The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#473 D-Day & the Death of the Petrodollar

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What lessons from D-Day can still guide us today? Join us as we reflect on the historical significance of June 6, 1944, beginning with President Ronald Reagan's stirring speech honoring the valor of the Allied forces. We'll dive into personal reflections from a veteran’s perspective, focusing on the heroic efforts of American Rangers at Pointe du Hoc and the meticulous planning by Dwight Eisenhower. Discover the unsung valor of figures like Teddy Roosevelt Jr. and Jack Dempsey in a heartfelt tribute to the sacrifices that shaped history.

Explore how America's involvement in World War II set the stage for modern societal shifts through the lens of the "Fourth Turning" theory by Strauss and Howe. Compare the eloquence of past leaders like Reagan and JFK with today's political rhetoric, and contemplate the implications of current geopolitical tensions, including military activities by China and Russia. We’ll also touch on emerging technologies like central bank digital currencies, which we controversially refer to as "Luciferian Bankster Notes," and their potential to create a control grid.

Delve into the impact of American foreign policy across different administrations, from Trump’s rhetoric on ending wars to the lack of current peace initiatives. Examine U.S. involvement in Taiwan and Ukraine while critiquing the broader war machinery. We also address the decline of the petrodollar system and growing concerns over President Biden's cognitive abilities, questioning the motivations behind media narratives and the broader implications for American leadership and global standing. Join us for a comprehensive analysis that questions the status quo and seeks to uncover the deeper truths behind today's headlines.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order.

Speaker 2:

Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William.

Speaker 1:

Cooper the chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on or behind the lines, this is your song Time, weather and Hi wait.

Speaker 3:

Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.

Speaker 1:

so here in Normandy the rescue began. Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history. We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France. The air is soft, but 40 years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon.

Speaker 1:

At dawn on the morning of the 6th of June 1944, 225 Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs. Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns. The Allies had been told that some of the mightiest of these guns were here and they would be trained on the beaches to stop the Allied advance. The rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers at the edge of the cliffs, shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades, and the American Rangers began to climb. They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up. When one Ranger fell, another would take his place. When one rope was cut, a ranger would grab another and begin his climb again, they climbed, shot back and held their footing. Soon, one by one, the rangers pulled themselves over the top and, in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe.

Speaker 1:

225 came here After two days of fighting. Only 90 could still bear arms. Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs, and before me are the men who put them there. These are the boys of Puentejo. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.

Speaker 2:

This is the Arterburn radio transmission. You were listening to a speech that is now 40 years old by President Ronald Reagan. I thought it was appropriate today, the anniversary of Operation Overlord D-Day, june 6, 1944. And when you pause and reflect on such dates in history, it's hard not to have a sense of awe, it's hard not to. It just really puts into focus our current challenges. Can you imagine being a young man in one of those Higgins boats going up against the Third Reich with their fortified beachheads, with their Blitzkrieg army? Had to be absolutely overwhelming. Can you imagine the, the pressure on somebody like dwight eisenhower who had to design the invasion and plan it, all the subterfuge that had to go and all the the material, the men, the all of that that had to go into the liberation of Europe in 1944. And you know, from my perspective and you guys know, listen to me, for if you've tuned in and listen to the Arterburn radio transmission for some time, you understand my background as a paratrooper, as a combat veteran, but I'm also very skeptical of foreign war. You could call me anti-war. You could put me in the same vein as Smedley Butler, who was the most highly decorated Marine Corps general of all time wrote a book called War is a Racket back in the mid-1930s. He died in 1941, unfortunately, unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

But this is, I think, an event that we can take time to unpack, especially when you're looking at such a monumental shift in history. What happened? There's lessons that can be learned in our wars and things like D-Day, a little bit of unknown history, just sideline stuff. And I remember reading, years ago one of the people that charged the beach on D-Day at Normandy was Teddy Roosevelt Jr and he'd always been in the shadow of his father, who was, you know, the strenuous life Teddy, very much a larger than life figure. And uh, teddy jr Was a bit of an alcoholic. Uh, he wanted to be like his dad, but he didn't have the, didn't have the right, whatever that was that Teddy had. He just, uh, was just in the shadow of him. Well, he died. Uh, he died of a heart attack, but he was a general. He led his men into battle. Uh wasn't, you know, way past his prime, but he dropped dead of a heart attack. But he was a general. He led his men into battle. Uh wasn't, you know, way past his prime, but he dropped dead of a heart attack right after that.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, the d-day was also a day for redemption for people like jack dempsey. It was the world champion boxer and one of his downfalls was not fighting in world war one and he was called out and you know he even had a trial. He was as a draft dodger and even as a heavyweight champion of the world. He could never shake that, that branding of being somebody who shucked his responsibilities. And so you think about him. He also was in a higgins boat, led his team to help liberate Europe. So there was a lot that went on that day and the sacrifice and just the paratroopers.

