The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#25 Paratruther - Live from Hangar 18

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What happens when political landscapes shift overnight, and unexpected candidates rise to prominence? Join us in the inaugural episode of Paratrooper Live from Hangar 18 in North Texas as we unpack the shocking developments since Caesar's birthday on the 13th. We're joined by Mr. Anderson from an undisclosed location to make sense of Joe Biden's sudden withdrawal from the presidential race and his endorsement of Kamala Harris. We also speculate on Gavin Newsom's potential candidacy and discuss Donald Trump's surprising resurgence following his legal battles and the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.

What do "rooftop Koreans" from the 1992 Los Angeles riots and a recent assassination attempt have in common? Symbolism and self-reliance, we say. This episode dives into these fascinating events, stressing the importance of staying calm and gathering facts before jumping to conclusions. From the curious case of the perpetrator's missing shoes to the potential influences behind JD Vance's meteoric rise, we leave no stone unturned, questioning the narratives and digging deeper into the stories.

Finally, we tackle the big questions: how do adrenochrome theories, youth blood transfusions, and religious affiliations intertwine with political hierarchies? We explore these controversial topics and their implications on moderates, independents, and America’s political landscape. We also speculate on the roles of secret societies like Skull and Bones and the rapid ascension of political figures like Vivek and JD Vance. This episode encourages you to stay discerning and wise in these turbulent times as we critique global elites and their influence on our political system.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

All right, ladies and gentlemen, live from Hangar 18, deep in the heart of Texas on the 33rd Parallel. This is Paratrooper Live. This is the first Paratrooper Live. I should have started with that. I'm joined by Mr Anderson, who is in an undisclosed location today. We tried making it work with the new system I set up in my office here in North Texas and we had to do some improvising. But it worked out and I think we got a great show for you, given the. We were going to just record by way, I mentioned this on america unplugged. We were just going to record and then, you know, it's like I'm channeling, uh vladimir lenin, uh mr anderson, uh, there's uh decades where where nothing happens and there's weeks where decades happen.

Speaker 1:

I am the walrus I am the walrus you're, you're making, you're, you're making me, uh, quote the big lebowski, and I don't want to do it so early into the show, sir, but, uh, you know, vladimir ulyanovich, right, um, but we're gonna, we got a great show for you. This is so much has happened, uh, since, uh, caesar's birthday on the 13th last week, eight days ago, and then we have a bombshell. By the way, full disclosure. I did an Arterburn radio transmission on Thursday from Branson, missouri, and I was looking at the headlines. I really felt like, given what I know about politics, given seeing the inside baseball, how everything usually works is the staffs run campaigns. The staffs run the office usually, and we know that Joe Biden's been a successful puppet for the globalist deep state. So I just kind of figured, you know he would continue, especially this late into.

Speaker 1:

There's no historical precedence for this, by the way, folks, and I guess there's a first time for everything. So I just, given history, given what I know about politics, I thought, well, yeah, he's a, he's a gaffe machine. He always has been. He's in mental decline. Everybody knows that. I don't know why the press is shocked, but he gave it up and looks like Kamala Harris. He's endorsing Kamala Harris. I don't think that there's anything solidified there either, but that's, that is upended. The assassination attempt on president Trump we have a new, supposedly, in this I don't think this is official yet, because the democratic party still has to weigh in, but there's a new nominee for the democratic party, so so much has happened. And thanks for being here, mr Anderson. I'm really glad that we have your brain for this episode, sir.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just a couple of doors down doing your taxes.

Speaker 1:

Don't tell people where you are in the underscored location.

Speaker 2:

It's Taiwan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's great to be here.

Speaker 2:

Exciting times. We weren't anticipating the news that was going to break today to actually break. So exciting times to actually have a show and discuss all of this because, as you mentioned, it seems that the de facto candidate would be you know her. But what I don't understand is, if you're going to lose, just stick with Biden. I don't see how Kamala Harris remains the presidential candidate, so there's a lot of discussion about that. I've always thought that it would be Newsom.

Speaker 2:

He was the one always sneaking into the White House when President Biden was out on vacation in Delaware and things like that, and so he's just kind of slithering around in the slicked back all the grass.

Speaker 1:

He's just always maskless over at the French laundry. But you're right, he is slithering. He challenged DeSantis to debates, remember? Oh yeah, that's another thing. All of this has been so weird it doesn't even look like an election to me. I go back to you know, I use this phrase a lot lately.

Speaker 1:

I say rewind the tape, go back to 2022. You know you had the primary, for the Republican party was full. I mean, there was a lot of people running for president. It wasn't a certainty that Donald Trump would be the nominee. As a matter of fact, he was down in the polls, he wasn't raising a lot of money until Mar-a-Lago was raided by the FBI and took a bunch of his stuff and went through Melania's underwear to find documents or whatever they were doing. And then all the persecutions and prosecutions and it's just everything that had to happen for Trump to be the nominee of the Republican Party and now to be the front runner in this election, given and, by the way, I don't, people follow politics, but 100 plus days in politics is an eternity, ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a long time.

Speaker 1:

Years, you know fine, but I mean even 100 days out, especially given what we saw in 2016,. And a lot of people have short memories. I don't. I look back at the 2016 election and it was mid-October, james Comey coming in and reopening the investigation in Hillary's emails because of Anthony Weiner's laptop, and I remember thinking, right when that happened, I go Donald Trump's going to be president, because it was too, it's too late in the game to fix anything. People were already skeptical of her emails. You know I've been scrubbing servers and all that stuff, so that changed the outcome of that election.

Speaker 1:

I don't care what anybody says. I really believe that that changed the outcome of that election. And now we hear we are and this is, we're in a different world. Now. We're light years away from whatever 2016 America was, and it doesn't feel like any kind of election season. To me, mr Anderson, it feels like this is a pageant of sorts. I mean, there's a lot of strings being pulled, and you're right about why wouldn't you let Biden take the fall. I mean, it's clear that that he's in decline, but the democratic party what?

Speaker 2:

But they knew that. They've known that. Everyone else saw it Right. And Kamala Harris? I think that's the one person who's less likable than Hillary. So I don't see how she's the candidate or the front runner. I know he endorsed her because he had to. She's the vice president, but I just don't see her getting the final nomination when things are said and done, when they have their convention. I just don't.

Speaker 1:

I agree with you on that. I don't think this is over. Just because you're vice president doesn't mean you're the nominee.

Speaker 2:

Well, rk Jr reared his head again. Do you see him pop up? He did a couple hours ago, saying he's the only candidate that makes sense now. So he really sees this as an opportunity. And he even said I'm the only pro-choice candidate who's also this and that. So yeah, he's touting. I'm still trying to figure out what his role in all of this is I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I had hope for him in the beginning, like I said on a previous podcast, until he just really came out as a really strong advocate for abortion and late term.

Speaker 1:

Not just, not just like not being just pro-choice. He was fine with late term abortion, not being just pro-choice, he was fine with late-term abortion. And when he made those comments about the manufactured bioweapon, when he talked about and again, there's been a lot of research on that, on the races of people that it affects and the races of people that it generally doesn't bother, and I think that's kind of an open secret, a lot of research has been done on that and then he immediately backpedaled and was like no, everybody just started waving the Israeli flag around and I'm like, okay, well, this guy's, there's a lot of open questions on what he is and of course, he didn't become an independent candidate early enough. I don't think he's going to be on the ballot. And is he on the ballot in a majority of states? Even, I don't know it a hope, but yeah, he did.

