The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

The David Knight Show 5-3-24

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Discover the untold connections between historical landmarks and modern-day ideological battles in our latest podcast episode. As I, Tony Arterburn, step in for David Knight, I take you along on an insightful pilgrimage to the Alamo, sharing the stories behind the 'Reimagine the Alamo' project and its controversies. We'll unravel the fabric of American history and economics with the help of Beans the Brave, exploring the transition from industrial prowess to consumer fragility and offering wisdom from financial mavens on navigating economic downturns.

This episode's tapestry grows richer with the insights of our esteemed guests Gerald Salente, Donald Jeffries, and Charlie Robinson. Together, we illuminate the shadowy links between the ruling elites, secret societies, and the global events that have shaped our reality. Join us as we scrutinize the ideological roots of revolutions, draw parallels between the Illuminati and communism, and discuss the pressing issues in U.S.-China relations that could reshape the world's economic and political landscape.

Conclude your journey through this narrative by reflecting on the cultural keystones that define our society. From the philosophical implications of classic literature to the foresight of "Star Trek: Voyager," we probe the forces that drive American politics and global dynamics. Prepare to engage with a dialogue that highlights the importance of unity in the face of challenges posed by financial systems and the elite's grip on power. This episode is a call to those who stand vigilant over our heritage, value mature diplomacy, and seek to comprehend the intricate connections between money and resistance.

Speaker 1:

using free speech to free minds. You're listening to the David Knight Show.

Speaker 2:

As the clock strikes 13, it's Friday, the 3rd of May, year of our Lord, 2024. Well, I'm Tony Arterburn and I'm filling in for the great David Knight, giving him a very well-deserved day off. He texted me yesterday and thanked me for filling in and I said I don't know how you do it. He is truly amazing. We're going to do our best to fill in today. In the second hour I've got the crew from my podcast Paratrooper will be here. We're going to discuss the ties between the Illuminati and communism, and in the third hour it's a roundtable like never before. We're supposed to have Gerald Salente, donald Jeffries and Charlie Robinson. That's how it lined up, ladies and gents. We'll see if I can put that together. It's great to be back.

Speaker 2:

It's been a while since I hosted. I think the last time I hosted was in December, if I'm not mistaken. I'm in studio with my co-pilot and co-host, beans the Brave, my 12 and a half pounds, sometimes a little bit heavier Chihuahua. We're putting the show together this morning and I remembered we were just back from San Antonio. I was in San Antonio on Sunday. I stayed at the Crockett Hotel behind the Alamo. If you've ever been to San Antonio, they have a couple of great hotels right there next to the Alamo, you have the Minger Hotel, which is where Teddy Roosevelt recruited the Rough Riders, and they have a great bar there. It's the original. They've moved it to another room, but it's right off the side of the street next to the Alamo. And, of course, the Crockett Hotel. I like to stay at the Crockett and, of course, the Crockett Hotel. I like to stay at the Crockett. Beans and I were down there meeting a good friend of mine and one of the early investors into Wise Wolf. We were walking around the little foyer of the Alamo and I saw the Cenotaph.

Speaker 2:

If you've ever seen this monument, it's a beautiful monument. Cenotaph means empty tomb. It was erected in 1936. It was part of the Great Depression. They had these artwork programs that were funded. You can see some of the same art that was erected in Dealey Plaza, but they had this wonderful monument. It's beautiful. It was this sculpture and I wish I had a picture. I should have brought a picture with me, but I was standing there looking at that and it reminded me I was going to talk about this on my show.

Speaker 2:

But everything we do matters, okay, even if we're in a fourth turning. There's historical forces beyond our control. We're up against some monumental evil, which is why we're here. Right, if you believe in God, if you believe in the spiritual realm of things, there's a reason why we're here. I believe that and I'm looking at this monument and I remembered that not so long ago, I wrote an article.

Speaker 2:

I was one of the first people to write about this plan that these elites had. One of them was George P Bush. He was the land commissioner of Texas at the time. This is back in 2017. I was approached by some people and, it's funny, at the time I was living in an office. This was before Wise Wolf.

Speaker 2:

I was in between projects. I'd ran for Congress in 2013, 2014. I ended up backing the sitting congressman who was the last World War II veteran in Congress named Ralph Hall, and he lost. He lost to lobbyists, he lost to somebody who was very connected to John Ashcroft and, guess what? I was persona non grata after that. So I didn't have any sort of consulting work, anything going on. I couldn't afford to be on the radio.

Speaker 2:

But I got approached. I said can you write an article about what they're trying to do to the Alamo? And I said what are they doing in the Alamo? And so you come across this plan. It's this reimagined plan and they're going to reimagine it, which is kind of an Orwellian word, isn't it? They're going to reimagine the Alamo. And I start looking into it and it's just awful, like it's a historical neutering, and of course they're going to make it more like a theme park. And they had like plexiglass walls they were going to put around it and one of the things they were going to do was remove the cenotaph. Now they were going to move it to another location so they could make it more culturally appropriate and do some sort of like theme parkish stuff out front. I'm not kidding.

Speaker 2:

And so I dig into this and I start writing the article and it got published all over the state and again, not a no major media outlets covered it. But I got picked up and you know I I wrote this. Will the Alamo fall twice? Is what I um themed the article. So it gets picked up all over the state and I get a bunch of calls and a couple of angry journalists I'm going to put this in journalist right. They call me and they said why would you inflate the amount of money that they want to spend on this project. It's not what you said. You're saying somewhere in the neighborhood of 450 million, which, if you adjust it for inflation, I was like it was like 1.3 times the adjusted price for the Louisiana purchase. I mean it's some insane number. 450 million was what they were proposing and you know that's always going to go over budget.

Speaker 2:

So I got a lot of flack from these journalists and I kept just telling them I'm like it's on their website, like I just, you guys don't do your job, and I'm just a guy who lives in an office, I'm just, I'm just a former radio host, what do I know? And I go and I keep showing, I send them the links. Well, they took the website down the and this, this, this is George P Bush and the powers that be and all the designers and all that, all the investors. They took it down. It was reimagined, they took the whole thing down and they didn't talk about that anymore, except their plan still called for the removal of the Cenotaph. Now, about a year later, I spoke at the Cenotaph, actually in front of the Alamo. I was the last speaker at an event that was held there and I played a very small part in this, but I bring this up to say what you do matters. That Cenotaph is still there. Now they're probably going to do all the commercial stuff right. I saw that they were redesigning stuff and I've lost touch in some of the aspects and people that are local there.

Speaker 2:

But I want to tell you that what you do matters. Every decision you make right, every action you take, it matters. Even if we're inside of this monumental historical shift in human history. What you do matters, and that's an example right there, a guy living in an office writes an article. It helped to snowball some things and a lot of people started asking questions. And people push back. And what's the latest? What's the political? What's the political pulse of George P Bush? Anybody heard of him lately? Good riddance, I hope it's oblivion, but I would never, never, count those people out. They, whether it's Poppy Bush or George W, they always find a way. Or Jeb, they always find a way to come back.

Speaker 2:

Well, speaking of making a difference, I wanted to look at these headlines. These headlines are insane. You go to Drudge and of course, this is Operation Mockingbird in print. This is the algorithm and cumulative post for Operation Mockingbird, and I go there to see what the CIA wants me to talk about, but they have the longest period of low unemployment on record. Let's see if we can put this up. I love it when I find, uh, opposing headlines and opposing subject matter, which is always fun, because I went to twitter and I there's a few accounts that I follow. One of them is gold telegraph and the other is robert kiyosaki. So let's just, let's just look at the headlines of drudge and let's talk about, just for a second, um, this headline. There are cheerleaders for the establishment. I remember when drug used to be relevant, the longest period of low unemployment on record Okay, well, let's dig into that. Um, just on the surface, what is a job really? A job used to be in this country. A job used to be a living, and that's how you supported a family.

Speaker 2:

Because we were the manufacturing marvel of mankind Post-World War II. We had 50% of the world's wealth and we were 5% of the world's population. There was a reason for that. It's because we had the semblance not laissez-faire, but we had the semblance of free markets and we had a manufacturing base. We made things Again. Arsenal of democracy. This comes from our ability to produce. That's why all the presidents on Mount Rushmore supported tariffs. We protected our home markets. We were strategic, we were economic nationalists, we made things. We were not a consumer nation.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know you fast forward through the years and the controlled demolition of the American empire, and of course the calls are coming from inside the house. So we give away our soul, we pawn America's soul, we sell it off, we give away our manufacturing base, we debase our currency. People are talking about minimum wage saying $15 or $20 or whatever it should be. It doesn't matter if you're losing purchasing power. You can go back to 1964, get paid $1.25, and $1.25 in silver quarters today is about $30. You know it's insane. I mean, the loss of purchasing power is going to infect everything and that infects, of course, the quality of jobs.

Speaker 2:

But they have this headline and it's lowest unemployment on record. Does anybody buy that that means anything anymore? I remember when they adjusted the tally for the post-COVID mandate. That wasn't a mandate. Remember the head fake from the Biden administration? And all these corporations followed suit and they let people go who wouldn't take the Operation Warp Speed juice. And then the White House came out and said look at all these job openings. We have job openings everywhere. Well, of course you do. You just told corporate America to lay people off for not being part of your experiment. Of course you have job openings, and the talking heads and the teleprompter readers ate that up. They're like well, that makes total sense. We're in a booming economy. We have record inflation because the economy is so hot, right? Well, I don't buy it. Neither should you. And let's take a look at an opposing headline, which I think. This is more accurate.

Speaker 2:

Let's look at what Robert Kiyosaki has to say. Of course, the author of Rich Dad, poor Dad and many other books has a great podcast, somebody that I respect. He says bad news Crash has begun. It will be a bad one. Good news Crashes are the best time to get rich. Bargains will float to the surface. And he says rules to remember in a crash. Don't catch falling knives Like I love that term. Don't catch falling knives Just because prices are falling. Do not get greedy. Wait till prices have bottomed and no one wants the asset you want.

Speaker 2:

Number two study YouTube. It's a great source for real and fake. Well, it is a great source for business still, but not so much for free speech. Number three new friends. Seek new friends who are on the same path you are on. Stay away from victims, people who blame others for their problems. Stay away from Marxists, people who expect the government to solve their problems. Number four start a side hustle. I love this.

Speaker 2:

I've been an entrepreneur since I was a kid. There's a picture of me in my office sitting at my dad's desk. I learned a lot from my old man and from my grandfather and watching the ups and downs. I've never seen people work harder. But that's the. That's. The key is like finding a way for you to do something. You produce something yourself and you know.

Speaker 2:

Again, that's, that's what the country was founded on. We weren't founded on these jobs reports. And again, I love having and I would, I would so much prefer having an America where you could have a living wage job, where we did make something and we were proud of that and there was some security and there was. Again, it supports the family. I'm all for that, except that America doesn't exist. So you got to go back to the way that the country was founded. You had people that were, you know. You had a lawyer, you had a tailor, you had a shopkeeper, you know. You had a blacksmith. Again, that's self-employed. There's going to be more and more need for people to have an ability to serve others. Again, I preach that because I think we're going to see, unlike what Drudge tells you about these great numbers, I think you're going to see a massive decline in job openings. I'm going to see a lot of layoffs.

Speaker 2:

Ai is here to displace humanity. You know it's. It's not. It's pretty much the Skynet Terminator robots for your living wage or for your job. Number five choose great teachers. And he talks again about YouTube having abundance of teachers. Some may, some good, many bad. I suggest you choose my teachers, and he has some good ones. I've been listening to his books and some of his advisors for many years.

Speaker 2:

Number six don't save money. Fake money. Us dollar, the euro, the yen, the peso goes down in value. Save gold, silver, bitcoin, real money that goes up in value, especially in a market crash. Take care and make this crash the best thing that ever happened to you. Well, I like that attitude, and that's again. There is nothing we can do to stop the historical forces in front of us. There's nothing we can do but prepare and absorb the blow. That's really what it is. That's what it's coming down to.

Speaker 2:

I remember listening to a book in the end of 2011. I'll never forget it was about the time I decided that I was going to run for office. I decided to run for office when I have the least amount of money or the least amount of resources that I had and my 20s were pretty good up until the last part of them. And then some setbacks and I think I was 31. And it was the end of 2011.

Speaker 2:

I got a book. It was the follow-up book from the Death of the West. It was Pat Buchanan's Suicide of a Superpower. And I remember driving up to Illinois to visit my son. I was listening to this it was Christmas and listening to the book, and I remember him saying, asking the question you know, how is America committing suicide? And he says every way you can. And he says every way you can. I believe that's the line from every way you can. And it was culturally, it was socially, it was economically right, it was in the realm of defense, every way you could do that. And this is right.

Speaker 2:

Before I start to again, you'd be listening to my shows the evolution of look at how stupid this is, to look how, on purpose, this is right. Then you realize it becomes a plan Like James Forrestal was, you know, telling McCarthy. You know if the, if our leaders were stupid, every once in a while they'd err our favor. But since they never do, that's how you, that's the tell right. Well, america had a, you know, a cabal of inside operators, starting with the, really the council on foreign relations, uh, post-world war one, and then you get the trilateral commission. All these things matter. If you go back to two key things happened in 1971, richard Nixon takes us off the gold standard August 15th 1971, but you also get the start of the World Economic Forum.

Speaker 2:

1972, nixon opens China, with the help of Henry Kissinger. They open China and arguably did it end the Cold War sooner, did it break off the vision of a monolithic communist network worldwide, the Soviet Union being dislodged from the influence so much it had with China, of course the Chinese and the Russians. They were having shooting wars on their still disputed borders that some of the previous czars had taken from mainland China centuries before. So there was some tension there. So Nixon comes along and opens China to the United States. They'd gotten nuclear weapons in 1964. They were a player, but they were a backwater and didn't have any sort of manufacturing base. It's nothing like it is now, but they opened that up.

Speaker 2:

1973, you get the Trilateral Commission is founded, zygmunt Brzezinski, who would later become Jimmy Carter's national security advisor. 1973, last year that America runs a trade surplus. See, all these things matter. And now we're reaching an end game to that decision for us to break the Bretton Woods agreement. Bretton Woods, 1944, bretton Woods, new Hampshire, 1944, bretton Woods, new Hampshire. You get the new international financial world order, which was the allies putting together gold $35 an ounce pegged to the dollar. It's the world's reserve currency. You get the IMF, you get the World Bank and so many other things come out of the Bretton Woods Agreement. And of course, that ends because we start debasing our currency, starting in 1965, taking the silver out of the coinage.

Speaker 2:

It's funny how, if you read history and you examine it, it's all these warning signs, like all the things you don't do, like you overstretch, you become an imperial power, you start debasing your currency, you get internal corruption right. All these things happen because everything goes off the wheels. There's no more accountability. So we went off the gold standard in 71. And why that's important and why I talk about it all the time, is because, yes, we had a Federal Reserve. Before that it was illegal for you to own gold. It was still a rigged system, but there still had to be some accountability somewhere. And since that time, now that the United States has the world's oldest living fiat currency, the average lifespan of a fiat currency and fiat means by decree means it's backed by nothing the lifespan is about 26 years on average throughout history. So we've doubled that, and now every other country has followed suit, except during that time frame.

Speaker 2:

But now they're starting to turn away from it. There was a headline up on Zero Hedge, where people used to have a view of the Japanese yen as a safe haven, but now it's completely going in the opposite direction and it's going off the rails. And Charlie Robinson just got back from Japan. I might possibly be able to ask him a little bit about that. We spoke about it through text yesterday, but it's an insane phenomenon All around the world.

Speaker 2:

These currencies that followed the United States in 1971 are starting to rapidly lose purchasing power because they have to fund, and they fund through debt and through expansion of the money supply, which devalues your currency. Since 1980, there's 52 times more currency on earth. So why would you save any of those currencies? Right, and of course they want you to. In the United States we have a program it's called feed the pig, which I thought it's pretty apropos, isn't it? But that's what you do, like you're a regular person, and you know Michael Saylor of the Champions Bitcoin. He says what do you call people who save fiat currency? We call them poor. They don't know any better. It's because they change something. It's a magic trick.

Speaker 2:

A few shows ago there was a $20 bill that came into my shop from 1950. If you look at the $20 bill and you really read it close, there's some language on there that's not on the new bills. It would say things like this note is redeemable in lawful money. It didn't say that it was lawful money, it just said that it was redeemable in lawful money. What was that lawful money? That lawful money was gold. But see, they just changed that.

