about creating beachfront property in Gaza? Is that what this is about? Is this what we want to be involved in? Is this? Is this being our best selves? Is this being? Is this what the shining city on the hill is? Do you not smell a rat in all of this in some kind of strange way, like we're being sucked into some global conflict that is not our own?

Speaker 2:

A lot of the politicians we have on both sides, I guess. If there's a side, I guess they're all one side. Really, you know they, they seem to be pretty united on this. I mean, for the most part you have your like periphery people, like the squad and others, whatever that even means. Uh, but I know in Texas it's probably it's pretty strong that Tel Aviv is more important than Texarkana.

Speaker 2:

So I ask again what does a country with 300 atomic weapons, a first rate intelligence force like you know, mossad, first rate everything owns 75% of the NASDAQ. What does it need from us that it already hasn't obtained? What does that mean? What does it need? You're talking about a humanitarian crisis and, again, maybe you wouldn't have to fight Hamas if you didn't fund it in the first place. And this is just. I'm not speculating here, this is documented fact. Go look it up. Go look up the origin of Hamas. Who funded it? Who supported it? Netanyahu. What does this have to do with us? What does this have to do?

Speaker 2:

Again, the United States and this isn't me defending joe biden's position, because you scroll down in the article and trump is a crooked joe biden, whether he knows it or not, just said he will withhold weapons from israel as they fight to eradicate hamas terrorists in gaza. Again, they created hamas. I'm not making that up, that's historical fact. It's kind of like we created al-qaeda. Al-qaeda it means the database. That was 1979, with an operative named tim osmond. He worked for the pentagon. You know who tim osmond is. This is samabin laden. But let's say you know, and he says goes on, they murdered thousands of innocent civilians. Yeah, that's true. I guess I mean there's a lot of propaganda floating out there, but, yeah, these are wings of these organizations and, of course, hamas is an operating system of Iran.

Speaker 2:

But again, not our war, not my fight, but this is our politics. This is dragged in front and center to who we are. Trump says it's peace through strength. I'm not sure exactly what that means. This is another tweet Breaking Speaker Johnson and Senate Senate minority leader McConnell send a letter to president Biden expressing alarm about the decision to pause a weapons shipment to Israel and ask for clarification by the end of the week.

Speaker 2:

Boy, we can't fix that water in Flint Michigan, but we got to get those weapons out of there. Ladies and gentlemen, we can't have a border, but we've got to get those weapons over there and also let those homeless veterans die, you know, on the street. We've got to get those weapons out of there. Just alarming. We can't get those weapons over there. What weapons do you need when you've got 300 nukes? I'm asking for a friend. What is this? Even this is so ridiculous. Are we supposed not to have brains or memories or a conscience? Not my fight, don't want any part of it.

Speaker 2:

Fought in three foreign wars, did operation chaos long enough, because what threatens israel, not terrorism, it's nation states. It was proved that during the six day war and during the Yom Kippur war 1967, 1973. Those aren't terrorists. That's Egypt, that's Jordan, that's Syria, it's Lebanon, it's nation states, it's Iran. It's Lebanon, it's nation states, it's Iran. Right Again.

Speaker 2:

But we get drawn into all this stuff and I don't understand what all the foreign aid is about. That's something Ron Paul got in trouble for. He just said he wanted to cut off all foreign aid and he got labeled anti-Semitic. What does that even mean? I mean seriously break that downic. What does that even mean? I mean seriously break that down. Logically, what does that even mean? But they did that to Ron Paul, this man of peace, an obstetrician that delivered 4,000 babies. He's a hate monger because he doesn't want to give you money from the Treasury. That's not a part of our American character. That's not what we're supposed to do Read George Washington's farewell address. You know, channel the wisdom of John Quincy Adams.

Speaker 2:

It said America was not designed to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy what? What are we for? I know it really excites talk radio. Talk radio gets really excited about bombing and forever war and everything else, and that's what animates them. I don't know why. It's funny If you ask questions you're going to be like well, you're with the terrorist or something. That seems like a George Bushian kind of intellectual failure of a retort Like just so dumb, it's so dumb, it doesn't deserve a response because you're not really talking to someone who has a cogent thought. You're a child Like. If that's your response, like well, I guess you agree with the terrorist, dan. No, no, I just agree. You're not funding them in the first place.