Speaker 2:

Ashkenazi Jews he said that and then he tried to walk it back. I remember people asking me I've alienated myself even among friends because I said from the get-go it's going to be JD Vance. And they said why? And I said because he's a terrible choice.

Speaker 1:

We're going to talk about him today too.

Speaker 2:

You did say that, by the way, I did say it, I was right on that one. And people ask me well, who would you like to be the vice president? I said someone like Thomas Massey, but he won't, because he came out and said everybody in Congress has an AIPAC handler except for me.

Speaker 1:

You can't say that. I definitely do think the tide is turning in that realm and it's still very powerful, but I do think there's a lot of people asking more questions. Uh, in the concern, which is good, in the conservative realm I even uh tucker carlson the other day was talking about had a guest on talking about the scofield bible, which I thought man, we are we are light years away from where we were in 2019.

Speaker 2:

So what did you see or what did you hear? It?

Speaker 1:

was a clip he had a guest on I and I just saw it on instagram and you know there was a.

Speaker 1:

They were having a deep discussion on the origins of the scofield bible and john darby you know there was a luciferian at the end of the 19th century that really influenced, you know, the study bibles for evangelicals and that's where you get um, this is the origins of christian zionism and, uh, the origins of the raptism and the origins of the rapture, like the concept of the rapture. If you think about it, it's like that's like QAnon for the 19th century, it's like oh, you're going to float away. So just you know, don't worry.

Speaker 2:

You and I discussed that. That whole apple pie ready to die, meet Jesus in the sky. Philosophy that's take on no accountability. That's me, no, that's you's. Take on no accountability, that's me, that's what we're.

Speaker 1:

No, that's. You're saying I'm gonna put that on a shirt. By the way, I have to. I have to show it off. If you can see here, yeah, live from hangar 18. Mr anderson got me a shirt of the. If you can see it, it's the rooftop koreans from the uh 1992 los angeles riots. I mean, that's small business and that's the american dream right there, the type of uh you know. You immigrate here to the country you defend your property with the Second Amendment. I think that's cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that Lots of people don't know about the rooftop Koreans. It's a really cool story.

Speaker 1:

No, it really is. I remember watching that, I mean as a 12-year-old kid, and I mean they defended their property. That was pretty heroic.

Speaker 2:

It is documented. This one guy came out like John Wayne, just firing this revolver in every direction. I was like man, that is a man who's lost it, that is an unhinged individual. But they had no choice. I mean, cops beat this man mercilessly, right, so they caused all this uproar and this upheaval. And then, when things start getting burned down in Koreatown, which is north of South Central, they're like we want nothing to do with this. So they left people in Koreatown to defend and protect their own, because I'm pretty sure you know you have your business burned down and something like that, like a riot, insurance won't cover it. So they were protecting their well-being. It's a cool story.

Speaker 2:

I mean much respect to the rooftop koreans. Well, again, thanks for the shirt and, uh, it's very, very unique. I don't I, I, you have one, so I don't know, is there, I'm wearing it can't you see?

Speaker 1:

I can see, I can see your mr anderson avatar, but that's all I can. Uh, well, let's, let's get into some of the. I saw your notes before the show very extensive, as always. I get a lot of compliments on the podcast feed. People have admired your work, ethic and this was supposed to be kind of a playback of the assassination attempt and, like I was telling you off air, I think where we are right now is really interesting.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you and I both said as soon as that happened, we didn't take any. We didn't say this is what happened. We didn't say you know, I have a feeling or whatever. It's just, I want to collect more data. This is what I do now when an event like that happens, try to remain calm. The first thing I look at is what else is going on. You know, that's the first thing I try to do, like I've trained myself. Whenever an event happens that covers all the headlines, that's the first thing. I ask my what else is going on, what's happening in the periphery, and then let's see how all this plays out. Well, as we've learned, you know, this guy named his name is Crooks or name was whatever and uh, his name is crooks or name was whatever. And uh, his name was crooks, and you know a commercial you know, that's what they call it.

Speaker 2:

In the skull and bones they crooking when they steal bones and skulls and things like that.

Speaker 1:

It's a term used in I did not know that anyways, I just think that's funny with his name now, that is funny and it's uh, if you know anything about security and I guess I know a little, being a combat vet, being a military policeman it just defies credibility. Like everything they're talking, it defies credibility. And then you get and then the left, the people that have you know swallowed CNN's um about russiagate and everything. They found their new conspiracy. The new conspiracy is that trump did this. Like trump somehow orchestrated himself. Uh, I don't know. I mean you've got. You got to step back for a minute and try to wrap your head around all the moving parts that would have to take place in order for that to happen. But he did pull off one of the greatest iconic photos in all of political history. It will live on so long as there is a future in history. That will be one of the great iconic photographs. I mean, the guy's a master at that. After he collected his shoes, he got his shoes, which you know we were talking on America, unplugged.

Speaker 1:

Wayne McCroy did a great breakdown of. You know because, look, you and I are both on the same page with our current reality that most all of this is spiritually infused, and I don't judge anybody for having a certain opinion on how much is real, how much is fake. I just try to gather what data I can, if I can prove it. But there is something weird about all of this, and Wayne McCroy talked about some of the Masonic origins of false flags. Now, given my family history and what I know about masonry, I don't subscribe like Masonic necessarily, other than like mystery school stuff too, and then the actual term is like to be unshod.

Speaker 1:

Right, there's something with that. With all these false flags there's always missing shoes and there's also the missing shoes that you find in the 411 phenomenon, where people go missing like a national forest or they just disappear out of thin air and they usually find like their clothes will be folded up and their shoes are left there near a body of water. That's kind of besides the point, but there's always some weird thing with the shoes. But yeah, I don't know. I mean, I wanted to talk a little bit about the assassination attempt because you unpack it for just if you just try to step back and not have any emotion on it at all. Is it, can you subscribe? Just the failure to the diversity, equity and inclusion? Is it just about the die which basically is you can spell, die without the DI is die, but what do you think? I mean it's hours, not minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think there's something spiritually significant to it. I don't know if it's good or bad, like you were saying. I'm kind of being cautious before I jump into you know one school of thought or another, but the first thing I thought of once I saw that and saw it nicked him in his ear was Revelation 13.3. And this has come up. I mean, we're a little late to the party, but it's the first thing I thought of when that verse reads one of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but the mortal wound was healed and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. What's so funny about this? Is I really alienated myself from friends I have that are pro-Trump. They're like so you're saying he's the Antichrist. I was like no, I'm just saying that's prophecy. I think if Trump was the Antichrist he'd be more likable actually. But I'm just saying when prophecy is laid out for a reason for you to see it and for it to be a notice to you to pay attention or to prompt you to pay attention. So that's the first thing I thought of.

Speaker 2:

But I always interpreted that verse as almost like a political rebirth or renewal, like someone suffers this fatal defeat and then somehow they regain and surge back in the polls and they win another election, like maybe another presidency, and surge back in the polls and they win another election, like maybe another presidency. But I don't think Trump is the Antichrist. But it's funny. I told that verse to other people who really hate Trump and they loved it. So I just alienated myself from you know, friends and other people who disagree with me politically loved it, but I don't know what it means, other than it's very strange. And if you recall, there's that that photo that's been circulating online and the front row of that rally, you see David Copperfield. Right, it's a joke, tony.