Speaker 2:

And so everything since 1971 has completely accelerated, not only the decline of our country, it's the decline of our culture. It has funded the worst among us. It has paid for projects that should never exist. It has propped up companies that should never have survived. And we're in the upside down. Everything's an inverted thing there is no more accountability. We lived in the shadow of accountability, ladies and gentlemen. We lived in the shadow of what once was, and that's why it feels so weird for us to be smack dab in the middle of the new world order. It doesn't make any sense because you're like, wait a minute, I was in America, I was just here, and now I'm not. Well, it's because something happened that you weren't aware of that. None of us really. There were some people that were were paying attention, but this goes back 50 plus years and, yes, there's always been corruption. There's always a deep state and we can talk about the.

Speaker 2:

We're going to talk in the second hour about the linkage between the illuminati and communism. That's a huge thing. I this is there's, there's always been a plan, but I'm talking about the things that you can see. The acceleration point, if you want to talk about a pivotal turning point, we go back to when we have fake money. I stay on this all the time. It funds the deep state. That's their mother's milk, it's what they survive off of. It's fake, everything's fake. You have fake politicians. Fake wars is fake. So you have fake politicians, fake wars, fake news right With real consequences, and that's where we are, and you know it's not going to get any better when you come. When it comes to terms of the economy and I talked to David almost every Thursday about this I saw a headline let's, let's go to this. This I think we're going to see.

Speaker 2:

They don't know what they're doing and the average American probably thinks it's very complicated. You know how the Federal Reserve works and how the monetary system works. It's not complicated. They make it seem complicated so that you don't question them, right. They make it seem complicated so that you don't question them. They make it seem like there's just this overwhelming amount of information that you need. You don't really need that much information.

Speaker 2:

They're a counterfeit operation. They print money out of thin air and they do that to benefit the 1% of the 1% and the power structure. That's it. They don't care about you at all. It's a big club and you ain't in it, and they don't care about your family. They don't care about you at all. Right, it's a big club and you ain't in it, and they don't care about your family and they don't care about this country. They did, they wouldn't debase it. They wouldn't take people who are on fixed income and destroy their chances of ever getting ahead, because you're never going to get ahead if you're in fixed fixed income.

Speaker 2:

In this country. You're getting benefits Guess what? The powers that be? They've got the printing press and it is going off the charts. The knob is up to 11 and they broke it. It's gone. We go a trillion dollars in debt every 90 days. It took us from 1776 to 1980 or so to go a trillion, and then we do it every 90 days now.

Speaker 2:

So let's look at something. Uh, jerome Powell. Uh, just gave an interview. He's hawkish again. This guy's comedy. Well, it would be funny if it wasn't tragic, right? Fed chair Powell maintains hawkish stance, tells reporters I don't see the stag or the flation.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is the same guy who said that inflation was going to be transitory him and Janet Yellen. And then, of course, he changed his tune and he had to raise rates. So they came out and they raised rates. And this is when you raise interest rates you shrink the money supply, there's less being borrowed, all the rest and so he's raising rates. He raised rates faster than any other Fed chair in history. It didn't quite go to the Paul Volcker level of rates in the teens, but Paul Volcker did that over like six years. I mean, here's Fed chair Powell and he's raising rates faster than any time in history. And then they get to a point if you recall, because you have a memory, it's not too long ago that they came out and they were saying well, we pretty much licked inflation. It's gone, and now we're thinking we're going to have to lower rates because the economy needs a little boost and we can increase the money supply and it'll be. Happy times are here again. This is Kitco.

Speaker 2:

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stuck to his guns at this afternoon's post FOMC press conference, telling reporters the central bank would maintain restrictive rates as long as necessary and refusing to offer specific triggers or timeframes for hikes, holds or cuts. So right now he's just there. He can't really offer anything. Let me tell you something, folks, they don't know what to do. I think behind closed doors they must be. I'm sure they're running the simulations like how do we get out of this doors? I'm sure they're running the simulations like how do we get out of this? I think they have to be under extreme pressure, unless they're just stupid, which is possible. Maybe they've gotten really bad at picking the puppets from on high. But I don't think that there's no way they can get out of this.

Speaker 2:

The economy obviously needs liquidity. It's hungry for cheap fiat currency and debt creation. It's got to have it because that's what the market's run off of. I mean, this isn't your father's or your grandfather's stock markets. These companies don't even make money anymore. I mean, that's why everybody comes out and says well, if you go woke, you go broke. Not really, because you just get with the central bank. As long as you're buddy-buddy with the central bank and the powers that be, then you're going to be fine. So they're not even about profits anymore.

Speaker 2:

After the FOMC held, the Fed funds are rate unchanged at 5.5%, as expected. Powell was asked whether the cuts were still on the table this year after several recent high inflation readings. I would say my personal forecast is that we will begin to see further progress on inflation this year. You're going to see some progress on inflation. Can I intervene in this?

Speaker 2:

I know that I didn't go to Yale and I know that I don't have a sophisticated degree. I know I don't go to all the cocktail parties, but how do you cure inflation with more inflation? How do you keep a fake currency from losing purchasing power by creating more of the fake currency. See, this is impossible and that's the key. It can't get better on a long enough. It's like zero hedge on a, you know it's, it's referencing fight club on a long enough timeline. This timeline, the survival rates for everything drops to zero. Well, that that is true for paper currencies, and this was fine 20 years ago. 30 years ago there was still some float left and we had a little bit of float. And the reason you had float is you get money velocity.

Speaker 2:

In 2001, 75% of all global financial transactions went on in dollars period 2001,. 75% on in dollars period 2001, 75 in 2024. It's about 41. You know why? Because countries around the world, the brics nations, brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, now saudi arabia and the periphery they have like 25 other applicants mexico's thinking about joining. They're sick of the weaponization of the dollar.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to read an article here in a second that's up on Lou Rockwell. It just totally captures the moment of the hubris of the ruling class in the deep state, thinking they can just go around nightsticking other countries and tell them to get in line and use the dollar or they're going to take their reserve. Janet Yellen's seizing billions in Russian assets and reappropriating them to what To give to Ukraine or something like. It's insane. What we've done and 40 different sanctions on 36 different countries is probably more than that now. But there's massive blowback and the world's done with the United States dollar. It's it's moving away from it.

Speaker 2:

You can see that, and I did the chart. Folks, I wish I could show you the chart. I don't have it on me. But if you go and look at the, the chart of central bank gold but I'm not talking about our central bank, I'm talking about central banks other than the United States, because the central bank, united States, doesn't buy gold. But if you look at the central banks around the world in 2009, it was almost zero. It's not zero, but it was the closest thing I could find. It was zero. I could not even read what it was supposed to be of net central bank gold buying in 2009. Central net central bank gold buying in 2009. And now it's thousands of tons right, it's gone thousands and it's and it's breaking records every year the amount of central and that's what's driving the gold demand.

Speaker 2:

I know the it really confuses the teleprompter readers on the financial networks. They they're so confused is why the gold price is up, shouldn't it? Jerome Powell's moving the rates? Powell was asked whether the FOMC was satisfied with 3% inflation and if it was now the Fed's base case for the duration of 2024. And he pushed back forcefully against the notion. Of course we're not satisfied with 3% inflation. 3% can't be in a sentence with satisfied. We will return inflation to 2% over time.

Speaker 2:

Again, why is so? Let's say it's 2%, which is not. It's higher Because it bleeds into everything else you buy, right, it starts with the expansion of the money supply and then you have purchases and items that cause the demand to go up. Things are made by energy. The cost of energy goes up. All this just spills. That's why they'll say things like well, it looks like inflation's really cooled over here. The electronics aren't selling as much as they used to, so the prices are maintaining. Well, that's because there's no demand. But where you see, all the demand is over, in the grocery store or at the gas pump, or in your electric bill, in the things that you actually have to have. So yes, there's places in the economy where the prices aren't increasing, but that's a pretty minimal sector of the economy. And even 2%, why is 2%. Let's say the best case it is. Why is 2% acceptable?

Speaker 2:

If you go to the 19th century, we didn't have inflation the entire century. Even with the Civil War thrown in in, you had a little bit. There was a little bit of you know, they had the greenbacks and a little bit of uh, a little bit of inflation, then cooling down and then we had is across the board. You had the same prices. They came back in the line because we had the gold standard. We had a bimetallic standard. You had a silver dollar. Like merle haggard said, I wish a buck was still silver. You go back to the 19th century. I say this all the time. But if you bought a suit of clothes to go to see George Washington's inaugural in 1902, you'd pay the same amount for that suit of clothes. There's no inflation.

Speaker 2:

So that's how you get to a a point of manageable inflation. You have sound money and that way people can save, people can get ahead. But then you can't have a deep state and you can't have wars forever and you can't have wars of choice. You know you can't have the neocon class projects, the Luciferian rituals. You can't have all that stuff. Can't, can't do it. You can't have all that stuff. You can't do it. You can't have layers of bureaucracy, 666 levels deep.

Speaker 2:

Pal says I was around for stagflation. It was brutal. The FOMC chair responded 10% unemployment, high single-digit inflation, very slow growth. Right now we have 3% growth, which is pretty solid growth. And then he says I don't see the stag or deflation.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks Jerome, I can tell you what I see. I see the rapidly declining American financial system that has been brought down from the inside. I think they're picking winners and losers. I think they're building their golden parachutes. I think this is a looting of the treasury. Why is this so hard to see? Just look at the sheer numbers of debt. That's all you need to look at.

Speaker 2:

Look at the fact that our politics have nothing to do with fiscal responsibility or sanity in any form whatsoever. Nobody runs on balancing the budget. When's the last time you ever heard that? That's not even on the table anymore. Our two-party duopoly, the corrupt system, is doing exactly what it's designed to do distract you from the real issues.

Speaker 2:

Because they agree. The two parties agree on endless war. They agree on open borders. They agree that we're going to be run by a consortium of multinational corporations and banking combines. They agree on that. They love that. They might disagree on some of the social issues that are wedge issues, but they agree on it when they get together. You know they just had the past, this bill.

Speaker 2:

You had speaker Johnson who says that he's a wartime speaker. Well, pray, tell Mike. Uh, when did you declare war? And what war is that? Is it a war on us? Sounds like a war on us. Pretty sure that's what you're talking about. See everybody else first, because it's out there. That's the mission of the elites, right, it's got to be out there. They've long abandoned their absentee landlords, abandoning the United States in the United States.

Speaker 2:

So Jerome Plough doesn't see this stag of deflation Noted, and I think history will judge him very harshly. If there is a future I'm trying to be optimistic I think there will be. If there is historians in the future that aren't, if we win the battle against CBDC and there is free speech, we'll talk a little bit about central bank digital currency today, I'm sure too. The World Economic Forum just released a white paper showing that 98% of countries around the world are drawing up plans for their central bank digital currency. It's making Klaus Schwab and the Davos crowd very happy, because they want to build that control grid. They want to have the IMF setting up its Unicoin, the Bank of International Settlements for a clearinghouse of that, and, of course, the FedCoin. It makes Jerome Powell very happy because then they can just expand and shrink the money supply in real time, not that it'll matter much.

Speaker 2:

Let's go, let's talk about it. I'm just, I'm on a tear talking about the dollar and again, so great to be here. I appreciate all of you. I get caught up in these little cul-de-sacs of history and what's going on and I always it's my wheelhouse, it's where I go to, and I even forget to check the the chat. I had some comments come in. Let's see, uh, johnson is a traitor. Yeah, well, I, I think so.

Speaker 2:

Dustin d helm says ron paul, I miss ron paul. Yeah, he, he had an article that was up on, uh, lou rockwell. I bypassed that one today. I, I was just talking about the TikTok and that's the best. You know the Republican Party. I'm like, hey, we need a secure border. I know I've voted for you my entire life for that, but you're going to do it this time and you know, I, I there's some kind of fiscal responsibility and sanity. Something's wrong with our dollar. Can you help us? Our best we can do is a tiktok ban. Okay, that doesn't help me at all. A matter of fact, it's a trojan horse for uh censorship. But thanks a lot and I appreciate that. Yeah, let's look at uh this lou rockwell article, and this was uh custom made just for me, I think, to talk about this morning. Alright, one second, I'll pull it up. America's dollar power is shrinking.

Speaker 2:

This is by Helena Glass, the nationalist voice over on lewrockwellcom, and this is what I was talking about earlier, with the hubris of the ruling class. This has so many echoes in history. Echoes in history. You know I've said it before, but I think it was.

Speaker 2:

I think it was lord salisbury who said that the mark of a great nation is british. So the mark of a great nation is being able to fight a great war and, of course, not fighting it is the only way to maintain being a great nation. So that's how you maintain being a great nation is by not fighting the war. You have to be able to project power, you have to be able to defend yourself, but really, if you fight those wars, then you're going to lose your status as a great nation because you will become exhausted and the culture becomes more corrupt as a great nation, because you will become exhausted and the culture becomes more corrupt. I think it was james madison that said that. You know, no republic can survive in the state of perpetual warfare. All these things are true. This is a maximum truth.

Speaker 2:

And so you look at, you know what's gone on with the rest of the world. So the opening of the 20th century, you had all of the empires you know. You had the, the French, the German, the British, uh, the Austro-Hungarian. You had the Ottoman empire, uh, you had in the fledgling American. And of course, you know, during the 20th century you eventually have the Soviet empire. At the end of the 20th century, all those empires were gone off the face of the earth and only one remained and that was the American empire. It's because America had been involved in the wars, but they stayed out longer than anyone else and were able to receive the financial benefit and windfall from the collapse of those other nations.

Speaker 2:

So you had this period in history where really we blew it. I mean, we could have rebuilt the republic, we could have expanded peace and freedom, we could have had partnerships and treaties with other nations that were about commerce. Gore Vidal had a lot to say about doing some sort of economic linkage with russia post a cold war to ensure peace forever, like we would have some sort of uh you know summit to do that and, of course, you know, instead of nations going to war, having projects for you know, infrastructure and technology and other things. But that's not what happened. We had to do the Wolfowitz plan and we had to do the post-9-11, which you know Project for a New American Century, september of 2000. We had to build Crystal all of the neocon, trotskyite, fake conservatives that even still, the talk radio host and conservative radio still admire. But we had to go on their plan, which is bankruptcy and death.

Speaker 2:

But this is, I think, an extension of you. Look at the way that power transfers in a nation. It's really akin to what happened to the British Empire the British Empire, the holder of the gold standard. It was an economic powerhouse and, yes, everybody was looking to the United States. But London and, of course, the city of london, uh, that was where. That was where power was projected and with, you know, the two world wars, and then it became an aircraft carrier states. Power passes away and you had a lot of arrogance in the leadership of these nations and they fought too many wars. They got into too many entanglements. Let's read this article. I think this is, I think, apropos.

Speaker 2:

Secretary of State Blinken's trip to China was an abject disaster. There were more than a few demands on the agenda. Severed ties with Russia this is what Blinken was supposedly communicating to Xi Jinping. Severed ties with Russia. Decreased support for Chinese businesses competing with America. Reduced high technology advances. The meeting was a failure because it came with ultimatums of blackmail and Xi Jinping failed to agree. What Blinken did not offer was the ability to negotiate like grown men. Uh, not offer was the ability to negotiate like grown men.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, I I'm watching this to been a fan of reading history and some of the big, you know the, the diplomacy. Even if some of these people were psychopaths, like henry kissinger, he still had a lot to say. There's something interesting about realpolitik and all of that the big power moves that went on, especially post-World War II and into the Cold War. It's interesting right, there was always JFK and Khrushchev, the back and forth between those two, and, of course, nixon and brezhnev and mao, and even into the 80s, with reagan and gorbachev. They had the reichievic summit and there was again you had, there was something going on. They had diplomacy, there was power struggles I mean reagan and I'm sure a lot of this is is completely dressing and false, but at least they tried. They don't even make anything up anymore Like I can't. You know Reagan supposedly had SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative, which was Star Wars, and you know Gorbachev couldn't keep up with that, and you can. You know he accelerated, reagan accelerated the oil output from Saudi Arabia. The Soviet Union you know Union started to go bankrupt couldn't compete with the supposed weapon systems we were going to design. That was interesting, but now they just have these doofs and mannequins that TS Eliot talked about, that and I think the wasteland in his poem about the men that were full of straw. Like they're not real, they just lead you into war.