Speaker 2:

All of those Toyota pickups you see ISIS in in the desert. You know John McCain, hillary Clinton, saying that she was going to bomb and shoot down Russian aircraft if they dared. Killed ISIS members. That's that's what she was saying. And you read through the rhetoric you know, just cut through it, look at it. That's what they say. We were protecting our supposed mortal enemy in Syria. We were protecting them against a nuclear-armed Russia and if Hillary Clinton says she was elected, she would create a no-fly zone and shoot down Russian aircraft who were trying to kill al-Qaeda because it was so important for us to keep the chaos going.

Speaker 2:

You think it's about democracy? It was about. Assad poses a nation-state threat in the region and there's too much power in his hands. We have to shake this up. It's kind of like Gaddafi. Gaddafi posed a threat by advocating a gold standard for the African region, backed by him, backed by the oil and the wealth of Libya. So guess what? He needed some democracy for his country and now they have the slave trade there openly. So that's what it gets you. That's what this is all about, folks, and it's absolutely disgusting.

Speaker 2:

You're going to bow down and worship at the altar of schizophrenic foreign policy, or is it time to bring the troops home? Is it time for peace? Is it time for us to reflect on just how insane and psychotic our leaders are, that they'll send your kids to war at the drop of a hat, not their kids. This isn't Teddy Roosevelt. This isn't the elites. I mean World War. I the elites. They had most of their families.

Speaker 2:

There was never any kind of like pullback from the front. I mean there was warmongers always through history, but being people like Teddy Roosevelt. He didn't say charge, he said follow me. He was a war lover and I think he died of a broken heart because of that. There's always a price to pay, but is that the Christian thing to do?

Speaker 2:

I'll never forget when I got back from Iraq and my tours in the Middle East and I would get churchgoers and evangelical Christians and they'd be like well, you know, we just got to turn it into a parking lot, you know, just nuke them. And I would look at them and go, oh, you mean like the children, the women and children, the families, just because they're not human, you know they're just over there. You realize how desensitized and psychotic that is. Can you imagine following Jesus supposedly your entire life and growing up in church and that, coming out of your mouth, it made me sick, it made me not go to church for well. Still, for the most part, I don't usually go. I read my Bible, I try to every day, but it was. It was the great James Perloff that, uh, got me back into a practice of my daily faith, and you can go and find him on jamesperloffcom. I owe him a lot and that's truth is a Lonely Warrior, love James, and I got to read about that and there's some aspects of all of this that we're seeing play out in our foreign policy and there's no good answer here except non-intervention.

Speaker 2:

And the bigger question is why does a first-rate nation with atomic weapons need weapons from us in a fight against peasants? It's weird. Why does a first-rate nation with atomic weapons need weapons from us in a fight against peasants? It's weird, right, they have massive stockpiles, isn't the largest stockpile? I think and I'm pulling this out of thin air? But the largest stockpile of AK-47s is in Israel. It's not Russia or one of the largest. It's not Russia or one of the largest, it's like top three. So you know I ask the big question, not popular.

Speaker 2:

I could have taken a slant here. I could be ranting about terrorists and stuff, and you know, I guess if you go to a place like Iraq and I mean there's the Musha Hadeen, there's the Fedayeen, the Saddam Loyals, there's Al Qaeda, who knows what else I'll try to kill you. And it's funny because they wouldn't try to kill me if I wasn't there. It's funny how that works. But of course we got to be, we had to be over there because the neocons had a class experiment and, uh, we had to be on the crusades. You know they're going to get the evildoers. You should really look deeply into that. It's kind of an abyss, though it stares right back into you. So be careful. You can always just I can inoculate you a little bit just tune into every week to the art of burn radio transit. If I get on a uh on a rant about foreign policy, then we can certainly delve into that.

Speaker 2:

All right, it's hard to say where we're going to go next. I did my. I was going to look at some articles up on uh antiwarcom. It kind of follows the suit of what we've already talked about. Let me see what I can pull up here. Oh, this one's fun, and then we'll do gold and silver prices and I'll get you guys out of here. This is natural news. I thought this was interesting. I feel like it's deja vu all over again. Anybody who lived through the Cold War and remembers seeing headlines like this, well, it's back. It's back on purpose. This is naturalnewscom. It's an article by Ethan Huff.

