The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#474 Gold, Globalist Goblins & the Great Reset

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

The petrodollar's reign is crumbling, and with it, the dollar's global dominance. Join us as we unpack the seismic shifts in global finance, sparked by Saudi Arabia's move to trade oil outside of US dollars. Discover how the Biden administration's green policies play into this landscape, signaling a profound transformation in fiscal power and the value of fiat currency. This episode serves as a critical wake-up call about the largest wealth transfer in history and its far-reaching implications.

Is a "crypto coup" brewing in American politics? Explore the fascinating dynamics and stark differences in political attitudes towards cryptocurrency. From Joe Biden's controversial stance to legislative actions hinting at broader acceptance and regulation of digital assets, we dissect the potential for significant policy shifts. Transitioning to a historical and personal lens, we share extraordinary stories—like buying a historic home in Bonham, Texas, and unearthing a 1962 newspaper about the Cuban Missile Crisis—tying these tales to the broader financial narratives of today.

The Great Reset isn't just a theory—it's unfolding before our eyes. This episode dives deep into the intentions of global elites to centralize power and wealth, with a particular focus on the implications of the World Economic Forum's agenda. Reflecting on historical cycles and the concept of an impending financial world war, we highlight the critical role cryptocurrencies may play in this evolving scenario. Join us as we explore state-level responses to these challenges, including crypto deregulation efforts and the resurgence of gold and silver as legal tender, painting a vivid picture of the battle for economic control.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the Hour of the Time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, All right, it's the official broadcast of the apocalypse the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons, the new world order to build back better Biden, beelzebub, baffinette, bilderberg, bohemian Grove, bankster Bunch. I'm joined in studio with Beans the Brave, who's going to make sure that we are in no way threatened by woodland creatures or bad vibes. She's spent the last 10 minutes barking on the porch at passersby here at the Denison headquarters in North Texas. All right, folks, it's the 13th of June 2024.

Speaker 2:

Something happened, though, last week, and you know it's monumental. It's earth shattering, and there's a lonely article by the mainstream media just out in the wind, like oh, just in case you missed it, the entire scope and spectrum of our currency changed. So, just in case you were, you know, wondering what. What's the big news? You know, is it, is it Hunter Biden getting convicted or whatever? No, not really. The big news is is that the petrodollar is dead and or at least on hospice, and nobody seems to care. I don't, I think they're going to care. I think that's something in the future that the financial institutions will look back and say well, I guess you know that's really was a monumental thing that you know. For 50 years, saudi Arabia has held their agreement to denominate and only transact the sale of crude in US dollars and in exchange for that, we provided military aid and protection to the House of Saud. Well, the Biden administration stepped in and said no, we're going green and we're going to kill these pipelines off and you can't drill, and, uh, we're actually going to make sure that our people are starved out of energy and that, uh, they can't get ahead economically. We're actually, we're actually going to punish our own people. And that's that's what's been happening, you know, with the, the moves made by not only this administration but previous ones, and really ramping up in the last two or three years. But they destroyed the petrodollar, not even making a semblance of putting up an effort to retain it, and that's really a shocking thing for all of us who've been gold bugs and silver bugs for many years.

Speaker 2:

We've talked about the petrodollar and what really props up the US dollar. It's not gold or silver. What is it? This article is up on msncom. I want to give attribution to the lonely contributor. It's by Paul Hoffman. It came out a day ago on Markets Today, again just in the corner of the mainstream media. I want to read the last paragraph.

Speaker 2:

Key takeaway a significant shift in global power dynamics. The expiration of the petrodollar agreement represents a significant shift in global power dynamics. It highlights the growing influence and emerging economies and the changing energy landscape. While the full implications of this shift remain to be seen, investors should at least be aware that, on a macro level, the global financial order is entering a new era. The US dollar's dominance is no longer guaranteed. New era the US dollar's dominance is no longer guaranteed.

Speaker 2:

So again, why is that not headline news everywhere, across all these financial networks? Well, the reason is, folks is because they're going to run the clock out. It's a run-the-clock-out situation. There's a big. As a matter of fact, it's not big, it is the largest transfer of wealth in human history has been going on and continues to go on. And while you sleep right, that's the old throwback line from Wall Street. Money never sleeps, pal. Yeah, money never sleeps While you're sleeping, the money class.

Speaker 2:

I just thought of something. I wonder if I can do it. It's a syllogism by Will Durant. Let's see if I can do it. It's the breakdown of how things work the men who manage. Men manage. The men who can manage only things and the men who manage money, manage all. There you go. That's the syllogism by Will Durant. That's what's going on.