Speaker 2:

In essence, blinken's demands amounted to a servitude position. America is behind and needs China to reboot to its previous posture as a world factory machine. China can produce goods for trade, but weapons high-tech, ai are verboten. America must control those advancements, which would explain why Xi gave Blinken an hour before booting him out the doors into the street. America, under the dung of the deep state has lost its mojo and doesn't understand why no one wants to be a vassal statehood any longer. America's handlers want to maintain the dollar hegemony and will punish those who follow the leader. A game children play and the government demands. And the government demands.

Speaker 2:

Immediately upon Blinken's return, he said he had evidence China was interfering in the election. I thought you weren't supposed to say anything like that. It is amazing how swift the language has changed. Ladies and gentlemen, if you know anything about the setup of China, going back to 1949, with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds supporting Mao Zedong, and of course, the introduction of China in 72, and the eventual bringing in China to most favored nation trading status on December 11th 2001, 90 days after 9-11. And after that we lost 55,000 factories, one in three manufacturing jobs. You know this was China. And of course you look at the Clinton administration. You can look up bags of cash, clintons and missile technology. Of course the Israelis give you know, they've been.

Speaker 2:

We give the Israelis information and you know weapons technology and they sell it to the Chinese a lot of times. So you do that, plus the fact that on January 1st 1979, zygmunt Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter sign a memorandum from the executive office saying that they're cutting diplomatic ties with Taiwan and recognizing a one China policy. This happened. So now you've got our leaders going around and now we're giving money to Taiwan. Now we're supporting. It's an odd thing to have a memory, because I remember when Trump was elected, the first world leader that he talked to and this is why he's president-elect was the president of Taiwan and everyone in the media got mad at him the ruling class, all the usual people. They got mad. You're not supposed to talk to Taiwan. So this is the tell that they've got something. They built up China, we've built up Russia, we've agitated, made sure that we can keep them as adversaries. This is the military-industrial complex playing chess with you, and I don't think they're going to. I think they're going to look a lot like Blinken, like why we can't do whatever we want. No one believes Blinken. No one believes the U S government. No one believes the U S military apparatus.

Speaker 2:

Governments across the globe are saying done Finney, of course, roll out the sanctions, except America can't. Reliance on China remains high and Xi Jinping just called the bluff. Us trade deficits continue, with China maintaining the leadership at nearly 280 billion in 2023. That's with one nation. I remember when I ran for Congress, for congress, I said we're reaching a point very soon, in the near future, and we'll reach a trillion dollar annual trade deficit. One of the reporters thought I was funny and I thought you don't know what a trade deficit is, and I think at the time it was like 600600 billion. By the way we crossed that, it was about six years later. It is an interesting mentality to want war with everyone, while most of the other advanced countries want to grow with everyone. Oh, isn't that a great sentence. We want war with everyone and everybody else wants to create something else Like that's. They're creating economic alliances. That's where you get the bricks from.

Speaker 2:

Amidst a slow GDP growth rate of 1.6%, biden handlers declare they want to increase the capital gain rate to 44.6. Not to worry, it only applies to people making over 1 million, meaning Wall Street will literally crash, given the people who maintain the market are those making over a million. But they know that that's exactly right. They're going to crash it because they're going to use creative destruction, chaos, order, ab-ko, problem, reaction, solutiongalean dialectic. But I repeat myself, that's what they'll use. They're, they're going to and this is the wealth disparity. See, they don't want the middle class. Middle class is is who they target every single time. This is the ruling. The ruling class wants to get rid of middle class, especially the voters. All that they don't. They have no power. You just have the ruling class and the people who are just smart enough to run the machines. That's it, and they don't even like you for that. You're going to get in your pod and eat your bucks.

Speaker 2:

In addition, biden's handlers are proposing a tax on unrealized gains for those with net assets over $100 million. How will the IRS determine net assets? And then it talks about exodus. The millionaires will simply utilize their dual passport status to declare they are now a resident outside of the US and they'll use. The article goes on to talk about how they'll use NGOs, non-governmental organizations and tax-free funds and charities, and they'll just skate out.

Speaker 2:

Do you know why? It's because the rich built the income tax. If you go back and look at this 1913, it's the four horsemen of the political apocalypse. You get free trade, you get the Federal Reserve, you get the 17th Amendment Right and, of course, you get the income tax. The 17th Amendment is the direct election of senators by the bankers, not you. But they built it. They built their foundations. They exempted themselves. But they built it. They built their foundations, they exempted themselves.

Speaker 2:

This country we used to run the entire nation, was run off. About 75% of the revenue came from foreign imports. What's wrong with that? They got rid of that Because you're supposed to have a number. You got to pay the interest on the debt for the banksters. Yeah, this is a great article. I can't do the whole thing because we're running out of time. This is full circle. Blinken was told to double dare China and was royally embarrassed. America's economy is shrinking while China and Russia are in a much better position.

Speaker 2:

The purpose of the sanctions is to stagnate competition, to reel them in with a worm on a hook instead of with a detente. The winning policy of honesty and mutual benefit is an unknown ideology to the handlers. I like how he calls them the handlers. They are perplexed and know no other way. See, they're not that smart. They don't have a lot of, just like the Federal Reserve or the money powers. You just look at them and you go so, what else are you going to do? Well, we can print money. What else can you do? Well, we can adjust the rate. Okay, what else? That's pretty much it. They don't know how. They don't have any other ideas. They they can't, they can't even think of like in the, in the realm of free markets and innovation, and they don't know what. They probably don't even know what detente is. It really is true, you know? Tucker Carlson talked about how these, what they probably don't even know what detente is. It really is true.

Speaker 2:

Tucker Carlson talked about how they all know each other. They all go to the same schools, they're all insulated and they hate the country that they run. America cannot survive if the people that run it also hate it and the people in it. Blinken's failures will be punished by the same people who own him, and the world is staged to pass America by. As the dollar teeters precipitously, the elites will need to move their money into alternate currencies, further accelerating inflation. Biden's capital gains tax will help motivate them to move now rather than procrastinating. The dollar now ranks 10th in the world of currency strength, with the Kuwait dinar taking first place. Gdp growth is a miserable 1.6%. If the handler cartel really wants to boost revenues, nah it says no, it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't want to increase revenues, because this is all on purpose and it's exactly right. Like, how are they committing suicide Every which way they can? And, of course, the last thing you would want to do is drive out whatever wealth you have left. No, they're just driving out the competition for those. They're going to keep around. They're too big to fail and too big to jail, especially after we have a banking crisis that will be accelerated by the loss of purchasing power in the dollar as more and more countries purchasing power in the dollar, as more and more countries move away from the dollar.

Speaker 2:

This is also something called Triffin's dilemma. You had an economist, robert Triffin, in the 1960s it was before Congress, and this is after the world started to take note. We took our silver out of our coinage, we had the Great Society on the Mekong, as LBJ said. We had guns and butter and the world took notice and Robert Triffin had a dilemma. That's what they call it Triffin's dilemma. What happens when those trillions that were created to supply foreign central banks with the world's reserve currency because you had to prop that up, because that's what the agreement was in 1944 with Bretton Woods what happens when that's reappropriated. What happens when that comes home? And that's one of the reasons why Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971. You had the president of France, de Gaulle, sent over a warship in the late 1960s to pick up his gold. He was going to take those dollars and go to the gold window and pick it up. Other countries took notice. Nixon shut the gold window on August 15th. So the world again is moving away from the dollar even faster. And it's funny how they followed suit in 1971, all these other countries.

Speaker 2:

The last holdout to go into a complete fiat system was Switzerland in 2002. They had a silver-backed currency and now, since that's all run its course and you see what's happening with the yen, look at what happened to Russia after the invasion. And they invaded Ukraine. The sanctions were placed. They had a crash of the ruble. They announced they were going to peg the ruble against so many grams of gold. It was based off of a rate of exchange tying to gold and the ruble bounce back and the dollar again. The dollar at the time of the invasion of ukraine by russia was being used about 56 percent around the world in financial transactions. That's dropped down into the low 40s since that that's not that long ago couple years, folks. All right, we're. I've got the crew from Paratroop. This is Mr Anderson and Chris Graves. Chris is coming to us live inside a Lockheed Martin built, a UFO that has been reverse engineered. Thanks for joining us, chris.

Speaker 3:

Hey, it's a pleasure to be here, thanks. Thanks for joining us, chris. It's a pleasure to be here.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for being here, Mr Anderson.

Speaker 6:

Thanks for having me. It's always a pleasure.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, brother. I just spent an hour talking about the financial state of affairs, which isn't good, and I think a lot of this kind of has a tie to what we're going to talk about and it goes. You know, I kind of started at 1971, but we go back much further into the realm of, if you want to call it, the plan. There's been forces opposing freedom and liberty and America's destiny since, since its founding and one of those groups was the illuminati still is right and it's funny, the older I get, the more I look into history, the more I see the evidence of this. And I was having a talk with mr anderson last night. I said, you know, I started out in radio 11 years ago and I was still the black sheep and I talked about I was anti-war, I was pro, you know, pat buchanan, ron paul, uh, I talked about ending the fed. Uh, you know I I talked about a lot of things, you know bringing the troops home, all the things that were. You know they were, they were not in the mainstream of the conservative movement. I was um so much of a radical then, but now I'm completely off the rail. I mean, you know, I've crossed the Rubicon a long time ago and we get into the symbology of things and you look into, you know, the Aleister Crowley linkage to 9-11, which I believe in William Ramsey's work. You go look at that and it's just so overwhelming.

Speaker 2:

There's a religion that is inside the inner workings of the elite and the ruling class and I believe, if you want to call it something, it well one of them out front, which is communism. It's International Workers' Day. This is the day celebrated by communists worldwide, and then it's also the birthday of the Illuminati, may 1, 1776, adam Weishaupt, the Bavarian Illuminati, and I texted both of these gentlemen yesterday and I said what do you guys think about doing the second hour of the David Knight show? Let's talk about the linkage between communism and the Illuminati because it's to me. You know, history, I think, really paints a picture that they're interlinked. They're just operating systems for the elite. If you look at Adam Weishaupt and you look at some of the founding and the belief systems of the Illuminati, it definitely is like a religion for the elites. It supplants Western civilization, it supplants Christianity, it supplants the God of the Bible and other other parts of our faith and it makes a new thing, which is luciferianism.

Speaker 2:

Um, but communism does the rest of the job in the material world. It does the rest of the job on the ground as an operating system to destroy all upward mobility. Uh, but let's just jump into it. Uh, chris, I want to go to you. Uh, I, I'm interested. I didn't talk to you about this beforehand, but I was interested to see, uh, what your thoughts were on this.

Speaker 3:

And we I don't think we've ever discussed it yeah, no, to be honest with you, with the illuminati, um, I I'm gonna confess to you, tony I, that's one area of research that is not really a strong point for me. I would talk to my good friend, peter Seacosh, one of Don Jeffrey's other researchers, the better researcheruminati. I'm trying to, I'm trying to. I'm drawing a blank here.

Speaker 6:

Well, there's a lot that went on around that time. Right, you think May 1st 1776. Well, we think of 1776, our mind gravitates to something right Founding of our country around that time. And what really I think about is the stark contrast between the American Revolution and the French Revolution. And Marc Levin, when I used to be able to stand listening to him yell and talk about special elections in Israel, every other day, he brought up this point about how brutal the French Revolution was and even if you look at the Battle of Trenton, how awful those conditions were. Our founding fathers and the people who were fighting in the colonial army. We let the Hessians go after that. We didn't murder them. The French would have just cut off their heads. But you look at how they were driven differently, philosophy wise, and one was definitely on the French side. I think that was pushed by the Illuminati. And John Robeson he was a professor at the University of Edinburgh around this time and he wrote a book called Proofs of a Conspiracy and it was against all the religions and governments of Europe carried out in secret meetings of the Freemasons and Illuminati, because he thought that the Illuminati was really just an aberration of Freemasonry started by Adam Weishaupt, and it goes back a little bit further than that. But this book was actually sent, a copy of it to George Washington. And George Washington said I agree, I've heard about their nefarious plans, meaning the Illuminati and their doctrines. I've heard that they've come to America and now I'm convinced of it. But at the time, I mean, we had a lot of Freemasonry with the founding fathers, right, george Washington was one, but the philosophy is totally different between the two and they were brutal.

Speaker 6:

And you look at King Louis XVI and the French Revolution. He tried to appease the mob. He abolished serfdom, he reduced instances of the death penalty, increased religious tolerance for non-Catholics, which was a big deal at the time. But there's a grain shortage. And then they said Marie Antoinette said, let them eat cake. Like, just sounds like Marxist propaganda to me. Like what did the butler leak that out of Versailles to the French Free Press? Give me a break. And then they murdered everybody as a result of it. But that was always the shtick, that was always the thing they were after about this, tony. But there was a guy named Jacob Lang who was struck by lightning and he was a courier for the Illuminati. That's how Bavaria found out about it and banished the Illuminati around this time and he was sending correspondence to Paris about overturning the government. So I don't know, that's a lot to unpack.

Speaker 2:

That was the spirit. There was like two, two parts to that. There's a difference between the american revolution, which was a conservative revolt, really against england, because england had become an empire, and you have the, even going back to the, the foundation of the magna carta and self-governance, and they became an empire. It's, you know, again, imperialist all over the world. The colonists didn't have a say in things, they were being run as like a vassal state and they didn't have self this was more in line with the foundation of what they would come out of and of course, england had moved away and became an empire.

Speaker 2:

So I think you look at the French Revolution, you talk about the Jacobins, and at the time you had the French Encyclopedias and you had Voltaire and one of the quotes, if you want to sum up the times, it was somebody named Diderot and Diderot said that the world will not be free or man will not be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. So they were anti-monarchy, anti-religion, anti-establishment religion, anti-god, right, right. And you know, even in the French Revolution and I'm sure you've read about this in some of your research, mr Anderson they stripped the churches of all of their icons and things and then turned it into like the. Was it the Church of Reason, like they would have?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, they replaced christ with reason. That was the whole thing. Right, that's what weishaupt said. That was the thing he pushed right.

Speaker 2:

That's the linkage right. It's the linkage between, so that in again the illuminati. None of these things happen organically. This is about the time when you had the emergence of the, the great banking houses of the, of the modern era. This is when you started having, you know, not just the, of course. You had the Medici in Italy and other things that were branching out, but then you really had the beginning of the Rothschilds and the Rothschilds coming out of Germany and, of course, and then to the city of London and other things and becoming much more established in the, in the uh, the global financial markets. And, of course, it really takes off, uh, after the defeat, defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, and that's when the Rothschilds had the? Uh, the intelligence, that uh, they actually knew what happened, that that uh, wellington had defeated Napoleon, but they went back and had an agent start selling things off and it looked like they, that he had lost, and then they bought everything back and that was, I think, that solidified their power. But that was like the beginning of.

Speaker 2:

It's always been an ideological foundation. That's why it's so important to pay attention. If you look at like modern, what's happened to the modern world because of our banking system. It ties back to these types of philosophies and the philosophies of the elite. Like if you look at the the ritual of skull and bones, lodge 322, also from germany yeah right, they took the same, they took this, right. It's all that same philosophy they took. They're interconnected and so there's not like in if you you're talking about George Washington, mr Andrews talking about how he had read proofs of conspiracy and agreed that the Freemason lodge has been infiltrated because he probably seen, that's how the Illuminati did, right, that's what. And if you read Weiss out, it wasn't that they had their own lodges and things so much as they would just go into other groups and infiltrate through them the inner workings of whatever other groups there were.

Speaker 6:

And they do that with everything. Right, I'll tread lightly here, but if you look at different aspects of the Vatican the Pope's room, for instance, I believe, is what it's called. Beneath or behind him is this piece of art called Resurrection and supposedly the artist says, oh, it's Jesus rising above the world after a nuclear holocaust and it's like, yeah, it kind of looks like the devil and a bunch of dead bodies to me, but people should just check this out. So, to your point, they infiltrate these institutions. And Freemasonry was another one, because after that you get the offshoots like the Scottish Rite.