Speaker 1:

I'm waiting for more information. That would not surprise me. No but— we learned we talked about on America Unplugged the same guy who took the photo of George W Bush being told that America is under attack. That's when he sat there for seven and a half minutes, right, anybody that knows anything about nuclear war and the Cold War, like you, have less than five minutes to launch a retaliatory strike. So, without any other information, he sat there for seven and a half minutes strike. So, without any other information, he sat there for seven and a half minutes. So the guy that took the iconic photo of you know America's under attack at the school in Florida on 9-11, that's the same guy who snapped the iconic photo so weird.

Speaker 2:

And the thing about pulling him up like that is they had no reason to suspect it was only one shooter. Like why on earth would you do that? It doesn't make any sense. And the whole explanation is why that rooftop wasn't secure because of the slope. I mean that roof is almost flat in the photos. And, even more bizarre, the person who attempted to assassinate Trump Crooks. He parked his bike right by it. I mean this, this thing wasn't guarded at all. So again the argument becomes was it just incompetence or was it done on purpose? And then see other people, like Joy Reed, saying it was staged right Like take off the bandage. I want to put my finger in the hole A little, doubting Thomas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's just so much weirdness around it. I want to put my finger in the hole. Little Downing Thomas. Yeah, there's just so much weirdness around it, I mean. And then of course you have the, the near hit.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's so close, it's miraculous.

Speaker 1:

First of all, there's no, you know, there's in the realm of, of expert markmanship and all that stuff. Supposedly the kid had like almost iron sights with like a laser dot. It was like one of the red dot iron sights and so not like a sophisticated scope or anything like that, and you know it's a pretty decent shot as far as the distance goes. But no, I mean, I, I I really think it's a, it's a miss and you have to wonder, like, what were they planning? Because the way I look at it, if you can break it down into compartments, somebody has to give the green light for a stand down, somebody has to create the environment where this kid's allowed to get up there. That's the way that it usually happens in these events. You know whether you're talking about jfk and you could even we'll discuss some of the other assassination attempts too, because you you've taken some notes, but it happened with uh, reagan and hinkley. You know, like, talk about that connection, fatal, that was supposed to be fatal and it it didn't. Luckily it wasn't um, but you know there was that the trajectory, everything.

Speaker 1:

I look at that. I think somebody was putting this kid on that, on that path, and it's always like a lone nut, always a patsy. You were like the kid is on the Black Rock commercial but doesn't have any social media. He's very, very politically active but doesn't have any social media. It's kind of like remember Steven Paddock and the Las Vegas shooter shooter, and the only picture you have of him is with his eyes closed. I don't know if that was like a sending a message or whatever, but is like, instead of eyes wide shut or something like, is there steven paddock with his eyes closed and that's the only pick and he somehow he gets, you know, a giant arsenal up into the mandalay bay. I I found that the same kind of thing. You know, there's something weird about it. So I think we can agree on that.

Speaker 2:

I mean in that photo that I've seen of the the kid, he's wearing an American flag shirt in, like his school photo. It's so strange. And they were supposedly in the building of which he was on the roof and like what were they doing? They not hear him lumbering about like, keep it down up there Trying to find bad guys?

Speaker 1:

Well, if you, if you study long enough in history, what do you usually find is that a lot of things are incompetence. But I believe that most things are steered right. There isn't competence and sometimes there's a black Swanan event. Black swan is basically, you know, something completely out of the, the known knowns, right to uh, to to channel donald rumsfeld, but there's something, something about this in particular that I just can't. I can't subscribe to chance, but it is bizarre.

Speaker 2:

We were joking. I mean, where's the catcher in the ride? Do you find a copy of that up there? But there's another JD who emerged onto the scene, not JD Salinger but JD. Zane shortly after that.

Speaker 1:

And you called it, you nailed it, I was. You know they had had no way. On drudge that there was the Ben Carson was being considered and I thought, ok, if you told me tomorrow that Ben Carson's president of the United States, I'm fine with that, I'm just fine with that. I mean, I don't think he's like a he's not a political warrior or anything, he just seems like a decent man with a decent soul. So that's probably why he wasn't picked. You know he's not, he just seems like a decent man with a decent soul. So that's probably why he wasn't picked. You know he's not. I mean he's not a partisan hack or anything, and you know, I don't know. I'm sure I would disagree with him on stuff, but but he seemed that I go wow, that that makes a lot of sense. And then my you know, the the part of me that really understands this goes they're not going to do that.

Speaker 1:

Right, they never do, yeah they never do, and that's really what I settled on.

Speaker 2:

JD Vance is. I mean, he was very outspoken about Trump, but not only Trump, those who supported Trump. He referred to them as idiots. Now, that's a tough thing to walk back. I mean, to disagree is one thing, but to say you're a complete idiot if you disagree with me and my viewpoint politically is an entirely different thing. And he said Trump is basically America's Hitler.

Speaker 2:

It's like that's why Trump's going to select him, because it makes no sense. Why would you trust this guy? And so you and I were going through the history of him. I mean, he just kind of leapfrogged from one prominent position to the next, and he did serve as a marine, um, but he was a combat correspondent, right? So what does that mean? Well, six months in iraq, he basically filled the role of joker in full metal jacket, without well, joker, at least went you.

Speaker 1:

He did, and it's a fictional story, but he actually was in.

Speaker 2:

He saw it eventually. Yeah, let me see your war face, jd. But after that he went to Ohio State University. I mean, he's a smart person. He graduated summa cum laude, which means top 5% usually. He graduated in class and then got nearly a full ride to Yale, and that's where things get really interesting for me. That's where he met his wife Usha. They actually co-organized a discussion group His first year there on the social decline in white America. First thing I think there is like what would she know about it? She's a second generation American, not that there's anything wrong with that. But he met her there, who he described in his book Hillbilly Elegy, his memoir, as his yell spirit guide and that's a weird way to describe somebody. And the other person that they met there became very close friends with was Vivek. So they actually named one of their sons after them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, after Vivek Ramaswamy.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir. So that's a weird connection that no one knew about until Vivek said it. He said they were friends, but you didn't know that before. So there's been lots of discussion about him being in the skull and bones. So is there anything to that? Seems that there might be. I mean, even describing her as his Yale spirit guide is odd to me. But it goes weirder than that, because the person who is a professor actually encouraged him to write his memoir. His first year at Yale was this professor named Amy Chu, and she wrote a memoir called the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, and she was a law professor there, and so one of her daughters, sophia, she helped secure her a highly coveted clerkship with Brett Kavanaugh before he was Supreme Court Justice. Now catch this who did Usha clerk for Brett Kavanaugh and also John Roberts? So all these people are connected together in a weird calculated way, and so that always stirs up these notions of mystery schools or skull and bones, all of those things.

Speaker 1:

What did he find on that? Can we confirm skull and bones? Has he mentioned it?

Speaker 2:

Colin Bones, as he mentioned it. Well, he originally wanted to title his memoir Hillbilly Effigy, like those things that they burn at Bohemian Grove. I'm just making stuff up again. No, but it's just how he hopscotch. So again that professor, one of her daughters did a clerkship for Brett Kavanaugh.

