The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

Paratruther on the David Knight Show - The Illuminati & Communism

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Unlock the shadowy history connecting the Illuminati, communism, and the financial elite as we investigate their grip on global events. Traverse the timeline from the Illuminati's mysterious inception to the revolutions that shaped our world, with George Washington's cautionary reflections and the stark brutality of the French Revolution contrasted against the American quest for liberty. Delve into the philosophies that have discreetly steered history and discover how Marxism's rise has subtly swayed both narratives and perceptions, with my guests Gerald Celente, Charlie Robinson, and Don Jeffries adding depth to this compelling exploration.

Embark on a voyage through the corridors of power, where we analyze the enduring legacy of families like the Rothschilds and their influence on money and policy. Probe the nuanced roles of figures such as the Warburg brothers during pivotal conflicts and consider the chilling implications of documents like "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" that expose strategies for societal control. Hear firsthand accounts from my time on Star Trek Voyager, where fictional hierarchies eerily mirror our reality, and ponder the philosophical underpinnings of an entertainment giant that reflects our world's hidden power structures.

Confront the battle of ideologies as we dissect the digital currency movement and its potential to erode personal freedom, with our esteemed roundtable guests offering critical insights. Chart the ideological shift from Darwin to Marx, probing the depths of how these philosophies, bankrolled by the same elite hands, have carved pathways to a society where nihilism reigns. As we untangle the web of elite control, question the nature of corporatism and the deceptive masquerade of democracy, urging a reawakening to safeguard the liberties that stand threatened by these silent wars.

Speaker 1:

All right, I've got the crew from Paratroop. This is Mr Anderson and Chris Graves. Chris is coming to us live inside a Lockheed Martin built UFO that has been reverse engineered. Thanks for joining us, chris.

Speaker 2:

Hey, it's a pleasure to be here.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for being here, Mr Anderson.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for having me. It's always a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, brother. I just spent an hour talking about the financial state of affairs, which isn't good, and I think a lot of this kind of has a tie to what we're going to talk about and it goes. You know, I kind of started at 1971. But we go back much further into the realm of, if you want to call it, the plan. There's been forces opposing freedom and liberty and America's destiny since its founding and one of those groups was the Illuminati still is Right and it's funny, the older I get, the more I look into history, the more I see the evidence of this.

Speaker 1:

And I was having a talk with Mr Anderson last night. I said you know, I started out in radio 11 years ago and I was still the black sheep and I talked about I was anti-war, I was pro, you know, pat Buchanan, ron Paul, I talked about ending the fed. You know I I talked about a lot of things, you know bringing the troops home, all the things that were. You know they were. They were not in the mainstream of the conservative movement. I was so much of a radical then, but now I'm completely off the rail. I've crossed the Rubicon a long time ago and we get into the symbology of things and you look into the Alistair Crowley linkage to 9-11, which I believe in William Ramsey's work you go look at that and it's just so overwhelming.

Speaker 1:

There's a religion that is inside the inner workings of the elite and the ruling class and I believe, if you want to call it something, it would be the Illuminati. Now we just had a May 1st which is a holiday to two different groups, or well, one of them out front, which is communism. It's International Workers' Day. This is the day celebrated by communists worldwide, and then it's also the birthday of the Illuminati, may 1st 1776, adam Weishaupt, the Bavarian Illuminati, and I texted both of these gentlemen yesterday and I said what do you guys think about doing the second hour of the David Knight Show? Let's talk about the linkage between communism and the Illuminati, because it's to me. You know history.

Speaker 1:

If you look at Adam Weishaupt and you look at some of the founding and the belief systems of the Illuminati, it definitely is like a religion for the elites. It's supplants you know Western civilization and supplants Christianity. It's supplants, uh, the God of the Bible and and and other, uh, other other parts of our faith, and it makes a new thing, which is Luciferianism. But communism does the rest of the job In the material world. It does the rest of the job on the ground as an operating system to destroy all upward mobility. But let's just jump into it, chris. I want to go to you. I'm interested. I didn't talk to you about this beforehand, but I was interested to see what your thoughts you about this, uh, beforehand, but I was interested to see, uh, what your thoughts were on this and we I don't think we've ever discussed it- yeah, no, to be honest with you, with the illuminati, um, I I'm gonna confess to you, tony, I that's one area of research that is not really a strong point for me.

Speaker 2:

I would talk to my good friend, peter Seacosh, one of Don Jeffrey's. I'm trying to, I'm drawing a blank here. Well, there's a lot that went on around that time. Right, you think May 1st 1776. Well, we think of 1776, our mind gravitates to something right, founding of our country around that time.

Speaker 3:

Um, and what really I think about is the stark contrast between the american revolution and the french revolution and mark levin, when I used to be able to stand listening to him yell and talk about special elections in israel every other day um, he brought up this point about how brutal the French Revolution was and even if you look at the Battle of Trenton, how awful those conditions were our founding fathers and the people who are fighting in the colonial army. We let the Hessians go after that. We didn't murder them. The French would have just cut off their heads. But you look at how they were driven differently, philosophy, wise, and one was definitely on the French side. I think that was pushed by the Illuminati and John Robeson he was a professor at the University of Edinburgh around this time and he wrote a book called Proofs of a Conspiracy and it was against all the religions and governments of Europe carried out in secret meetings of the Freemasons and Illuminati, because he thought that the Illuminati was really just an aberration of Freemasonry started by Adam Weishaupt, and it goes back a little bit further than that. But this book was actually sent a copy of it to George Washington. And George Washington said I agree, I've heard about their nefarious plans, meaning the Illuminati and their doctrines. I've heard that they've come to America and now I'm convinced of it. But at the time, I mean, we had a lot of Freemasonry with the founding fathers, right, george Washington was one, but the philosophy is totally different between the two. And they were brutal.