Speaker 2:

I'm part of that lineage. I got to earn my wings as a young man. It's a rite of passage, there's so much to and again, I had a friend of mine send me this clip and I thought that's appropriate. I'm going to play this because we get caught up in the headlines and I'm going to talk a little bit today. Something I discussed with David Knight on my interview today was just the massive amount of historical change that's happening. That's really not getting covered by the media. That's why you tune into my show by the media and that's why you tune into my show. But there's there's the historical shifts, the accelerating change that's going on is truly monumental and it puts a lot of this into perspective and you have to understand.

Speaker 2:

You know world war ii, what? Why is d-day important? Like it's june 6 1944, okay, but what makes that so significant in the rate of where we were in history at the time? Well, you've got to understand. Pearl Harbor was December 7th 1941. We didn't go into and again, this is the invasion Operation Overlord. We didn't invade Europe until 1944. There's a large gap of time, 1944, there's a large gap of time. And I remember back when I opened up the first show on InfoWars in the new decade of 2020, going forward, I filled in for David Knight and Trump had just ordered the assassination of General Soleimani and I didn't have a lot of time to prepare.

Speaker 2:

So I walked into this. You know this. It was a big news event. That was right before COVID-1984. And the hashtag was World War III.

Speaker 2:

And I opened up the show remembering something I'd heard from Pat Buchanan, who had written in his book A Republic, not an Empire, about how, at the opening of the 20th century, there were the empires. There was the British Empire, the French Empire, the German Empire, the Russian Empire, the Japanese Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the American Empire, and at the end of the 20th century only one empire remained. That was the American. And what happened to all the other empires? Where did they go? What killed them? War, all, all of them. They all died in war. They all, they all had their territories broken up. They all were exhausted economically. So it's important to remember these dates and you go and look at so why?

Speaker 2:

What was that pause? Well, america stayed out of and you can give a tremendous amount of thanks Our success in the 20th century in the world wars, if you want to call it that I don't know if that's the proper term, but our ability to profit from them was our ability to stay out of them. The longest we stayed out of the slaughter pens, the longest we came in. At the end of World War I, when the allies were exhausted, when germany was still very, very strong, we came in at the end. And the same thing in world war two. You had the america first movement. Who? Who deserves so much of our praise? Historically, they got. You know, when I ran for congress, I ran on amer first. That was a no-no term. You shouldn't be. That's the forbidden verbiage. It still kind of is, but it was especially back then because that was demonized. You were seen as somebody who was xenophobic, isolationist, racist, anti-semitic, because you didn't want to get into the Second World War. That was demonized after the fact.

Speaker 2:

As a matter of fact, george HW Bush unlike this was a great speech by Ronald Reagan and I went to Ronald Reagan's funeral. I'd just been back from Iraq for a few weeks and I thought, well, this is something going on in Washington DC and somewhere on some C-SPAN footage you can find me. I'm at the bottom of the steps of the Capitol when they walked Nancy Reagan down and they brought his coffin out and put him into the hearse and that whole thing, that whole ceremony. I'm right there, the hearse, drives right past me A young 24-year-old, tony Arterburn, at Ronald Reagan's funeral paying my respects.

Speaker 2:

He was a different kind of president than George HW Bush who I think it was at the 40th anniversary or the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor said that the wingman for the Japanese, the wingman for the Japanese, the wingman for the Japanese was the America First movement. You understand the slur of that, but that's where his mind was. That's old Poppy Bush, the guy who couldn't remember where he was on November 22, 1963. He can never remember where he was, but he knows that the wingman, the people responsible, the guilty men were those who wanted peace. But I can tell you what that saved hundreds of thousands, not millions, of lives.

Speaker 2:

It gave us time to prepare. It gave us time to make better decisions. We stayed out of the slaughter pens of the this. You know the first two world wars the longest. Our blood and treasure expenditure was lower because we did that, and you can thank the America first movement.

Speaker 2:

That's why D-Day wasn't until June 6th 1944. You know those who wanted us to get in the war in 1939. And remember always, if you read your history, ladies and gentlemen, it was not. Germany did not declare war on England in the September of 1939. It was the other way around. Okay, so we have a lot to unpack with history.

Speaker 2:

This is part of the fourth turning, if you've heard me talk about this before. So we're 80 years on, folks, 80 years on from D-Day, a totally different. I mean. You think about where our country is today. I'm going to go into some of the timelines today of what happened to American power. I mean, it's not the same country, it's not the same leadership, it's not the same style of people that even like.