Speaker 2:

So there's this huge power dynamic shift away from the dollar, and it's not financial mainline news, because you would benefit if you understood that. Right, if we all understood that. Wow, well, okay, so I'm constantly losing value in my fiat currency. How do I get out of that? Right, and there's a reasons why we're going to get into some other political stuff today a little bit. This all flows together Like when we're talking about taking on the deep state or restoring the American Republic.

Speaker 2:

Well, first principles, you can't do that unless you have sound money, and sound money is not just about well, is my money worth something? There's actually a sound. It's like the gold and silver make. It's actually very pleasant. You take two silver dollars and ping them together. There's a reason they call it that. And then again, that doesn't ensure accountability, but it helps it. It makes it more possible. You're certainly not going to have accountability in government unless there's some checks and balances and we live in a shadow of a shadow of what it was to actually be fiscally responsible. We go with a trillion dollars in debt every 90 to 100 days in this country. It took us 200 years to get there the first time and really only were able to get there rapidly in the 1970s after Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard.

Speaker 2:

Have you guys noticed that the major presidential candidates I mean there's more than three, if you want to say Robert F Kennedy Jr is a major? He's pretty, you know he's. He's no Ross Perot, he's no Teddy Roosevelt 1912. But he's up there, you know he's. He's making some headlines.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's something interesting. I talked to David Knight about this a little bit and let's see if we can find the article, but it's basically you've got these competing and this is from Forbes. It says leak reveals Joe Biden could be planning a crypto coup among Bitcoin, ethereum and XRP price swings. Now, what this means, if I can share the screen, what this means is that the powers that be have run a trial balloon with the American public and, yeah, most times, every four years, these elitists, you know, who rule over us. They, they descend from their, their, their towers, their ivory towers and their and their, their mansions and they come out of their gated communities and they try to figure out what the hoi polloi, what's the bourgeoisie? What are they paying for? How are they paying for things? What's the price of a gallon of milk? And all the rest of this stuff. And they try to figure out what you want to hear.

Speaker 2:

Well, the Biden administration is seen all across Wall Street and all across the crypto sphere as being anti-crypto, because they are. Don't mistake the left's ties to FTX and Sam Bankman Freed and all that stuff. Don't mistake that for endorsement. They like the fact that Silicon Valley Bank went under. They like the fact that FTX crashed. Right, there was a big money laundering boondoggle for Ukraine and all the rest of this, but they like that stuff. They like to show that the free market fails. They want to control that. Elizabeth Warren, that's her favorite thing.

Speaker 2:

This leak reveals Joe Biden whoever's controlling Joe and his incompetence. This is again Forbes. Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and XRP, have rocketed higher since the crashing of their 2022 lows. As President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are warned, there's only one way to save the US dollar. Now, this warning comes from Robert F Kennedy Jr, and really what the article is going in and talking about is that Trump and RFK Jr are touting Bitcoin. Trump didn't used to do that, but he's all over the place talking about Bitcoin and the White House is now. They want to get in on this. It says Trump and Biden hurtled towards a Bitcoin showdown.

Speaker 2:

A potentially game-changing bill with a surprise crypto provision has been passed by a Senate committee, which could be the most important US crypto policy if it becomes law. So they're competing to see who is more crypto friendly Folks. The establishment across the board hates anything decentralized. Ok, it's their mother's milk. It's what they go to. They need to be against anything that is decentralized. They love centralization. They love the consolidation of power. That's why they worship at the altar of not only the Fed, but CBDC Central Bank.

Speaker 2:

Digital Currency. The US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Funding Packages was recently waived with an unnoticed crypto provision that would force crypto companies to collect more information about users or face being caught up in sanctions designed to prevent terrorism financing. This would again. This is CoinDesk that's chiming in. Coindesk that's chiming in. They said that the bill would speed and automate the process to sanction foreign digital asset transaction facilitators, including crypto exchanges. Yeah well, this is, I think, going to be more and more in the headlines. There's something with the establishment in Bitcoin, as we've seen with Larry Fink and BlackRock. And again, the other article that I had up let me see if I can put that up real quick was Robert F Kennedy Jr. Same thing on Forbes, and it's kind of misleading. They put Trump's name in there. And it's kind of misleading, they put Trump's name in there, but it says ultimately, I think the only way to save the dollar is through the program that I've outlined, which would include Bitcoin. That's RFK Jr, who owns almost 1.5 million worth of Bitcoin, said during a conference for Coindesk in Austin. So what you're seeing again, this is a completely new landscape.

