The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#476 The Death of Debate, Biden's Fumbles & The Real State of the Nation

June 28, 2024 The Arterburn Radio Transmission
#476 The Death of Debate, Biden's Fumbles & The Real State of the Nation
The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
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The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast
#476 The Death of Debate, Biden's Fumbles & The Real State of the Nation
Jun 28, 2024
The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Is the American political debate dead? Join us as we reflect on the evolution of political discourse from the Nixon-Kennedy showdown to the upcoming Trump-Biden face-offs. We openly share our skepticism about today's political climate and tackle broader societal issues, including the pervasive influence of globalist agendas and the terrifying rise in military suicides. Our discussion underscores the importance of seeking the truth amidst the complexities of our contemporary zeitgeist.

As President Biden grapples with declining poll numbers and public gaffes, we speculate on the risks and strategies for his upcoming debates with Trump. We tackle economic issues head-on, exploring voter dissatisfaction despite robust growth under Biden. From inflation to taxes and the surprising bipartisan support for tariffs, we delve into the historical context of economic nationalism and assess the potential implications of trade policies from both presidential candidates. We also reflect on how these economic factors are influencing voter sentiment and market performance.

Our conversation takes a somber turn as we examine the state of the U.S. economy, marked by rising delinquencies and job losses. We discuss the decline in consumer confidence, the surge in homelessness, and the systemic issues plaguing military personnel, such as the alarming suicide rates among soldiers. In a heartfelt segment, we call for genuine appreciation and representation of those who serve. Don't miss our special Independence Day announcement, where we promise an engaging and patriotic live broadcast. Join us for a session that offers both critical insights and community interaction.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Is the American political debate dead? Join us as we reflect on the evolution of political discourse from the Nixon-Kennedy showdown to the upcoming Trump-Biden face-offs. We openly share our skepticism about today's political climate and tackle broader societal issues, including the pervasive influence of globalist agendas and the terrifying rise in military suicides. Our discussion underscores the importance of seeking the truth amidst the complexities of our contemporary zeitgeist.

As President Biden grapples with declining poll numbers and public gaffes, we speculate on the risks and strategies for his upcoming debates with Trump. We tackle economic issues head-on, exploring voter dissatisfaction despite robust growth under Biden. From inflation to taxes and the surprising bipartisan support for tariffs, we delve into the historical context of economic nationalism and assess the potential implications of trade policies from both presidential candidates. We also reflect on how these economic factors are influencing voter sentiment and market performance.

Our conversation takes a somber turn as we examine the state of the U.S. economy, marked by rising delinquencies and job losses. We discuss the decline in consumer confidence, the surge in homelessness, and the systemic issues plaguing military personnel, such as the alarming suicide rates among soldiers. In a heartfelt segment, we call for genuine appreciation and representation of those who serve. Don't miss our special Independence Day announcement, where we promise an engaging and patriotic live broadcast. Join us for a session that offers both critical insights and community interaction.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, All right, ladies and gentlemen, the official broadcast of the apocalypse Weapons grade truth, pair of politics, precious metals, parapolitics, precious Metals. I'm in studio with Beans the Brave, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, also in defiance of globalist goblins and neocons. A new world order to build back better Biden bills Above Baphomet, bilderberg, bohemian Grove, bankster Bunch. We got it, beans. We got all the bees in. It is the 27th of June 2024.

Speaker 2:

I had to delay the opening live section a little bit by about a minute and a half because the train was going by my house in Denison, texas. When the train goes by, I live right behind the railroad tracks and it just shakes the whole house. It's a lot of fun. I think it's kind of an experience, you know, just living in a train town, former home of Doc Holliday. I always think about it. They have Doc Holliday images everywhere and you know that bravado from the movie Tombstone Gosh, don't?

Speaker 2:

We need that today, just in our daily lives, just dealing with these headlines and what we're looking at, I mean across the board, like our zeitgeist, is pretty malignant. I'm trying to find this selection of stories that I have and I think it's just. This is my wheelhouse and I always try to. You know, you guys, I'm always on precious metals and geopolitics and the monetary system and Luciferian bankster notes, and you know, and the monetary system and Luciferian bankster notes, and you know, I even just talk about the goblins themselves, the World Economic Forum, new World Order types, and we always go there. But you know, we had to drift back and look at the. You know the standard operating procedure when we're looking at the headlines in the news and what's big in the news right now. Well, we got the Trump biden debates that are coming up.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I'm sure I'll catch some highlights or some lowlights or whatever is going on, but I, you know, I've got an article. I'm going to pull it up as a zero hedge and this is, this is the big headlines. We'll cover a little bit of this and the reason I brought up just the strangeness of it all. It's hard just to even do anything seductive, like you know, as far as just painting a picture of look at what this is or look at what we can glean out of this. It's really just about getting the best information at this point, and you know how do we react to things. There's a study through naturalnewscom I want to bring up too, which is about suicide in the military, and that kind of goes back to what I'm talking about. It's like when you're inundated with the negative and it's over and over.