Speaker 2:

Russia has anti-satellite nuke currently in orbit that could render lower orbit. Unusable satellite nuke currently in orbit that could render lower orbit unusable. There is talk that Russia already has in orbit a nuclear weapon capable of taking out satellites and rendering low Earth orbit completely unusable for its indefinite period of time. According to senior US government official, Russia secretly deployed a weapon as part of a nuclear-armed on-orbit anti-satellite weapon, which will probably be used to some point in the near future to target Western powers that refuse to let Ukraine lose. The war Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington DC think tank, Assistant Secretary of State of Arms, deterrence and Stability, mallory Stewart, spoke about the nature of what Russia controls up in space and that it poses a threat to US interests. Quote the United States is extremely concerned that Russia may be considering an incorporation of nuclear weapons into counter space programs, based on information we deem credible. Well, okay, well, I deem credible. Incredible, your credible information.

Speaker 2:

The United States has been aware of Russia's pursuit of this sort of capability dating back years, but only recently have we been able to make a more precise assessment of their progress. The article asks will Russia nuke the West's space systems? While Russia has not technically deployed the technology, according to Stewart, in a matter of when, not if, it will be used by Russia or the space program, possibly in the near future. At the same time, russia did launch something into space as part of the program that has the US deeply worried. Well, this is kind of like it's like they haven't done it yet, but if they did right, it's the same principle. It's like SDI in reverse, like we're playing. If you know anything about power structures, geopolitics, anything back.

Speaker 2:

This goes back to SDI, which was the Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980s. It was also known as Star Wars and this was something that was put on by the Reagan administration. You know, we're going to create like this in outer space. We're going to create like this, protective shield around the continental United States and allies and other things that we'd be able to intercept and shoot down ICBMs, intercontinental ballistic missiles, you know, launched from the Soviet Union. So basically, even if they were to have a first strike capability in space, that we'd be able to knock it out. And that's the theory. Right, this could have been a complete sideshow, but that's the theory. And then Reagan would go and meet with Gorbachev and there would be again. They were like I opened up with the show talk. There used to be summits, they used to have meetings, they were power-, power structuring deals and back and forth, and all this stuff give and take. They don't have that anymore. But they go to Reykjavik, you know, and supposedly Reagan would get up and bang the table. And it's like I'm not giving up SDI, I'm not giving up the strategic defense initiative, and that was for, supposedly for, and again, I'm open to suggestions, but suppose that's one of the reasons why it accelerated the decline of the soviet union so swiftly, because they couldn't compete with that technology. So what we're doing here, which is really interesting, is we're assigning them that technology without them having it. So we're doing sdi and star wars. In reverse, we're assigning the russians the anti-nuke satellite that it doesn't have yet, but it might have, and we have to do something about it.

Speaker 2:

Let ukraine lose the war. Well, I mean, if, if you're going to take odds, are you going to go with the t-shirt man? Do you think that? How? How well, has that 200 billion plus? And not to mention the weapon systems and everything else that has been given to ukraine?

Speaker 2:

And and the real victims here are the, the people of ukraine. I mean, it's a massive bloodletting, it's on, it's, it's criminal, because these leaders, like sun sue's, like sunzu said this in the Art of War is an evil. Man will preside over the ashes of his country. That's what they, this evil that you can't broker, a peace that you can't say well, you know, we're on the border here of this country that was first in space, has, you know, 10,000 nuclear weapons, has nuclear submarines, a massive land army, even though it's shrinking in population. Still, you know massive resources.

Speaker 2:

But we're going to, we're going to win this war, you know, and they're doing offensive things into Russia, you know, with drones and other things, because they just looking over their shoulders saying come on NATO, come on the West, come on, pull us into NATO, it doesn't matter, tear the whole temple down, it doesn't matter, as long as we get into NATO. That's psychotic. So I watch for these headlines and I'm thinking well, it's true, the Russians probably have a massive, they have weapon systems and secrets and things that we don't know about. But wouldn't you if you were having to deal with I mean, when you have a nation like the United States and again I go back to 2016, the two major candidates, and one of the candidates, hillary Clinton, was saying that she was going to shoot down Russian aircraft and risk a nuclear exchange to protect Al-Qaeda. That's the United States of America, ladies and gentlemen. That's where you end up if you're a belligerent. That's why James Madison said that a republic cannot survive in a state of perpetual warfare. All right, speaking of the republic, speaking of sound money, and return to sanity.

Speaker 2:

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