Speaker 2:

Just listening to the speech from Ronald Reagan, do you feel like you've entered into some sort of weird simulation where a president could actually speak? I mean, in my lifetime, some of the worst rhetoric. I mean like and I'm a student, I'm a connoisseur of the spoken word Like if you can give a great speech. That's why I like speeches like JFK, the June 1963 American University speech Beautiful, beautiful, executed, in the sense that it had high rhetoric, great ideals, it painted a picture and it's just verbally, it's music. But you fast forward to today. I mean Reagan was great, but what is it? What are we even doing? I mean, and I think it's this part of the humiliation ritual. You know, you can go into the occultic, uh, part and aspect of these elites that rule over us, these overlords speaking of overlords, speaking of operation overlord, the people that rule over us or whatever they are, is is biden, some kind of humiliation ritual.

Speaker 2:

But this is 80 years on and you got remember about, and this is something called the fourth turning. This is Strauss and Howe put out a book in 1995, and this is the historical cycles About every 80 to 100 years, you have a massive change in society. This is evident with the American Revolution and then that's why you know there's another big turning. This is the fourth turning there's, you know, four turnings inside each cycle. So 20 years, so that's 80 years, and that's why President Lincoln said you know four score and seven years ago, it's 87 years talking about the American revolution being started. And then you fast forward from that, from the Civil War, you have the Great Depression and World War II that culminated and ended in 1945 and set up the new system.

Speaker 2:

Economically, geopolitically. The stage was reset and then now, 80 years on, so we're 80 years on from what was the beginning of the end of World War II and we're starting to see the same kind of global reset. And that's why the elites have these simulations. They have think tanks, they have all these resources and stuff that you and I don't have, and we have access to the Internet, we have access to the library, we can think for ourselves, but we're talking about very sophisticated things that the elites have. And, again, it may not be right, but they're running these all the time. You know that's where you get the origin of false flags, where you get the conspiracy theory of history because they like to change events and bend the river of time to suit themselves.

Speaker 2:

You and I can be aware that even the World Economic Forum and globalist goblins and all these people they can try to bend the river of time all they want, but some things are beyond their control. Some things are cyclical and this is God's world. So some things in history and human nature are cyclical and beyond their control. But we see that the Romans call it a cyclorum. It's something to be aware of. About every 80 to 100 years you have this massive shift in society and the, the. The shift usually comes on the tail end of a, of a cataclysm of war, of geopolitical turmoil, uh, currency changes, economic upheaval, right and resetting of institutions. All that.

Speaker 2:

All that's going on now and I think where we are with that is that it's going on and I think there's some natural part of that. But there also is some very unnatural things, like the central bank digital currency, which we'll talk a little bit about. I think that's ripe right now for them to insert. I've been talking about this. I'm so glad it's on the mainstream landscape now, glad it's on the. It's on the, the, the mainstream landscape. Now I remember a couple of years ago I was talking, talking to people, even going like to conservative groups, and talking to them about central bank digital currency. Like what are you talking about? Cb? You're talking about cbd. Like, no, I'm talking about cbdc, central bank digital currency. It's basically, it's the, it's it's satan's money. Okay, it's the luc money, okay, it's the Luciferian Baxter Notes and this is a complete control grid.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm going to get into the first story here. There's a lot going on, folks. I looked at the headlines on Drudge. The Russian military exercises in Caribbean is going on. There's language going on, especially. This is what you have to pay attention to. A lot of the language isn't like the headlines. It's what these other militaries and governments are doing. China's preparing for war, russia's preparing for war. China is preparing for war, russia is preparing for war.

Speaker 2:

I've got an article Mediev, the former Russian president and, I think, prime minister Putin's right-shirt man, to escalate things by striking inside Russia's borders Very dangerous times, and we're so worn out with all this stuff. It's like, well, it's like the. It's Tony, are you crying wolf? You know, as we talk about it was World War III and all the rest of this, but I'm just telling you this this is what the grand chess boards are being reset. They're putting the pieces together, laying out the opportunity for war, whether it's Taiwan, whether it's Ukraine, whether it's Hamas and Israel, which is basically Israel versus Iran, which is really the West versus Iran, which is the West versus Iran and its allies, which is Russia and China. You know, this is chess, not checkers.

Speaker 2:

Let's check out this story, though. I want to. This is this on the vein of D-Day and as a as a combat veteran, I want to speak to this. I think we can unpack this article together and, uh, you'll at least get a, an opinion from me that not a lot of veterans would give. I, I do have a very unique view. Uh, as you guys probably have figured out by now, let's, let's uh look at. This is an article from the hill. I saw saw this link up on Drudge. It says veterans hit Trump as draft dodger.