Speaker 6:

Read about Albert Pike. I mean, I encourage people to One of the only statues during the time where they are taking down statues. Right, they never touched Albert Pike's statue, confederate, right In Washington DC, never touched it, and he was absolutely Luciferian. He said so. But what was interesting to me, tony, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this is that was my understanding they were going after the civil societies, relatively speaking at the time, which happened to be the monarchies, but somehow Britain was able to sidestep that. So I was just curious, what kind of deal did they make? And the thing that popped into my head immediately was the Balfour Agreement, right, that declaration rather, that they sent to Lord Rothschild Arthur Balfour, but their royalty was never upended. Their monarchy was never upended, so do you?

Speaker 6:

have any comments on that Tony.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that speaks for itself. I mean the, the hope, like I started I talked about in the last hour. The 20th century opened up. You had the empires, that was, the monarchies, the, really the. The apex of the, the monarchies having ruled in the 20th century, was the, the death of uh, the, the king of the King of England there. But 1910 or 1911 or so is before the and Barbara Tuckman writes about this in the Guns of August which was, you know, 1914, going into World War I, and so a lot of the.

Speaker 2:

You know again, these are bankers' wars. They use, they fund both sides. If you look at World War I, the United States had Paul Warburg was the head of the Federal Reserve. His brother, max Warburg, was the head of the Central Bank in Germany. Train car full of gold and send them into russia to carry out the revolution towards the end of the war.

Speaker 2:

Um, so these are all like they. That's supposed to be our mortal enemy. You know like, and we have the brothers running the central banks against each other. They're not against each other, they have this was to remake uh, the world in their image and this is, you know, the foundations of, and it's not the enlightenment per se, but but it's coming out of the 18th century. You get the birth of the Illuminati, may 1st 1776. And really I think the American Revolution is like an opposing thing to the Illuminati. Like I said, the American Revolution was a conservative revolt. In my opinion, that's the way the history reads to me Right, because the French Revolution was a bloodletting of epic proportions and satanic yeah, and you, you mentioned the jacobins.

Speaker 6:

I mean, their motto was liberty, equality and fraternity. What does that sound like to you these days?

Speaker 2:

it sounds like dei right absolutely, and that was their motto that's, that's, that was their motto.

Speaker 2:

And of course, course again, the absence of God, especially when we're talking about the linkages between the Illuminati, which I read this years ago and I have never talked about it in depth on air. I've mentioned it in passing in some shows. I mean the linkage between May 1st being the birthday of the illuminati and may 1st being celebrated by the worldwide commentary, that is that that's not a coincidence. And of course there's, there's some kind of, there's something as a tell that they like to do those things, like to encode and decide dates. They like to like. Show you, that's what they do. And, of course, what's the first thing that the state supplants? Uh, when it takes over and when a communist revolution is successful, it goes after god.

Speaker 6:

You know, it's like there's no god here, there's only the state nietzsche spoke to this right tony when he was saying god was dead and that we'd killed them. He said they were going to be like two severe consequences as a result. One would be nihilism, but people wouldn't take to nihilism because there's no transcendent meaning with nihilism. And the second would be a move towards totalitarianism. And he predicted this in the late 1800s and he said probably the best candidate for that would be socialism and probably tens of millions of people will die.

Speaker 2:

He got all that right yeah, well, nietzsche was talking also about. He had a term for it. It's called the last man and he said the the last man. It's kind of what we have now and then it's. It's really. It's about a population doesn't have to be a, it's not really gender specific. It's talking about people without ambition, people that have been numbed through the handouts from the state, that are basically given up their will and given up their, their dreams and their hopes and all the aspirations for the state. He called that the last man.

Speaker 2:

It was like a pathetic. It would always defend the state, everything for the state, everything for the state. You know, it's kind of like that Twilight Zone episode where the obsolete man, you know, and the state is, you know bans everything and runs your life and decides whether or not you are obsolete. That's the vision of the totalitarians and I think the communism is a is an operating system. It's not necessarily an ideology. It's an operating system in the material world for satanic reasons, like for satanic oversight. They use that because it preys on some base emotions like envy. It preys on that like, oh, it's class specific and all the rest and the redistribution of all that. But that flies in the face of the human experience. That's why they don't last forever. I mean, north Korea notwithstanding, or Cuba, they don't last forever and they won't last forever because it really goes against human natures in all aspects. But the linkage between the elites and using that, I think, is what I wanted to talk about today and that's what we're doing. I think it's really important to understand that.

Speaker 2:

I talked about the income tax earlier today. Whether it's the Federal Reserve, whether it's the income tax, whatever policy, the elites and those who control the money supply, as Mayor Amschel Rothschild said during the 19th century, I care not who sits on the British throne. The person who controls the British empire is the person who controls the British money supply, and I control the British money supply. That's a pretty succinct quote. So the people that control that also control policy and they control the war.

Speaker 2:

So, to go back to your question about the Balfour Declaration and other things, whatever else they do, you know I'm I I'm not a fan of, I don't need the Royals or I don't have any kind of um affinity for any of that. Uh, but they have. I've seen your Tivo, tony. I know what you want. Don't you start telling people inside information about me. But Chris, chris is back, chris and I, the one time I get you on a show and you, uh, you know, you know more than me, and I, I, I finally found something where you just go you know, I don't know and uh, I'm just, I'm basically I'm fascinated right now.

Speaker 3:

I'm I'm learning from, from you guys. So I kind of feel feel bad right now, cause you guys know, really I'm learning a lot of things.

Speaker 2:

This is the David Knight show. For those that have never heard Chris Graves, uh, this is one of the most talented researchers I've ever heard. And this guy I mean, you can take the most obscure thing and he'll put it as pop culture, conspiracy culture. And you can hear us over on on paratrooper and along with Mr Anderson, this, we, we do a show called paratrooper. I loaded up on all my feeds and of course it's got its own separate channel. But we do deep dives into the and you know chris will pull stuff I've never heard of before and he also is a researcher for, for don jeffries, and he makes don jeffries look good. Now, don does a great job making himself look good, but chris does too. So the one time I find something where you just go, you know, I don't know, I don't know much about the illuminati. That's surprising, uh, because nobody really knows. That's the thing.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of a joke yeah you know, like the, oh, it's so you, you're, you got your tinfoil hat, you know, which I think can be useful in today's world. I've been on tinfoil hat, but if you have your tinfoil hat, you, you know, you need protect yourself against these weird thoughts that you have about the Illuminati.

Speaker 6:

Right. Well, you also have to remember Tony Chris is battling the effects of anti-gravity right now, that's true, so you don't know what that feels like Inside running joke, ladies and gentlemen, where I'm telling you where Chris is broadcasting from and he's inside of a reverse-engineered UFO. A Lock martin built ufo cruising around hangar.

Speaker 2:

Uh 13 we'll go with that hangar 18, so I guess they messed up I'm in hang, hangar 13 you're in hangar 13, unlucky 13 okay, right exactly.

Speaker 6:

But that that is the question, tony. Where did they go? Because lots of people laugh when you make too much about the Illuminati, right, and honestly, maybe they they took a play out of you know the playbook of America and you know kind of fractured things. Right, classes, that the ones that they really promoted were workers. Right, which are your slave class, the military and then the mystery ruling class, and that's prevalent everywhere. People push for that everywhere. That's what socialism is about is first the elimination of the middle class, that American dream. So I mean, where did the Frankists go? I don't know. Look at BLM, look at Saul Alinsky. Right, rules for Radicals. Who did he dedicate his book to Lucifer? It's right there, you can open the book. So he was a community organizer. Who else do I know that was or know a little about who is a community organizer? So they're still pushing this and David talks about this a lot on his show, right? I mean, think globally, act locally, and that's exactly what they did and are doing.

Speaker 2:

Just in case he's listening and he wants to join, I'm sending Gard Goldsmith a link to the show. I should have sent him one earlier. I just thought of something. Gard, if you're listening, I sent you a link in your email. You can join the stream if you want.

Speaker 2:

Um, I was just thinking the, the perfect analogy for how all of this works. And guard wrote for star trek. Okay, he wrote for star trek, uh, voyager, which is a great show, and, uh, I started, I, I started watching the star treks late in life, like late 30s, and, just, you know, wanted to watch a show without politics in it, which the storyline and you can go back and watch, you know, the next generation. But then they had, I think, the best one of them and I'm and I don't want to offend guard he wrote for Voyager. The best one of them is deep space nine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the reason is they give you, if you want to know how, in my opinion, how the power. Somebody pulled this from the ether. I don't think it was an accident. They put like how the power structure works and when they go into this other quadrant, right, they have this wormhole, it opens up and they go into this other quadrant and there's this they call it the dominion and it runs everything right like they are just top down, they control whatever movement, is absolutely this whole entire universe like controlled by, uh, the dominion.

Speaker 2:

When you find out what the dominion is, they have like these race engineered, uh, military class and they're like they grow them in a lab and these are like kind of reptilian looking guys and they go around and they just they're just killers and they serve what they call the founders and you can't really see the founders until late into the show they have over them. They have a class of Machiavellian backbiter, little weird people, kind of like politicians, right, and like we have now. They're just really devoid of soul. They're just slithering little, just like we have in Washington, right, just the worst things. And they call those people the Vorta, and the Vorta run all the politics and they oversee the military, but at the highest rate is these people called the found people. They're not people, they're shapeshifters. They like can morph into anything that's pretty much how our stuff works.

Speaker 2:

In my opinion. It's like you have these shapes that you don't see right and then you have like the little back bitery, weird, machiavellian, uh people, whatever they are, uh, the politicians that are, you know, that's who you see, but that's not who's really in control. Then you have, of course, the people that carry it out. You have the, the military class. Maybe guard will join us and give me some insight into the domain, if it's available. But but that, but I think. I think that's what we're talking about, and you know you raised the question, mr anderson. You're asked like? Well, it's not, they don't have the like, you can't join the like, there's not a membership card to the illuminati. Okay, it's not. It's not how that works. I don't think so. Anyway, at least mine's expired.

Speaker 4:

You know I don't think.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's a uh, you know, any kind of card. It because you get people in the alternative like Illuminati, confirmed. It's so funny what it is. It's the and I think Gore Vidal, who I quote often really nailed this. He was like it's not so much that they're conspiracies, they all think alike Council on Foreign Relations, trilateral Commission, ngos around the world, united Nations, the United Nations and this is a pop quiz for everybody the United Nations. Who was the first leader of the United Nations as far as the controlling body when they were creating it? Post-world War II, it was Alger Hiss. World war ii, it was alger hiss. Alger hiss the later, who would be convicted of perjury, brought down by richard nixon, who was, you know, um, of course, whittaker chambers who was the witness, but he was passing uh secrets and technology to the soviets. At yalta he worked, he was a favorite of the elites and the establishment for roosevelt yeah, that's right the elites always.

Speaker 2:

It's another thing about you know the playing both sides and what they do absolutely and so can I speak to that for a second?

Speaker 6:

go ahead, um, because there's one person in particular who's behind a lot of a lot of this, and his name was zapatai zevi. You've heard of him, haven't you, tony? So he declared himself the Messiah on June 18th I mean, lots of sixes there 1666. And he was kind of a heretic and he was into Jewish mysticism, but he gathered this immense following. He even married, I think, what is described as an unchaste bride, which is a nice way of saying a prostitute. But even that to me, I mean, that's just sacrilegious, because it's up the same vein of the Da Vinci Code, right? Or the Knights Templar always talk about how they have the bones of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and all their children. They always say that, but they'll never show you. Oh, they're there, but anyways, what he did was he was trying to form a Jewish state in what was then Turkey, and the Sultan caught him, and so, to save his life, he converted to Islam and he said I'll abandon this Jewish faith, I'll convert to Islam. And that's what he did. And so, actually, the founding May 1st 1776, is supposedly 100 years after the death of him, in honor of him.

Speaker 6:

So again to what you were saying. It's all about covertness. That's why I don't know. It's kind of like chasing shadows you can't really point because it's it's already gone by the time you get there. It's is is the way I view it, but I don't know how they operate other than controlling the money supplies, like you said. It seems to always be the case, because there's tremendous backing even for communism. Right, we were talking about this with regard to Karl Marx, and who actually funded the writing of the Communist Manifesto, and it was a novel by Jules Verne, alan Moore, well, that's true.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad you brought that up, mr Anderson. So this is where you get the linkage between Marx and the communist revolutions and the Illuminati. So Karl Marx is this really untalented reporter, faux economist and otherwise. If you read a biography on Marx, I mean the individual is a very unhappy person, a very just, unlucky, unhappy, would probably just be a bore, would not want to be around this person. You want to steer clear of this person but somehow, and like everything else, it needs funding. You don't get to hear.

Speaker 2:

I know that we get fed. That's why they call it a news feed because you get fed things. And a lot of times when you get fed something like for us to do this show and for David to have built up enough audience like organically, which he did, and, of course, with listener support here is how long that takes, how much work that takes. But we get fed people all the time they did, skipped all those levels and just get put right in front of you. And one of those people was carl marx and we can prove that by the fact that he got funded by this group called the League of Just Men.

Speaker 2:

Now, there's some weird connotations to even the description of that, just the nomenclature, just men, the League of it. Okay. So again, this is in that League of Just Men, the shattery group, and I want to hear what you found. Mr Anderson, we didn't get to talk about this last night, but I know that if you dig deep enough you find the connections between the banking houses, and especially the House of Rothschild, to that group who funded Marx to write the Communist Manifesto, correct?

Speaker 6:

Right. So the League of Just Men was a German secret society, the best I could tell and it later evolved into the International Communist Party. But it all stems back again. It goes back into the Illuminati Jacob Frank, who was the successor of Zabitai Zevi, who I just mentioned, and yeah, it's all tied up in the people who control the money supplies. I mean the Rothschilds in particular are frankest and they they threw a party in Paris in 1972. And apparently that's what Kubrick based a lot of Eyes Wide Shut on, at least that you know ceremonious party that they have in the movie and you can look it up, 1972. I mean all the greeters are wearing cat masks and then Marie Rothschild's wearing like a deer head. They have at like each table where they eat dismembered baby doll parts. I mean what's that supposed to be representative of? And so on and so forth. But it all ties back in together. So they're all associated. It seems like the Illuminati're all associated. Um, it seems like the illuminati are all associated with the money supply well, that's just it.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, when I was on tinfoil hat I was, I remember, right in the middle of the show and I go I wanted to talk about and we've done this on paratrooper great episode. If you can go back and find it, ladies, and maybe we'll I'll rebroadcast it. But we talked about the, the document that was found inside an ibm copier in 1986 at an estate sale. So somebody went to this. Is this really happened? Somebody went to an estate sale, bought an ibm copier. Inside that copier was a technical manual, a document called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and it was dated May 1st 1979. And it was a technical manual on human enslavement and how they were going to control the population, and the first part of the book or the manual.

Speaker 2:

And again, you can dispute whether I don't think the manual is necessarily true. Man, somebody made it okay and it might be a copy of something else. The mere fact that it was like not published and somebody found in it, that's just super weird, right? I mean this that really happened. So, whether or not the document is an actual technical manual, it's listed as a tech manual, kind of like I would see when I was in the military, but it was like welcome aboard and it welcomes the person reading it like like you would be reading it at, like a bilderberg meeting or something. And again, I'm not selling, it's real. I'm telling you, go look at it, because when you read the first part of it, it's.

Speaker 2:

It gets into the alchemy of finance and using money and currency as energy to control events. That's the first place it starts, which I've always found fascinating, because I quoted Mayor Amschel Rothschild of the 19th century, which is a real quote. You talk about some super arrogance to say that you control the money supply, so I control the British throne. Well, of course, and that's why they wanted the Federal Reserve. That's why Jekyll Island, 1910, november 22, 1910, 53 years to the date that each state murders JFK they came up with the concept of the Federal Reserve, not federal, not a reserve. They couldn't call it a bank. Oh good, guard's here. I'm glad you got my invite, young man.

Speaker 4:

Hey, thank you so much for the invite, and I wouldn't have gotten it if I weren't listening to the show. I heard you and I said you're the one listening. And greetings to all the the fellow plotters and planners out there and all your secret Russian hideouts. You look great, thanks.

Speaker 2:

That's good. What is that a reference to? I miss the reference. I know that's from somewhere. That's good. What is that a reference to I missed?

Speaker 4:

the reference. I know that's from somewhere I don't know. You know I I I often mentioned over at the the liberty conspiracy thing that you know we're plotters and planners for freedom. But with all the russian, russian collusion thing, I always say I'm sponsored by the russian government. Hello, comrades, you know that's good that's really good.