Speaker 2:

Usha ended up doing one for Brett Kavanaugh, and then what did he do? Well, after graduation he actually worked for John Cornyn, who I think is a terrible senator. So he was well pampered in the ways of the world insofar as US politics are concerned. And then after that, he just hopscotch to venture capitalism, and so he served as a principal in Peter Thiel's firm Menthrill Capital, right? So so how does this happen? Right, somebody? The whole point of his memoir was how he grew up His family's from. You know their Appalachian Kentucky. They're poor. They moved to Ohio and it's really kind of a coming of age story of him working through his schooling at Yale. But how do you go from that to venture capitalism and then working for people like Peter Thiel, who later gave $10 million to a super PAC called Protect Ohio Values, and that was the PAC that was supporting Vance when he ran for Senator. So his first try at political office and it's a doozy and he wins.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I want to stop you right there. Folks, do you realize the mathematical improbability of that? It's almost zero. It's not zero, it might be two. It's so low that you could come out of nowhere. And now trump had been working. You know, this is a. You know an example of something you're talking about a master at pr. For decades, I mean, he had, he was in the popular culture, but to go into and be a statewide office. And you're talking about, oh, and this is another thing, this is Ohio, right, yes, okay, remind me, we'll circle back there. So to win statewide office having done nothing and then, all of a sudden, everything. The probability of that, again, it's not zero, but it's damn near zero. Okay, and I ask you this off air and it's not judging, but where's the valley?

Speaker 1:

I remember years ago when my grandfather passed away. He left me a stack of books and one of them was a book by a guy named Robert Ringer and it's called Million Dollar Habits. This was written back in the late 80s and I'll never forget. There's a great book, if you can find one still in circulation, and he has real world rules, and one of the real world rules was never trust a man under 40 who has a Learjet, and the reason he gave was that man hasn't failed yet. That man, because if you're under 40 and you have a Learjet, something you might have just get a bunch of green lights and you're on your trajectory.

Speaker 1:

He was like always be cautious of somebody who thinks that they can whatever. Know, there's times when if you're trying to create something, most of the time you get resistance. I mean hard resistance. Folks like whether it's a new podcast, whether it's a new business, I don't care what it is, it's not meant to be easy. You're supposed to be like man. I was forged in fire because you know your friends abandoned you, family turns on you, your finances, you have to deal with so many things. You go through the valley. Where's his?

Speaker 2:

valley? There's none. And so, even after he wrote his memoir, hollywood picked it up almost immediately. A few years thereafter, ron Howard directed it and I watched it. I mean, I'm not trying to cast, you know, talk crap or anything like that, but this is not envy, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I don't want to be the vice presidential nominee, I don't want his life. What I, what I'm asking, is I'm I just think again from a, from a standpoint of somebody who's been in the arena, and I hope that I'm in the arena, I don't even. I mean, I try to walk with some humility because, uh, even if cause everything can be taken away tomorrow, but I just I have a problem. When I see all green lights and no Valley, I start to really ask questions because the the the whole point of this is that if you see his trajectory forget the assassination attempt, forget Trump the future is going to be this guy. If you're talking about the Republican Party and where we're going and all that stuff, watch this guy really closely 39.

Speaker 2:

39. Yeah, and so he was propped up, which is why I brought up the movie. I mean, why did Hollywood find it so inspiring to write a movie? And I mean, I'm not the only one who didn't think the movie was very inspirational. I mean, it was nominated for Golden Raspberries. I thought that'd be fun to go to one of those Golden Raspberry Award ceremonies, but Amy Adams was in it. Glenn Close actually did a really good job as his grandmother in it, but they're just propping this guy up. So then he works for Peter Thiel, right? Peter Thiel pours in millions into his campaign to make sure he can secure that Senate seat. So how does this all tie him back to Trump? Well, I think maybe you should discuss Peter Thiel and some of the things he's invested in and all these other technocrats. We've seen it Elon Musk endorsed Trump afterwards, afterwards, right. We even saw zuckerberg. He said trump was a bad day. You know for what happened what's going on here?

Speaker 1:

oh, I, I know exactly what I texted you back when you sent me the link on zuckerberg. I'm like there's a signpost up ahead. Uh, the next stop, the tw Twilight Zone. I mean you literally have the Zuck coming out and I mean this is, we are not in Kansas anymore. Nothing, all the old references. It's a complete chaos. Order ab-kay-o.

Speaker 2:

Hogan ripping his shirt off at the convention.

Speaker 1:

Imagine being in another country and seeing this, it's a big club, ladies and gentlemen. You ain't in it, but this is what the connections abound here. Peter Thiel if you go back and look at his connection with Hulk Hogan. Hogan sued the gawker, which was kind of a left-wing, almost like celebrity TMZ-ish kind of rag, but they outed Peter Thiel, I believe, for his homosexuality and he funded Hogan to go after him. Basically, they just destroyed Gawker.

Speaker 1:

But Thiel is a technocrat, along like Elon Musk. They're transhumanists, they believe in the singularity if you guys know what that is which is the merger, eventually on a long enough timeline, and they want to make it shorter of man and machine. These aren't like Christians, this isn't like that you may be thinking. Well, you know, we got him, he's on our side, he's on the right or whatever you know, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I'm just telling you to be cautious, because these people are transhumanist and there's all these other little ancillary connections with these technocrats and these Silicon Valley overlords. No, the other one, that the Mithras, what was it?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, mithras Mithril capital.

Speaker 1:

Mithril you were thinking of.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, they have to have a connection there. They believe in, like some of the technocrats believe in, the old gods, that's the, those are the proto-Persian gods, like with Zoroaster and some of these other things, but that, you know, appeal peter thiel has. Uh, uh, was it palantir? And palantir is like in the lord of the rings, like the, to look into the future, you know like, or to look to cross great distances, kind of like a crystal ball type thing. Uh, that's the name. That's like their data mining company. And they also did that deal where you talked about. You just mentioned Ambrosia. Now tell me what Ambrosia is. And this is the connection with JD Vance, vivek Ramaswamy and it's all big pharma. They're all connected, right? And then Thiel. So tell me about Ambrosia.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I mean there's a lot been made of adrenochrome and everybody thinks, oh, that's not a real thing. It's like, actually it's mentioned in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and countless other places. And I remember a while back and you mentioned it on your show, I remember you telling me but people didn't believe it about using blood for some medicinal purposes or ritualistic purposes. And then Newsweek had on the cover of one of its magazines years ago can the blood of the young help, you know, reduce aging or something like that. And it said Silicon Valley's betting on it and it was all about Peter Thiel's company, ambrosia. And it was all about Peter Thiel's company Ambrosia. And so they were actually siphoning off, I mean willing participants, but teenagers were giving bloods. They'd go to a big bank and they'd actually mix it together. It wasn't just from one recipient and older people are getting transfusions with this and that's like the thrust of the company. And so it's like, okay, that ties into adrenochrome.

Speaker 2:

Where's adrenochrome tie into? Well, I always I've mentioned before we'll have to do an episode on it but the Count of St Germain. And where does all that folklore come from, with vampires and things like that? It has to do with this. They just didn't have syringes and needles back then. So that's the first thing I think of. But yeah, it's actively being pursued by technocrats in Silicon Valley using blood in this way.