Speaker 2:

In a Biden ad that was released on D-Day, three veterans slammed former President Trump as a quote draft dodger and argued he is unfit to be commander in chief. Fit to be commander in chief in a new video from president biden's re-election campaign unveiled thursday marking the 80th anniversary of the d-day landings. Well, joe biden was born in 1946, wasn't he? Uh, let's just kind of start there. Have you seen a more warmongering crypt keeper than joe biden? I mean, come on.

Speaker 2:

Marine corps veteran curtis register, army veteran ed mccabe and navy veteran matthew mclaughlin participated in the minute-long video, which was intended to highlight the stark contrast between donald trump, who criticizes veterans and has refused to take accountability or attend military funerals, and President Biden, who stands with our troops aboard and takes care of them at home. According to the Biden campaign, a good commander-in-chief is somebody who gives a S-H-I-T. That's what it says the register said to the opening of the video. Donald Trump has zero accountability in his life. Mclaughlin said. Mckay batted he is a draft dodger. Simple as that. The campaign highlighted that Trump reportedly referred to American veterans buried in France as losers and suckers. You know, I've looked into that. That's never been confirmed.

Speaker 2:

Trump has this unique. You ever seen the movie the Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe and it's about John Nash, who was a genius right, and he came up with this economic equilibrium theory that got him the Nobel Prize. That's besides the fact but you look at that that he's always like solving problems and there's all these complex theorems going on in his head and he can see patterns. That's what Trump does when he goes to pick people who are going to work for him. He has to roll out to figure out who's the worst possible selection I could make to help me, or my, if the if his agenda is real, if you're going to, really I don't believe it anymore. But let's say his agenda is real. He has this Russell Crowe beautiful mind kind of way of calculating who would be the absolute worst to surround himself with and that's where that comes from is somebody who absolutely hates the administration who works closely with them. Um, in my opinion, where he said losers and suckers, I think that's a little. And again, you. In my opinion, where he said losers and suckers, I think that's a little. And again you can take the vein and he'll go on to talk about his, which this is when I knew things were different in the realm of this, of what was happening with the Trump phenomenon when he mocked Senator McCain, who was a prisoner in war in Vietnam. Trump has previously denied making the suckers remarks. Uh, and, but this I remember what he said about.

Speaker 2:

Let's go back to the mccain thing he he was criticized by mccain early on in his his campaign to run for president um in 2015 is in the primary and he just automatically I mean it was like it was inflexive. You know he talked about John McCain was a captured prisoner of war and Trump just said I like people that weren't captured. Okay, I mean that should have ended. All like anybody else that would ever said that in any kind of previous campaign. But the country's so bad off at that point. And now I mean post gosh, you guys know where we are. But we were bad. We were. It was bad then right we were. We knew that we were careening towards something apocalyptic, that the country is, is on it, you know, on the, the decline and all of that. Right, we knew that something was wrong. So it's like Tucker Carlson has said like a happy country doesn't elect Donald Trump. That's not how that works. The country was just completely ready.

Speaker 2:

Anything other than the political class, anything other than the two-party system, anything other than that, just please, just it's kind of like give them hell, harry. You know Harry Truman could get away with a lot of stuff as president and he could, you know, be that rough, you know, missourian kind of guy, uh, rough around the edges because he did that plain. Speak right, and then people, people ate it up. I think there's the same thing with Trump speak right, and then people, people ate it up. I think there's the same thing with Trump, but that was way over the top.

Speaker 2:

Let's just, let's just unpack all of this for a second. You know, when you go into what veterans think of either one of these guys Trump, obviously, his rhetoric, his rhetoric I'm not talking about his actions. I go back to when he ran for president in 2016. I mean, he was standing next to Hillary Clinton, who was trying to convince the American people that it was in our best national interest to risk nuclear war with Russia by shooting down Russian aircraft that were trying to bomb Al Qaeda. Russia by shooting down Russian aircraft that were trying to bomb Al Qaeda, ok, our supposed mortal enemy, right that we that supposedly brought down the towers on 9-11 and hit the Pentagon with a plane, all of that, right, you know the invisible is another invisible enemy, kind of like COVID. Now you can't see them Right. And of course, you know people like me went off into places like Afghanistan and Iraq and there's a lot of people there to fight, but you're there, right? So the people that carried that out, that's our mortal enemy, though, even though I could unpack what Al-Qaeda actually means. But let's just say, for all intents and purposes, that's the narrative. Well, she broke that narrative in 2016, wanting to create a no-fly zone, shoot down Russian aircraft that were trying to bomb al-Qaeda in Syria, because we regime to carry that out. So he had to get some democracy dropped on him, you know, and that's why they have the slave trade now in Libya and that's why it's a complete humanitarian disaster. And Hillary Clinton said we came, we saw he died and she laughed. And that's what. That's what the foreign policy was.