Speaker 2:

I try not to do that, but we do have to talk about the signposts on the road ahead, like what are the major themes in this decade? What is the fourth turning, what are some things that we can do about it, which is always constructive. That's what I try to bring to the table. But first we have to talk, first we have to tell the truth. Right, as the Bible says, the truth will set you free, but first it'll piss you off.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's start with that. Let's go ahead and get this out of the way. Let's rip off the band-aid, let's talk a little bit of politics and you know, again, I used to follow this all the time when I was a kid and it's harder and harder for me to do the political games. But there is something I think with this debate coming up, there's probably some things we can take from it. Let's see what to expect during tonight's Trump Biden debate, and this is zero hedge and a highly anticipated showdown. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump square off in tonight of the first of two scheduled debates.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, that's true, you know. Are they really debating anymore? I mean, is that something that we even do in this culture? I remember there actually was some. Like if you go back to the, can you imagine the intellectual heft that was thrown around during the Nixon-Kennedy debates in 1960? That was the first real televised debate in the modern era and people that listened on the radio thought that Nixon had won because he was clearly, you know, he was very well-versed in foreign policy. He was Eisenhower's vice president, he was on the security cabinet and all this stuff. Because he was clearly, you know, he was very well versed in foreign policy. He was Eisenhower's vice president, he was on the security cabinet and all this stuff. So he was just laying out all these you know deep, you know thoughtful, kind of wonky answers to the big questions of the Cold War and everything. But Kennedy looked well rested, he was engaging with the crowd, it was. He was better cosmetically. Nixon had worn himself out, he kind of had a five o'clock shadow. So the people that watched it on television felt like Kennedy did a much better job. Well, it's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Now with everything, everything about that is out the window and you know if you've really paid attention to politics. What's weird about all this? We don't know who the campaign managers are. We don't know what their strategies are. I mean, back in even 2004, you know, you had carl rove running president george w bush's campaign, right? You had john kerry and he was uh, the democrats had him out there and his uniform and he was a veteran and all this stuff. And then he got the swift vote veterans for truth. There was all this stuff happening Leading up to that election. None of that's today. None of that's happening. Has anybody else noticed that there's? There's no themes other than, you know, personal victimhood type stuff. It's very surface level. It's about personality. It has and again we're going to go through this article they even have some similarities, which is I want to talk about this. This is part of the tariff issue that I'm finding totally bizarre.

Speaker 2:

The battle of wits comes extraordinarily early in the campaign, which, as we'll explain below, could be something the Trump campaign regrets. Here are the essentials the debate in Atlanta will air at 9 pm Eastern time on CNN and streaming platform Max. If you don't have either of those, you can watch without a cable login at CNNcom. Well, that's good to know. Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. The contest will be 90 minutes and have two commercial breaks. Candidates are not allowed to interact with their staff during the breaks. No prepared notes are allowed, but we'll have pads for making notes during the debate. The contenders' microphones will be muted when it's not their turn to talk. This article goes on to say the last wrinkle could be a major help for the challenger.

Speaker 2:

Trump's performance in the crucial first debate of 2020 election was a certified disaster thanks to his incessant interruptions of Biden, which only served to annoy audiences and reinforce Trump's reputation for supposedly lacking civility.

Speaker 2:

In anticipation of a train wreck on either side, will tonight's debate viewership top 2016 Clinton-Trump battle? Yeah, I don't think they're going to have the same kind of audiences that they've had in the past audiences that they've had in the past, if I will go so far as to say that my finger on the pulse of the nation's psyche, if I can lean into that a little bit does anybody else just feel a massive amount of apathy? I mean, I see a lot of enthusiasm in places in the financial sector. I see a lot of enthusiasm in things with entrepreneurism and other issues, but as far as just looking through my personal feed and social media, yeah, you're going to get the MAGA people, and then there's the to get the MAGA people, and then there's the controlled opposition right in alternative media that profits from this. So you get a lot of that stuff, but I don't see a true blue enthusiasm anywhere other than extreme partisanship.

Speaker 2:

Then again, the muted microphones may be a redundancy, as Trump is reportedly well aware that his tactics backfired in the last election. He said to people multiple times that he knows that he interrupted too much in the first bait with the Biden in 2020. In any event, here's a CNN demonstration of what it will sound like. Let's see what this says. This is a presentation of what it will sound like.

Speaker 1:

If we go behind the podiums, you can see two green lights. When they're on, they signal to the candidate his microphone is on. When the green lights are off, they signal to the candidate his microphone is on. When the green lights are off, they signal to the candidate his microphone is off. Now I want to give you a sense of what it will look like for viewers at home if a candidate whose microphone is off interrupts a candidate whose microphone is on.

Speaker 1:

So I'm standing at one podium and I'll ask Phil to come in and take the other podium. And so let's say I'm answering a question, my light is green and I'm speaking. Phil's microphone is off and his green lights are not illuminated. He's going to interrupt me as I'm speaking and this is what it will sound like. My volume remains constant, while Phil's interruption can be difficult to understand. Let's try the opposite. My microphone is now off, victor's microphone is off and he's going to interrupt me. My volume remains constant, while victor's interruption can be difficult to understand, seen this production team has shared this demonstration with the campaigns earlier today and we're sharing with you.

Speaker 2:

Very nice of them. I'm glad they're giving us a preview of what certainly will be. You'll be able to hear trump in the background as biden taught and vice versa, by the way and biden will probably try to take his shirt off. Or let's go behind the gym, somebody change me. With the latest New York Times, cnn and College Poll showing Trump leading Biden in all seven battleground states, the pressure is clearly on the incumbent. At the same time, biden's increasing pace of verbal miscues makes the debate a risky proposition for him. Rather than closing the gap, a performance that confirms the public's worst belief about Biden's mental acuity could spell disaster. Well, you know they have to be getting him ready for whatever drugs get the doctor feel good in there. You know they did that and you know that was a mainstay of the 20th century. Everybody from Adolf Hitler they had. You know they had the Kennedy administration. Again, that was the real. That was a real thing. Dr Feelgood, he can't have this series of shots that were like methamphetamines and B vitamins and all this concoction of stuff. They referenced that on the show Mad Men, where they had brought this doctor in, and he's like a celebrity doctor and just gives you this shot or whatever it is. I brought this up a few weeks ago. It's about Joe Scarborough talking about Biden saying he's cogent, it's the best Biden ever. I doubt. I mean. This is where we are in this country. I doubt that it's going to be any substance or form. This will not be Nixon-Kennedy 1960. This won't even be Reagan-Mondale 1984. I think it'll be 1984, but not the Reagan-Mondale 1984.