Speaker 3:

It was an old kolchak, the nice dog dogger episode. Oh.

Speaker 4:

Kolchak yeah, kolchak was the best, so good. And you know Kolchak. In one of the very first Kolchak TV movies I always remember the line where he says you know, look around you and try to convince yourself it couldn't happen here, because it's happening here, you know.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're definitely in the thick of things. It's uh, and I think I've got somewhat of like normalcy bias, of being unnormal now, like I'm like, oh yeah, just, I'm just kind of expecting the next false flag. You know, I'm watching the collapse of the dollar in real time. I'm looking at the news. It has a completely different narrative and I'm just like, well, you know, that's just normal. I, we just, I think we're all normal. We got normalcy bias inside of the great reset now guard, and I was laughing earlier because we were thinking about you know how.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I'll go on record I think the Illuminati is real and because I believe in evil and I think that they collude, and I think that the world's most powerful people, or whatever they are, I think that they try to steer events and do their best to control the planet the way that they see fit, and one of those ways is through NGOs and through things like Council on Foreign Relations and the Deep State, whatever you want to call them.

Speaker 2:

They're all just like the foundation, though is this this ideology or this religion really, of the illuminati? And I wanted, we were talking and we got on this deal about star trek, and I go. Oh my god, I gotta have guard on, because I'm sure you're familiar with with deep space nine and how that whole thing was set up and so, like, who came up? That is such an the concept of the shape shifters at the top. And then you have the Machiavellian backbiter weirdo people, the, the, the Vorta, and then you have the Jim Hadar, which are just like these reptilian, like military industrial complex spawns, and I'm like wow, somebody really nailed it.

Speaker 2:

And that was that was Ira.

Speaker 4:

Ira really nailed it and that was I. That was ira. Ira bear, okay, that was ira, yeah and ira. When I was at voyager, we were all in the same building, the heart building and um, and you know, beautiful spot, and I used to like I said to some of the audience, I used to take the bus actually to paramount when I worked at star trek. I was the only guy taking the bus and we'd go through chinatown and all these barrios and stuff like that. I was the only dude speaking English on the bus. It was the wildest scene. And then I'd get off in front of the gates at Paramount and people be pulling in their Lamborghinis and stuff. It was the, it was the weirdest contrast. So, uh, ira was a really cool guy and, um, I actually got to know Ira. We, um, we connected because of music, because at the time I was there in 1998, they had that anthrax scare, remember, down in the Southwest, and so there's a song by a band called Gang of Four, called Anthrax, and I was singing it in my office and my office actually didn't have a door to it.

Speaker 4:

I was just like what they call the writer's guild fellow. So I was just like what they call the Writer's Guild fellow. So I was like an adjunct to the Star Trek Voyager crew writing crew and so I was on the second floor and I was right near the staircase and Ira would take the stairs to go up to the third floor, which is where Deep Space Nine was located. So we were all in the same building. First floor was Voyager, second floor was a mixture of Voyager and Deep Space Nine writers and production people, and then the third floor at the Hart Building was Voyager and that's where Ira's office was. And of course it was his concept and he really took Star Trek in a way that I had hoped you know some of the stories I was pitching I might be able to do, which was the corruption inside a centralized one government system, which is the United Federation of planets with their Illuminati symbols based on the UN, with the whole Saturnalia thing and all that stuff.

Speaker 4:

And so I was singing the song and the lyrics. I know I'm going to sound so amazing, my dulcet tones, but the song goes love will get you like to like a case of anthrax, and that's something I don't want to catch. It's very flat, it's very like, you know, minimalist punk sort of thing. And all of a sudden Ira's head pokes in and he's got his like round shades that he used to wear and he goes, hey, gang of Four. And I'm like, oh hey. And we hadn't really spoken before, I was like, hey, ira, and he goes. You know Gang of Four. And I'm like, oh yeah, I love Gang of Four, they're great, you know.

Speaker 4:

So then we started talking about one of the spinoff bands of Gang of Four, which is called Shriek Back, which had members of XTC. Barry Andrews play keyboards. Barry's a great guy and, by the way, they did a bunch of hokey cokie money, sweet as honey. Nothing found. There's a bitcoin river rising, the dam is coming down. So that was that shriek back.

Speaker 4:

So ira and I started talking and, uh, he goes. No, I haven't heard a shriek back. And he goes come on, you got to come up to my office, you like ig Iggy. So we start talking about Iggy Pop and on his door this is the executive producer of, like, this very big multi-million dollar per episode thing. He's got a newspaper picture ripped out and taped to his office door Like he's a college dorm member, you know, living in a college dorm A picture of Iggy Pop, he goes. You sitting, you know, living in a college dorm, a picture of Iggy Pop he goes. You know, I got Iggy Pop in one of the episodes. I was like no, I didn't know that he goes. Come on, I'll show you the video. So we go in. He's got this pile of Iggy Pop songs.

Speaker 4:

So we became friendly and uh, and we ended up we were going to go to a show of the dams together, which is my favorite British punk band, but we couldn't go together and I got to know it, he, I, I think if you look at what ira did with deep space nine, I think he understood that these centralized systems could be highly corrupted. And most of the science fiction writers, whether it's because they are researchers you know, like you're talking about chris and researching so many different things and you guys have such great knowledge and things like the illuminati and stuff like that and these, this historical markers but I think they combine some of their oh wouldn't it be neat if you know with some of their science speculations. So we were, we were always reading, like you know, discover magazine and stuff and looking at the newest stuff on genetics and things like that, just to try to get ideas and and I think ira was successful. He was also a massive fan of twilight zone. Like he wrote the sequel to the boy with the power with, uh, billy moomy and uh, he, he and billy moomy live on the same street. Like he's godfather to billy's child with a son or something like that. Yeah and um. So he wrote the sequel to that where the child with the power now has become an adult and has a daughter who has even greater power and Cloris Leachman was back in it. They brought everybody back and so he has.

Speaker 4:

I think he's more on the left wing side of things, but I've noticed, you know, there's been this very strong convergence between the anti-corporate left wing people, especially the British anti-corporate left-wing people, and I think a lot of the more libertarian people who didn't quite recognize that corporations are entities of the state as well and that favoritism thing. But I do think that he seemed to have a lot of knowledge of the esoteric and I think it was just because he was interested in it and he wove that into Deep Space Nine with a lot of those subtexts and of course combined it with warnings of technocracy and warnings, you know, sort of the same way that Brandon Braga did with the Borg. You know, I had dinner with Brandon a few years ago and I was like, you know, the Borg is a lot like the Cybermen and he nodded to me. He was like, yeah, obviously he was inspired by the Cybermen, but Brandon is a pro-liberty guy as well. So it's interesting how they come together.

Speaker 4:

And I think with Deep Space Nine it's a little tricky, because Gene Roddenberry had certain stipulations at Star Trek Before he passed away. Certain things could not be done. He stipulated and I was told this by Jerry Taylor, the executive producer at Voyager, because I had a story that was like the sting and it involved money. She goes oh, the Federation doesn't use money. And I'm like that's insane, how do they? She goes oh, yeah, gene, it's been a big problem.

Speaker 4:

Gene thought that man would have evolved past the use of money. I was like it's a currency for trading, you know it's. It's a basic human thing. We have different skills, you know. So anyway, ira was able, I think by creating deep space nine and putting it on the fringes, he was able to get away from. He sort of skirted around some of those utopian ideas that Gene Roddenberry had and flipped them on their head and that's, you know, that's where you got the Maquis and all that stuff coming in, because obviously there were some people who didn't want to be part of the Federation and there were other people that were sort of emblematic of the technocracy and the genetic engineering and stuff that they had and emblematic of, I think, a lot of what Aldous Huxley was trying to push forward. You know there would be cadres.

Speaker 2:

Same thing with HG Wells, I think, ira Bear, was trying to show the dangers of that in a lot of his episodes. Well, it really is fascinating and I'm glad you brought up HG Wells too. Somehow we brought up Jules Verne earlier by accident, but yeah, but you have. You have hg wells, and and you know he believed that. Uh, of course he has things to come, and david mentions that all the time and they made a movie out of in the 30s. It's about the technocracy, you know, taking over.

Speaker 2:

This is one of the the sometimes writers and this is, I think this is is what you've shed light on Ira is bringing to the surface how things actually work, and sometimes writers will tell you the truth through fiction. You know, like this is something that's on the horizon or something that they believe in. Even HG Wells he wrote a book called the New World Order, right? So this is HG, hg wells. This is one of the elites always went to that and, of course, he, when he died, he was very pessimistic that you know they had war of the world and all those other things, but he was very pessimistic that people would actually survive any of this. You know the the modern age, um, but it's interesting that you have that little cul-de-sac right before you know this was all done in the nineties. It's kind of the peak. There's something to agent Smith and the matrix when he looks out and it's like 1999, he's like this is the peak of your civilization, like they're running a simulation, so there must be way into the future. So they're running it right there, saying this is the peak.

Speaker 2:

I don't disagree. There's something that's changed with the beginning of the 21st century, and not only for the fact that we're in UN Agenda 21, which has nothing to do with the year 2021, it's the agenda for the 21st century with milestones like 2030. You have 9-11. Of course we're inside the cyclical history of the fourth turning and all the rest.

Speaker 2:

But when you find perfect examples, like on Deep Space Nine, with that, that's how our world works and if you can, I think, to first understand that, where you have this, the people you can't see at the top, and then you have we're all fighting around and talking about the politicians and I don't think they matter so much, especially now. I mean they might have mattered more in my lifetime maybe I was just more susceptible to the mind control, but they definitely don't. I find them, I find most politicians, even when we have a just absolutely irrelevant I mean any thoughts on that, guys? I mean we'll at this point you're talking about the linkage between the Illuminati communism, but it's the linkage. Now You've got the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset, davos. That's really what you're talking about. That's the intervention worldwide. Bill Cooper called it the one world totalitarian socialist government.

Speaker 4:

That's right one world totalitarian socialist government. That's right. Yeah, I don't know about you guys, but you know, given what so many of the writers were able to predict and you know, at star trek it was mostly extrapolation from you know, what do we have now, what would be interesting, what could create drama and what? As a, you know, as a science buff, like I almost studied astrophysics because I was, I was really into, you know, cosmos. I almost went to it, to cornell, to study with, uh, carl sagan, but I went to bu instead. So I got to hear all the zionists talking about how great it is to build up the zionist state and, like I said, my last name's goldsmith, so that a lot of people thought I was jewish, uh, and so you know, it's an, it's an, but I, they would. I would hear things about the Palestinians and I was shocked, I was like it was, it was stunning, it was, it was the, the entitlement of the, of the. Some of the folks who would talk about the expansion of the Zionist state really blew me away and I'm seeing it exactly played out now. But to go back to the thing, you know, like HG Wells and other and other writers, I think there has and I'm only waking up to it now the past few years. You know, getting to know you guys, getting to know David so well, discovering Christianity or, more deeply, discovering Christianity, realizing it's a battle of religions, you know it's a battle of faith it's about. It is a battle of good versus evil. It's a battle of the hermetics and the Gnostics and the Satanists versus Christ. That's what it is, that's all it is. And Sam Blumenfeld, who heavily influenced people like Alex Newman and things like that, and I mentioned on my show it was really neat when David was interviewing Alex, he had a bunch of Sam's books on his shelf and one of those was edited by my dad. So I'm like, hey, my dad edited that book on Alex Newman shelf. That's really cool. You know, these, these connections start to get revealed and and you know, I'm just grateful that you know, god allowed me to be alive this long to recognize the truth that you guys say and the truth that David says and to bring me closer to him.

Speaker 4:

And I just wanted to bring this up. There's a, there's a horror writer, um, back from the early 1900s. His name was EF Benson and he was a British writer. He had two brothers uh, very, very well-known brothers, also very good writers. One of them, by the way, they were the son all these guys were the sons of the uh uh Archbishop of Canterbury. Okay, so the head of the Anglican church, okay, which of course is a, you know, a turn away from the Catholic church and the traditional tenets and so on and so forth. But he had a brother named Robert Hugh Benson and this book, in fact I've mentioned it to a few people Lord of the World was written in 1907.

Speaker 4:

Talk about HG Wells, and in it he Talk about HG Wells and in it he talks about the Masons, he talks about collectivist socialism and he talks about the destruction of the Catholic Church. And he really he nails so much stuff. He puts it forward in a dystopian British world. That is basically as he was ahead of, ahead of Orwell, he was ahead of Zemiyatyn over over in Russia with that book. We, he was head of Ayn Rand and he sort of follows up the, the recognition of the dangers of materialism and the secular world. And it is, it's amazing. It's an amazing book. I'm only about 70 pages in it's over at Internet Archive there's an audio version of it. It's called Lord of the World. And I'm telling you, when you, even if you just read the first few pages of this, you just like it's scary what this guy did, like as a science fiction writer, what this guy did to predict the future, it's wild, it's absolutely wild. I'm glad I'm sitting here in the book supply so I could mention to you guys it's really amazing.

Speaker 6:

You work in commission on that book Gardner.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly. Oh, and by the way, when I yeah, and what ended up happening with Robert Hugh Benson was he he. He converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest, so I think he still stayed in good stead with his siblings, but that was shocking for a lot of the Brits back then.

Speaker 2:

And in fact there are some websites that say if you look at dystopian literature people often talk about British dystopian literature with Huxley and Orwell there are authors who say there should be a third and it should be robert u benson, and I didn't even know about him until a couple months ago well, just, you mentioned huxley and uh talking about in our time, you know it really and I mentioned earlier in the first hour of the show, it's like when we really start seeing the acceleration point of the decline of our country and decline of western civilization and you could talk about when we lost all semblance of you know our, our currency is really. It ties back to that. But I think I think pat buchanan might have been right if they ask him uh, some time ago, when do you think that you started to see the death of the west? And he said, uh, november 22nd 1963, so the day that the deep state murdered jfk.

Speaker 3:

But you know what else uh happened can I, can I mention, I don't know if this is where you're going, but uh, someone else died that day too. That's right, okay, is that where you're going? Yes, okay, you know who?

Speaker 2:

say it that we had, there was three, there was three, there was three.

Speaker 3:

Well, the one I'm thinking of is Huxley. He died and it didn't really get too much attention, obviously because of JFK the third one I'm intrigued by because I thought the two big ones were JFK and Huxley and Huxley didn't even work for Boeing.

Speaker 2:

Well, the third one was CS Lewis.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's right Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so on the same day November 22nd 1963, we lost those three and they all represented different things, but they were the height of different things. You know, huxley, about the vision of dystopia and state control, and take your Soma. You know brave new world and, of course, cs Lewis, champion for Christ and Christian civilization and the new frontier. And you know, in JFK, a lot of beautiful rhetoric. One of the reasons he got shot, in my opinion, was hisune speech to the american university about peace, you know, and, uh, one of the things he said was our problems are man-made. Therefore, they can't be solved by man. I wrestle with that a lot. Yeah, I wrestled this beautiful speech, but they all, both, all three of those people died on the same day and they all had three different, opposing visions of you know, smart people, right, but maybe opposing visions.

Speaker 2:

But we're way past that now. We're in, and I, you know, wanted to talk about in this hour and like the linkage between the elites and some really awful operating systems for satanism. Let's just call it what it is. I mean mean when people bring, like the CBDC central bank, digital currency is not a currency. This is, this is a totalitarian system of evil that they're going to unleash and we have the responsibility not only to talk about it but set up parallel systems and to resist it, because it's the. You know, whatever dystopian novel was ever created will not equal the amount of absolute total control and, uh again, horror that you will find with central bank digital currency.

Speaker 6:

Go ahead mr well, tony, they have to make it digital. I mean, jesus isn't going to be able to turn that over. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

But I think I think you can find a way. Uh, I think I think you can find a way for sure. But yeah, you're right. And then the next hour we're gonna have uh gerald salente on I've been texting travis back and forth. We're gonna have like a round table. Hopefully you guys uh will be able to uh to watch. But we're gonna have uh charlie robinson on Robinson on and Gerald Salente and the legendary Don Jeffries. Now, that's a roundtable. I told both Don and Charlie. I was like, hey, just have some questions ready for Gerald, because it's like you know, gerald will come on and he'll say stuff. Like you know, the last time somebody stood up to the bankers, you know, and threw the money changers out of the temple, they crucified him, and that's exactly right. You know, that's exactly that and that's exactly right. You know, that's exactly. That's what we're up against. I mean, this is uh.