Speaker 2:

But Trump came in and said we don't know what's going on, it's just get out of Syria. And I thought, oh, okay. And he said America, bring these troops home. Like, why are we in Iraq? Why are we? You know, his rhetoric was good and he talked about dissolving NATO. Like, why are we still doing that? Why are we paying the lion's share? Why are we in NATO? Why are we doing this? And it became more of an America first, you know, at least campaign policy, he hired all these globalists, so we can go back to that, but the rhetoric was there. So the only way you really support veterans and like is by getting them out of these damn wars. So whether you're going and supporting Joe Biden or supporting Trump, I mean seriously, you should be supporting veterans.

Speaker 2:

This is political in the sense that both of these parties are for the war machine. Both of these parties are going to send people into you know meat grinder wars, into oblivion, with rules of engagement that you know nobody can understand that change. While you're carrying them out and we don't, there's no prospect for peace in these two major parties. Nobody's talking about that. I mean, they're just setting the tripwires for war all over the world and if you're paying attention, it's absolutely frightening, it's terrifying. Whether it's Taiwan, if you know the history of that, we reversed all of our policy over the last 50 years on Taiwan in the last 10 months. Is anybody else paying attention to that? The same thing with Ukraine. Ukraine is just this. Again, there's no off-ramps for peace. They've given nothing.

Speaker 2:

We used to have summits. We used to have big power plays. Nixon had the Strategic Armed Limitation Agreement. That was salt. Kennedy had the Upper Atmospheric Nuclear Test Ban with Khrushchev. Eisenhower rode in an open car with Khrushchev in the 50s. This is a guy who banged his shoe on the podium at the UN and said we will bury you and communism prevailed. I mean we were in a Cold War with high tensions and nuclear weapons, but there was always. I mean Reagan had Reykjavik. He had the summits in the late 80s with Gorbachev. Again, we'll talk a little bit about the petrodollar, but part of Reagan's strategy was putting a lot of cheap oil onto the market and putting out SDI, or at least threatening Gorbachev with the strategic uh, uh defense initiative, sdi, which is also known as star Wars. But they had summits and, you know, at the end of the cold war you had Reagan walking, you know, shoulder to shoulder with Gorbachev, patting him on the back and red square.

Speaker 2:

Where are the peace summits now? Where are the uh the? Where are the peace summits now? Where are the back-channel communiques that Kennedy had with Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Where is any of this stuff? It's nowhere, because the establishment is possessed by a spirit. You can call it whatever you like. Like it's, it's like uh.

Speaker 2:

The movie platoon, charlie Sheen's characters writing is is. Somebody once wrote that hell is the absence of reason. Yeah, that's where we are. I mean it's, it's like a William Butler Yates poem, like the, the. The best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passion, passionate intensity. That's where we are, like the worst of the worst or worst among us rule over us. They either have on purpose stupidity or accidental stupidity and an arrogance fused with delusional, delusional thinking. But we're setting the stage all over the world for war and you get these. I just think the.

Speaker 2:

The entire thing is is the argument about, and you, you saw this same kind of thing with the election in 2004, with George W Bush and John Kerry Remember the swift boat, veterans for truth, you know, and they may.

Speaker 2:

Somehow you're able to, through really good propaganda, you're able to, like, make John kerry, who actually was in vietnam, and I'm not, I have no way defending john kerry, this guy, I know what he is, but at least he's there, you know, and he throws his medals over the fence when he gets back, but somehow it makes george w bush look like the warrior, the guy that you know, dan, rather notwithstanding, you get to, there's very questionable, everything's questionable about his service and in the air national guard in alabama and all this stuff it. It doesn't matter. Both of those, those same people, those same, the same puppets, are going to send your the best and bravest into wars that have nothing to do with american security. I mean, folks, we don't even have a border. How can you support a commander in chief who's going to allow anyone over the US border at any time, for any reason?

Speaker 1:

Damn the consequences.

Speaker 2:

How do you do that? I think we've long since passed the point where you know, and I like to say, on my business and I'm veteran, owned and I'm proud of my service and I'm proud of being part of the warrior class but does that? I mean, you know, colonel Vindman, you know, like the guy who wasting everybody's time with the, everything's Ukrainian, you know, especially with the, the last years of the Trump presidency and Peter Strzok, you know the, his contorting, remember this gosh. It's weird to have a memory, like I do sometimes. I remember his contorting face and he had these weird faces, but he was a veteran, you know, it's like, you know, just just putting the veteran moniker doesn't necessarily, you know, get you out of you know, or legitimize anything. You have to be very careful. So, yes, there's, legitimize anything, you have to be very careful. So, yes, there's, but there's still an agenda could be in. But you know, think, having thinking this through on d-day, that's beyond politics, that's american bravery, that's the american spirit, you know, and it's been thwarted. There's those who rule over us, they, they just use the best embrace. I think, honestly, not to get too much into this, but I think it's very ritualistic of the elites to take kids from Iowa and Texas and Oklahoma and Massachusetts and California, all these people from around that love their country and sign up and want to serve, and put them in these weird situations that have nothing to do with american security and everything to do with the military industrial complex and or the occultic ruling class. You know, there's like a reason why you have to invade iraq. Is there a reason why you go into um? You know babylon. Is there a reason we have to be in the middle east, is it?