Speaker 2:

The economy is the big question. It's the economy, stupid. Various measures show how strong growth under Biden, but many voters feel indifferent. What will Biden and Trump say about some of the key issues? And then they talk about inflation Inflation. This is clearly a challenge for the president. As Americans complain about what they're paying at the grocery store, at the pump on their rent, biden can say that price increases are slowing down and will most likely emphasize his administration's effort to crack down on corporate greed Taxes. Biden's proposal for hiring corporate taxes will hit profits. Yeah, I don't think any of this will be a coherent discussion on economics, but then it's.

Speaker 2:

This is the weird part, and I think I'm interested to see what they go into on this. But protectionism, well, this should be called economic nationalism. But what's so strange, you guys? When I ran for office 10, 11 years ago, I was looked at like some kind of strange space alien with the establishment. They couldn't believe whatever I was bringing up. Even being in a conservative talk radio in Dallas, I had some of the hosts, and one of the hosts in particular I will not mention his name he told me that this particular brand of economic nationalism. When I was talking about having tariffs on things and bringing jobs back, you said that was lib stuff. Told me it was lib stuff and I'm like no, that's what the founding fathers did. It was so far ahead of the curve. Again, people regular people love to hear it, but you talk like the Chamber of Commerce types and the establishment. They hated every word, like they were like I don't even understand how. You know this will never be on the national stage.

Speaker 2:

Now both major candidates in the presidential election are challenging each other's camps over who's going to have higher tariffs. I mean, what kind of strange land have I arrived in where this just this many years later? And now it's like a fait accompli, like, oh, we just do tariffs. The last president to do tariffs before all of this was Ronald Reagan. He did like one or two and he put tariffs on large Japanese motorcycles because Harley Davidson was about to go bankrupt and that was the last time before. And then Trump had some tariffs with China. So this is really strange. Both candidates want to increase tariffs on Chinese goods, and that's what I have a problem with is that it's like country specific and not about revenue and not about strategy and not about like. Biden wants to raise corporate taxes and have tariffs and Trump wants to put tariffs on China. And again, I don't think any of it has to do with real economic nationalism. I think it's more political and it's very, it's almost really it's acts of war. It has none of the hallmarks of what the founding fathers, like Alexander Hamilton, put tariffs in place.

Speaker 2:

And the second act out of Congress in 1789 was the Tariff Act. And again, you know, if you look at our history, all the presidents on Mount Rushmore supported tariffs. All the figures on it, if you pull out your paper currency, from a one dollar bill to a $100 bill, all those people supported tariffs. It's only in the last 70, 80 years where they've done free trade and that free trade works. And Biden's a free trade guy, which is. This is what's so bizarre about all of this. I mean, biden pushed NAFTA, Biden pushed GATT, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Both parties agree that. You know, losing those jobs was great. We just let these multinationals move their factories and then import it in with no tax whatsoever. They love that. That was their hallmark. And then somehow I've arrived in 2024, both candidates are fighting over how they're going to put tariffs on China.

Speaker 2:

Economists have warned that Trump's potential approach could aggravate inflation and hurt the economy. Well, they'll certainly blame it on that. It'll be like in the Great Depression. They had the Smoot-Hawley Act and if you go back and watch the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, that has Ben Stein and he's teaching the lesson about what caused the Great Depression. He blames it on tariffs. But we all know who caused the Great Depression, because they admitted it. Ben Bernanke said it was the Federal Reserve. Smoot and Hawley were framed, as Pat Buchanan said, and of course the markets. The S&P 500 set 31 records this year. Investors will hope neither party messes up that momentum.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we're going to go into a Michael Snyder article here in a second, but and I'm going to leave this alone I've had enough of the politics already. But both major parties and these, both camps. Do you feel like either one of these camps are talking to you? I mean, I'm asking. I'm not a partisan. I would love to see some America first policy. I'd love to see all that, but I've already done all this. I don't know what I mean. I feel like I'm in a strange time loop where I'm supposed to feel like 2016 through 2020 never happened. I'm going to get excited again. I don't have any of those things. I'm just taking a step back and it's costing me a lot of money because I'm not a partisan hack. Too bad, too bad. I wish there was something to be a partisan hack about, but I don't see anything in there. I'll watch the lowlights later, but I'm sure it'll be a show. Biden will certainly be pumped up on something.