Speaker 2:

That was you know. If you discuss it with just a normal person who's not reading up on these things, they would say you're a crazy person. It's like no, they're really doing it. It's right there in front of you. So JD Vance has all these connections. The other thing that makes me really uneasy about JD Vance is so he grew up around Pentecostal Christians and, as you and I have discussed, it seems like you almost need to be a Catholic to be accepted into the political hierarchy and I think it would be fun to have a lot of Pentecostals. I mean, can you imagine the filibuster just speaking in tongues for three hours handling snakes? You don't have the faith of God. From the campaign Great movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You want some snake venom for your water, we'll just milk it right here for you, but you have to be Catholic. So he took a step back. He became agnostic or maybe atheist for a while. And then I want to say, five years ago he became a Catholic and when asked why, he said, oh, it just seemed like it's true.

Speaker 2:

So when people separate Catholicism from Christianity, that's not how I view Catholicism. In my mind, for Catholics who are Christians, there's like this separate entity because a lot of people like Nancy Pelosi she's a Catholic, joe Biden, she's a Catholic, but they don't seem like Christians to me. So it seems like he entered into the fold. And the other reason I know a lot of people weren't really excited at the prospect of Vivek being vice president is because he's Hindu right and they're like is he going to really share my values as a Christianian? Well, usha's hindu and you can see um pictures of their marriage ceremony, um, they, they honored hindu traditions. And you know, if I met somebody whose family was hindu and from india, I mean that'd be a delicate thing to balance. But I'm just saying, all these influences that jd has in his life, it doesn't seem like they're from people who are from his same background, and so that seems problematic to me. If he's supposed to champion populism as the way I understand populism, does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely Well, in defense of Catholicism too. I mean, there's so many different layers and subsects of Catholicism.

Speaker 2:

I'm not trying to attack catholic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah at all just my, this is just me, you know, reflexively thinking about. You know you have a lot of the. The most intellectual conservative leaders, like like, one of my heroes is pat buchanan came out of that, you know, but he was really a throwback. Um, that right, you know the latin mass and uh, it carries with it like the. Really it's a vessel for culture and all that stuff. But you're right, you get to the upper echelons in Georgetown, all these places in Washington DC, and you get it's just, it is, it's like the Jesuits too. You get the same kind of. There is a continuity of that same kind of ilk. So you have to be very careful with that. I do agree with you. There is something very strange about that, especially given the Supreme Court.

Speaker 2:

Oddly enough, it's like when you approach the Vatican's version of Catholicism, as represented by the Vatican and some of the rooms they have there we've discussed that many times it's like, all right, this seems a little cultic, like I I've mentioned. Just look up that um, I forget what the chamber's called, but that huge wooden statue called resurrection oh yeah especially jesus rising out of a nuclear holocaust.

Speaker 2:

It's like, no, that looks like satan on top of a bunch of skulls and bones. Um, so that version of catholicism I'm kind of I'm weary of. And so when I see somebody go from a Protestant Pentecostal type of background and then convert to that I'm like why, what version of this is true versus the version that you're exposed to of Christianity as a child? So I hope I'm wrong. I just felt in my gut that he would be the nominee and he was, and all the reasons I thought he was going to be the nominee were not good ones.

Speaker 1:

That's a good call. Well, machiavelli had talked about that. Machiavelli said to join the religion the most acceptable of the faiths, whatever the power structure acceptable. You know the face, whatever the power structure. And again, there's a name me. What's the? What's the evangelical numbers on the Supreme court? Yeah, can you name one? Is it is Clarence Thomas Catholic. I'm pretty right. I don't know what he is, I don't know, but I know that all the rest of them are Catholic.

Speaker 2:

Right, mrs, I don't need notes to remember how I'm going to Screw this country. She's Catholic.

Speaker 1:

I mean Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn't Right, but it's a few.

Speaker 2:

Amy Comey, barrett Brett Kavanaugh.

Speaker 1:

Brett Kavanaugh for sure. Alito for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know who Gorsuch is, sotomayor, almost certain I think Gorsuch is you and I have discussed. This Is the only decent one that Trump has really placed in the position.

Speaker 1:

But we're a long way from you know. Can JFK get elected as a Catholic to?

Speaker 2:

You see how weird that is. It is weird. I mean, that's where a lot of the conspiracy theories come in right, Because he was the first Catholic president.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they're like they were going to take him out, but there are so many things that he did that I view as good things. That would have definitely ruffled feathers. It's hard to. It seems like everybody hated him or disliked him to an extent.

Speaker 1:

Well, speaking of assassinations, we talk about his assassination. That was a successful deep state coup, d'etat, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, didn't even start a world war. What do?

Speaker 1:

you think their, what do you think their goal was here? Because I don't believe. A 20 year old, just you know, gets up and has the ability not to have social media, has the ability to for hours to climb roofs and get, get on and have a, have a drone fly over oh yeah, I don't park his bike. His parents have a ladder, have a massive 40 foot ladder, whatever the hell ladder he had. I mean, uh, to get to get detained, and then let go with these with a spotting scope, right?

Speaker 2:

spotting scope, you don't know. 150 yards, yeah, that that. So what do you think their goal was? Was?

Speaker 1:

it. So was it just like, kind of like a, but do they want a different nom? Were both of these power structures of the duopoly trying to get new nominees?

Speaker 2:

so I don't know. I mean, it's so weird because if you look at the event again, it's unimaginable that Trump turned his head and made it out of there alive. And so it seems like there were some spiritual significance, some greater powers hand in that. I just don't know if it was of God and if it was for a good reason or, like you said, is it a reason to bring about prophecy. But I knew exactly what they were going to do with it afterwards and they were going to say God intervened to save Trump because Trump's the anointed one to save this country. And that's exactly what they've done.

Speaker 2:

So lots of people who might have been moderate or independents, who are kind of on the fence, saw this. It even charged them up and that's what they're running away with and that, I think, is dangerous. As a Christian and somebody who's I mean, I'm not that old, but I'm not young either and I've been able to see enough of life to view it suspiciously. And with something this monumental, to not use suspiciously, I think is just error, and so many people aren't. So they're using this to their benefit. And then JD Fant, this monumental to not use suspiciously, I think is just error, and so many people aren't, so they're using this to their benefit. And then JD Fant sneaks into the fold with it and he has all these ties that are very bad ties in my opinion, compromising ties, and I think Trump is pretty much a shoo-in at this point.

Speaker 2:

That's why I didn't understand Biden even withdrawing If it's going to be Kamala. Why even do that? If you're just going to lose, just lose with Biden. So I don't know what the end game is here. Tony, what are your thoughts?

Speaker 1:

Well, I think, just given what experience I've had in my life, god is in everything and you know, I was reading recently. An old book was written in the 70s about spiritualism and the subconscious, by Joseph Murphy. I try to read a lot of his old works and he talked about the concept of being prayed up. Like, if you, the mass mind is a negative thing, like the mass mind, the great consciousness, mass consciousness as Carl Jung would talk about, is basically dark and it brings about dark things. But I would say the Christians and real Christians that are left and a lot of those little old ladies out there all over the country are praying for Donald Trump. So I think that prayer has power, absolutely praying for Donald Trump. So I don't.

Speaker 1:

I think that prayer has power. If they've projected their genuine faith and love and they have prayed for that man, it could be that he was divinely protected and you know, that's one of the reasons I think that I made it home from some of the stuff that I did. I mean, you talk about near misses and things I've been shot at. I've I've had incidents where I go. Well, where the hell did the bullet go? You know, like I remember in Like.