Speaker 2:

You know the seven countries in five years with, with, with Wesley Clark. You know General Wesley Clark who walked into the Pentagon on on 9-12 and was like, hey, we're going to hit. He told him they're going to hit Iraq. He goes. Why he goes? They're just looking at going to hit somebody. We're going to do seven countries in five years. They already had the plans drawn up. You know the project for the new American century, all of that stuff. If you're a veteran, focus on getting us out of these things.

Speaker 2:

It's like when Trump told you know his generals get out of Syria and they didn't get out. I mean, why is somebody not fired? Why is somebody not charged for treason. You just defied the will of the commander in chief. Who? Who's the representative of the american people? What authority do you have?

Speaker 2:

See, we need one of those presidents like andrew jackson who got so mad he slobbered and he would like. You know, he literally did. He would get so mad he would just actually start foaming at the mouth like that's god, like he hated the british, it's like, and he hated anybody that question his the honor of his wife, rachel, and if you did, he'll kill you. And he killed a man. I mean, like that's, that's the way, that's, that's the best part of our American spirit.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I guess I'm partial to the past, but that's why I think people were nicer, you know, know, there's people that had a lot more and you know, if you did pick a fight, it was it was pretty much to the death. I mean, um, I mean the early. I'm a big, uh, fan of texas history and there's, you know, you read about the people that walked around like in 19th century texas. I mean it wasn't uncommon to see somebody without a nose or have ears missing because they got them bitten off like people would like. It's just that scotch, irish rage, you know, um, so I don't know like. I just hear about that kind of treason and I remember reporting on this and I'm like how could you not as command, how could you not just lose every ounce of, like your temper if some globalist general or whoever intelligence lackey who defies the will of the American people, what business of ours is it to be in Syria, to be in Iraq, to be in the Middle East? What business at all? It has nothing to do with America. We can buy oil from anybody Only 24% of the world's output. And, by the way, we're losing, and this is a good segue for that. I covered this on the David Knight Show. Today, on June 9th, the United States of America will officially lose the petrodollar system. So 50 years On June 6th this is another anniversary.

Speaker 2:

June 6th 1974, the United States entered an agreement with Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud, that they would exclusively use the dollars to trade in oil, in crude oil. So that's how you would have to convert into dollars to trade in Saudi oil. And this is also flowing through, I believe, into some parts of OPEC, because Saudi Arabia led the way 50 years on. So this is a huge part of why we've been able to retain, even with all of our fiscal insanity, with the welfare-warfare state, the giant bloat, all the rot, all the lost trillions, all of that, everything that we spend money on or money, everything that we go into debt for Now we do a trillion every 90 days in debt Everything that we did that for we just blew it away.

Speaker 2:

So again, here's another tell the elites aren't even brokering deals for us anymore. They're letting our status as the world's reserve currency after 1944 in Breton Woods it's dying. They're letting it just pass away the first part of the Biden administration killing the Keystone Pip pipeline, telling the, the house of sod, that we're going green. The calls are coming from inside the house. I mean this whole campaign thing. I know I started off talking about that, but it's bizarre. You know whether you're talking about war, we're being led into war and we're having all of our the.

Speaker 2:

The Biden administration, by the way, is talking about oil. They released what? Millions of barrels from the strategic reserve to try to get the price down. The shock of the inflation hitting after COVID-1984 and then the cost of energy and all the rest they released and they brought the price down a little bit, but they haven't replaced the strategic reserve, I mean. So the price of crude has gone back up and we are not strong as a country, and this is part of the reason.

Speaker 2:

Why is everything that is being done from the top down is a way for them to usher in a new system. It's a controlled demolition. It's called managed decline, whether it's the loss of the petrodollar, which should blow your mind, this should be flowing across CNBC and the Fox business, but it's not. It's not a fang stock, it's huge. You're talking about having the loss of the world's reserve currency is an epical event. Uh, like you cross this boundary and it's very much like the twilight zone. You cross that boundary. It's a rubicon. You're not going back and so everything after that? It's just going to be one thing after that what are they going to denominate the, the crude, into chinese yuan? And there's a. There's a cross-border digitized payment system that the Saudis are working out directly with the Chinese for crude. Russia is selling their crude and their oil, skirting the US sanctions, direct to countries like China, like India, for gold or Chinese yuan.