Speaker 2:

Trump will hopefully have some kind of coherent remarks about policy somewhere. We'll see. I do love and I wish I could go back to the mental time, the frame of mind that I had in 2016 when Trump said that because you'd be in jail like one of the greatest moments in debate, like any kind of political theater, and he showed up with all of Bill Clinton's accusers. I mean, holy moly man. That was fun and those are gone. Those days are gone because she's nice people and good people and you know, all that stuff that happened. I mean I'm sorry I can't get excited about it. 2016 through 2020 already happened. I mean I'm sorry I can't get excited about it. 2016 through 2020 already happened. I already lived through it and God blessed me with a memory and that's one of my gifts and it's also a curse, because I actually can't suspend disbelief and get excited about this. But you guys do what you want.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's talk about the economy. This is another Zero Hedge article and it reminds me a lot. There's the presidential debate coming up. It reminds me a lot of what happened in Venezuela Very interesting, when Venezuela was going through the throes of the economic collapse and its currency collapse and everything, and I know there was a lot of pressure from the West. We don't have to get into what the outside pressure was. Their GDP was hemorrhaging and all this stuff, but guess what? Was booming their stock market. So like they were losing everything, but the stock market's doing great. That's the sign of like a banana republic. That's the sign of an unstable economy. That's the sign of unhealthy economic activity. Okay, you can have a booming stock market. Just mention that article, like the S&P 500 and the big multinationals, their ties to the central bank, and what's going on over the big transfers of wealth from the lockdowns in 2020 and all the money that went to the multinationals and everything that happened in the big box stores that were stayed open because they were essential and you weren't All the stuff that happened. One big box stores that were stayed open because they were essential and you weren't all the stuff that happened.

Speaker 2:

One of the reasons I'm not excited about this election or anything that's remotely associated with it Cause I lived through 2020. I was told I wasn't essential. Some of you were too. We watched. You know the abuse of children. You know taking and masking on children, not letting them play in playgrounds, killing the supply line, having people go to jail or get tickets because they showed up in a parking lot for a church meeting. You know, yeah, I'm not excited about this election. I don't apologize for that. I actually have a memory. I know who is responsible for it. I know who signed the executive orders funding it. So tune out whenever you want 11 signs.

Speaker 2:

The US economy is in far worse shape than most people think. All right, so this is one of the signposts. This is where let me stop this screen. And always good news, tony, let's put this up. But I like Michael Snyder, he's got the Economic Collapse blog. I always learn a lot from him. But there's things. See, this is a cool thing. You go through these things. You can, you know, get a little bit of warning on. I have to say this before I go.

Speaker 2:

I see harps in the chat on my, on on my ex account. He says I don't care about apathy, it's good marvs, I don't care about apathy either. My friend, all right, unless you've been living under a bridge or you're eagerly drinking the kool-aid that's been mainstream media is dishing out. You probably understand that the economy has been struggling. Survey after survey has found the American people are deeply dissatisfied with how the economy has been performing and, as a result, it has become the number one issue in this election. Except for the S&P 500 people issue in this election, except for the S&P 500 people, everything's fine with them. That's what the problem is the disparity. But even though a large portion of the population is not happy about how things have been going, the truth is the situation is far more dire than most people realize. The following are 11 signs the US economy is in far worse shape than most people think. This is number one, just like in 2008,.

Speaker 2:

Delinquencies are on the rise. In fact, credit card delinquencies have now reached the highest level that we have seen in more than 10 years. Meanwhile, more consumers aren't making loan payments on time. Credit card delinquencies have hit their highest level in over a decade, and auto delinquencies are also spiking. This could prove to be yet another trip wire for the stock market. Yeah, that's something.

Speaker 2:

I watch this data too. I'm very much in tune to what's happening with debt creation and that has it's directly tied to our monetary system. What you don't realize is when you go swipe a credit card, folks, when you swipe that credit card, that's currency creation. So there's new currency hitting the market. It's hitting the environment, right. It's going out into the system as new units. And when you have a home loan, that's currency creation. It didn't used to be that way. It used to have a fractional banking system. You had so much deposits the bank would loan against it. There was some sort of backup, but now that's out the window. There's actually everything that is in our system now is based off of debt and it's based off currency creation. That originally appeared in.

Speaker 2:

The New York Times claims that major Wall Street banks have begun offloading their portfolios on commercial real estate loans, hoping to cut their losses. Some Wall Street banks, worried that landlords of vacant and struggling office buildings won't be able to pay off their mortgages, have begun offloading their portfolios of commercial real estate loans. Well, this began in 2020 with the, you know, stay home, stay safe, zoom, meeting all these big office buildings and then, like you, go to New York. Recently with the Canadian pension fund for the government of Canada sold a high rise in Manhattan for one dollar over debt. They just took the. They sold it for, you know, for the debt assumption and one dollar to get out of it because it's not profitable.

Speaker 2:

Number three three when banks get into trouble, they start shutting down branches. So far this year, us banks have closed more than 400 branches all over the country. Us banks closed 51 branches across the country in the first three weeks of June. Wow, the figures suggest banks are committed to increasingly offering their services online and asking costly or enacting costly bricks and mortar locations. Yeah, the bricks and mortar. That's part of the. A lot of these bricks and mortar things are just going away. They're putting in more remote things. It's kind of like your grocery store when you walk up and you're like wait, I didn't know that I had sent in an application to become a cashier. Well, that's going to be the same thing. Did you know that you just sent in an application to be your own bank teller? Hell, if you're going to be your own bank, ladies and gents, you might as well be your own bank. You might as well just have gold and silver and Bitcoin and other things just in your own possession. Why don't you be your own? If they're really going to make you be your own bank, you should be your own bank, right?

Speaker 2:

Number four big companies are laying off workers from coast to coast. For example, approximately 500 Texas truckers just lost their jobs when a large logistics company abruptly shut their doors for good. A truck and logistics company has abruptly shut, affecting 2,000 workers, just three years after being bought by a private equity. Out of the blue, staff of US Logistics Solutions were giving the news on Thursday. They were out of a job and would also not get their paychecks on Friday.