Speaker 3:

And you look at King Louis XVI and the French Revolution. He tried to appease the mob. He abolished serfdom, he reduced instances of the death penalty, increased religious tolerance for non-Catholics, which was a big deal at the time, but there's a grain shortage. And then they said Marie Antoinette said, let them eat cake. Like, just sounds like Marxist propaganda to me. Like what did the butler leak that out of Versailles to the French Free Press, give me a break. And then they murdered everybody as a result of it. But that was always the shtick, that that was always the thing they were after, because I'm sure y'all know about this, tony. But there was a guy named Jacob Lang who was struck by lightning and he was a courier for the Illuminati. That's how Bavaria found out about it and banished the Illuminati around this time, and he was sending correspondence to Paris about overturning the government, so I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot to unpack. That was the, that was the spirit. There was like two, two parts to that. There's a difference between the American Revolution, which was a conservative revolt, really against England, because England had become an empire you can go back to the foundation of the Magna Carta and self-governance and they became an empire Again, imperialist all over the world. The colonists didn't have a say in things, they were being run as like a vassal state and they didn't have self-determination. It was a conservative revolt, not so much a revolutionary thing, into a system that they were more again. This was more in line with the foundation of what they would come out of and of course, england had moved away and became an empire.

Speaker 1:

So I think you look at the French Revolution, you talk about the Jacobins and at the time you had the French Encyclopedias and you had Voltaire and one of the quotes, if you want to sum up the times. And one of the quotes, if you want to sum up the times, it was somebody named Diderot, and Diderot said that the world will not be free or man will not be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. So they were anti-monarchy, anti-religion, anti-establishment religion, anti-god, right, right. And you know, even in the French Revolution and I'm sure you've read about this in some of your research, mr Anderson they stripped the churches of all of their icons and things and then turned it into like the. Was it the Church of Reason, like they would have?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they replaced Christ with reason. That was the whole thing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

That's what Weishaupt said. That was the thing.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's the linkage. Right, it's the linkage between so again, the Illuminati. None of these things happen organically. This is about the time when you had the emergence of the great banking houses of the modern era. The great banking houses of the of the modern era.

Speaker 1:

This is when you started having, you know, not just the, of course, you had the Medici in, in in Italy and other things that were branching out, but then you really had the beginning of the Rothschilds, and the Rothschilds coming out of Germany and and, of course, and then to the city of London and other things, and becoming much more established in the, in the, the global financial markets. And, of course, it really takes off after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. And that's when the Rothschilds had the intelligence that they actually knew what happened, that Wellington had defeated Napoleon, but they went back and had an agent start selling things off and it looked like that he had lost and then they bought everything back and that was, I think, that solidified their power. But that was like the beginning of. It's always been an ideological Right.

Speaker 1:

Foundation. That's why it's so important to pay attention. If you look at like modern, what's happened to the modern world because of our banking system, it ties back to these types of philosophies and the philosophies of the elite. Like if you look at the, the ritual of skull and bones, lodge 322, also from germany, yeah right, they took the same, they took this, right. It's all that same philosophy they took. They're interconnected and so there's not like in if you're talking about George Washington, mr Sanders talking about how he had read proofs of conspiracy and agreed that the Freemason lodge has been infiltrated because he probably seen that's how the Illuminati did, right, that's what. If you read Weiss out, it wasn't that they had their own lodges and things so much as they would just go into other groups and infiltrate through them. You know the inner workings of whatever other groups there were.

Speaker 3:

And they do that with everything right, like I'll tread lightly here, but if you look at different aspects of the Vatican the Pope's room, for instance, I believe, is what it's called. Beneath or behind him is this piece of art called Resurrection and supposedly the artist says, oh, it's Jesus rising above the world after a nuclear holocaust and it's like, yeah, it kind of looks like the devil and a bunch of dead bodies to me, but people should just check this out. So, to your point, they infiltrate these institutions. And Freemasonry was another one, because after that you get the offshoots like the Scottish Rite. Read about Albert Pike. I mean, I encourage people to one of the only statues during the time where they are taking down statues, right, they never touched Albert Pike statue, confederate Right In Washington DC, never touched it, and he was absolutely Luciferian, he said so. He was absolutely Luciferian, he said so.

Speaker 3:

But what was interesting to me, tony I'd love to hear your thoughts on this is that was my understanding they were going after this. You know civil societies, relatively speaking at the time, which happened to be the monarchies, but somehow Britain was able to sidestep that. So I was just curious what kind of deal did they make? And the thing that popped into my head immediately was the Balfour Agreement, right, that declaration, rather, that they sent to Lord Rothschild, arthur Balfour, but their royalty was never upended, their monarchy was never upended. So do you have any comments?

Speaker 3:

on that Tony.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think that speaks for itself. I mean, like I talked about in the last hour, the 20th century opened up. You had the empires. Have any comments on that, tony? Well, I think that speaks for itself. I mean the, the hope, like I started I talked about in the last hour, the 20th century opened up. You had the empires, that was the monarchies, the, really the, the apex of the, the monarchies having ruled in the 20th century, was the, the death of, uh, the, the king of england there.

Speaker 1:

But 1910 or 1911 or so is before the, and Barbara Tuckman writes about this in the Guns of August, which was, you know, 1914, going into World War I, and so a lot of the. You know again, these are bankers' wars they use, they fund both sides. If you look at World War I, the United States had Paul Warburg was the head of the Federal Reserve. His brother, max Warburg, was the head of the Central Bank in Germany. That's the Central Bank that put Lenin on a sealed train car full of gold and sent him into Russia to carry out the revolution towards the end of the war. That's supposed to be our mortal enemy, you know like. And we have the brothers running the central banks against each other. They're not against each other, they have.

Speaker 1:

This was to remake the world in their image. And this is, you know, the foundations of, and it's not the enlightenment per se, but it is. It's coming out of the, you know, the 18th century. You get the birth of the Illuminati May 1st 1776. And really I think the American Revolution is like an opposing thing to the Illuminati. Like I said, the American Revolution was a conservative revolt. In my opinion, that's the way the history reads to me, right, because the French Revolution was a bloodletting of epic proportions and satanic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you mentioned the jacobins. I mean, their motto was liberty, equality and fraternity. What does that sound like to you these days? It sounds like dei right, absolutely, and that was their motto, that's.