Speaker 2:

Folks Think of how bad things have had to become and where the average person and I've been doing this for many years talking about what could be inflation. You always hear gold bugs and silver bugs talk about this and the collapse of the dollar and the decline of fiat currency and everything goes to zero. And I've been saying this for years and it kind of fall on deaf ears. But now they just they made my job easy. The ruling class has literally made everything I do so easy because they tanked the system. They did it themselves. I feel like it's coming to fruition, the philosopher Voltaire's prayer, which was Voltaire's prayer was oh Lord, please just once make my enemies look ridiculous. They do it to themselves. I mean, they debased the dollar and they've made which.

Speaker 2:

I don't think any of these moves that they're being made right now by our overlords are. I don't think they're just based on hubris and arrogance. I think they're based off of a controlled demolition, because if you look at the grand chessboard, not only are they trying to provoke kinetic warfare across the board, but they're also not looking out for any interest of American sovereignty, american power projection. They're isolated. They talk about people like me being an isolationist. There's nothing more isolating than being a schizophrenic superpower running out through the night trying to nightstick evildoers or whatever they deem as being, against whatever operation Rainbow Flag or whatever they're running in Europe against Ukraine v Russia.

Speaker 2:

A great example of that is the frozen assets of the government of Russia, which could be up to where like $50 billion or some crazy number that have been seized. And again, this is one of the reasons why these countries want to move away from the dollar and the SWIFT system and other things financially. That's why the BRICS exists, but there's reports and Janet Yellen's backing this and others. They're going to repatriate those funds and give them to the t-shirt man in Ukraine. This is unprecedented. This is acts of war. And not only that, but we slit our own throats. Instead of us creating the environment to where more companies are going to move to the US and build things, more investments going to be made in our infrastructure for our long term, to create jobs or anything like that, more deals are going to be brokered for trade routes, we are closing things off.

Speaker 2:

Look at the money we're all of a sudden giving to Taiwan and I know I repeat this all the time, but it's a huge story when we didn't even we don't have diplomatic relations, or we didn't since 1979 with Taipei. I mean, donald Trump talked to the president of Taiwan when he was first president-elect. That was the first world leader that he talked to and the media went berserk because you're not supposed to talk to Taiwan. Now we're funneling them billions, which I'm not really opposed to us standing up to the communist Chinese against Taiwan, but it makes us look crazy. We already ceded it away in 1972 when Nixon opened China with Henry Kissinger and talked to Mao, and they did a verbal promise. And then in 79, with Zygmunt Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter. They gave it away.

Speaker 2:

So what are we doing now? These are moves on the chessboard to further isolate us, to put pressure on us and make our allies or whatever you would deem an ally, whatever that means to you. People are having to choose sides, but we're not even trying. Saudi Arabia literally just walked away from the petrodollar agreement. We didn't want to entice them to do something else. We didn't try to push for the dollar to continue to be the world's reserve currency or the petrodollar. You realize this is the not to get too technical because honestly, I can't even do it, but let's just pretend I can.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about Triffin's dilemma, robert Triffin, the economist, in the 1960s. The dilemma was, you know, we were still the gold standard at the time. But Triffin, robert Triffin started to wonder what would happen with all these dollars. Get repatriated? We become the world's reserve currency, so we stock all these other central banks with dollars. Eventually they have to be repatriated. It's one of the reasons we went off the gold standard because there wasn't enough gold to patriate. You understand like countries. Take notice when we debased our coinage starting in 1965, taking the silver out. When we debased our coinage starting in 1965, taking the silver out. So you have Triffin's dilemma really coming to fruition. What happens when those trillions, or quadrillion, whatever it is, when they're repatriated back home?

Speaker 2:

Well, the elites like Bernstein, who is the economic advisor he's on 60, they don't know how currency is created or, you know, this is the smart set that are ruling over us. He's written in the New York Times and other places that the dollar should be dethroned as the world's reserve currency. I just, again, I get back a harp on this because it's such big news and you know, if you're listening to me, you're like would you talk about this every week, tony? Yeah, I know, but we just lost the petrodollar and I just I didn't even find much. You know headlines on Twitter? It's not even there's, not even even in the gold and silver community. There's some and there's others that say you know this, it is a big deal, but it's not getting the coverage that it deserves.

Speaker 2:

When you're talking about real language, this is the language between powers. They don't really do press releases or soundbites. They move things around, kind of like the Russians are putting a nuclear-powered submarine in Cuba. I've seen this movie before. Kind of like the Russians are putting a nuclear-powered submarine in Cuba. Is anybody else getting? I've seen this movie before. I'll tell you guys a story. This is the weird stuff that happens to me.