Speaker 2:

That's how it happens, I think, the order of the day. If we're all honest with each other the order of the day. If we're all honest with each other, I think all the signs are pointing towards see about starting something for yourself, even if it's a side hustle. Learn it, figure it out. I'll make an announcement soon. We're going to do something with Wolfpack. I don't have it ready yet, but I'm going to do something where you can become an affiliate. You can pass that around, make extra money for yourself. I've got a couple of different things I want to bring to the audience, because I see that being more and more of a need. Just side hustles, doing stuff, these jobs especially. You're getting them and they're paying less, and then they're owned by these private equities and who knows what the job security actually is anymore.

Speaker 2:

Number five the Dallas Fed Services Index, has now been in negative territory for 25 months in a row. This is the 25 straight month of contraction sub-zero for the Dallas Fed Services Index and, judging by respondents' comments, there is a clear place to point the finger of blame. Well, what if I told you that it's nearly what? Is it $900 billion that the Federal Reserve actually has losses on its books, and I want you to let that sink in? That means that the Federal Reserve Bank, the place that makes the money lost money. Just let that sink down into your subconscious. The place that makes the money lost money, like if I gave you a printing press and said don't worry, you can run as many of these bills as you want, it's not illegal, you're now in control. You can make these things yourself. And I came back and you go. Well, I lost money. I have this thing and it's great, but I lost money. I want you to really think about that.

Speaker 2:

Number six the restaurant apocalypse just continues to anticipate. This week we learned that Hooters has suddenly decided to permanently shut down close to 40 underperforming locations. The Atlanta-based sports bar chain, hooters abruptly shuttered dozens of underperforming restaurants across the US. Well, you know it's like when I go into one of these chain restaurants anymore, it just seems like it's harder to get help. You know they have fixed costs on stuff, so inflation has really hurt that. People don't have the disposable income. It's like a perfect storm of bad service, bad food, not enough money, crazy overhead, like you're paying massive amounts in property tax, massive amounts in electric insurance and all this stuff. It just becomes like again it's just, it's not enough anymore. You know the margins start to shrink. Yeah, if I get on the air ever and say, hey guys, I'm opening up this restaurant, I want you to just, please, please, know that I've been replaced and there's somebody else here. It's not me. I know enough about all these type of businesses to stay clear. That's a really tough business. You really love it, you got? I mean, if you're going to open up a food business, it better be your food and you better love it. Retail chains continue to go belly up at a staggering rate. Today is being reported that two large retailers in the Northeast have made a decision to file for bankruptcy. Two sister chains that sell sporting goods have filed for bankruptcy as retailers continue to struggle. Bob's Stores, which sells athletic and casual clothing and outdoor gear retail, or Eastern Mountain Sports, together have 50 stores across the Northeast of America Number eight.

Speaker 2:

We just learned that consumer confidence in the US dropped lower this month. Of course it did. The US consumer confidence teetered slightly in June as Americans grew a little warier of the future. Slightly teetered slightly in June as Americans grew a little warier of the future. Well, I can see that in my business too, and no-transcript, it'll be much more about the economy, much more about food supply and fuel supply and on-time delivery and all that stuff opportunity. It will all be on the table. Our politics will change. It'll get less, because we can all admit right now it's not about anything. It's about, you know, we have a. Clearly you can see the overreach of the establishment. With the lawfare and all the stuff, we have an imploding system. The institutions are coming apart. People care about that, but all of a sudden that's going to be flipped on its head and I think it will be a good thing for some reality to hit. Our politics will change on the grassroots ground level and that will be a good thing, and it won't be so easy for the establishment to wave, you know, to lull you into a false sense of security.

Speaker 2:

Number nine the initial consumer confidence reading has been revised down in seven of the last eight months. Wow. Number 10, housing in the US is now more unaffordable than it has ever been. The housing cost burden has hit a record. According to a new report from Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies, home prices are now 47% higher than they were in early 2020. Well, that's unsustainable. Now, why are they higher? Okay, does anybody really know? Is it because there's more demand, or is it because 80% of all the dollars ever created were made in the last 60 months and all of that flows through? The system creates a temporary high, sugar high. It creates temporary pricing because people have access to these funds, so there's more currency creation. They buy the home and then they buy another Again. There's homes being bought. That looks and accelerates price. There's more demand, but somebody gets left holding the bag and that's, I think, you know again, the the the pricing bubble.

Speaker 2:

What happened in 0809 right was just the beginning, and now we're looking down the barrel of, I think, the largest crash that we've ever seen. This is just built on nothing. Don't build your house on sand, right, it is built. Not only it's fraudulent, not just sand, it is the biggest. We're living inside of an economic experiment, folks, since 1971, it's the longest. We're the world's oldest living fiat currency right now in existence, not that ever lived, but the oldest living because they don't last very long. 26 years is the lifespan usually by an average historically, for a currency not backed by anything. And our currency is not backed by anything and instead of trying to continue to prop it up, we just lost the petrodollar without a fight without any sort of diplomacy, without any sort of maneuvering, without any sort of strategy.