Speaker 1:

That's, that was their motto. And of course you know again, they the absence of God, especially when we're talking about the linkages between the Illuminati, which I read this years ago and I've never talked about it in depth on air. I've mentioned it in passing in some shows, but I'm like I mean the linkage between May 1st being the birthday of the Illuminati and May 1st being celebrated by the World Wide Comintern. That's not a coincidence. And of course there's something as a tell. They like to do those things, they like to encode and decide dates. They like to show you that's what they do. And of course, what's the first thing that the state supplants when it takes over and when a communist revolution is successful, it goes after God. There's no God here, there's only the state.

Speaker 3:

Nietzsche spoke to this right Tony, when he was saying God was dead and that we'd killed him. He said there were going to be like two severe consequences as a result. One would be nihilism, but people wouldn't take to nihilism because there's no transcendent meaning with nihilism, and the second would be a move towards totalitarianism. And he predicted this in the late 1800s and he said probably the best candidate for that would be socialism and probably tens of millions of people will die. He got all that right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, nietzsche was talking also about. He had a term for it is called the last man and he said the last man. It's kind of what we have now and it's it's really. It's about a population doesn't have to be, it's not really gender specific, it's talking about people without ambition. Without ambition, people that have been numbed through handouts from the state, that are basically giving up their will and giving up their dreams and their hopes and all the aspirations for the state. He called that the last man.

Speaker 1:

It was like a pathetic. It would always defend the state, everything for the state. It's kind of like that Twilight Zone episode where the obsolete man, you know, and this the state is, uh, you know bans everything and runs your life and decides whether or not you are obsolete. That's the vision of the totalitarians and and I think the communism is a is an operating system. It's not necessarily an ideology, it's an operating system in the material world. For satanic reasons, like for satanic oversight. They use that because it preys on some base emotions like envy, right, it preys on that like oh, and it's class-specific and all the rest, and the redistribution, what all that? But that flies in the face of, of the human experience so like that's why these they don't last forever. I mean North Korea notwithstanding, or Cuba, they don't last forever. And it won't last forever because it really goes against human natures and all aspects. But the, the linkage between the elites and using that, I think, is what I wanted to talk about today and that's what we're doing. I think it's really important to understand that.

Speaker 1:

I talked about the income tax earlier today. Whether it's the Federal Reserve, whether it's the income tax, whatever policy, the elites and those who control the money supply, as Mayor Amschel Rothschild said during the 19th century, I care not who sits on the British throne. The person who controls the British empire is the person who controls the British money supply, and I control the British money supply. That's a pretty succinct quote. So the people that control that also control policy and they control the war. So to go back to your question about the Balfour Declaration and other things, no, you're exactly right. And that royal family persists and still gets to sit on top of its financial empire and whatever else they do.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a fan of, I don't need the royals or I't have any kind of? Um affinity for any of that, uh, but they have a. I've seen your tivo. Tony, I know what you don't. You don't you start telling people inside information about me. But chris, chris is back. Chris and I, the one time I get you on a show and you, uh, you know, you know more than me and I I finally found something where you know you know more than me.

Speaker 1:

And I, I, I finally found something where you just go, you know, I don't know, and uh, I'm just, I'm basically I'm fascinated right now.

Speaker 2:

I'm I'm learning from, from you guys. So I kind of feel, feel bad right now. You guys know, really I'm learning a lot of things.

Speaker 1:

This the david knight show. For those that have never heard chris graves, uh, this is one of the most talented researchers I've ever heard, and this guy I mean, you can take the most obscure thing and he'll put his pop culture, conspiracy culture, and you can hear us over on on paratrooper and along with mr anderson this, we, we do a show called paratrooper. I've loaded up on all my feeds and of course it's got its own separate channel, but we do deep dives into the and you know Chris will pull stuff I've never heard of before and he also is a researcher for for Don Jeffries. He makes Don Jeffries look good. Now, don does a great job making himself look good, but Chris does too. So the one time I find something where you just go, you know, I don't know, I don't know much about the illuminati.

Speaker 1:

That's surprising, uh, because nobody really knows. That's the thing. It's kind of a joke. Yeah, you know, like the oh it's. So you, you're, you got your tinfoil hat, you know, which I think can be useful in today's world. I've been on tinfoil hat, but if you have your tinfoil hat you, you know you need that for to protect yourself against these weird thoughts that you have about the Illuminati.

Speaker 3:

Right. Well, you also have to remember, Tony Chris is battling the effects of anti-gravity right now, that's true. So you don't know what that feels like.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what that feels like Inside running joke, ladies and gentlemen, where I just where I'm telling you where Chris is broadcasting from? He's inside of a reverse engineered UFO. Lockheed Martin built UFO Cruising around Roswell, hangar 13.

Speaker 2:

Hangar 18.

Speaker 1:

So I guess they messed up, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm in Hangar 13.

Speaker 1:

You're in Hangar 13. Yeah, unlucky 13.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Right, exactly. But that is the question, tony, where did they go? Because lots of people laugh when you make too much about the Illuminati, right, and honestly, maybe they took a play out of the playbook of America and kind of fractured things right, power-wise, the power structures, but there are three classes. The ones that they really promoted were workers, right, which are your slave class, the military and then the mystery ruling class, and that's prevalent everywhere. People push for that everywhere. That's what socialism is about is first the elimination of the middle class, that American dream. So I mean, where did the Frankists go? I don't know. Look at BLM, look at Saul Alinsky, right, rules for Radicals. Who did he dedicate his book to Lucifer? It's right there, you can open the book. So he was a community organizer. Who else do I know that was or know a little about who is a community organizer? So they're still pushing this and David talks about this a lot on his show, right?

Speaker 1:

I mean, think globally, act locally's right, exactly what they did and are doing. Uh, just just in case he's listening and he wants to join, I'm I'm sending guard goldsmith the link to this. I should have sent him one earlier. I just thought of something a guard. If you're listening, I sent you a link in your email. You can join the stream if you want. Um, I was just thinking the, the perfect analogy for how all of this works in.