Speaker 1:

Pulp Fiction. You look behind you. Oh yes, I mean, that happened to me and just you know, late night, outside of a police station in Mosul, iraq, and we're all you know we found some contraband and had some beers and we're all just like, and we've been doing patrols all night. I remember I had my helmet off. I'm standing in the street with a couple other guys and this white Toyota pickup pulls up about 70 yards in there where the alley ends and they just backed up really quick, slammed on the brakes and the dude hangs out the back and goes pop, pop, pop and you can hear the bullets and we're all just standing there and they, of course they squeal off. You know, we're all outside of our vehicles, like no one's even in the gun, and we all just looked at each other and nothing was hit. We just went back to, but it's like they're gone. You know you're not going to find them.

Speaker 1:

It's, it's uh, you know it's, it's a foregone conclusion, but I remember that happened to me and I really think that, um, that I survived a lot of stuff because of my grandmother. I think this is just praying for me, because I was a hothead, losing my temper all the time I I mean I was, I was our, by the way, your list this is the paratrooper folks and I was already like 20 plus years ago. I was already here like future traveling, where I would be anti-war and like hate all of this stuff, like the neocons and the warmongering military industrial complex and all this stuff, and I just reflexively, gut level, hated it then and when I was in it I wasn't going to abandon my people and not go. But yeah, I do think, do think you know it's tough to know, right, it's tough to know we don't, we don't know there are things, that miracles happen and things are real.

Speaker 1:

It may not be that because he's the you gotta, you gotta step back when you're trying to give somebody so much pot, they're the savior, they're gonna, they're the anointed q anon stuff. Um, because it's dangerous, because and there's a reason like I would love to be uh, aware, a lot of these, all of the hosts and people I came into radio with, are just, they're all syndicated and they're doing all this great stuff because they tow the line on the gop and maga and all that stuff. And I can't because I'm I'm critical thinker you didn't take the 30 pieces of silver.

Speaker 2:

You just said I'm going to start my own golden silver business.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, I did. I started my. I have 29. Now I have 29 pieces of silver.

Speaker 2:

I think you have to be careful or at least I try to be careful when I'm attributing something to God, for a good reason or not. Sometimes it's just to bring about prophecy. So another person who was shot on the campaign trail was Teddy Roosevelt, right 1912. And that was pretty miraculous because the bullet passed through, I believe, a steel eyeglass case and then also a folded copy of his speech. And he said later he wasn't coughing, coughing blood, so he didn't think the bullet had entered his in. It entered into his lung. So he finished his speech and famously said like takes more than that to kill a bull moose. Yes, that seems pretty miraculous, but think about what happened right.

Speaker 1:

that was an election where wilson beat taft well, right, and we go back to 1912 and what happened with wilson? Oh, it was right, teddy was in the race by the banksters set up by jp morgan and others. As a spoiler, taft was a all taft ever wanted to be, william howard taft. And you know, he made fun of because he couldn't fit and he got stuck in the, the white house, a bathtub, because he was so fat. Um, it's true, yeah, he got. They got lots of, uh, lots of flack for that. Um, and he cried over like Teddy Roosevelt wasn't, like, he left half the country. He's like here you go, you know, and I'm going off to Africa and I'm going to do, you know, do big game hunting and adventures. And uh, he was.

Speaker 1:

Teddy Roosevelt was recruited to come back and take on Taft. And it's really weird, because Taft opposed the Federal Reserve, taft opposed the income tax, taft was like. Years later you get Robert Taft, who was Mr Conservative. He also like died mysteriously and quickly during the 1950s, you know, because he was against the Korean War and opposed communism and other things. He was supposed to have been the presidential nominee but they ended up giving it to Dwight D Eisenhower. That was his son and also from, by the way, I'm going to circle back to this real quick Don't let me forget about Ohio, because it's very important to talk about JD Vance in Ohio. But yeah, taft was from Ohio and William Howard Taft, and of course Teddy was able to siphon off enough votes to put Wilson in office, I know.

Speaker 1:

And that's where you get 1913, the unlucky year. You get the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve, you get the 16th Amendment, which is the income tax, and you get the 17th Amendment, which is the direct election of senators. And that's when, also, of course, you get our entry into World War I and the concept of free trades. All this stuff comes out of of.

Speaker 2:

So that's my point. I like teddy, I like a lot of what teddy did. I mean, he was a man's man. But I'm just saying that miraculous thing, that miraculous thing, you know, him surviving that assassination didn't lead to good things. It didn't lead to good things even though it was miraculous.

Speaker 1:

That's my only point yeah, and that's where you get the term bull. So it was a, you know. Again, that's. You're exactly right, teddy did not help. No, uh, and he, by the way, he died a couple of years later of a broken heart. His son was killed in a war that he promoted right, he promoted world war one. His son, quentin, his favorite son, uh, died in an airplane. You know, it was shot down, it was, and this was like airplanes had just come out like and they're fighting and dropping bombs and stuff. But yeah, teddy wasn't that old, I mean, he was in his I think he was 60.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and another weird little wrinkle to that is Taft was also a Bonesman.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Skull and bones. Yes, that's exactly right. Well, so let's talk about Ohio. So JD Vance is from Ohio, and is this where he's from?

Speaker 2:

Kentucky originally but his family moved to Ohio when he was young, but I believe he still had family in Kentucky and he'd visit in the summers.

Speaker 1:

There's an important deal from Ohio, ok, and if you look at it, the most presidents came from I'm almost certain about Ohio. I mean, look, I'll look this up in a second, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. The most presidents come from Ohio and I've talked to James Perloff about this. Ohio is where John D Rockefeller and the banks of the Rothschilds agents set up there in Ohio. So Ohio has always been a springboard for the agents of international banking. Now let me look that up. Most presidents are from what state? So talk amongst yourselves. Hold on a second. I need one of those guys like Joe Rogan has where I'm just like, hey, look that up while I'm talking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can keep talking Because I was interested in all the skull and bones connections, Like we mentioned. Taft another president, Herbert Walker Bush. Right, yes, His father, Pres Walker Bush right, yes.

Speaker 2:

His father, prescott Bush, was supposedly the one who stole the skull of Geronimo, so people think that's just folklore. That didn't really happen. But actually the descendants of Geronimo sued the Skull and Bones in 2009 for them to return the remains of Geronimo, and the case was kicked out of court because the judge said well, the law that exists pertinent to grave robbing, was made after that, so this doesn't qualify as something you can argue in my court, so they just tossed it to the side. They like to do that a lot, but there's a lot of that and I don't know. So nobody's really made a firm connection with JD Vance. I actually think his wife was an undergraduate at Yale before she went to Cambridge and then came back to Yale for law school and they changed basically their policy of allowing females to be members of the order in the mid-90s and I think especially with JD in his memoir referring to her as his Yale spirit guide that she was a member and inducted when she was an undergraduate there.

Speaker 2:

But it's a weird organization and the person who founded it, william Russell. He actually studied in Germany for a year in 1832. And then that's where they think the number came from. Some people say 322 refers to 322 BC and Demosthenes, who is this famous Athenian orator? And then other people say no, it's because it was founded in 32 and it was supposed to be the second chapter. So the second two is second, because the first one was in Germany or what was Germany at the time. And we've had another episode, I believe, on David Knight talking about the Illuminati and all the connections there. So it seems like this organization is kind of just an offshoot, just a branch of Illuminati doctrine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, if you read the ritual, it's all stems from Bavarian Illuminati, right, 1000%. So I was. I was thinking I was right, but I was almost right. It was Virginia's produced the most eight presidents, and Ohio has produced seven presidents, including Ulysses S Grant, rutherford B Hayes, james A Garfield, benjamin Harrison, william McKinley, william Howard Taft and Warren G Harding. Well, you know, make that is probably going to be another one. This guy's got all the green lights, folks and I see a lot of people he's young, he's very young.