Speaker 2:

When I got out of the military and I bought a historic home in Bonham, texas, which is I'm in Denison right now, but it was home of the Speaker of the House, sam Rayburn. That was his hometown and I love Bonham. It's it's got a neat downtown and it's still one of those hidden gems. You know it's a real part of Texas. You know North Texas and I went there when I was a kid. So I bought this house that was built in 1880 and it's a beautiful home is, you know, about 3000 square foot. It wasn't very. I bought it on my home. It was a VA loan. I was 24, 25 years old.

Speaker 2:

I'm a nerd when it comes to watching movies. I'd watch documentaries. Then one day I'm like I'm going to watch 13 Days about the Cuban Missile Crisis. I stay up late that night watching 13 Days. It's about, you know, the cuban missile crisis and how it's. 13 days, by the way, 13 days exactly how long the siege of the alamo was. But I'm watching the movie and you know it's the missiles get. There's a deal made by khrushchev and kennedy in this back channel communique where they trade the jupiter missiles in turkey for the. You know that we had that were obsolete for the missiles in Cuba. And again it made the military-industrial complex hit the roof and that's one of the reasons they blew Kennedy's head off in Dallas. That's, in my opinion, right. The military-industrial complex deep state. He made peace and they don't want peace because they're psychopaths.

Speaker 2:

Well, I watched this movie and then the the next morning I get up to go get some coffee and I'm walking down the street, going in this historic downtown, and a newspaper is blowing down the street and it catches my foot and I look down and I pick up and it kind of looks like an old paper. So I pick up this paper and I snap it out and look at it to see what the headline is. And it was dated. It was dated October of 1962. And it's about the blockade. It's literally a newspaper covering the Cuban Missile Crisis that's floating around on the street for no apparent reason in Bonham, texas, in 2005.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know, weird stuff happens to me a lot. I should, I tell the other, I should tell the other story about the trophy. Let's see if we can get. We should get a Houston. You should bring me that trophy. I want to. I want to show the audience, if you get a chance I don't know my, my son is helping me with production. You want to hand me that trophy? I want to. This is so. This is so. We can talk about headlines in a second. But I want to show you guys this. This is cool, this happens, this kind of stuff happens to me all the time. So this is a.

Speaker 2:

This trophy came in the shop and it's completely solid sterling silver. I went and took it to the refiner to melt it because it's like $900 worth of silver and it doesn't feel that heavy. But I went to go melt it and I had them weigh it and then hand it back to me. And then I looked at it and we're going to do a Beans is going to help us clean it up. But I went and looked at the inscription on it and it's from October 15, 1929. It was a speed race for the National Guard, I guess for their airplanes, and it was done in Colorado, and I saw that Of course that's just right before the stock market crash, and so I put it down and I said, well, I'm just going to keep this, I'll clean it up because it's always going to be worth the silver, so no big deal, I don't have to melt it. Well then Houston came around and looked at the further end of the inscription and it's it's awarded to a Captain, ralph Hall, which that's not my Ralph Hall, that I was friends with Congressman Hall, but he was. He was only about six years old at the time, but it is.

Speaker 2:

It may that just these synchronicities of things happen to me. I don't know, did they happen to you? That's weird stuff. So you know Ralph was, was a dear friend and a mentor to me, and you know I, I ran against him and I think I was one of the babies he kissed when he first ran. He was the oldest living member of Congress to ever cast a vote, but he was the last World War II veteran too. Just interesting stuff, interesting times, ladies and gents. Maybe that's what happens when you're in monumental historic times Things start to be more synchronistic.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'll go to the chat here in a second and, by the way, thanks for joining everybody who's finding us on freeworldfm and rockfincom on the America Unplugged channel. I'm going to be streaming this on 9.30 am. The Answer in San Antonio as well. Appreciate everybody. Let me see what else I want to talk about. Oh well, you know I'm going to continue to talk about the Great Reset. This is still a thing, okay.

Speaker 2:

Just because Klaus Schwab is taking more time off to spend with his lizard family doesn't mean that the great reset is off. You're a hackable animal to Yuval Harari and they need you to get into the pod and eat the bugs for Greta Kitco, who I follow, for gold and silver and bitcoin and crypto news great website. Uh, they put out an article I thought was interesting. I thought we'd read a little bit of this together. It's not exactly like kitco is davidikecom or something. I mean they're, they're pretty mainline. But if, if you're studying markets and you're studying the way that the central banks are buying gold and that the currency is again there's a reset of that, you start to become a conspiracy analyst just by default.