Speaker 1:

Guard wrote for Star Trek. Okay, he wrote for a Star Trek, voyager, which is a great show, and I started, I started watching the Star Trek's late in life, like late thirties, and, just you know, wanted to watch a show without politics in it, with the storyline, and you can go back and watch, you know, the next generation. But then they had, I think, the best one of them and I'm and I don't want to offend guard he wrote for voyager. The best one of them is deep space nine, yeah, and the reason is they give you, if you want to know how the, in my opinion, how the power, somebody, somebody pulled this from the ether. I don't think it's an accident. They put like how the power structure works and they're when they go into this other, uh, this other quadrant, right, they have this wormhole. It opens up and they go in this other and there's this, they call it the dominion and it runs everything, right. It like they are just top down. They control whatever movement, is absolutely this whole entire universe like controlled by, uh, the dominion? When you find out what the dominion is, they have, like these race engineered, uh, military class and they're like they grow them in a lab.

Speaker 1:

These are kind of reptilian-looking guys and they're just killers and they serve what they call the founders. You can't really see the founders until late into the show. Over them. They have a class of Machiavellian backbiter, little weird people, kind of like politicians, right, and like we have now. They're just really devoid of soul. They're just slithering little, just like we have in Washington, right, just the worst things. And they call those people the Vorta, and the Vorta run all the politics and they oversee the military. But at the highest rate, is these people called the people? They're not people, they're shapeshifters. They can morph into anything.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty much how our stuff works. In my opinion, it's like you have these shapes that you don't see right, and then you have the little backbiter-y, weird, machiavellian people, whatever they are, the politicians that are, you know at, that's who you see, but that's not who's really in control. Then you have, of course, the people that carry it out. You have the, the military class. Maybe guard will join us and give me some insight into the domain piece available. But but that. But I think I think that's what we're talking about, and you know. You raised the question, mr anderson. You're asked like well, it's not they're talking about. And you raised the question, mr Anderson. You asked like well, it's not, they don't have the like, you can't join the like. There's not a membership card to the Illuminati. Okay, it's not how that works. I don't think so. Anyway, at least mine's expired.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there's any kind of card in it, because you get people in the alternative like Illuminati, confirmed, you know, you know, and kind of card. And of course, you get people in the alternative, like Illuminati, confirmed, you know, uh, it's so funny. Well, what it is, it's the and I think Gore Vidal, who I quote often, really nailed this. He was like it's not so much as there are conspiracies, they all think alike. You know council on foreign relations, trilateral commission, bilateral commission. You know NGOs around the world, united Nations, the United Nations and this is a pop quiz for everybody the United Nations.

Speaker 1:

Uh, who was the first um leader of the United Nations as far as the, the controlling body, when they were creating it post-World War II? It was Alger Hiss and Andra Hista, the later who would be convicted of perjury, brought down by Richard Nixon, who was? You know, of course, whitaker Chambers, who was the witness, but he was passing secrets and technology to the Soviets at Yalta. He worked, he was a favorite of the elites and the establishment for Roosevelt. Yeah, that's right, the elites, always. It's another thing about you know the playing, both sides and what they do, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

And so can I speak to that for a second.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Because there's one person in particular who's behind a lot of this, and his name was Zapata Zevi. You've heard of him, haven't you, tony Right? So he declared himself the Messiah on June 18th. Lots of sixes there, 1666. And he was kind of a heretic and he was into Jewish mysticism, but he gathered this immense following. He even married, I think, what is described as an unchaste bride, which is a nice way of saying a prostitute. But even that to me, I mean, that's just sacrilegious, because it's up the same vein of the Da Vinci Code, right? Or the Knights Templar always talk about how they have the bones of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and all their children. They always say that, but they'll never show you. Oh, they're there. But anyways, what he did was he was trying to form a Jewish state in what was then Turkey, and the Sultan caught him, and so, to save his life, he converted to Islam and he said I'll abandon this Jewish faith, I'll convert to Islam. And that's what he did. And so, actually, the founding, may 1st 1776, is supposedly a hundred years after the death of him, in honor of him.

Speaker 3:

So again to what you were saying. It's all about covertness. That's why I don't know, it's kind of like chasing shadows. You can't really point because it's all about covertness. That's why I don't know. It's kind of like chasing shadows. You can't really point because it's already gone by the time you get. There is the way I view it, but I don't know how they operate other than controlling the money supplies, like you said. It seems to always be the case, because there's tremendous backing even for communism. Right, we were talking about this with regard to Karl Marx and who actually funded the writing of the Communist Manifesto? And it was the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, right?

Speaker 3:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1:

That's a good one. It was a novel by Jules Verne, alan Moore. It was a novel by Jules Verne, alan Moore. Well, that's true. I'm glad you brought that up, mr Anderson. So this is where you get the linkage between Marx and the communist revolutions and the Illuminati.

Speaker 1:

So Karl Marx, is this really untalented reporter, faux economist? You know reporter, you know faux economist. And otherwise, if you read a biography on Marx, I mean it's the individual is a very unhappy person, a very, you know, just unlucky, unhappy, would probably just be a bore, would not want to be around this person. You want to steer clear of this person but somehow, and like everything else, it needs funding, right, you don't get to hear.

Speaker 1:

I know that we get fed.

Speaker 1:

That's why they call it a news feed, because you get fed things.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of times when you get fed something like for us to do this show and like for David to have built up enough audience, like organically, which he, he did and, of course, with listener support here is how long that takes, how much work that takes. But we get fed people all the time they did skipped all those levels and just get put right in front of you, and one of those people was carl marx, and we can prove that by the fact that he got funded by this group called the league of just Now, there's some weird connotations to even the description of that Just the nomenclature, just men, the League of it. Okay, so again, this is in that League of Just Men, the shattery group, and I want to hear what you found. Mr Anderson, we didn't get to talk about this last night, but I know that if you dig deep enough, you find the connections between the banking houses, and especially the House of Rothschild, to that group who funded Marx to write the Communist Manifesto, correct?