Speaker 2:

That should be a red flag. It's not just stupidity, it's not that they're dumb. They're literally doing a controlled demolition of the economy in real time, in front of your face, and saying well, we're going to have golden parachutes, hope you do. Well, the dollar is going to crash because we just decoupled it from the only thing that had any value at all, which was Petro system. The Saudis walked away 50 years and we did nothing. Matter of fact, we did everything to make sure they walked away from it. We gave them all the opportunities to walk away. The Biden administration said we're going green, cut the pipelines, sold off the oil and strategic reserve didn't replace it. If it's not just obvious to you now you know. That's why, again, you and me talk about politics. Well, we need another House Un-American Activities Committee. We need another UAC with another Joe McCarthy. We need somebody like that, but this time it needs to be. Are you now or have you ever been a member of the World Economic Forum? And then both parties would be like oh, all of our people are. Yep, that's the two-party system.

Speaker 2:

Number 11, as I discussed yesterday, the homeless population in the city of Chicago tripled from January 2023 to January 2024. The number of Chicagoans living in city shelters or on the streets tripled between January 23 and 24, according to the annual survey used by the federal officials to track homelessness. Homelessness, poverty, hunger and theft are all on the rise, and many of those that serve struggling communities say they are being absolutely overwhelmed because they simply do not have sufficient resources to meet all the needs. This is, michael Snyder says, sadly. I'm entirely convinced that this is just the beginning. I believe that conditions will eventually become much harsher as the economy continues to deteriorate during the months ahead.

Speaker 2:

But Joe Biden and his minions insist that everything is going just great. In fact, they would like you to believe the economy is booming right now. It's Bidenomics. You can believe that if you want, but the cold hard numbers that we keep getting directly contradict the endless stream of propaganda that we are constantly being fed. Again, michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse blog Well, he's absolutely right.

Speaker 2:

These are all indicators. The economy you can go back, folks. This is the trend since 1973. There's some key years 71, we went off the gold standard. 72, we opened China. 73 was the birth of the Trilateral Commission Again. But let's step back one, two steps. 71 was also the birth of the World Economic Forum. You understand, like the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, 73., 74, this country, united States of America, runs its last trade surplus ever. Now we're talking about hundreds of billions, almost sometimes a trillion dollar trade deficit.

Speaker 2:

So that money goes somewhere right, it's not in a vacuum. We used to run trade surpluses, we always did, and we made more than we consumed. And then we got off the gold standard. We started printing money. For a while it was somewhat contained. You know, throughout the 70s gold went up 2,000% but it didn't really go up. You understand, gold didn't really go up. The dollar went down.

Speaker 2:

So by the end of the 70s you had somebody like the head of the Federal Reserve, paul Volcker, stepped in and he raised interest. The reason they raise interest rates is to contract the money supply, so therefore containing inflation. So they raise interest rates to the teens. That's what Paul Volcker did. Well, years later Paul Volcker would be testifying in front of Congress and they asked him about the economic issues facing the country. In front of Congress, and they asked him about the economic issues facing the country and he said well, clearly that goes back to we become a consumption nation and not a production nation. Wealth is based off of production, true wealth, and that's what the United States was built on. So they had to get rid of that and that's why these free trade agreements and I call them free traders right, t-r-a-i-t-r-s Free traders, these people they put our workers and our manufacturing and all that small business and they put it into a Darwinian contest of survival of the fittest and gave these multinationals an exit.

Speaker 2:

That's why multinational corporations and these bigwigs, they never talk about lowering taxes or lowering regulation or anything like that. What do they care? They already got a free out. They can put their factory in China, put their factory in Mexico, ship it back in free of charge, and what do you mean? They have no regulation there or little regulation. They have basically slave labor. Know, that feeds into what we become, which you know we have.

Speaker 2:

They can talk about adding jobs all they want, but when you add jobs like, oh, I can get another, like I can get three service jobs, you know where I'm working at? I can work at a tanning salon, I can work. I can work at a drive through, I can work. So, again, that's not creating living wage jobs. This isn't creating wealth. And when you're constantly losing value in the dollar because they're debasing it, it gets you behind even further. So all this has to have a reckoning, all of this has to have an endgame.

Speaker 2:

You understand stand, and those who are really paying attention are looking at the words and the actions and deeds of the parasite class. I'm going to try to stop calling them the elite, but this is what you refer to as the upper 1% of 1%. They're buying assets and they're looking at the central bank. Watch what the banksters do. Are the banksters telling you to go buy gold? Well, I don't know. They're not saying anything about it. They're just buying all of it. So you ought to look and see what they're doing. They want you in this casino.

Speaker 2:

Continue to stay glued to the bread and circus, be myopic, look at the politics, stay involved in that, but you need to step back Whenever there's a headline. Step back. What are these people, or whatever they are, what are they doing and how are they going to retain their wealth and all this stuff? Well, they're definitely doing the opposite of what they would tell you to do. Right, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. You understand Well, rough times ahead, for that for sure. But you know again, you can guard against a lot of it by just recognizing that it's happening. Don't buy into the hype. The economy is not fine, right. The banking system is I wouldn't say it's imploding right now, but you need to be weary of it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, just having a backup plan is a good idea. I mean, if you had to today, like if you're in the stock market and you've got an IRA or a 401k and you're just kind of like just sitting there, you might want to do some research. Contact me. I can put you in a physical precious metals, something Like we can roll it over without the penalties. We can put you in physical precious metals that are yours and at least you'll do what central banks are doing, the central banks around the world. So the richest, most powerful financial entities in the world are not buying stocks, right, well, and if you know, they're not loading up their vaults with other currencies. So think about that. You know if just a little bit of lesson in that, I think something to think about. That's what I'm doing.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I like this full disclosure. I like Bitcoin, I like gold, I like silver. Silver is probably the best buy on the planet right now and you could literally just roll that into something that's a good hedge against all of this, which you have no control over. You have no control over what the Fed's going to do. You have no control over these multinationals and banks that are restructuring and doing creative destruction. No control whatsoever. All right, we've got a little bit of time left. I might go a little bit long today, we'll see.