Speaker 2:

See, I didn't get into alternative media because I wanted to sound cool. I didn't get into. You know, I didn't do that for effect. As a matter of fact, I've lost listeners. I mean, it's on the in the long enough timeline, I'll be okay, it's a long-term investment but short-term. I lost a lot of mainline people, even though I was on mainline radio.

Speaker 2:

When I start talking about the conspiracy theory of history and you know, you really go back into the origin stories because it makes stuff more complicated, especially when you realize that. To the origin stories, because it makes stuff more complicated, especially when you realize that the paradigm of when I was a kid it was communism versus capitalism and then you realize the capitalists funded the communists and all that stuff. I didn't get into that because I wanted attention. I got into that because that's where scholarship leads you, if you actually have the discipline to read and study and meditate on things and really try to like. Because that's what I think about mostly through the day. If I'm not thinking about filling orders or paying my bills, I think about geopolitics and how things get moved around and who does what and what, what power comes from where, and and I think that's what happened you stare long enough into the abyss and the abyss stares back into you and I want to put this article up.

Speaker 2:

Let me stop the screen here. Let's put up this as Kitco, and Kitco is covering the Great Reset, ladies and gents, so I don't know. It's kind of like, hey, if you're a UFO person right now and you were like in the shadows for many years and now every headline is on mainstream media, it's kind of like they take your joy away. It's like wait, I don't get to be, I'm not fringe anymore. But that's okay as long as the truth is out there. This is Kitco great reset in financial world war coming. This is a global elite's reset in financial world war coming. This is a global elite's plan to come out on top Again. This is Kitco. Just the headline alone 10 years ago would not have made it. I'm sorry, even on gold and silver webs it's always been somewhat mainline and you're like you dare not. That's why Gary Allen wrote his book None Dare Call it Conspiracy. You dare not do that. But again it says the world is on the brink of a financial reset, with the global elite planning to come out on top.

Speaker 2:

According to Carol Roth, new York Times bestselling author of you Will Own Nothing who says this threatens to leave the average person losing private property rights, other liberties and being subject to centralized control and draconian oversight. There is this change coming, roth told Michelle McCorry, lead anchor and editor-in-chief at Kitco News. In many ways, it's not so much that the elite intentionally try to keep you down. They are trying to preserve their power and wealth, and if yours has to go away for that to happen, then that's just okay by them. That's exactly right.

Speaker 2:

So this entire time, people ask me, like what is the Great Reset, tony? What's the New World Order? The New World Order is the elites harnessing the technology for once and for all and stopping the game. That means that they want to seat themselves as the landed gentry and you're the new serfs and they control everything. You just have to be smart enough to turn the levers and not question the machinery. That's what they want. It's pretty clear from all of their white papers and projects and the UN Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21. If you really read into that, all it is is a consolidation game. To stop the music. That means that they control the resources. It's like where they are now.

Speaker 2:

So why do you think really think about this? Why do you think if you're, especially if you're on the left or you're progressive, or if you think that you know, I see these idiots coming out, like even Elizabeth Warren was like, if we tax the rich, we can pay for the programs. And somebody commented like, actually, if you took everyone's wealth and, like this, did the rich, we can pay for the programs. And somebody commented like, actually, if you took everyone's wealth and, like this, did the math, like if you took everyone's wealth who had anything and redistributed, there's not enough funds because you've literally printed and you've created these unfunded liabilities that can't be funded. So if that's the case, you could basically have to do inflation. So if the elites though if the elites really thought that the income tax was going to take their wealth, they would do away with the income tax, because they own all the politicians. You understand this right. So what we're talking about is something that isn't real. It's kind of like Plato's cave, where we're all just getting socially rewarded for identifying the shadows that aren't real as well. Like it's just an, it's a circular argument into nothing, because the elites the elites and those who have the power of the printing press and the influence right now they want this current reality. So this is a great article in the sense that just that last sentence they don't care if you have to lose yours, they just need to preserve their wealth, and that's what the system allows them to do.

Speaker 2:

Roth warns that a financial world war is a major shift in the financial order and it's coming, and adds that it is not a conspiratorial as it sounds. No, it's not. You know why it's not as conspiratorial as it sounds? Because they tell you no-transcript. Get in your pod. We're going to do a 15-minute city folks. Come on. It's just a lockdown, it's just an experimental injection, that's all it is. Just get that. It's just for your safety. It's just six feet apart. It's just that. You're non-essential, he says. If you go to the White House's website and look at remarks that President Biden gave to the Business Roundtable back in 2021,. He talks on a regular basis about things changing in the financial order and says there's going to be a new world order out there. That's true.