Speaker 3:

Right. So the League of Just Men was a German secret society, the best I could tell and it later evolved into the International Communist Party. But it all stems back again. It goes back into the Illuminati Jacob Frank, who was the successor of Zabatai Zevi, who I just mentioned, and yeah, it's all tied up in the people who control the money supplies. I mean, the Rothschilds in particular are frankest and they threw a party in Paris in 1972. And apparently that's what Kubrick based, a lot of Eyes Wide Shut on at least that ceremonious party that they have in the movie and you can look it up 1972. I mean, all the greeters are wearing cat masks and then Marie Rothschild's wearing like a deer head. They have at like each table where they eat dismembered baby doll parts. I mean, what's that supposed to be representative of? And so on and so forth. But it all ties back in together so that they're all associated. It seems like the Illuminati are all associated with the money supply.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's just it. And when I was on tinfoil hat I was, I remember, right in the middle of the show and I go I wanted to talk about and we've done this on paratrooper great episode. If you can go back and find it, ladies and gentlemen, maybe we'll I'll rebroadcast it. But we talked about the, the document that was found inside an IBM copier in 1986 at an estate sale. So somebody went to. This really happened. Somebody went to an estate sale, bought an IBM copier. Inside that copier was a technical manual, a document called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and it was dated May 1st 1979 and it was a technical manual on human enslavement and how they were going to control the population and the first part of the book or the manual.

Speaker 1:

And again, you can dispute whether I don't think the manual is necessarily true. Somebody made it Okay and it might be a copy of something else. The mere fact that it was like not published and somebody found it, that's just super weird, right? I mean that really happened. So whether or not the document is an actual technical manual, it's listed as a tech manual, kind of like I would see when I was in the military. But it was like welcome aboard and it welcomes the person reading it, like you would be reading it at, like a Bilderberg meeting or something.

Speaker 1:

And again, I'm not telling you, it's real. I'm telling you to look at it because when you read the first part of it it gets into the alchemy of finance and using money and currency is energy to control events. And that's the first place it starts, which I've always found fascinating, because I quoted Mayor Amschel Rothschild of the 19th century, which is a real quote. You talk about some super arrogance to say that you control the money supply, so I control the british strong. Well, of course, and that's why they wanted the federal reserve. That's why, you know, uh, jekyll island 1910, november 22nd 1910, you know, 53 years to the date, the deep state murders jfk. They cram up with the concept of the Federal Reserve. Not federal, not a reserve. They couldn't call it a bank. Oh, good, guard's here, I'm glad you got my invite, young man.

Speaker 4:

Hey, thank you so much for the invite, and I wouldn't have gotten it if I weren't listening to the show. I heard you and I said You're the one listening to the show. I, I heard you and I said you're the one listening. And greetings to all the uh, the fellow uh plotters and planners out there and all your secret russian hideouts. You look great thank you.

Speaker 1:

That's good. What is that a reference to? I missed the reference. I know that's from somewhere oh, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

you know, I, I, I often mentioned over at the Liberty Conspiracy thing that you know we're plotters and planners for freedom. But with all the Russian, russian collusion thing, I always say I'm sponsored by the Russian government. Hello, comrades, you know that's good.

Speaker 2:

That's an old Kolchak the nice dog.

Speaker 4:

Oh, kolchak, yeah, Kolchak was the best so good. Oh, colchek, yeah, colchek was the best so good. And you know, you know colchek. And one of the very first colchek tv movies. I always remember the line where he says you know, look around you and try to convince yourself it couldn't happen here, because it's happening here, you know well, we're, we're definitely in the thick of things.

Speaker 1:

It's uh, and I think I've got somewhat of like normalcy bias, of being unnormal. Now, like I'm like, oh yeah, just I'm just kind of expecting the next false flag. You know, I'm watching the collapse of the dollar in real time. I'm looking at the news. It has a completely different narrative, and I'm just like, well, you know, that's just normal. I think we just I think're all normal. We got normalcy bias inside of the Great Reset.

Speaker 1:

Now, gard and I was laughing earlier because we were thinking about how.

Speaker 1:

First of all I'll go on record I think the Illuminati is real and because I believe in evil and I think that they collude, and I think that the world's most powerful people, or whatever they are, I think that they try to steer events and do their best to control the planet the way that they see fit, and one of those ways is through, uh, ngos and uh through things like council on foreign relations and the deep state, whatever you want to call them.

Speaker 1:

They're all just it's like the. The foundation, though, is this this ideology or this religion really, of the illuminuminati? And we were talking, and we got on this deal about Star Trek, and I go, oh my God, I've got to have guard on, because I'm sure you're familiar with Deep Space Nine and how that whole thing was set up and so like, who came up? That is such a the concept of the shapeshifters at the top. And then you have the Machiavellian backbiter weirdo people, the Vorta, and then you have the Jem'Hadar, which are just like these reptilian, like military industrial complex spawns, and I'm like wow, somebody really nailed it.

Speaker 4:

And that was Ira Ira Bear.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that was.

Speaker 4:

Ira, yeah, and Ira, when I was at Voy voyager, we were all in the same building, the heart building and, um, and you know, beautiful spot. And I used to like I said to some of the audience, I used to take the bus actually to paramount when I worked at star trek. I was the only guy taking the bus, and then we'd go through chinatown and all these barrios and stuff like that. I was the only dude speaking english on the bus. It was the wildest scene. And then I'd get off in front of the gates at paramount, people be pulling in their lamborghinis and stuff. It was the. It was the weirdest contrast. So, uh, ira was a really cool guy and, um, I actually got to know ira. We, um, we connected because of music, because at the time I was there in 1998, they had that anthrax scare, remember, down in the Southwest, and so there's a song by a band called gang of four, called anthrax, and I was singing it in my office and my office actually didn't have a door to it. I was just like the, what they call the writer's guild fellow. So I was like an adjunct to the Star Trek, uh, voyager crew. Uh, writing crew, writing crew, and so I was on the second floor and I was right near the staircase and Ira would take the stairs to go up to the third floor, which is where Deep Space Nine was located. So we were all in the same building. First floor was Voyager, second floor was a mixture of Voyager and Deep Space Nine, writers and production people, and then the third floor at the Hart Building was Voyager and that's where Ira's office was. And of course it was his concept and he really took Star Trek in a way that I had hoped some of the stories I was pitching I might be able to do, which was the corruption inside a centralized one government system, which is the United Federation of Planets, with their Illuminati symbols, based on the UN, with the whole Saturnalia thing and all that stuff. And so I was singing the song and the lyrics.