Speaker 2:

And when they talk about the central bank, digital currency, and we can talk about all the dystopian stuff and conspiracy research, but I'm telling you what that to me, that's what I'm watching. And you want to talk about ties to, to nefarious groups and those who with belief systems that are anti-god, and that's it. That's a central bank and they're working on it night and day. You know there's that. There's that famous uh quote from wall street. You know the movie with michael douglas. And money never sleeps well, neither the, neither the forces of of darkness either. And that's what they're. They're working day and night to create this enslavement system. That's why you gotta, that's. That's why you got to know the difference between currency and money. You got to know the history, how it all led up to this, who funded who? You know the 20th century was not a battle between communism and capitalism. It was a play. It was a play that was put into motion by the world's elite. You know Will Durant, the historian.

Speaker 2:

I always thought this was a great statement that needed like a little bit of update. But he said years. You know this is he. He died. He was in his 90s right after I was born, um, but he he talked about, he said the great figure of the 19th century was not carl marx, it was darwin.

Speaker 2:

But they go together and they're both funded by the same people. And that's when I found out. Know, later, when I'm doing my research, I'm like well, will, you almost got it and it was that. You know that was Darwin and that basically creates nihilism and that there is, that we're all just alone and there is no God, and you can, you know, follow the line of logic all the way up to you don't matter, right, which is with what? Darwin? With Darwin and the theory of evolution, and Marx supplants God, with the communist state and all this stuff, but they both go together. They're funded by the same people, right, it's interesting. And Huxley, you know his father, right, was the aid to Darwin, right, and like his benefactor, Could I mention one other thing, tony, because?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 6:

Mars wrote a good book about the Illuminati right, and even in the opening of that it describes an initiation ceremony as written according to some encounter around the 1800s. And what stood out to me about that is they never used Jesus's name during the oath, but they're told to swear by it. Jesus's name during the oath, but they're told to swear by it like it has the authority. So they swear by the crucified one, but they don't claim any sort of allegiance to it right.

Speaker 2:

I think what we said last night was they swear on it but not to it right exactly it's a difference it's a huge distinction well, they have. They have their own religion. I think that's most important and that's you know. I think there's some that will try to skate around this, you know, but they have their own. It's not what the major face that we recognize today.

Speaker 6:

They have their own thing, you know and they think the serpent in the garden is the good guy Right. Yeah, bill Cooper explained that very well.

Speaker 4:

Right, that's right. Looks at it. I think it's really. I think it's. It's so destructive how the collectivists try to utilize the sort of David versus Goliath of we're supporting the little guy all the time and it's such an easy out.

Speaker 4:

And that's what Marx was able to do. You know he was able to throw the dislike of the old royal peerage system and move that over into dislike of anybody who owned property. You know he was picking up Rousseau's reins and carrying on with the carriage, you know, running with the horses there. And you know, I understand at the time at the you know the death of the sort of old royal peerage system. They were actually it was a very favoritist, corporatist, cronyist sort of system where they were literally Parliament was passing special grants of Parliament to hand out land for single people. They would call them special acts of Parliament for just one guy to take over all this land.

Speaker 4:

During the end of that enclosure, movement from the roundheads and a lot of the locals were getting. You know the common law was being destroyed. They were having that last vestige of the common law, which is why it's so great when you look at what William Penn did and others, to stand up for traditional juries and the people. And you know Marx, you know he had a point, but he deflected, you know, and like Rousseau, it's well, the people can come up with the greatest ideas. It's utterly, utterly a Gnostic idea.

Speaker 4:

The people will have their expression of their will, this collective gestalt, through the house of the French assembly, or here they tell us it's democracy and it's we, the people, the expression of America. America cares about this or that, and it's all a ruse and it's all done to supposedly protect the little guy. And if you at all speak out against their corporatism, their fascism, their collectivist favoritism, then somehow you're against democracy. And they claim that they represent democracy. It's just like Marx saying I represent the little guy. How? By making sure the little guy has no opportunity to own anything. And how it's insane.

Speaker 6:

And how did Benjamin Franklin describe democracy? Yeah, two wolves and a sheep fighting over what's for dinner yeah, so I don't like it when they say our democracy yeah. Two wolves and a sheep fighting over what's for dinner yeah, so I don't like it when they say our democracy.

Speaker 2:

Gentlemen, I've got, uh, I don't either, mr, and, by the way, I don't like that word Uh, go and uh, I'll give you. I'll give you a free one ounce American gold Eagle. If you can find the word democracy and the constitution documents, if you can just send me that, I'll send you an American Gold Eagle. I got to let you go, gents, because we have Gerald Salente, don Jeffries in the back office here. I'll be putting them on the screen here. We're not going to take a commercial break. So appreciate you, guard, so much. Thank you for coming on, chris, chris Graves. Go find Chris Graves, he's over on Paratrooper. Mr Anderson, always appreciate your research, your brain, sir. Thank you so much.

Speaker 6:

Thank you all and thank you Gard, see you guys, take care, take care, bye-bye.

Speaker 2:

All right? Well, no, no break at all. We're going to move right into our guest, which is first Gerald Salente, a legend. I haven't interviewed you, sir, and it's been years. The last time I was filling in for David on InfoWars, it was the I see you on with David's, you know, every couple of weeks and y'all have the best conversations. But I have two other folks. I was going to do a round table. They've got questions for you. You might've heard of them. The first one is my friend. Don Jeffries is the author of hidden history and survival of the richest, I'm sure a fan of yours and I'm fan of yours. And my other friend is Charlie Robinson, who's a host of Macroaggressions and author of the book the Octopus of Global Control, Also a fan of yours. So I was like, if you've got questions for Gerald, let's all do it together. But first of all, welcome, Gerald Salente, a founder of Trends Journal I'm a subscriber and, of course, Occupy Peace many other great things. Thank you, sir, for being here.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, thank you for having me and, of course, my friend Don Jeffries, the legend himself, he's here. Thank you so much, don. Appreciate you taking time and coming to talk with Gerald, with me.

Speaker 7:

It's an honor, especially to be here with Gerald, so I think I've admired him for so long. I had him on my show once a few years back and, yeah, certainly he's a man after my own heart, because I came from the left too. I'm a classical liberal and a populist, and there aren't many of us left, are there, gerald?

Speaker 5:

It's so sad what's happened to this country. It breaks my heart. I mean the idiots, the little imbeciles, little boys and girls of nothing telling us what to do, congressmen, senators, little pieces of crap spewing out their baloney and making us swallow. It is just disgusting. Uh, this last thing they did with this passing this resolution about anti-semitism yes, how about? Go screw yourself. Who the hell you're talking to? And again, what nobody talks about was that the people running israel are not semites, they're ashkenazis. They they're Khazars from northeastern Turkish region. Semites are from the Mesopotamia region, by the definition. So the Palestinians are Semites, these are. So you know. It's just total crap. Total crap what they're spewing out, and it's totally disgusting how they've robbed us of our freedom and liberty in this country.

Speaker 2:

Well, there you go again, Gerald, with your facts and figures. That's exactly right. So now you can't well, you technically can't criticize the Palestinians now if you can't have any anti-Semitism. With that in mind, I'll introduce Charlie Robinson, author of the octopus of glove control macroaggressions podcast, and I think this is the most anti-war panel ever assembled.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Makes that Voltaire quote stand out, doesn't it?

Speaker 5:

You know. You know, I grew up during the Vietnam war. I'm 77 years old. That was right at the height of the draft movement. As a young kid I was stupid enough to swallow the crap that if we don't stop those Vietnamese, those commies, taking over Vietnam, those dominoes will keep falling and you'll have all of Asia will be communist, and I'm not making this up. The dominoes will keep falling and for that you'll have all of asia will be communist, and I'm not making this up. The dominoes will be falling, they'll hit the shores of california.

Speaker 5:

I believed it. I believed it as a young kid and the only reason I dodged the draft is I didn't want to get killed. I'm seeing guys walking up to water this deep with guns over their head and 50 pounds of you know on their backs. You know I don't want to do that. You know. So I did everything I could to beat the draft. Now you got this other slime ball. Every war he loved. He's three and a half years older than me, by the name of joe biden. Five draft affirmants. Five draft affirmants. Any one of these little boys that and girls that want to go to war. Go over there and fight. Send your wife, send your kids, send your transgenders, go over there and fight.

Speaker 2:

Send your money or shut your mouth but gerald, uh, mike johnson, he's a wartime speaker. You didn't know that. Yeah, he's a wartime pray. I said earlier. I said pray, tell mike what war is that. Is it the war against us? I mean, what declared war are you talking about?

Speaker 5:

again. That little boy couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag well, he's.

Speaker 2:

He's my age and he skipped all the wars I was in. He didn't like those. There was some opportunity for him to get involved and I don't know why he didn't do it.

Speaker 5:

Again, they're a little gutless. I mean, look at them, look at them, look at them, look at them. Little Lindsay, did you come out of the closet yet?

Speaker 7:

Graham, yeah, Lady G never saw a war that he didn't want.

Speaker 2:

Uh, your kids, that's a good I that was. That's got to be in some kind of address book somewhere in dc somebody's got.

Speaker 7:

Somebody's got that number well, gerald, gerald alluded to it, but I'd love to see uh legislation and it would never happen but introduced to this, so that if you vote for war, then you're obviously probably going to be too old to go yourself, but then you have to send your child, you have to send your grandchild or closest relative, so you have a commitment in it. Because I think it was during the Iraq war or whatever. I lose track of all the Gulf wars and everything, but I think it was something like two members out of 535 in Congress or something that had relatives serving there. So they don't have an interest in it, they're sending other people.

Speaker 5:

I launched Occupy Peace over a decade ago and the foundation is close. All the bases overseas? We've got over a thousand bases in 70, 80 countries. Secure the homeland. Over a thousand bases what? In 70 80 countries? Secure the homeland. Put the troops to work to rebuild our third world infrastructure. And if you want to go to war, let the people vote, because we're the ones that pay for it with our money and our lives. Like you pointed out, these little clown boys don't go fight. So that's what one of the foundations of Occupy Peace. And could you imagine if the billionaires put money into a peace movement now? We'd have one? Not a penny for peace, not a penny for peace.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, henry Ford tried that in the first world war. And, don, you've mentioned this that ship, for they don't have any of these billionaires or the financial elite. They fund war and they're completely new. They don't stand up for freedom, liberty. You know, gerald, you always say when all else fails, they take you to war. And of course, you founded the Trends Journal and I love that publication.

Speaker 2:

But what are you, I mean, with now? So much has changed on the rhetoric and you, and the last time you and I talked, I started to see the shift where the powers, the power structure, was starting to turn aggressively towards China, which they had never done because we'd built China up. You know, zygmunt Brzezinski signed the document on January 1st 1979, along with Jimmy Carter, saying that we cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan, that it was a one-China policy. Now they're funding Taiwan and agitating China in every way. What are you seeing? I mean, this is worldwide. We've got the expansion of NATO that, in my opinion, caused the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, kind of an existential threat. You have the October 7th event and now a kinetic war between Israel and Iran, which is always about nation states. What's, what are your thoughts on all of this?

Speaker 5:

this. You got maniacs in charge and they're they're out of their mind people, and they're just going to keep ramping this war up. And world war three's already begun, as, as we've said, you know it's a uh again. Let's, as I said, all up when all sales, they they take you to war the economy. The numbers just came out today. The employment, employment numbers they're down. They were much lower than expected. The PMI numbers came out. The manufacturing numbers came out. They're below 50%. The economy's going down. We're coming into the election and what they're going to do is they're going to keep they were. We're coming into the election and what they're going to do is they're going to keep ramping up the war and the morons and imbeciles will follow it.

Speaker 5:

Because once upon a time there was a little boy with a pair of cojones, smaller than a mothball, born on third base, thought he had a home run. Little Georgie Bush. You can't find a more ignorant, arrogant piece of shit like him. We're going to get that guy, osama bin Laden, dead or alive. 88% of the people swallowed the crap spewing out of that little gutless boy's mouth. Oh, what happened before that? The dot-com bust Nation was in a deep recession. People couldn't stand Bush. But then 9-11 happened. Where for Bush? Where for Bush?

Speaker 5:

Oh, then he starts the Iraq war after the Afghan war. The people swallowed it. They're going to do the same exact thing. There's going to be a false flag event or something that happens, and the people will rally around. We got to get them. We got to get them. How many people do I know that are? Oh, the Iranians attacked Israel. Oh my God, how many times I heard that when that was happening. The people are going to follow their leader. They're going to take us, they're going to escalate this World War III in a run-up to the elections. That's what I see happening. So what's going on with China? What's going on in Taiwan? What's going on with the stupid sanctions they're putting on? How dare, how dare China support Russia when we're sending? What said that? What? Another 60 billion dollars of our money to keep blooding the killing fields over there? How dare those Chinese, how dare those Iranian support Russia? Only we could kill people, kill people.

Speaker 7:

So true, Gerald. What do you see, though? You alluded to what was happening in Congress, which is one of the most shameful votes. I mean, it was right on top of them waving the Ukrainian flag after they cast the bill, but then they make it. I mean, first of all, they can't even define anti-Semitism, but what I'm seeing now is something I never thought I'd see, and I think it's a culmination of decades of anti-white agenda. They have enabled so many non-white students and you're seeing it on the college campuses. They look at the Israel-Palestinian conflict and they see Israel as a white colonizer and they're going to sympathize with the Palestinians.

Speaker 7:

But because the powers that be never want to go against non-whites, there's a huge power struggle going. You're seeing a debate about Israel and Zionism I never thought I would see. Now they're crushing it, and maybe that vote in Congress is a result of that. I don't know if they. Typically, when you said about having the people vote for war, I would always say the majority are always going to vote for war, because that's what happens. People fall for it every time. But I'm not so sure in the case if you involve Israel, because now you've got millions of people that look at Israel differently than people historically have. What do you think of that? Because I think it's a huge power structure. Glenn, You're seeing it? They're cracking down on college campuses. They passed this ridiculous bill to make. They're cracking down on college campuses. They passed this ridiculous bill to make. They've never made it a bill. You know a crime to criticize America, but you can't criticize Israel. I mean, I think there are power dynamics going on we've never seen before.

Speaker 5:

Again. Look, they've been doing what they do with the COVID stuff. How dare you believe anything? That you believe that the government doesn't tell you? You believe in misinformation? Stand six feet apart and don't forget when you jerk off, you better sanitize your hands. All right, look at the crap that they make up, that they make people swallow. They'll make up anything. The war, this, what's going on with this, is no different what they did with the covid war. Stand six feet apart. The wind blows exactly in straight lines and six feet. And when you get on an airplane you better put on that mask, but when you're eating and drinking you take it off, because COVID knows when you're eating and drinking. All right, so you're going back to what you're saying about what they're doing with all the anti-Semitism and everything else. You've got a bunch of maniacs in charge, end of story. You don't ask a lunatic why they're a lunatic. You don't ask a murderer why they're a murderer.

Speaker 2:

Charlie, do you have anything for?

Speaker 1:

Gerald. Yeah, I do, gerald. You made a career out of noticing patterns. We've got 2020. We saw authoritarian overreach, summer of love, rioting, leading into an an election. Here we are 2024. What do you know? Same thing. We're starting to to ramp up. It's uh, it's riot season. We're coming into summer. We've got an election a couple months away. Uh, what other patterns are you recognizing that we may be walking into?

Speaker 5:

this. The country's going to crap. Whoever wins, it's going to be a split deal. There's going to be hatred on either side, and again, I can't stand Trump. I can't stand Biden. I'm a political atheist. I don't believe in the system at all. I'm a political atheist, I don't believe in the system at all, and so I only call things the way they are.

Speaker 5:

In our magazine, the trends journal, we called Trump a winner back in May of 2016, when everybody said he would lose. Now it's a toss-up. Nobody knows what's going to happen, but the division in this country has never been like this in my lifetime, where the hatred on both sides is so strong. This country is just going to devolve and and, and. There's going to be more and more of our rights stolen from us, regardless of who gets into office, and and. So that's where we I don't know who's going to win, but whoever wins, we lose is the way I see it. Again, it's a crime syndicate and that people call a government. I mean look how many billions of dollars you need to run for office. You got that little clown down there in texas, this little beta or walk, a little boy of nothing. What do you spend a hundred million dollars to lose against another clown, abbott. Like Abbott and Costello, you got another in Abrams over there, stacey Abrams in Georgia a hundred million dollars to lose. You call this. You mentioned before about a democracy. You spelt it wrong D-U-M-O-C-K-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y Democracy. So it makes no difference, we lose, no matter what happens. We don't have again.