Speaker 2:

I haven't even checked the Rockfin chat. I appreciate you guys tuning in. By the way, you can find us always over on the Rockfin channel. R-o-k-f-i-ncom on the America Unplugged channel. The Arterburn Radio Transmission is live there, as well as Paratruther. I put my podcast over there.

Speaker 2:

Freeworldfm 9.30 am. The Answer San Antonio, all the places you can find us. And give us a review, if you can. That always helps the algorithm. If you like my show, please give me a review on any of the podcast apps. It really does help. They try to. If I'm not outright banned, they like to hide me. It's like you have to actually type in the things to find me. It's not made easy for you. All right, let's close with a little bit of and we're coming up on Independence Day and I saw this article and I wanted to give a personal opinion. This is natural news.

Speaker 2:

As I mentioned earlier, a Pentagon study reveals US soldiers are nine times more likely to die by suicide than in combat. I followed this for quite a while, being a combat veteran. Military personnel often face significant risk in their line of work, but an alarming study conducted by the Department of Defense has revealed that soldiers of the United States Armed Forces are at least nine times more likely to die by suicide than in combat. The Pentagon study was conducted over a five-year period ending in 2019. It was published in May by the Defense Health Agency. Researchers reported that suicide was the leading cause of death among active duty soldiers from 2014 to 2019. Wow, that suicide was the leading cause of death from 2014 to 2019. Even, by the way, we were still those were years that we were still have troops in. We still have troops in Iraq you know, we still have an embassy larger than the Vatican there and, of course, afghanistan. They found that there were 883 suicide deaths during that period. Data revealed that accidents were the number two cause, with 814 deaths. There were only 96 combat deaths in that period. The suicide figures from 2019 predate some Army and Pentagon initiatives to prevent suicide, such as a workforce that addresses harmful behaviors like alcohol abuse that can contribute to deaths by suicide, contribute to deaths by suicide.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is a multi-pronged issue and whenever I see headlines like this, I like to chime in because there's something wrong with the entire system. I mean, we have some of the best and bravest people. We have still a great country. We're run by degenerate psychopaths and agents of Lucifer and the most part, the upper echelon, is absolutely in my opinion. Those who control and have the power are mostly degenerate scumbags and they don't have any ties or love or affection for the warrior class, and they use them as like pawns in chess. Like General Santa Anna said about his troops when he sent them against the defenders of the Alamo, it's like there's so many chickens you know just for him to sacrifice for his aggrandizement, but at least Santa Ana was on the battlefield. I mean, he ran away, but at least he was there. This ruling class will send you off into a no-win meat grinder war. Over what Ideology you know? Seven countries in five years. You get the neocons, the bill crystals, the paul wolfowitz's, the donald rumsfeld's, the dick cheney's, the george w bush's, the richard pearls. You get all these people, but they, that transcends party. They'll put you into an experiment, a class, class project, just for the fun of it.

Speaker 2:

People will say, well, it was about the oil. Well, we didn't get the oil. What was it about? 20 years later, after I left Iraq, the only currency they had that they could use was the US dollar, and the Iraqi parliament has just banned that. You can't use the US dollar in trades for their banks anymore. So it wasn't about that. What can't use the US dollar in trades for their banks anymore? So it wasn't about that. What was it about? Maybe it was just about to do it, to waste the money, you know, and people talk about NASA as being a big, you know boondoggle, where, you know, we don't actually have space travel, we'd never went anywhere, and they just, you know, pocketed the money. Well, you can look no further than the you know trillions of dollars that we spent in the Middle East, and it didn't go anywhere either.

Speaker 2:

But you take these people that are idealistic, that love their country and not everybody who joins the military does, but you know that loves it in that way, but a big percentage of them do and you meet the hard reality of that. The policies of this country and the ruling class have nothing to do with victory, freedom, the Constitution, even American security. The Undersecretary of Defense said recently and I've mentioned this often, but he asked in Congress when he could get back to a more traditional role and away from the US border, because they don't see that as defending America is not what they see as their role. They see their role as out on the outskirts of empire doing something for someone else, for some multinational corporation. Like Smedley Butler wrote in A War is a Racket. You know the most highly decorated Marine of his time and general he's like I wasn't defending freedom, I was defending the United fruit company. So you take, you take that and then you couple with.

Speaker 2:

Here's an interesting statistic. You always hear people thanking people for their service. You always hear people thanking people for their service. But I find that wholly bizarre. I mean because people want to do something. But let me ask you is there a reason why veterans and combat veterans have a lower percentage of representation anywhere in our society? If the society loves our warrior class so much, then why aren't they rewarded for it? Did you know that the makeup of the US Congress in 1970 was about 75 percent of those people had served in the US military. Now it's about 15%. So you know you don't see that really actually showing up. It doesn't. As a matter of fact, there's so much.

Speaker 2:

You look at the stigmas as I go through this article. Well, for one and this is a this could be an entire podcast, but for one you talk about these suicide numbers. They meet the hard reality that what they thought it was isn't what it is. So you have to cope with that. And then so you got this duality in your head. Like I love my country, I fight for freedom, but then you're over doing something that has nothing to do with that and they start to eat away at you.