Speaker 4:

I know I'm going to sound so amazing, my dulcet tones, but the song goes love will get you like to like a case of anthrax, and that's something I don't want to catch. It's very flat, it's very like, you know, minimalist, punk sort of thing, and all of a sudden iris head pokes in and he's got his. He's got his like round shades that he used to when he goes, hey, gang of four, I'm like, oh hey, and we hadn't really spoken before. I was like, hey, ira, and he goes, you know, gang of four. And I'm like, oh yeah, I love gang of four, they're great, you know.

Speaker 4:

So then we started talking about one of the spin-off bands of gang of four, which is called shriek back, which had members of xtc, barry andrews, play keyboards. Barry's a great guy and, by the way, they did a song recently. Shriek back recently did a song called a bunch of hokey cokey. Uh, in the lyrics, uh, it says a bunch of hokey cokey money, sweet money, sweet as honey. Nothing found. There's a Bitcoin river rising, the dam is coming down. So that was that shriek back. So Ira and I started talking and he goes no, I haven't heard a shriek back. And he goes come on, you got to come up to my office. You like Iggy. So we start talking about Iggy Pop, no-transcript.

Speaker 4:

And you guys have such great knowledge of things like the Illuminati and stuff like that and these historical markers. But I think they combine some of their oh wouldn't it be neat if you know? With some of their science speculations. So we were, we were always reading, like you know Discover magazine and stuff and looking at the newest stuff on genetics and things like that just to try to get ideas. And and I think Ira was successful he was also a massive fan of twilight zone. Like he wrote the sequel to the boy with the power, with Billy Mooney and he, he and Billy Mooney live on the same street, like he's godfather to Billy's child was son or something like that. Yeah, and so he wrote the sequel to that where the child with the power now has become an adult and has a daughter who has even greater power. And, uh, chloris leach leachman was back in it. They brought everybody back and so he has.

Speaker 4:

I think he's more on the left wing side of things, but I've noticed, you know, there's been this very strong convergence between the anti-corporate left-wing people, especially the british anti-corporate left-wing people and especially the British anti-corporate left-wing people, and, I think, a lot of the more libertarian people who didn't quite recognize that corporations are entities of the state as well and that favoritism thing. So he was coming from the left-wing side, but I do think that he seemed to have a lot of knowledge of the esoteric and I think it was just because he was interested in it and he wove that into deep space nine with a lot of those subtexts, various, and of course combined it with warnings of technocracy and warnings, you know. Sort of the same way that brandon braga did with the borg, you know, um, I had dinner with brandon a few years ago and I was like you know, the borg is a lot like the cybermen. And he nodded to me. He's like yeah, obviously he was inspired by the cybermen, but brandon is a pro-liberty guy as well. So it's interesting how they come together.

Speaker 4:

And I think with deep space nine, um, he, it's a little tricky because gene roddenberry had certain stipulations at star trek before he passed away. Certain things could not be done. He, he, he stipulated and I was told this by Jerry Taylor, the executive producer at Voyager Cause I had a story that was like the sting and it involved money. She goes oh, the Federation doesn't use money. And I'm like that's insane. How do they? She goes, oh, yeah, jean, it's been a big problem.

Speaker 4:

Jean thought that man would have evolved past the use of money. I was like it's a currency for trading, you know it. Past the use of money, I was like it's a currency for trading, you know it's, it's a basic human thing. We have different skills, you know. So anyway, ira was able, I think by creating deep space nine and putting it on the fringes he was able to get away from. He sort of skirted around some of those utopian ideas that Gene Rodbury had and flipped them on their head and that's, you know, that's where you got the marquee and all that stuff coming in, because obviously there were some people who didn't want to be part of the Federation and there were other people that were sort of emblematic of the technocracy and the genetic engineering and stuff that they had and emblematic of, I think, a lot of what Aldous Huxley was trying to push forward. You know there would be cadres same thing with the HG Wells. You know there would be cadres Same thing with HG Wells.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think Ira Baer was trying to show the dangers of that in a lot of his episodes. Well, it really is fascinating and I'm glad you brought up HG Wells too. Somehow we brought up Jules Verne earlier by accident. But yeah, you have HG Wells and you know he believed that. Of course he has things to come. David mentions that all the time and they made a movie out of it in the 30s. It's about the technocracy taking over.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the sometimes writers and this is I think this is what you you shed light on. Ira is bringing to the surface how things actually work, and sometimes writers will tell you the truth with through fiction. You know, like this is something that's on the horizon or something that, uh, they believe in. Even hg wells. He wrote a book called the New World Order, right. So this is HG Wells. This is one of the elites always went to that and of course he when he died, he was very pessimistic, that you know, or the world and all those other things, but he was very pessimistic that people would actually survive any of this. You know the modern age, but it's interesting that you have that little cul-de-sac right before you know this was all done in the 90s. It's kind of the peak. There's something to Agent Smith and the Matrix when he looks out and it's like 1999. He's like this is the peak of your civilization, like they're running a simulation, so there must be way into the future. So they're running it right there, saying this is the peak.

Speaker 1:

I don't disagree. There's something that's changed with the beginning of the 21st century, and not only for the fact that we're in UN Agenda 21, which has nothing to do inside the cyclical history of the fourth turning and all the rest. But when you find perfect examples, like on Deep Space Nine, with that, that's how our world works. And if you can, I think, to first understand that where you have this, the people you can't see at the top, and then you have we're all fighting around and talking about the politicians and I don't think they matter so much, especially now.