Speaker 2:

The US is about 80 years into the cycle of being at the center of the global financial system, with the US dollar being the world's reserve currency. Well, here's something to think about. That's the 80 years. Why is that important? Well, we talk often on this show and David Knight does a much better job explaining it than me but you talk about the fourth turning. There's every 80 to 100 years, but it's usually 80. You see, this massive upheaval in society, change in the order, change in institutions and all the rest. Again there's every 20 years is a turning and it's really biblical, based on, I think, in ecclesiastes turn right. So there's a fourth turning. But I've been thinking a lot about this, lady. You know they. You look at 80 years on. We're 80 years on from the breton wood system and and we just celebrated 80 years since D-Day.

Speaker 2:

But I think the most significant is going to be 80 years out from 47. So you have the 47th president. I think most likely I think we can all agree if you're paying attention, I think, even if it's from prison I think most likely you're going to have a Trump presidency in some way. I think that's a that's a distinct possibility. I know that because I think the the math adds up for the selection process Would love to dump the collapse of the dollar and the collapse of American empire and the collapse of of American power into the lap of America first, because that's what Donald Trump espouses. He doesn't hire America first people, he doesn't have that policy, but he definitely talks about it and it seems to me that that, those two things going together, the 40, the 47th president, 80 years on from 47,.

Speaker 2:

What happened in 47? Well, that's the birth of the national security state. You listen to somebody like Gore Vidal. You go back to the document NSC 68 under the Truman administration. You get the birth of the Central Intelligence Agency, the birth of the Air Force. Get the birth of the Central Intelligence Agency, the birth of the Air Force, the birth of the NSA, and that's right on the heels of some crazy stuff with Roswell, you know, right around the 4th of July 1947, the mysterious crash that they later would say oh, it's just a weather blur, it's some balsa wood and some tinfoil. I don't know why you guys are worried about that, you know. And Kenneth Arnold at Mount Rainier, and now we're just seeing UFO stuff all the popping through.

Speaker 2:

And again, I don't have all the answers. I'm just saying it seems to me, if you want some synchronicities and you want some, if we're going to talk a little bit about what could be on the horizon, that's an interesting. I'll probably do a pair of truth or, on it, by the way, got a new pair of truth that just dropped. You guys go check that out. It's fun I have a lot of fun with with Chris Graves and Mr Anderson just talking about Tesla, and you know hidden tech and are the stunted century that we live in right now. It's weird, like, why don't we have all the technology we were promised? So there's weird stuff with that.

Speaker 2:

You know, as see, whenever you listen to my show now that I said that you'll never look at it the same again and you're welcome. That's the stuff that goes on in my head. I'm like 47th president, 1947, 80 years on. I start putting the numbers together and I've been doing this for decades now but really, really, since my early 20s. I don't think my brain works the same anymore. That's what three foreign wars will do to you folks. It's funny because I read the book of Jonah in the Bible yesterday and I remember telling my grandmother 20 years ago because I was stationed in Mosul, which is Nineveh, and that's where God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach, and they were building the Jonah Mosque while I was there I mean, this is right on the edge of the tail end of the invasion of Iraq and I wrote my grandmother and I said, oh, I see now why Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh. It's really bad, but I was reading that yesterday and thinking about. You know the, the place, you know the places that I've been and just having lived through so much of that and I never look at, never look at history the same kind of once you've lived through it.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to see if there's any more highlights in this and a lot of this is redundant folks but we've got to talk about it. It's the biggest stories ever. The biggest story is not the election. The biggest story is what's going to happen to our economic system, which controls everything. There's probably a reason somebody's telling Trump to talk about Bitcoin and I don't know why that is, other than if it's politically expedient. That's where my mind first goes, but then I realize they don't even talk to voters anymore. I don't know. Are they really triangulating anyone anymore?

Speaker 2:

Roth points out that the BRICS plus countries are actively de-dollarizing and trading in their own currencies, while central banks are selling off US treasuries and stocking up on gold. For Roth's take on the decline of the US as a global superpower and the kind of shift that's coming, they recommend the video in the article. I'll put this in the show notes too. Over the last decade, the amount of US government debt has more than doubled, from $16 trillion to over $35 trillion. And then she even talks about the World Economic Forum. Roth also pointed out that we see a bifurcation of the global monetary system and that US hegemony is waning.

Speaker 2:

There are non-governmental players pushing an agenda that leads to less economic and individual freedoms. So important to understand that. It's so important to understand that those who control so much of the world's wealth don't even believe in free markets. They don't believe in the system that made them wealthy. They have become greedy, they have become hubristic. They become the enemies to free markets. As a matter of fact, the elites that control this country have adopted every single plank of the communist manifesto, and I believe the fifth plank of the communist manifesto is a central bank. I mean literally abandoning everything that made us great.