Speaker 5:

You know I had my last rally. I had last May. I had Dennis Kucinich as one of the speakers. You know he's been a peace candidate for, you know, ever, and he was RFK Jr's campaign campaign manager and I supported rfk jr until he came out with, you know, as palestinians, the most spoiled people on earth. Yeah, ignorant, ignorant crap. I spoke to kennedy a couple of times. I donated the most amount of money to him that I could get, that I was allowed to donate. I got it all back. I don't support him. There's no third party. There's no third party in this country. Oh, we're talking about these other countries that we invade to bring freedom and democracy. We don't have it here. So the elections mean nothing what do you?

Speaker 7:

what do you think happened with Kucinich there, gerald, do you think?

Speaker 5:

because that was pretty strange the way they parted ways you know I they invited me down when Kennedy announced he was running as an independent. And um Kucinich, of course you know, another guy you know. And two days later he was gone. And who did Kennedy bring in to take his place? Daughter-in-law, what was the last job with the CIA?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, so that's what happened, Do you do you think? Don't you? Do you think his ridiculous over the top support of Israel had something to do with it?

Speaker 5:

I don't know, and considering she won't say anything, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Gerald this is coming out of. Well, it's a conversation I heard you talk about years ago and I was just while you were replying. I was thinking of your friendship that you had with John Connolly. I wanted you we were just talking about. I talk a lot. I'm in gold and silver business and I talk with David every week about the trends in precious metals and what's happening with the currency.

Speaker 2:

And of course, john Connolly was head of the treasury under Nixon and that's when you know that was a move that he and Nixon made together. And my friend Congressman Ralph Hall is one of the. He was the last World War II veteran in Congress. He was friends with John Connolly and he always had this he told me you know he would joke with Connolly about every whenever Connolly would start running for something again he put that brace back on.

Speaker 2:

You know that he cause or the, the magic bullet you know from uh riding in the car with Kennedy. He just he'd give John uh a hard time. He's all. You're running for something again. I see you got your brace on to tell people that's where the bullet entered. But um, you know Connolly was was involved in that and that's's uh interesting. You know. That's the theory where, of course, you know don jeffries here has done, you know, research on the kennedy assassination. Yeah, uh, since mark lane, you know back in the uh what early 70s don mid 70s and 70s and uh, you know, and so that was where you get the concept of the magic bullet theory.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, uh, connelly was around for the, the modern monetary system, which is the magic money tree, as, uh, as david calls it. Well, well, gerald.

Speaker 7:

Gerald told the story. I hope he tells it again. He I think he told it on my show. It's fascinating story when he, when connelly, basically admitted because publicly connelly always supported the uh, you know, even though he disputed the single bullet theory, but he either didn't understand or whatever that that proved that there had to be two assassins. But whatever, he claimed there were two bullets but he still thought Oswald did it alone, which made no sense. But behind the scenes he was different and I've heard from a couple of people you had a fascinating story where you were a young guy and he basically talked about the conspiracy, didn't he?

Speaker 5:

What was um, one of my books, trend tracking far better than megatrends time magazine, and I wrote this. This came out in 1989 and in this book I had forecast that the people were tied with the two parties and there'd be a third party candidate, and someone like ross perot, would it? So now Connolly wanted to meet me and I fly out to meet him in Dallas. This is in 1992, two weeks before the presidential election, when Clinton ran against Bush and Ross Perot. Clinton ran against Bush and Ross Perot and it's their first time back to the book depository since the assassination. It was myself, a guy by the name of John J Hooker, who put the meeting together, and Rama Fox, who was Larry King's girlfriend, and Pat Cadell, the pollster.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

And Cadell was doing the polling for Perot, yeah, and we're parked out in front of the book depository. That's the side where they allegedly shot him from. And Connolly started telling the story. We're in a limousine, started telling the story. Went on, a limousine started telling the story of what happened that day. I have a photograph, by the way of me, him and Nellie in front of the book depository on the side.

Speaker 5:

Anyway, he goes on to say he said we were coming down. He said I heard a gunshot. He said I knew it was a gunshot because I've been hunting since I'm a little boy and I looked over to my right and I didn't see anything that was the grassy knoll. And he said I was scrunched up into the jump seat had jump seats in those days in the, in the backs of the car. He said I was in a, I had holding my my hat on my knee and I look over to my left shoulder and there were brains on my shoulder. He said I knew there were brains because my daddy was a butcher. And then he goes. He goes and I'm sitting right across from him in the limousine. He goes and then I felt a pounding on my back and that's when the bullet went through his back and he goes flying over and you see the video and nelly throwing himself on top of him. That's what saved his life, by the way, because he scrunched up. He goes flying over. The bullet goes through his back, through his chest, through his hand, through his knee. And he said it took about 12 minutes to get to the parkland Hospital. He said it usually takes about 20.

Speaker 5:

There was a doctor that was taking a break, that saw the things come screaming in the cars and he runs down into the emergency room. This doctor the doctor was a thoracic surgeon that worked on Connelly, who got his lungs blown out. What saved his life was Nellie on top of him hysterical, because if the air went into his lungs he would have suffocated. But her hand on it, his hand on it and her laying on top of it stopped the air going through. By the way, I'm sitting across from him and his hands had all this purplish stuff on it and I said how are you feeling? He said not good. He said I have adhesions in my lungs and he got me on Prendizone and I watched my father may he rest in peace die when they put him on Prendizone because he worked in the shipyards and he got asbestos poisoning from the shipyards and they had him on the Prendizone. So I saw my father dying like that and I knew Connolly was going to go soon and he did. He died in April and we stayed in contact from October to February.

Speaker 5:

Anyway, as we're walking back into the Anatole Hotel, he said to me I read your book. He said it's a fine piece of work. And he said I know your heart's in the right place. He said but you don't have a clue what's going on, and neither do the American people, because if they did, there'd be a revolution in this country. This is 1992. And, as you mentioned, this is the guy that was not only the Democratic governor of Texas, he was the treasury secretary under Nixon that took us off the gold standard.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he ran for president in 1982. Yep, yeah, as a Republican.

Speaker 7:

Yep, but didn't he say something specifically to you about that? There was a conspiracy to kill JFK or he didn't believe the official story?

Speaker 5:

No, no, oh, I thought he did no because I didn't want to be disrespectful. You didn't believe the official story no, no, oh, I thought he did no because I didn't want to be disrespectful. You know what I mean.

Speaker 7:

Right, sure, sure.

Speaker 5:

So I didn't want to ask him any other questions, I just let him say what he wanted to say, and that was I was so honored, you know, to be there, and but. But I'll just tell you what he said about you know that I heard a gunshot and that was the grassy knoll where they said there were no gunshots coming from. And he said I've been hunting since I'm a little boy.

Speaker 2:

So he knew exactly what he was talking about. It was the publication of your book. That's kind of linked you to Connolly. Did he want to speak with you about anything specific other than the role and trends?

Speaker 5:

now he wanted to talk about the election. And so what happened that night? This story goes on. Now we go back up to his suite and um Ross Perot is on with I think it was Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes and again, this is two weeks Cadell was through the roof. He said Perot's rates are skyrocketing. I have never seen anything like this in my life.

Speaker 5:

Perot goes on with I think it was Leslie Stahl and she said how come? You know that you didn't campaign during the summer. He goes. Well, you know. He said my daughter was getting married and I didn't want to, uh, disrupt the wedding for anything. And I didn't want. And I said this is the end of it. We're, we're all, we're all there. Cadel myself, we were watching it with connelly and I looked at everybody. I said this is this finished matter of fact. I was supposed I was going to stay overnight in in dallas and this is 1992, when it was different kind of flying. I left that that night because I said this is over, I don't want to hang around. And so that's what killed Perot that interview. He was skyrocketing and he still got what? 19% of the vote, yes, 19%.

Speaker 7:

Right, he was ahead in the polls before that Flying in the polls and that's what killed him.

Speaker 5:

By the way, I began my career you know I'm a lucky guy my I got out of graduate school again trying to beat the draft and I was working at my sister's place, grace's lucky lounge. My sister opened up the second topless go-go lounge in new york city and my mother passed away. As very young and I had two younger sisters, I moved back to yonkers to help my father take care of him. I said what the hell am I gonna do? I didn't want to work. And there's this guy running for mayor, angelo martinelli. I got involved in political campaigns. I became the campaign coordinator and he won. He became the longest running mayor of Yonkers and I'm working on major campaigns in Westchester County and they set me up to Albany.

Speaker 5:

I became the assistant to the secretary of the New York state Senate. I designed and instructed a course called American politics and campaign technology how to run political campaigns, and I taught at a St John's university. I was at the top of this thing, so I knew how these campaigns were being run, and the reason, by the way I hit the top so quick is because the people that are in the campaign business are the stupid, arrogant, moronic people that you could find anywhere, any place, that are looking for a job because they can't get one in the real world. These aren't the brightest cats on the planet. And again, I'm a kid. I grew up in the Bronx. I'm working all my life. We didn't get allowances or anything like that. You're on your own. So I hit the top really quick, so I knew how these campaigns are run, and so Perot had a huge chance of overthrowing this government, but he messed it up on his own.

Speaker 2:

Did you feel like that was some kind of was? He threatened? It always seemed to me, because I was 12 years old at the time but I was following the election. I was very interested. It looked like Perot, like you said. He was on the cover of all the magazines and I was in Texas at the time, in Dallas, and it seemed like he had so much momentum and then it stopped and, like you said, he's like, well, I didn't want to disrupt my daughter's wedding. And then he stops and he comes back in just enough to skew the election, kind of like Teddy Roosevelt did in 1912, away from the establishment to well, whatever you consider was going to Wilson from Taft, but that's the same thing from from Bush to Clinton. So do you feel like there was some? Was there some engineering?

Speaker 5:

I don't know. I don't know, and, but you know the thing was the reason I knew he could win. I made my name what I call the 1987 stock market crash. The wall street journal even covered it. So people forget. You know, um, you know what was going on and and how bad things were. You know, after the, after the crash and and, by the way, under reagan, under bush, they both tried to push through NAFTA and it failed. And then Clinton came in and he's the one that got it through. People forget that there was major protests against NAFTA and of course, perot was against it as well. Perot was against it as well, and so the people were looking. Just as so many people are disgusted now with the two-party system, they felt the same way back then. But again, you're not allowed to have a third party in this country. So I don't know if he was paid off, bought off or whatever. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's almost impossible. I saw the headline today, gerald. It was on Zero Hedge. Trump is going to address the Libertarian Party. Yeah, I mean, what the hell is happening.

Speaker 7:

Why don't these parties have?

Speaker 2:

any voice or life of their own. I mean, what is going on, you know.

Speaker 5:

I spoke at the libertarian event last year Rage Against the War Machine down in DC, you know. So I definitely support the libertarian process, but you know, trump is no libertarian. It's like he's the worst from it, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's a statist, crony capitalist, uh, you know most the farthest thing away from libertarian. I don't, I can't even remember the last, uh, I mean Gary Johnson. We kind of you only remember him for his gaffes.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you know again they haven't had. I want Judge Napolitano to run we're very good friends, but he doesn't want to do it. He'd be a great candidate.

Speaker 2:

I know you've mentioned this before in talking about different ideas. How do you start an opposition in the country when it's just controlled by the duopoly of the two parties?

Speaker 5:

You need money behind it. It can't happen without dough. That's the end of the story. You've got to get a billionaire. You've got to get the multimillionaires behind it. Can't happen without dough. That's the end of the story. You got to get a billionaire. You got to get the multimillionaires behind you Again.

Speaker 5:

You know, by the way, I had lunch with Trump's brother, robert, who passed away. I'm up in Kingston, new York. He was down in Wassaic and not far from here, and I think it was Wassaic, a name like that, anyway, not far from here, and I think it was was saying a name like that. Anyway, and you know it. If, if you would describe what his brother was like is, my aunt would have said he could have passed in the street. You know it was like a nothing guy. This is Trump's old man left him on almost a half a billion dollars. There's another guy born on third base. You know Trump and I are the same age.

Speaker 5:

When I was a kid, one of my books is what Zizzy gave Honey Boy. Zizzy's a Neapolitan dialect for auntie Growing up in the Bronx and every time he got out of hand they threatened to send us to military school. You little bastard, we had enough of your crap. You're going to military school. You little bastard. We had enough of your crap. You're going to military school and I'll be good. I'll be good, I won't go, all right. So here you are. You're a teenager. What are you thinking about? You're thinking about chicks, cars and sports, and my mother being an Italian, a great cook. Am I going to go to military school? Dress up in? Trump was so out of his mind, so narcissistic, they sent him to military school up in Cornwall, new York, which is about an hour south of where I am, in Kingston, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere. That's how narcissistic this guy was. Sending him away to camp because he was so out of control. He's only about himself. That's all he cares about.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that's pretty apparent.

Speaker 7:

Well, yeah, he had a very strange family dynamic too. Both his parents, I think it's people have said that Trump was probably certainly was almost never told he was loved by either of his parents. He had some strange parents. I think he kind of turned out the way he did, predictably, I think.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, what if his brother's committed suicide his older brother right or drank to death, something like that?

Speaker 7:

That's why Trump said he never drank or smoked, or something like that yeah, but yeah, no again.

Speaker 5:

We don't have anybody that's concerned about us. You know I had that article over here. I'm looking for it about his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. You know, oh, boy yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's not coming to save you either, I can assure you.

Speaker 5:

I'm not saying that valuable waterfront property over there. Yeah, you got to get rid of the people over there and we'll put the people in the desert. That's genocide.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sounds like the Morgenthau plan Remember the. Morgenthau plan, secretary of the Treasury under FDR, wanted to basically make Germany an agricultural backwater and completely dismantle all manufacturing and business and economics and force the German. That's like Morgenthau.

Speaker 7:

Tony, I'll have a lot more about that. My book American Memory Hole how the Court Historians Promote Disinformation, is coming out in August and I have a lot in there about the Morgenthau plan.

Speaker 7:

It's coming out in august and I have a lot in there about the morgan thau plan and you know he was secretary of the treasury, yes, which is an odd position to be so involved in wanting to starve germans. But he was, he was and he was the maybe the most crazy person, because he was too crazy even for most of fdr's people, because, yeah, you're literally right, he wanted to and that goes down today, which we see. And, uh, there was a guy that published a book in the early 2000s. I can't remember his name, but I mentioned in my book that again basically blamed all Germans for Hitler. So I said, you know, even toddlers, even babies, the ones we didn't kill at Dresden were blamed.

Speaker 7:

So this kind of hatred is there and I think you see it kind of coming out now in this built out anti-Semitism. I'm watching that really closely. I watch Jason Whitlock a lot Fearless Podcast Great, he's doing a great job and a lot of blacks. They're really pushing this thing about what is Zionism, what is anti-Semitism. And you know, typical white people could never do that without saying, hey, what are you talking about? You know just even to question it. But so it's. It's interesting to see what happens.

Speaker 5:

Here it is. Jared Kushner has praised the very valuable potential of Gaza's quote waterfront property. This is his quote. It's a little oh. By the way, he was speaking at Harvard, you know, like George Carlin used to say you know, it's one big club, but you ain't in it. It's a little bit unfortunate situation there. But from Israel wait a minute a little bit of an unfortunate situation. A little unfortunate situation slaughtering, what about 40,000 people demolishing the whole place? Oh, it's a little bit unfortunate.

Speaker 5:

But from Israel's perspective, I would do my best to move the people out of there and clean it up. Could you imagine, could you imagine if there were Jewish people in Gaza and the Palestinians were bombing them and a Palestinian said I would do my best to move the people out of there and clean it up. Oh, my God, how could you say that? Hey, but Jared Kushner could say it. He's Trump's son-in-law. Then he goes on to say I would just bulldoze something like the Negev and finish the job by moving the Palestinians to Negev, the Negev Desert. I would finish the job, I would try to move people there. I would finish the job, I would try to move people there. I think that's a better option. You ready so you can go in and finish the job. Oh, to make it waterfront property, yeah.