Speaker 1:

I mean they might have mattered more in my lifetime, maybe I was just more susceptible to the mind control, but they definitely don't. I find them, I find most politicians, even when we have them, just absolutely irrelevant. I mean any thoughts on that guys? I mean at this point, you know, talking about the linkage between the Illuminati communism, but it's the linkage. Now You've got the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset, davos. That's really what you're talking about. That's the intervention worldwide. Bill Cooper called it the one-world totalitarian socialist government.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Called it the one world totalitarian socialist government.

Speaker 4:

That's right. I don't know about you guys, but you know, given what so many of the writers were able to predict and you know, at Star Trek, it was mostly extrapolation from you know, what do we have now, what would be interesting, what could create drama and what? As a, you know, as a science buff, like I almost studied astrophysics because I was I was really into, you know, cosmos. I almost went to it, to Cornell, to study with Carl Sagan, but I went to BU instead. So I got to hear all the Zionists talking about how great it is to build up a Zionist state and, like I said, my last name is Goldsmith. So a lot of people thought I was Jewish and so you know it's an, it's an English name, and but they would. I would hear things about the Palestinians. I was shocked, I was like it was, it was stunning, it was, it was the, the entitlement of the, of the. Some of the folks who would talk about the expansion of the Zionist state really blew me away and I'm seeing it exactly played out now. But to go back to the thing you know, like H Wells and other writers, I think there has and I'm only waking up to it now, the past few years, you know, getting to know you guys, getting to know David so well, discovering Christianity or more deeply discovering Christianity, realizing it's a battle of religions. You know it's a battle of faith. It's a battle. It is a battle of good versus evil. It's a battle of the hermetics and the Gnostics and the Satanists versus Christ. That's what it is. It that's that's all it is. And Sam Blumenfeld, who heavily influenced people like Alex Newman and things like that, and I mentioned on my show it was really neat when David was interviewing Alex, he had a bunch of Sam's books on a shelf and one of those was edited by my dad. So I'm like, hey, my dad edited that book on Alex Newman shelf. That's really cool. You know, these, these connections start to get revealed and and you know, I'm just grateful that you know God allowed me to be alive this long to recognize the truth that you guys say and the truth that David says and to bring me closer to him. And I just wanted to bring this up.

Speaker 4:

There's a, there's a horror writer back from the early 1900s. His name was EF Benson and he was a British writer. He had two brothers, very, very well-known brothers, also very good writers. One of them, by the way, they were the son All these guys were the sons of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Were the sons of the Archbishop of Canterbury? Okay, so the head of the Anglican Church? Okay, which of course is a turn away from the Catholic Church and the traditional tenets and so on and so forth. But he had a brother named Robert Hugh Benson, and this book in fact I've mentioned it to a few people Lord of the World was written in 1907.

Speaker 4:

Talk about HG Wells, and in it he talks about the Masons, he talks about collectivist socialism and he talks about the destruction of the Catholic Church and he really he nails so much stuff. He puts it forward in a dystopian British world, that is, basically he was ahead of Orwell, he was ahead of Zimmy Yotin over in Russia with that book we, he was ahead of Ayn Rand and he sort of follows up the recognition of the dangers of materialism and the secular world and it is, it's amazing. It's an amazing book. I'm only about 70 pages in it's. Over at internet archive there's an audio version of it. It's called Lord of the world and I'm telling you when you, even if you just read the first few pages of this you just like. It's scary. What this guy did, like as a science fiction writer, what this guy did to predict the future, it's wild, it's absolutely wild. I'm glad I'm sitting here in the book supply so I could mention to you guys it's really amazing.

Speaker 3:

You work in commission on that book Gardner.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly. Oh, and by the way, when I yeah, and what ended up happening with Robert Hugh Benson was he he. He converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest, so I think he still stayed in good stead with his siblings, but that was shocking for a lot of the Brits back then. And in fact there are some websites that say if you look at dystopian literature people often talk about British dystopian literature with Huxley and Orwell there are authors who say there should be a third and it should be Robert U Benson, and I didn't even know about him until a couple of months ago.

Speaker 1:

Well, you mentioned Huxley and talking about in our time really, and I mentioned earlier in the first hour of the show, it's like when we really start seeing the acceleration point of the decline of our country and decline of Western civilization and you could talk about when we lost all semblance of you know our currency is really. It ties back to that. But I think I think Pat Buchanan might have been right. They asked him some time ago when do you think that you started to see the death of the West? And he said November 22, 1963. So the day that the deep state murdered JFK. But you know what else happened.

Speaker 2:

Can I mention I don't know if this is where you're going, but someone else died that day too. That's right, okay. Is that where you're going? Yes, okay.

Speaker 1:

You know who said it there was three. There was three there was three.

Speaker 2:

Well, I the one I'm thinking of is huxley. Uh, he died and uh didn't. Really it didn't really get too much attention, obviously because of jfk. The third one I'm intrigued by, because I thought the two big ones were jfk and huxley and Huxley didn't even work for Boeing.

Speaker 1:

Well, the third one was CS Lewis.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Okay, yes.

Speaker 1:

So on the same day November 22nd 1963, we lost those three and they all represented different things, but they were the height of different things. You know, huxley, about the, the vision of dystopia and state control, and take your soma. You know brave new world, of course, cs lewis, champion for christ and christian civilization, and the new frontier. And you know, in jfk, a lot of beautiful rhetoric. One of the reasons he got shot, in my opinion, was his June speech to the American University about peace, you know, and one of the things he said was our problems are man-made, therefore they can't be solved by man. I wrestle with that a lot. Yeah, I wrestle with beautiful speech. But all three of those people died on the same day and they all had three different, opposing visions of. You know, smart people, right, but maybe opposing visions.