Speaker 2:

The good news is is that on state levels all around, what you're seeing is decentralization. States are becoming more friendly to gold and silver as legal tender and taking off the sales tax and the income tax for capital gains. Oklahoma just released a massive crypto deregulation bill, which is again such good news. I'm a fan of when decentralized networks can support parallel economies for people, because we clearly can't trust the government to run. Why is the government in charge. Why is the government in the currency business? Why aren't they in the stock business? Well, maybe they are. They manipulate so much.

Speaker 2:

But you understand where I'm going with this. Why are you in that business? Because once they get control of the especially when it's fake money and it doesn't have it to be backed by anything you can just inflate your way out of economic downturns. You overpromise on the welfare state, just inflate your way out. You kick the hornet's nest and start World War III. You inflate your way out, but what that means to you, the regular person the ewers of wood and drawers of water, to be biblical is that we see an erosion of our wealth. We have to work harder and harder and more hours to keep up with it. You know that's one of the big reasons why they came out in the 1970s after the abandonment of the gold standard. That's why it was the birth of the IRA, the 401k. It's why they started running all these commercials later into the 80s and 90s, to get you involved in the stock market. The only way to really get ahead is to park your dollars into something that is ahead of inflation, and the elites know that the game has been a long con, folks, and that's the issue. It's a long con.

Speaker 2:

And remember, world Economic Forum was started in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, same year that our dollar became fake. Do you think that's an accident? Do you think that's coincidence? She highlighted the World Economic Forum's WEF 2030 agenda. Isn't that funny? They have the same agenda as the UN. It's almost like they're the same people. It's like that meme from the Office with Pam, you know, and it's just like she shows this. Like you need to. Corporate wants you to figure out which one of these two pictures are. What's the differences? And they're the same picture. Right? I would add just one more picture of Satan, though. It's like that is all the same. You know, un, one world government the Rockefeller building there in New York was built on top of a slaughterhouse. Just apropos, says you will own nothing and be happy.

Speaker 2:

The post was originally published in 2018 on the WEF's Twitter account. I remember this because I talked about it on my show and people weren't really understanding. Why did the World Economic Forum have any? What does that even mean? Well, they have clearly made it, they've clearly shown that, and I think Klaus Schwab talked about this. He said that they had penetrated cabinets right with, like Canada and the United States and the World Economic Forum, young global leaders Right. There's so many of those, and so they love to find heartland, you know, republican congressman there's like you know, wasn't, uh uh, dan crenshaw your favorite over there in the second congressional district.

Speaker 2:

He's an approved veteran. You gotta understand. I ran as a, as a combat veteran, but dan crenshaw is an approved veteran. You did the radio station didn't like me a lot of folks because I would say things like oh, we need to bring the troops home, you know? Or there's the. Where's the fun in that? And you, dan crenshaw gets visibly upset when you talk about leaving places like syria, like I remember an interview that I watched him in he just got, you know, talking about leaving afghanistan. He gets visibly upset, uh, because then I mean, I don't know if it devalues what he feels like his service was, or he just does just CIA lackey, that he's a warmonger, all the above.

Speaker 2:

He's definitely improved and he's I believe he's part of the. I think he's part of the WEF's young global leaders. Pretty sure Would that surprise you at all, young global leaders? Pretty sure Would that surprise you at all? Let me see one last little thing. This is a quote from the article, and then I'm going to move on. So I encourage everybody to look up the video with Klaus Schwab at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government when he talks about the Young Global Leaders Program and you have people like Canada's Justin Trudeau and Christa Freeland who have been part of this program, and he cites them. I look around and I know all of these people and they've been part of the WEF's Young Global Leaders Program.

Speaker 2:

And so when somebody like Klaus Schwab says we penetrate the cabinet I know I'm reading this as I go, but these are the highlights and the stuff that floats around in my brain I'm not sure what that might mean other than we penetrate the cabinets. That's exactly right. That's what the enemy does. It's called probing you probe the perimeter and then you send in the spies. It's called probing you probe the perimeter and then you send in the spies. And you can do that through supranational, non-governmental. You know the NGOs and the things like oh, it's very erudite, it's very sophisticated.

Speaker 2:

You have to come to one of these parties from the Council on Foreign Relations. These are really good people who don't believe in sovereignty or the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. That's a throwback. See, what we need to really ensure peace is a one world totalitarian, socialist government, don't you understand? I'm part of the Council on Foreign Relations and actually, you know, it's maybe the Trilateral Commission. You meld those together and then you get the World Economic Forum and I mean I can go back to that meme. It's like the same. It's the same picture. Are you starting to see where this is headed? And they're like that in both of the major parties here in the United States of America too. Yes, they've entrenched. They're entrenched in our government. All right, the calls are coming from inside the house. Folks, we know that.