Speaker 1:

All the suburban housewives will love him. Those blue eyes you can get lost in them. Tony, he's not all scarred up like an old combat vet or somebody. He doesn't have the valley. He doesn't have to talk about that. Remember the dark times in my life. He'll just be like it was great.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was the point of the memoir right. Those were his dark times. That's what he rose out of.

Speaker 1:

Because Ron Howard definitely wants to do my story right.

Speaker 2:

I just can't get over Hollywood making that into a movie so easily. This guy just writes a memoir and it's touted around and made into a movie with A-listers. That's just crazy to me. And you know my grandma, I mean I was watching this as like I got better stories I could make, you know, put into a book my grandma than this.

Speaker 1:

Oh, man. Well, let's see what else you want to cover. We're, uh, we're almost an hour in. Let's see. Let's see what we got over on rockfin. We're. This is the first pair of truth or life. Thanks for everybody who joined. I appreciate you being here. Uh, psalm 144 says tony, what's on your shirt? Well, I mentioned it, mentioned it earlier in the show. It's a snapshot of the rooftop Koreans in the 1992 LA riots that Mr Anderson got me and it's really cool. That looks like America to me.

Speaker 1:

It's defending your property and your business with the power of the Second Amendment when law enforcement can't or won't, and I think that's, and, of course, you're going to defend your business with your life. I mean, this is the same kind of spirit we should have had when they locked us down and said you're not essential, you know, and here's, here's, here's Anthony Fauci. You know, he's president. That's what I've got with. The problem with this whole thing is like get him a stool, get him a stool.

Speaker 1:

You keep going into the election and I just want to stop and say, for the love of all things, holy can, can we just ask the question why are we not talking about what happened to us in 2020, in 2021. Why are we neither party, none of the candidates, nobody's talking about this crime against humanity, the, the, the abuse and the? Uh, the damage done not only to people with operation warp speed, all that? I'm not talking about that indirectly, I'm saying the children that were, uh, brain damaged by we can't making them wear masks all the time.

Speaker 1:

All this stuff locking people down, saying you're not essential, killing supply lines, printing 80 of all the dollars ever made. Why don't we talk about that? But instead, it's personality and I just might you know this. That's the stuff that really annoys me. Um, and I think about this. You know these guys were defending their business with their life, but then you know one edict you know, friday, the 13th, uh march of 2020, uh, trump signs that executive order and it crushes hundreds of thousands of small businesses and they go you got 1,200 bucks, let's send you the 1,200 bucks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you qualify. He didn't even touch that. I watched a little bit of his speech at the RNC. I mean, he just said it's the China virus, it came from China, Kind of alluded to the fact that they owe us a lot of. Mean, he just said it's the China virus that came from China, Kind of alluded to the fact that they owe us a lot of money, but then just dropped it. No one's upset about the damage that resulted from those decisions and no one's going to be held accountable for it, which is why we did that podcast, the last episode of Paratruther on Fauci. So it just seems like more of the same. I don't know what they're going to do with the Democrat nominee, I think I I just think Newsom's going to slither into the fold.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a good call. I mean, this thing, folks, 100 plus days out is an eternity in politics, you don't? I mean they're not done yet. And there's so much weirdness in this. You know you got. There's so much on the line, sort of, for the political parties. I think, regardless, I mean, what's on the agenda for us? It's not Project 2025, ladies, and regardless, I mean, what's on the agenda for us? It's not Project 2025, ladies and gentlemen, it's Agenda 2030.

Speaker 1:

And when you're talking about, both major parties, at the end of the day, agree with the World Economic Forum, with the United Nations, Agenda 2030, agenda for the 21st Century, agenda 21,. That's what this is all about. Who can be the best steward for that? And I'm not. I'm not one of these people that is buying into the left right paradigm. I'm look at when somebody does something great in politics. If it, if it promotes freedom, then I agree with them. You know, I, just like David Knight said, you know about Trump when he does well, I applaud him. When he doesn't do well, I oppose him. I think that's a pretty healthy attitude to have in politics. So if you're doing well I know that JD Vance has been so far okay on crypto and talking about Bitcoin, he supposedly holds about $250,000 worth of Bitcoin. Great, promote freedom, decentralization, people having their own access to the ability to trade back and forth with digital currencies. I'm fine with that. I think that's great. Or gold and silver is legal tender. I don't know what his stance on that is.

Speaker 1:

But again, I look at the other overarching issues character, origin. Who are you? How did you get there? I mean, nixon was the youngest VP since Nixon, but Nixon had Alger Hiss. Nixon had all of the investigations alongside of McCarthy. He had UAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee, whitaker Chambers. I mean, he was a household name.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, so Nixon was the other person under 40. Right For VP, is that right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and Eisenhower didn't know. By the way, he didn't know till later he goes. I didn't know you were that young. He just because? Because what Nixon did is he. He went. He was just returned from World War Two as a veteran and took on a guy named Jerry Voorhees. He was really popular but he was kind of a lefty out of California. Imagine that he's a big lefty. Nixon had a war record and Nixon just hit him hard and outworked him and won the congressional seat. Then he got on UAC it was House Un-American Activities Committee. He was able to expose Alger Hiss Activities Committee and he was able to expose Alger Hiss who was a spy for the Soviet Union. He was with Roosevelt at Yalta. He believed a guy named Whitaker Chambers who was trying to tell him that hey, I know Alger Hiss, he's a communist, I used to be a communist. So Nixon was able to get Alger Hiss on perjury charges. By the way, you want to know who the first head of the UN was?

Speaker 2:

I do aldrich hiss on perjury charges by the way.

Speaker 1:

You want to know who the first head of the un was? I do aldrich hiss um. Aldrich hiss was a spy for the soviet union that he was in the when they were building the bones of the un at the presidio off the coast of california in san francisco. It was, uh, it was aldrich hiss um. But then nixon came out of nowhere and ran against this other sitting senator who was a it was a female named Helen Douglas, Kagan Douglas, and he said that she was pink right down to her underwear and he just ran. This has really happened and he was just really tough and he was known as, like a fighter and you know he's going to throw, but he again, he was household name and you know a street fighter in politics, all this stuff. And he was picked for Eisenhower's VP because he was seen as so anti-communist and weird as the height of the Cold War and the Korean War.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's funny because in that communication that was leaked, where JD Vance in the past referred to Trump as America's Hitler, that was leaked where um jd vance in the past referred to trump as america's hitler. That was option two. His first option or way of thinking was that he was just going to be a, an idiot like nixon that might do a little bit of good.

Speaker 1:

That was the first one, so he didn't like that I would dare say I don't think jd vance really has the historical gravitas. I don't know if he's really. When you think of Nixon is like what, what did Nixon like? Open China and did all? I mean, yeah, he was brought down by a third rate burglary. He wasn't incompetent, it was a deep state hit job. Like they got rid of him Right, you know, because because of richard dick helms you know richard helms out of the cia.