Speaker 1:

But we're way past that now we're in and I, you know, wanted to talk about in this hour and like the linkage between the elites and some really awful operating systems for satanism. Let's just call it what it is. I mean when people bring, like the CBDC, central Bank, digital Currency is not a currency, this is a totalitarian system of evil that they're going to unleash and we have the responsibility not only to talk about it but set up parallel systems and to resist it. Because it's the. You know, whatever dystopian novel was ever created will not equal the amount of absolute total control and, uh again, horror that you will find with central bank digital currency.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, mr well, tony, they have to make it digital. I mean, jesus isn't going to be able to turn that over. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think you can find a way. Uh, I think I think you can find a way for sure. But, yeah, you're right. And then the next hour we're gonna have uh gerald cilente on I've been texting travis back and forth. We're gonna have like a round table. Hopefully you guys uh will be able to uh to watch, but we're to have Charlie Robinson on and Gerald Salente and the legendary Don Jeffries. Now, that's a roundtable. I told both Don and Charlie. I was like, hey, just have some questions ready for Gerald, because it's like you know, gerald will come on and he'll say stuff. Like you know, the last time somebody stood up to the bankers, you know, and threw the money changers out of the temple, they crucified him, and that's exactly right. You know that temple, they crucified him, and that's exactly right. You know, that's exactly. That's what we're up against. I mean, this is uh when they talk about the central bank, digital currency and we talk about all the dystopian stuff and conspiracy research, but I'm telling you what that to me, that's what I'm watching, and you want to talk about ties to, to nefarious groups and those who with belief systems that are anti-God, and that's it. That's what the central bank did, and they're working on it night and day. There's that famous quote from Wall Street, the movie with Michael Douglas and money never sleeps Well, neither do the forces of darkness either. They're working day and night to create this enslavement system. That's why you've got to know the difference between currency and money. You got to know the history, how it all led up to this. Who funded who? The 20th century was not a battle between communism and capitalism. It was a play. It was a play that was put into motion by the world's elite.

Speaker 1:

Will Durant, the historian. I always thought this was a great statement that needed like a little bit of update. But he said years you know this is. He died. He was in his 90s right after I was born. But he talked about. He said, the great figure of the 19th century was not Karl Marx, it was Darwin. But they go together and they're both funded by the same people. And that's when I found out later, when I'm doing my research, I'm like, well, will, you almost got it. And it was that it was Darwin and it basically creates nihilism and that we're all just alone and there is no God. And you can follow the line of logic all the way up to you don't matter, right, which is with Darwin and the theory of evolution, and Marx supplants God with the communist state and all this stuff, but they both go together. They're funded by the same people, right? It's interesting. And, huxley, you, huxley, you know his, his, this father, right, was the, was the the aid to to darwin, right, and like his, his, uh, benefactor.

Speaker 3:

Could I mention one other thing, tony, because Jim Mars wrote a good book about the Illuminati right and even in the opening of that it describes an initiation ceremony as written according to some encounter around the 1800s. And what stood out to me about that is they never used Jesus's name during the oath, but they're told to swear by it. It has the authority, so they swear by the crucified one, but they don't claim any sort of allegiance to it.

Speaker 1:

I think what we said last night was they swear on it but not to it.

Speaker 3:

Right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

It's a difference.

Speaker 3:

It's a huge distinction.

Speaker 1:

They have their own religion. That's most important and that's you know. I think there's some that will try to skate around this, you know, but they have their own. It's not what the major face that we recognize today. They have their own thing, you know, and they think the serpent in the garden is the good guy, right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, bill Cooper explained that very well. Right, that's right. It looks at.

Speaker 4:

I think it's really. I think it's it's so destructive how the collectivists try to utilize the sort of David versus Goliath of we're supporting the little guy all the time and it's such an easy out and that's what Marx was able to do. A little guy all the time and it's such an easy out and that's what Marx was able to do. You know he was able to throw the dislike of the old royal peerage system and move that over into dislike of anybody who owned property. You know he was picking up Rousseau's, rousseau's reins and carrying on with the carriage. You know running with the horses there and you know, I understand at the time at the you know, the death of the sort of old royal purge system. They were actually it was a very favoritist, corporatist, cronyist sort of system where they were literally parliament was passing special grants of parliament to hand out land for single people. They would call them special acts of parliament for just one guy to take over all this land.

Speaker 4:

During the end of that enclosure, movement from the roundheads and a lot of the locals were getting. You know the common law was being destroyed. They were having that last vestige of the common law, which is why it's so great when you look at what William Penn did and others, to stand up for traditional juries and the people. And you know Marx, you know he had a point, but he deflected, you know, and like Rousseau, it's well, the people can come up with the greatest ideas. It's utterly, utterly a Gnostic idea.

Speaker 4:

The people will have their expression of their will, this collective gestalt, through the house of the, you know the French assembly, or here they tell us it's democracy and it's we, the people, the expression of America. America cares about this or that and uh, it's all. It's all a ruse and it's all done to supposedly protect the little guy. And uh, if you had all speak out against, against their corporatism, their fascism, their collectivist favoritism, then somehow you're against democracy and they claim that they represent democracy. It's just like Marx saying I represent the little guy. How? By making sure the little guy has no opportunity to own anything. It's insane.

Speaker 3:

And how did Benjamin Franklin describe democracy?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, two wolves and a sheep fighting over what's for dinner, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I don't like it when they say our democracy.

Speaker 1:

Gentlemen, I don't either, mr and by the way, I don't like that word. I'll give you a free one ounce American Gold Eagle if you can find the word democracy in the Constitution, in our founding documents. If you can just send me that, I'll send you an American Gold Eagle. I've got to let you go, gents, because we have Gerald Salente, don Jeffries in the back office here. I'll be putting them on the screen here. We're not going to take a commercial break. So appreciate you, guard, so much. Thank you for coming on, chris, chris Graves. Go find Chris Graves, he's over on Paratrooper. Mr Anderson always appreciate your research, your brain, sir. Thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, thank you guard, see you guys.

Speaker 2:

Take care.

Speaker 3:

Take care, bye-bye.