Speaker 2:

Let me go to the Rockfin chat real quick and then I want to do one last. Oh, we got a tip on Rockfin. That's very kind. Appreciate everybody who contributes. Looks like we got jason barker. Thanks for streaming the show today on freeworldfm. Jason uh is doing so much heavy lifting and I so appreciate him. Gardner goldsmith he says here we go, it's good to see you. Yeah, we've got an act. Tom Cooper's over in the chat on Rockfin on the America Unplugged channel. It's usually where I check. Toronators gave me $5. It says happy Friday Eve. Tony.

Speaker 2:

Speaking on the 13 days of the Alamo, did you ever see the made-for-TV movie back in the 80s called Alamo, 13 Days to Glory? No, I didn't see that. I've heard of that, though. It was excellent. Alan Baldwin played Colonel Travis, james Arness played Jim Bowie and Raul Julia played Santa Ana. My brother watched it all the time and I was a little young to appreciate. Looking back on it, I think it was a masterpiece. Yeah, I like Ron Howard's 2004 Alamo too. You had Dennis Quaid play Sam Houston and of course, I'm big on Texas. My son, houston, is named after Sam Houston and I've got Sam Houston's autograph here on my arm.

Speaker 2:

You know it's like I love Texas history because the Texas history is kind of like the. It's like the founding fathers of America, but it's almost like it's like they're the B cast or something like they've got Sam Houston's kind of like the George Washington figure, but he's so much more tortured. George washington figure, but he's so much more tortured and you know he has to. He deals, deals with or dealt with alcoholism and you know, just resigning his office and governor of tennessee because he had a marriage that went bad and just you read about these and you can kind of george washington is such an amazing figure in history but it's hard to identify with him. It's almost he's, you know not, I don't want to say godlike, but he's so stoic and he's so far like controlled in this coolness that it's like you know it's, he's almost unreadable.

Speaker 2:

But the texas, the texas founding fathers, you know, like jim bowie, who, like you know, he sold bad, you know tracts of land from there was him and his brother uh name, his brother's name was raisin and they would go and they'd find these tracks of land in louisiana and then the title would be muddied between when the french, uh, you know, had claim to, when the spanish had claim, and they go sell these tracks of land to people and this is outright fraud, and they would do that, you know. And then they eventually try to re-establish their character or their reputation and they come to texas. I mean, will you the, you know, uh, william barrett travis was had run away from bankruptcy in alabama. He left his you know, his pregnant wife there. I mean, it was a these.

Speaker 2:

They all wanted a different start and Ron Howard, I think, captured a lot of that in the Alamo of 2004, which is also a great movie. I'll leave you with this. One of the great lines in that was Jim Bowie is dying and he's talking to William Barrett Travis and they both kind of reconciled a little bit because they're both fighting at odds. Jim Bowie was in charge of the militia and Travis is in charge of the regular army. And he's just a kid, he's 25 years old. And jim billy says you know, in five years you might, you might just be a great man. And william barrett travis says I think I'll have to settle for what I am now, which I always love, that, as they knew they were going to die, and a lot of us, I guess we're all in our own kind of Alamo.

Speaker 2:

If you believe in the principles of liberty and this not being a, you know, I don't think the world should be the playground for Luciferian psychopaths. I think that we have a responsibility to stand up to these people. I think we have a responsibility to promote freedom and to promote humanity and to promote, you know, the ability to self-actualize and have, you know, live in a world where you're not controlled by the World Economic Forum and others and where you can, you know, voice your opinion and you can worship the God of your choosing, right. What's the whole point of, what's the point of living under the yoke of psychopaths? There is no point, so, and the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Well, I've ran out of time. It looks like I appreciate each and every one of you Follow Paratroother. Give us a review if you can. It helps the algorithms.

Speaker 2:

Arterburn Radio Transmission arterburnnews is my website. Wisewolfgoldandsilvercom website wisewolfgoldandsilvercom, one of my other websites. And Wolfpack Remember wolfpackgold? Monthly memberships for precious metals. We're doing something nobody else is doing. We turned the whole system on its head. You can start as little as $50 a month at the Lone Wolf level and get yourself some precious metals. Folks, we appreciate you, from Beans, the Brave, the whole crew, everybody. We will see you Saturday for America Unplugged, if you want to see us there. If not, I'll see you next week. Take care of each other. End of transmission.