Speaker 2:

And the BRICS nations Brazil, russia, india, china, south Africa, now Saudi Arabia, over 40% of the world's population, third of its GDP, moving away from the dollar. These are huge events and the elite in this country are just watching it happen, because I think and I think the evidence is pretty clear that it's on purpose. They're doing it to us. They're taking away our strong dollar. Right, I'm in the gold and silver business. The dollar's fake. But if you really step back and think about it for a second, it's the best of the worst. Right, it's the valedictorian of summer school. It's a fiat currency, it's the oldest fiat currency and it's recognized all across the world.

Speaker 2:

But places like Iraq we liberated. Remember it's Operation Iraqi Liberation folks. Oil that was the original name for the war that I was in. You can go look that up.

Speaker 2:

When I got to Iraq, I watched a currency die in real time. I watched the Iraqi dinar die. I was sent to the bank. That was my first mission. Go to the bank, see what's happening. There's a big chaos. People running out with boxes full of Iraqi dinar with Saddam Hussein's picture on them. They were trying to trade them in the streets. Nobody wanted them. Watched a currency die in real time. What was acceptable on the street? Streets, nobody wanted them. Watch the currency die in real time. What was acceptable on the street I bought a cold Pepsi from a kid.

Speaker 2:

One of the greatest, one of these greatest entrepreneurs I've ever seen is the Iraqi kids, the Kurdish kids that bring stuff and stuff's on fire. You just invaded their country and they're like hey, I've got the cold, cold Pepsi. Sound good, I hadn't had it. I hadn't had anything cold in weeks, you know, and there was a. I called it bathtub water, like if, even if you had a canteen and you filled it up with with purified water and that was. You know, that's an if, whatever it is, and you try to hide it somewhere in the, anywhere that you were in the vehicle. Outside it's always hot, hot as a bathtub. There's no escaping it. You can not make it cold. So a cold Pepsi sounded good. But you know what I traded in? I traded in dollars. But the funny thing about that is, 21 years on since I've been there, they made the dollars, trading in dollars, illegal For their financial institutions. Folks, the world is de-dollarizing.

Speaker 2:

All right, let me go to the Rockfin chat and say hi to you guys. Thanks for being here. Different kind of show today, for sure, christopher Mincy. All for bankers. Yes, it is. Ghostbox is in the chat on Rockfin on the America Unplugged channel, little John Milburn Stone and Yeka's there. Yeka's doing a great job with Wise Wolf and all the direct orders and Wolfpack. Big shout out to Yeka. She does a show here on the America Unplugged channel. You should go check that out. Karen Carpenter in the chat as well. I thank all of you. I appreciate you being here. I think my my crew's here too, so we'll get some at least. At least I know there's business going on outside my door and I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I'm not just talking to you, all right, um, let's, let's go into some more articles. Uh, there was a few from Kitco that I liked. This is, and I think this will be a theme. I try to. I'm trying to stay away from the. There was a few from Kitco that I liked. This is, and I think this will be a theme. I'm trying to stay away from the apocalypse too much, but it is part of what we're looking at and we'll see if we can still hit that story. This one caught my attention because I think this will be a big part of hold. On a second, let me take this. I think this will be a big part of what you're going to see in the next two, three, four months for sure, leading into the election, we're going to see a lot of this crazy stuff.

Speaker 2:

Let me put this up this is Zero Hedge. He's not the same person. He's not the same person. This is a great way to. This is a good start to the article, because I know some pretty smart people that think he's actually not the same person. But he's not the same person. Biden allies freak after the wall street journal blasts a quote slipping brain.

Speaker 2:

The Biden administration is scrambling for damage control over the president's mental condition. Over the past month, the white house claimed executive privilege over an audio tape of Biden's classified documents, interview with special counsel Robert Herr, the transcripts of which were altered to make Biden seem more competent. They're altering and this is the best that this is the best that the elites can do. I I have to say this is, this is almost. It's like they're doing a if you read into the occult. They do the humiliation rituals and, uh, whom the gods destroy? They, they first make mad. Okay, so something is in that for all of us. Time magazine's Massimo Calabrese couldn't give a straight answer over Biden's serious cognitive decline exhibited during an interview. The Time magazine reporter who interviewed. Biden could have not been more vague when asked how Biden seemed during the interview, as questions swirl around Biden's noticeable cognitive decline.

Speaker 2:

Now the White House and Biden allies are slamming a Tuesday report from the Wall Street Journal in which 45 people from both sides of the aisle, told the outlet that biden is, to put it mildly, two sandwiches short of a picnic. I don't know, maybe you get into like god's judgment, uh, on this country. Maybe this is like we. You know, this is like a. The biblical punishment is biden, perhaps the. The journal cites a jan January meeting behind closed doors during a critical discussion about Ukraine funding. Biden's soft-spoken nursing home demeanor led some participants to question his engagement, as he occasionally read from notes and paused. You couldn't, and that's okay.