Speaker 5:

By the definition that's genocide.

Speaker 1:

As somebody who's worked for real estate developers for over 25 years. Do not let real estate developers near the levers of power. They are scumbags by nature.

Speaker 7:

Yep, scooby-doo taught us that.

Speaker 2:

That's always the lesson in. Scooby-doo taught us that that's always the lesson in Scooby-Doo.

Speaker 5:

Jared Kushner's dad, charles, who Trump pardoned, gave a million dollars to a Trump super PAC. Charles Kushner, the father of Donald Trump's son-in-law and the recipient of one of the former president's final pardons, donated a million dollars to Trump.

Speaker 7:

I talked about that in Survival of the Riches His father, charles Kushner. He donated enough money to name a building after him or something. He was either Harvard or Yale and that's the only way he's like the athletes A lot of these sons of the wealth they're not real students. Jared Kushner had no business being there, but his father basically paid his way in Yep, had no business being there, but his father basically paid his way in Yep.

Speaker 5:

No, it's disgusting what's going on. It's a crime syndicate here. It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world, observe good faith and justice toward all nations, cultivate peace and honor with all. The nation which indulges toward another in habitual hatred or an habitual fondness, in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and interests. A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety evils. George was Washington. Farewell address. Farewell address. Fuck George.

Speaker 5:

Washington. Hey, I'm. What's that guy's name? Lloyd Austin? Yeah, Sounds like an insurgent. My last job was at Raytheon, the second largest defense contractor in America. Tell Washington to go to hell.

Speaker 2:

He can be reached at Walter Reed half the time, or wherever he's hospitalized or disappears into.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and when he's not there? General Pronouns is in charge Right.

Speaker 2:

They used to read George Washington's farewell address up until the 1930s in Congress. I don't know if you knew that, gerald, but that was such a part of our American character, all of this monstrous thing, that we've become this hideous. It's like I think Gore Vidal said it was like we became some sort of like a werewolf or something like. We were bitten by the werewolf of empire and we just threw away all of the wisdom of the founding fathers. I mean John Quincy Adams said it best. He saidica's not designed to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy, yep, but we're. We're everywhere all the time. And I mean you. You've been sounding the warning bell for a long, for a long time and I know that as this accelerates, this has got to be pretty hard on you, because you're watching it almost I think we all are, if we're paying attention. They're kicking every which way. They're kicking the levers, trying to knock something over enough to where we can have a kinetic war.

Speaker 5:

They're not. I have to read, you know, the magazine you get. It was like one hundred eighty five pages this week. You know it's a weekly and I got to read all this stuff and I cry when I see the pictures of things. I cry, I cry about this. You know I own three, if you google up, most historic four corners in america kingston, new york.

Speaker 5:

I was looking to leave the country in 2010, getting over a cold, the um, the nobel piece of crap prize winner obama. I couldn't stand that. Little folks, folks, he's always folking us, you know, and you know qaddafi has to go. You know assad has to go anyway, and it was nowhere I wanted to go and I was doing a gig over in berlin. I'd never been there before and this is in 2012, april 17th. I got there and they're showing me all around east berlin and about in the afternoon. I'm sitting outside with these people and beautiful sidewalks, wide enough, the cafe tables, four and five deep sidewalks with people walking and bicycling. They're so wide, and I spent a lot of time in Paris. I used to date a French woman and I said you know, berlin was grander than Paris before they bombed it out, and I'm thinking in the 1930s the Germans were at the height of Western civilization in so many ways culturally, philosophically, scientifically. And I'm looking across the street and I see this beautiful German building. You know about 1880s and all new construction. And I realized, everywhere they took me, that's what I saw, all new construction and I said how come the people didn't stop this when you're losing, where were the people to stop?

Speaker 5:

I came back and there was a for sale sign on the Franz Rogan building in Kingston, the 1750s building and I bought it. I came back on April 27th. They took possession of the building on June 1st. I paid cash for it. I realized I can't run away. I'm only me, because I'm a Napolitano, born in the Bronx, born to be free. This is my country. The seeds of democracy was sown in Kingston. This is a third Dutch settlement, right across the street from me, with the courthouses, the Constitution written for New York State. Kingston was the first capital. The British burnt it down after the Battle of Saratoga. Then they moved to Albany. Over 70% of the Constitution was written over there and John Jay was a judge. I ended up buying these other three buildings the other one's a museum Because I realized I'm an American. Love it or leave it. No, you leave it. Don't you tell me what to do. So that's why I bought these buildings, because, again, I'm only me. You know, I'm born in 1946, right after the war.

Speaker 5:

The energy is at the height. I come home crying one day. I was a premature baby. All my brothers and sisters are over six feet five, eight. My sisters and I come home crying. One day my father said what are you crying about? I said I got beat up. You see, you don't come home crying. One day my father said what are you crying about? I said I got beat up. You see, you don't come home crying. I became the toughest kid. I was the smallest but I was the fastest. And again, I taught close combat for many years. I'm a fighter, but I'm for peace. I only attack the attacker. That's why I bought these buildings, because the seeds of democracy Were sown here in America and we've lost it To little boys.

Speaker 5:

Hey, little Mikey. Yeah, mikey Johnson, who the F are you to tell me what to do? Don't you talk to me like that. No, you got it wrong, boy. You don't talk to me like that. You're a public servant, got it Junior? Oh, look at the way he's talking to me. I don't like that. Watch your language, all right, that's who they are. You call these guys out man to man they don't know where to the pisser shit. They fold like that, and that's what the American people have to do. Stand up. This is my country, not yours. That's the way I feel.

Speaker 2:

You are an American treasure, sir, absolutely. If I could bottle that and manufacture it and just get it out there for free, please. We need passion again. We've been so beat down and cycled through these psyops and mind control everything. We've been hit from every direction. You mentioned earlier Gerald, about six feet apart, and COVID doesn't bother you if you sit, if you sit down and if at a table and you got to go through, remember the, the directions through supermarkets or the, you can only go, yeah it's science.

Speaker 1:

Tony, come on break your will.

Speaker 7:

Certain things were taped off like if you couldn't buy certain things. Nonsense, it made no sense at all.

Speaker 1:

They're just a litmus test right, If you're running a psychological operation, let's measure the baseline. Where are we? How compliant are these morons? Will they go? Will they stand on the dot? They won't stand on the dot before they get on an airplane to sit four inches next to the person on either side of them. Are you out of your mind?

Speaker 7:

If they'll stand on the dot before they get on an airplane, you've got them and your mind if they'll stand on the dot before they get on an airplane. You've got them and as gerald gerald talked about that and not being able to eat without the mask on and that was one of the things I was raging about to begin with this unbelievable thing where you had to have a mask on to enter a restaurant but as soon as you got to your table you could take it off. So apparently, and uh, I I put in masking of the truth in my book. That's the most bad book, book in the history of the world. Shadow banned book in the world. About all this stuff.

Speaker 7:

I talked about how, fauci, it was revealed behind the scenes. This guy revealed in his book that, fauci, he particularly thought that was hilarious how people obeyed that stupid restaurant rule. Behind the scenes he was laughing hysterically at you being dumb enough to think a virus could get you as you were walking in the restaurant, but you're perfectly safe as soon as you got to the table.

Speaker 5:

It's ridiculous look at the people that followed. Again, I had a peace and freedom rally here when everything was locked down and boy was I hated for it. I had over a thousand people here. I have a big garden on the franz rogan house where I have my rallies. They hate me for it. We all died, by the way, we all died from the virus, so this isn't really me. That's here. And I said hey, little Andy Cuomo, you come down here and you try to close me down. Come on down, another little daddy's boy Renaming the Tappan Zee bridge after my daddy, the Mario M Cuomo bridge. You forgot to put the M $30 million.

Speaker 5:

I'm not making this crap up, but look at all the people that followed. Remember it does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men since Samuel Adams and us, our unite. The irate, tireless minority must unite Again. You got to call these guys out. Don't you tell me what to do? Don't you tell me what to do, you know, by the way, again, I've been at this a lot of years. The only way I see this happening is the same way the Berlin Wall came down People forgot. People went there, stayed, didn't leave.

Speaker 5:

Next day, more people came. More people came. More people came. More people came, more people came Until they outnumber. More people came, more people came, until they outnumbered the guys that were trying to stop them by 10,000. To one Whoop, the wall came down. We need a rally of millions, tens of millions, in Washington DC locking the place down. No, we're in charge, you're not. That's the only way I see it. Think about it. Hong Kong. I used to be on Hong Kong TV before COVID war, and that's what they. That's what ended the protest, by the way. And the city is 7.5 million people. A million people were taken to the streets Out of 7.5 million. You can't get a million people out of 332 million in America to protest.

Speaker 7:

Well, don't you think January 6th had an? I mean, when they saw the overreaction to that, I think a lot of that really killed, I think, a lot of people's desires. Would be interesting at the election, though, to see if they protest if it goes to Biden again.

Speaker 5:

You know I want to go back. You know you're talking about gold before and what's going to happen? We're going to go. We're going to have the worst financial crisis in in in the history of the world part one and part two. And no one's talking about it, and that's the office buildings are going bust. Your office vacancy rate in again, not my numbers, the facts. In San Francisco vacant 36.7%. It was 3.6% in 2019. Portland Oregon 29% vacant. New York City 23% vacant Vacant. On average, 20% of the buildings in the major cities in new york in america are vacant, vacant. How are they going to pay their loans? Oh, these are interest-only loans, by the way, so they're now the. With interest rates up, it's twice the cost to renew your loan. Four trillion dollars of loans are coming up in the next two and a half years Four trillion. You have no tenants there. How are you going to pay your loans? The banks are going to go bust. This is going to be a crisis they're not going to be able to handle, but again, when all else fails, they take you to war.

Speaker 5:

What followed the Great Depression, world War II? What followed the dot-com bust? The war on terror? What followed the Hamas attack? What preceded it 39 weeks of protests in Israel that everybody's forgotten because of Netanyahu's judicial reform acts, and not my language, the language out of another piece of scum the president of Israel, isaac Herzog, who said God gave us this land. How about if I don't believe in your God? Can you handle that one? But anyway, he said there's a civil war going on in Israel. There was a civil war going on in Israel 39 weeks of protests to get Netanyahu. Everybody forgot it. They're going to do the same thing again. It's going to be a financial crisis the likes of which we've never seen.

Speaker 2:

You're right about them not being able to handle it, Gerald.

Speaker 5:

The top trends for 2024 was golden year for gold Gold's up over $300 since then.

Speaker 2:

You know this as well as anybody. It's not so much the gold's going up, the dollar's going down. It's an inversion, the know. The dollar's losing purchasing power, it's the money velocity slowing around the world and the percentage of usage of the dollar is collapsing. After all the sanctions we have 40 sanctions on 36 different countries, and you mentioned San Francisco, Gerald. They were trying to pass a law to force businesses to stay the ones that are fleeing because of the crime rate from these Soros DAs and, of course, the you know, the collapse of the of the commercial property value that's coming and the overall calamity.

Speaker 1:

I mean don't forget the grocery stores having to give six months notice to the people before they up and leave before they up and leave.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, again, it was the geeks that locked down first, right? What's that guy with that guy? Jack?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

Twitter Dorsey yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

He was supposed to go to South Africa. We wrote about it in the magazine as it was happening. In February he canceled it. Everybody has to go home and work and they were the ones and they had made all that dough by people not going out and the whole, you know, internet business boomed, so they made a lot of dough by people forcing people to work at home. And again, people now they're staying at home. They're commuting an hour and a half each way, getting up at five o'clock in the morning. I'm not going to do that anymore. And again, if I had 10 stories in an office building, I don't see all these people in cubicles anyway. Yeah, stay home, I don't need all this space. No, this is serious. You know, they got it wrong. In the King James Bible they say the meek shall inherit the earth. The geeks have inherited the earth.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Well, Gerald, I think we're over they suck at the reality.

Speaker 5:

The music stinks, everything's fake. It's all fake crap.

Speaker 2:

Yes, with real consequences, and we're coming towards the end of the show here. Gerald, I want to make sure I gave you plenty of time to plug. Of course, you're the founder of the Trends Journal. I subscribe, go, check out TrendsJournalcom and Occupy Peace. Anything else you want to? First of all, thank you for coming on. I was filling in for David and giving him a day off and I wanted to talk to you. It's been too long, it's been four years, and I just enjoyed going over some current events in history with you.

Speaker 5:

It's always fascinating, sir. Thank you Well, thank you, yeah. And, by the way, if we have a, if the people go to night, I think it's nightcom and you put up the yeah, the David night showcom right.

Speaker 2:

And then there's a link on there for the trends. You can sign up for the trends journal.

Speaker 5:

And you get 10% off. So of course, you have a grand total of $2.50 a week Nothing. And again, you're not going to find 30-day money-back guarantee. There's no loss at all, it's a total gain. Again, there's no magazine like it and I want to thank all you guys for being on with you. I really appreciate all you do and it's an honor for me to be with you and I appreciate it very much. And again, I'm heartbroken to see what's happened to this country. And again, as an Apolitano, we cry. You know we're very passionate. And then don't screw with me, I'll slit your throat. We go from there to zero. There's nothing in the middle about us.

Speaker 2:

Exactly right.

Speaker 5:

And again, I'm proud to be an American and I'm very sad to see the demise of this country taken over by little freaks I am too, sir.

Speaker 1:

Well, I appreciate you so much, gerald. I quoted you in my first book with what you said. The motto of the mainstream media should be Today's news, tomorrow retractions to follow, yes. So thank you for everything that you've been doing over the years.

Speaker 2:

I've been watching you for a long, long time, thank you so much and you can find charlie's uh host of macroaggressions as a podcast, podcast served up pretty much anywhere and you've got uh macroaggressionsio is the website.

Speaker 1:

yeah, and the new, the octopus of Global Control, is now out as an audiobook. It only took seven years, but it is available now. Go get it 23 hours of information for a long car ride or maybe a flight or wherever.

Speaker 2:

Of course, Donald Jeffriesmedia and your Substack Talk about your latest article and what's up at Substack.

Speaker 7:

I think Gerald would appreciate it. I, I wrote because conservatives really irritate me with. They continue to be enamored with the police and I I think the police are an occupied military force at this point. So I I wrote something called the standing army of the state and uh, it's, it's on lou. Rockwellcom, zero hedge, publishes some of my stuff now too, but that's the only place I'm not shadow bands I protest at uh, at sub stack donald jeffries, dot sub stack dot com. So I certainly appreciate that. Obviously an honor to be with uh, with tony and charlie, but certainly gerald salente. Uh, I'm one of your biggest fans, so it's, it's great to share the stage with you I'm honored to be with you guys.

Speaker 5:

Thank you for all that you do. I really appreciate it, thank.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, gerald. And again, you can go to the David night showcom. There's a link on there for uh to sign up for the trends journal. You can not only support David but you can support uh Gerald Salente and uh just appreciate uh your passion. I was looking forward to this segment. I wasn't. I wasn't quite sure how it would work with the panel, cause I talked to to Don and Charlie before I knew you were coming on. I thought, well, I'll keep them, we'll see how it works, and it went great. So I loved every minute of it. And just for the audience, you can support David thedavidknightshowcom. Be sure, if you can't donate, share the links. It's just word of mouth. Everything helps the show. It stays on air. And of course, gold and silver. Uh, davidknightgold, I proudly sponsor this program and any transaction, no matter how big or small, it doesn't matter, we don't discriminate. We have a monthly membership program called Wolfpack. You can use the promo code 1776, uh go to davidknightgold promo code 1776.

Speaker 2:

I built a precious metals program for the people. Uh, I did what the bigs didn't do and I went and I was targeted everyday people. Uh, and you can start as low as $50 a month, uh to get precious metals and I give you a detailed invoice. We buy in bulk. We've got over a thousand members and I also have a program for kids called wolf cub and uh, you can go and check. That's $35. You get a little lesson in there. I meticulously go through everything for Wolf Cub to make sure the kids are learning something. We don't even really make money on that tier, but it's fun. I'm going to play the outro, as always. Such an honor to fill in for the great David Knight. To David and his family, thank you for thinking of me. Guard, thanks for coming on, and Mr Anderson, chris graves, appreciate you both All right. End of transmission. Ladies and gentlemen,