Speaker 1:

I mean, nixon was part of a thing called track two. A lot of people if you watch oliver stone's the movie nixon when he talks about howard hunt, a lot of people think howard hunt was, was like the second shooter, or at dealey plaza, or you know, he had a lot of cia stuff. He was cia all the way and he might've been one of the hobos or something, one of those iconic pictures. But he, you can watch the movie Nixon, he's like, I know, howard Hunt, I know what he tracks back to.

Speaker 1:

And track two was this the CIA, nixon was in charge of that and it was the assassinations like removing world leaders and stuff using assassination, using coup d'etat and stuff like that. He was in charge of that. The CIA knew that. And then, of course there was the connection with the Bay of Pigs, kennedy firing Allen Dulles, I mean all that stuff. I mean history matters folks and a lot of these people like they don't even understand what they're even talking about, like this there's. There's a lot of moving parts when it comes to history and different political figures, nixon especially being one of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, interesting times. We'll see what happens.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've got a brave here and she keeps telling me it's time she needs to be let out or something, or she wants. I probably need to go get a steak, I think, because I haven't fed her yet.

Speaker 2:

Is that what she wants? A ribeye?

Speaker 1:

I think she wants a ribeye or a rabbit. Yeah, we got this thing here at Hangar 18 and she goes out. Now she's fed because it's near apartment buildings and they built this fence where she can go through. But I can't, and it's all the way around this giant complex. There's no way I have to. I'd have to walk, like over the road and to get in. So if I take her off and that's why she's on a harness now, because she's found that there's rabbits, and she just shoots through that thing and it stays over there for like 10 minutes while I'm calling her, while she's just getting all of the investigations out and see if she can chase a rabbit, so I've got her leashed. Ladies and gents, but anything else you want to put out there, Mr Anderson, we didn't even get into all the assassinations attempts, but that was. You know. Reagan certainly was a weird one with the Hinckleys Because they were friends.

Speaker 2:

They were family friends Bush and the and the hinkley's yeah, they never talk about it and catcher in the rye was there again and yeah, we we kind of glossed over it. But if people are interested, jd salinger's history is is really interesting to look into. I mean, he was part of d-day and he carried six chapters of catcher with him during d-day and, um, he kind of had a psychiatric nervous breakdown, was put in Nuremberg Hospital. So there's all sorts of weird MKUltra types of connections. Potentially and I don't know, there's something about that book. I mean it went through a lot. It was with him in World War II and there just seems to be a kind of black magic associated with it because it was there with John Hinckley is there.

Speaker 1:

I read it when I was 29 because I'd never read it and I thought, well, I'm just going to read it. I read it in one sitting. I was out in Utah and I was flying back and I just thought I was going to read Catcher in the Rye. I still remember it. It's weird, yeah, holding coffee I still remember is weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, and he kind of immortalized his depression and that's what was funny to us. That was a joke. It was there a catcher in the rye on the roof and it's like no, there's a new JD associated with this, so that was the link to and we've got a bone to pick with him. Get what I did there, see. So I hope I'm wrong. I so I hope I'm wrong. I don't want to be a contrarian about everything, I'm just very skeptical.

Speaker 1:

I'm just asking questions. I mean, look, my thing about politics and I'm not choosing side, I'm really just look, when somebody does something great, I'm going to applaud them. You know, right now the Democrats just have no, nothing going on except totalitarian overrule. I mean they just they agree with all the lockdowns, all the things, all the mandates, and they have nothing. They're not about free markets, or at least the lip service from the GOP. Now they won't do anything but the lip service. I mean you talk about the broken border. I mean we have. They've set the stage for kinetic warfare with with Taiwan. If you don't know anything about that, then again they've broken precedence in 70 years of Cold War alliances and weird things that we've done with NATO and Ukraine. It is a dangerous time.

Speaker 2:

Zelensky's asking for permission to use some of the missiles that the UK gave him the long range missiles. I just don't understand what the end game here is, but what they really think is going to happen.

Speaker 1:

These people are sociopaths and that's the thing is like. That's why I oppose it and I want to speak out. It's why I don't. I can't just jump on every bandwagon even though, gosh, there's a money train, it's a money train, it's left the station and, as an entrepreneur, I have to watch it leave and go. Man, I can't sell the shirts and do the hats and all this stuff and you know I have to. I have to leave. I can't 100 X my listeners because people want to hear me talk about how wonderful the. You know, I mean, I just listened to traditional talk radio, which I'm still a part of, but it's, you know, republican, good, democrat, bad, and I'm like man, it's just so much more to life than that.

Speaker 1:

The left-right paradigm is it's brain damaging, it's, it's you're, you were, you know, suffering under the under the yoke of that. And uh, I've just stepped out of Plato's cave and I'm looking around going, wow, it's, I'm looking at the macro folks and look at the macro. And this has to do with what's really going on. Again, we're in the decade of, of the great reset which is agenda 2030, the smart cities. Uh, the loss. You know, they want to remake sovereignty, do what, uh, zygmunt Brzezinski called an end run around sovereignty. Um, this is the age of that. They've got timelines. So that's what we have to be aware of.

Speaker 1:

It's not just the left right. You have to look and see what the elites I know people don't want me to call them elites, but the parasite class or whatever you want to the financial multinational banking consortiums. That's what they want. I mean, they want less people, right? This is one of the things you got to remember about the need. Somehow, when you reach a billion dollars, you get a card in the mail that says congratulations on your success.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you're asked, you want 95% less people on planet Earth, or something I don't know. Most of them want less people and less sovereignty, less autonomy, and you get people like Yuval Harari at the World Economic Forum saying people are hackable animals. That's the stuff that I oppose, and I also oppose things like central bank, digital currency and I want people to be aware of that's the game that's being played right now is this shift, but this is not just what Nietzsche talked about in the sense of values as moral values, but it's the transvaluation of all value and commodities, because we're leaving the age of fiat and going into where all these countries gobbling up gold and copper and different mineral resources, and you know the price of even goes down to the quote Gordon Gekko was's famine upheaval the price of a paperclip. This is all interwoven into our reality so I try to stick on that too. But all this stuff is important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the last thing I'd say well, I need to give kudos to my mom. She was the one who told me about Vivek, that connection there and JD's son being named after him. But just think about how Vivek bank was a front runner for vp2. How do these two people who came from yale come out of nowhere and one nearly be a vp selection and the other be a vp selection? It just it makes no sense to me. Tony, something's going on. It's by design. I don't think anything good's gonna to come from it, but away we go.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's, you know it's, it's still, it's still God's world, right. We just do our best to, and it's like in revelation and the, the number of the beast, you know, let let he, he who has wisdom, discern, you know. So that's what I let's try to pray for that Absolutely. Thanks for joining us today. Ladies, I want to say there was a tip on Rockfin. Psalm 144 says I'll buy you a coffee. Well, thank you, I really appreciate that. That's very kind. All the listeners over on Rockfin. We'll do, mr Anderson, I will do some more. Uh, paratrooper lives, paratrooper Lives, maybe this month.

Speaker 2:

For sure We'll get set up real soon.

Speaker 1:

We've got some interviews coming up and some other good stuff we're getting set up here at the Hangar 18 on the 33rd parallel, but we'll keep you guys informed. Thanks so much for joining us. Beans the Brave says to have a great rest of your Sunday. I'm going to go get her a ribeye. Thanks again, mr Anderson, appreciate you. Thanks, buddy. All right, folks, we'll see you next time.

Speaker 1:

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