Speaker 2:

And then you get back home and what you'll find is the people that you know didn't serve, or the your same age group or whatever they're far ahead. You know didn't serve, or the your same age group or whatever. They're far ahead. They're farther ahead than you are. And, like I remember, just I saw this politician that was same age standing next to a guy. Like he never went to the military but he was elected to a bunch of stuff, same age, and he's standing like they always find some veteran, they're going to build something for him because the veteran's not capable of whatever. That's how it looked to me, right, and it's just always that same kind of thing. Well, we're going to help this veteran out.

Speaker 2:

Well, veterans, if you get in this stigma that if you're not hurting or if you're not in some sort of crisis mentally that you didn't really serve you know well, you got to get. You got to get rid of that mentality that comes from, and some of it you need to laugh at yourself in some ways. I think. And this is just really the overarching pressure that's put on a young person going into situations where they put their life on the line, and then just all the things that are incongruent about the society in which you live, the society in which you return, I mean, and then the the societal pressures on the military itself. You know for you to that's where they experiment a lot right on, they do these, uh, societal experiments and cultural marxism that's infected in the military. It is bad and it becomes such a burden where you just can't be yourself anymore. And it's been a long time since I've been in the military. I can only imagine.

Speaker 2:

Data has revealed that suicide has increased among active duty soldiers. So far in 2024, at least 55 soldiers have died by suicide. In an interview, army officials pointed to increasing rates of suicide in US society as a whole that are reflected in their ranks. They also discussed new tactics that they're enforcing to try and reduce suicide. Well, I just think, as I close, this is something to think about.

Speaker 2:

You know, we're June is Men's Mental Health Month, and this goes for both sexes. This't just a male issue, just because I'm talking about the military, but by and large, you know that is a male thing. Like I was. There's something to that. You know, dying by your own hand especially, you just kind of give up and without a vision, my people perish and this is biblical. So if you've got all, if you've got cognitive dissonance, if you've got these multi-directional things in your mind about what you believe and it's all swirling around and eventually it just wears you out. So my prayers are with people that are hurting that bad and the answer is never, ever to take your own life. There's always a way out. There's always a way to make something better. There's always a change you can make. You know it's funny how you can once an idea if you can get something larger than yourself, or just serve again and do something, have a purpose, how you can get out of a dark place.

Speaker 2:

Believe me, I know that For all Americans, the rate of suicide has gone up 37% since 2000. In 2021, the last year of available data imagine, the last year of available data is 2021. I remember it spiked in 2020 in a major way. I wonder why? Was it the lockdowns? Was it the executive order that made President Fauci possible? What was that? We funded all those petty potentates and psychopaths, like the French laundry guy out in California to shut down people. The last year of available data, the rate per 100,000 was 14.1. Well, articles up on Natural News.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to end with at least something to give you some thought going into 4th of July, and I most likely will broadcast if you guys want to plan around it. I most likely will be available for the 4th of July and we'll talk about Independence Day. We'll talk about some of the history, some things you may not know about, some of our founding history and founding fathers, and things I like to talk about. That'll be a good start, but you know, as far as the headlines and other things are concerned, it can be overwhelming, but again, there's always a way to tap into something that is bigger than yourself. There's always a way. If you pray about it and you meditate on it and you search yourself, you always find a reason to go on one more day, just one more round, and that's why you know it's.

Speaker 2:

It is weird out there. A lot of people won't admit it. You know it's scary to talk about like things are so insane, like even for me. It's scary to talk about like things are so insane, like even for me. I've been studying politics, conspiracy, the human psychology. You know I've lived through it. I lived through some nightmarish things and when I see these kind of stories I my immediate reaction is to first needs to be diagnosed better. It's not like you. It's not like you see something. People have had interactions with terrible things and combat since time immemorial and men get through that, but there's something just incongruent.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what I want to put a label on something incongruent about the times in which we live. People know there's something wrong. It's like this we live. People know there's something wrong. It's like this election year. Everybody knows there's something wrong. We all know it. Right, we want to go back to our familiar camps and things that you know, whatever stances we took in the past. But that's probably a mistake, because those aren't real. I don't think. I think what we're needing to find right now, all of us and I'm speaking for myself is a clear purpose, and that clear purpose needs to be about producing something and creating something better, a better place to live, a better business, just making things better, and it could start just with the little things. So that's where I'm at as I close out.

Speaker 2:

I went a little bit long today, but I appreciate all you Remember America Unplugged on Saturdays with the great Billy Ray Valentine and the legendary Don Jeffries. Follow my podcast Paratroother Arterburn Radio Transmission. Please give us a review if you like the show. I'll be back live. I'm thinking I'll be live on 4th of July, so maybe you want to plan around that. Join me. I'll be here at my house in Denison, most likely if I'm not on the road, and you guys can tune in. We'll talk about maybe I'll do an open forum and we'll talk about Independence Day and we can talk some history.

Speaker 2:

Get out of these headlines for a little while. All right and Wise Wolf Gold and Silver. If you guys need some precious metals, wolfpack Gold membership program for those who would like to get on a steady dollar cost averaging. You know just a way to set it and forget it. Let me buy your metals for you, okay, wolfpack Gold Promo code. Your medals for you, okay, wolfpackgold Promo code. 1776 for some free constitutional silver From Beans the Brave and Houston and myself here in Denison. You guys take care of each other.

Speaker 1:

End of transmission.

New World Order and Politics Today
Presidential Debate and Economic Nationalism
Economic Decline and Job Losses
Economic Decline and Market Instability
Military Suicide Epidemic and Society's Stigma
Independence Day Podcast Announcement