Speaker 2:

I played at the beginning of the show Ronald Reagan on the 40th anniversary of D-Day. The dichotomy here, folks, the, the, the, the contrast. We're not even close and it's like. It's like the rhetoric from presidential candidates. Our politics, it's dumber and dumber, isn't it? It's like when you hear somebody speak coherently anymore, it's like holy, oh, wow, that's that's something, but I'm acting. It's like when you hear somebody speak coherently anymore, it's like Holy, oh, wow, that's that's something I'm asking you, it's like you, you're drawn to them. Like I can't believe it. It's just such an anomaly. And that's where we are.

Speaker 2:

In another section, the journal repost that the president moves so slowly around the cabinet room to greet the nearly two dozen congressional leaders that it took 10 minutes for the meeting to begin. Some people who attended recall oh, this is my favorite, let's see if we can play. We can play this. Hold on, this is one of my favorite. This is where Joe Scarborough I mean, you know he's Joe Scarborough is one of the people that you have to question the nature of reality itself when you follow him. I mean literally that he can make you go. What? Like? It's so dumb and it's so detached from reality. You wonder, like, is this a script or is this? Like, does he have an earpiece from Operation Mockingbird? Like, is is he? Is he real? Is he an AI? Listen to this. This is him talking about the best version of Biden.

Speaker 3:

But comparing that guy's mental state I've said it for years now he's cogent, but I undersold him when I said he was cogent. He's far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been intellectually, analytically, because he's been around for 50 years and you know I don't know if people know this or not Biden used to be a hothead. Sometimes that Irishman would get in front of the reasoning, sometimes he would say things he didn't want to say. This is, and I don't really you know what. I don't really start your tape right now because I'm about to tell you the truth and if you, if you, can't handle the truth, this version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever.

Speaker 2:

It's the best. This is the best he can do. This is the best he can do. In case you didn't have Joe Scarborough who's you know, you should read Don Jeffrey's work in Hidden History on Joe Scarborough and the strangeness surrounding his what 2001 incident with the intern Secludis.

Speaker 2:

I believe was her name. Yeah, you have to wonder these people, these establishment types like Joe Scarborough, these cheerleaders for the establishment, are you starting to catch on that they're scripted for the establishment? Are you starting to catch on that they're like scripted? I mean, can you, can you think of a rational human being that would look at any of the evidence and see what biden does, how he acts, how he operates, and say that see, that's one of the? They're not even trying very hard anymore to cover up the fact that most of this is scripted or it's wwe in our politics and you're being this is mind control and you're being played, so it's hard to figure out what's real. Well, this is one of the glaring examples of come on like. This is literally there's no way that that he's made it that far up the ladder and he's got a show on MS, even even though how many people watch MSNBC anymore? I remember getting out of the military and tuning in and they had Scarborough country. Pat Buchanan used to fill in for Joe Scarborough and all this stuff. The decline here. It's the best Joe Scarborough ever and I mean it. Let's check out.

Speaker 2:

I missed a couple are probably good for you that I missed a couple of the articles that were going to be just more evidence of, uh, the insanity in our geopolitics and our foreign policy. Much happening, though folks remember, again, highlights june 9th, coming up to the end of the 50-year agreement on the petrodollar. There is some blogs out there saying that Saudi Arabia is not going to take dollars. I cannot confirm that so I didn't report that. There are some blogs out there saying that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia is saying they won't accept them. I see no evidence officially of that, but I think we're getting close to that. Over like 20 other countries are dumping the dollar at the same time. This is monumental, so be very aware of those changes.

Speaker 2:

Let's do gold and silver prices real quick. By the way, a wolfpackgold promo code 1776. If you want to get some free constitutional silver when you sign up the yellow metal 2,373 Luciferian Bankster notes per troy ounce on the yellow metal that's crazy, up $18.25 since opening of trade. Silver $31.27 per troy ounce that's spot price and I think we're starting to see some of the supply shock in silver in the physical realm. I think we're finally starting to see that come to fruition. We were 200 million ounces short last year globally. They had from what was mined to what was ordered and they had to use the above-ground stocks. Eventually that will hit harder and harder and these prices will have to naturally adjust, even with the manipulation. So stay tuned. All the changes will be back next week here on Arterburn Radio Transmission. I've got some paratroothers that are going to be dropping soon and be sure to subscribe to the channel. Otterburnnews wise, wolf gold and silvercom, wolfpackgold. All that good stuff. I appreciate each and every one of you. You have a great weekend. End of transmission.